?Uf,,fetfc WT53R?iWv!V5i.jt,i T J vJ ;t-,vp' -'Ay snjPrP' " ' ''""? rvf7?t-f(-lfl!f?i!' wwrFGwi u' -. i"i EVENING PUBLIC ' LEDGER PHILAfiELPltlA; MONDAY, MAY 9, 1921 24: s fcwtf$-&8 N8 'i m w tt : -1 J, "(W.. Li'-S! ir i ftr 51 LEGION'S HER ' DRIVE PROGRESSES Encouraging Reports Are Being , Received From Posts in City and State NEWS OF OTHER ACTIVITIES The Mn Prnti.v'vn Is gaining n.-mlier.hlii elrivo tile iiemocrnip iirni . nu i", iii iiin'ii. oi iin- i.cjivii rneonrncltic re- l.neoiirnK IR r l..rN are pourine mtci "tato bead- ( larters from all tion, n.,,othe pmsroM In ob- t a i n i n s nev members and the e nans ion nl nosts into new t. rntor Port No slfiO. at PortiRe Pa n.' e.ir did not en- roll a slncle new memlier nml "its ntiout to surrender fs 'ncion i barter. Tin- not has been reorgam.d and hn- now over a hundred menbeis Pnt No ."15. of l,atrobe. has passed the li.Vi mark, nml Post No H tit IlanoMT lso - oer .inn member- Post No ."i!) te.eiilij .linrteied at Mid(lleton. has 17D members, and No W)0, a new Philadelphia post. ha en roHtd TVi Tin' pnsts in the smaller towns of the tute art making it thor ough iHiivass .mil aie enrolling rlrtu ally everx mailable man I'epartment headquarter -will -ii'rt! imii' a if tlfiente of merit tn exeij po.f in the state whuli enro'ls inor .ntiibeis tlr jear than it had m I'.i-'U The lounty on mittee iti i omiei tmn t Ith the tneinbt rhii ill l is soln-iling I'Ontrlbullotis t.n the imi poe of orterin; a prize. l.er member ot tln l.egion Is to be given ,,ne ehame tor the pn 'e for everv new member ho brings into the I.cgion. The loseph a-eiin lost No .... will give an enteetiunmrnt and dan e tonight at the Mno-e Hull, l.tl I Nort h llroad treet A .omedy sketch, with tJie cast made up of members of the post, will be the icnt'ire James .1 l?arr Pust. No. CC. is tdannlng to hold ,i i in Wet Phi!- udclnliia the week ot Mux 10 The pot will meet tomorrow night at the Slier- wood Recreation fente,. Flfty-sith nnd Christian sircc. rn complete tho final arrangements for the carnitnl Harry L. (ireenwood Post. No SMl!. has opened it ni' po, headaijuarter.-. Al 2771 Prankfnrd an n ie A series of Friday dunces will be given bv the poM during the summer. DRIVES HER AUTO INTO STORE Danbury, Conn., May ! fter a olll.sion with 11 motor cle eferdav. Mrs Frank Flrannios din er irito- n.obilc arross Main street and " rougii ll.e entrance of ti drug store fhe ma- thine came to a stop entirelr w it store. No one was in Hired in ri-M 1- 'vin There are .' Bel! Central Office, and nearly a quarter or a million Bell Telephone, in Philadelphia. T opcr-iff d tem of this sue bv the Machine Switching method requires the dialing of the first three letter or the Central Office name (FILbcrt, WAL nut, etc.) and the tour digits of the number which follows. All OH k'INSON numbers have been changed to OREGON. All MAXHEIM numbers hae been changed to WYOMING. Many other numbers Other Changes 1. An "0" (Zero) has been prefixed to all telephone numbers between ICO and 9Q9. Thus 247 ap pears as 0247, pro- nounced "oh-t wo i seven. 2. 'I he numbers of al! tele phones below ICOfsuch as FILbert 29, WALnut 36, e r . . ) have been t hanged and new num bers have been assigned to them. It is expected that the first Machine Switching central office will be installed within the next year, when subscribers in certain central office areas will be provided with instruments which will be equipped with dials. With the installation of these telephones, subscribers will be able to make local calls by dialing the numbers as thev appear in the present directory. Because of the great number of important changes in the new directory, patrons arc urged to consult the directory, always, before making a call. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA BISHOP M. C. HARRIS DIES Former Head of Methodist Church in Japan and Korea l. Mi'irininti Colbert Ilnrris. bishop un'rii.iM timl lic.nl of (lie M.lliniliM i linn h in .Inmin nml Koipb from llitl-l mtil HHt'i dip(l ln-t niR-iit nl Aovniuri I'olligp. Tnin, of iirtoiiosi'loruiis lie was "Pvenl.V'fonr vrnrs old He s a nntue of Hpii11mIIi. O, nml nrw'il in the t'hil War He joined the I'ltubiirsh ronton tire of the Mrlli oiltsi chtirih in -Mill, and wii t'tit in lapun a it tnlsstonnt.v four wnrs Inter IIU vidm was Miss Klixitbetli Hi"t. "la'iclittr of the late He. Wesley Host, who uns a member of the Philadelphia t'onfeieme She uns n eousln of Ills ."""""" -" ", ,, ,uu oi u ,,,, (p 0 (iirf WclT), years nm. ,..,,1 i,i.0i liotiire ier tnarr nfe a Mm i-i ,. n , Unn ,,, . . ,. . . . ,, Sicl "1an hnas L,Te by Hanging M,a.. IWnMr.,, .l.t, .vers old. -is X" 'r ir lX;ir,7l,N,tM"' ide vesterdav by Iianginc himself in Ihe back jard of a rag "bop at 210 North Kifth street Uc ivas foiinil hv Prank Moorman, who mine to the shop ' work Moorman out llernstein down find notified the police. llerntein hail Uved in the neiRhNirhood many years r.nu una n win- nnii srimn ciuiuren. n Sickns and desponileiii' are blamed lor tlie miu ide. Copies of Vare Act Sought llari'Niiirg, Ma? ' More iinniines lor .iitnes of to.. Viir.. ii.r i ..i.iil.iiiii- . -",,.,,' inneriisrments en nun lorniiiiling misleading statement than utij bill ' passed bj the tiencriil Assembly, llne been received, but on in; to the sttike at the .state prlntetv. none is aailable Tlo- supply of legislatite bills printed for the tleneral Assembly during the niisidi'tation of the measure has been ihiuisted It will be one of the tiri bills printed when the strike ends American Musicians Convene M. Paul. Mar II i l.r A l i . Moil thnn four hnndnd delegates nn (..,, f0(iBV f01. (, nntuial lontention f ,1B .meriean Federation of Mil- ieian. Today's program ineluded ad- dree of welcome bv Miuoi 1 C Hodgson and Joseph H Itarret presi- ,(nt pf tnc St 1nul chapter of the federation, and n parade. Th iv.