RtfZtjrTSP t'ifvffl"rspn:f WtWw,. rtTSfwTSTr J.T"'?''."V" 'vSJT' IMTHV1"" 'wniyt! ' W f8K3"f'' ' ,"xtol?M-"r'-'r " 4;jl,. '.'' -.); - ev-F'S r -A EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY '4, 1921 23 srniNO nnsonTfl spring resorts BPRINO RESORTS ATLANTIC! CITY. N. J. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. ATLANTIC CITV, N, J. QlfjP IS PARTICULARLY ATTRACTIVE DURING ATLANTIC CITY'S A FAMOUS SPRING SEASON February, March, April, May Exoutilts music future. Horseback Riding-. Golf (2 Championship CoumA BolllnsT Chalra. Fieri. Theatrea. Movies, and countless other amusement. OWNRRSIUP MANAOKMBNT . JOSIAII WI1ITK SONS COMPANY IN THEJIKAIIT OF TniNOS IT THE IDEAL FAMILY HOTEL Arlington HOTEL ESPLANADE XX'hole Rlock on Ocenn Front nOSTON TO SOVEREIGN AVKNUES Onen for Beaeon. Saturday, May 28 Same Ownership Management ii.iw Office In Hotel. W. F. SHAW. Hotel Raven Royd .? crrelal low Bprlng rates. Running water. Private bathe. Elevator. ISAAC ROWER. Unfol Rnitcobci Kentucky Ato. Refurn. MOtei DOSCODCI jjjnjp, ,nW, tj7R0 end up weekly. Phnns 11T. A. E. MARION MONTICEttO I lUttliWC0rV0BTlKVra.CW5t Kentucky av. near Reach. Cap. 500; modern throughout: elevator: run, water In rms.: 13 up dly.i $17.nf) up wklv.i Amer. plant skit. FETTER HOT.T.INCinn Let V .Mako Yon Feel ne Home In the "CIIt of Hobnt Health" HOTEL MORTON Orenn End Virginia Ave. Capacity 300. Elerator, Private Ilnths, tip. Alwara Onn. r.y.HA c. iir.u. paiil xi. cope. rrm, end up New York ave. near Reach. Newly furnished and redecorated. Ottering excellent accom modations with home cooking at reduced rates. $3 dally; 118 wkly. JACOU DICICA.lt HAR nARDOR. me. HAR.HARHOR. ME. Visit .4 1 .M BAR HARBOR ,i leason " Ims OCEAN, MOUNTAIN AND LAKE SCENERY Acolaltned UNL'QUALLHD by world-wtdo travellers NATURE'S WONDERLAND U. S. GOVT'S LAFAYETTE NATIONAL PARK Affords new delight at very turn Outdonr sport under Ideal natural conditions. Oolf, yachting. swimming, tennla, semi-pro. baseball, mountain climbing, oto. DAILY CONCKHTrl IIY MEMRERH 01' THK BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA X will h" happy to auatrai and assist In accommodations. All tastes and purses suited. Write for profusely Illustrated booklet. I'UHLICITY CXIMMTTTEE. IJAU IIAUUOIt. MADfE mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmkmmmmm So. Carolina Ay., eloaa to Beech A SteeJ Tier, within blocks of efjht leading Prot. A Cath. Churches. Largest moderate rat hotel of brick, teel A atone construction. Hot A cokt running water In guest rooms. Prlv. bathe. Am. Plan, nuuprilr.l, $1.60 up Eu. Plan. Special weekly ratee. Booklet and auto road map mailed. PAUL a ROSECRAN8, Owner A Prop. I I01NHURST HOTEL. n Pennsylvania Avt.. class tn naaAh and Steel Pier, centra location, aU waya open. Capacity 800. Prlvau Dams, running water in rooms, elevator, etc. Special spring ratee. mnrrt