kvmxixg public ledger-philadelphia, friday, may is, in-'i i GREA TES T TENNIS PL A F WAS SET OF 32 GAMESMZTlnr,M';TTLv MORTON TO OPEN SEASON Delaware County League Team Davis Cup Mulch i'1 Which McLoughlin Defeated Brookes, 1 7-7.7, Back in 1914, Feature Display Seen at ISets by Rice ,, T Tu pi;" mul Hill .Inlinitnn Imil -trnln, lior Bqinto n ti-h MrlniinnRP nt I'oiMt ( l'li n tli Tnlinvlllll II till ' ,.'fmUrs In fl'H'lllPr fiMltlll.' HVtlrll tlic 11 KASTIXI) KICK iornin Ki'.U'il 'imi In n liichcr n piiiii( nont to l.i-nll. Count- llnJin1l r.niKiio. Is iilnmiliiR n IHK dnv nn Kiimlni. iiIhii Hip 1SI1M i-nvnn u m npPiwil nlhf Inlh llltll tin' NVst JMiIlmlcliilim All-Stiirs. Tliit club lias plmcil .pdi pniiips to ilnto. fire IniM' Ihpii .liutotits mid nil rcultPcl in ilrtori TIip Rnnip will In mllpil nl .'. V. M and wilt Iip iincpilnl In a limit mnr-rt ninl (liiB-rnMnK. Hobitnon, llio fnrtner Krnnott fqtiuic linrlfr, tiill bo on tlio tnoiliKl for .Morton, ninl Iip will tii ojj po"pd In 'I'nrr, fonnci Writ I'liilli lligli stnr, who Is lnirlini; In gnnl form School Games Today iMT.nsrimr.ASTic i.kuii n IWM l'lilllt lllltli nl (nlhollr IIUIi. (rnlrnl lltcli at Nortlirnt IIIkIi. "iiutlirnl llluli at (Irriiiunlouii lllsh. (IT 1 1 Kit mi:s riifll-nlmm lllnh nt rnlliiiKaunoil High liirlit lllsli n( Vnrlwrth IIIeIi. Nnuilrrlon IIIkIi at Jeiiklntouii IIIkIi, (lloarrstrr lliisli at llmlilonllrlil llUli llnilrton KrlKlilH llloli nt I'nlimriv lllili. Ilhllrr I'nrk lllsli nt Ablution IIIkIi. I'IiIIii, Vnrmal lit Mtt ( nthnllc lllltli. tlllmlniton I rltnilV nt C ItcstniH Hill Acmlrmy f ,i, p f.niiiip imttlics Hint '""UK" tin' Australian fcrvlcp. nm fr of ihr-p f'nt u unit ncs i i thn( wnq h( i)(iin)j ,,hn ,or in iilil foi tii Hi'' nrrlnnn of I lie inulti- , ,nnk Tliirti -tun (jnmi- linil bi-cn re hrnn?'1 Hide , , , Itiit 1 1 r ciPilnt tuiiiic inntrli Hint in nr ., nr wr ospcpt to ne nsnln innk pi""1 nt ''n'', "'"'' '" '"K""1' Tli bitili n n PiiiN Cup niiplins (ctnuii M I "iiclillii ninl ltrn(il(Ps. ulii'rp 1 lm PlnUli . . !...!.. I-1 John-ton """ ''""'1""" """ " .TJl'T ItronKps nn not nuilo nbl" to I J- IiiiiIpIi hl Kill find bi rir ,.r lirforr I nRnlnst MrLoucbllirs pi'Pd ninl Oiitn rl" . -. ii la... ..ii t .. 1..., i.-i... m,r linr IPPII. Ill inPI. llinre llillll nif kii-iii niiiiii iiiiui in m-i. unn- I " ' . . .. . rflnnilivli llm A iiktfnlinti u Kprvlpp. mill IIP 1 quired to settle t tint one set, as mnn Ktiinos ns thrii' sptt orilinnrlly cnll fnr AVi vtlll hold tlm picture nf the 'Comet's lush ninl sinnli, Ins stortnlnc 'nllnik tbnt tnoip tlinii inadn up for nnv ditlrpic in criiiind slroKes And o ft 1 II IniM Hip pliture of Hie Aiistrnltiiii iilprnii's Minprb I'nolnpss . . t. u....i....i i- i". ... i.., .... ' . i . .. il-r fir t vrr iiinui riinnu n i.i m un-, mm fkiii nsatiist tins aininiu'iie tnnt Cain irtu in f in" , i ciilliiui'd to linininer iimiii