Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 13, 1921, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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vijj-,, -mro?) ifi ie? r "- '''f ,""gV''ts'"' vVr"f",?ai'1'v
,t li r
Woman's Life and Love
IT) yon innrrj
on glntl u
want your ilnuslitor t
tn ti ti y xxompn
If hen Should a Girl Marry
tthoso iiiio.ltnn
truthfull.v ' en
few. for it alum-.
lis n di-liifit
smnttfr to wnn t i
S t
'in I lir
who hiM
or limn n l
ti tii o 1 fi
II 1 1 s t I -
. ' lit "n '
' . (Ill Xnll
ilo tbl'' How ,
Jon hftppincii lire
iimpoihli- fo ot
Etnin ! Still hi a "
icenfrnl. iminil v
Submit inipcrxoiiiil i! :i" i
tray, who sonn'
.tlmos will tnlk on rhi mom
4 "Yo. 1 iimrrti-il in nix trm. inl I in
;lnil of it ' mijiiI tin- HmnUxn n.iitrmi
Shr i n onn mnn xxmiinii. mi Im
tit occurred to Imr tlmt "s'io Iiiir iiiim1
jnnythini; of xnrictx it t'i ill it ilmm.i
Jin ncM'r linxini; lunl nn, imr fiom
Ibirtli to death luit , hi "n- in.-iini' mnn
jfihi' ninrrind tit rigliinii Tl Mil mi
In Mittill town. At li't li Imin' xx:i
lllmiteil. T!irj took cm h ntlui n- one
".tnltc the lni-t ohJci'tii.nal'V hat In it
Village -tore- not 1im'iiiii 't i- rnu-h I
iinc. but bei'nuo one 1 .is to have -nine
inort of hat. mid it xxi'l do ns veil n i
any offered. j
It happened that in tne Hie l.nttfrx
jVnch drew a fuirlx d nt. comfort i bin i
(prize. The mnn inovu t" a ni"tr'M"'li'
Fnnd made morn" 'I lie winiinii Ui p' p
5ier end if 'In- Imi'cain nnl mlapted 1 i i
fkelf ti modi'in i utinn Kept lm i" w '
ldrced befoin n.j'x and nn i;'i In'i
Vhllilrmi in i nilniMir utm :i i 1 1 1 ' '1
to marry very earlr "T.onk nt me. I
wedded at -hteeii, and tn lifo lm been
a bed of loir, t inxr my line lui
band and miignilli ent home and five
"tnlwart pro-peron -oti", who wait on
Hie hle n ipiet-n "'
How nhoiiril for in h a pampen-d
pi ron to niiine thai her ui"' ij ai
'itnple to be tollowid WUTIlllx ' llei
fm.ilj all hi i' iniliiotiaire-. and from
li' r first brldehood eh" hn been
wa'ted on like a bain. Mn has kept
np h"r phj'leiil apiienrance and Is n
' .mdsotne ireaturc. but her cnrlx link
of (iiltural ttainuiK tii'xpr im been rem
lined and "he W ignoriint and nturow
in)i tnkinc tinx part In miiKing th
woi d a bitter plaee for lmi fortunate
, el i'iIh n il'ati her ow n !
Sn tniii h for I lie I'li.l' inuiTinzr"
Wh.it about tin- late one-''
The girl who goes thioiich collece
and then trie- ,i profe'siyn. and perhaps
trnu'N a f w ,rar. ciitnltil bn'ome-
rr fitttuiiii. Ihe comtnun, pamen
' avu t i
! a, a lif.
-aid that tip' tnoro -he saw of men. the
Canrlaht, mil, bu 'ubllc l.daer Co.
Many ul ii irnl to ;iimon lor
cmhcillmn fumls, but llnrnrt. Iim
irife, brcausc tir hrltrrn in n't i
fiocrticr. it tlctcrmiiicil to provr it
to thr v in UI. Shr obtain a pot
finii in llariii'i ofl'tcr umlri a ilif
t'lrnt i-.amr. nnil thrrr attract the
attention of Charity Uatman. the .'on
of the lu'ttil of the firm. Ilcvaisr ihc
daie not ineiir hi runiif, nhc ae
(rpts on imitation to ilinner from
htm nnil Charlrn brains to make mtr
trptitwii loir to hir. A girl aratril
nt thr nr.rt table stare nt llnrnrt
all throuoh thr nenl, ami Charley
hoir to her on thr ten) of.
. I Disagreeable Task
yiHKN Harriet went to the olln e thr
V" tnotn.tii; nfter her dinner with
ll ,
rimrlM -he felt more than eer en-'
inlied in intrigue. She felt uinmed
otneliow of the fi.( that slip wa tiit.
f male does not nppe.il to her. i lng on nn .lflnir with the .son nt the bo
partner: .Madame de Stari fnr -he km that wan how it would look
to eer one tiiere nnd it did n..t -ei t
lil Id frit
Imnnnei Hntl- lui-'iand an 1 w '
vtnined lionieh irtues. whuh 'inl.ibd
3ojalt. tn mil nthfr Then I te wa
Rmooth and linpp lint -
There ai" the thousand- who dn-h
into matrimonii, ictim- of pupp" hue!
They wed some jouthful fnnrv. m a.l
their icnorntiis. nnd iinmaturiM N'eitlier
jjioy nor girl knows what life or human
Sin'sslon nr respon-ihllit mean-. .Neither
iknows' the lea-1 bit ahii'it the othf r . ! pbin
'rlinrncter Nature lnirb'd them in'o the
imnel-tn m. to -ink or -w-im IVrimp-.
