'?? pV,;?V7pVi,,vV.rj,i.rw r-r' t -y-v yv f .. y. "' " f ,-"iKJ 'V - rv w j ' "V(q "S&r-Tm s EVENING PUBLIC ..LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MAY 9, 1921 21 Irooklyn Club Here for One-Day Stand With the Phillies at Broad and Huntingdon Streets f.FJOHNSON BEATSi D'SNETCHAMP IllJcn 3ynwyd Star Trims Bill Tildon, 6-1, 6-2, in Exhibition at McCall Field i OMEN ALSO ON COURTS it. SPICK HAM, "TiMcn " "n5 ""' u's Samti today, TSSnt , . . iintnkAr nt net-CMu Th'lf W'l- "ll'l " ''." wi litt-vnn i"'1.' . . . .....I.. nfl..eiin.,,. i.fl.... IfmMKPU ..,.,......, I 1....I !.. R. world In"" tennis chnmiiloti. vittiam T TIIiIpii. 2tl. tlernmntown W 11113"'.,' , .. ....,. ,1h..I.I. . nn ll.n Ykkt ( -Kid. i, "'".";.", ."?, ,;, ',. , tJl( . , Uhletie An-oclntlon. That --. ..II... 1.111 III it niivii III' u MB Mj the n"'1"1 ' .......... ..... 'NO' Tflsirn t iint Hill l mien nns pinjra ?l . .I... inn (lip nnst winter. i lot 01 ii'iim it... ,.' i" - . 1 "". l .. . .... il.ni lw. ,vns "n (iff nit If v" ' "" . i i. . '!IU ' ti ...... nnt lmcp noon nf 1,1 top of I'N 'linm'pimishin form, but r bprmiM' Wnllaui! Johnson plnyed SkMMble tennis Seldom has the inDfarnuie lnvp, hup h n ", ..'".""; V ...li fir . l.n.l fiery. C '""'-;; leen. hi, eho.. "lr,J l.l..- .rill. mnplilrio-llke ,itom ". ...,,. i . ulinrit nnd Ti""" . "B. ,'", ."';;'p',,Vi ilhlen ',S n" , ontih.lMtr'rM.rWto im' ".' i.i... ...ill, i m thnt the hSmiuon couldn't eirn pet Ins rucqnel 1C2n . . .. r... L1... .!.. .Inhnsnn was .1111 'i' in' -i.i".-.-. .- . ! Tll'len leoieidny i shown by tlie Ihllly.bruUl .figures The game ;-,, hH() fi-i r. -. una i ie """:V". .;.oi h two sfls were 29-11 and --r,1; fc-hi, ,v. I, the gnmes went by point-- i irit si:t . . i j 4 in lnhrpn . o o 0 It rilrt'i' si:((isi srrr llinann T T I - a no r""' . ..... l.l,n.Aii fill Tllllftl. 31. loifli '",,, "'"". TROKK VNAf.YSI rirnt Hft V O r. SA.UF. ohmon . 13 13 4 l 1 . .i 'i FiiHw ii ii RN-apHalntlnn n ii. r. svnr.r n. i:. i.i.nun 't ? f v." 's ;a iij.n 'I 'M ' i" - roluisim xieailj . ciniwli .I.iluinn wo" ran ojdili he ecn in' the stroke nnulhlH ibovc and in tne point huoi. .- . . -. 1Al..n.t .....r. fAIM' lllVO L'finiPS. ometlilnK that 'ins'1 happened to Til- In Hi jenr- me one 11111, '"'" 1 , .,... 1 l.n,.. nrn I IP flllO UUllCS hit rnnnaiith weie staRcd. Hoth Til- ln nml .miunon ineen nu u..-,- i,.- our' nml eoiereil In line si.vie. ,r. I., nnl i.nrmpil lin Tlllh'll flit oo'so iiinnx of his eannonhiill seri(es. mt Jolinou handled tiiem wen. lor inn .,1 ni Miw. pr.ice are ill the lirst 'Ct ,nd three in the -eeond. Rifnrn the Tllden-Johii'-oii match. II.. til.rlllu ltnnii Wnlnli. nf the Colin- ry Club, and MUs Mo)ly V. Tlmjcr. :rlckft ( Iiiti, nrouc een inn puir n lell-pmyed sets. .uisr uimi im, 11.L.1.. tt... i.miia. j.f If In thp firkt net IKUllV l.ll i'.t.' . w - "- i.i .., ,.it T.n Tmfr ATIsR Thncr nm hail. n the (.pcojhI and by iino IrlTiiig (fliitureii u nt d- 1. M,.. u ,11, uln.pil 11I tlin net 11 uooil lent Ii Im win' passed frequently b ' itL it.... fciTvltnrr ilfivi'H uhiel. ml.., 1 .mink .if m mil:, use from the Cill er iiiuiihinnK 111010 than 1000. ' lu' ,ien t feore riifT sjyr MUt ItnUli . . ... I I (1 3 1 1 