Kiawtoss! 1 - . "- '- -v - -JX .. m!i " TiT"" ''"'p,w'Hy'fflTliiv JHLSK ' & &&'' ' I ' KVKN1X(J JH-BL1C LEDaEK-PHlLADKLHllA, SATURDAY, APULL 30, 11)21 18 THE Letters to the Editor Pleads for Loyalty t ll tia Editor of the Evrntna r-.." I eitoer: ", Blr There stems to l a ri eat deal of discussion in the press nowads-s resardlns" . the, Increase of dlscon'ent M u.- married couples, who seel- to settle the.r dlffcrentes , In the court. Some of thes" srjtatora sus- , test that we abolish d.vo'i e alumether, ethers "ant the countiv " R" lr' ln order to lessen the iiiu e. hile otters ' are crying that It Is the independence of eur wom.n which 1 at the bottom uf tl all. Are nu. of the" ae.ltatnrs en the rlsht track1 Perhaps all of Ihelr susrsttons mav fit In a few cases, but In the aenernl run to ,vptr lfsil, mlIjj and siraltjacket of cases thv are far from ri ttlni at the tc ...j, them from becomlnc hoe. No think true eauie of it all In person desires a return to the olil con The one area, trouble w'th me'a People i ,.l(0n, 0f ,j, w-tt corner saloon, but Bowadavs) s their link of I" sty toward prohibition In 'ts present form, with all Its ene another It Is, hard to sa which M fanaticism. tranny. sr.ift hypocrisy, in t the mot i'mo:al bit ". he tho ujtC. nnd iirneral rottenness, certainly Is faot remains Just the same ai.d if are to accomplish otiuhiu ln the r . hap pier married co.iples then we mu. begin where the tr..ub- hs i's '" 'in Oie does not ha-- to I- h .'..1 " tha' this Is tu fTh i arm rent on ever- d v' u Youtir in"'C'l p"P' ar not oo:y lac.'nr in tits " ' ' '''" ""w Siinwiillna 10 nuit being d ." a Without loyalty woud lc of m icr. st-iount in this ut d so thtefo'e .n t It up to ua to eneour-a- mo- of " Hon mvn thousands of uumr people -ho or ion- templaiini- innrr'ase s! th p- ' Timen'. think -rlous'v erouih .o.'U' i' ant to "be loal 'owa-d 'n .iti'Vht" ! -h"-) rlt ' even bojet .tiicw mne .. ' '" '' "''n, others .p'-s. -n j-g ' ;od. ' Th.v rri-t.. tl.ia d,so-i and eipeet f lova't ! ' tt What i."iise I i.iei tmrit to b" diehoneat and hones; a: tni lesnufnie V can be d,-n I Whsi a rndrftr "- d 'he won d be if . the-e w-re .-- ',! '" " ' rt" d - Oon'r- e flr.d -h.i ' -he e i a t- means ' ) "faithrti ne r-ojn - ' i promise I ..a a..,. ,, .v- 'e .0,. d &S. oraetle I "- u ' . L. . I lytltr a ,'f. nn-re roj In e a.t P" a l - ; little b't Tipp'er" IVsj.d of a !l't: mo ,o a't ' dness , a- ,. -he wo, ,d" Of 'js eti' " r.ll we a rtve 1st, t :1s a n Were 's 'he Pe sn wno m" 'he praetlc ', si,m or the n ehoj.d ans ' , ; w. 'lllll o s dahners ' n",t of d h'.-a-t Tn , " lojalty tha- can sho- a h?pr' lirinif. 1' i..i!o'.; has on one iema-"- , It !" hain: v.ju I the da of jour llf j If fa'h- motners and :acbrs W"U" ', Ir.ltt',. It' e mo- ,trc, fo- tMs wo-d "loyaJtv in',) er-w'nic oune psop.e or' whom t"e l-ave ;n.i" would It not: mki aim" -i a b"ttet ccur.'rT to ".' In I TV. 1 . Vpf! ?t '.?-' t.. France's Imperialistic Designs Tstlif fili'ii'O.' !'i t'ninJ F'il,'tc :."Cf oi.-.-pi... r racldlv taklnc place h.n.nd th du.lomatl? creet, i plain v e. . .. . . .- ..!-., -V'.' dent frotn the rapld-ftre exchange of nva-, ures btwcn the Ualted Sinlos Oovern ment and German" on tha -eparatlons ques tion and the United states invitation to it -man to aubm'.t further proposals, and the the design evldeni'.v Is to block Traute s oc-, ' tepatlon of the Oerman r.uhr coa: rea.on The seliu-e of Germany' chief coa'. re tien would Blve Krar.ce a s'tang.