"in time, tlie hrea-t the .uncut ami
Fattnin a -.re. even -troke, and -wim
tfiide bv ''de tlie tc-t of tin ir lives tuT
tnll too often rl gn down in t w nmlti n
Invu of the oli a tin. floiirde" ln'lp
'jesch . right null other and "i.e or both
tin ft. i klin lll.,l (liars' t,.'rl..ilis thn Mind
' em I a. hid.ir maul i- not unite u ovn f r,Kl,t "' '' "' Klip "n no neater t
iinl. but -lie iii'tii'iili is not o -ti-- d
. i ptible and ens- r to idea-c u- she was
, in her high "Hum. I dn
Iler chani es m a t ml numerletil
ratio, have demneil, ul-o, for the more
mature men become, the less apt they
are to mnrr. in the glory of joutli, it
golden haze envelop- all feinininit, so
that almost nii girl, with a dimple, or
pink eheeki, ot a merry laugh lures
ri-.-i-tiblj . l!ut -trrn tncpKit .'urb.'d
tie Miung iin-linir ions nning. wa
f iiluililrii till the bu) lad griid.uite.l
1 1 inn (ollegt' nnd then frmi. a i.tot.--
ii.linl uiiiversit) and li..ng out li
-iiingle and w utnl fo" patp n'- o
. Iienls It th " tun", h" w,i a .on
firiiied bachelor. Mind had cmrconie
pa'on. He analyzed everv woman,
weighed her rlmrm" ngain-t her de
fi''iem ies, and decided again-t taking
th" ri-k of lifelong intimacy.
And so. the bachelor miril of twenty
-cm ei ms atiMhltig nbout Han i citVi
and bci nu-e of t'hnrley's pvasnouess tne
night befoie she did not see how 'lie
was going to get nny help from him in
solving the mystery.
Harriet was no adventuress. She had
no idpa of how ti go nbout u-ing her
charms in order to bend n man to her
will She was unconsritus. in n way
of In r own am "ling loveliness ,i id
tber-foie no; a ,,11 sun. nf horoo'f
Sh wn- pt ii"g entiiely in the dark
Clui'li i did nut nppcar at the otTi.
until aft.r 'un. li. and this wn- due to a
' ei, -ignitu ant i'ip t
At 1 o'l'loik, lifter sfiuiP little tele
phoning, be tint by appointment n ter-
tain ver tilonde young person The
place wn- of his ow-n choosing, n quiet
little restaurant where they were not
likely to bo seen and Charley piloted the
Please Tell Me
What to Do
.1 . . ( Illl.llf r. .. ti rt iLlluf n.... nI.. ......
seien titiils rne. man ot a tew vfars iior I .', '. ,' , iuu-im.-uuu-
spiuor not nt all eager to take the ftital I taVi? ,u th" dining room.
Sic mnv recret that he ilui -me g ' i.'iUKiu'U .)ty. nrcil t we
nor marry earlier and have a bahy or
two Itu' now. well, ftnnkly h is
not suttieiently urged to wed
jlpssl) . right i a h other
fsillk forever
3 Knrly marriages piei'iidc tni-no
trdncation Thp 'uitls ei ter lifi and
'attempt tiiiaminl ip-i nn.-Mlitb" and
the maiiiiiiininc of n limne and rearing
'ort-prina poorl prepaie.l to -triiggle
'again-t tin- nonoiiio- .omp.'itiou of
Itho-e who ari h.glih fanii.i If the
j;irl is left ti widow, -he has i.o know I-
ic'dge rf bu-llli-s- .MM i tl'i prion al nlU
iCntiov to uphold her. who!. -I e would
Jine had lunl h. hi en -elf --'.pportin
before innrriage
" One h.llld-ollie w hlte-hnir.-d w 0111111 I
jltnow goe- nbout ihortuig iiinu-"'! f"'i"
And when mature folks dc nni-j.
there are -0 ninny fiM'd habit- to .. in
tend with' If there an. so
many evil- attending both enrh mar
riage and later marriage, what i the
poor girl to do? ma.) be n-ked It is a
problem nltiio-t impossible to -ohe, r
rept b) linking cm h ea-e n spe iai
stud). Tile whole enilized World -eem-to
bo .igain-i nature, for the inrl) mat
ing -enson .-hoiihi be the proper i.n
to wed. irrespe.'tDe of stud.) nnd earn
ing inone.) anil all tho-e artihriul bar
riers that 1 ompe! iilibai-), and thu
mnlte for inimoraht) 11'ul loneline
I'erhap" -ome future -tntp or uation
will encourage early murtiage by hf'p
ing inch home tinHncial') . and endow
ing mother- or babies, while the
parents st.i; are receiving education '
Two Minutes of Optimism
Ily Mhlt.MAN .1. M'ICII
W'licn You Come knocking at the Gate
itli d'the .in and a
d ii'Tinintan. .
11 ng shock 'bat I recognized him
M f'fteen )ear Sinep I 5 1 ill last
) ti d' b"iiair. Ian
seen him
X He US'
Then nc wa- 1 irt) )oimg
-ahision.-. ih rot a .111" ill the
." Todn.) lie ' nine around
- He 'ookeii at mi tiinoioiis'i tin f-afra d of a rebuff He n.adc one's heart
.ulnk. nn'l all manner of inexpressible fears to well up. -n I 0 ltd only look at
jhim.'and li-ten. nnd gne ferient inward thanks for the litt'e 'he Almighty has
incen Ht 10 llc me w.th.
