tmikfafaifC:'iLUL'Jr ! N-4 jy ittryl m fy m :- r trfl 0V ! , i . ?, . " 1 MS ' " jSiV . .vv a -- ,i ?& - ,,w. .. ." . ;: -H' i ;- i i I ITK I n lea'.ir. j th- a;. I .ir.-i1 vi U.K'h 'I-S I.K .- .- " i i 1' -O in i ' ( 'inip 'N'. On a HtiM-h f the I.iim i -1 i'i at Brit a n u. - f tit !i d,r ,ir' , i P,.,rl: I and 1- .i' OL R ' ! ! 'i W OKr.RS M W i i M 'II 1F.Y DO ""T.dfl" - 2y' ;i Wk -' - '.-: . www -'S''. '-7 '.'-wb? &v ' fa 7 - " VWTll, til" 3 . ' s&exr.i ! . ...' ll . UL 'V A ' X '' 1 . s. .TilJO' 7& &&: " - . oJBfO' 7 - -"" &;iK! vn K'JIJt' I -9C 31 IwJi r i 1 . li'l' K hi r n r ! SSI & J rmMM&' vm. IK Ht .- xv - JJffljKfc IPS mm JESt! KJ WW SRBflBS328 .SsaaS(!ss mtamm wmfemMi Jfiir 6 fSMWa. .. Ktj.,iri.wus. "wa(ar rifv tomb fflmmM- Siis;;-- m r ijvt M-"-7i -i life f w ifsassEsrf S9SHK WfMmm 9B;.f 'yi, j J TrtW F""1 " tf'Wl,r''V"rW-''f'' PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY I 1921 t . Ntss ; "SOLLY" HAS UNUSUAL HISTORY. His first owner died in Irance second, Uoionei doscpn ainyme, was uuicu m .vvk, anti nis third d Major William Smythc, was killed in n Dublin raid. The dop is now a Ed army mascot ccn'ra ,, I?H1IS HOSPITAL OF PIUI DELPHIA. The work for the children in the now structure at Seventh and lie l..i sf.i'Pts ha mm t y on for some time, but the formal openinp will take place next Monday. At t ninther with nrr i' . ' .ma ts her turn. Separate compartments where mothers wait with their children are a now feature ricr I'lmio hitmcc rB r" Hd"t ""."vi wwi' .. i t-.v-.n ol . . j , . . . ' j ' -t --.- " BTVt i ' . C.u ".e5Jy( j.-!0 7Bj . i-.W( i tS. .. JSk-t AfX'F ) 1C t .'Ji i3C-1JV r ".- 5"' l Oajftftii tto?iv; mmmmmmMmmim . -jt. M' v-:.?y'y--r"v',"'N'y'-v''-'-? '-, - -"- '-' .-" -. - RUNNING HALL DOWN THE FIELD. R. E. StrnwhridRo, a member of I American nolo team, on the practice Held at bunbury, Lncland C ntr.i T'ttl TUP 1 1, HE W 1 IH niL ( IRfl ,s. The lion cubs are amone; the animals to DR. JAMES M. ANDERS talk a . n t wiek with the "h,K show," which will open Monday at Nineteenth on Health Day in an intcrvicv street and Hunting Park avenue on the Editorial Pago .-:? " A ' W fr B m rrr.&S . fm m&ib. .? 8&PW c Wi4-vM "M msmmBbMm. ..r,. ,. . .- -.-r . w. i- XWW. -VX' 'Si iwiilw' 31 ilnni ;t; Bwsai fe'SvMXS-C ft i: . ''" '.. ' v&.avUL rC3 TSfeBlTk TaV II W ! s I I iii: I" 'I liLl.. A home run could .;,-'!; i I., i iii' on the hit, but Karl I i r"M . . " nn't in a lviny !. !). I i' ' .OME OF THE BEST. Interesting matcht.- wr-re plnyed yesterday for the team golf championship of Philadelphia. At St. Muitiiw,! MiNirtd Caverly, Philadelphia Cricket Club (left), defeated Mrs. Caleb V. Vox, of Huntingdon Valley. At the right is Miss Ma mi ret v i iiiKi" i hid, wno aeicaieu iirs. rrazer iiarrion (wearing hnt), ot Huntingdon Valley ixJi.or J i SEMAPHORE SENTINELS k yfe wPJroWfl. - iPifei tttfrj BT j IH dHL i V m iitf II THE BEAUTY CORNER iv M.hMiiii 'iii, Hi,.,!. ') inti n iiimulii front of the KNOWN TO THOUSANDS, lor TIIL DOf.'S MOHN'l'(! l.i.iKwiv u-..i. ... . , ,i. tl.r ,. h... ii '. i i. a. i ir - bo' if the gypsy lift eon year- Rf serve Patrolman . I. erine Kellj, the acta--, a- caught as alio . .. . i . .. i... i. ,. luli'J. V. 110 all 11 1 I" U UUiLII vunun L1.4.U1 1 u Struct Albert biebcek has been doim.' mnxi,, u.r ",,nm" t, ,i ,,.. ... i. e trallic dutj at Thirteenth and the thoat r ' inesuiui tiret'ts Lcuticr I'lioio htriico. MISS EMMA sHAF'rna 232 .Jefferson stitct Muimyunk lAtUSf 1'huVu Uw4vUt. ri ,i4i