0 a 1 is 1 W. Tinier ..... z 1 1 a n 3 1 4 : - -13 SKCIIMt M'.T llU llm.rr JSIItt H! t S n Hill WMi SIJ5SI1M '.' ;! TotHl iM)lnt ll' lli.irr. .nil .mih rMi, ; I'U; Mhrd Dimlilrs 1 (1 11 1 ' nl on the fu 01:1 mil wii" ..I u ...' ...I....I .Inllll II. I'll.', . ".I'U IM-" "I IIIIA''! .II'H.'I. - ..... fisehn ( iimi, caplnin of the 1 ill :prit. nl- I'riins. Knnin IpniiU team. at to 1 nve plnjeil hut at the last Blti'i'e I hi. 11 ilei lileil to pin . so flint .A I..1.111I ... .. ill. M... irimrn. n.nlll.l f ndin''i i. 1. 1111 ill- nu.. 1 nn.tt.-fc Inhiison and ,Ii.n Walsli. ThiK mnteli .1.. k.. .. . ..... . I. -1111 I..lu I0U III" II "III Mlllll' III Ulllllll IUIIIIil- ml on 1 iiKaui the world's ehampinii Ts Iimiiii lie and MIhh Thfl"!1 were ompl"inl' mitplaMil in the first cot. 'lilinn S' t a "insle came. Tlie pee ml fet a '-hiM., but Miss Walsli and mnu im mii(i inrir opponents nmi nn 1 1 1 Thlh flfl .Mm... T.l.li... ..in... 1r.li.tai.. 1 ' ...""II I II. I'll I'lU.I .M'll.t-'llt i"" in nun iii iniiieii win in' ni tf M 1 , ( ri,l.rt Ciiili. llaverfoid A loiitili" n null between Tilden and t'elii" n 1 Johnson mid Stunle V. .eawnn n -, will hit nlnoil. The firht mnrrrix ufinn,,,.,... i. !....., .,,,,... iimi'iiii'uii uir rtuiiH' piu.H'ia mtt lid I I n l'hi.n.,1. ,..., rist,' t ., , , t 111 ' 11 -111 1 iniin, iiiui' ounli on I t heeitnut stieits ASCENSION WINS CUP -pture5 Amateur Soccer Title by' Victory Over Fairhill Of u AlllP.1 S,,,,l l)i flf" linn il no ikmi.i. ..r ii. a. ,,.,,., n,,, . ....- ..in.... 11. .'1' ' 'In .nine luitlill It. C of the Cll.t 111 .1..1 .,...1 t. ... 1 Ii,. ii , i' -.k-iiii,.. iiiii'ruoon on' fill Unfllliin Ml 1 ... a.-, ' 'I'M.- iil-IMHIUN, 111 I IM I Bititioi. n 1., , . Austin's Arm Fractured 1 "'"' ,' '' F.Miinliinilnn Im rt ' . J '."."" ViKlln ."Ii 1,111 th 1 1 " IIiomi linil Mirtemri 11 t n. ' in Iip,i lip Him Im t , " 'I I f- In ltl .enili t H pill 1 Week's Record in Major Leagues the I'ckri ucorJ In i-mh mnr i"u 'f cnmi'.s iilnjnl, .von inil I t. villi nun hits irror inn, left jn bu'p nnd inn. "ori'il bl .ippjnent. IncluilliiM 'Jiiipi i.f .Sn(urili, Mav 7 l nu fol- lH NAltOV.M, t.AOLn J v f. n tt. j: 1, 11 ii ui-iiiirti, .-. 5 i) i!n in h an i'i si. Vorii r. .-. (i as .-,1 it ;m Iroot.lvn 4 2a 10 'j 7 in 11 'hlnini 11 n a l'.". ni ,1 411 sti I-mn . . n : a vj at 111 -n 1 ln;lnna(l .-. 4 JO 40 7 at at I'lilliilplphla 4 (, 4 ,1 ,11 7 2 II Jl t.'iuli . . I I .1 1) ill b 21 JO AMERICAN I.I'.AflUK ! V. I.. IS. II V t.Hll ip.'I.ipiii .4 a 1 21 :i4 4 jr. Wnflllnxl'. , r. t 4 t!l 3'l N r.n 2S X-1 V 'lie I 1 t IN 4 .11 11 Virol 7 :. 2 ."in fill n 71 ao "."I'M! 1 a 211 "..-1 I 2S is 1 i.uia r. 2 a 21 :, in r.o .11 nu tics ft a a 2.r. .-.11 7 4 j is hlciio . 11 1 5 n 5j j in 13 1 1 LOOMS BIG AS TITLE WINNER ORGANIZE SOCCER LEAGUE This City GetB Berth In American League Has Eight Clubs New Yorli. Mnj fl. Klxht of the ftrongef-t coceer footbnll flub-, in tlie country have pooled their interests nnd orcniiied what is to be Known tis the American Socrer I.eacue for the pur pose of pla lite profefsiotinl soceer on Saturdays, Sundayr, and liolidayH on n riiruit comprising risht different cities., roiintliiK Mnnhattnn and llrool:ln as distinct, ns 