Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 14, 1921, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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Speakers at Amorican Academy
MeeV'ng Differ as to "Pra
1 tlcal" and "Ideal"
m,. thin! fPiM of tlio twr-ht.v fifth
. . ....it,,. f tln American Acml-
of Political mill Snelnl Hi-li-in-r to
jlf jri.lonoil into it elnsli between I lie
- jMtrs of practicnL illplniwicv, ni
J jKnN b, Kuropn. !'.,, t the
r&ni 1ilch tin- riltl Stntrs
vitloini'ltn ,",,,,,111
Herbert Ailnm" itloiif.. wnr enrie
'"J". ...! Prlm-ctuii I n herntv
(ponofiH .... . n , ,
. ATPgV '" . . . i .
MtTrwnnil nictl '' itciich aim
SriiLfa firinlrr In IMrH. . K
IfnrV ll'trROIll IIIUl. nil ill' r .iiniiiii-
.,nr to Turki-j. prcMillifi: t tin- ses-
it Mil " "' "'IIPViip.Htrntfonl.
' lr, 3I1iIkiii' n.lili-pvM with .tl.p
Srtfon tlmt II... Won born ill Vor-
'hn "till liPllfVi- thp iili'ii fnrniulntei
lr. Hip world ponfVrpiiPP will ln-ar fruit
i n "?.... ..I.I..I. uill in-ttio thp iipiip
"There in.' .' , .;
IH'il HU 111 It III ll'll
f in H ivan.i' ",;
flf tllC WW'1' . , ii
v 'it U AmrilPii 1 lit ni.il flip I'liiiimt
' ,.j ii iniw-li limner." ili'i-lnred Mr
MorVntlmii. "to l the- riRht thing by
the uorlit ; sue "m ii"1'""' im iii"ii
1 I
ludfinliili of tiif woiiii pi'i- '. sc
i hat jiitlro is ilnne to suppressed pi'o
"Tlie nnlili" AHipiI nttitilili" of lr-iie-
fcfnt prnti-rllon f' ''niinti colonies
u, dfccni-ratiMl Into nn iKimlilc .iliili
b!e ovor the MimiN of war." ilnlarpil
Dr. (Gibbon-
"The niniinilnton p1ipiiip for thp
dljoocitlon of thr CiPimnn polonii wns
idcptc.l In onlor to iliKiiik'. umlpr n
cloak of irtilous spfnbiu'Kation. thp
Intention of thp eoniiiiorori of (iprtnam
to dliilc nmniip thiMiiclvPN (ipriiinnv'
ovfr'fa1' poMpMinn. It wnn iitidnnbt
ully proposed wltli n hich iilpnl and an
altruNttc rtid in Ip It uni iiilopiul.
hovrfver. nnlj nftor thp tntpsnipn
tfM whom Mi Wilcon was pittpd
tad njropd thpj uoulil nut hap to oh
hrve oitlipr thp spirit or thp lettpr of
the mawlntnrj idniirp In tin- Covpnnnt
of the IPiiciip of Nation"."
Mr. fiibbons lilaniPil thp I 'tilted
Stairs for failinp to tnkp a ronntriirtlvp
part in tiit work. ileoInrhiK :
"If we lpep oning out that man
date' nrp 'a snrrpil trust of civiliza
tion,' the KntentP I'rpniiprM inaj IpII
ill ho RriPVPil and phocki'd thp KritNIi,
French. Itnllnns nml .lapanpsc nrp ovpr
our whollj itiPxplicablp spIHvIiupsm. Ilur
dened ith dehti, pxhniiitrd bj a far
more fnrtnidablp inilitarv pfTort than
we were railed on to ninkp. ponfrontPil
with serious post-helium problems nt
home, nml till with thp f5prmnn prob
lem unsolved on thoir hands, thpy liavp
done their best to assume thin 'trust
of cirillzutinn We have ner offprpil
to do our part up have elniineil no
ihore in this 'uterpil trust of rivilin-
I- tion." "
The I mted Slates inus-t wash it
lands of the stnin of orpiipntion in
Haiti nnd Snn Domlncn liefore it pan
lire any inlliiPme upon the ronduet of
Kuropenn tntps with refei-pupp to the
little eoiintrles oer whicli tbo Iiiivp
l"timed mandatories
This was tht rontontion of .lamps (,.
