"rf"i ' T W'tl'J ,rtMw-" -'i ' jpSPWSSgR I'S-H liWiW"! EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1021 21 -fm'f0!,mym Conditions Are Very Often Wlmt We Make Them If wo go around with a long face wc arc apt to create an atmos phere of discontent and pessimism, which is not the attitude wo should assume at this time, for business, like everything else, is a matter of energy and cheerfulness. Wo believe that tho conditions are right for an unusual development in this country, that must result in the renaissance of activities which whllo not reaching the heights of the past speculations will bo moro durable and of more eventual profit., Wc arc prepared to render you banking service which is so essen tial to the needs of business and we invite you to consult with us, and you do not have to go out of your way to do it, for Wc Arc in the Center of Things Opposite Broad Street Station Third Organized 1863 T NEW YORK BOND SALE'S Summary of Individual Transactions on Now York Exchang Artama Kp 4 1 RTK Amu A 4 U fti I . 1)2 Amn Smlfir & Itaf'B Ss i . ;n4 1 TflH 1 70H 21 . TflH 2 7fH4 1 -flU Amn T A T ell . 7B"4 1 . 7SH 4 . TSiJ 1 7S4 A T&T cv 4H 1 . 7'l Amn TiTSi 1 . R2S 1 . 82S 2 . R2'4 a . S2S 1 .. S24 1 824 I (sate) 82 Amn T & T fls 2.. toon Knit) lot tFIALKS IN JtflOOl City tlord x (Is 2 .. . S2i 2 Cty Onrli'H at ,1 1 07 1. City Cop'n AH I M Marin fls 2 ... 74Vi 2. . . 82 1 7 I 2... . 82 2 . . 7tVi.Int'l rpr Ss N Tk 4 1 . . . . t0 1. ..82 low Cent I As C N Tk 4 "60: 1... . CSM A.. n 101 . . 10OT4 .. 100 .. 100', . 101 Arbor 4s ... Mi Armour 4'4s 1 ... 70S A . . 70'i AT18 l 4s 1 08 Ann t n.. 1 D7V4' 07H! 1 4. 3A tint stt'i Ad 50 ao A6 Jap Oov't lit 8.. 8.. A., fl.. A.. 84 V4 84 li 83 'i 84 8IH 84 'i 84 Vt Jap Oov't 2nl B 84i 2.1 . . 81'i 0 8'i Jap Uove't 4s 1. .. 1 .. . Atlantic ct O'i 1. .. a 1 . . 1 70 ! Uef'ar 1.. .. 81K A 81 4 City i'arla 01 n 08U 1 08U 1... . 08U ns'i .1.. .. ORli 10 .. . 08'i a . . osu .1. .. 08'i 1 PR". 1... . OS'l City TokloXS 2 07 1... . flO'4 1. . . 07 A .... 00 1 07 1 01 SO 07 City Zurich S 31 07 1 98 30 07 U Colo & 8 IS' 2 07t 1 73T. 8... . 07S 1 74'i(Kanalia . M 8.. . . 74'.', nV 2nd Columbia (Jas 1 80 ft t'.la 1st itaKiii C & f as 1... . M 2 AA'i Cons'il Una Jsi 1 . . . 80 1 lOHijKan CAM ;.s I . 101 i 2... . 7A; N Tk Tata 0, 1 1 . . 91 Naw r W C riott 4U i .... son A . 30',! 3 ..37 I.. 37 Nfk A Wn 4' 2. ... 7A'4 Kfk ti W cv fls 1 . . 101 1 101 Nth W II T 7a 08 Ti! itnn no .08 99 00 99 09 119 08'. 08 . 99 98'i A0"i ao4 so. A04 fiO'a A0'4 At At Al 2. At 1A.. Al M I. A H 1-tan Serla A 2 .... fll'i A A 1 1 2 . 0 A 12.. 2.. U K of O Hrlt A I'd 1921 18. 1. 1. St I. . . . 01'. . . 01 S . ... 01 A a 1'ran Series B 3 724 2 72'ii 4A. A Kan U 48. St I 3 0. . 20 . 2.. 3 IS - 8 . A 2 11 . ft. 0 . u k of u tint A I'd 1922 1 .... 864 A. 00 4 3 . . 1l4 90 4 904 . O0H 9SV. on 71 90.11 !i II 99 11 I9 . 1 1 90 It 09 11 00 11 99.11 09.11 99 11 44 K I. 1 nt I' I City 7a A A .. . 00". nnsli; i of o nrit A Slousi A I'd 1929 91 H No'n I'acinc tif 1 0 7AV8ao 99 lean Antonm ! 084 A 1' niy 4 ... 03' Caulo ot Ilraill ct 81 1.. 8. A.. 4 . 2.V. A. 2A. . 1 . A. 97 t 7Ai Nth 8 l'wr As 0 78 Oregon n It A Natl Co 4a 2 78'i Orcion S I. A' 89 lOrir-Wn II Co NalCo4t 1 . . 70;lSfab'd A 1. al 90 90'i . 904 90 . 9IH4 90i 904 00 4 97 4UI K of II tlrlt 97 41 A I'd 1937 97 4 97 4 974 07 4 97 4 974 99 i 90 4 99 , 90 , II 1 It A Ohio cv 1. 2 1 4 1. 1 A 1 1. 