S !i, a 1 1 . ;. , i il ! . if w. k . I- F TH ' J 1 . i 4 ' wr& ft". U 'J 24 EVENING rUBLIO LEDGER PHlCADELPHIA, FFHlAf, MAY 13, 1921 WILFRED REID SEI fi T 1R BRITISH GOLF Entry a Surprise Gets Citi zen's Papers and Celebrates With 73 Should Have Chance WILMINGTON'S BIG SEASON i;y SANDY MrNUM.U'K ThotiRh IIk'.v nv TiKr.'-vl in t't"i openlnc ih.h coif toiinip., in i'i" chnnccs in i'ipIi- cor-". uhiih ha raised Hi-- par fnn "- '" ":l- ''"' in the iiiitati"ii i-wni" t' In I'I, there next mn t li coif fiin ill II"1 W.'- ' mlngton Country Club nro jnt a- nm' " interested down tliPtc In Hip ehiuiip of their pro. Wilfred Hold, for the com- I Ins liritUh npon phnniniordiip. Ilold'o entry is n purprNc. in hl imp.'- 1 'I not Appear on the lat lit. Ii" t" place Kdilie Loom. ItVid is nil m. I ! ha iv'"ivp. li, final rP"r ", Am'riciiti oitm'ii. He tins turned over hl lesaotn ! n "hra' Spot." who W ti-ni-li nt Wil-; mlngton d'lriiie K-iii'i alw"iipi. The latter, wln Mills Mb '-' ""'' ' j week tii hnnh up lu ciimc and 1 ' some bett'T than ppi In li.t las: five loiitnl- h hn m it Ii"'" wnrxo than 7!!. and that was . ..r.i ypit'idn afternoon. ' Rcld wa In a hurr te- a dinn.-r en SaKoment. hut poiipnt"d ; t nn ree rehoarinl for th" hnn.l ui. I.piI tI' ipb present. Tin- tPtoilt in :i "' tl exact par of tli mm- 'Jnick drensed, thp li inimi 1 1 or" t.u-n'd a moment to i-eii In tni' 1 "'' 1 I"""' opened the. ginsi-roK "U'f hard tn tll what "ill hnpi'pr. "bejtan lipid. " tn"ri'-n ii .tnlim.- ' strong team. thMic!i ii"f tin- i-lroni.. -' that could hi' rnis"'l If- too 1ml riegel. l.oon and otln-rt ran't c Harncs flmli''d tifih h'.-t .'ear. hit n trouble with hi" nei'k look as I'lo-ie! ho ran't be roi'nfpd "i' That a mpinly IIrrpii mid Hi.' un-mi. who m mire to tit. Wli mi-'1 nn tiin. Kt'in ins thr i'"ii'" i '' t' an Hdt)Mi!' and my lmpp to ln w'l h''" hapil " that: also ..n tin- fa-" "Jint I "1 !' ' fiomo in that i'"it." Star Ahmail That'" puti'i it nn d.i Iteid ' " Jiriton by birth. I.n.i- a I thp pr h nble cnnti'iid'T int inni . -. mi- hpn . n parri'l of ihfiii. urn a -m" a' i'''" national team plav tln'n' for ."u'.t n -haa Twin l.N titl-s iihroai' m'i th" i.-' of thpni and a ii" "f th i-iiis V' itforr he hft - '-ti vrai - nil". "Dinni'r i -'Tiwl. y ml-mi. .. a: nounred Mr. .I'.ost. "As an i'X-l!rlton." snnt.ed !! . I "I'm llalilo to bo a mark, ami t' - !' i over thorp will prntmhlv h" int.r. -t. to bpp what I do. 'Phon-fori' it's up t.. me to make a .hoini: and. hilip- in" I'm boIiib to try imv darnili"-t." !'.! Joost nodih'd iir.'l ln.-'nl '.i '- f asim mfls'aKiiig oiip of '!' i i -U--l u'ai"l ', olcti shnk-r". "Well. I hnv" to tiidd:- a on- -aid Iteid. "Mi th. un. . mi i'ii Franrp. N-vpi- f"'."' Tnticht tlmro n-uri i' I.popold . i- Kini! "' l. therr for ' -'oi '. Rood ns a S"Ifor. II" beard. nla in " Played lipti."" h' n ' ' In hi hi rt.' "Apvn, .I" ! " '- ""'v' announ.-i'd Mr ." "But Hi" '.ri?" Koili Reld, leaning ncmn on I tli Urrtnan Kmn I'rin brine him tin r- in a IJo wnntcil to h am . two liol" ilaji toRrthr. Fiiiull..! pil'.'i cap", tiinsti i"'' n' "' i in it. fr"i' " ' ' ' Gre' e. 'W ' ' . l Tomorrow's Tournaments at Local Golf Clubs '"'-hi pk Hur pftpU',1 tUtl'IL'flP l intr'nn KlrM rnutlil ml'rh t'av-.!