11 lesult of the ineetinK of deleenles held nt the Hotel A'-tor. nnd presided over by Wllliagi Imthrr Lewis, of the Uethlehem Steel Corporation. The clubs in the new body nre tnc Xew i'orlc 1'ootbnll Club. Todil Ship Minis '. C. of Hrnnkljn: Ihie F. C of Ilnrrison. X. J.: Celtic Tootbnll Club, of Jcihc City; Hetlilehein Steel F. C. of Uclhlcheni. Vn. : Philndelphin Football CTub: Fall Hiver F. C , of Fall Hirer. Mass., and the J. A. 1. Coats F. U., of I'u'vtuckvt, It. 1. Volleys and.Stroltes AftPr tomnrronV nmlilifs nn Vni.crftty courts It Im llkel. Hint mil Tllln will 13kp ft'lwir rpt lie feel" that Ii Is o.cr lennlsed nnd ftalp. ' Tomorrow the nien'n hiiiI MiniT (nlcr club nintchPn arp hrh'Iuleil lo tie pla.pil Thli will Ii" thn spcnnil meptlnc lst T h'jrs day's matches IiicIiik been positioned on ac count of rain. Tlip tennis nintchrs l McCall nId wure not IhP only big nnls In that melton vpster dpy Thn nth"r was Miss Walsh's "WpMt. ft lias .loipph'H coat of mam colors fallen to 1 dull monochrome Not nnl1 that but a joune woman In the kallcr. wnro .1 Mmllar onn. mul,, tic It a WfenliiK afteinoon. ludllnc fiom lh perfrciV-ianil nt wrnlher Jtr lll' niut be h cuslTr f in Phila delphia Hlcctrlc The Mctnll Field inurtr 1 m" a"'"l " iny In the cntinirj. They hn.p been rebuilt by A C Hasiiford .tr Nun Tori, who Is chairman of the tanUInc connnlllP" of Ihc 1: s. i. t. a Snn, Colloni. rhairma'i of ln tnnl "in mlttPo at th" Oermantnn UrlrliPt ' I'lb, upon whose ehoulderu most cf Ihs wnrlt nf staffing the lint onnl lou-nainmt will f nil tns one of llu sit. Ice linesmen isterd.i,. The ntutilies weic umpiiel losph H Mcl'nll. Ji Hill I'.OHland nml I'ml 'lib bene Unllarp .InhnMin nnd Stm.e. I'ii fi .III pla. rlnub'en tucither In mot nt th tournu minli In thin lclntty this Kenson i:.err atnlluhle sent was t iken c"tordav en four sides of thi lncloure ho Iiir the eier-lncrfaslnu iwpularlty of laiMi tennl. Amateur Sports The 'oniiiierilli. Profpuhloools, lonsMered 0110 of 1 lie foremost tolorcd truMlIn nines of tho fill ros man open dntes in cludlns Ma 1,1 .'2 2S 2 nnd .10 for first pUns boil" nines offering svltnblc cuir intees. rthur f.anl ill 40 htentun m '. rlie Uclnimi' so. hit Club, of Miiin.ur.k under Icaderiihlp of Itany I'ro ig tl ' otd Mann5.unk star, bus renrKnlZ"l lth 1r111 allv a new llno-up for Ih coming Bcniion. llrone would like to hear from all the flrst claan home ctubs around Philadelphia ind vicinity offering reasonable guarantees Hugh McDonald, 137 Hermitage Mrcct, Man aunk. Tho linlmnnt .Innlorn denlren to heir from flfleen-elghteen-s ear-old home teams. Da. Id Ubele 210 Knierj Htreet. Anchor (.lints, 11 flrsl class cob rd nln has open tlitii for flrsl-ctaas horns clubs offering reasonable guirnnte''-' Andn-w t'lirbam 5IIJ1 Kenjoi street Mirlnn A ( . 1 fnui,"' ee.pnt , en, old 1 111'- destl. 1 In lli'ni lull! leimi ni l!.i a e 'lib 1 .11 hnnie nt i. im - I im hull .III 111 Wo-.' Ilei' M stied i:nl I'nrli It T. (. I'. .-mild , ,. 10 I O' k Siturdti nnd 11 da 1,1111 s ni.' llrst rlaei home itlii.s "ffeiing eultiibl. mi.nn-lee-' J r (li lintu I'" oifi 11 aollu' I mis do ne l'a The pper Dnrli. 