McDonald, eliairman ( tbe lvNeeutue
Committee. Leauue of Kree Nntions
Arociatinn. New ork. in the ilnurse
of a fiert attack upon iIip practicp of
tnnglnu troops out of African colonies
to fifflit I'liropeim wars.
Thit was cnnstriieil as n (Inert cnti
flnn of the Trench us( of blink tmopx
In oeeiipicd ierritor. anil ns vig
orously npplau.Ied
"We hIkhiIiI withdraw our naval
forces from Haiti and Santo Domingo
and cease our opcupntion which hns been
for j ears of doubtful uppps-iti mid (pics.
tionable legality." Dr MpDoiiiiIiI iIp
clared, "nnd we must rcmoc from these
territories nnd people the drastic and
unreasonable censorship imposed upon
them "
Mr McDonald thpn a,sserleil thai
Tohticinns of the count rt seem to have
taken it for ;;i anted "that we lis a peo
ple are Mift heuded.'1 an pmmisp for
.their loiicealnienl of real facts behind
our tientniPiit of certain South Ahum i
(an anil oilier couiitiles.
"Tho believe and, unfortiinnteh
tac reason i0 bclice, that we regard
enrsenes ns pure mid white and npot
ljs, he said "TliBt is the 'bunk
inlili keeps Americans frcmi knowing
tte truth about their open actions to
yard weak and defenseless states. ,.
ut anil fear nothing is the poliej
uhlch (he I'liiteil Stales must adopt,
Particuhirl towaid Mpmco,"
Jane Addiims. .,f Hull House, (Mil -Mjo,
recnnunendeil publicitj for all Hip
acts of the League of N'ations. ami an
open (Imeimsion of the needs and inter
sof all the natioiiH imolvcil.
Demonstration Shows Animals Are
Still Favorite of Many
Ji'W'J ot 100 ,1(,lM,t, 'der saddle
rfS . In "ll ""mnei of vehicles. 1-ti-i
nF- '.Uo "'llhoe.s, pniaded down
M. ,eUn (h'M0 fl0"' V"".'v f'lPPI
nis afternoon in a unione demonstia-
of L ;lt ll": hn'(, sll'l " f.noiite
"many in this dav of autmnobilps, aii
planps nnil nintoretrlps.
liicjcl,. rideis added a touch of es
'"jearto tho procession, and liundieds
fill?, .""? ,"!n,l, " m' "f tll(' ,,v,,t-
'Hi(?illbel,i,l the riders
Itireitor Tiisti,, h,,leil the interest
B tr.0rsMn"- wileh wfis arranged liv
M Riders and Drivers, of which
"u.omiis, f (Jmnantown, is pies.
JJ( "ders followed th aches,
IN' were filled with scietv folk
iblSnu"!1 I"li'dpant .ode tour
Sf'i r,1Prn xwls " -l"nI of
".ether with members of the IMrst
rtdwg ' ' f"rm "" t'si'"rt f'"' "l0 m"
troJ!l''!Iil)Crs " ,h0 ' ' '""I i'-lkH1 pa
lrisolso took part
epnortllLli"01! '" K'vlnK the horse his
a I o5 ,0 "lunvoff. the parade
mln tlliM but Hignlfii-ant piotest
Mhicltnn "'"'""'K "f '"' PI-IT Wl-
(automnM.'" """mnblli-h. At present.
lthll?sbi,t'S,"ro P'ohiblted there, but
the biaUft 7" ht'W,''al n,,,",H ,0 '"nu
WlenMW ,,""l1"""" '"' U',1I,,UI,
i.l. ".".. '"i .lachson stieel nsl
at n J , "l,'"lbp"' "f th" filling weie
TaluP,tn,0viyt:'",,"r,' "I"'" Jowi-lrt
ri W wntVheT" !',",0" "U'1U"""?
Guticura Soap
Tho Safety Razor
SSJSi Soap
Iimii TV " ""ii'iiBg. CKrrwhtnUc.