if. iiarnrn. necklet. TOURS TOURS The wonderful voyage through the famous "In side Passage" with its fjords and glaciers, the marvelous railroad trip over the lofty White Pass, the rorriantic interest of Dawson and the Klondike make the journey to Alaska a favorite vacation. Raymond-Whitcomb Tours enable you to combine this Alaska trip with visits to the Canadian Rockies, the Pacific Northwest, and Colorado. They leave on June 6 and 27, July 4, 11 and 18, and August 11. Pacific Northwest California National Parks Vacation lands of the West, including Colorado Grand Canyon Southwest Yosemite Yellowstone Park Glacier Park Zion National Park Canadian Rockies. Thirty Spring and Summer tours visit these great resorts under ideal conditions. Departures May 11 & 18 and weekly in June, July & August. Send for Pacific Northwest Book A new feature this season is a Special Tour of the Southwest, with a visit to the famous Snake Dance at the Hopi Pueblos. Other features of particular interest are a Grand Tour of the National Parks and Short Tours (of about 3 weeks) including; Colorado and the Yellowstone EuroDe Spring and Summer tours of varied length, visiting once more all the countries of West ern Europe. Round the World Luxurious tours of limited membership. Eastbound or West bound. 6 and 9 months in length. Other tours to Japan-China and South America RAYMOND & WHITCOMB CO. 1338 Walnut St, Philadelphia Telephone Filbert-3864 AROUND THE WORLD Small do luxe parties, with escort, limited to 10 members. Starting October and December. CHINA JAPAN Philippines Honolulu Small de luxe parties, with escort, limited to 12 members. Starting May and October. EUROPE Small de luxe parties, with escort, limited to 15 members. rronucnt departures May to September, visiting; Spam, Portugal, Italy, France, Riviera, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, British Isles, Norway, Sweden, etc. Largest steamers, best hotels, most interesting sightseeing lontures; leisurely, unhurried journeys; privney, comfort. Spring and Summer PACIFIC" COAST , ..; Vliiting California, National Parks, Canadian Rockies, Alaska, Honolulu, Etc. Small de luxe parties, with escort, limited to 15 member aikAMSHLP PASSAGES Y lire Olllrlel Axenta for Hleamnlilii Mnra to nil PiirtH of the World. i ,"" mako stateroom reservatlona and mil tlckela tit the Hiram. fh.L',-1 ""nPwnl"' "." n".''"' , f,,rnl"h . "allln,( Kihedulee i.ml rate "unce'nl tl " ' aupply helpful Information SS ' or Tour iiookleta, Mitlmu l.tate,, General Information, etc. u)inv FRANK TOURIST CO. n,.M;.:.j imc lW i-iouuaiitu uv SSSSSSNS. 219 So. 15th StPhiladelphia Bell Phone: Spruce 8S2 Zzzzzz jQeiht ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. . Directly on the Ocean Front An American plan hotel of dlstlnetlen CAPACITY 000 OAnAnn rcvti... j nutu mm EOn noardwalk at Montpeller Ava. Now opao. ultes with batha. Running- water alt rooms. 