-' of rivhts. Until Miirdriii Vntkv flllli phiiMPIotlnhlo ni'iMinir runnii mr two ntt"in hl..i..i.iu... .-. ...... ii...... ni'iiiinir runnii ror two nti"tn Pip I nl'lptiln (to'f Clul. Ilall"nni I n'lmlowni Clul' fliti iilnu ii-iiph .tM Intchnvn t'luti upinlPK '! dcrb l.inn-i"l. Irnns only hatvlli nv 1 hic-v (K-rt- St. Anth.in. t'luti t.roiHs ' i Minn Club Chninnlotuhlp, pnp lt t""i 'o qimllf. t""i 'o quant. I:'p"i.m -I hib handli'tin fur Pr.t- I. ." Cup , I ii.. Hppnr .1 rotin.l m.ll ploy for Prui biuir Cup. Uulii Cnuntv Una lit IlnU. !' "mil. 1 didn't understand him and !' I'ki'li'd thp pap.'' I'nt'.r Spotty, tin' waiter. "Pintipr i ki'rvpil "lli.t tin- IipI Kinc I evpr taiRii: a AlfoiiHo. iif Spain. IIp vn n mitniii! ..tuiptp. :n .1 took ivpII to cull I'lt," "ind K.'i.l. tin-iil ptillini: out tin inn" imppi'. "lipfovp I piip don't fui'gi i Wil" mitiKton. Wp'vp a tri'at pourcp Ihtp llnlV " Up sat down at the tuble. Il then developed that great pffort 1 ic hei'ti expended ui tin- Delnwnro potirse. It ha" hepn mntip a --Irok'' liiirdi'r. and man of thp uhl pios hunk 'Ti liup hi't'ti Pit dov n op 1'pphieod hi i In. morp nrnd'-n i'ffppi. 'I'Iip fourth i n"v tn piciitppritli, and Hip home hoi" tip' in v fourth 'I'm- piPlitpt'lifli lui- h.'.'ii letiKfhPlieil, tin1, tee moved over and tin' tH"'n plpvated. I Thp pighth ! no ii niie -liotli'r. I'll) .MinN in li'iiKth. TIip -"vintli ha- beeii tetiEtliPUPd frinn 1 1 1 t.i ttlll Mild- TIip fntirtpenfh das lippti plmnsed to u doc Ipk. ith tin- liutiker put auiiy for jdav , t" " lpft. Therp i- n n" lyeeti hi'i'" Tup pro"- liiin.Pi In- Iippii int out n" t! " -iteet'th. rnir:i and en1' n n if 1'iukpil beil'u llnr.i"!' (i Chi' iniir i- -'time III" pnep ntnnnc the members. He scored n. 7o for tlio new aiiiatcur record in com petition there, plnyinc iu the openinK toiirnev, ipii tliore witp about fccventy flarfpri. Kishl pichti quallOed. Match play is colnc on this week. H, U Kemp lnt to .1. I. Armstrong yesterday, tl ami I. in tlio tirst tilcht, anil the other matilies to bo played aro: ChickcritiR . I.. V. Mahoncv, .1. A. Monlcomery, dr.. vs. John Markell, V. A. l'etcrs vs. Kohi-rt Weir. The latter Is as enthusiastic n colfer as evpr, and is looklnp forward to a hlc etilry for Hip invitation pvent. The uhole Yale, llimard mid I'rliu'Pton K"lf teams will enter. Over thp coffee. Iteid pulled attention to the junior championship to be held. ounjjsterH have plenty of chance to i lay at Wilmington, and a good tnuriipy srould roult. Othi-r clubs could well add oii'di an pvpiiI to their schedules. Ifeid lins bpponip almost an neeessarv nt Wilmington as the greena. His one i egret in going abroad Is that he will 4iavp o miss pearl. eight weeks here of iilint mil lip iIip most active golf sea--nn Wilmington 'uik had. I l's heart is bound up in the club. n lu'ttpp proof of that is fiinished than by the fnpt that in ilisiunsinK golf ill gwiernl. and Ptithusing over Wilmiug mn in particular. Mine Host Held com plete! ot out mi that dinner engage ment. STETSON AND NORTH PHILS Friendly Baseball Rivals to Clash on Hatters' Grounds Tomorrow The friendlj rhats. North riiillieJ. -i ml thp Stetson hatters, arp scheduled for a hattlp it t Fourth and Ilerks meets tomorrow. Whenever these tpams uipi't eii.li sdp is out to do its utino! and it littl" hit morp. llariess or Siliotii'ld will plt'li for Stetson. Willi I'm iiitehine North Phillips will pr.ihalih '.' Hnslnr and Dougherty as then- n,a'ntas. KEARNS IS PEEVED BY LEGION ACTION Manager of Jack Dompsey Ex presses Himself in Emphatic Language CHAMPION VISITS HOSPITAL Atlantlr Clfy. Mar 1.1.