1 VJ
In Temple Romance
Dr. Hcnnle mcl Wesley h. Hall, a
Hluili'iii nl 1'rmtilo, Lnlverslly.
mIipii lip whs ii sttulcnt in her class.
uw llie nil.- to lie married
Chiropody Student to Wed Dr. Mae
Bennle, His Former Tacher
A lomniiPe of the classroom came to
light toilaj with the niiimuncemcnt of
the engagement io Dr. Mne Mennlp. un
til rperntly n niPiiibpr of ihe farultv of
'JVinple Pnlersity School of Chlrop'odv,
nml We.sle. I,. Ilnll. n student.
The bride-to-be is the daughter of
Dr. ami Mis. .lames It. Mennie. of
lll'JII Christian street. Mr. Hnll le
hIiIps In Hridgpton. X. .1 Coincident
with the niiiioiiuepment, Mr. Hall re
ceived word of dirt discharge fiom the
I'lilted Statps Xnval I(pserve Fnrcp. in
which he sprvpil during tin- wnr aboard
a iiiIiip sweeper.
Mr. Hall met Dr. Hennle when'be
mntriculnteil at tlie Temple School of
Chiropody, after stud lug three jen'-s
at the I'linersltj of I'piinsjlviinln.
Contrary to tin usual ronuincp. it was
not "Iovp nt first sight " Jtoth ad
mit the genuine nffecllou diil not du
velop until the second dnj "s ijuiz.
Tlie young woman is a graduate of
Temple School of Chiropody, Class, of
1018, nnd is vice president of the
nlumnt assopinttou Her average of
100 per cent in the examination by tlie
State Hoard of Medical Licensure is
said to he the onlj one ever attained
bj a student in chiropody
Mr. Hall will graduate on dune 115.
Xo date is set for the wedding.
Expects This City Also to Make
the Change
Confident that l'lillatiplphin City
Council will pas thp Dayiight-Snving
Hill introduced by Coiiucilninii Hoper,
Camden City Council last night in spe
cial session passed n similar measure.
The Ctimdeii ordinance is pntterned
exactly after the Uoppr (ill, nnd calls
for M'ttiiu the clocks abend onp iour on
the 1.1-t Sunday in May and running on
the daylight-saving time until the last
Sunday In September, A similar law
passed in Pittsburgh has been sanc
tioned by the courts.
As in this citj. the Hoard of Trade
and Chamber of Coiuinrrci- in Cnniden
hnc pushed th" day light -saving nieas
m c. Soiiip time ago Camden City Coun
cil failed to pass uu ordinnnco for Mint
purpose, but the bill Introduced jester
day met with no opposition.
Young Society Woman, Hurt in
Crash. Reported Better Today
Mrs. r.thel HiiIiii Hailey, a outhful
society woman who was hurt jesterdny
In a collision, was reported as improv
ing todaj In tlie Lankennu Hospital.
She has a slight fracture of the skull.
Mis Haile. is a daughter of (ieorge
A HiiIiii. tin- banker She wns riding
in n taxicab. bound for the Vortli'l'liil
adelphia Station and Xpw York, when
a trolley car nit tin niaciune ai .muc- i
teenth nnd Jefferson streets.
It II Tinker, 1010 South Flftj fifth ,
street. driM-r of the cab. said the
motorman did not sound a warning bell
f . ..t t I... ...!...! ... .. 1.1 n ....!. 1.... I
in- sum io iiicii in iitoiii a ciusii inn.
that the tal skidded on the wet stieet.
Todaj In- was held in ?-r00 bail for a
further hearing by Magistrate Oswald.
An X-rnj examiniition jpsteiday
disclospd that Mrs. Hullcj had a frac
ture of the skull and ronoission of the
brain. It was said today the fracluru
is slight.
Holmcsuurg Cellar Proved Not One
of the "Best Six"
A joki r who s icail wind that IM
waul 11. C-irljs, of l-'iankfi-iil menu"
and Klinwu stieet. !lnlmfhurg, had
one of thr oes stocked cellars in town
put si me thil t house breakers to spy
1'ial hours' perfectly useless work.
The word of the well-stoi ked cellar
was ciiiulatiil ii icw da.s ago and Mr.