1T. Ppeol. Bprlng ratee. tt. M. nEKVBO. iTPyuo" 7V vve-r7v-7 I Mi arA4 tntAAA asbJI naaL VBAak aa! oiA. I Ob vuvrjeti I mu IIIU aurvbll. fltlll " m wmivcr ramPirunninK wiiwr innrvrai,iTivis Superior tAblA:8prinK rnte;Coarh at trmlnf.l AegT WAGNER. Prope W.R.LAYTON.Mgr. Virginia Ave. and Beach. Cap. 330. Private oV.1,'JEV9-.S"lJ!?'8 'vator, etc Amer. plan. BAM. ELMa Owner. N. J. CULLINB. aUr. 7T.TRA3TMORE "cf??c Worlds greatest ffottl Suceest 11 5 OCKANCK'Y. N. J. Stim SjTZ?' - O th STRFET v&s- ST BOARDWALK Newly Ilenovnlrd und Under . .. New MrtnaB-ement Pine Table, Iteneonabln nates. OffeHna; excellent nrrnmmnrlnllnnii. ..-.. . .. .......... wruo xor iteeervaiiona May 28th. F. V. Heaann Onena TATE8. Prop. NEV1T.t.r.. PA. Doubling (lap, NmvTllle, Pa. DOUBUNG GAP White Hulphur Hprlnta Hotel An (deal mountain health and plcanuro resort: nmueementa, danclnc. tennle. boating'. Moderate rates. Elevation 000 feet. Booklet on request. jew manage ment. MOSKR & pincn. WKItXHKHVII.I.K. PA. The Highland De,1lhlfu"?tsltu,lJ,,d on .South Mountain Overlooking- the famoua Ix-banon Valley. The Won I place to apend McmorUI Day vacation, nate modcrato Open May 14th. Write for booklet. Highland Hotel Company. J. HOWARD FTIK8. President. Hillside Beautiful Views. Modern con vcn. Terma mod. Kath, Oerhnrt. vai.t.kv roiton. TA. WASHIXOTOX INN Chicken and Waffle Dinners DANIEL. J. VOOrtHi: K H. Prop. EAST BTKOPDSnPnO. PA. Mftnlphiiriit Inn. IT Ut.,tAmU.- IWj Pa. 17th neuon; auppIleB from own "'J farm. SDacloUB VMrnnrl-a larva lawn, n'enty rthndA mmtt .ia.iicrhtrnt place; capacity 200: Rarav. llooltlct. JMHO. il. J, HAU11, i Top, Turn Villa P" ,luhy11 "" nunp;. ; J0"'":.. Iteueonnble rates. kooiI cooking. Homelike. CllAS IJirKyn. v, J'AKSIIAU, FAI.U4 HOUSK Table Huppllrd From Own Fnrm. Ilenutlfal Hcenery on llushklll Pike. Norman Hoffman Dounr.iNo oap sntiNtis. ia. IKIUIII.INd (IAP WHITK 8UI.PIIUR A SPRINGS HOTKI.. NewVllle. l". An luejl mountain, pleaauro and health resort. El. 000 ft. Amusemenle. orchestra, Iwatlng, bathing and tennle. moderate rales Hooklet on request. Open May 10. New manacoment. MOSEIl and PIIICE HCinVKNKHVn.I.E. PA. Perkiomen Inn J?."1 1Modern neson. Hsn loca. ; prl. bath Boating, bathing, fishing, tennis. nV4t Opens May HSth. c UNOER? TOUMIANNA. PA. Chichester House Jia.lLns: bat!"" " ..lnB highest In I'oconos. Apply for ratee. Mrs. E. :.. chlrh..""' MT. (lltETNA. PA. Hotel Conewago .,.LBk c'onewago Mt. Gretna, pu rygjygia Prop; For rat" ttddfe" MT. I'OCONO, PA. Hawthorn's Inn 'on-housekoeplne cot tlon with Inn; booklet "EM. 'SkffiS"- The Claitmont 1i;?,p0Ok!,,f: Modern. , . ..... Uectrlo Lights, lutes moderate. Hooklet. f. j.. HMITH TheOntwood5,'n,ralJ " AcSnT. 