Hf V- ,"r V W3r I" V V t- M '".V" r ' -fft ft' . 1 lr st 1 BVEOTNX3F FUBDIO (LEDGER PHnJADEtPHIAf, TUESDAY, MAY . 10, 1921 -u (1 Railroad Equipment Trust Certificates (Philadelphia Plan) Security of 'Principal Stability of Income eady Marketability EQUIPMENT Trust Certificatca are issued in payment for standard new railroad equipment. THE TITLE to the entire equipment in vested in the Trustee, and doeo not pass to the Railroad Company until all certificates have been paid. THE TRUSTEE leases tho equipment to the Railroad Company at a rental sufficient to pay the principal and interest when due. THE RAILROAD Company pays from 25 to 45 of the cost of the equipment in cash as it is delivered. CERTIFICATES are issued in serial forms maturing from one to fifteen years in equal annual installments. We have prepared a booklet describing the equipment trust certificates of recent issue. Copy on request DISCOUNT HOUSE OF SALOMON BROS. & HUTZLER MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE COMMERCIAL TRUST BUILDING Telephone Spruce 7591 PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON Great Northern Railway Co. Genera Mortgage 7 Gold Bonds Non-Callable Due July 1, 1936 At market, to yield about 7.40 Net earnings for the Great Northern Sy8tern for the average of the past I0J4 years was 3 JJ times interest charges (exclusive of income from Burlington stock or interest on bonds secured thereby). Based on actual net earnings, for the very poor railroad year 1920, the Great Northern was among the comparatively few Railroads which we estimate eurned its entire fixed charges for 1920. We estimate they are earned a greater number of times than any of the other roads whose 7 Bonds are indicated below. These bonds will not only be secured by a direct mortgage on 7675 miles of the Great Northern System, but will be further secured (by deposit with the Trustee of 7.2 shares of C, B. & Q. stock per $1000 bond), said stock having for an average of the last 1 0 years had earnings applicable thereto of 16.8 a year. The following table shows name, maturity, callable feature and approximate yield of various high-grade 7 Railroad bonds: Great Northern 7's Chicago & N. W. 7's New York Central 7' Atlantic Coast Line Tt Louisville & Nashville 7's Penna. R. R. 7' Delaware & Hudson 7's due 1936 Non-callable 1930 Non-callable 1930 Callable at 105 1930 Callable at 1 premium for each year to ran 1930 Callable at 1 premium for each ycai to uin 1930 Non-callable 1930 Non-callable approximate yield 7.34 " " 6.74 " 6.95 6.85 6.70 6.74 6.70 BROOKE, STOKES & CO. 734 Fifteenth St., N. W. Washington Memberi Philadelphia Stock Exchange MO South Fifteenth Street Philadelphia 102 St. Paul St. Baltimore This information and these stntittics, while not guaran teed, are obtained from lourcei wo believe to be reliable. J uii 5hg M Do you own Railroad Securities? They arc all Rated in oody's RATING BOOKS These listings show you which issues are food, which bad and which are doubtful investments. Tour volumes covering RailroadsPublic Utilities Industrials Governments Send fur full information regarding our system of Investment Ratings. Moodvs Investors Service '124 Ileal Ehtnto Trust Bldg., Phila. w York Iloston Chlcuo 1'lilft V i tympany . . VA,' I0M flnii?m. ,?,'J . Kv!iwtt- ..V toil UMniiJ 'UiW' Inner. . . Va IDS? I'aVton W.n.V..A.,?' 