1'rnfesi.liiiiuli, wants 10 arrange UuudHj gami-x with iucb teams us Kav.nod. Delco. Kinsley and West 1'arK. Jack Ljnch, Yeadon. Dnlnwan 1 ounf l'a Tlio (lermnrftoMi, nine, a Mrlctlv ilrst-class team deidroi lo hear from auch tilnen as Mlrne. llader. Vet park Sparrowi., Har tram Park, Klauder-IVcldnn and teams of the nam's caliber offering reasonable indues' menu. J A Gallagher 4S Hast Winter street, (ermiintowu Coach Robertson's Excellent Judgment Wins Triangular Meet in Now York LEVER STRENGTHENS TEAM I'enns.vhnnia's chances to nsaln win till! intercollegiate track mid Held ihnm ploiiKhips reccitcil another IiIk boost iicr in Xew York Saturday afternoon when the Red and Itlitc won oer Dart mouth nnd Columbia, in a triangular meet by two-thirds 'of n point. The linnl figures read: Pennsylvania, til points; Dartmouth, n0 1 -:t, mm Co luii.bli, 14 2-3. Saturday mw the gicatest number of dual and tilaiigtilar meets of the sea son Yale scored , 11 triumph over Princeton in n nirofc that was not de cided until the last event, the furlong, which Feldinan. of Yale, inptuied in 22 seconds Hat, Dick I.amloii. win failed to even place In the rehijs, proved that he had an off daj then b win ning the high jump Hatinilay with n leap of tj fed n inches. Stcvensnu. the Tiger quarter-mllcr, tinned the quar ter In IS l-,ri (-eronds, breaking the Princeton track record, Tlie best perfifi malices of the dm went- to Alliiti Woodrlng. the (lljniplc -00-ineter champion. The Srnciiv(. hid ran the centur.i In n.'l-" seconds, tieing tlie record, and in the furlong he traveled the di-tamc In 21 .".-5 scenndK, erpinling the intercollegiate record, fsyracusp won the meet from Pittthuigh and Colgate. In tho other meets Drexel defeated C. C. X. Y., the X'nvy (.topped Vir ginia, I.nfuclte humbled Uoston. Hut gers tripped I.chlgh nnd Hannrd jolted M. I. T. Itobblp'N Judgment J.aw.son Robertson, the Pcnn cnacli, had to do considerable doping befon-. hand to win the meet in Xew York. After the lelnjs Hobble stuted that bis veterans were in top form nnd that he wns afraid that several of them might go stnlc. In order. to prevent this ho dcciddl not to double up Fby in the quarter and the half, to keep Itnb Mnxnm out of tho quarter nnd to keep Lnrry Hrown on the sidelines. After Ttrown"H brilliant performances in the relays Uobbie dedded to gic him u well deserved rest. It he had been started in ihc mile against Higgius the Columbia star, his form for tlie inter eollrgiates might hae been gien n Hide jolt. How well Robertson's doping pioved true is evidenced by the score l',b could liao wo'11 the half mile in addi tion to the qnaiter nnd the Red and Hlue would have gone nut in front of tlie other two contenders b much more than two-thirds of n point. Tin worst f.nrri Hrown tould lini" done in the mile was ecoud with Irwin, who did finish seioud. third. Thin wnulM hae added more point-. Mnxmii cmild have scored in ihe -MO and the 220, bur instead he finished second to Ilaiold I.ever in the 100 nnd won tho 220. I.evcr proved that his long la,off from competition because of his in eligibility did not harm him by his victory in the century which uns done In 10 1-5 seconds. In the 220. the Xew York lnd ran n dose second to Hob Mnxnm in 22 