100. Mod. Eleg. lncat'n lcel table. Booklet. D. L,. & E.V. AHTMAN FAIItyiEW INN. Mt. P"oc7m"o7"l'a7AuTo tourist li'lnrsi good taoio: pleasant aur- rnund'gs. Hk)t. on request. O. I.. Menri-I. DEVON. PA. WYNBURNE INN Mai-Ti5. from Broad St. Station. PrUat? DinTrut Room for use of automoblllats. n.anrlna Saddle Horses Phone: Berwin 230-W for reserxatlons. SWirriVATKK. I,. Summit House Own term; "fine view; . , , excellent table, reaaon- a ble rates, nooklet. Mre. E. Bt'HQKNDl' V MOUNTAIN HOME. PA. Heller's Mt. Airy.",9, JocatTon. nuit. J H E Heller. Prop DELAWARE WATKIt OAP North Delaware Water (lap. Pu. Pine Terrace '-""'"d on pine "covered "UL Plateau, midway between ator Gap 4 Shavne. Kxten. acreage Strictly mod., own water front. Lodge A bungalows. P O, N. Water Oap, Pa. W T THANSUi: WHITE MOI'NTAINS. N. II. WHITE MOUNTAINS PROFILE HOUSE coATges Open June 30. N. Y. Office: Town & Coun try. S VF.40th 8t. Korlnt nnd flcenle Centre nf WhlfA lla. Maplewood Hotel aniV(hon'y('e 1R Hole fiolf. Trap Shooting Booking Office 11 an Brnafiwav New York OCEAN PITY. Ml), New Avulon 0erl'lc g ocenn bay, large alrv rma. Hnec Wk rla Mr.&Mrx t' Onsklrj NAKRAOANSETT PIER The Imperial Narragansett Pier, R. I. OPEN JUNK TO OCTOIIKR An airliuUe hotel for dlwrlmlnat Inr iwonle ut one nf Amrrlca'a Finest Seaside Kesorle. POLO, Oo'f, Tennis, Bathing. Dan ring. Well Kept State HtghwAs for motoring. For reservatlona addmsi JAMES V. (JAI.RRKY. MANAGER. Narragunaelt Pier. Rhode Island, WI.NCHKNDON. Wfi. WINCHENDON, MASS. Opent May 20 Excellent golf courae on the Hotel Itrounrls. Swimming Pool TeunU tiaJdle Horse Music Fireproof Garage. Al tractive rates for My and June, SPBINO REKORTH NORTH AHIIIIRV PARK !l NE.W MONTEREY HOTEL The Ideal Resort Hotel Directly on Ocenn OPENING JUNE 18 All outalds rooms; hot and cold salt water In bathrooms: every modern convenience, accommodates (loo, drill Room, Brokers' ofllce with prlvatn wire. Management of SHERMAN DENN1H New Tork OITlce, 8 Weat 40th St. 'Phono Vnnrierbllt 2290 firRlNO RESORTB SPRINH I.AKH Itr.ACII. N'7 SI'RINH R KSORTH . HPRINH h.lr. nEArHtlfj. 0 rrfLjOtr jilWrjjriMflT-"' '"JjgpSaag LAKE Nature's League -Ocean .Wood, LQKo ana coumrj iBd. IF?.- AjIsiiY JJSJBBBBBSBBBBBBSBJC " m "' " Bathing and Tennis Club with $200,000 Clubhouse. Ten Tennis Courts. Largest Private Swimming Pool on the Coast, 100 by 150 feet. Two-Mile Boardwalk. Public 15nthing Pavilions Willi Spncious Pools. Superior Hotels nnd Boarding Houses. Kinc Cottages and Bungalows. Delightful Climate During May nnd June. Splendid train service via Pcnna., N. .1. Central nnd Sandy Hook Boats. For Literature Address Chamber of Commerce, Spring Lake Beach, N.J. . NortK Asbxxry Park rt.a. "The HOUHE OF HOSPITALITY" HOTEL FRANKLIN ONE B1.0CIC TO OCEAN Special Early Rales. OPKNH MAY 20TH Running water In nil rooms. Send for booklet. t. STROUD, AHRURY PAKtt. N. J. wr MLM i 7oK yp mffi AHRURY PARK. N. .1. ASBURY'S "IDEAL SPOT' LJOFFMANHOUSp 1 1 FIFTH AND ORAM) AVKS. JLLi NEAR OCEAN. FAP1NO