4 "' Vruoii..fl' IMA SAMIIPf. If DUII l idc a. nn "h1nt, PhlUdtliilila fJlork Vactmnn 807 OltKHTMIT HTIiKKT '"PHE good progress of liquidation 1 continues in orderly fashion. Much of it has already been accomplished, and this unpleasant but necessary period of readjustment will shortly be completed. Though advancing slowly, high grade bonds are still selling at ex tremely low prices. Wise investors are putting money away at high interest for future years of low interest rates. Mat of aocuritica furniahod on application. GEOWKENDRICK 3rd 8 CO. iji wu-nui or. Mirobsm Nw fork ana Kjuadalpbla 8 Icy Kxebni w PHILADELPHIA. TtlrnJvwMI HJt 3pxue 0U0 HtntdM-BMt 11M -unumiitriiilllllllUllllliiiiiinH NEW YORK BOND SALES Cumtnary of Individual Transactions on Now York Exchang Am S Hit Hi 1 78 Vi Ann TtTli 1 aJe) 6SH Aran T4Ti tBALKB IK ilOOOl 101 101 101H 101 101H 101 101 1.... 8.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 6 A T U 0 Fe aj 1 9 2 OOtt A T & 3 Fe 4s 1 77 1 7714 Ars"o nap'c Da 1 71K Atl'o Fruit 7i 4 B4 2 St AU il'e ct OH IS 39 1.... 100 1.. . 100 i.. .. eoM 4 SOU Unit Ohio ev 70 70 70 70 V, 70 70 8 (aale) 70 1. 70 70 U 70H 70'4 70 U 704 1... 4.. 1... 3.. D fc Ohio Btta 1 83!i 1 84 Halt & Ohio 4s 1 0SH 2 0814 nalt 4 Ohio Ss 1 71 1 71 1 71 Halt & Ohio 01 1 00i 1 00 1 OOtt DtO 3 W SH 1 7Stt 4 70 I) & O Tol 4a 4 B4H nll T 7 rot 3.... 103 B.... 103 1.... 103 1.... 103 Dath Stool tit 1 00 Deth S Sa '3S 4 78 Bkn Edl Co 7s .2 D0U 2 0tt Buih Term Sa 1 71 Canadian N 7a 1.... 101H 1.... 101H 1.... 101H 1.... 101 i.... ioitt Cen'l ot Oa 0a 7 80 Chea'k A O M 1 82 C Ohio 4tta 1...J. 70 C'k & Otilo Sa 1 82S C'k i O cv sa 0.... 101i 2.... 101 V. 1.... 101 tt 2.... 101 Vi Cub Am B 8a 4.... 100 1.... 101H 2.... 101 Cuban C B o 1 :( S.W.. 85 H Denmark Con ot A 8a l.... 100H l.... 100U 1.... 100H 1.... 100 u Denmark Con ct B B C... 100U B.... 100 B 0DV, 1.... 100H 1.... 100U Dtn t, It o M 1 4BH 1 .... 40 1.... 4Stt d & n a r d ct 2 43 Do Canada '21 0 00 2 .10'! Do Canada '20 1 01U 1 Oltt 1 01V4 2 HIS Do Canada '2v 3 02 2 02tt Dim LUht oa 1 8flH 1 SO Kaat'n T Va 4 Gcorsla en 0 5SU 6 ASSi llt (lent Lien 3 44 12 44H 4 44 1 44 lle It It cv A 8 30i 2 40 ErU 1'onna 4a 1 73 '4 GenaM Eleo Sa 1 .... 88 Ooodyaar T 4 Itub'r 8a w 11.... lOltt 4. 2 Kaala) Mx Tit 8 wl nsH 08H 08 Vi 08M 08 84 M 84 Si 84, ..84 8S 8474 84 tt l. 1U1M I.... 101M I.... WH (aala) 101 tt 1014 101V4 101S 101H 101H 101U 101H Oova't F It 8 7.. 3 . 1.. 1.. 1.. Chi n A Q )ieb 4... Chi 11 1... 17... 1... 1... 2. . 1. 88 Vj & Q 4J . 80.74 . 00. 7r . 09.70 . 1)0.70 . 00 70 00.70 O SwIU'd rcta 1.... 104H 4.... 104tt 2.... 100W 2.... 104tt 7.... 104H Ot N It 7a wl Ctiloaco Ilur A Qulncy Ott wl 64 00 tt Ofltt 0I1S 00tt 00 tt 0OH 1.. 