- This is Fri day the thirteenth and .lack I)pmpey Is ' peeved not a little. On ills return from I Hatavia, N. Y., where he has been at-, tending court for several days In defense I of a suit brought by Frank 1. Spellmati against Dempsey for $100,000 as Spell man's share in a motion-picture enter- prise, he wna greeted with the puhlli'a- i linn iu the Atlantic City press of the action of the American Legion in adopt- I ing a resolution to send n potnmittep to , weleome Carpentier when the French- , man arrives In this counlr.. ' The further determination nn the parti of thp Lpglon to invltp Cnrnentler to I train at Atlantic City also aroused the! i ire of Kptirns, who made a set speech ppiisuring tl'p publication of such mat ters. Kearns was not any too pleased because Mayor Itader had been sub jected to criticism for hi attentions to the phnmplon, and expressed himself in emphatic language. It was explained to Keavn that the sublecls referred to were subjects of legitimate news, anil Hint his remedy lav in a protest to the Legion, and to those who had rrillrixrd Hip Mayor. After thinking the matter over, Kearns palmed down nt about the same time the raging elenientH subsided. WIipii (luestionetl ns to the plans for Dempspy's training. Kearns said there Mould be no aptlvp work on the part of the champion for n week or ten days and that he hail not hail time to gather a stalT of sparring partners. Dempsey was again honored by thp Mayor, who. with .loscph A. McNamee. Citv Clerk piloted tlio chnnipion to the Atl'antlp C'lty Hospital, an Institution supported largely hv city appropria tions, and spent' an hour there shaking hands with the patients. It was nor- i cure Nightingale da., ami Dempsey vas the guest of the board of governor1". When Di'inpsc. left the hospital he1 motored to the Atlantic City Country i Club nt Northfleld, where the Klwanis Club hehl an outing. The rain stopped long enough for the bnspbnll game to proceed, and Dempsey acted ns umpire. Samuel P. Leeds, president of the Chamber of Commerce, was asked to day if Dempspy would be requested to address the Chamber. "Not so you eould notice it," wns thr reply. Mr LeetN is n Quaker, and therefore does not take any feverish Interest In pugilism. FRED T0MLINHIGH GUN W. H. Wolstencroft, of Phlla., Tied for Dunner-Up at Lakewood Laliewood, N. J., Mny III, Smash ing Jdl out of his 150 clays, Fred S. Tomlln, of (Jlnssboro, X. .1., n profes sional, finished high gun iu (he second day's eveiita of the Lnkewood trnpslmot Ing tournament here over the Laurel House (itin Club traps. The high winds tilnred havoc wllh tlio Hlght of the Inrgets, having a ten dency to keep down the scores, which I makes Tomlln's performance the moro poinmendablc. . II. Wolslencroft, of Philadelphia, nnd