074 08 08 W 0S 88 V C'ompi Tali n Record's 0i 3 7J Cuban Aintr n Sugar 8a 2 .. 3 I... 1 1 1 .. iCuban 12... 1004 100 4 100H lOOH. I00 100 C H cv, . 8341 OSU 1 8S4 08 'Cuba ltd Co An 08'i 1 1... . 70 08'i 'Del A Hud c 08U 1.. .. 82 11 ft Ohio 34 S. . 814 1. .. 81 " pel A Ilud 7a, Halt A Ohio 4s1 2.. . 100", A ... 07'il 1.. 101 7 . . 08'i, Denmark con 1. K C . 70 Illy . 714 Keokuk A U.4 Moines As 1 00 K Uelgium h 8... . 9A4 2 . . . 90 3 . .90 2 . . 0A 7 . .. 954 t . . 054 K Uele'm 7 4i A 8i 07 4' 084 r. . 07 4 ftnl A Ohio As, 2 ... 1 094 Denmark Halt A Ohio 0s ct B 8a 4 ... 89 I 2 . . . 884 1 9. .. 89 n.. 1 . . , 80 1 A U & M P I. G 1 08S 98 4 984 Cun 98',' 98S 98S' 984 984 98', 99 09 99 99 4 994 99 09 90 S.)4 99 4 99 9U 99 4 99 994 094 994 994 "ALWAYS COMMERCIAL' PE.NN National Bank Philadelphia Market and Sovcnth Streets F'-ouncieH 1828 jMmm April 28th, 1921 Immediately Available Cah and Reaerve $2,768,025.78 Exchange for Clearini; Houses 310,205.75 Due from Correspondents 323,380.85 Eligible Paper Discountable in Federal Reserve Bank 8,584,759.84 U. S. Certificates: and Bondi 2.127,722.53 ?"l7,144)94.75 Other Loan and Discounts t Due within 30 days 1,498,357.56 Due 30 to 90 day 411,921.53 Due after 90 day 1,594,148.26 United State and other Bonds 1,239,631.06 Banking Houo 271,000.00 $19,159,153.76 LIABILITIES Deposit $12,302,910.17 Dae Federal Reserro Bank 2,825,800.00 Circulation 141,300.00 Reserve (Unearned Interest) 100,464.61 Reserro (Taxes, etc.) 104,276.91 Capital Stock 1 ,000,000.00 Surplus and Profit 2,634,382.07 $19,159,153.76 M. G. BAKER, rrealnt W. B. WARD, cahlM AMISTANT CiSTUnHS n. c. nKnv.rn. r.. 11. deibs 11. n. roi.nr.wva DIRECTORS RAMur.r. p. HiiAHP kai.pit n. Noitrn nnwiN i m-no.v wrSTnitnit Vu'i' ORKIJ.KT COMJ.VS IRVINO KOIIN JOl'lN r. SToV." I'.TAN O. CIIAMlT.Kr. WILLIAM S. riLT.INO ABHAM O. MOTr MF.LVIM.E C. BAKER 1VI1XIAM L. TCRXER l)n it H O fn K tie.u'm n Is 99 4 994 99 4 09 994 90'i 09 U 094 994 994 994 99 i l8 994 99 4 Den- j . fit 2... 45 , 1 4 04 'Den It tl 4i 1ft 11 . t 3 . . 044' 1 Hell T 7' rets 2 . 0tl 14 1 103S f "4 2 2 1034Det Tun'l 44s 1 1 ... 1034 3 . . 70 , 1 11. . 103S 0. . 704 1 3 . 103V 2 .. . 70S, 1 I . 1034, 2 77 Hoth Steel 1st Dlat S Cp'ii Ai 1 t ... 00 I 2 .. 03V 2 I lldn Cop M il A 7041 ;, 1 814 Li" canaua iiii 1, . . Dkn ridl Co 7a 1... . 0241 1 . . 1 ... 08V 2 . 024 Kingdom Hush. Term 5a IDo Canada '31, mark ct Si 2 . . 744 2 . . 89 I 2. .. 994 Canadian N 7"! 2 . 89 Heab'd 1 ... A. . 701. 1 rc Coast C As 3 .... 70 Packard Motor Car Co Ha 1 . . 100 4 1.. . 1004 1 Pa Kit en 4 4aSeab'd 1.. . 70S 1 Pa n Kin 4 4 4. . . 1. . 704 15.. G 704 A. Pinna It It Al A 1 . . 85Vi ra U Il'd 04 1 0A 1.. . 93", 1 . . 054 1. ... 93M 1 95', 2 934 1 OS's 3 034 Tenna It It 32 4 . 324 . 324 A I. M . 40 . 4" . 40 a 1. esi .4 n . 491 . 494 . 40 A 20. 11 4.. 1 . 1.. 1 . 1 3. 804 8rt4 804 8rt4 804 8ns 804 804 U S Mexico U 1. n A V H A A. 3t 314 . 344 Mexico Ai . 104 404 4I14 40 4 404 ,clota Val'y A N E lat " 73 Sinclair Corp'n I 101 1014 1014 101 li 101 4 ' 101 494 ,U H Healty A Impv t 35 1 .. . 804 3.. . 804 C Oil U 3 Itubb'r Aa 4 1 ... 70 934 1 3 . 79 4 934! 1 . .. 794 034i 1 .... 704 934 U 3 nub 7 4 984 3 . 100 934' I . 1004 934 7 1004 934 1 1004 93 4 2 1O0 9341 3 100 93 4 U it S Hteel 5s 934 2 1014'So'n Pacific Ml 1014 3 734 1014 2 7A4 1014 So'n Pacific l 101 ' 1 ... 094 101 ' 1 . 09, lOt ,S'n I'ac cv 4V 784 Pitt Oin Chi A' 1 St I. a 6s ,So'n Pacini As J. . . 