16.. 0.. 0.. 1.. 14.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 4.. 1.. I.. 1.. 1.. a . l. 00 uo . 0!i oo ; 100 loo 100 100 too 1(W 100 100 I'JOtt 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Mid A Or 6s 4 78tt Mln A Bt l 4a 1 41tt It A BtL. en Sa 1 BOtt Mln St P a i St M 4a 8 78 Mo K A T 4a 1 04 1 OOtt M K A T 4tta 1 38 Mo Pacific 4s 1 SStt 1 SSH 1 B6U Mo Pac Sa 'as a oott New Or Tex A Mexico 4 a 2. . . 03 1 03 New Or Te A Mexico Sa 0 02 8 02 2... 01 N V Ctl ne 4a 1 .... 47U N T Ctl 4b 42 2 74 N T Cen'l 4tta 1 7 N V Ccnt'I 0a 2 80 tt i so ; 1 04 1 80S N T C 7a rota 1.... 100H 1.... 100S New T N 11 A It cv 3tt 0 38 New Y N II A lt'd 4a 'SB 1 41tt New Y N H A II 4a of 'B0 1 41tt New Y N 11 A Hart'd 0a 1 03 tt N Yk Tele U 1 Oltt New Y W C A Iloat 4tta 1 30 tt 1 .... 40 B 40 Nil: So'n R Ba 1 44tt Ntk A W'n 4a 3 70tt Nik A W cv 0a 2... 103 8.. 103 Nth W D T 7a 2. 1. a.. H s. a.. i.. s.. l.. a.. 1 S2tt 1 S2tt 0 B2 2 B2H Blnolalr C Oil Corp'n 7 Ha 1 Oltt 0 04 tt S'n Uell Tel 3 1 81 tt Bo'n Pacldi) Id B . .. 70H 7tt B'n I'ac cv 4a 3 7874 B'n Rallw'a 4a 1.. . B774 8. . . . B774 En ftallw S 1.. .. 83-14 2.. .. 83tt Stnnd'd Oil ot Calf rcta 22 . . 102tt t ... 102i Third Avo aj 7 3114 Tidewater On Co ct 0tt B 00 Union Pao 4 1 80H Cnton Pac 0a 1 OBtt 1..... ORtt 1 08H V K ot O Urlt A I'd 1021 B fUtt 3 OOtt B 00 1 00 3 OOtt 1 00 4 00 UKoIO Drlt A I'd 1022 BS 07 2 0074 7..... 004 UKoIO Urlt A I'd 1020 00 0074 01 0074 00 74 U1 Jl Hltt 01 Oltt Oltt Oltt 01 Oltt U K of O Urlt A I'd 1037 37. 1. B, 1. 1. 1. 80. B. 1. 1. S. 1. 11. 1. B. 1. 1. 1. 200. 2. 2. 2. Ut'd rt'da San F eqct 4a 80 tt 80 tt 80 tt 80tt 80 tt 80U Bfltt 80 tt 17 IS B B 1. 30 tt 3Stt .... 8Stt .... 3B74 . .. OBtt 30 .... 30 (alo) 30 30 Ut'd R'da San F unct 4a 1 SB JU 3 Mexico 4a 20 37 2 37 1 37 1 37 2 37 U S Mexico Sa 1 S0K Liberty 3i29 Liberty 2d 4n ... Liberty lBt 46. Liberty 2d 44b.. Liberty 8d 4V4s. . Liberty 4th 4Vis. Vic Notes .Ti.. Vic Notes 4b. . , Hllh S9.00 87.24 87.02 87.JI2 00.72 87.40 07.04 07.00 1 60 6 S0K 0 60 tt 1 60 B 60 12 SO a... . to i BO 2 4074 2... . 4074 U 3 nub 7 Via 1.... mi'i 1.... 101 U'd 3 Strel Si 1 00 1 va 1 OOtt a oott 8 OOtt 2,.... BOtt I Ofltt ii a 1 00 V C Chem lat 2 Oltt Vn O CM 7tta 8 03 l 1. ... 08 Va lUllwa Si 1 824 1 SStt Wabaah P. lat 2 80 Wea'n Ele Bi B OOtt Weat'n Md 4a 2 84 tt WAR Mr 71 2.... 100 1.... 100 8.... 100 1.... 100 1.... 100 1.... 100 3.... 100 2 0014 Wllaon Co lat 1 88 (N. Y. time) una Ixw 83.00 87.24 87.02 87.22 00.08 87.82 07.04 07.02 m 88.00 87.24 87.02 87.28 00.70 87.40 07.04 07.02 STANDARD OIL BONDS PHILADELPHIA RAPID TRANSIT An authoritative re view of the Philadcl . phia Rapid Transit ait uation of interest to every stockholder and investor is the lead ing article in our Weekly Market Letter. Copy gent on request J. F. McGOVERH & GO. MrmlKTu of Vhlln. Stock F.t-hnnc J430 South I'enn S4 1'hlln. Bprore 0410 Uare 3002 New York 32 llroadwar Ordtra exeeutrd In nil Market oirr tan Direct Wire 00 OOtt OOtt OOtt OOtt oosi u l. :s. l. l. IB. 4. 