F, A. Seibert, New- York Athletic Club, both nmnlcurs, tied on MU targets for the runner-tip honors. Dr. A. P. (Jrn. of Philadelphia, president of the Quaker City dun Club, with A. L. Mvans, of Ited ltnnk, N. .L, the winner of lOlil) grand amateur han dicap, the blue ribbon event of trap dam, and A. S. Hell, of Alletitown, the Keystone State nmatclir champion, tied with HO each for the ntmitcur runner up cup. Cooney Trounces Irish Jimmy Dwyer Nv York, Mny 1,1 - Jlmmi Coonrv gap trl'li Jimmy Dwier a rcvoip bMtlnc In the llfteen-rotinrt final bout nt tli llrmhton Htach Siwrtlnif Club anil panlty cnrncl the JuiIik's decision. I)iver left tnp rlnit with n naiiereii oar, wnirn was awenniK 10 nev . pral times lis normal sire. I BABE WILL GET 50 HOMERS Johnny Evcrs, of Cubs, Makes This Prediction Twenty for Kelly Johnny Kvem, malinger cf the Chi cago Cubs, dWrtiscd baseball nnd ball players nt n smoker and entertainment In his honor by the Dr In Salle Council Knights of Columbus, nt Lnnsdownc Inst night. Among other things, Kvers said, denrge Kelly, of the dinnts, would get about twenty home runs this sea son nnd Hnbe Ruth nbout fifty. The smoker wns nrranged by John it. Oer aghty, deputy grand knight of the rouncii. iuuiuer speuuer wns .loan C. Loughncy. isLOOSE I Hffrfiii $8 M Mi 1..1 it.. ii- V il Mil I" i-llll u i -1 1 ' : -. a '"i'' ' ii i , ti in .1' - o.,. The I ll ,. 111. I iii. ,11 .. d ' . "W .IS .. "d in "ictiam. I. Yc plajpd ... :i . .ir. nn i e ,t nmoti'l . i . , ,,r :mi i . n" .DAVIS iVx". 5, J "WONDKU - 7. r. i r I'li'M 1. t QUALITY" Ml 52-85 T i i I i jIWws DAVIS- SPECIAL Straw Hats $2-45 Genuine Panamas, $4.85 Genuine Leghorns, $4.45 I. CI i N I Hll A. M. DAVIS Comer of tmwa 13th &. Cherry Streets ilVtV ill' IN I II Mli SSS ua-" " . ITi "- X " Vtk . y 5k rsr,T7nn2rir,r? 'VI SG& TO -- NEW YORK ,.., , Kagcitu nt- in i orl. II lake the "Da light .sptnial" V leaiinr, Keadmi; lerminil 6.00 A. M. (statiiliird tinic) a r r I v i n K Nn York, Liberty St., H.O: A. M. (standard time). 9.02 .M. (dayllKht aing timtO i'iiarhc'8, parlor rars and diner. SLEEPING CAR on l-.IH 111 I tl ititC ' t Irulll 1114 V be oiriipinl 10 Oil I' M Iu 7 A. M. (Truin Iwh 1 no A M. uu anil ullir Mindui Muv IS READING RAILWAY v I tl x,v IfHILADELPHi AND Afv sjm i iu.i imtn sVikSs5 v ' Ui.-C EAF LEDGERS VALUE $13.00 The Biggest itr Ledger Value in the City This Loose Lent Lcdgpr ha corduroy binding, red back and corners, 200 sheets and indrx complete. Size is 9J4 x 117a- PHILA. HEADQUARTERS FOR BLANK BOOKS ' ,! to l ' 'unim each, It1ier HARRY B. LEVIS stationer 702 Arch SL '' F ndic n'nif To'K It Costs Less on Arch St. SB rarcsMEasEffiiEsittfj Is ltt0ELPi-nA 1N0IAHAPOUS zj$ 2nd B09TON -KArlSAS CITT ST LOUIS CINCINNATI S01. Floor 1425 Chestnut -1225 Market s f5f55 JS3) r w ms cs mt Join the Crowd of many wise men who have seized this opportunity to get one of our high-grade Spring Suits, Topcoats, Dress Suits, Tuxedos Everything Included, Except Raincoats , You Pay the Guaranteed Regular Sprinf Price for Each Garment Less Suit or Topcoat Less JS $10 Bill Back Means $ $ J39 Suit or Topcoat Less $10 Bill Back Means Suit or Topcoat Less 310 Bill Back Means Suit or Topcoat Less $10 