2-5 seconds. Fail I"by, the Pcnn skipper, would Baseball With Naijs Gives Landis a Puzzle Pitchers in the Southern Associa tion, now that they can't put any thing on the bnll to make it curie, are putting niiiething into it. John I). T.ogan. president of the1 Mobile Club, declines that after the game witli Little Hock on Fiidny ho found ballH witli thin wire nnlls driven into them. Hn has taken up the matter with the league president and Com missioner I. audi" The nulls arc driven into llic balls close to the s Itches and nrc hard to find. It Is decinred the lidded weight of the nails causes the sphere lo do all ports of funny tricks. The Mo bile pln.iers deny that they put the balls in the game. DEMPSEY TAKES LIGHI WORKOUT haVe won the qunitcr witli ease, but he Jdcclded coming down the stietch with the Pmtmouth and Columbia 1 iiliiiiers jurds In the mui thnt he would I penult Dewej Rodgers, the fleet colored lnd. to win the event imj nlso his1 nisity P. The riinnlnj; of Kd McMullcn and firiuge Meredith in the half gives Rob ertson two good performers in that event for the intertollegiiites. McMul lcn rnn the fastest hnlf of his caieer vjhen he won the event in 1 :."!! I-." HPcnntl". The track was at least n sec ond slow, according to several of the athletes. Meredith win tight In back of his teanunnte and was clocked in two minutes even. Head Huns Well Don Head (ontiuuci! Ids gicat nin ning bj winning the two-mile ecnl 1 from Young nnd Sherburne, of Dnit mouth. Fieielt Sinallei pushed '1 1mm son, of Dartmouth, right to the tape in , the 220 huidles in L'.i l-ii swiiiiiN. which means, thnt the foimer Central High School lad is in top form for the Intercollegintes. Dartmouth dime down from Hanoi er with full strength and really expected to win the eumt. Thomson won three lirnt plncis. while the (Ireen Mined, firsts in all the field events. It was the running of the Pcnn team that gave 1 them the lictorj. The (Sreen has been ' looked on nil 5 car by the critics as the "trongest Tnsicm contender for the in tercolleglntc title, but now. after Saturday's meet, it looks much blighter for l'enn. when it Is considered thnt Hobeitson did not use hi" entire f strcngtii to win tnc meet. .KRAMER LOSESFIRST RACE ' Veteran Cyclist Sustains Setback In, Match With Planl ' Xcwaih. X. J., Ma il Fiank Kramer lost his first match nice of the, scnon nt the Velodrome heie when he wns beaten in tVo straight heats of n one-mile match b Oilando I'irni. tbei (limnpion of It.il. before the laigesti cinnd of the season. Kramer's defeat mine as a niprise. mr the veil ran lias been riding m well 1 lull he wn expected to beat tin ii.ick Italian rider PinuFs itoij was the signal for 11 lieinend'ius outburst ot enthusi'isin by the Italian funs who fairly went wild ,ith glee our his victor Kaufman Wins Prize , While s,,inhiir Hprings. AV. Vn . Ma, P I Untold M. Kaufman of St louts ,mpm the, fit st ri !?e In tho m.nusl spring cn'f Inurn.i mint .lore Onrdun Ileis t.f f'lncinpali , as second nnd Ciorge v Hodgej, Tt(C rthur S n'l-ir of s p Yor'' tied fcr t'.ird Champion Also on Long Board walk Stroll He Dreads Roller Chairs TO RETURN TO SUMMIT Atlantic City. Mav !). Training by Jack Demrrsi