1. Chi A O W 41 1 B2i Chlcaco Mil A St PI d 4a B 01 Chlcaio Mil A Bt P 4a '23 1 (aale) 74 tt Chlcaxo Mil , Bt T'l cv 4a 1 78tt 1. ... 78tt 2... . 78tt Chlcacu Mil A SIP cv 4tta 1 OStt 2.. .. 08 2 .... OStt 1... . 08 2 OStt Ctilcaat) Mil A StP fd 4e 1 62H 2 02 Chicago Mil A 811 CV Sa 1 09 1 08tt! CIiIcoro Mil A Bt P I. Sup 1 08 Chicago A Nth Weat'n 0'4" B 0874 Chicago A Nth Weat'n 7a 1.. . 10074 1.. . 10074 1.... 10O74 Chi llallw'a Sa 1 OSS Chicago R Il'd & Pac III 1. .08 Chicago Union Sta ct Otta 1. .. 102 Chi A W I 4a 1. . 01 Chllo Cop'r 03 I.. .74 1 ... 74 Chneae Ovt Sa 1 47 1 ... 48 1 ..48 7 48 C Ugn 8s rcta S . l7 '.'. . 0714 City Derno 8j 2 08--1 OStt 08 4 City HurU't 0 S. .. 83 I .. . 83 1 . . 82tt 1 82 '4 City Chrla'a 8 2... . 09 3.... UStt City Cop'n S'4 1. 0. a. B. l. 2. O Day A W 4 7 Hud A Man fd 1 08" 1 08 3 1HS 2 00 Hud A Man In 1 39 B 39tt III Cenfl Stta B 89tt Int Met 4tt 1 18 Intboro R T f d 2 87 13.. 1.. 3.. 1.. 30.. I M Marine C 1..... 82 la Central 4 1.. .. 41 1.. .. 41 la Central Sa 1 70 Jnn Oove't lat 1 84 S 84tt Jap Qov't 2nd 1 84 R 84tt 3 8i Jap Uove't 4a 1 87tt I. .. 07tt S (aale) 07 tt Kan C A S Ssl OOtt OOtt 00 OOtt OOtt OOtt OOtt OOtt OOtt OOtt 00 OOtt N'n Pacific 3a 2 BOtt 3... . B3 N'n Paclflo 4a 2 73 Oru A Calf Sa 2. . . 00 1... Orrcon S 3. ... Pao O A 1 .... 1 rao R of M 2d 2 rott ra H urn 4tta 1 1 57 57 57 87 30 K Belgium 0a Itep Cuba Itt" 1.. I.. 6.. S. 70 tt 77 78 70 70 OOtt I. 0a 00 I; Sa 78 78 7074 4 0 7874 Penna R R 5i 1... . SStt 1.... M' 1 80tt 1 80tt Pa 11 Rd Ott OStt 00 00 Oil on nrtt oo oo oo Ponna It It 7a 3.. 1.. 3. . 1.. 1. 3. 3. 1.. 101 H 10174 101 Vi lOltt ioi 101 101 tt 101 tt Pitt Cln CM A St I. a Sa 1 82tt Port'd Rwy A Light sa B,... 78 3.. . 73 Public Servlco C'n N J 3' 1 . . . ilO Reading K 4 1 .... 77 tt S... . 77tt 1... . 77tt B 77tt 0... . 77 tt Rep Chile rcta 1 .... 00 1... 00 8.. 4... a... 18... 2... 30... 11... 10... 12... 1... 1.. 1.. 23... 5.. 1.. B... 1. . 1... 1. OOtt 00 0074 07 07U 07 07 07 07 07 tt 97 tt 07 07 tt 07 tt 07 tt 07 tt K Ilolr'm 7tta 1 70tt Rop'o C Sa "04 1 81 Rock Il'd A A Loul'a 4tta 1 68tt 1 00 Rome Woter'n A Or en 3 03tt 07 tt St Ii l'n Mt A 07 Bn Illy 4i JT'4 1 (aale) 70tt 1. 75 tt 7.1 'i 75 V, 73 tt TS'i 73 tt 751, 73 U 73tt 7Btt 71V, 73tt 75 tt 75 tt 75 73 tt 73 i City Maraa 0a 2. . 83 tt 1. 2 10 I 2 2. 3 3 3. a. 7 4 3 2 3 4. 8.. 1 r i i. City 2 1 . N3' 83 83 tt SS'i 82tt . . e-2'1 rarla 0a .. U8 tt 0SW City Zurich s B . 08 1... 08tt Cl'd Cln Chi A Ht I. 4tt" I.. .. 77 Colo A H 4tt B 7874 Cont'd Oaa 7a 2.. 101 tt a .. ioitt 1... 101 'l 3 , 100 '4 B.. 3.. 0. 1 . 1.. 1 . 4. 1 . 3.. 00 00 . 00 too 100 OOtt 100 100 100 tt K Iielc'm rcta 2 00 I 1 18... 0.. .. B 1 . . 1 1.. .. 'Kingdom mark ct 8i 1. .. 100 1 100 1 100tt 2".. 100tt 1 . 100 tt K of Italy 111, 1 .... 80 Klnndoni Nor. way ct Ha 00 , 00 00 00 00 00 00 Dn- 1. .. 102 I... 102 1. . a 2 02tt 1 . 102 1 102 3 102'i 1elilnli Vl'y 4a 2 . 70 I.ehlch Val m 1 .. 00 I . . 00 3 ... rtflv. U Vl'y en 4 'in I .. . 83 'I I. lal R 5s '37 1. ... 