88 4, 2 69 4 Heading Ry 4.Sn Tc Term'l 1... . 774 1. 70 2 774'3'n ltallw'a I Rep Chile, rets! 2. . 374 Utah P A 1. 3e 95 9ft 4 95 954 954 954 95 4 95 4 95 4 94 05 4 954 93 4 05 , Philadelphia Markets WIIHAT-necelpla. 171 kft 3r lower. Car Iota No. 2 rv w Inter. ' rerl u Inter. ffarllrkl. irrildei nlioted nt the tilr- .Mlxoil heat Op under red 3 wheal 3c under No 2 N. .503 buiel" Mar In export reator t1.H1ffl.no. N" 1 51 C 1 30. ""' rotlOMinu nrii-i Inter. p. I wheat n' nrwl Va 'J. 'n A wheat 11c under o Hamnl" arenrdltiK to ouallij. t rm' Iteielnt". 10I.2R0 l.inheli. Market declined lr. Car Inte. In export lealor No. " 7IHU7M. NO II il'l'ni.r, .". 7li704c . . . t.,.,1. iiAT.l -Iteceipis 11 .i' uupii'-if. .in-.- nulet and innrkel 4r lor r iota aa 10 oration No. 2 hlte 4H1J HI lie . " wh te 8ri4c No 1 white. ll'i'M,; I l)l It llie.pta. nno tbl ami 1 t; 37 lha. In aaidia Market dull and y'p," tu eel. The folluln are the nuotntinna I'er 190 ha.. paekeii in 1 m-m. ju'e naki-- Soft winter atraluht western "1 no lilil.H,-.. do. do. nenrh 10 town no. naru wlmer. atralBht J7.50WR do ehort patent. J8.25fi8.AO. uprlnu llret clear. 10.2597; do. patent. JS'B'S.AO, do ahnrt patent. jH.i.tTiii. raticj aprinx anil city mma patent iamny bmnds, tn.23VU.7A. Re flour. J8H.AH. PltOVIHW.N'H Hteadv hut uulet. Quota tloiia: n-af. In aet amoked and alr-drled Ale beef, knucklea and tendern emoked and a r-nr en. n'je, porK rnrnuv. jin. nama. n. i- rurnl. lo'c 2.102lc. lo. t;lnnel looeo .'24(y234c. do Ja em. ked 2l4S234e hama. 1 lleii toniea 11c ricnic anouioerr 8 P cured. Iook 15' d . emoked. !' bolllea. In pickle. oo ll'r. Ireavrnit tiacon 21c. lard I2Vi- IlL'TTHR - Hteadv at late advance Quo- tatlnna. Solld-paeked rreameri fanei. hlBh aeorinir (toona, oyrlle. extn. aic. extra flre 30W37c. 0rta 3'f!f 3.V, ec onda, 2n,331c, ffatlUky, M?25r. aweet cteamery. choice lo fane 4013 12c. filr to eood 29S739C. fanc rrlnta Jobblns at 48 'oTillc. fair to choice 40WI7r. KOCiS Quiet anil uckcr Quotatlona Nearby flrata, 2n4c; current recelpta 2rtc weatarn. extra flra'a 201204c Orati 234i. aoulhern. 22V 23c. fancv eeierted Job bin- at HOtt.lTr fair to coo.1 at 30W33;' I Hnn.SIl -HtCHd at th, follow Ins .rinta tlona New York whole milk. Oats, fancy held 23c, do. fair to eood. held. 231?24c; do. fancy, fresh. 19W2MC. do, common to fair freeh, 171f18c. Ixinghnrn". frceh IHU 19c; alnitle Dalalea. held. 2Kd2Sc do. frh lUW-'Oc. jobbing ;alea of fancy held Kooda 27 (a 28c. I.IVD POULTRY- Pow la Panc. fat .V. 1 03IIC; exceptional Intt liluher. medium. 33i .14i. Inferior. ftn'7.l'V .nrlnw hlluim broilers, good oualltv nennlnK 1W14 Iba apiece. 0tllT73ei sprlnit chlckena. Leahorna welnhlnit 1M4 Ibn. apl.ee 4OW50c rooit era, 1Riff20c, luck. white Peklnit S0O30i. do. mixed colora. 25"92(ic. plgeona. pr pair ooftnoc. URHHSKD POULTRY -l-'owl. freh-klllrd dry-picked. In boxea Yclghlnlt 15 lba npiece. as-vc, wcigning 34 lha. a.iWJlic welghlnir 3 Iba. apiece. .Ilfi 31c. Fow a freah-kllled. In barrels, dry-picked weigh Ing 405 lb uplece Icc-packcd. 374 c. weighing 4'5T5 lha. apiece. Ice-parked. 37c weighing 34 Iba.. 3IW3IV, weighing 3 pounda and under 31933c old rooatera, dr picked, western. 21c, do. do, aoulhern. 22c KIIU.SH I'Rl'ITS- Apples, per bbl.. 13 50 '17. Crangea. Klorltla per 1 ox. 1 1, 90 3 7.1, "i do. Carllfo.iln, per bot. t2,85al3 70 llrape trult. Florida, per box S2..M)Qn.4ii. Stniw berries, pouthcrn. per nunrt 25fflSc VEGKTAni.ns Whlto potutoea, in bulk per cwt.. IDlVII. white potatoea, Fla . per bbl. No I, 7 75 8 2... Vu. 2. 