-n- ti,, mjh ,.i0s Kridav ' ' es.in-- i i,,.- uHe,d or Sellln9 Liquor William Petej-s. thirty j.at d. proprietor of a restauiant at .".l Ka.gl.ii avenue. Camden, was held on S.-uu bail for totirt by Kecordep Stnekhoiisc in tin- lie is acmseci ol selling mt,,i citing liquor without a liietise LOST AND FOUND DRACELET Lost, diamnnJ lirao.ei in fr Pnilsde.phla station gi on s 15 r M rao't local, noera. wa-d fir -e'urn o 74 Wldener Hide CERTIFICATE Lo't 1 t "(i'i cf lot V 3. Range LI Se-t'on D name uf lsrsaret Rucl'anan Up eru Ci" rrne'. envnes 57.10 Sprur'e Ft FOLDER T nst one paper fnlcle- cm a.n tna rsirsona! letter 111 slue 'o an ho1 but owner probsblv lost a' R'oad St u non inureoaj even "k vi , nr Tt 'r i' cab If finder wt1 nctlf rewtrd w , paid for he return P 40 T eager Off ce ii Necessary Changes and Rearrangement of the Bell Telephone Directory AS one of the preliminary steps in the introduction of Machine Switching, or so 'Called "Automatic" telephone service, certain changes have been made in the issue of the Bell Telephone directory now being distributed. All users of the service are therefore urged to familiarize themselves with these changes, consulting the book in every case before calling. Ghlew Central have been changed. Subscribers aticctcd by the above, have explanation of these changes. SsulkVisi K r 2.1 tt llinir . .CE set, 110 , Snossim 1 1611 S-(tliVl Im 503 miS Hit rciwOlfS I tntti trie 4 3710 SmltMtiWilUr ' SIM Sinm Stl r I.M4J SrrUrM 'H 1J48 Switlnr uli Ga r 4tilf (ienslr WrOn-f-JMJ Snytf Ws -0M1 Sun. F J planner U7: S ORt v 772 I Srriiniais HtJt-i .eijjif tiur i lUt Misri-m MAI ..07J4.V. liiiini C If "ll UitKleii Put tt 1.71 ntxft L3C ,! 550 S.rtl Dim 'il.'IJ iKtUsBnu .. mi Hit Life M VMLi-j.CJSl Jtdo. Hfi U6J SjitlitciS R r 14t( V II C3L reli'l 16X '(".fCKji JIM-W . StmI f I It St CI ") 1 Mf rt.r 1U1 . 3'i4rf H C JJJJ SrtllKfl t Siri it it t,i 01 I0"i ,-d 4JM ' lsa-i I il 4SC6 SndirVin "r ifO Mijn OlA rtad-49J-J Silifir ' 0Z Satli Boi fiurm i:M CMn Sstl uci-M7 , 3l! Mf ''1139 i fgutK tU K i Hi T. Altahnr Can 111-1 JJ1-W ! ,n he four- n hi iw mm mii luuu - Cim-7NSMiiS G r 4010 ftaruts im..o i xaiti d r i i 1193 s klvW.J4-J SstnlrCsil C lltl C ist lUi Snastlf Mirbert r 41T1 eiwi' jmiijOBS l. r III s nrl (11-2117 Satll'i Phpsitci HOI K In nlSM'SlllllflKI A r HOI 8 20 j -"....".".--..-- .'' 1 nwii' i 3- 1 ewamrt.uoo i-thi M" 0J7.W Smttrr Hrtnin 191 Rnrhillt "0v.'-lj:i .isisihl Nf" 1 n-6l3 Seilliri Gra C hrir 400 Clvilnui UW trd HOi Siirsinilli nl 05J9 SetlkriCli C 1 0ft fl-eiil OVI : Hit Unftn'- m'S:lVi SsiltesA I purs J1 N Btuit HOn ::9J fcisi-frti IJK4-W turn HV, r : 1 Itflitel WiO slex 4CJB.J las 11 X-128J-WI fanir 4 5os ttti 1T0J htifOSZO Sn!4-rW 7 r "mo Ijwjii MlttB'MJO.W lceOJ4) n,lftn Alh,.gi r s.f.4 rnrn WOO dlna.Mll MH-37J4 ' Jalin 4 Ytjltr 1II11 1111 Afth tie uit-03.7 tiH7 . Vltth-i M Mn r Ml S 40 IAR InvHOl.J '"W JanwrHn r SMI Mu'serrf t ft, alfj.0741 s:t7 jsMhrCa 1st rvtitf 800 N ;t sir ih.iSfiS ' -ihlrll ( r ' -.Sdlll OArii. ' JnltjR ' f SV--- 'v Sv". ' "X lostandfound. F.I.YS--Found, bunch of kns Hut. 1' , ' on Woodland ave Owner mm- have kevsi . exiling Uaiing 7712 and nl for Armlng- p I FFR Lost, a small brown tur on llreene or Tulrehocken els . reward flOOJ Orcrne st Phono (lcrmtntowr CS10 J I l.AVALLIERF. Lost, Saturday, Mav 7. .. .Bill nlallnl.m tlM.1 .1lnenni1fl With pesn-drop' diamond In cnter. gold back, re-1 ward. N. C. 1127 Mounl Vernon st. Phone . J plar ( r)f3 I r I IV l.e.t frjilorn.tv nln Initials "L. W I.", reward bv t.. W . l.a .Ier. 'lift UM v In Penna. Dormitories , l MIIHELLA Inst 'vlth green top on lian-lt et i he-smut St Theatre, Friday afternoon' reward II 313 Lcdrer Office. PERSONALS TO IIMnS OF PENN KSTATf! AND HIS TORICAL SOCIETIES Private, valuablt data te.ardlng some Venn Estate bant: ,., properties., at rnnialn-d In otltlnai affidavits and auiogTaph llter. In. nunu - cripi wioi. lorm. oy a uuiiam i rnn , doi.emiaw. n vpcciai nterei- io renn ni w-;ltll-. collector-.: for dale to huh- ,,, bMtT Writ- ll 327. t-edaer Office . , i w'h.i, not be renponalble for ans debts e- , J.iZilZZ W"" ' ll-:vT a., .old his d.aV .tort t i.ti v. nth si. to Mr. J. Tubs. All cred-, ifr can up to May 3. I HELP WANTED FEMALE M.TERATION HANDS u '.r" po.id rtnenlnir fne ihrtrrtnshlv i" 'nc,"J orker on corset alterations, XTl'I.Y UfHEAf OF riJIPLOTMENT ws-Namakeus llOoKKKKPnit and . stenoarapher . diited Arr i at onct. ict-ausiaiv Stationery r . In. 4so Krnnkford ae, HihjKKKEPKK Eipeilencd buokkeeoer anl , stm grapher Apply 037 N. tPfh st i'I.EANBRS Women w t for general cleaning on our da sr mem f"-ce. only steade. depndnbr ourk'-s n-ed app' Call before II A M. mt' 7 nrr-EAU or emti.oymkn r WAXAMAK:il S Ultl.s.MAlril wants sewer, es.perler.ci'1 In Atis uork; rhone tKiist 1507. iTaVNI'IIY Hand Ironere. white, for moun ' alii reort hotel. Phone Marfce aia. NfUSE ei"itir charge child 2'. ears old must hax" good references. Call 1813 Tine l between 111 and 1 orERATOns .'