30 LorlllarU ( r, I 83 I.OU A Niali : I.... 102 3.... 102 Mntiht KM 4t 2 6514 Mkt Bt It lata 2 . 73 A H 70 n r aj 07 07 07 tt 67 F In 53 tt B374 Sd 83 53 2. . sa 1 (aale) B3tt 8. . 53 I.. . 53 IB. B3S 4... 53 St Ii A H Fran garlea A B St I. 3... . 1 . .. 0 .... B... . Bt L A 3 2... . :o l.. . 8.. .. 3.... New York Corporation to Issue $20, 000,000 12-Year Debentures New Vort. Mny 10. Tho 8tanrlnrd Oil Co. of :lw York hnH ol(l an iBSueof $20,000,00aiwclvc-jcur 0 per cent sinking fund sold debentures to a syndi cate headed by Blair & Co., Inc., the Equitable TruRt Co., Dillon, Ttend & Co. and the Chase Securities Corpora tion. The banking (croup will offer the securities to the public today at 100 and accrued Interest. The new bondB. necordinn- to nn nn. nouncement of the bankers late yester day, will mature Mny 1, 11).'!, nnd will not be subject to cnll until Mnv 1, 1028. when they will be callable at 103 and thereafter less 3-10 of 1 per cent every nix months. The Indenture will pro vide for n sinking fund of $750,000 an nually, payable in semiannual in.ttnll. monts, woe appneti to the purchase of tho bonds up to 100 and interest. Total net assets of the Standard Oil Co. of New York on December 31, 1020, were $2.14.315,212. of which $123,808. 0S5 were net quick nssots. This "docs not include the proceeds of the new is sue nor of an Isrup of $30,000,000 serial 7 per cent debentures sold last Decern brc. Previous to that issue the com pany, like other members of the Stand ard Oil group, flnnnced its development programs largtly from earnings. Owing to severe competition, high taxes nnd other causes, this practice has been abandoned. In the six yenrs ended with 1020 the New York company reinvested approx imately .$142,000,000 in its bushier out of surplus earnings. The outstanding eapitnl stock at current quotations rep resents a market value of approxlmatHy $2(11.000,000. This company Is a mar keting oiganization. STEEL BOOKINGS LOWER Unfilled Orders April 30 439,541 Tons Below March Figures New Yorlt, May 10. In its monthly statement issued at noon today tho United States Steel Corioration re ported unfilled orders on Its books, as of April 30 last, of 5.815.221 tons. This compares with 0,281,705 tons on March 31. a decrease of 430,541 tons, nnd with 10,350,747 tons on April 30, 1020. Comparisons of-unfilled tonnage on (he 10th of each month since 1013 fol low: Month of Tona Month nf Tona Mch.. 1021. i!.2S4.703Jnn 1017,11.474.034 rri 1021, O.UJB.SIW I lac. ll.H.OV(,.Htl 1U2I, 7,573,104 NOV.. 11CU. H.H8.12'J00t., lOi'O. 0,021, 4st Sent, iu:u, n.3ti.tt;,. auk . 1020.10.374.801 July, ID20.10.80B, "38 June. 1020.11, 118,4(13 May. m' Ayr.. ioo.tn.oto.4im Mch,. 1020.10.M0.747 I'eb.. 10J0. 0.S02.07B Jan.. n.03.'. nsi uic, 0,285,441 Nor.. 8,203,3611 Oct.. 7.128.330 Sept.. 0,472,008 Auc.. n h Ha July. 1010, 0,100,10.1 June. 1010. 8.578,0111 "ay. 1(110, 4,802.855 !; 1011), 4.282,810 c- 1H10. 4.300.1)05 r?" 1010. B.430,373 ' 1'JIV, U.OIO.THT 8, 0, 1 1 1.. 1.. 02 tt 02 tt 02 hi 8i 02 tt St I. A B Fran Ferlea U 7.... 