Cuitis was ki'iit busy den.ing lo In
friends that he was i-rei urcd for 1 1
"dij days t li ii t in c here I
Lat night thieves bloke into ilie col i
hil. i.nis.irl.ed it thoi'oughl. , eun dig
ging holts in tin Hour in seauli for
"bin 0 d iH'lMiie " '
"The didn't get niiythiug Iksmusi
then, fnn'l niiMluiii.' to get," Mr Ci.i i
lis said tod.ij "A'iuuii Mm don'i
l.cep Miur diamoiiils hi a ccll.ir now
inlays, do miii"'"
Parents Day at Swarthmore Prep
A "I'areni.s' Daj," at whicli pan i. is
of the students me guests, is being
held tod.ij at the Swarthnioie l'rcpaia- I
tor School, Swarthuioip Lxciciscs
and a nceptiou of tlie students to their
parents will be followed b a baseball
game and motor tlip this afternoon
and a dianuitic pel foriniiiu c. "Too I
Miiiin llusbauiN " I the siinlents in,
the a--sembl hall this ccuing.
Trolley Jumps Rails ,
A tiollex t in- of the I'libln Ser ice ,
ii. :i .... i i ,i i. ,.. !.. I
llllllWil, I ' Jilll'l'l in. ll'im- ill iii-
saukeii .luiiftiou, X .1 . a t 1(1 :1HI
o'clock this iiioriiing Conipanj of
licials said no one was hint .mil thai
tralhc was lesuiucd ipiickl...
ocaoi ir.3Q.aoc
Celery Fed
Duck Dinner
Monday From 11 A. M.
to 3 '. 31.
Soup to Nuts
Shore Dinner Place
S Bookbinder's
Open Until 11 P. M.
Ls -" uflj. ' -- t I. rti i tSFlmir--
l..i , V ' .'y.f. .".'
Show Superiority at "Interme
diate Day" at Germantown
Friends' School
"Intermediate Day," an nnniinl oc
paHion. was obsened ypsterday in tho
(tprmnntown Friends' School with two
plnjN. songs and short ornl tests In
arithmetic .and spelllnjr. At the close
of the progrnm the list of honor stii
dpnts for thp jp;ir wns announced by
Stanley II. Ynrnnll, headmaster of tlie
Kvery thing wns Interesting tlie
nrltlimctip test, where girls showed
their superiority to boys, four out of
nine of tlie former standing when the
Inst boy snt down nnd thp spelling bee
for students tpn nnd Pleven years old,
when they spelled such words ns em
broldpr, decimal, roninrchend, musl
elan mid orchrstrn ; their enunciation
being worthy of comment, too.
Hut the plays were thp fpaturp of the
program and followed two o'd French
songs rendered admirably. The fifth
class, section two. wrote nnd prespntcd
the first, n Pilgrim tercentenary p!n
etitltlpil "For tlip Love of Freedom."
Indians In Life of ItrewMer
Diessed In qurtlnt Puritan garb and
using plain speech, they gave four aPts
of the life of onp 'Villiiim Hrewster in
the tning dnys of 1020. The first scene
wns laid In Knglnnd oiyl, the littlP
Puritan moti-r. knitting ns slip ropked
thp crfri'p with her foot, mode a charm
ing picture. The second scene was In
Holland, the third on the voyage over
and the last in tlie promised Innd--Amerlcn.
The old knight. Sir Hubprt
Hnddon. whowas alflleted with n gouty
toe. was w'ell portraed by Charles A.
Hoi and with a very rrnlistip limp.
Milps sitanillHli wns mere in uu nis
glorv. too, in n helmet built on dis
tinctlv Prussian lines, but he hnd uch
n heiiign .rxprpssion that one felt the
helmet could be overlooked
"The Two Pilgrims," tnkpn from the
stor h Tolstoi, "Tho Two Old .Men."
wns drnnintlzpil and presented bv the
fifth class, first section. The bright
rnloied costumes of the ppnsnnt woiupii
mndp this plnylPt moro picturesque thnn
the other. Here is where "Props ' diil
their best work; therp wprp two prop
erty men.