.I exp. Merrow mschlne oper ators uanted Immediately on slUt aweal-. ers steadv work ood pay. It Sellg-1 nan. 1.1.1 N I'roml entranct on Hamilton. SALESWOMEN to s.li high-class J3 prop osition, ep not necessary: everybody a nnspe.t Phone I ombard 1708. i -TKNOOHAPHEll. advise aj , experlei'cs religion, eajrtrj i- aj.i i.eqger OfTlco. wJ5,E"i. 'r aVeV 0"aSuolt' sVik 'mM.' , ,""i"mh and nfmc P-Vii'e S'lk M,t- General MAKE MONEY AT HOME You ean earn from II to 12 an hour In s-our spare time -ltlnr show cards, qulcklv anit easl! srnd. no -an.iel-is we tesch ycu how pd s'i sour work Write todav se fi,n "artleular - " AMFRICAN SHOW CARD SCHOOL Pri H'd Toronto, Canada It. SERVICE "Jrftr.lnatlens May. vacan- (ie. IMOO-Uso't nr, women oer 17 .glble. experb rn-i' .rrecessary For free rvi'U are writ" J Ionaid Iformtr Cm. spruce examln."- i'i- I'qultabto Rldg W sr ngOH D J r ltv 123 weekl svire ume. wrltlnr for re..spapers, msgai: n exp unnec. : dt a' f Press sr I cii. la.St.lxiuls.Mo MCIVESS ?rK"p y . 6 lllO Land Title F Ys Stenc A If p Hkprs 125-130. Office GlSames Mam FILBERT and WALNUT numbers have been changed to RITTENHOUSE. Man KENSINGTON numbers have been changed to GARFIELD. PHILADELP. 3. The first three letters of each central office name have been capitalized and separated slightly from the rest of the name. Spruce now ap pears as SPRuce, Fil bert as FILbert, etc. This change is only for rrmt OAn Ild-IKT Saatntii Stnntlik. S4i rn is eriit A Uacrua lus. -air thll J lasusirM Hn' !Hd-U6o'-R 4 ontrtn.OJJS Oljnti. KIN trcttU M 9 TIOM-31-6 tOl tiDUI7H OHIjos.J'JO OSS ..a.STej.U Sami..a - .nei fTiT -"--- Slum sauf, jw; stuns j 1. linkn ilSSlturs S tils' Air a SctliGMiti a-llr I lVirl 0' sartw- HELP WANTED MALE A I. INKS- BUYER At Olmbel Hrothere' Philadelphia Owing to thedath cf Charles Mulholland, In position open for a linen buyer. tiip salary is rigni And requires A thorough knowledge of llntn In buying and tttllnr At tctall, wholesale and Import. An executive with broad Idest To Increait n already big linen business. IiUTKn and manager wanted for a ank de partment: must be eiperleneed. capable to ttfco entire chari- and with eiecutlve abll Itv. blc orporlutilty for rlaht man. M t17. tedar Office. . . . CAN YOU FILL THIS rOMTION"' Vdiertuing Director of latip Boston department store. Applicant must b' man'moderatcjy young In sears, but old In experience One who hs handled and plannej the gen'ral pub licity ef me'ropMllon department -tores wilt be. the orlv appllcntion considered. It Is eieont al that til" man be creatlxe, able to evolve se.Ilng I Uns and to prepare oi that will produce bnslness. Theo rists who sacrir.ee efficiency for at tdtle effect need not appl.i. Ihe alary will be adequate to met the great responsibilities of the posi tion Write, stating ace ill d'tallr of experience and references to M 11.. l.edg-r Office. CARPENTERS About months steady v,.rk for flrtt-class concrete form car penters; r-H Dec icr hour. App'y W. W. Llndssr Co . Inc.. 50th and Woodland avs. COMPOSITORS monotype linotype oper ators, pressmen, press feeders and Mlehle pressmen, wanted, 48 hour- per week steady work, aop'y FRANKLIN PRINTING CO. 514-320 Ludlow et Philadelphia received notices in dialing purposes at dial telephones, and docs not affect the pronuncia tion of the central office name!. To avoid all er rors central office names should be pronounced in full exactly as at present. HELP WANTED MALE COMPOSlTOnS. pressmen and linotype oper ators, first class, waniedi steady employ ment! good wages! open-shop conditions'. 48 hour week. Wrlto or telegraph 1 O. Hox 1177, Miami, Kla. COTTON SKKIN DYEK, experienced, nantedi nfl Mrlfti lrnHMl-J .. tlAll I.-Ih .1l. r v..u ... n.tu KUH? V KIIIIIUIII Jin 111 - ln preftrred: excellent position for rltlit (iaiiy. none out inorougniy eaperiencea neea apply. Address M B0, Ieder Ofnce. MEN If ou have been roverlnt success fully for the period of n ear or Ioner the drug- or grocery Irado In and around Philadelphia, jou art fitted by your experience, under tho IncentUe of an opportunity vra aro ready to put before u. almost Im mediately to double or trlplo your present earnings: this Is a rarer nnd mors attracflvo opportunity than can be told in a few ords; no Invito sou to call on us, In person, for full details, -.e'll hold your Mslt In entire confidence. SUITE 110R. USD TtTI.E AND TItUST JJL'HJJINO PrtESSMEN AND PRESS FET.DERS WANTED IX5RTY-EI01IT-HOUR WEEK FRANKLIN PRINTING CO. 6H-r.0 Ludlow st. . Philadelphia PRINTERS WANTED . Tiro llnotspe opsratora (Job and catalogl. monotrpe operator and caster and two Job compositors, Ms for machine, J45 for hand mn, excellent working condi tions and good treatment; also 3 cutlers. 