for his July 2 twehc lound. no-decisioll contest nt Jersey Clt with ficorgrs Cnrpentier oflii inlly started todin, wlien the world's title holding heavjwelght went through a light woik this nfternoon. The big bo did no boxing nor even npnning at the airport, where his camp is pitched, but was snttsfied with n short llmbeiing up in skipping the lope, shadow boung nnd punching the bag. UcinpM' stnited his first day of pre paring for his roinlni contest with Cnr pentier bv taking finite a sttoll on the Itoaiilwiilk. .He wended his way as far as the Inlet, wheie he ttuiplnd n bnll game .uwtcrday nfternoon. nnd when asketl by 11 (ompaninn how lie felt. Jack's answer wns, "Well, let's mnev on back; cs, walk; I dread those roller (hairs I'm off them throughout mv si 11 l III 1 p ' ' It is piobnble that Dcmpso. will in tin 11 to Fred Welsh's farm tit Summit N". J., a week or even two weeks be fnii, IiIm limit .villi Cnrnentier. to mil the linis-hing touclies on hi- training there. I)empsey-is piepareil to till the woild that there is 110 place 011 eaitli to equal Welsh's health farm in I lie hill near Summit, ns 11 placo for reetiper iiflnn flf 1 'nin so. .luck ilorsti'l nro fess to my tlmt lie was nn Invalid when ho went to Summit, two weeks ago. for "a complete rest." but lie (merged from the hills Thur-dn fit as a fiddle nml right on edge for n bout witli any matt living. Welsh was the champion's "doctor In -chief" while Jnek wh sojourning nt tlie farm and if Freddj cer find hlmelf in need of n recommendation as n health-promoter he neul go no further than Dempsey himself nml Jack Kcarns will be icady to attach his O. K. to nil thing his protege ma hay. I nelilpntnll. .vlipn the fo, nier licht- unirlit clininnlnli hecins t, harvest his I nop of carlv icgotublcs about Jul-. 1 1 he will bale none other than Jack I Dcmpsey to thank for the surcess or 1 iailure of the ield. Jack literally spaded up and raked oier eiery patch of open ground nn tlie Fnglishnian"s hill-top faun In1 fact, an hour or two of fnrmwork was' a part of the daily routine of each "dny 1 of icst" the ndverMixy of Carpenticr put in under Welsh's tutelage . When Jack depatted Tlnusday from the Welsh farm he left word that he would loiitliiue to legard the hilltop as his secondnry quarteis ntul would visit there frequentl before Jul 2 the date he is engaged to bo Car pentiei His pci'Miuul g.imnnsitim effei Is weie left in cliarge of WeKii plong with most of his clothing nnd whenever hn tltes of performing for crowds at the seashore ho expects to beat It to the health farm, thus interspersing (lavs of ic-t with strenuous exhibitions with sparring lmrtners at the henslde Park Kdgp would like to arrange games for Tiv K itid II wnb nn, flrtn -lues semi uto teams James I l"err tins IV, n u Inn a. emit Robins Retain Cup by Defeating Fore River Harrison, X. J.. May 0 -The Rollins soccer tenm, of Brooklyn, which won the National Challenge Cup recently, Micco-s-fitllv defended the Amerlcnn Football Association trophy in the final here against the Fore Kivcr Field Club of Quinc', Maw., winning by 5 goals to 2 Hatirun nml Sweeney eneh stored twice for tlie Koblnsnnd Hoie once Page nnd Hlnek tallied for