SUNSET LAKE. RUNNINO WATER IN ROOAW NOW OPEN, BOOKLET ON REQUEST EXCELLENT TABLE M. ENtlEL, Prop. WFI I INflTON 0ln Ave- Aabury Parte. YVIiL,LarVHJi1 night at the Oroan. Running Water In Every Room Electric Bklt. C. W. Hart Ownership Management. niVERTON. K. J. Tho T.ntvn Hnimc Butlful y located opposite nivarton Yncht Club, Permnnent or transient. C. C. BUTLER. Prop. CAPE MAY. N. .1. tnnouncomcnf The Hotel Cape May Cape May City New Jersey Renovated and refitted throughout Will open June 29th C. B. KNOTT, Lctsee-Mnnager New York Addresit 1180 Broadway HOTEL COLUMBIA c"w- OPENH .MAY 2.-. N'ewlv furn.: modern, J. W MVTrav nro. THE MAIU'Y, Cnpe Mny, N. .1. Apt . 3 furnished rooms, use of bath, threo months I'JOO; elnglo rooms, to to sift week. OfiaS fiROVE. N. .1. ITie Allenhurst """an and Central Aves. Furnished rma; run water: with or without brd. R. S. Drnke xmv york Ote$fem $$tx ml $m$tx SPRING LAKE BEACH, N.J. AMERICA'S FINEST RESORT HOTEL OPEN JUNE 15 WrRINO RESORTS SPRINO RESORTS HWITZKRLAND MWIT7.Kllf.AXn THE Unturpatied Bathing; Faxilitiea. Hot and Cold Sea Wter. New York Office: 243 Fifth Ave. Tel. Madison Square 9230. GoKT 11 ffrS tjswBt sS3CaJfl U3 vtSj3BLjMiaV "wm I UXJK fs4sfi -.2 i i ' SWITZERLAND CJT'O the thousands of Americans who JL vill visit Europe this year, Switzerland, still smilingin the sunshine of lastingpcace, extends a hearty welcome. There, in that minaturc paradise amid an everchanginpe panorama of wondrous views, you will find recreation and restand the cost of living not appreciably increased. You are invited to take advantage of our free information service, which Include useful travel literature. "Select Collection" free on receipt of ten cents to cover postage. Offkitl fxmcy of SWISS FEDERAL RAILROADS 241 Fifth Avenue, New York LONDONi ) lb Regent Street. S.W. TARISi 20 rue Lafayette. Oitthe Ocean Spring ake,N.J. Surrounded by Green Ltiwns and Gardens at the Kdgc of the Sea. Golf, Bathing, Tennis, Riding:. W. B. STUBBS, Prop. SWISS CENTERS OF ALPINE SPOUTS WENGEN MURREN GRINDEL WALD LAUTERBRUNNEN and the JUNGFRAU RAILROAD nr.RNE. swit7.i:rland IIF.lt VE. SWIT7.Ellt.AND Hotel Suisse The only first-class house opposite the station in Berne "l-LEPHONF. AND RUNNINO WATER IN ALL ROOMS FLIMM. NW1T7.KRLAND FI.IMS. SWIT7.KIII M) HOTEL AND COTTAUJ.S Mirlnc Lake Ilenrii. .. J. ESSEX AND OPEN JUNE IIS . SUSSFX ' V. Office. 24 Fifth A I.AKEWOOD. N. .1 Tel. Mrullsnn Mquare O'MO WILDWOOD. N. .1 'sCl'- NORTH WILDWOOD WILDWOOD CREST Thousands come hero every year fori health, pleasure, tnotment or home, Renting very active. Don t delay Bet ting sour summer accommodations at I once. W. COURTRIGHT SMITH Secy. Iloiril nf Tridr. Wlldnnod, N. .1. Ui'nnnn w"d. Av. nr. beach. Prlv. baths. '""""" Own mnng't. Mrs. O. W. Fisher CUhe Ambassador Wew'ToriS CHojt 'Distincnvr'7oie PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-FIRST