3 rulers. bookbinders. This has always been an open shop. If sou nre a competent journeyman wire when ou can come; trans portatldn reimbursement. JAMES JfeMILLIN PRINTING CO. Imperial Tower Uulldlne, Pittsburgh. Pa. SALESMAN An old, well-established New York lmuso has a ery dcalrab'e opening fr a young man about to years of nge, pos sessing lnlttatle, tact and personality, to roi resent It In Philadelphia and vicinity; applicants must bo high class In eory re spect; sp'.endld opportunity for advancement fur one havlnr the capacity to grow, selling experience desirable, tut not essential, salary and expenses. Reply, gUIng full details ns to age, salary expected, oxnerlence. references, etc 'Address IJox 4, Station C. Now York t-ltv SALESMAN o nlng Ford car ean -nake 1100 per month selling ihe b-st shock absorber mad. 1428 Rare st SALESMAN to sell high-class 15 proposi tion: experience not necessary, everybody a prospect. Telephone Lombard 1708. SALESMEN ''e peoplo of Philadelphia and Hurroui.dlng country need homes, I represent a large tranufacturer of ready-cut hemea, selling thlr housea direct to tho people at pre war prices: we offer liberal contractr to salesmen. Wrlto L. It. Ferris, Hotel Jet ferson St. Louis. Mo SALESMEN Vt o want men who are ag- greaslst and ambitious, to handle n most attractive and dltersllled line of seeurltless 1 experience njv nsncnu.i, "e c opcrmn wwi advertising and leads. Write or call 613 I htnek Exchangt Hldg. Mr. Spohn. I SALESMEN, EXPERIENCED ONLY. ! tween the ages nf 23 and 40. tn aell the I securities It a local corporation; this Is pos sibly the first offering of such securities to the public, liberal terms nnd good leads fur nlsheil 50. Parkway Rldg. SALESMEN A firm haUng n mining propo sltlon of real and prnspectle merit wishes to employ a number of reputable slock salos men; stock has strong- talking points and Is easy to sell; liberal commission; experience not essential. P 817. Ledger Office. SALESMEN A financial und credit cor poration needs field men of large caliber for uncommonly good Issue believed to b-. Philadelphia's best offering, fall beroro 11 a m. and after 4 p. in Seo Mr. Holmes, M0 Penn Hqjaro Rldgj SALESMEN We hc an opening for an experienced rifflee soecmltv kulHinmn in htndlo natlnnalK known "nr.indt Automatic Canhler ' In 10 counties In Penna. Call mornings. 20 ti l.Mti st Sulfa 41 DALESMEN, exclu'lie territory, p-itented artlole: first time here, 100 per com profit, 5-ear contract, responsible men only: give phone number. P Mil, ledger Office SALESMEN to adl high-class $J pro DOS - won; o.pennnc- not necessary; a prnspeot. Phone Lombard 1798. everybody SHOP FOREMAN or superintendent wanted, familiar with all tvros 0f standard gear rutting machines and ulth the handling of men, must bo abl tn maKe estimates nnd get production uurk through with i profit, part Milh sir ng ters mitiiij and antes K-IItt: preferred emnloi m a xalur plus bonus basis t , mpieie oja'in. silons eiperier-i. referer.e, iind salarv expected In first l-iiri M.pu Stevenson Oear t'o H42 l)sl st . Indlaniipnil. nd. SOLICITORS Wanted hdxertlslng. contri bution and Subscription enllrltnra niir.. Lwhere for ths Snti-Hlue Magazine, a new mes-iiue uvniaiiiru i'i nam hii American Jilue law leglHatlon. eerls)dy is hacking us, jou're welcomed eer where; 130 per day and upward easy Ad tress Antl-ltlue Msga llne. 4110 Wells Rldg Milwaukee. Wis. WANTED Men producing initiative executive ability, ou can learn of a rare opening to engage in steady emplovment In I'anulen. aihanrement steady and sure If jou are ambitious to get on In the business --erld spply In person, but don t arp! unless vo.i aro willing to work. 203 Smith Auatermiihl Rldg. Bth and Market sts Camden V ,1 Grmrnl WE TE.CH YOi' TO DRIVE AND REPAIR AFTOMOllILES PRACTICAL IH'Ilh ONLY HY OFR METHOD YOF CAN LEARN QUICKER AND RETTER THAN IN ANY OTHER bCHOOL iSe our Mr Salt! - for explanation.) 125 Fnr Full nnd 1 w mlew Cours. 123 DAT 1 VIlllJV CLASHES Larti ti,doi ..ti M st Reliable Auto I -v ,, i.tt-ihllshed 1012 . J.ATTI bit OPEN SUNDAY K.ni t.i Din n-ingla'dMiK AI'lOMiiRII f"ieciianics' ARE ALW W- l IiEM4.NI flET IN THE 1 IEI.li nl" OPPORTUNITY Vi iV ENROLL WITH Tllf: laltOEST AND REST EQUIPPED AFTiiMiiRILE AND TRACTOR SI.H0O1, . I'lir. EAST Write for Fr-- Illustrated Cotologue PET7. M 'lir.jl IVE SCHOOL .0th and Msrk.'t n li tn II N. 20th st, nUSINEAfl SERVIi r. CO lilt Land Title ENORS Mch C r rn auto rir . llS(iQJ2fl0i) INHFRANt E M'ill - Reaip. aulo ISOOti up MORS Sales high e-vin men. SAnno-llS.noo "JAT.ES Npei id'1 Atltn lt sal rnui. SF.i Y Stui bpi 1 .uflilentlnl man. 135 VTKN'O SECY .e is, II,-, 130 SCI'T Hrjss f,' ricnn fai tory mfff 1 'I1' ! "'" " Vi il N'OJIIN '"-17 fn pistal ina, I sen" .i-r 11211 nn n'li inni'ratlons Ma ejt prt"e e ntnerissr Tor free p.irtloulars I nf 1'istrueiion w- 1 j i.onarii crnrmtr ( nil t Her l' e nxanirie--Washlnirton fi ' 'it- Equitable Hldg KAIIN 123 weekl j snare time, writing for newspsptrs magazines exp unnee ; de- Ullt free. Press SindieMie 387 St.Loult.Mo. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE A IJ-DY leal. g ton wlblirs to secjro places for her el'enl servants Call Mordsv and 'lunl.i at 317 S. 22d St. Philadelphia Situations wanted male i I.l.RR ,L '' ii aiiual H'tHe soljei istl '" dress II J.'t I ' dcrr llffl. work night I reference hy i A,l. AGENTS SAI.EBMEN- reoi uppiiri unity, we a larg Cleveland msnufeelurcr want an able oiesmti to represeni a high-class rpeclally needed hv all retail merchants, soiling ex pcrlcn e an astet but not essential, w will rooie"te with jou so you will bt able to draw Urger euinmlttion checks weekly 4han you ever thought possible: position perms nent. stato age Addrets it. C I'HM, Hox IPO Hlallon "C " Cleveland, O. CilKW MANAGERS wanted, having had book experience who can qualify at book dls trlbutofs ws 4wn plates, presses and bin dery possible to quote lowest prices liavs published ntw 1030 census ajlaj, write for particulars The flengrapl'lcal Pub ( o e.'l I'll mouth court I hlcago. I (iHEMEJs anted who wish exira tni oine ib i- li -. i i ii- 'S i'U' agents in vl In uuh lj-ai- f.ien shikes direct fr in fa tory to wearer, othsrt tucctssfully increasing wa nn p.pU XA, UrocUt .'"!i". :I:r,. ... AOENTS $2 TER HOUR Men, women; Divli milk conserver for canned milk! eleaytu slUer ereamer, advertised, demonstrated, Hlures. May's, Cleveland; Marshall Field's, Chicago, Wanamaker'a, New Yorki ll.flo retail. Wrlto Davis t.'nn Server Corp., Aahtahuln, O ncTtmn agents Gold tonn procoss. Just jierfected. wonder ful results, ngenta capable nf Interesting dig nified high-claes trade; personal interview necorsary. arrange for a ipolntment, propo sition admits unlimited financial returns. Phlla llldgn Co , tH Market st . Phil a.. Pa MAN of good 'standing In his community wanted to takn orders for trees, shrubs, roses, lnee, bulbs, old-fashioned flowers; per manent, high commissions paid weekly; no delivering or eollectlnir. Write today, rillHT NATIONAL NURSERIES, Rochester. N. Y DO YOU want to earn money lir your sp-ire tlme7 We hmo a wonderful offer to make ambitious men and women; no previous ex perience norcssary, no money icqulred; write today for plana American Products Co , 4nii American llldg , Cincinnati. O ,Ti MAN OR WOMAN, agent wanted In eer N OR WOMAN agent wanted In every Ity aral town, full or part time, easy nn1 fltable' work; repeat orders assures agerft profit sleadv Income sales guar ; rxeep. nppor, , no lorses, wrue ior icrriiorx iioitiman i u.. c offee merchants, 840 Hler st . Chlctgo. AGENTS, t0e and hour to advertise and dls. tribute samples to consumer; write quick for territory and particulars. Albert Mills, general manager, 4(123 American Rldg , Cin cinnati, o SPECIALTY SALESMAN wanted to sell glue heaters and mixers on commission: un limited possibilities: prospects furnished: glvo full partltsjlara and reference. Tho Toledo Glue Appliance Co.. Toledo O. SALESMEN Gum machine trade boosters, peanut ending mac. comb., saleshoards: J2S dally easy: cash commissions with or ders. Rurton. HB20 Cottage grove. Chicago. MAKE MOO next week, undersell retail stores nearly half on our nrtlcle. which every body needs and buys, loo per cnt profit imnor"n ins w i.she. Chicago. MAN to work this cltv reftnlshlna chan deliers, brass beds, automobiles, by new method. 110 dally without capital or experi ence rlte Ounmetal Co.. 232 Elm. Do cstur. HI, J7S WEEKLY selling Creseo rulneolits. wa terproof aprons & new leather utility bags; outfit free: nn collecting nr delivering. Im proved Mfg. Co.. Dent. 101 1, Arhland, O. . SALES AGENTS A silo In every homo on our new leather utllltv bag and waterproof spron sofnethlng dlf . big profits; we start ;ou right. Improved Mf. io.. Dep. 1113 Ash land. O. MEN wanted to sell dependnblo fruit trees and shrubbery: big demand! completo co operation, com. paid weikly: write for terms. Wlllema Sons' Nurweries Rochester. N Y CHEWING GUM Sell to dealers profitable business built up quickly sroirmlnt and popular flavors In noel packages, white to- day Helmet Co.. Cincinnati. O SALESMEN. Inexperienced or experienced, city or traveling, write for list of lines nnd full particulars. Address National Kales-I'l-n's Tr. Association , D-pt 277. Chicago, 111, SELL OUR guaranteed rubber aprorei and Ironing board covers, prices low, price list and sample free. Koenlg Sales Co , 320 W. Monroe st., Chicago. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. HARVEY. lDtn Rlltenhouse So Prnt estsnt and Catholics nil nationalities, hl-lilv recommended fancy and plain cooks, waitress. cnamocr. parlor and laii s maid llrst-flass nurses. goerness. laun'lress. Iiutlere. valets. chauffeurs, gardeners, cf wanud Newport, liar naroor, mtns.,. country, city cooks, chambermaids, waitress nurses, etc. MRS ROdERH. 81.1 S. 20th Swedish and other first-class tooks, waitresses, cham- nermaiaa. parlor inniiis l'roiestant ami Catholic Infant nurses, governesses, first-class launurcsses, gins ror training, cnauneura, butlers, valets, housemen MRS. KANE, nil H 10th et Spruce 3401 Situations wanted, English Protestant cooks, Scottish and Irish cooks, chamber maids, waitresses, butlers. French gov ernesses, laundresses, couples, housework girls, etc. 233 S UT1I ST Reliable help supplied and wanted; cook, waitresses, i htmborm.ilds couples, housework girls. rirers FRENCH GOVERNESSES, nuises. ladles' maids, first-class rooks waitresses, butlers. Madame Jean, llins Chrl'tlan. EMPLOYMENT Club. 2f S Sydenham M.lth and Walnut) Oovernessos nurses, moth er 'jiJieJjiesspejMallv. WANTED Comptont whltn female help, ref erence required. 