74 Bt Ii A 8 Fran Serlea C 4 ... 88 6t L Sw'n l6t 1 07 It Ii Sow'n 1 . .00 tt 1... OOtt 8t P A Kun 0 H I, 4tta 1 . .. 04 2 . 04 B. . 04 tt St I"l Minn A Manl'a IV, 2 .. 83 St T'l A Hloux City 71 1 14 tt 1. Ot'i Sao Pauulo of Uracil ct 8a 0.. . 07tt 1.. 07 1.... 07 1... . 07 a.. 07 Seab'd a Ii aj 1... 1.. .. 8., . 1.. . 9 eeab'd A 3 .... 85 as 83 35 38 Ii 0a 82 Jan , llee.. Nov. Jet.. Sept., Auc , July. June, May. Aur Men., Feb.. Jan.. nc. Nov.. Oct.. Sept., Auz., July, Juno. Mar, Acr , Mch. Kb . Jan.. Dec, Nov., Oct . Sept . Auff , July, Mav. Apr Mch., Keb.. Jan.. nee, Nov., Oct , Sept. Au.. uiy. June, May. Apr,, Mch., Tab., 10in.U.O38.S42 ioie.io.oiB.20ii 1 0211. 1020, 10111. 1910. 1010, 1010. 1010. 0,S22.SSI 1U1U. 11.0(10.357 1010. O.SOO.302 1010. 0,040,438 1010. 0,037.708 101H. O.K'JO.BSl 1910. 0,831,001 lOlOAfi.OlW.dllll liiinrf,022,70f 1015. 7,800.220 lOlD. 7,180, 4S7 1U15, 0,103,43.1 1015. 0,317.018 101B. 4,008,433 1010. 4,028,540 101B. 4,078.100 HUB. 4. 204. 608 1015. 4,102,244 1016. 4,235,710 101B. 4.313,871 10t5. 4,248.371 ioi4. a, sun. on 1014. 8,324.60: 1014. 3,401,007 1014, 3.7H7.B07 1014. 4,213,3at 1014. 4,158,880 1014. 4,032.857 1014. S.miH.JUl) 1014. 4.277,nili 1014, 4,653.825 1014. 8, 0211,440 1014. 3, 013 080 1918, 4,28J,10j 1018. 4. mm ii 1nln 1 Htm ... ! i-JUK'M ?.. i: Zmw ,,.i. ..".,'i" AUK,. J1H. n.!Z23.4( Juno, Stay, Apr., Mch. KoU, 1910. 0.084 208 1018. 7, 370.132 1018. 8.124.H0S 8,858,203 S.2W7.003 4.7B0.012 0.5118. 'MIS 8.337,028 8,741,882 0,080,400 0.28H.45S 11,477,833 1018. 1018, 1018. 181S. l'JIN. 1018, 1018, 1018. 1018, ro. Nov.. Oct.. ut Auc, July. Juna, May. Apr., Mch.. Fab., Jan.. Dc, Nov,, 1017, O.B8I.710 Oct,' 1017. 0.833,477 1017. 10.407,010 1017.10,844, 1S4 1017,11,383,287 ,0U1 1918, B.aOU.33A 1U1S. n,S07,317 JW 13, 1017 11. 8811. 50 1017.12.183.083 1817,11.711,84 1 Jan.. 1017.11.376.007 8.324. 8'2 1018. fl.078.7tW 1013. 7,408.03 lOtO.' 7,050,711 1013. 7.827.368 Financial Briefs Iho .-ncraire price of th twenty actlvo lnliitrlat rtoclia declined 0.07 par cant ya irday ti 78 81 . while tha twenty railroad advanced 1.01 P.r cent, to 73.88. Th) ounuit report of tha Nanr Yorlt Chi ,-air.i and Kt. I.out Ilallroad (Nickel ii. honed nt UKuine after charirca and taxm o' 12.248 F30. ccJlvalent to 17.40 a aliir" on tho combined H0, 000,000 preferred and icmmun alctlia Allied Chemical and Dyo Corporation re. porta for 1020 net Income after charrea n entory ndjuatmenta and taxes of tin ITU 1)30. Q.u.il to 10 33 a ahaio on tha nuta'tan'i Inir cmnmon slock after deducllne the 7 per rant dividend requirement on tha preferred The monthly ruporta of copper eomnanira or their prixluctlon some of which v,er. mode public jenterday, renect tha partial or complete shutdown ot copner-produeW properties durlnc April Phelp"liodi.i which produced 0.244.000 pounda or the red metul In March during part of which It cur. lulled oper.itlone. produced only 1,86s 001 In April New C'ornilla production umouniid to 1.804.772 In Anrll and that if Caiurri.t