Had Own Singing Ideas
In arrnnging the Mngp for tho scene
of n poverty -strickpn fnmlly onp lad
hung a picture at an ungle of forty -five
degrees and upset the cnndlestlrks The
second brn . having metlindienl IiIpiis
nml dpsiring n well-orderpil home as
pect, lighted them, but the future
David Helnsco changed them bnck to
the way he had them first It was
nnh nfter the starved creatures bad
bep'n glen food and water that they
resumed living in neat surroundings.
Altogether the exercises were n de
rided success and the gwnnnsiuui was
well filled with friends of the studpnts.
AftPf the announcement of honors, tea
wan served and the classtooms thrown
open so the drawings nnd other school
work of the boys nnd girls might be
Gloucester Turnpike Passes Into
History Monday
The New Jersey Stnte Highway Com
mission today announced t lint the last
toll road in Xew Jersey will pass into
history at noon on Monday, when the
(stale will purchase the Gloucester turn
pike extending from (Jloucpstcr Ferry
to Woodbury .
1'lider the State IIighwa Act the
commission had the authority to ac -iliilri-
this load from thp (Jloucpstpr
Turnpike Co . and thp latter on Monday
will receive n check for $70,000 from
the road board, the sum constituting
the purchnsc priep of the toll rood.
The Gloucester turnpike is u histnrip
road, having been created by an net of
thp I.pgislnturp In 1,S,")0, when toll ronils
were provided to pay for the cost of
their construction nnd maintenance.
The Gloucester rond cmcro about four
nnd one-half miles, with a lollkeeper's
lodgi and gates at each end of tbe high
way It was estimated by the High
way Hoard that the road has brought
in between two and-three hundred dol
lars a day on Sundays and holidays,
with a proportionate revenue on other
days in the year.
Where to Dine
Jfrf Chinese-American
w. . Rp.staiiranr
1221-1223 Chestnut St.
Op-n from 11 A. II. to 1 A. SI.
Special Bunness
Men's Lunch . . .
run Courts
Sunday Dinner, $1.25
Chinese Course $"
Pfrrr.1 from p In 8 P. M,
Our Motto:
Strviee, Quality A Sanitation
Dancing' Every Evening
Muilc by Vincent's
Broadway Four
nII Thnn
ivai. 1178
"MMmWA JW Mm m
rJ vB wcrys.i-
KN &oTfrmi7oT
sw. MtYsm .m Mat ornt m m u an u AWm
IlimliirhH l.umliran
Hr-nrd It CCo
to -.'lao OO
Music nml Dancing
Villi ('ourse
Sunday Dinner
Srnril 12 to 8
1023 Market St.
Chinese and American
Cuisina of Excellence
Business Luncheon CC
DuLVj" A.M.IoSP.JI. jlJll
UK, 14 IO O
10:80 In lSin
to 8
rVg -.'Ort. aalr Vll) TlWtiiWt&i fTiJA
gUFwr','r; ir .iiTi .'"r3?ljrvS
Ai r Ks
(V.sCrT JcSSAmt '
MSlki VafJiT,..,,.vi ai
yti&SK -acMte
mmimmmwmv -mTm
Animals Brought There Well
Fed and When Taken 111
Arc Treated They Make
Friends Easily
Most people think of the dog pound
an a place of horrors, a sort of cnnlne
inquisition chamber', Vllllnm II. Shin
gle, kepper of thnt Institution, snlrl to
day.. Tint rlie stockade at Thirty-first
and Clearfield is nor what many think
It Is, n place to drown dogs, and It Is
nn nld to humaneness toward animals.
The pound is maintained by the Penn
sylvania Women's Society for the Pre
vention of Cruelty to Animnls.
"Homo people bring old dogs in here
to bo. killed," the keeper sold. "We
pick up nny dog thot Is nstrny. Only
those nnlmnlH with n muzzle and n 1021
tog are respcrtl. Xnt all thp animals
brought here are brought by their own-
1 1 ' xr -iEHi
f . Sf'fe Jm MP, I
I r 'l$ flB I
I 1 r 3 WXm i
Potiiiillieeper W'llllnm II. Shingle and Ills faxorlte pet. Ituffnlo. who .up
tiie. "bosses" of shelter for stray dogs at Clearfield and Thirty -first
.streets stockade
ers, I nm surp, but you see I have no
way of telling. When a person signs
iik tho owner of the dog I can't dispute
him or lipr, although oftentimes I lime
my suspicions. Xo doubt some people
get othpr ppoplo's dogs out of the way
by coming hpre with them.