, A human 111 'an r a hnttere, remnant of humanity - flouam and ,iet
jfram thinniiig. -trncgh lin.r- ta. e n.at had not been hmed 111 hcaieii on'v
jknows how long- fi.rtiic. fearful, )er-shiftmg ops shoulders bent into 11
permnnent immp -shuffling feet- ,1 mm . tl.nt quivered and nlmoet wept as f
'pleaded hilf-n-nnni'slh 1 alf-de-peraiel) . that I gix- him 11 letter to some-
hod) 1 m -t kno ) -onieh.-d
had Tried ham a 1 l ' -bead
alio).' wa-'1 f.u
had -hi- more. g.
1 gne nun a em r he w 1
Biir work - i'.d till '
lip-. -.. In CO .'d gnc t "
him n 'et'er '
I took hi- ;oil-ess mic
With ' MT) InHIl 1 kt . w Ml
'gone I w 1 .ipped .1 ' t. P"
and -em n i" li in " 11 1 .1 1 mi "i
The) io' u ti... .in- more than four mi'lion "ti pi's like him in the land
growing more I ung- n..r desperate, more -alien nnd un-olf-respcctinc everyday-
prav ioil )oi nm ii'i-r know thee no nV 1 motions
f Hut if you in a ins,ui--iiinn. if vou are on ei.iii'mer If you can nnd you
do not utilize i'i. d man mu pos-ibh iim. if mil arc not putting forth your everj
our fel.'.w man in want, then I
. 'i Miine ag.iinst iod anu ,
1 e ,T njn pnt Hay.
1 f p.-iuirce in your
'in g 1 n vour power to gne , .
c - i - .1' pom . rest a-bured ' 'r
i"r'ns',ng credit and glorv
un: .1 o king at the gale
he wa- a faun') man he had been laid off I,.
- 1 ur had never been able in do more than keep Ir
ks l.e lad been tramping pavement no job to be
to i,e .1 1 i n r want a loan--ln- wanted woik 1 mililn t
11. 1 d porter - work he wm 'd do any honc-t work -'.tl'i
11 p'v stoma-h-. si le cou'd -t ill little crying
to ..pc ore!j needfd midc'llies wouldu t I give
I pn mi-.d him 1 wo id g" in touch innncdiatPlv
.. nigit ptwsiblv be able '.. p ai e h.m . whPti hp was
1 blank sneet ot paiier. pit It 111 nn envelope.
The gill laughed
careful?" -he inucked
Charle) looked acins the table nt
her Hl blue ejes (.,i ),ar, ni)( ,u.j
ni(t eC" a" bii.e and 'is hard ns his own
Thes,. o)e" were frtngi'il with black
lashes nhvmus!i made up nnd the brows '
above them. - 1 inler and very black, giue
the girl u -nister atipenrnnce. nboic all
with the friz f blonde hair that ap- ;
peared beneath her thiming red hat. She
1111K not the kind of a giil thnt eien 11
n .tier like riinrh ) would like to be -pen
with and appirentl) -he wa aware uf
the fait nnd it aniu'cd her. She liked
Aitne-sing hi- di-i oiiifitiire.
He ordered cnffi e for him-elf nnd the
1 girl leisurely -elertei. nn elaborate liinHi
1 ,!- her'-elf. Sin deliberately pulled off
long black gloves from her rather thin
hands and a- -lie ,ite -he tlung little
pro) 01 ative glances at I11111 that were
1 "Well." he tlung out finnlly.
I "Well." hhe ictioeil. "Who is she?
nvii'-titly tome me you've fallen fori
hard or you wouldn't be so eager to take ,
me to 1 inHi " I
"NTever mind who she is," C"hnr!o
said nuiekl). nlmo-i tiercel.) . He could
not hear 10 talk of Harriet with this
1 giil. He -till remembered the shj sweet-
1 ne-s nf her. the childish mouth, with
it woman's softness; everything, in
j fact, that made her Harriet and dif
ferent from ant one Iip had ever known.
1 He did not want her friendship with him
to stop; l.e did imt intend tliat it
should. He wanted it to go on and on.
Where he wanted it to end he had not
dc, Ided himself nN ,)Pt. but he had
known nianv women and none ,(t all1
.ike Harriet
The girl arclitd her bla 'k brows nn,l
id!) picked nt i"r fh'ekeii salad
"What do jou want of me?" Fhe
a-lcd tinnllv
"I don't wiint jou to make nnytrou
r'e that's ull. I wint )oii to keep out
of t'i P "
The girl'1' lip" curled "So thnt you
an make this little girl think ou
cari Oh. I had plent.i of tune to stud)
l.i r 'i-t night and she's different. She'd
be .dutiful, too. ;f she had some
doth. And you're going to make Iior
iiii-i nii.'p with jour lii- mid promises.