1019 Ralnbrldgejd. t 1 ORI Employment Agency hap romp, col-nr-d help of all capacity gnmi llalnhrldge. MRS. NICIIOLLS. 2.10 H 2n"th- While prfv. help supplied and wanted. Ph Locust 2130. FOR SALE TYPEWRITERS RENTED VISIHLE 8 moj., 19 and up. Factory Rebuilt Typewriters "Seo Our New filachine, the Century" American Writing Machine Co. 802 CHESTNUT BT. Walnut 24BO Main 320 DESKS SPECIAL BARGAIN! Genuine mabftduny nrnl full iuartrr'l oak. G0.M. SO." r.DxHI. $.,: Meet fiHn? cahtn(. nortlonal loukcnss3 rt NATIONAL FURNITURE CO. UWI WALNFT ST ROTH PHONES new OFFICE FURNITURE store ewVcd-d" desks &rr!r 1102 ARCH 911 WALNUT pa oFrirr. furnitcre co wal. 4131 OFFICE FURNITURE T)F.SKM C1IVIRS Fll.isri 1AIIINF.TS OFFICE PARTITIONS N- V AND USED s weiss co v, i.mt ;is:iii 1037 RaccSt. 904 Walnut St. ESTEY tnaheMiiv upn.ht pimio Keen-o phone lnahiigani use .IO Inches high. 3 old lolins mahogany lUxenporl, 74 feet. coerlng green silk i.lour claw feet, flno ull paintings b known artists largo inolal mirror, all In excellent londltton. For In formation call H22 Chestnut st., second floor. OFFICE FFRNITFRI - Ten carloads of slightly ud iiindrn desks, tablos, chairs, filing devices parlltlm teiephnio booths, fireproof safrs. tvpowr ters adding machines nni other e inplete equlpmert. In flno rrn dlllon and to t sj'd at reduced prices to ret room for more rnmlru Ir. HUC1HES. ilTll and iirrrnNW'Kiii OFFICE FURNITURE Large lot of desks, safes, files, cabinets and general office furniture atom fixtures. We buy. sid! and exrhanre. PATTEN FURNITURE CO. LOCUST 4O70, 11J7 ARCH ST RACE 2000. SAFES SAFES 300 new and second-hand aa(es all sizes; cash or time. Howe Scale Co MIO Arch s t leADY'S solltnlro dlninnnd and piallnutn ring, absolutely perfect. St, i.irnl, am, J1300, pledged U S Loan Socot. 000, Hi-11 tldiel IIHI II .'123 Ledger Offlie ONE-QUARTER horsepower. Wagner inotura. brand iiew A ' complete with cord, plug pulle 123 .VI. Dealers eniltiui io discount. It SrhelnrtjCo.. 123 V. 3d t WELL-Eo r.MILISIIED nuloir ib'le " T7uiiiess with agemy if stuiidanl mil,. ,,f i (r 1 ekl I k i . i In W il' ii'iitim. Hi I 1 p,r Illlllll1i il Id ex I' 117 L-sik r llfflce LAfs'liRYl T I' I : washing rn"i hinn and Hun er Micuutii -I. nn. i.',i,inili 1731 llllnte fl I REFRIGERATORS and llxiures fnr grocer anu mrni uit.inQ.o, .-iii.n ,4 .irsirou. RANDALL &C.. 3.11Nd sL SOMLrHINO NEW foi ItOOl uibesios llul I 1b..i i amen nt'l'U iiiirsif, guiirniu, I free of repairs in yvtn Vrli s N Lav . i.berg r.0..7 N lllll t WyinnlMg fl.Hi M iTllfllARV table, child's l-din. uiiiitrt'ss" Icathei rocker good icuidlilon. Inqulie iir.JN l-.banon ne CI ATHTI'Ilrt toilets, hanttia sinks wash- trajs pliie liollers. radUtnrs luwest pr lest qualt lohnS12 Smith t Ico lllNINH ROOM MIU. I' Pines geiiuille miihogan Adliin peril ! uat I 1 ew 112" lninA ' '"-' N III', .i.l REAl'l'Y PA II L III EAiepll. nnl , p,,Mn,. Kee owner for purtli ulais , r, Re.ii Uatnle lll.M HIJg I.llt SALV-Motri'll and ie, ,,,,i -Jltll N Taney si. . SAFES, lire and liurirlat pr,,,if kJ:,tn u,, ell sites styles and makes ;j N Fourth SCREENS;, full lenitli. 17fi""wri;fen. derson Const. Co.. 2'd and Moamentng HORSES " fiORHE. sound, well trained to 7ittdTe and " sifo for either tnt.eii.ii or u,y lar '",? cheap. APPly, " I -'In 4 Co. , . York rnad and llutler t MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PLAYER PIANO manngaiiy si,,ir,i jj. ,n 30n Kensington ave lion i en -."-, ''""" ". oar- OLD OOLD 6LD gold, sliver platinum plated wore. old. style Jtwtlry. tee'.h plates bought for cash ttst. Ili7. J- J. Rlark refiner 07 Santom CASH paid for old gold, sllcer and antique clocks. Rogers, 45 S 17ih Lonust 1210 PAINTINO PAPERItANOINQ PAPERHANOINO Oood clean k done very reasonable. Write Urhltrl a.i N i n 1 1 on SEWINQ MACHINES JS0--NEW orupneau i.u neei.ij , on hj elsew.iere n ok'i cii ra is iu jj-, full guaranteed 1.1)1 N lilih si STAMPS AND COINS I mnn-HKVi.Kiu. iin r... -. liUUENt; lUJ-LN, 13U Uxut-ut, T BUSINESS OPPOKTUNITiES WE WANT triad, trained and suc cessful business men or firms to take Stata agenolos for the exclustt salo and distribution of the latest and most efficient hand flro ex tinguisher, to retail at 112, We will not need money for our aelvrs, only In payment of what ever goods may be purchased from us by theso proposed agents, but j each agent will need from 15000 to ' 110,000 aa working' capital. Several statca now open, Including Maine, Vormont, Ohio, Pennsyl vania, Illinois 1 and probably New York References will be required as to fitness and financial responsibility. CANHEC MANUFACTURING CO . ATTLEIIORO. MASS, SECURING BUSINESS CAPITAL QUICKLY Forceful, high-powered, convincing presenta tion, through right channels, based on orig inal Intelligent sales plans, will get devel opment or working capital, In any amount, trr record time, and at minimum cost. Wt specialize on everv phase of financial writ ing ana