- he'd en U mdustrla' life cf Oetms-.y ani wiuld p,ra:ze Oermany end elm nate h-r a future Industrial ar.d po .'. ' el " France II w.ould condemn to !J.nes art etarva"ot, rr.'liops of the mo: lrd'itr cui and h'Rh.v c.lti'd peop. ' Ear'"' and would makn Franco the delator ct .it". -nantal Kurope. It Is JoKicsl to beJlev th'. ucn a -i- mlna.'ion wjulil be iery dU'.asteiui ., -vould b. to th- t r ,'e.t Tlrttsln tim 1 Mates W did not spend b.l.'on. and erd jnllllona of ot-- bo; a Eu-epe m.", T break one Mrogan- ntttirr en 1 trn .in notter equa'.',;- arroxant in l r.a ' clern-.ani shnu'4 be made to pay -o :b .unl ft hnr ubilitv but Rhs snou a in: re torn to p.eces and an tmretlalia'lc Franca built on hr mlns Su'h a eou-ae is s.iwnu the dragon a teolh" for another and more Uirrlb'e war T't.i.a t ..m r-atlv mistaken Ame-ica tod Great Iln'aln while corupe'.llns !f- many to pay n reasonible Indemnity, win at the last minute o'.o. Franc a impe- a'.ni e designs tt f. wv.NF. Oo-don vp-11 2S 1921 Why He Married Country Girl To th fe"di'o- e' he E t tt-i3 'ub-.c .edjrt Let me 'or ot-e ans'e- her p'.ei i: I . uus nnt st-onn ' fo- th f'US'ri' ff!r' I ina.r.e,j one v' :rm aft re- fj- in nuts haxe I , rerret.ed In '- , s-e, ou fu.'- I understand lio-v I .st 'h h dr's on I III la. , Ki; a f d"'a " T sias pa ng ratli"t c.-r ,".: , ii t, a yei.iu. 'au m th s c: -.d it " i g"..s:- a' .upo- ed trat te we-e ti be rrs-r'd. This 5'"Utic lad be.onet f "h g-es' in do e olass set Birls ili ,:a - been spvii.e.l I !.,-, ,, ....! mrtA n K n.r.. tn "V. .....:..:;..;.."....". -'... w., ..s., .,,. .u.k.., -.. ,:.. ........ :. ana tr: sn was mere y geiiing wnat st.e was entii-ea to It -as l.'.h'r sn etre.-s! 1 p-opos 'ion to escori hr to v ir.r.j p'ne. tha' 1 I "moit intimR'. rlr.i nurposed to k- I hli ' bfi" ir f U'ssi fnin-i unlv in f h 1 net o n ,- insrr.Q if I h 1 if ett-v Would n " " e 1 h-r. and vr ! Mi JSo kTl "' nf mvlntatninv her :n phnj-'i on . kt n:. .most "brok moit oi he t rr and 1 m wfca u .j ndi;. ,ni vro married i n-1 : a1 '. - chi ' hv cod th rT) nd B'Mip-:' d pn pf I vu aU.l .n .- Tid-'!". n ti ha X qniv ta do whn a : -t i j f m rwa Xttrccajtar can tn ray h- n nor vjnit i stai ffh had ttt Wfni.n . Mardini; . ftcbool. 2 waj uv tj - ij?t th bi-i arl. IfnWnmirnr rnv riutr . d.-l i tha T rn-t'ei tii ' H.ftet. 9 mm arfa.1 , f W -1 - .. -I ........ Ca.. tJ-4a.A . .. - - .. ... s. t iu -.i ave.1 m, ascend. Mt --v ,ho- x and a tma. and finally .pet" - ,n- ek-ends tn ha comoam- w - i sir. ,i,d r.,l srsjr married. Vo, the differ auicsi lua I found Tha eltr a-lr. as Jiot cars bow I ir-si : tu try lrl was !- rj,' anil If I wonl 1 ask K- Wlth PBS She "ll most eoonom.i ". i" i'r The , :ii ',-i.nx me o ss-e ' - ko some p n'u i at, se'- 'he S ." ..Ir' vaeloue. bubi.,'.- e. . r -h roM hea tb nd eclrltv due to the rea T,'.n-.ry I fe she led; out In .. open ,- i ,irj o bed a peacbr co.r.p'eiiji aflo'ded l. r.s'ure .rt UOt b; the i.i5--er phwrns, . r am f,rd of readies and s, n. mi in. .iss read mors h i - r.e. -. rr -, , can con,.-, r'e ,r i n. ,. i, 'Xm.y of impai r a n.' nu , a -read '! 