Won' are jou going to do about '.'"
f.nriv leanPil cut and gripped her
thin vr'-f jipfoic s!,p 1 mjld mention the
r.111 . ' ti her lips
Tl e girl w iined wrh pain nt his rough
linger- but her ees did not tlinch from
I his and they were filln with accusation
Wlietlier you're eer sn joung or entirely grown-up. jou must have a
lung uaist. slcetcs (if a tlelljjhtfiillj cool lfiictb. ami n skirt with scallops
taking the place of a hem. The perky little miss with tit? bobbed hair
tarries this Idea out lit hniiin and while rheckeil gingham ami rlrk
tack braid, adds double poikets ami a wide front panel, ami lias her
scallops hound In cot Ion nf solid color. Her older slsler dinoses smooth
1 repp ilt chine, cross barred In pink and vtlilto. ami trims It with lingerie
inllar anil c tiffs, little pocket -like pl.iltlnss anil scallops Mulshed with
Would Meet Pretty Qlrls
Dear Cj-nthla Will you bo bo kind to
inform me on this subject. I am n
foreign bov of nineteen years ami
baen't been for a Ioiik time In tins
country, but I know Rood Knell" ana
am one of your renders.
s jou Judge right ot friendship be
tween bovs nnd girls, I want to pray you
1 for Information ot how come to Know
Home pretty young girls ot my age una
1 what ways aro preferable
i Ask the pastor of your church to In
I troduce you to sonic nice girls.
Disapproves of Jaizers
Pear ("nthla Ai 1 lead your column
. t onserxed a ery unbecomlntf letter to
1 the female species written by 'Two 001-
IliiK-ovood Jurzers." , ,
Tlense let me say that If a yu,nB ma"
pnvi any attention to them whllo Uiey
are having their no-CJillcd big time
ismoldng, drinking, powdering, painting
and I suppose, they w ould chew too, ir
they could get It). He Is unworthy of
tli a tiamo tntin In tTIV 01)1111011
I I also Wish to state that v,e are not
living for this world, bjit for Hip hpre
.ifter, If ou arc good here on earth jour
1 deeds are berore you III tne nn "','...'
f nnl flion trnml nlcbt ou talk about
, nr- ii'tinHriillil HirUlHS. 1 bet J'OU tWO
1 tV n-rnt In lllltlllnif. WltllOUt J'Olll
I "". "-"'..'-...:;"'.... o., nllllKl
m.tKG-Up. II JOU Biiv juu ..,. ":--
men easy come to I'hllly and try It. our
names would bo mud.
AHuUea niulna Hammer a Rest
Hear Cynthia Please ndylsc the
voung fellows who are alwnys knocking
the girls to lay off and give the hammer
I Tell them to look thetiiseHes oxer nnil
se how near thex arc 10 calling tlu-iti-
is.ixis leal men. fiom what I can inaK"
out of most of the jouiig men I fcee
'ashore I think tnex ought to be 1 :lbbon
detks In a dppartnieiit store. JudBlng
.from the unv thej tnlk. ilices and act
I If thev xvould make a tr p or txvo tt.
1 sea and associate with leal men for a
, while (the men who go to sea. for a Ilx-
ing) It would do them good a id they
tn.iv cut out wearing pinch-back suits
and butterfly socks. ,
rU- ...... T r.n nf tht mOtlierS fiBr-
llngs the glader I am that I wan brought
up to follow the sea . lOxeiJ" girl loves 11
1 sailor, ileal gins
teal men.
find She Was Glad to Have Both as a Going-in-Toivii-fl ,,
Mother Thing Bread and Butter and Mother
Arc Everyday
TV was
o 10 ne seen wun
A Regular Little Brick
tiio bin. k iii.i-i 11. irder
strained 111 x - into
darkni-- Sn- could
w or i,n
I. k'- She
t.ie -in rot nditig
hear I iii k crush
ing thiough some
iiinleisroxxtli thar
skirted ti.e tienl
a loss the 'oad
Then tin1 door
opined, and the
hindladx of the
Itnrlej loxx came
out She rreng
ni.eil tl e prettx .
line - in.iiinerc I
joung ladj . xx ho
had luu. lied wttii "w .
her best paying Mi
guc-t only n daj or -o ago
The joung ladj seemed iM'rturbcd and
out of breath
"Won't you come in?" the good
xxiinnn hospitably .-aid. "You look ex -haii-tul.
Come in and lime 11 cup of
tea." She llung a keen. impii-Ulxc
glance at .Mar.) .
Murj pulled li'r-elf together Pis-
crclion x us the better pari ; -he must
not give Hie gossips food for
I lid jou
; ra,
. .J
1 hltisiiu
talk. Slie
'iitoin of eii'ig) . ' 1) ul work and 11 living for
'jou are 1 mum ni'g 1 11 mu .ig.un-t mrr mif ie
.ntimiinit) il.r )o ) i. !, n'. 1 t.i upin'.' c
Ann 1' ) 1 ' ... ,11 . 1 ei ting 11 it 1
being tn 1 ' 11 " ' i' ro , if m 1 nn -'ra
men iob- nnd - ' 1 ." ' - at ease and p .t 1
the A iici 1 iul) - i ing ' a down ..1 wer
and thut S' I' '1 ' nun I'. ) Ion m '.i-t .
'A dlirc.il anil
a Com-
(Ircpe De Chine
nonulsr methods of
! de cttlne rnOK is noi 10
- i
B'u ' Poems and
Sv ' To thr i- ' . , u ,
lf P-n-- M .! 1
SeW fi good . ,n , r." 1
nff, k me of - . -. k . d l.e 1'
'l f' tpn ' , 1
U,rt J! n.'a 1 -.. , r.
hj ; tw : '
f$r uid 1 1 - 1 .
Wx, 1 -xxould i1 1 ,' '
1 ere ,1 .
I ) a I
'))' 1 'h
,tit I' P
'o' 'ad
f fu . ;(
r 1 l" i x
.' , " ..ni
; ip's si.