ST FACING Park Avenue, one of the world's most stately boulevards, yet touching New York's theatre and shopping districts, The Ambassa dor appeals to a clientele that appreciates distinc tive environment and service at moderate rates. Ambassador Restaurant. Garden, Ball Room and Grill. Write for book let and floor plans, SUMMER RATES NOW IN EFFECT l The Ambassador Hotels System Tho Ambassador - vlftaiific City The Ambassador - - .Yew YorU The Ambassador - Lot Anaclei The Alexandria - l.oi Atifjelri The Ambassador Santa llarbara HOTEL FENWirK Open all year. Am plan. Special rntea. Mfcy. June. I. M Perkins NEW YORK CITY P" 4BW ( lntei fflnkdtt I 3lit STREET. AT FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK CITY """ENTRALLY located in - shopping and theatre districts. Near railroad terminals. Unescorted ladies receive special attention. Delicious food, luxurious appointments, personal service. L,E J 1 LAUREL -HOUSE "" VKEWOOD.l4.J. ) ' LAKEWOOD. In wake of Apple-bloveom time nn ic-wood days come the falter fr juts and color of late Spring. Ill ale paths nre cool and fmsrmnt; there Is a promising lore In the hidden trout streams; tennis and boutlog are at their best, with the Finest Resort Golf in America rer Lakewood'a sporty new 18 bote conrse. Laurel Honte, with Its distinctive hotel arhlrement, dellglitfnl en virons, discriminating clientele and slgnlHcant norjnl prestige, ' sub stanllnlly the premier of Ijikewood'a hotels. a. j. Munnrv c. v. MrmriiY Mgr. Asst. Mrr. FMMS The famous Woodland Resort and fashionable Alpine Spa l nrloed for the beauty of Us surroundings and for Its Lake bathing at 3700 feet aboe see le.) " with wnrm snrlngs. I.iirge hnthlng etulllh- rlonilniitlnr iHiiitlon. S20 beds. sltHne rnoms Mnd npltntn hslhs. Tennis. Golf. Iurce Park. Orrheatra. Dances. ED. nE7.7.0LA. Manager HOTEL WALDHAUS Ss; ' S' r.RINHKI.WAI.D. SWITZF.RI. tSI) ORINDEI.U AMI. s ITZERLANII PDIMnn XT A I Tb 'Thr P"" of n wirld-knnn IIEKNF.lt OHF.R lrvllNLllJL WALU LAND. Iietween glnclers. Auto ilriir Oa RRUNINO from Lucerne to the Parks nnd Prom- f O "A Ml l-Isrrir,C DC A O enades. fenter for Mountain Esrnrslnn. VaIV-V.lII- IlU 1 H.Li DILil. URFFLlNnKV Ml lT7F.Rf.XND KRF.i;7LIVnKN stMT7FRI ll DR. BINSWANGER SANATORIUM BELLEVUE (ESTAIILISHEII 1857) KREUZLINGEN (Lake of Constance) SWITZERLAND For treatment of NERVOUS and Mental-Complaints Sanatorium rnnslis of If) DETACHED VILLAS In well lald-out grounds 7 Villas for pa'lenis suffering 'r ,ni Neuroses and Nerous Proetratlnn .1 Vlllns for Mentnl Disease, lnstnlln'ion for HYDROTHERAPY OTMNASTICS MASSAGE, ARTISTIC HAND INDUSTRIES UARUI.MNn TENNIS! PIT r ur ltl tlt.Uini r uci'ij ni'- aei'-n-. DIWILI.E NOT! II N. 11 WHITE MOI'NTAINS teMAisiiii Balsams Dixville Notch, K. H. A Majestic Resort Hotel Picturesquely located among the hills nnd lakes nf scenic New Hampshire. 