'he fa even n.racr.M .r.d ne cormetic h " Ml ruui' ' f hi' " wlfs any one c.u d o siould aare w 'an and all the boau"fj Mr for it and how .ve". l Sr.e n'nr comr airs t n wife a hnu-oe-i it s'- combinfei r oi .. rrler.tis v ho b.l r , or tne ct,'inti a' d , ' v ouid shske 'lien' as and lute-n''..' rhlladilph a. Apr. .6 e h SI'' st - si', tij- rim 'gs ah. has mal I.. 'T " In i r 'r n I'r. 1 unl s ,'im S'. i a ,. ' I ua i . d -n ,r -e . f -iih , .t 's in f fin r , t -n ,'t , 'I . !,! 1 v ; '(:i This Mother Opposes Prohibition TO "if ltd",' O' tl .'..-! , I'll' ir J flf-, ' Sir- The 'ett.r of ", p . . iust the uns'rer 1 .v.s "'if t,sr i-i " e . vT. nu M-rite t,j the fa"iou! vvil mm tj r,s- I am for irrnp' ranw h j. una .- ..'i op posed to prohlo'tl n I' ,i :n t mpr -,ns, , to nie ho,v any one .h e-,s t -, 4nd ears to hem can 'V'ik in,', prchl. : ,n . 'Torkina !' '.hen tl-fM ' -is a ,-l brewiiu: i;o'ii- on in,; i, M , men In the lio'i-.i ,if mat..' s'jt,i,,-,ed prohib.'. -.nlsis Th's I. metre'- ,y m.j. lent i.un 'ooi :nns drew a prutt fn'n physloiaiia of Perth .Urly autre time .mo because of the IticruaeM drinking and In homes unere It hod riwier tM,vn before Did M mr read the neu i .n. m me Etimnu I'i hi i l.Bi'HBr VVvdnesdav Ari 30. that th.' Mili-Ji'.s we n',' u , pen Usadiuarlei s ln Pnljade tdiia hand,' nw llcod of mall front tno'iibrrs and u 'U' i-b' msmbera uf the assn'lat un? Hoes th.t look as ihouah tho dry lau Is pom. sr Mr, I lark say. ' W'hero .'s the moihei who voulil iota against piohibitloii " ' Why rich , her I am the mo'her of a dnuahte and , two aons near)., tirm.ii and 1 would s.v" ! beta a miserable fainii,' as a tmKhir iad 1 rsarsd a family of rnnrj; jr'i. fish hi cou I , not behave themsshes .mtu i was posslbls to Ua oiherwise '. m.-tiier rte, depends cn lerlslai' t make of deflclenclea la n fit f r he fh , I'fOhlble'on $ an nsiu -i he in -1 iteo. o 1' do not'lit ve (lis Ai!itu.!i peop IUa 4ir-T"': to -M-onden'. a country girl .s, mM a hour an a man go ho rrienu- also netp uenereiai Asso. M .,id,n f ,n ' "uruM st "int . . .i... -' " nrimhsifi f i'hr firpfin'Ti.liiii tr wh rh I M . r"3.uencO OI Oil. 0..1 C'TUtTJ at, itn .from Pee, se oj '. upf-i any or rur cc:ia. .. , . rQ,v..nR in u. wa-r y en m .- - - - - - - - - . . fc private v delrh -'d'. a - no ha- us-rl-d a '-ou.-l.-y , fcr? fc9dr , that h. can go at, i re'urn ln !ieT,D j1,0'";. dln- 1."0 v r'd ,t int' WEINREICH - - April 2fi NATHAN C . gir. i - ' as , i ,"r '.i.p-somv,n hoara- , JlM;,; NLrihwuod .'e'm F eud may call I husbahd of Pallle Welnielch. aged 00. Rela- . m . -. ... ... k,. ....... e ..-.. . .. n. s.a.?a.3 to.......' UK., mri fH.niit n mi Phlla lxidtfe. No. 'J. PEOPLE'S FORUM Letter to the) Editor ohould be, a brief and to tho point ng possible, avoldliiK ftnytltlnc that would open n lrnoinitiA.tlonal or sectarian dis cussion .Vo attention tcIII bo pnld to anony mous letters. Names and niiilressca mtiHt bo slRiicd fts nil evidence of. pood fnitli, although names will not be printed If request Is made tliat thev bo omitted 'Hie publication of a letter Is not tn ly taken as an Indorsement of Its views hy this paper. communications will not bo re turned unless accompanied b- post age, nor will manuscript bo saved. '0 be put on the sklde. ' M. M. Chestnut Hi:1, Ph.'ad'lphla April 'i, 1021. Wage-Earners and Payers Tn 'he ICiKror 0' ihx Ktr-mo r-ibdc l.tiotr; S.r--M al diputs between waae.eurners and wajrPH:ers both dcs. I think, ould d "1 to flR-ee on eom k'pd of a confer-, ere. I ! !; Jur Whet. If anthlrc. ' ' crea'er achi-vement of the hum in mind) ti.Hi t-'al I- i.r ? i". 