I r ' f 'e'h whtli 'nc'.ude
' Tl "inhsniiii ui d Ken
l.r u" i t Alentt's bo,,;
.."r ni(rii divert)) ' ure .1'.,)
' c And Steenson s s'nr.fs
' 'Silden Treasury .
i n'a'ns a gr'at 11 ii" pnfi
1 n Tennyson. Wordsw or-1
lei H) ron, Sjrott nnrl n'l it
I ! it
Wedding Refreshments
-t ar'i -
tr n ir- 'I
In p ti H
ii p d.
forced her-elf to snub
"Thank jou I'd i'iijoj a curi of ten
I )e had a good long xxnlk
'ou look as though you'd been run
ning "
Mnrx gnxc a tiirt laugh that did not
-omul iiiiie natural. It held a s-ugges.
tion of by sieria. .
' Maybe I did iim 11 bit - I'm rather I
ner)niis mi these lonely rnad-
' inl I don't blame 1011. ntlier. xxith
nil them murders that one tends of in
th.- p'ipers -yes, and lobberie", too."
The landlady of' the Hurley Mnw seemed
o In- -ntistied with Man's explanation.
She e,i the win into the inn. Mary fol
lnwed, anxious that tlie papers should
be s.i f. She xxent into the coffee room.
The blinds were up and she glanicd
niriouslj at the windows i'ai'h pulsing
I moment she expected to -ec a sinister
I bla. I. face pressed against the pane.
1 To Marv's intense relief a xcll-'nnnxxii
footstep -minded in the hall of the inn
nnd link a perspiring, somewhat cha
griped I'ick walked in.
' 'I ie blighter got nwav. Infernally
bad bu k If nrilj I bad caught him "
1 '1 lie loung man was actually stain
nici ug in his rage.
1 ' Hire me the paper". Dick." Mary
held out her pieciuii" pin kage
"lint her the pnpeis. dear As tnougli
and and he xvn-n t whit
tee his face?"
"Not properlj." Dick wrinkled hi
broxxs rctlectivclj "The cuiious thing,
is that the glimp-e I had of him seems
to bring Inn k -oun fort of niemoij
till.) it's quite elusive!"
' He probably belong- to thii part of
the world." suggested the joung girl.
"ou've seen him in the neighbor
hood." Un k shook his heart.
"I'll make a point of finding him
tomorroxv. thoush. even if 1 hine to
search the countrjside. I'm inclined to
think he wasn't drunk nt all. A mighty
dangerous fellow.
.Mary gaxe a dainty little shixer.
"Then I'd hnxe to come xxith jou to
identify him; that would bo hiiteful.
He'd turn xindictive, too and might
xx ant to pay mo back to frighten 1110
ngain. N'o, Dick, please let th" mut
ter drop. '
Dick snxv thnt it xvasn'f a suitable
time to urge tlie affair. The girl bad
had n shock Iler mind ought to he
dixerted to plrvjinter channel-
I hej partook of
then Dii 1; droxe ker
Lodge in nn old ta-hloned lountrj gig.
"No, thanks, I xxon't foiue m " lie
held her hand for a moment in part
ing. "Another time, dear. Hut. Mary,
remember I'll nlxxays be around.
xxatchlng over xou
yon 011 mustn't be
Ho stooped and kissed her on the lips
nd tl'ii he inng the doorbell and
waited till a serxnnt came to admit the
girl into the safetx of the ..ite Lodge
Sorry to Refuse
Pear Cvnthla Will xou klndlv print
a few suitable verses for a chum s and
also smaller sister's autograph 1 bum
I ho chum Is nineteen years old and the
sister thirteen jears old
Thanking jou In inlxiitu- nnl sin
cerely trusting to see thn poem In print
,eal soon. I am , ...VV. "J ' ' ..
Sorrv to rpruse iit.ir, '"
hprp to answer questions that will help
the voung people if tliej need adx We or
o encourart-e their discus ions n l.cr
column She cannot take the sp.ic 10
wiit.i xerses for her leaders
pretty difficult for her to get
the stairs of the station, for
they seemed to be so wide and so hard.
They xveren't a bit like the ones nt
home, xvlicro she. could sit doxvn nnd
rest now and then, or nt least sling
one fnt knee nfTcctionntnly over the edge
of the step nnd slip doxvn easily to the
next one.
These xvcre nn't.v rold, dirty stone
step and so wide: Why. it took txvo
walking steps to go ncros them before
bIio even got to the edge.
Hut she xveiit nt It btnvcly, clinging
to mother's hand for support and guid
ance as usual.
And ns she worked she talked.
"Yes," replied mother, in nnswer to
a question. "We're going downtown in
the trolley car nnd then we'll go way
upstairs iu an elevator, and then we'll
conic to Dnddj's office."
"Are we going lu liuvc lunch?" she
"Yes," said mother, again. "And
if you'tc a good girl nnd do Just us
mother says you may have some ice
cream for dessert.
That xvas too much ! She stopped
for a second to gloat oxer it.
"Yes!" she cooed, in dnintj glep.
"ice ei earn uininmiu, ice cieatn .
She started -once more 011 her perilous
journey. '
"And DADDY!" -he milled, in the
same lapturoiis trine, "I'miunim!"