114511 aweet notatoea Jeraey p r 4 huh. baa.. No 1, J1.2AO1.0I), medium and No. 2. ti. aweet potatoea, aoulhern. per hamper, No. 1 1 110 Jtl.73. No 2, noffOdc. cabbage, new, per crate, J1.50SI.75 nnlon Texaa new per crate, white tlrt:;, e'iow 11.2517 1 ha Onlona. old per 100.1b a,n k 2"'t90c IS et new, per bunch. 7i 10' Aparagu. fei bunth. 2t(3i)c AMERICAN HIDE AND LEATHER Wc have some im portant information on this stock which we will send to those in terested. Atlt for a free copy of L. 20 J. F. McGOVERN & CO. Mrmbr of Phlta. .Stock r.xrhange 1t30 South Penn So., I'hlla. FnrTJr M10 Race 3092 New York 32 Ilroodtvar Ordera executed In nil Mnrket (iter fnal Direct Wire Exampt from Federal State and Municipal Taxes Federal Land Bank Bonds 3l du 1941 opt. 1931 100 4 int. yielding 5 X it dun 1938 opt. 1923 98'i ft Int. yielding S.IO 48 due 1937 opt. 1922 92)4 4 Int. yielding 5.18 Circular on request Harris, Forbes & Co Pine Street, Corner William NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA OFFICE WIDENER BLDG. RENT THIS BUILDING rAnTicuint v aiiaptru row Banking & Brokeraeie House stfft W 1 1 1011 Dorn Itep'c 5s ' 1 . lot's1 5 f"1 1 1 IOISi 2 .. . SO 1 . 101iDuo Lleht Us ' 1 101U 1 .. . SS'. 4 . 101 ' 3 Sal, 1 . 101 ;' t ,. RHi, 1 ... 101 1' 1 fcsv h , 101'i'Ka.at'n T Va & 1 .... 191 , eorl en 1 . 101 ' 1 1 SS. Carolina t'lniU' 1 eS', ct Ks 10 t- Ohio la IbrlBl.cni l.ien'KlnBJom 1 1 73'a 1.. .. l't y ' f tl l.enthei f.s 1 . . .. 41 i 11. I 5 S34 f. . it'll I 1 . 89 . 2 . 4ll 2 I c tl t'aettlo 1st 1 4 1, 3 . ' 1 73 ! 1... 41V 1. t'trro de l'asco 1 41 09 ; 00 !0T, 119 09 s; Oil's 100 00'j 00 k HO', noi 100 Nor- Copper 6s jKrle K It cv A I 1 1 3 C & I 2 O li 1 1 1 1 I 1 cn 1 1 r. s I f K 1 s;i, Erie It It cv I' Klni Swd'ti C I . 82 109", . 10S IDS'. 1 . 41 . lOSUlErla Ily Co 4s Ohio 4 Us' r. .. 33'i ,. 73 1. B3X. 7 5 l, Gene' 1 t:ieo ss o cv 4'jsl 1 .. Ni'S 4 101 'i 101 'l ini'4 101' ill'. 101i lOOS 2 ... 09 1 . 00 1 .'. . 90 2 00 I 3 . 00 4 00 1 . 09 2 . no 1 00 P.ep'e C 6" '01 1. . Sl'.i Hock I'd A I, oul' a 4'i 1 , . OSU 1 . OS'i St I. In Mt & S'n niy 4s 1 .. 701 3 . S7 1 .... " Sn nallWa Ss t 70'i 3 . . . 62' V C Ohem tat 2. . . 63'4l 1 01'.4 Stand'd Oil of,Va C CI 7H I Calf rcta t . 03 St I. I'n Mt ft'Tldewater ull S'n ltly 3s Co ct il'a 1 . S3 '4 1 . St 1. I M't ft 8 t R t G dl 4 1024 1 2'i 1021 1 02 . . 102'. Va UallWa 3n .. 102S 1 .. S24 102's 2 . . Hi . 102 .Wabash It tsl 102 I .. 60 . lOJVWeafn M' 4 1024 2 . . 33'. 102'v West Shore 4 Tei & I'ac t.t I 70"; 1 . 70 We n Union 4 3.. 1 I. 1 r. t 1. 1. 1.. 0.. 1 82 ' 82 'i e2'i S2 A O 1 hi II 1 1 li r. 13 r, 3 ft 70 70 70 70 70 70 ! cv :. 82 Ti! . 83V4 83'i 83 '4. 83 I 33 . .19 ' H 0 Kin Oer.e I Klrc Us I.Hka Shorn M 4 Q Is 00.80 . no. SO' 00.78 no. so 1 . . 1 . 1.. Gov' l 4 1 1 .. S n Is ".'3. t 83 Lake Shore It S'n 4s '31 1 . 82H LehlKh VI 4b 1 . 09U I. VI loal 3s aril (is 99 , 00'i 00 t It tia 08 08 4 OS'i 99S 08i 8S4iLorill HS, 1 M4 9Sitiu L Nasli 4a US. j. CO !iH Lou i. Na'li Ts 9SN, 1 33 OK'.iMun 17 4 rt 08 4 3 33 ' ns.IJUnltnb Sw n8.l W, ftn 0S' 1 . 3 OSI.iMex ret 8 wl 5 St I. 1 . 1 SI I. 1 r 1 . 3 . 1.. I 1 t . t. s r-i K aj 03 n 0.1 K 03', 03', K In 30", 30 S Union I'ac cv I. . . 83', 20 . . . VI . 3 83' Union I'ac fd 3 . 73 , Union Tac 4a 12 .. 81 1. .80 4 0. . 