18 HOLE GOLF COURSE Every Comfort and Convenience. Fireproof I. .'no Acre HalMini Wood Estate. Ilroker's Office. Direct N.Y. Wire. New ork Rooking Office, TOWN A COUNTRY. t W 40th St Tel. Vand't ::00. Season June to October. LIKE (il.EN.NON, Mjr. I.TTERNE. SWITZERLAND I.I CERNE. SWIT.ERLANII I I ICFRNF HOTEL MONTANA L'V-' V-lAwXA-l Lnrlvnle.l I'o.ltlnn Lift From the Uiitir THE EAST WOnn IN MODERN HOTEL COS! FORTS l.tinANO. SWIT7.ERUMI I.FC.AVI) SUTERLMI HOTEL BRISTOL L U G A IN J Famous IVr lis Panoramic 1 lew E. f MENIND. Proprietor MAi.oix. wiT7r.ni.ANn '111.1111 sTKRI, II MALOJA PALACE HOTEL I EngHdlne 400 rooms, fiolf. Tennl. I MI ERREN. SWITZERLAND Mt EltKEV SM ITZF.RI.AND MUERREN rMlnfor Klevntlon 5000 ft. Opposite the "Jl'NOFRAr mer (.ports. Elevation ..IS0O0ft. flRAlVn HriTlTI Fmored hj Xnirrlruiisi Is thr most IQTEL and KURHAUS RAt.AZ. SWITZERLAND 'i'i' sIT,i;ill,l I'I'PEK HARANAO. N. SARANAC INN in the Heart of the Adlrondncks. CERTIFIED MILK. A SUMMER RESORT of the highest chnrncter eupberb cuisine, nn environment socially deslruble on WONDERFUL UPPER SARANAC LAKE. Modern IS hole golf, State roads, all tports and amusements at their beat. HARRINGTON MILLS. Manager. . E. (1. I'lTZdERALD. Ass't. Munngrr. Auarrw noiei uraiion, vt usnington, II, LAKE PLACIII, N. V WHITEFACE INN LAKE Pl-rill. N. Y. Open June 13. Modern In nil Its appointments ... I1'.'1; SWEENEY, .Manager. New 'Xork Odlce. lintel Colllnguood 4ft West .1,1th .strt Winter Hlgh'and Park Hotel, Aiken S C ! ROSCOE. N. Y. FRANCONIA (While Mis.), N. H. Kerv convenience for 30O gueits I.vcellent table Unobtrusive service Finest View East of the Rockies GOLF TENNIS DANCING REST Cottaires huiiKHlnws and bundled nf acres of lawns And fragrant plno- , i fever Ideal for children. Moderate tariff". Season Opens June 1st II ntf lor Illustiatcd I'alilti KARL P. AllROrr. Managing Director I DAnA7 ON THE WAY TO THE ENGADINE THERM VI. HXTIIS VUljLLbllUUI HUT l A U A . sr. xioritz. witzi:rumi ST MllltIT MMFl ft I N -MIT.KRI.AND GRAND HOTEL AIGLE SWITZERLAND Direct Simplon Route ST. MORITZ PALACE HOTEL M MMER RESORT V i tin ln- r t V i tlp,,(y ST. MORITZ . THE GRAND HOTEL I'-TO-DXTE 1MI.IIH XV STYLE 400 ROOMS I Ml) HVI'IIH IRIIII. SXXITERI N) .I Hit II MX II Mil l CXNAD.X XN XDX LAKEWOOD A MOUNTAIN tTADM SUMMER HOME INN OF UNUSUAL CHARM UVAfllff.llftnilUiaX ROSCOE.N.Ye Tei Had Sq 474S MHK CHAMPI.AIN'. N. V. mmtmwm: i ai C. 7 ..LsNKMCBim W91MHJ1 ,L-' ; '-"- f . Vm ""'- t u---zmTfWmmm?Mmimm fiKS?aww3is HBfwnfrir - ,.,n.. i i i It nimise ZURICH IF GOING THERE SEE CITY HOTEL v i i i. r i v n i IIM) N XI IIEIM dl'IIMlM ItM) N XI III Ml l.l'KMXNX "- - A JESCHKE'S GRAND HOTEL BAD NAl'HKLM 200 Rooms 100 liiithfooms Splendid Resort for Heart and Xerrc Trouble Ir" i' .'HluJ"' W.7--r., gjgagffrsz ." ""'. .'JSSj MT CLEMENS Mirn. MOUNT CLEMENS iii:yim.i . Illl. l XMIIt Mill in. vi r. -oi rn m i t: :Ch