Humming her joy oxer the loveliness
of life in general she "carried 011"
slowlj, unsteadily, but nersisteiitlj , to-
ward those two delightful goals,
that xvould ninki
nnd chuckle nnd
was too c-ied
bed or go to wlr
just giggle !
her giggle nnd
giggle again nut
nnil tickled to
cp or mi iin tiling bat
TCKCIli:AM?An.l Daddj? l,1IlnBlln,
.is'. ,m!0P,, tl"v arc iilcr. ImliH..
things for .tie elrls tn 1. ,.l.i "n"
Hut Hie be. part about bread an,i
butter mid miitl'i-i'. espo mill mnllmr 1,
that tlinj nextr full. Thex don't unit
linlil Siiiidi'js or holiday. 01 uninc in.
Imrn ....III. ...... 1 1...... . .!..- . . . .
toxvii-xviiii-iiiolhirs: they ie right there
mi nn- inn.-, hit) iiiij, nnx tiiiie an),
body xants thcin.
And Ihcy never seem lo he Inn rf.
muse ice crenm and Dnddv jm
iimmniniin things, and thej ari-ii t
l'crhnps it's because thex feel the
same way about it !
The Marriage Question
"A harmonious, home I" Hi ,,,,,,
drawing raid on ratth for in, , , Hr.
inonj-," snjs Anne Slu.nuoii Mmn.ir
May Hood Housekeeping en.ioti!
homo Is a dinning i.ml for innrn
chaos. Like- forexpr attracts ii(
Wo nrc prcpateil to act sanely aM
wisely and naturally only bx a sati
wise, natural environment, in chani
in the midst of nerve-racking lfilu'
tlons, xve are liable to make n defpefa'n
leati and leap to desperation M ,v
an oidlnarlly gifted girl mal.pi is,
happiest marriage bpcnuse shr is n.
In it state of coinpitratHe Ii.imi, ,
xxhll' 11 xery gifted git I l,i king h
liurniot'ioiis enxiioiinieiit mnkr 'h
least bappj innrriHgc
Tomorroxx I''lresld Tlinuglits.
The Ideal Girl of Today
Hear cxnthiu I lu', ' ''""t
render of 'your depa'im'ii' for the hist
few months and must s.n I rnlox it very
much, although I 1i.dc bad nothing to
"aTh"re seenjs to be 1 great .leal of dis
cussion as to the girls of today and tho
c'rls of jesterday. 1 know It to bo a
fact that there ate girls o' today nxery
bit as good ait those of jesterdav, and
any fellow xvho savs thrv aro not to be
found Is far from knoxvine all I do
not mean to sav i' "' '" " .".-.
that aro In the wrong, but the many
clrU tliat nrc really sensible do not get
nny consideration or credit, and 1 don 1 1
think most of the joung fellows xxrltlmrl
1 to xou and telling you how they would 1
like' to sco the girl of jesterday. make
plnliv lust what they mean . 1 don t ,
IthliiK 'thev xvaiit the clrl xvith bnlr
pullled doxvn tight over thp hpnd, with a
pigtail running down her back, nor one
1 with her f.xce shining like a mirror, 01
one xvho wears old-style clothes and
, coarso cotton stockings tviiat lip wants j
! Is a senslblo gill one who does not nee
1 n,e,ii- nnd nnlnt until her mother doei .
ten together, nnd ' not recognize " " v "m' '" ","." 1
hark tt. the White ' "klrts about balt-wav betweeii the .inUlP
satins, for I sure do like to see n girl
look her best Hut a girl to look her
IwRt need not show her kneps. nnr need
1 shp use powder until It literally falls otT
I In conclusion so tl at no one xxill nus-
in'nlous to protect ' understand me. I xvlsh to say I he girl
p .frail " ' I that dresses her best without going to
a"')"1 i..-n,u mrrtmu 11 l.n lisrs r nnlKrll
powder to keep her face from baxingl
ttl.lt snmv I0OK, IlIHl HCifl line ,. ri'HI KOI
should net Is the Ideal girl of today
Fellows lei me hear from )i.u and tc II
me xx hat um think
CK CREAM and Daddj ! Two holi-
dav things!
She could hnve bread and butter any
day, whether she was good or not.
And all slip hnd to do to nave mother,
xvas to raise her ejes, or if she were 1
out of sight, drop out thnt incessant '
call, and find her right theic renilj
to pull 11 deeply imbedded pin out of a
rng doll, or kiss a hurt finger, or scaie.
axvay a terrlfj ing bumblebee.
She is nlxvnys there, ju-t like thr
dax time and the house nnd the outdoors '
It's different xxith up (ream, that ;s
n Similar thing, or a holiday thing, or
11 gning-tn-tnwii-xritli-inothor thing
She had to bo xeij, very good to de
-erxr ice crenm and there nlxxaj- emu
,1 sorry ninmuit when ncr tripiest for
"inoio. plensc." xxas met xxith 11 gin
tie. Imt oh. so firm. "N'o, dear, that's
inoiigh fnt little girl" like jou "
So thai was something to he glad
over ice r 1 cam uiiiinintn '
And Paddy? Why. Daddy only came
iu just before supper time he was 11
Suiidax thing. 11 holiday tiling, loo,
but he had nexcr been a going-to town
xvith-motlipr thing before.
He xxas fun. Daddy was. lie nlwajs
ecpinpil to liaxe more time to play than
mother, nnd he could think up lnme
funny things to do just liefori' bedtime.
n ffniMIHIaft. MA&rrroMtuCAiicASF WtXmktM1! I
HIlBHlBS p 11 r, aItIWiw H
O 5vi
1 lS ymffiL Hi
WBm m silntodolr'unv' Wwji
WBM ffi SMirRcriiiinSOitnW SSK H
I BiwiHjwiAHSySfflSjB li
ill The H'jccpsa or tins tninu
- )).'' established by lonnm
- 1 , n pe de chine composer.