804 3 ftl' W Union 4' 03', 1 . SO 03 4 W & K Mfa- 7 RAILROAD EARNINGS ItOtK ISLAND 10: READING RAILROAD Indications arc that tho seg regation plan will be fa vorable to the Common Stockholders. Recent developments in this issuo arc shown in our special loner. Sent free on cqucst. AmU forE. R. 11 RK.CrUTHRIE&CO. Min)e'a I'hlla. Stock t:ichan 1418 S. Penn Square SUITE 300 0767 ItACE 32T Wires to A'rto York Ssfelr Stability Hi(a Return -ITf'B nva'e -March irros Net oner. Inrome Threo months' sroaa Net opor Income til i'.0 J 1 831.014 3J stT.uns 2 101.477 Im reae Jt.438.12.-. I S'Jil 1311 S43,sn ' 1.12II.H3II tfes ATCIIIhO.V TOPCKA AM) SANTA Sr.STKM Marrh pross JIKJH1172 M112 2u Net oper Iniome 1831.738 22S 2llS Threo nrurths tiroes S3 482.973 S 1 I0,rnls Net oper Income 1 197, 0H1 12.460 071 Decreaeo. '17 " niiiiiiiiiiimu Oni, Union rac lis r.ot, 1... 00 , Union lank u Comp'y 7a 1O0 30 'n 304 30 4 30 4 03 "4 00 09 '4 on--. :i9 09 . 09'1. (ion 09', 09', no '4 00', 09 'a W.lson Co lat 1 88 1 SS IN Y Investment Bonds Welsh Brothers 028 CHKsrmjr Srniaer' Philadelphia I.ombard 1341 ..l.., ... 1st ! .. 1st lH. LM 4lS.. Jill !.. ith -Wis Vic Nntt'i ISiS. . Vic Notes -l:,i a . . Libert' Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty llUh SS.fii , JsT.IWI , 87.71 . S7.40 . DO.Cill .S7.."r;i , JlS.lK) , 1)8.01 1,0 MS.bO S7.I50 .S7.5I! S7.!tl '.10.52 87. 1'J 07.nr. 07.UK . time' I 13 p in S7.0U 87 70 s7 ;ti: !io. Co S7.40 US.O'J GEO. A. HUHN & SONS STOCKS AND IIONDS Membera of the I'ullaileliililn, Sen Votk and C'blcaco block Kiihunsea New ork Cotton Uxchania Commission Order Executed la All the Principal Market Liberty Bond Bought and Sold llellesue Court Will., Ills Walnut m N. V.. HI HroadwoT. Atlantio t'll. Ambassador Hotel. A Recognized Utility (Toner nnil I.Uhti Bond Secured Gold Notes (short nnil loniMfrm nnitiirltlral Knrninca 3 3-10 'lmes Interest cliarKea, first tiuarter 1921 43 net Incrcnse Security composed entirely of bond? Net yield about 8l2 Circular T S 01 requctt Fairman & Company Drexel Building, Phila. r.Milbllnllrd 00'i A. H. Bickmore & Co. Ill Broadway, Now York ttrnin s mil 1111 iiifr Over 21,000 Holders of Record Cities Service Company Cumulative Preferred Stock to Return 8 Cttlea Service Company in the year 1020 further estab lished Itself as n leader In the petroleum, gaa and elec tric industries Progress of the company during the past year described In an nual report just issued Preferred dividend require ments earned several times ever Complete details on request Axk for Circular P Henry L. Doherty & Company 60 Morris Buildinj; Philadelphia, Pa. Telephone: I.oeut 1110 giEgr fc5 1522 Walnut St. 22x130 latst improvements throiuhqut. VTj'i least either first or sacond floor, or entlra bulldlni. Fortbrr Information Aprlr ta Heymann & Bro. Widcncr Bldg. Condition at the Close of Businci April 28th. 1921 RESOURCES Loan and lnvastmtots . . 16, 747,213.20 United States Bonds ... . 386,000.00 United State Bonds to it- cur Circulation 150,000.00 united States Treasury Cer tificates Customers Liabilities Letters of Credit Due from Bank . . . Cash and Reserve . Under 101.000.00 ' 601.02 310,190.34 749.329.70 Mureiy Bonds of Kverv Derrtptlon , Fidelity and Deposit Company 1 of Maryland Connelly, Schwefler &. Bryan lhl'adelphia Branch Manaeera iikik wnir.M'.rt iirn.iiiNr. Shall I Build Now? $8,453,235.16 LIABILITIES Capital Stock ... . $280,000.00 Surplus and Net Profit 906,342.21 Circulation . . 