"1 hnve been here three yenrs anil my
experience has been you can usually
make friends with a dog within an hour
Of course tliey may In
scnriil when
irei the iilen
caught, unit people may
thnt they are sufferinc some onin when
put into the wagon. Hut that Is wrong .not bnvp nny nffpction for the opposite
Thpy nre brought in anil fed the best sex.
ground meat scrap-. We tr in keep A good many ppople write 'up re" m
thpir ipinrtero ns elean ns possible. quiring 'nbout .logs and address their
"The sick ones, of course, we put letter 'Dog Pond.' They seem to think
out of their misery, pxcppt tlie this is n big place for diowning all th'1
thoroughbred dogs, and' those we some- 'logs we enn lay hands on Also, main
times try lo treat. Yerv seldom do the of them have a notion that dogs are
dogs snni) at me. There is n doc bnck ,
there now which a family wonted taken
nway. 'Mad dog.' cM-rybmly said. Hut
bpforp I had gottPii away with it. thpy
wantpil it bnck I picked it up and
carried it to the wagon without any
trouble, anil thpn thpy chmigcd their
minds. Hut I concluded that ns long as
Girls Enjoy Three-Day Tour In
Students of the Philadelphia High
School for Girls, enjoying n three-dnv
tour of Washington, arc visiting tin
Hureau of F.ngrnving and Printing, the
old and ncvv National Museums and the
White House today.
They will hnw this afternoon for
their own purpose, ami will h-me
Washington at 1 :0." o'clock for their
. Spnlier
Madam La'yyah Barakat
Hnrn In Tho Hol T.aml
ci;nthai. v .m -'
A 1-t-Jl Ancu SI
I.nilies Invited
Evorjonn Wnlccire
Offers part time services executive
capacity in position of responsibil
ity requiring corresponding ability.
At present similarly engaged.
Address B 515, Ledger Office
Matinee Today
Dancing from 2:30 till 6 o'clock
Dunce Receptio'Vi Tonight
Palais D'Amour
S. E. Cor. 12th A Che.tnut Sts.
Host beautiful dancing acadamv
in America
Thonn Unlnnt 7474
Bread as it should J
be baked A
At all our Stores
wfjrjTMi'ri n
- P
we'd i omp that far for it. we'd take the
dog It is harmless
"Once I wns" petting n dog and
another became jrvilous H- started to
tight thr onp I was petting I sepnrntPil
them and he bit me twici TJint is
about the only time an of them ever
hurt me. I can go out for a walk on
u Sunday nnd make any dog come to '
me. When n dog doesn't like a person.
there's something wrong with a person,
Show me n man or a woman who doesn't
like dogs, nnd 1 claim lie nr she will
mistreated here. If thex were, I don t
think I could go into the kcrihcls as I
do mid find them as friendly ns they
"When they are killed, we build u
chnrcoiil tire and put the dogs, one at
a time, into the dentil chamber. Thev
lire dead oftentimes in n few seconds."
home. Thi students are scheduled to
i arrive nt IJrnnd Street Station at 7.-0
I o'clock this evening ,
Lobster Dinner, $1.50
'll limited .nbslrr
Crfib .Willi nu iiatiM
ht of Stflr Tir-r S'ltirr
Rarbrcucil Ow-trr,
UaKul f-oiaro
Chicken Platter, $1.50
Halt Stuffed ,'ea.sr Spno Chiiktn
SiiccoIimi Ma-shvd rotntoe
Roast Sirloin Platter, $1.25
linust Nirlotn, Frcih Muilirnoinjt
linked Potato I rrnrh J'oia
Lettuce nnd Tomato NaUid
'MorevThan Speed or Climbing
"DOWER means more than brute strencth. I he
i- power of the Standard Eiht is not the power
of the motor alone, any more than the strcneth
of a man means bip; biceps alone.