1 ip'd and faggoted or hem
1, 0,1, ,s haxc been so widel'
Now.ida'xs howexei" Home of thr
of . upp do chlno fro'ks are
x).:t, fruges '" 'n" "','"' 'thex matter In loinparison xvith vour
lal black Brospiln on b.a-K ,.. ' , ,pnm on
nine l.eina- enter.-u n ""..",,...'.. ... . ..,'. ..1.1...1 i,.,n.. . "W,, ,',..
,,, in rtir, ' .inn 1 - iii'e 10 nnr ..i n,.-..,.. . ..... ..
ill ihlnga jou can
li-.iml fiee 'or .ill crepo do chine hurdl
rn 11.
V . . , .M.-s
ll0l - X 1 .. , . 1 I
S , 1 ' 1, - ' " - 1 '"-
Mlf ' ' ' ' III "- 1 .1
(ll, (in .ill' 1 1 ow , 1 ,iK!!,K' fin. I.'
.1, no ... 1 ,11
1 1.
nr rfe.'t ii
n. '1 11 ifu'
rlttrr nt XCyrion ? Pr.jr
.t Martam Here I am agi
1 j in.inK you -o HUMw nie r, tie
'wiriir How- sh . 1 ,1 in-, -tt, r
'w.dirinrf wedding f.fth ' Is this
1, .iftr- the w.-rld.nur has 'a-k-u
. .r ,1" mioii as mfts ,r(j rppe!)etl?
rou'.d vou plve ir.e ,1 mnij for
"fty ppoplc r,p could vou refer
- .mp ottur ctilumn In xour pnp-r
. i'i'i ddiisome I wou d like S'jiiip- I
k us fo'lows 'h cke-i saJad ham.
s rsjtato nuad 1 offpe, mlid
." nuts
s ntressarx to havr. r .ream or
bons, or Is the aboxe nufflrient " Th
pn 11 xiid tako p'arn in ih excning
A r.
". f irrnn ,lx or nfr,r
K t , how' we!' ),,u know
. n liu'i, o . a-, wrj'ing Jf
p-rsoii w, word tl.e no'e '
v.n . tl ing 11 r tr.,.-- l
rl"nr r f ) ui t,j Mtid us
pall Of CaliU est!, ks. and
1. . n nf 11 I 1 0111 wai.r 10 trunk xou oxer 1
si p Ui i lor thfin Vou must iorr,i nBo
is at ooti ,.s we get Hsitl'd 10 see bow
w.ll j 11 ir 'oxelv gift look" on trio man '
i' If yo 1 like xou might add a fi w
ords .ilon where vou ait. If the no''
1 wilnrn wl le yoi are nv nv, hut th -is
tot "..) li xoj nr wriunir ;,
foirin1 rote word 1' mm i'-. this .fi
So itc ,01 , :n 1 iti' ng in i. r n,.
1 . iuis 1. rnnd.. .ir wn. h ) u stir i
!r nil." x.-ri- pit.l of 1, '., lepiiJinher
1,, pi nh r, r,,,i 1, 1 trust that
i , sllH 1 ! Itl'le o 'leinllli I'OU In Our.
riew 1, unp .soon i.ftir we m settled
, TIihi king xull .IgLln ' et. Tie notes,
bond b written .is mioii as the glfis
I'H).- iiiii1 alth'iUBh ir.i.m may ,t
wiiIiaii during 'oe lioneymnou or afii r
Mi,, rdi'n If it u not itossib'e ', finish 1
t'i 10 g!1 1 r to-c Hie vedd'fiR
Mr 0 1 ' li 1 nn 1 sung
( , . , , ,1 , u, r 1.1 - 1 ki 1 -i- n 1 r. 1
,(, ii 1 .oid 1 , l.e" ' o nu. j;,
v. .-.- :,,..:. 1, ,Uio.' me 10 no tn ec. j - i -' 1. . - ik
P'l "? ' """" . '. ...... "i,,, 'n ir .i.re ,'h K u . 1 fiieit s i atead of naml.uii
Mhlii. It ii'civ " , ",. hnw In tho1 ting out .lie liarr
Th. k
xvas 8 k '
1 lllllli ' '
Jtc.r should
touet .ii,u
11 1
1 .
I, -I.
UI, nt
1 i
ll! '1 .1
gu, H
.11 toi et
i sl.-,s ..1-
, il.p'l. .1 w Ml
, 0 In l
s. tl , -
an) if
1.03'd IO pio.'o
laundiy ri-iiiiim
Vmion espr
xust as w
ltat two
k l nits 1 ' 1
Jprotom b'iou'iI
U BUIl l iv
ico. 1, 11 an) t nei
,'. S I'll, h ' 't' S I" c,.).
tow. Is. Imt soim tit. 1 s
111. not to be depended
1.1II) in Ui. o'iiiM i -1 II l
II fm to" ) 'sitoi ui pa. 1. nt
owel", in i.ilr thesp limy be
f. . 1
i lien -he 1
i ruo 11 !'-
In do
liam and pickles nnd adding
urn. is husy n tno mm .
kitchen If tnen urs twxi u.i, ) -i- jjnbons are nlco but not necessary.