Bill Back Means 11 $19 $24 $29 Raincoats Tan Slip-Ons Guaranteed Waterproof Regulur $12 Value $6 .75 Second Floor 1425 Chestnut 1225 Market WariF&AifmWm&ml Mens Merchant Taylors iiiii'niiiiiiliiiiiiiiiifiiiimiiminiiiiiiiiimiliiftmiiii'Mminimiiiii Chestnut St We Reduce From Our Regular Stock 40 Different Styles of All-Wool and Worsted Suitings Original l ij Priced at s ' $45-$50.00 - . msa ailfl $55.U0 MM f Enablinff You to MwAV,' 'iv Order for 3 Days Only '.ffV ; I liv wyw Ullt 1KI rSifm Y4V :j Louis Mark offers Three Aces Just in Time to Wear Willi Your New Straw Hat You have paid as high as $18 for shoes like these they're sell ing for $12 elsewhere today. We offer thorn at $8. This is not a sale but part of our campaign to retail at $8 and $9 the best shoes that can be made. It shows what concentrated effort and volume of business in six booming stores can do in value giving. And we've dealt you three winners to choose from this week. The Ace of Spades -Our Piccadilly Model Brogue in the vcir light shade of genuine Russia calf, calf lining, , oak note nnd solid leather heel. fl The Acc of Hearts Our Spad Model Hall-Strap 7t Ih-ogue with brats eyelets, contrasting stitching. f .1nnV of Creese tC- Cook's Toney lied Russia Calfskin. Calfskin lining, oak sole. The Ace of Diamonds Our Thames Model English Wing Brogue of Creese ,C- Cook's Toncy Red Calfskin, same details as "Spad." You Can't Buy Better Shoes at any Price! r 1432 Chestnut Street 1336 S. Pcnn Square S. E. Cor. 8th & Race 7 Zip Marl: of lir World's Hat Shoe 1239 Market Street 3647 Woodland Ave. 437-39 South St. nrnrrnl Offlrrs. "11 Chestnut St. FACTORY TO YOU STORES COAST TO COAStH Open Every Evening 1217 Market St. See Our Window I EVERYTHING THAT MEN WEAR CLOTHING. HATS. HABERDASHERY "! iMttue ... to Yowr '! RSSS .-ii I " "',: .i"" 'I res IK 1 HEADAffARTERS J& ' , DKSr.. 5ZZ 7. vZJBMm k ' i iik ii. uu i ss uu 1 1 1 hi v ry''tHMKKmMitmiG!rwM9mj..mmkmmm9KM- r? MW'r-MM 1 XPTTI TTTWxr. WTwM I rvA &very Braid rpi : mmwmw wt u .. a "w -r-. . , -a easure WMM ' A "very me k-'M Klr Smart feji&N J 1 - i Regular W ' 1 -. I .s'Sik $5 and $6 c AlK 1 , CjHu - x '"- 'ctws ' ' Values ' iiC" 'c V jy niitmipr irr Jn i rr III nflHiMf l ..V ? v. ...-. u. at The ONE Flat Price Man, thii W an oppor tune -.uu huve longed for - -u dmi't (May, hurry in and ni;tki a saving that i Koino; to mako in'j icmcmher CHAS. ADAMS t'O. Pencil Stripes Oxford Grays Herringbones lucks Plaids Ulue Serges Unfinished Worsteds Finished Worsteds Yi s Sir all thean vui'-tids arc embraced arid many more. Thore an- -10 dilfcrcnt stylrs nnd patterns of woolens -and you hure will bo able to find just what you want. Get Your Order in at Once Save Money KKMKMnKR-THni.K ims mn und you 'houldn't loc-c u niinutp f"1' I'n--' ! . - .. i;. lio-.t ihniu'. Thii hale i.-. bona IhIp. "i mi n I -n. nrifrinal ti' 1 els right on the woolen-- and : mi i.m .. thp iiivmus fur our.self. A hona-fide saving of $l."tin to .'.'i.(h) fur throo day.- only! Chas. Ada Philadelphia's Largest fwrlusive Men's Mt reliant Tailors 1617 Chestnut St. 18 North Warren St., Trenton, N. J. i Open Saturday Evenings Until 9 o'Clock ; SPS- ,01'ISN SATlItllAV NIOHTH, u ,.-..i i ."i nmc- J