Power in an automobile invokes the relation of
motivity to weight, the co-ordination of balance
with mass. This r;ies a responsiveness that u
quick and sure. Jt is what the good c"lfT P's
into his drive that gives him long distance with
out apparent effort. It is what the billiard pla)er
puts into his shot that gives a long roll to the tails
without seeming to shoot hard.
Driving a" Standard Eight gives you the same
sort of pleasure you get when you play a game
extremely well. You are exhilarated every minute
of the while, you are not fatigued at the end, and
you look forward to doing it again.
f! run ft at
Wallace .
Hfflff j
ic , V
Mrtde Indian Princess During
Visit to Quebec in 1917,
Report Goes
Vmr Viirk. Mnv 1 i When Mrs
James Stillinnn was In Quebpc. In
Hip fall of 1017. it was IpartiPil yrstpr
dav. she was Inducted Into n tribe of
Iroquois Itnllnns on thp rpsprvntlon
, whprc Fred Renuvaw was brought up
nnd wns mnde a princess of the tribe,
with thp title of "AkwerlP," meaning
"Henrt of tlie Flower "
The tribe Ihes on the Caughnnwngn
cpsprvntinn. near Montreal, wliprp if red
Ucnuvnls' father still lives His mother
In sold to have been on Irishwoman,
but Fred nnd his hrothpr Arthur nrp
(Ipclnrcd to Ijp dppply vprsprl in the lore
nnd trndltlons of their tribe
Filtber pvidetw p of Jnmes A Still
mail's inflexible determination to press
his divorce suit and the demnud of n
.voiing'dnnseusc for a public withdrawal
of anonymous innuendoes bringing her
name iiit" the notorious r-ose ns u
"friend" of the banker-complflinnnt
ffntilied tin- latest devplopnients in the
Tin slender attnutive dnnseuse is
Mrs. May Cm brain-, former dnncing in
strunctor of ".linnnv" Stlllman nnd who
smilingly identified herself as the sub
ject of nnon mons information supplied
ir. flu. iiewsnaiiers aliout the "second
i-o-respondent "' in the ensp and one of
the alleged "women of mystery."
From other sources, it wns learned.
Mrs. Cochiiine gave a complete montb-by-month
and win -by -year account of
her nciiuniniaii' i- with Mr Stillinnn.
Mrs. Cochiane wns not backward in
denouncing attempts thnt have been
made to identif her ns the girl who
Introduced Flnremp Leeds to Stillmnn.
Five Masked Men Stage Hold-up
Near Metuchen, N. J.
A six-ton autotruck loaded with mer
chandise consigned to merchnntH in this
city was held up by five masked bandits
Inst night near Metuchen. X. J.
The hold-up occuricd shorth before
midnight Holn-it Hell, the driver of
the truck was dragged from his sent
nnd was then told to get into a touring
cur. For thu-e hours, Hell says, he was
drUen around m crieles nnd then thrown
out of the nun lime near Ilackensnck
The police haw fnilerl to find a trace
of the truck or Us contentB
Hupmobile ownership
carries with it some
thins deeper, more in
tense than just mere
Meenehan s Specials, $1.50
Loblffr Thernntor
e istnZ ( rati
ftht nt 0'r. Tar'arr FlUCe
f lattt.i dus ii
.sat-afoya Fata i
Roast Lamb Platter, $1.00
t.aatt fVprmi; Lamlt
N i" Ofuloi"! ?Vii.f
Fish Platter, $1.00
Itnultd Shad
f-rri'cn I rxrd ', 'nroi . rrfM
r'of- Mo i
Sor"f Shell Crabs,
Tqrtare Sauce, 75c
iqiioi mnni
Camden Rranelt,
U9J Uaddon Ave.
- 1
Hearing Develops That Neighbor's
Pets Died by Mistake tj
Ilnslle Potoznl, 1010 Cayuga street,
appeared before Mnglatrato Price. In
the Twenty-second Btrcct nnd Hunting
Park avenue station today to niiBWpr a
chnrgb of cruelty to animals, preferred
bv hln neighbor, John Noznk, 1014
(Jnytiga street.