The Question Corner
Tixlaj 's Inquiries,
U 1, it service ran bo done in camp
i.) an old leather belt or trunk
irap that is. too shabby to bo
1 -pip
hen p nno keys are difcolurPd
what "dorlpss cleaner is the best
to use for them?
DesrnbP n nexv fi.ish xvhich would
be striking with a brown or tan
In what interesting xvay are the
new 1 st hatpins made?
Whn' dainty mntcrlul for snm
. er dressisfi is sold in embroidered
1 , ecs rpadv to be made up?
II. iw n. a 'stylish girdle arranged
,.n .1 r.i'w dress?
s(i'rdaj's Aiisxirrs
The odd fad of hnving the tiniest
of portraits of ipc'inl friends
painted in colors thnt xvill Inst on
tt..- fingernails ha- been tcfecn up
1 1 some of thn young women in
New ork
Some good looking slips thai
would makp ihe diniiig-room
.hairs look summery are made of
r-rtoniie and niHien nrounu un
arms and baiks of Hum with a
border of nbout five inchta bang
ing down as it finish.
Tor 11 colored handkerchi' f nn
. ceptionullv dnintj combiti'ition
of shades is gra linen with a
tight angled piece of inde-grem
niirn hemstitched into one coiner
t the weddinj breakfii-t a tabu
, 'nth 1- 1 orr'ct to u-e nnd 1 it
, linrmiiig wicker bird "agp
11,11 I" into an orinatient that -err s
another purin.se bx beiiiB fast-ne 1
into the center of a wi 'k'' nr. I
helnw xx huh is a -funding ft n
box lib" of the wn Uc
Hi using a long iliirning "id 1. tin 1
-tiaight 1 1 ii - for Hie Ib.wi is 11,
.mul of a I 1) .1 11-1 ''it li a
ie limn '-et "I nno a- ii'd in ih.iii
, n In enib oldered )l) I'll ') 1111.1
,, ui kit, and in a wax unit is ef
a regular little tirn K, .most giri xvnuiu
1 haxc had 11 lit of hvsterics, or have
I hunted dead nway !" He patted her
should, r "N'ow, tell tne everything -'lion
)iui 1 ome tn be In tin" part of the
iniintr) and if xou came straight down
I from Ni w York
1 He sai down beside her.
"I nrrDPtl at thp White Ixidgp this
morning " Mary faltered, a nervous eye
on th" glonnix xx indoxvpaiie. Sho cer
Itainh bad bad u shock. "1nst night.
I after xou look nv home. 1 found a
tei gram from Mr f'ltrrington llellairs.
telling mc t.. cnine down by an early
1 "Then ' m,c went on. "after my
mr.iiiiiig k xxnrl, down here ixns over he
u-ked tin1 to lake those papers on to
Dicv r..-e in wrath.
"I 0 xou mean to say he ordered jou
'to xi.ilk all this distance by jnur-elf.
nn the lurk, i-nlntcd country walks''
Wl.x. the man's M perfect bnile!
t,.il Inn. n' I'll- - " Hlghteoiis
riigiiatioii mantled on Dick's brow.
nli, in. H" xxnntcd to have
ilriiui here 111 tho car." Mnry 1 ut
Her inniito truthfulness would not
.mother l.e misiudci'd "! X) as all
fnnlr rib k. I do assure you ' 1
, I'll Infinitely
, of course, I
. U II l ' ' '
Wiih a littli' fhudder Marx reeilcd
I . 1 ildvMIt lie 1
'H xxn- di ink I think she added. 1
HF?B iliti Mi
IBIIIIIIIIIBSsIt' t . mBw 1 1 I?HbIk:FavO 1 III HativmirBP iiHl
uv. i msF ' -BHBEi?wBCT?yffBWf JH3 1111 imi f'Hlllll
i - :ssMitvfiMi llwRylllllll
' Bring out the HilkJW IP
I "High Lights" Syj j p
in - your, hair !
ni e
rather xxiuu. ,uin u.c.i,
had to go and lose mj
Thcrc'is'an elusive blue light hiding
amidst your dark tresses, Rich Brunette,
or perchance an alluring tint of bronze.
And, Dainty Blonde, there are golden,
glints unawakened that will make yours a
true crowning glory, once they are aroused.
And, why don't you, Stately Titian Girl,
emphasize the dancing lights that make
your hair so fascinating?
All of you should let
bring out the "High Lights" in your hair.
Ask jour dealer today
for an 8 OZ. bottle
American Import Offices
ED. PINAUD Bldg. New York
cWmWgSSr Made
fir lylnft Pleasure
& 3w" .-i ffffiJBr'iiif TB'Vlri frfflmlm nfrHRrs
wiiU3rJB5iffilSMBl DIB
Come and see this
new Electric Automatic
sewing machine
Noiseless. '
Vastly different.
Sews the heaviest or the most delicate
No bobbins to wind.
No tensions to regulate.
Sold on easy payments.
60 years experience in building fine sewing
machines behind it.
Any speed by a simple pressure or raisinR
of the foot.
Operates from any ordinary electric light
socket both direct and alternating current.
It sews a beautiful stitch three times as
strong as tlio stitch of the ordinary
Attachments easily applied without remov
ing prcssuie foot.
Set it on any table, any height.
It makes sewing a real pleasure,
Call at our store and sec it in oper
ation, or phone for a free demon
stration in your own home.
WhlcoxGbbs kWipACHp Co.
1709 Chestnut St., Philadelphia
Telephone: Spruce 2192
i courtesy;
CHrniB vi.v v n,i