136,000.00 Dill Parable With Federal Rerva Bank 150,000.00 United States Treasury Cer tificates Borrowed 55,000.00 Liability on Letter ot Credit 501.92 Reserved for Taxes 40,000.00 Deposit 6.882,891.03 $8,453,235.16 FRANK ADSHEAD, Cahier. NEWBURGER, HENDERSON &L0EB Members New York and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges 1410 Chestnut St. iaswiwffgj; lilsalc) 00.781 1 .. 00.70 P0.7HI ft. 89.11 (' II i. Q O'wl 0.78'O Switi'd ictsi ft . . OS'j ' .t 103.. 14 OS's 10ml u us. 1031,, 3 OS'-i 10.1 I 3 OS'-i fill SO 00 7 rJ h ' i1tricSbiiLSiirCr' THEmost competent judgebof a bank's status arc those engaged in the bank' ing business. The high opinion of this institution held by bankers everywhere is the best indication of its standing. Central National Bank of Philadelphia Chestnut Street at Fifth Capital Si.oco.coo Surfiluj and UndnlJcd Proits Earned $4,400,000 iL Morris Brothers Co. Rtiib11hed IMS Bonds for Investment Municipal and Corporation 1421 Chestnut Street I Metropolitan Ktlison Tih, 1922 I Public St-rvlco N. J. 7h, 1922 I Philn. Sub. Can & Eire. 5h.- I960 Km 1 re (ins & Purl Gs. 192G Shaffer Oil & lief, (is, 1929 BAUER, STARR & CO. Land Title IlulldliiK, I'bllndrlnliU Nw York OOlrr, S llettor Hlrtet XJIrfcl Private Telcpiouij bet, Offle$ PON tlllVJi an '4' r noi! li . 90',, 4 004 7 1 r, 111 ct n , r.s 'ilnortjear 103''Mlch Ct'l 3H 103! 1... 00 103W Midi Tel 3s 10341 1 . S7 103'i MM S & Or 5a 1034 1. . TT 10S, Mil Has Co 4s 10.14 t . M 101 'mu. Ht ' r'l 101 a !! V A 1 10 1 . 07 4 Chi A Katn In Crt Mtg ct fts 1 674 Chi Krle 1st 2 70'i1 Oil l w ' 1 . SI'i cm mu I'wti Hound 4s 4 . I'-l Ulilcaiu Mil 41 SI T d 4a r, no ! 1 .. r.o' ttilcacu Mil 4 St P 4s '25 I 1 734 Chicaco Mil A I SIP c4 4 ! 1 . 05 0 . 054 1 . 05 4 1 V . . 05 S t'llllMKIi Mil &i MP cm 4 4 r, 71 5 5 73 4, Ud Oil A Nwn im 11 1 . . 75 I a t'hlcago It Nth. J Wesfn 04 ' 4 1 . OR 1 Chicago & MtV 1 Weil n I Ilub'r Ss 3 1 I. 5 1 HI 4 wl Mill 8t P 101 -S Slo M 4 10IS' 8.. . 7S4 1014' . . .. 7S, 10t4 1 . . 7R4 1014 0 . 7S4 lOlVMtn St P h 10t4 Ste -M alt 4s 1014' t SO 1014 Mo Pacific 4s 101' 101 'a I 1014 1014 1014 1014 1014 101S 53 H 514 I 53 4 I 53 4 I 53 4 53 53 4 53". 1 101 Mont a P'r 5 I . lilt 4 1 S 1 . 1014 Nil Tuba I n 5s 2 1014 5 S I 101 , 6 8S 1 10m Sew Or Tex & 5 IMS Mexico 5s . 1014 1 574 101 4 'N V t'nfl 34s 1014 1 Trunk rets N V 101 ioo;i 1014, 1014' 1014 10141 t Nth lll lii lOS, 5 704' riiiiai it rid at n A Pac fd 10 4 ... 07 4 1 1 . . 07 4 J 3 . 07 4 Hul c m 1. 1 P J" 11 . I.. . 054 2 Chicago Vnloiij 7 .Sin 14 s 2 I . SI Chicago Vnloo Hi a ct 04 5 ... 10 I Chi t V 1 0s 1 101 C A V 1 7 4' I 93 fhll Cop'r n 1 73 4 5 n'a Chit Cop'r III ten I 4s '52 I .04 4 I 704 Chliteso Oil 5s 111 L'on'l 4 '53 404 1 nnt 1 46 Inrtl'a Sleel 5s City of Uerni 3 004 6a rcta Int Met 4 Ha 00 V cent I 0s . suu . S4 . SS4 . SS4 8S4 SS4 . . S4 S4 It 7a wl 1 SH4 00s N V v." 7a rcta tiflV, I . 100 004 1 If't Man fd t.. . 00 4 Oil". 1 00 4 00 4 1 I 00 4 110 4 I .00 4 00 V.N Tk Cent' I t. 004 Shore 3 4 004 1. . 00 4 0rt4 ' I ... ill Man InJN V Connect'e 34 It It 44s 34 2.. 70 1 (sjle) 3S4 N Y Ok Is 0 . . 3S4 1 07 '4 2K BH 4 New V N II II 4 Ot 'SO SECURITIES AT AUCTION Tliot follow inc hcruntio ucip ,-ild auclioti toilny by Harm". t I.otlaiid' I STOCKS f-h-n ! I 111 lnuranie Co nt Nor'li Vine-i-a .0 j 0" I elugh Coal and NaxlKHtlon i v '' I K Ouaraniee IVust Co cf tlar'i ity -S'. J :i I 40 Valley National HanK of l.el, anon. Pa. ... I UlntrrMale Hailuaa prrf. I 10 Philadelphia National Hank. 1 7 Land Title and Trurt t'o 4 rrovldent Life und Trust Co 25 1'hlladelphla Co, for (Juarante Ing Mortizages ... 