Xoznk Bald thnt Potoznl caused tbo
denth of sixteen pigeons nnd several
ehlckpns belonging to him, by giving
them pills of dough filled with pnrls
green. Thp hearing showed thnt It was
Mrs. Potoznl, wife of the defendant,
who placed the pills In her own ynrd to
get rid of rats ; tho rodents drown to
thn neighborhood by tlie Noznk pets.
Mrs. Potoznl was given the privilege
of paying thp fine of $23. GO or a war
rant, would bp issued charging her with
tlie offense. She paid the fine.
Jaofob R. Heltz Paralyzed at Lans
dale Evangelistic Service
Jacob R. Heitz, a deneon of thp
FiftiPth Ilnptlst Church, Seventh strppt
and Susquehanna nvcnuo, was stricken
with nnrnlysls while attending nn evan
gelistic service nt the First Ilnptlst
Church, Lonsdale, Thtirsdnv evening.
He is In a serioUH condition nt the
Kplscopnl Hospital
Mr, Heltz,' accompanied by the Her.
J F Ilcbrens, pastor of the Fiftieth
Ilnptlst Church, went to Lanednlp to
invite thp Hev. Charles II. Wlntpr,
pvnngpllst, to pondnct a series of serv
ires at their church.
Hand Bags wSuit; Cases
PIain.or fitted with CoId,SiIver.IvorFQ'"5helI
In Prg Skin.SharA Skin. Lizard.
SoaJ, Walrus, and Cotrftido Lcatharj.
Saturday Closing Hour iZ noon
"Face tfi Future, wit ft
m Aff 1
West End Trust company
T0U are
for your
$ If ou arc particular
about v o u r appeal
.nice, vou will neces
sarily have to be par
ticular as to where
vour clothes are pro
cured. CJ Tlie reputation and stahilit
ot our clothier count fur ,i
prcat deal in the Ionn tun
Our Clothinp business th
SprinK i- splendid evcf-ii
inj; even the pencrou-. .il
utnc ot former seasons. I lie
irann fot this Rr.ifilMii,:
mndttton tindoubtedlv is
that the bu ing public hi
liee in us, and has conh
deiiie in our rtu-ichnndisr
and niethoils of diiitiR busi
ness. (J .Moreover, people like to
ileal with successful con
cerns. their suici-sN in itself
is a prettv good proof ot
Factory Help!
If you need operators, menders, sewers,
finishers, etc., you'll get them quickly
through an ad in
J .
Major's AVIfo Say Philadelphia) J
Alienated His Affectlona -. ,
Suit to recorer $50,000 for llowl ;'
nllcnntlon of affections was brun ye7 ' H
if-ruay oy jurs. wyrtio M. Bchlrfx-r,) C
Boston, against Mrs. Eleanor Tartar.
of this city. In tho papers Mr!
Schleber charges Mrs. Taylor will
alienating; tho affections of her ItusbaBii,
Major Louis Schleber, vice president
and general manager of the Mint Pro
ducts Co., of New York.
Major Schleber admitted that while
In this city ho met Mrrf. Taylor, whoso
husband was a soldier In France. They
became friends and went to the theatre
and "movies'' together, but, according
to Schleber, in the company of a chap
cron, except on a very fpw occasions.
Last February Major Bchleber droyo
from New York to Boston by auto
mobile, and kidnannod his child, nnhhla.
after inviting: him into his uutomobile,
it in alleged. -v
Badges- for Girt Scouts
Fivo hundred merit badges wre
awarded to Olrl Scouta this afternoon
In the Spring Court of Honor to take
place in .Room No. 200, City Hall. The
greatest number of badges went to
members of District No. 0, which In
cludes troops in Germantown and
Chestnut Hill. Troop No. 127 received
tho largest number of any troop, and
Miss Frenccs Barnes, captain of Troopt
Xo. 80, received the largest number of
individual awards. Sho recoived fifteen
Mrs. David R. Stern, phnlrmnn of the
Court of Honor, presided today and
Miss nilcn Mary Cnssatt, commissioner,
awarded tho prizes.
Spring butt and Ot ir
tixtt ina j btyin at
? in, JiHiinally notable
alius nt i'4-i iv $J0.
H" lafttt. Ism
l. TA
0l10C330Ca0 i , I0C3O,
't 'j