HOTEL HAM PLAI N V?lJL" POIHT'OlflAKr CHAHPLAIrt.H.Y. DDCMC ... Iliur m -r.n,riviji& U rfoeager ji,j fyf, TH BL-M. e .XIAHSXt'HUSKTTS ON CAPE con fHEQUISSET INN V XVEI.M'I.EET. MASS. . Open June Z5, Under New Msnaferaent C.EOROE II. MOHAN. M.wagrr rorincrlv with the "Musi unoino" Maiuhester-by-the-Sea Mass. llnuilng. Uathltig, Tennis Km and Lake wishing Orchestra. XX'ater 7t NEWENnUXNII Hotel Aborn Tlu On Hie Famoua HoIdctTteSS Inn North Shore ' In Hie .. ,, .. XthHt .Xlountnlns Magnolia. Muss. I Hnlilernras, N. H.I Send for Hooklet anil Rules R. W. DAVISON, Proprietor A Real yage ' Discovery MINERAL BATHS N U III I I I. MR Hr.llillls. riA. The Bellevicv ""J;, ;;: sort on mtnanff. mm.m Ir., eA. JC7.r C u t l .... ...., (,,,v m,.v .Mirri vi juiu, fl"" totems -with all tho comfort offered by a privait. . 1000-MILE CRUISE into the Midnight Sun - a Wu. of new and mysterious phenomena iridescent icebercs towering snow caps, frontier towns, Indians and totemB, leaping salmon, fjords that outrival Norway and summer climate as mild as Italy. Five wonderful days from Vancouver, B.C., to Skagway on a palatial "Princess" steamer and further north if you will via the White Pass and Yukon Route to the mighty Yukon River. Make reservations now for summer sailings. For rateii and alt other important infor mation, call or write for Tour A-132. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY It. (. riXXTON. Cltj- I'nsneiigcr Xgrnt I ' hesmui Hire,. , ,,,,, I. U. PLRRX, de in nil Xtenl, l'ntriikri Di'pl .111 Ilroudvvai Vftt ,,. tui IMonhglym coiioernlup Canada utniiUjrrfrrof Oi.iudlon Aiojr.P?r, File World renowned for Rheumatism, Nervous ness and that run-down condition. Open all the ear, Twsr'y miles from Detroit. Writs for Rooklet BuslnissMin'iAsjcculon.MountClirne'ij. Micli XI Nf HESTER XT EQUINOX HOUSE OPEN II M Itlll M.inclieler-ln lhi-MunnliilnK Xrrinont X E. MARTIN. Xlui.uirr Hl I'DIM iim Mild ISLAND VIEW ! " 'i ! HI I - XN mi i .amps i. i K ea PUlleii fur- ' mod vl viov I ANXDX Ml XI I XI 1 ill III !,H I HOMES AC 'I 'Ml QUEIIEO TK'.MntiATH ItlORTH fftfc .art " ATMVfa .ii 1a?1 . . rMz" nd 1 K$4 dO 0HVti ENGLAND POINTS I S VIA THE Fall River Line thc roruuit HOUTC Splendid steamers. Splsndld serrles Ka lor the orcbsJtra. Lsrirs. eomfsrUbls slatemoma. orrlra In Uoaton rested and rf rsihcd aftst a delightful sea rorsge Lv, rullsn Strst Hr 14 NsMh River 4.10 P.M. CssUrn lltanSsrd Tims. Dellv Inclu4m Bunalsrs. fnarmafion and tickets al 1311 ntirf IHSU'rOlutiiiul SI. Rl soitiv si VMsiins LTRASS' ERMJft Ul KS&-UNE Tw D i from stesWXm1sVi SUMMER VACATION TOURS I 8 Days $91.00 'n.,, Cool in Summer -No PatsporU 'M,iM" I r i i . tt N v S. S. "Fort Victoria" S. S. "Fort Hamilton" flmrt for fijircidl Aummer Tour Pol&tr It RM'.hS.IICIIMt Ii MXIV ,31 XVhllehall HI N. Vork yiRNEHN XVITII' 10.. Id, liourao Rluif., PhlUlelphls J'4. r & n". I r . , .4 j .