wltlioiit mil let-up tlnotiRli Hie loin; ilrnMii-oiit , Te Sldrlnl.ts mThai one et ims tbo IiirIi npnt in AflW 'enrs hnie drifted Mncc this tTrfiliKli!inM tennis enreer TlirouKli i prrnt ennlrst took plnee Tbo vbpor npeiil mid power he triumphed jniT w i. s tliin on bis win to I'nnv ou,r prrater pvperli'tiee nnd crenter WililinK wnn nllie mid MrLrniRliIin skill The net dnv be won fiom iVild nat at the top erest of Ins greatest ' jtiK, but tbnt double lptori eloed out cnni" 111" uVtorious pnrepr MpIiRhlln with hl llamiiiR led Pm after tbnt the lmiR rond led down fair ioiiir, alert. ilependiiiK upon bis ).in ju wns benten Inter hi Norrls pinnnn ball erme nnd ilnsliinp speed. AVIlllnins for Hie Amcrtrnn elinnipion- lironkiii n tritle --(iinber, epipsion- i ship nnd he bus never been nblc to win nt a ipternn eien then, depending tlie title slnec. upon keen skill nnd supeib control. , Aftrnintli It uns n bnttle of siniies. ' "n rtlicnnaiu MrlniuMin r cannon-ball slam came JT HAS been contendpil that Me- ibri -ch with Inch explosnc fori e. TIip J. .niihliu burnt himself out In tboe HI freqiienlh lionnded IiIrIi oor two brlllinnt iletnries oicr Hrookes mid ISreeKis' luad, lull beiond his rem li Wilding. Hut that doesn't feem to be Often tlurp mis no i bnnee tor a n n iinsniinlilc ontpiition. turn And when be cot (hi h"iip bul. SomcthltiK happened Whether be t wis merely a nutter of returning it Injured some important mun'li' in Ins mthMit am plneement or without any light shoulder or wletliir, In nttempt Fpfed inR tn supplnnt speed with skill, he lost Itreokes in turn, mnde bis seriiee jus old conlldeni e i still n niiitti r of earn 1 im safely through until it Imriiii mbate Hut in that on' great match tn look ns if the two would battle lie wrote his name m rerords that will1 thrnunh that lirst set on into darkness, neier be foigotnii or ili-sfrnjed The croud luisc and iindei a heaij i ( npunuht tut III rin'iM r'cncil I Straps iboul Scrappers ten round tlrnw turnpil frnm S orV i.hprn h win rn (ri i lh" Ju'Jkpi il lilon iflr n fant tuiHe rnunil Imtit wllli l.ildlo l.minar I lhl ujis tl.nlr urnml iniPllnor in lvi wepks nn I ,,. , , , , . liHi.i n ntnitchiil to: n llnril set 10 nils imlr i I'nrt 111 Inn nl nol ruplchtu ,ini. in n unpen roumlir ihu lint' r i irt i.f r it ln . PI h llthl . hliiekH v. ...ih r.. Ilrr tn .. Unu r. hiill.l n n T Tl hi i t. in ill" ' Piili'riH in it Will'" V--irUHnn unil IIUII M v -.ii in m mi t-rntin I nnut ,n nun I7-11 I 1 r lily Tun r In thp n , m r r i inn iiniiinn r irniiiii s, ;1 L0ts 0f Boxing at Gaycty ill D ' ' I inm H. IItj mul l'rmKt I fiinn J n in Hixtir Timluht v 111 1 i b it iiinlit lit thf f. i ifi - lliriir' whero therp will I In inlilltion A fliiiice I i i-pii midi In til. nil hem-i " fr,ur mmteur cor.to-ti. n llnil lout In irrlel' I nt Ui Nitiiml Mnmlni nlsli Hip linntunniplnht clnxi lietwcpn IVl I s ' ' i Iip Hum i .smith Kr. I I niton iiniHii and Mntlv HiiIipp nml ilir nro pn i I 1. n liaitl li tv-n Knoikout fiFMntui lijts l tw en Tommx Then ir if s ill Kj-iekl. Ilrltton Sulllwin In ti tli- U ahticnth lllrl unil 'll'iit l-li .f n i f l'lni liii HnrrN and III" I nrl lo- Hiirninn if II -M I'lillu Iplnhl i . til nti T mim i llfforil In llio nnd Itm Mltrhll nf Southwnrl. ninl n 1 i r. i jrnt i n ihIh r Mr il Is In l n i ill In IIIiiiilIu nnd l-iiKOunt 1IUI II l'nl up rh until in llh tn l.pwpn H irri lio-d ui luntntn of tlm t nlleil ituUH .Si nnl Ilurlip of "outliuntk imSw for fFmJ8 iwr real wfc"' njoyisient w ''9$, 'nk IIIIIIIIIU P. B. White & CO -808 Chestnut St. "Don't iss This Sale" TOM MALONEY Anniversary Ship? A Real Sensation in Tailoring for Men! i g This is Tom! I 1 mm Tom Maloncy will give Extra Trousers with Every Suit MR. MALONEY, managtt el P. B. White & Co., txrtt introduced txtta trouirri in Philadelphia. Every init produced under ha tupervitiort u guaranteed lor high-grade eaitem tailoring and perlect fit. llm (ffTri tho fti;int I'lwviht who r rn I fr n IiliiTtt t tti mJ a r ' f ri'jn (ox im Hill (ibon H iii'Ulnk' id "tit th Ituoinmun 1 le bo ih 1 pn fer a inalth with 1 r.i ' l i t ii Inhnn led wrl"H tliit Ic l p m iM'p r pr tt r"" I " f" ' r i I k t i nil tt ( nitent on f n n in rn tn thin f n t Ilnrri lldt strwnrtN li nl ii 'n t nmrr h I Mii us "U I llirn ) if I b i a t ill I nii (t bfTn In ! I th Uti m H xt W tine J i "n Fu(frliis with i Imi itiumli fdi f tl w h nul h i b1 w ill i i tU n lh npirrinff ht iff nf I i l t II in Him flimp wnnti f i t (ni 1 .Tftf Uh n t (li i In t I irk ,1 huvo a t ijrh KiiArknut 1 Mnenrr i" tb pwft ' i l j e I t him t n W In n I H I t i ( ub iifti Ku bnir th 1 f tlmt nrsunUatlnn h tnnj i i urn T I -i II Wells Hats Wear Well W..CEnw&-T-r a.--" JkiS Geo. B. Wells 1315 Market St. 1101 Market St. and 2715 Gcrmantown Ave. npHERE'S the Bouquet or Puritano Flno for the men who JL like a moderate .smoke the Corona or Ksccpci'nnles for you wlio prefer a hip;, hearty smoke; the Blunt, or the Favorlta well, there arc 10 shapes to choose from, and prices begin at 10c. G. H. P. CIGAR CO., Inc. Makers PHILADELPHIA MADE TO MEASURE WITH EXTRA TROUSERS Regular $35 Value r Erv JTJ r7 a Ay vM fc) (SvfS Yea Wi f A VPfpV "" VT ". MM IxA lliill ioxijr Toniffhl "MM Sl'.l; T.ll AT Till l(M,T llll'.l Harry Gortlan vs. Whitey Burke t . H. Nnl Sinitlniiirk ItAt IIIKIIKir i .1(11. I, HUM is Tlllim T III M tH M.NT I MM Siiprlnt Itilurn llnut for "poilnl I'rlfp Willie Brown vs. Matty Huber 4 AMVTKLK not IN A I SO i I 1 111 I t i ow n n T li prlnntn; 'hi I i hr an I n we To ii i 1 mi sh irkci . of n phll id t h f i it if iw ,rk ii it n it h r ami Initn II ito ! iHmni cln limn w I I 1 t Ilni ( i-hnrl ' n J 1 t i nt NllTlo(U M U li 111 ih i; t t ln u t II tl il Mm Kit IVrJ f U ic mil nM WnlLiKt It il ft n ' r tl . I U t w iitnl x Uti i t hi HI Iki I il Ml i f 1 al buct a l I (lw l it hnn r j not a 1 I Saoke CIGARETTES You can't guess why but you can learn. 