and Arliona 2 204,000. -aiuinet The American Poet Sunar Co. haa Issued Iti annual report for tha year ended March .It. snowline total Income after charma ami taxes of 1133.800, equivalent to 2 07 a share earned on the 35,000,000 preferred stock Thla compares with total Income of I J.42B.810 equivalent after preferred dlvl. denda to 114 17 a ahare earned on the lis. 000. OPo common stock In tha prevloua year' Saturday Holidays for Coffee Brokers New York, May 10 - Memlera of tha coffee and auiar inarkela thla mornlna- voted to close tha eichnnie for tradinr purroaea on May 28 and all Hsturdaya durrmf jli?e. Jul? and Ausust and the first Hihint.w iH u.L l,,r,l-r ' ' '" '"17 STANDARD TANK CAR EQUIPMENT BONDS PHILADELPHIA PLAN TO YIELD 8 TAX REFUND IN PA. HARVEY FISK & SONS (Incorporated) NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO BUFFALO LAND TITLE BLDG. PHILADELPHIA SPRUCE 7486 WHITE, GEORGE & CO. INC. INVESTMENT BANKERS The North American Bldg., Philadelphia Tel. Walnut 2991 The above Company has been organized to engage In a general investment banking business with principal offices at 50 Congress Street, Boston. BOSTON PROVIDENCE NEW YORK HARTrORD PHILADELPHIA SYRACUSE E. HOWARD GEORGE Member Boston Stock Exchange 50 Congress St., Boston How Philadelphia Helps to Keep AH Locomotives in Good Condition IN ADDITION to purchasing new locomotives as" they are neerlOd, one of tho most important fuctors in railroad operation is the keeping of all locomotives in first class condition. As locomotive builders, we are also prepared to rebuild locomotives of all types in our own shops and to furnish all parts needed to do repair work in companies' shops. This applies not only to Baldwin Locomotives, but also to those constructed by other builders. THE BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS PHILADELPHIA mm. lyfVV'fi 1 I Statistics Show That Most estates of $5000 or more are dissipated in a few years whero there is no trusteeship. We assume tho responsibilities of a trustee, which assures the futuro of those you wish cared for. A con sultation with us may set your mind at case on many ui juur nr.anciai responsiDUlties. REAL ESTATE TRUST CO. OF PHILADELPHIA Broad and Che3tnut Sts. Spruce 8200 BOUGHT SOLD QUOTED U.S. Treasury Certificates All Issues SECl'KITinfl nKfARTMENT CommercialTrust Company Mrmbfr IVdrral rtrwrtr Smtrm City Hall Square West 'I Hove You Considered Exchanging Securities? You may bo able to obtain a stronger security yielding as much as one you noiv hold; or a considerably higher yield from a security of equal strength. We shall be glad on request to make definite sug gestions to meet individual re quirements. Ask for our recommendations L-7 A. B. Leach & Co., Inc. Inccatmcnt Securities 115 South Fourth St. if(prrArs5oo,oowtm ff SURPLUS (EARNED) II $2.opp.op6.oo b JJ A long - established Trust Company has many ad vantages as an Executor and Trustee because of its EXPERIENCK RESPONSIBILITY FINANCIAL JUDGMENT CONTINUOUS EXISTENCE and the