the Fore Hlvcr eleven, Hlack negotiating a pcnnlty kick. Wcatlier conditions were i,rnl nnd n large crowd wlltirssed the conteit. Ceorge Young, of Philadelphia, ref creed. CHILD'S CUP RAG E ON NEXT SATURDAY "Outsider" Wins Cross-Country -n York. Mry 0 n abv lute ' outsldpr for lltle honors Kranl; Tiferl, n of tho Mow hawk A '". won the en,,r tnetrnpnli tan eroMcoUNlr." ehampl n ship nt Van (.ourtianui I'arn ,-mreo in i" 1 rimntr tho leaders ry n-nro innil l'"r nr,i, ;,, Mm uireq mile mark. Tttterton lif . 1 minutes liter, .i.aiail mm., the 11,e ,,,ii u. 1, m1li.i1 i.i Mushed mrn-s the lt,e ta Ilnblin,' Pailli champion. 1, Hll' nil of d' 'n llng Penn, Princeton and Columbia Crows Meet on Harlem; Tigers' Victory Over Navy Surprise JUNIOR BOAT ALSO WINS Next SnUinln. utiei imon tlm animal ' ChUrls cup i mc will be held on the llnrlcm rhi r with Columbia as tlie host, of Princeton nnd Penns. Ivanin There i a lot of speculation on Honthoitse How fonceining tlie rhnnees of the K"d and llluc lifter Saturda.i's cunls on Lake Carnegie, whirc the Tig' rs pulled awnv from the fhampion Xnvy eight. I'ennsvlvanlii nnd Columbia Isoth have beaten Ynle nnd up to Suttirdiu both wcro figured to be stionger than Prince ton, but since the Orange and Hlack greul ii torj- over tin Muldiis tin u oopi ih badly shot to pim es mid tin c - reits hai'll. Know wlmf lo think Ihe imittc, icnlh niiiiov. i down to thiF, that Phlladelphl'His belli if Pe-ius.' limit will win- New oikeis put tluir trust in Columbia and in Jcrsc Prince ton lilies fnvonti. Hegardlcss of tiiirlisaiishii the 1 ace will lie n grtnl one ntul .'ill nitn nal ion -wide interest. The i up orw'it'n the i lews row was oftered Tor (olnprti tlon bv f.eoige W Child' In ISTtl A' Unit time he was piiblishei of the Pt u 1 1( I.l.nnt.it. For ten rars foitr-onird crews colnpeteil, then the were hatigcil to eights, tnc )rcuiil liuinbi r hanilling the sweeps. Last (nr Hie Xa na-- invited to rnmpete ntul won pnsil. with Pnuee ton M'cnml, Pcnnslvmna t'nrd ami Co lumlia fourth. The rate on l.nl.e CnrtKgie Satiirdar was one of the inot senntional cvet mwed on that stretch of water. Princp ton's i ictor , loo. i nine ns n comtilel' surprise, no one belie, nig that Spn'th -new would be able to beat the world's championship no.v ght Ilowevir tin Tigers bj sturd f'ist stio,mg, sint over the line i hnlf length nhem! of tlie navj's briat and four full bngth in front of the! Harvard rew The Plineeton seiond aisitv nls won beating the Hnrard junior In in I . eight boat lengthf M .1 the 'I igei fie i men were defeated b tlie Hnivntil firs' . lie mi n b two lengths POP. GKVIINTY YEARS NORDYKH A MAP.UON COMPANY KAB STOOD FOR IIOZJORADLB M ANUFACTUItl NO, FOR CLEAN, VAIR DEALINO AND FOR BUBIMB0S FAIR PLAY PUP TJiJLLLLLLI 1111111 JH not a dry iiifi i ii j-jt-amig. PSiMWMWMMewWWWaMHJSSSSSSSSSSfaV Sl SB fc.1wM i' i Marmon Price Reduction The Talk of the Week! Drop from. $5000 to $3985 creates a nation-wide discussion of fine car values. Marmon 34 now on 1922 price basis I AST Monday morning the j famous Marmon 34 quad rupled its appeal among dis criminating motorists. Thou sands of people, hitherto anxious to own a Marmon 34, suddenly found it