nirect-oy-mau selling-. iwtiva veara' successful experience. Advertising Service Co., Parkway Rldg., Rroad and Cherry sis. Telephone Snruce 1020, CENTRAL APARTMENT HOUSE Containing n fine apartments, each with prlato tiled bath, and fine apartment for owner. i-urnisnings or lour apartments, acreons ind shades; hall nnd stair carpets etc.. Included In sate. House in perfect condition. Electricity, hot-water heat and many fine features. Details and .rentals on application Price, 140.000; well financed. Address Hox M 614, Ledger Office. . WANTED Trustworthy competent man with tin.non cash and up, by well-known manufacturing company to establish and manage permanent distributing huslners In Philadelphia $300 a month and expenses and share of profit extra, safe Investment Maple line high-class opening: good for I1B.000 a jcar or better, with big ruture M 013, Ledger Office. I HAVE a money-making opportunity that will surely appeal tp conservative Im es ters, large and small;n unusual chance to connect with an established local business enterprise of International scope; an Inter view will at least be Interesting; appoint ment by mall only Mr, Wcsllake, Rellevue Ltratford Hotel. Large Garden With Building Of 13 rooms; all conveniences: garage. 0 cars largo porches; especially fitted for lee cream and baking business; 123 ft. front; Rest part of Roxborough. John J. Foran. ' s!" Cresson st . Tel, Mylt. 070. AFTER working- hard until 53 e"arii old. this man became financially Independent quickly with llttlo effort; book containing this ery Interesting storv will be mailed free to ou upon request. 314 Traction llldg., Cin cinnati. O. ADDITIONAL capital for profltablu. going business, good location and organization, first-class equipment, fully paid for, no debts, money required for noies-ary expan sion, exceptional opportunity. P 110. Ledgor Office , INCORPORATE yoi.r company In Delaware; cheapest tnxes less. Ilm llnbll . do bus. any state; Information fitfn. no chiige. Co lonial Transfer and Registrar Co. Suite 111. inoi Cheslnut. Phlla.. Pa Walnut 733 STOCK SALES MANAOER. successful rec ord, high-class credentials, own agency organization, Is open to manage stock.seiling campaign for principals needing 12.10.000 up ward, preferably estab. Indus. II .11, L O. REPRESENTATIVE wanted hy established nianf a corp open local office: meritorious 1 lOposltlon sold to merchants, wholesalers tt retailers- should net $10,000 nn; about $11100 cap, req. President. S22 Reaper nik.. Chlcaro OWING to death of proprietor, widow will sell laigo established grocery and meat business with a 3-story corner property lo cation and ttrms upon request J W. CAMAC CO.. II2IIO Woodland ae WEl.t.-EbTAHLISHED ntuoi-or.la business with .igencv of standard tnnlte or tar- licit location in Wilmington. Del. For partlcu I. m ..dilr-ss y 41S Ledger Office IXiR HALL Ten-acre gr.ipefrult groe In beurlng. A snup. nnd easy terms. Florida. Polk county. M 019. Ledger Office. SMALL CHAIN of waist nml nn.inmeap shops for sale In New Yorlt City. Address Rox X no.'i. 171 Madison ave., M, V. . YOl'NO MAN or woman to net o treasurer of established company, must invest lis,. pno, gooil salary tn start II 302. Led. Off. WILL sell about 00 acres of anthracite coal land In Schuylkill Co , or consider partner. See Townseisl 71 1 Crozer Rldg. Spruco UOOd. FINANCIAL assistance to" business" men. Mjurlce I.lehtmnn 203 Colonial TrRldg bFsiness"-?ersonals DIAMONDS BOUGHT If ou want 10 be cnnlnced that we aro still pailns 2S moro than others for diamonds (also pawn tlcketa bought) call at KELLY & CO. 2D FLOOR 032 CHESTNUT ST. (PRIVATE OFFICES) PH. WAL. IJ HK111ES1 PRICES paid for ladie,.Tn"nd gentlemen's clothing of all Ueacrlpilun wo call an.wheie at any lime, in prlate uiitns Write, oil or phono Walnut 6010-OOlf Si ilgsiim a N E cor, lOih and Mark-t I'Lt'-MlRN he-itlng olteriilloiis ami lidi" 1.1 is 'i asomiile .tlnia(eH rrtglsU r d W Sfcklnln 2s.l Wharton st DIAMONDS BOUGHT" HAItin W. SMITH 717 S.A'MlM ft - ELF.) 1111. AL treatmonls. phvslc i culture For npi'jlntmeiits phono Walnut 183" II. urn 10 to ti. " YOI? CAN IIORROW money low as 2 Der cent on diamonds. RIF.DER'S, 12S Market .t. TIN roollng and spouting, heater n nd ransi work, slag roofs put on and gunranlerd for ten searNJohn Rlchter. 3fIYork st ELECTRICAL treatments, hours io to S ..... Ct 1,1,1. u. riln .!., ,1- L .. . U OI e, iw.ii c. -... iiuciui o ee I . , ROOKS kept after bus. lira , MneliennialTshlr' hjrjmodjbus Mmtii It 322, Ledger V ELECTRICAL TREA'TMENTrl. PhjslcalouL lure 108 . 17th st, HoursM to 0. IVWN MOWERS cleaned, sharpened un,i aet.Krlder 217 N. 11th t IV,?ui "ni1 ELliCTRIC treatment nnd manicuring. "Mis. W ......IU'l .nn 1ft- ll,l III . ....." I1SS limiiuii-.M." - i. -.