3 i LOTfV ai M dealer j fitr)whert VrLcuii On. SuJtLTyiSvUA. lOfir jMmb. .j Day lu liysBaleSeiisatioii' Absolute $land $12 Standard, which means made by fejHafl z f!0!!s Americii's beat makers and solid SiP Lv m A saving that is going to malco WSffljM cflA nz20 X x ' Genuine Cordovans pf KU Tan Russia Calf "WL. Sm ' JJ Real Ko-Ko Calf B f ut eery known toe hlmpo from the narrnn to the etra wide and from fc"" x i plum tips to the most elaborate saddle strap effects and wing tips. x r Regular $45 Value- Regular $50 Value- v.. .J QwflF1 io.13 M2RJMEir BELOW MARKETST. OPEN EVENINGS BLUE SERGE SUITS Made to Measure $55 Value .50 mt i TROUSEMS All-Woo! & Fast Color P. B. WHITE & CO. TOM MALONEY, Manager formerly 13th & Market Sts.l Open Every Evening mil!;. 808 CHESTNUT ST. I OPEN MONDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS it mmFormerly 104 Soytfv 8th Street Vrf j 1 1 1 fiTil iTf nrt NATIONAL A. A. IIIIMIM I I MM, IIU ID I'liiulmt IIIUIII - luniint lllll(lltl) I Mil 'I.I IIU 1,1 LaBLANCHE vs. MILLER IKIMill I. SOI Kill 1 BRITTON vs. SULLIVAN i in li itiimii: FULTON vs. SMITH iiihi is t iMiNi,m ai s mil ST. "Silt" lo Hint for I iilrrtnlnmraN Open Daily Till 6 Saturdays Till 10 P. M. loth and Cheslnul One Price 5470 Sui TT f jl I on i.of For Men and Young Mei i The combined stocks ot (S leading Chicago, New York, Rochester and Baltimore makers, forced on the mar ket at a tremendous sacri fice and purchased h us tor the Greatest Sale We ! Ever Launched Not onl made to retail, but ActualK on Sale her where at $40, $45, $50, $55, $60 Regulars, Longs. Shorts and Stouts All Sizes, Alterations FREE Some of the Suit Hate L'xtia I'atr funis thJ0 ((lit ional In the selection of Suits arc the newest qrav and tun herringbone weaves; pin-stripe and ilialk line effects; Glcnurquct plaids and club check; color-fast blue serges, blue, gray and brown flannels, also neat patterns in worsteds for the man of quiet taste. Single and double breasted 1, 2, 3 and 4 button models. The Top Coats em brace all fabrics in all the newest Spring shades. I! jut a i i loi mi u- 1 1 un in i hi a i , ' .i'i i u ' ' ecure hik'h-Knuii ilotln at Ihk in mij. UI IIAI MAIM THIS 111) I ArUilT H U. - I OKI ilDIMIM, III NEi: IV 1 HI 1 M H ii tins , - - ,, ,,-, ,,m ,,, ,. eier nnr.uiiiii.cil I ho so j;arnunt- lum t l.ihi i,t ci(fhi iclobrntcii thiufi, HikIic-'it, Kalt.niun ,r m t ml niiikiii u hoso prudui'ti n,i i tli ii'puiatiin it I ! il . I n,'ln st (. prrssion of ! 1 ui ii quu i in n i i ;i T t i .jr ' t ' - i ui i hu ii e nre alili in sui u i I u 1 ' t i i v , ,,, ,,., Coat JB r tivLr"1 15th and Chestnut Open Daily Till 0 I' M Saturday Till 10 P. M. Few York Headquarters, 15 II . 3 llh St.. YJ m n V. w m m . ..niK'ji i m Kir ,i3li .- i i ft. ii. h uiltt. Kx-m r I Itt n l rU M