1 Franklin Trust Co 10 L'iiIoh Sate DeViosIt Hank of Pottavllle. ra I Inauranco Co. State of Pennsl- anla 7 Delaware DIlston Canal in 1 Philadelphia and Camden ferr Co , .. : I'lliabeth and Trenton Ilailroad Co. com . I Elizabeth and Ir-nton Rmlro.il Co . pref id Panltary Co of Aiismk m pi'f 2n 'I hlrteenth ami Ilftcenth Streets Passenger nalla 5 Morrla Ilan llOND.s 15000 Penn Central Light and Powe Co. 3 per cent, first and It , funding mortCHue Uu" lo.ln .IOini V mted. States Third I.lbe--t ., . ,,0n " lcr "nt. due ldjs lOOiiJapunese lloernmeiu 14 nn tent, due 1023 400 Springfield Water Cu 5 per cur conaollilaleil mortgage ,)u 3'iOO'Vilniiiiatoii"anii'( h'ster Ti Hon Co 0 per rent lollat ' eral rut extended inoriga. ilue 1023 . .mi Central District Telephone Co 3ueT"043r"U.flr."t "10r,E" 500 Snarthmore Ciiautauqua Aasn elation. 0 per cpnt llrst ,., '"ortgage, due 11130 lOOOHed ciou.1 Steamship Co 7 rent, due 1022 1000 l'nlte.1 states Kojrth I ilri JOiOlnlteit states Fourth I. beriv loin 44 per ceir. duo loas .iii'O Hale A. Kllburn Corporation (1 per cent first mortgage due iikid tit II 0 1 Ilud 3 . 40 a . 40 I 30 4 New V N II llart'd 0s I 50t, 50 4 .1 .. 054. 1 1T4IN Tk IIW) 4 1 054 0 174 S .... 204 CilV nnie hVlntboro It T fdN Y Ity U Vt,,... 074 6 09U a'i HI I 317 IMi 30J 120', 175 50 M1: 33 100', 'In "i 004 S34 02'. 04 no .19 S74 S74 07 r Iteriiminriiil for Im eMinent Penna. Water & Power Co. Stock yield 8.05 Tree of Hlu'te nnil 1'rilernl .Nnrninl Income Tai, JosepKW.Gross aCa 1421 Chestnut St. Correspondent Alii red A Cnmp.inr C. S. PATTON & 007 SD A CHESTNUT HTS. BANKEKS ... Ji?c reasons in KAII.EIt 6Ti;VENS0V Ponds and Ntoek bought and sold .. t ". rommlaslon ""nli-r. rhtla. HlnrW -lia.. A Record of Investments can be kept in a most conveni ent way by the use of our specially prepared loose-leaf folder. These folders contain detachable sheets, properly marked and spaced for keeping complete information regard ing all income-producing prop erty bonds, stocks, mortgages and real estate time pur chased, price paid, income therp'-om, etc. There arc also sheets for keeping records per taining to all forms of insur ance. A t'"i)i pUmentary folder will be e"nl to any investor on request A. B. Leach & Co., Inc. Investment Securities 115 South Fourth St. The long postponed drop in steel prices has come. Building material costs are down 27f from last year's high. Should you build now or wait for n uic uuiuuuy ui luiuicf aaviiiua. v A Babsons Reports "Ar t?nfr Itamfneler T f fmr nmlin.. -hJ coming condition for you. With this inJormation every person comtemplat in a industrial, residential or invest ment building can tee u hat's ahead in the buUdinct industry and govern himself accordingly. REPORT ON REQUEST This Barometer I-etter and bookie' livreaung Xrt PiottU" 19 available tir distribution to interested execu tives, gratis Tear otit the Memo-ww-nd hand It to yoiir jecretary whtn you dictate the morning' mail. Mttrly Atb lor Bulletin 34 R 0 Roger W. Babson's Statistical Organization Wellcsley Hilli, 82, Man. (Suburb of Boston) Ia Larjut OrgtnuaNtn Caaraeter Tta Leading Copper Stocks American Smelting Ray Consolidated