-., iua I'M lic.300J b arpet" CLE aninq" CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE 20TH -ST. AROVB CHESTNUT ORIENTAL AND DOMESTIC RUGS AND CARPETS Cleaned, Scoured, Stored HUMMER STORAOE FREE TELEPHONE LOCUS- ijflo MACHINERY ANCLTOOLS MOTORS and GENERATORS Bought, Sold, Rented, Exchanged New and rebuilt equipment of eery site In Mock for quick shipment PRICED TO SELL R. SCHEINERT COMPANY 123 N 3D Sr Dynamos and Motors OF ANY SIZE GEORGE SACHSENMAIER &m Office: 926 N. Third St. WAREHOUSE AND SHOP P2R-..0.12 NORTH THIRD STREET A. C. MOTORS 220 110 i olt. 00 ty 2 and 3 phase A large stock ranging In power fiom 3 to 73 h. p , manufactured bv "Westinghouse "(lenernl Electrl ' and "Western Eltctrlc rrltes,. adjusted to .irevalllng tondltlont.' Seejrt s 437N Jd st WOciDWORKivtj MM'IIINERY One model K vehicle wheel tiend sHndr "0 and 24 disc 1 swing vertical spindle boring machine 1 bsnil rim nliinliiB nuichlne com plote die slumping machine In good con, II tlon I lathe 144. hollow spindle stone cut ier 173 Cull at 211) 21 Wood l ONE-QUARTER hoFsVpower Wagner motor's brand nyw, A c. ccjmplete with cord. nluJ pulley, 123 30. Dealers entitled to dleoount R. brhelnert Co., 123 N, 8d st. "'""""" FOR SALEOna cross-compound Wetting. Phr0,uTio,on,?o- -00 " r' Addr,;."','. leoR SALE-Power punch press, IncllnabhT No li standard, weight 2300. stroke 8'"' Crawford Co , 27 S; 4th st. ELi:i"rltlrAL MOTORS". M ACIIINflf TOOLS POWER EQUIPMENT "Ju,':' OlUtlEN MACMINERY CO. HON 3D RT f'T I.Lr.YH. HsS'OICRS SIUFTINU TlAIC pitii'i: wi.i'nii nxi'ii v. ii. n.7 n Vi. McDI.lt . inuLliin , i ... ui o im., ,r q, it ne d i inlllwilphiing Jill .' Front NEW i, second hand machinery noughr soli exeh.l plants dismantled. Ornw 180H N.3.1 ALTERNATING and direct current motors ntw and uttd, Mink 4 Oo,, 327 N, u tt. USED AUTOMOBILES SPIRAL RING GEARS AND PINIONS FOR ALL CARS, INCLUDINO BTJICKD-45 $25.00 Set HAYN1S $30.00 Set CHANDLER $20.00 Set NATIONAL S29.00 Snt OLDSMOBILE ...$26.00 Set I'AIUE 6-89 $28.00 Set VELIE $26.00 Set HUDSON $40.00 Set IN STOCK Levene Motor Co. 2200 Diamond Street PHILADELPHIA, PA rmrnrTj i m ni it rnmi n m qui i it kn ntimui n ru: i ii rnip i i n i imii ni 1 1 1 m in: itnitii imiti nnrnna 13 If you liavo decided, to Itnest a g modest mini of money In n. new hlfth-Brndo nutomclille, ou would 3 be nmonlnliet to know tho unusual vnlue you enn nccuro for th g -Atnu amount In n s Guaranteed Exchanged Locomobile 1918 48 1917 48 1917 48 1917 38 1917 38 1916 .38 1915 38 touring limousine landaulet touring limousine landaulet limousine Prices. $900 to $4100 I DELIVERED IN PHILADELPHIA I HARE'S MOTORS, Inc. 1 2314-2322 MARKET ST 1 Telephone Ixicuet 450 9 II 11 OVF.ItLAND. 1017. 2-pasengfr, runshoui good running order. 1125 II. C s 3tl Co , 1SII0 Walnut st. HUICK model D-45. 1017. good nvrhnlet condition throughout: good tires. 1300 H C S. Sales Co . 1809 WalrAIt st STUTZ, 1317. 4 passncer, erv goo 1 cowl1 tlon: new top II C S. Sales io 1113 Walnut st. CADILLAC. 1017 model 51. 7 passenger ton ing car. 190U. II. C. S. Sales Co 1100 Walnut aK HUDSON COUPE, model 70. rebuilt ar.1 r- painted; like new; bargain. II t. S. Sales Co.. 1300 Walnut st. MARTIN-ALEXANDER AUTOMOBILE PAINTING If you contemplate having our cai rt finished un Inspection of our work will Please vou You will notko that the many cars hem are of the finest tpe. belong'!; to peoplo who not only appreciate fine work but know that It Is most economical In the end Tho Martin-Alexander Raking Trent! Is the high art of Automobile Palming, Insuring beauty of finish und lonv life. Our facilities are such that we ct. promise delivery In tho shortest time pot eible. MARTIN-ALEXANDER CO. AUTOMOnlJ.rc PAINTINO 120-12H-130 Reed st Dlrklnsnn 2201 Ms In l? A UTOIVfO BI LE SPRINGS SPRINGS 10,000 in Stock NEW FOR EVERY Mlr. "F ' AT REDUCED PRU ES Ford Front 12 00 Overland I" t ' " Ford Rear 8 On Maxwell Frint t 01 Hupp 32 Front 4.01) Dodge Front 4 OS REAR AXLES TOR EVERY MAKE OF 1 R 6000 IN STOCK I READY FOR DELUFRY LOWEST PRICES OUARANIffD , WE MAKE T.M. OPBN'htNDsT I Sattler's Machine Shops I 1001-13 Spring Garden st i DO YOU NEED A TRUCK? see the 2-ton Hournc Trucks we Rrc sellinp ns low as $500.00. Standard paits and the best buy in Phila. See Mr. Caplo. The Atlantic Refining Co 3144 Passyunk Aemic AMCDIPAM CIV U'20 tour m 001 nuiiiiix i B, luni llK, nt see this car before huvlug youi nuxt 'ouflji sr. cam. poplar s7i ask h'R -''' CRANDELL Oil) N RROMI ST APPERSON 4-pasenger sedan, eligibly u' for demonstrating onlv. attractive pries new car guaruntec. WILLIAM T TAYLOJt UiBN Rroad si. LOCUST ftH17 AUHURN touilng. sedtn top, 0 cylinder, It Seal motor, excellent condition, fnu"!1t',l hsrsHln. privatn ownei Wodlsnd iellJ AUTO PAINTING CALL HAR1NQ 1201 PRU ES RIOIIT ON M.L i VRf (SERVICE SATISFACTION Q' sit I 4212-18 CHESTMf - t O R I.tMI'MN Automobiles Wanted cdudi'e"nln BIO N RROAD ST Pop 7RJ0 STANLEY AUTO CO. ill'ICK usdster Jl 44 with wlntor topj rei.eil cunoil.oil, liowiy pailltc-u eir yi,n d,-.ih cljck, Ideal all-vear-around enr BOiitj HWDOCIv Rllley Parle. Pa Ridley r la.'. J or Rlllenhouia 2201 1918 BUICK loSabl"' rash or ttn BARON'S, 640 N. BROAD ST CADILLAC .'lof..,,8 .Vi aond ' , oi d KIV BARON'S, 640 N. BROAD ST ci almers 'csru'Az1 ' .' " lurtcnln, ,".). N llltiiAD CHALMERS sedan, HUH. a bar fa J'OC 3244 MR .Mr.MICHAEI. 1310 P"P' R. CHANDiri-R 1020 4-pass Dlspaioli like rt4 BARON'S, 640 N. BROAD ST CHEVROLET !?l?i,4fI,,.B..'" dltlon. priced tt a bargain for qulc- cMvWoLET7r lp.'aVir' Vm M. flCllAEL 1K4U Poplar tt COLE." 1920" .iT'-Tlnce '"""' BARON'S, 640 N. BR0AD ? & .a V. . ; .. ,r .t .