within their reach. Based on 1922 prices, the reduc tion has proved an irresistible appeal to men who understand values. Particularly when one obtains the identical $5000 Mar mon 34, without the slightest cheapening. All the extra equip ment is included. This $3985 car improved and re fined is the fin est Marjon ever built. Never in recent MARMON J4 PRICES NOW WAS 7-Pistenger Touring i Pasenger Touring $39!5 00 JIO00W Club RoaiJster . . . .' Speedtter 41M0O SW 00 Coups 4J7JOO 61V) 00 Sedan 527i 00 CcOO 00 I.lmous se Town Car All jmcti at Indianapcl and tubjtet to uartax years has there been such an amazing situation nor such an opportunity to obtain a dc luxe car at a comparable price. It simply puts the Marmon 34 into a class of its own. No car at $3985 can compare with the Marmon in design and construc tion. Tts performance, its style, all its superiorities, give it a distinct position. The announcement of 1922 prices NOW has brought instant response. So there is no need to warn you that you should place your order early so as to insure prompt delivery. 500 00- 600 00 THE HATCH MOTORS CO. DISTRIBUTORS 720 N. BROAD ST., PHILA. Hn I PUOM . POIM VR 7670 Nordvkf fc Marmon Company exam,, mi INDIANAPOLIS ii es-T .T-. -st r ,-r 1-. r t . DANCING 'ifwr Dlir'nK the Summer Months e ..... .... oru " ' "' insiaiieti jiont COm Pnii- ' ... ' . ." " l"" cii vacation " r ,,.." ""' .yn' " iii tior 1 1 '"""""ii" ov snen away Pr Dt. ih ami Vj.irden iU1" 'i,t hi neHi iMtiee I'laco Smoke English Ovals CIGARETTES NATIONAL A. A. ,.,.. H'Mlilir TOMi.llT WAGNER V!. FRANCHETTI LOUGHRAN V8. ALEX SUinl,VAN V8' CREDELL GIBBONS v. WYilrir, !!M!MiiilVN. 33 H. 11th ST. Buy a package and you'll know whaf we mean. Pltiladelphia Jack O'Brien's - ttc!,d , Bot,y Bul,-inE M-ilC s', ''"'"lit Sin,. I'Mi,." - ' nrurnt ev lrlt ONAI LEAGUE PARK1 nH0. GAMES TODAY LrLIES v BROOKLYN ca At dealer) ivtrywhttt YTueult tm. (?TjUfTnotAAA, 20 r Ot BAAJ I AIoIkwA ilN Out of the School of Experience You may not know much about the inside of your storage battery, but you want to bo sure that the people who made it do. The first automobile battery was an E-xide, just as Exide was the pioneer battery in other indus tries long before mere was such a thing as an automobile. Into the Exide made for your car is built the experience of the oldest and largest ' makers of storage batteries in the world. The Electric Storage Battery Co. EXIDE SERVICE STATION (171 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Skilful repair work on oil makes of batteries SIS stV m lib live end build in SMarysaifU HERE is nothing in your motoring: experience that will enable you to anticipate the sensation of driving and riding in the Wills Saintc Claire. Designed by C. Harold Wills, constructed of Mo-vf4-den-um steel, built with the proprie tary pride of the people of Marysvillc, the Wills Saintc Claire has established new standards of luxurious motoring. To appreciate this you must experience it. This we invite you to do. WILLS SAINTE CLAIRE COMPANY of I'lulndclpUm W. 1 FOSS. I'teinJcTi 21IJJ'20;i.) Market Street Philadelphia, Pcniuu WILLS SAINTE CLAIRE y The Mo-lyb-tim-um Car 1 1 a m mi BATTERS E! 4 i 1. .A , . u , t ) !,