Northern Trust Company as your Executor and Trustee guarantees the faithful and impartial car rying out of your wishes. Wise counsel will advise you that a good Trust Company is the one to assume such RESPONSIBILITY Analysis of Canadian Provinces A new booklet we have recently compiled con tains the following in formation con cerning each Province of the Dominion: Financial itatement, area, population, value of products, and particu lars of natural resources. These concisely tabu lated statistics should prove of interest and value to banks, trus tees, and private inves tors. Write for Booklet P-SIO Wood. Gundy & Co. r' "rl",rnH'i 14 Wall Street, New York Penna. Municipals City of Coatesville Street Imp. os April. 1M1-31 Prices to jield 4.80 County of York 3 2s Nov 1032 88 and Int. to yield 37"c City of Williamsport Ref. 3'2s Oct.. 1929 90 and Int. to yield 4.95 ",. Townsend Whelen & Co. 505 Chestnut St. Mfmtwr N. . I'lilln. Movl, i:rhuncrN i: ft 1 GRAIN PROVISIONS Our Daily !.rltci bent on llequeal Hughes & Dier Mftnb'r !riilrKi Ilotrtf or Truil N, V rruili.iv lxrtiitiifi rtilliirielplilu Mm It Kid I'lltsliurRli Mcx-k Kvrlmn anr. rlmnce 1435 Walnut Street hpraca 813 Hnc. ,8M rhlladnlphin R. B. CARR ACCOUNTANT and AUDITOR I'fona, llldi. 1'hlladrlphla Conservative Investments MacMcckin & Williamson nnpAD AND SANHOM HTH. Mrmbfr I'hlla. Hlk Kxclmma NORTHERN PACIFIC GREAT NORTHERN Joi.it(CB.& Q.)6'3' IS-Yeor Collateral Truit Gold Bondi -"uii.rtlo o t ' N'ofhern Ta.-lilc- la &.t .'047 To Ylld About rt L"2 In onlnlon of cur.?' 1 trai fori .S. V.. L'linn ilm St Tin,in or .rai Northern Ts. ilu 10,l'l T'i Yl.M Al.ou- 1 4 l.eal for ln.uinn.' "tnpftnl.a 'u New York Price 90"; To Yield About 6', H i (ilv nth .'or Ci" tUir ht. It) CASSATT V CO. rfrsniuijci COMMEROAL TRUST BLDG PHILADELPHIA BAiriMont- prrriouROM- scrantcn Free from All Federal Income Taxei ; Okmulgee County Oklahoma 5rr Road Bonds Annual Maturities December 15. 1921-35 u.nam'iai. yrrr.iirNT i Asietacd valua- ''on $43,215,770 Total bonded in debtedness, In ' eluding this ! iasue 1,004,000 Sinking fund on hand .. .. 1GO.O00 i i'iiui,iiiini, .-, mi 1 Prices to yield 6'v to 6.50'',, i Bonbright & Company 437 Ch-tnut Street rhiUdclphia 9 Ni'M nrl, I'tttoli ( Ini ago lii-trill Metro. Kdison rr), 1922 I'fiirui. Ohio Pr. & U. 7j.s, 1910 Phila. Elcc. 0s, 1922. HENRY D. B0ENNING & CO. .stock r.xniANC.r. iuii.dino Dlrrcl I'rUnlr Telcpliuiw tu Nrw lork .Mcmbrrh I'hlU. Mtock Kirliunitc Baltimore & Ohio R. R. History-Finances Outlook This road it expected to be among ihe first low priced rails to return to a dividend-paying basis. Reasons why are outlined in our spi-cial circular AmIi for a free copy BOREAU & EVANS 130 South 15th Street Philadelphia l.Kfw.i sm Hum ,ir, l I'hllii. Ofllrr 7 K Viil Hlrrrt I'hune Hrhnoh' ,11 STROUD & CO. Lawrence E. Brown & Co. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1850 HKAI. KhTATK THUHT I1L1M1. Inrfstlmla anil adjust corporallan and paiinartbtii arcouDU and irriara Incoiua Til lUlurna. V iiJit.i4