Kennecott Copper Anaconda Copper Utah Copper i (A. yrrU W4UMIIII.IIIII.I NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New York. Mnj ( -Tho roflrp futiircK tunrket wa vrr.v iiuict nt Hip start this mornine. Rhov.iiig a not tlcolliio nf onn point f,, ffl(.c f thc am(),t unprproilontpill.v lif.tvv rivipis for thi. Ilini' of tho jcar. Hip Ini'al inarKrl Is Innknl tipnn ns linliling Prr stcatlt. duo. in a largo mcasu'o, to iho low prlcos now ruling In 1I10 rotitrnn ninilM't. With only ono point out. the ex. rhnngfl iimkos the wnrld'a isitilo nup. ply of cnffi'P on Ma 1 a, S.llM.lK". bags, elinnlne r ilooroaso for tho niontli of April of 17-1.0:10 bagv SolliiiK nnlcrs. nnil a fow inn ing or .pr. fniti oasilj aihaniTil priors nlmrtly aftor Iho call, ,Iuh .011;,, to ll.l.'ir ami Sopti'inlirr to I! .".'io. S, pnmis nlioto Initial tlguroa ami about 7 points nliotn tho previous closing tignroN. r, . N T 1 nvinui CIO,. B 71 l 7 n iifliitn n tdKrlS 6 83993 Ilrlilrnds NOItrilM rTniN"NTION xi HXNK I'n luila.phla I'a 'i, ,) it, M lh I.rct.ra lin.e thla .In. tl . ,nrl srmlannu.il dlildrnil nf i-ljla (ai iT ,.., irto ! M hioka mil b" in ml ! INFOItD C vicr. 1 a-hK. CUSTOMERS' MEN I arar limUrniea ronrrni doliiK klricllr rnnimliilon liuilns in toI( Krhanrr ii'iirlllr rniiilrra rvfrul aildlllonul ruttomrri' mm plliniita rmikt ul inlt . ilUf.irtorf rrfrrrnrc", (Inlr hlch ilass nifii vilth rllrntrlr ronsldrrril. Compriis iltiiti 1 ommrnauratr 11 i in 1 1. 1xir.1t tir riri: apOHo-e MmiiMiutfiittri Memo For Your Secretary Pa tii 'ii "!t, 1 atia ir-ga 1 t ' It ' f. Mas a t , , , ,-ip- a Hu .at .1 rSTSSWTtT V, : 'IrA MltUlintllltllUIIIIIIII,ll.H, ,..,! Analyzed 'n t .pi' 1' i n . ir ngothar Ith a reit of 'iti ,ml 1 r Ask for a fre copj BOUREAU & EVANS ii !t-s l"n a'.'r , h ,, . , . rrltangt 130 South 15th Street Philadelphia ' sl! r H)t Wrst rhlla linln t'h'jnt If .MM ntreet i '3 Mat .1 U I v Hptambr Ii-a nrh.r nii Opfn n Of, ft nn )l.4D0.1ll fl 0 1 fi oil Tim 11 nn a m 7.1 H nn n 1,1 Australia to Prohibit Wool Exporta NyUnry. Austmlla. May 4. Tha federal anvrrnmrnt nropo.as to prohlht ths mort of vronl for sis; months, unlms It la sold at a minimum of eight ptne pr pound. FOR THOSE WHO READ FOR PROFIT BARRON'S -IE NEW National Financial Weekly L'ditetl bi C Hit, run, ,,i . )all Slicct Jonrxnl. flonlon .Vcu s Hi.icmi, I', iliirlilphia Wu.t llurcun Author ot "War Finance," "Pcn,r Finance," "The Audncmui "The Mexican i'rubhm," "The Fcihrcil Reverie Act," etc. Unr, EVERY MONDAY FIRST NUMBER MAY NINTH Hl'HM U1PT1UN Tf.S IMH. I, ,111.x. ,x n:ii Editorial OITlco - - 41 Broad St., New York Subscription may also bn sent to Philadelphia Office - - - 436 Sansom St. J A Spruce 8200 I Particularly Liberty Bonds Victory Notes Treasury Certificates We are llc to give isn immrdiatr net price on any nmotint Uoucht Sold Quoted ircf I'RiTir.s iirrxr.rMr.vr commercial trust Company llfmhfr t'ril'r.il llf.tri. ,t,m City Hall Sunie Weil TRUST COMPANY, BANK or Other INSTITUTION lint n'i ! lllHiihu fur nn isx 1 i trsi spi.i ixi.i,r ! ' "Inasa I I M, 11 I 'II II IM I It III I If i Conservative Investments (VlaclYtcekin & Willianna.i mm vu an llruiU-f. I'lill II X. U M Uu hmrt I-iiImiis M IflMIMIII I ( ( I M l. hXI I l AS t - l 1 r 1' llllll- .. ,'eu hi ' 1 j 11 t a rt-ii 'I a "I iHiast 'ill rl US' aLill'y Htala full tiaat ..iin ttzvc aif and rfffrnrs. '. Amrrlraji AsUsto Co,, 4urrJslun. Til 1 1 it r" &,1