1, K I 1 h..a Iflph a Apill JT. tJl ' The Religions of the World Tn rh. .riifo- o' f!i t'ttlitia i'uliUr 1 filetr. f t v: on- me. U'tid sir. to present the o, .owing fljrircs fur pub'lcatlon In sour wen Known ,tr,a nioiy piper, wnicn 1 o:ie win nucresi man! . 11 not 1 i-i jm -eade-a Ths imi!' srth ',f our c.r'a n approxl- mae. 1 dlO.r.nn onn Pp.. Of th'a num- her .11 1-.1 r-r cent r. (.'hr's' ,,ns. or In ro in.1 RJO ono.000 poop., and the remalrlr.t wo elrss as vart'y rh'lst,an. non .aI1-m, ...t t ..a lll. Tkla o-aaa tAlalt - - - -" ,,r ,"- v..-- ........ "o s- per cent or in p-t'P e c, n- pirn ct 1 odd onn onn .on billion ststy mllllonsi Among- the 1 hrlallans we find th divisions JTti nort.neif) ' 170 11OO.OOO ' Per f0' 1 rt T I't . . 10'j I'ath'. ,.s l'raf,santa l?tcks ... 110 ofin.cod VMI.HOO.000 in AAn im,i Tals ,1t 1-;. rponc the others m ,n pr r' R-dlhlsts .. . Prabm is Mchummedans Hea'hen . . Heb-ewe . ... : -:. idti nii onn .All.llOO.OOll -in.ono nno no to ilOO.OdO 14 S t" tns-r, " 7-10 rt-pi T ota s . . t j ifi nAn noil 1-J d or." WO.OOO . A s-est may o' our aurunseil en'itht- .-.J ........ .. U- l. - l ,,.. Ch.lel sn Mill. '"'. "VJ"I """'. Jl.".u ....... .... ....,.,.. tn that of our own cla not welchlntr th" '' ',a .1. .W TM l..., .,..-.. - -"- facte that about two-thi-da of the iwirld eecrl Are either il.-.c In .rnTanc ut our i.r true i7o,l or a' us.ns a'! the'r power to i o clock, rt f pre-om -he preai.m o- ,'h- .! n-lr.iplci.jnd I"" . and do-:r.r-s F ViBl.M.v.vfUJi. Ph.ladelph a Aprl. 17 ': r.. .; .. I.. -.,., Uucstions Atisucrea , .- . Civilian Clothes for Navy Restored I o ffcc Editor o.' te l.'icino I'ui c l.rtlocr ,,j.,.,i io ftine-.u so !- on Mondnv. at a 1 a nnvi man e.1 owd ' 'ir c p ii nt his la'e residence l.T'.O .olwjn at. ,. ..r . .the. 7"!;,,;;.;r,,"i.S";'irv,u,uM i-- ant when not on dut H cou d be- hu,bnn1 of Hattle F. neo Hall1 Ilela-fo-e 'nt war. and then was not permit. ed ,),,,, Bnri friends are lnMtod to attend tu ti, Tn.k th chns. bit 1 have not heard I ne.-ul Tuesday. May It. 10:30 a. m. from whe'n - r the order -. uniform at .....,, ...u -.. .-- Plillade phis. Apr.t ti :vji eere'.ary of he Nav.- renb has resc tid ed 'he order issued by Secre'a-v Danie s onllsted men cf th ninr and mar'ne corps f wearinir c vllian cloihes when no; on d.;'l within tho confines of the Navy u. i partment or shore star. one ' t'l"".ans th r.a' : men call tnem. m now- wn. 'i. ar-nrdanee wl:n th prous ors o. '.har tr I o' the Vnifotmt Ksu a'.u.a t Nav? 1013 Answers River Problem I Trt rh rf,frten fe.rt f.i ei,t,,u Mibl.c .e.-ioer: I . mm 1. ... . n b.A.iKnl M K , muted problem as folic s -e ntrn fu- i fiif currin . com'ng back be losej s m e 8 onse- p,,.nt!- coin J djwn he cnes 1 ',1 o 10 m- eS .j i-o 0f n hou- Coming back he goes , of 4 m s in hrur . !iee'r- 7.J0 . d he ffi-es as nranv mi es l-to 7-20 Is ,,.,".e'r"d tn , hours solution 7 r3ld 7 7-20 7--7-20 -20 m.'.es dc n 5 houi s (.nm.r.e ba. Pbilade.pnu April 21 1 -.4 '.-111- t : hou-s .' '" T. D W. The Paxton miois The Paxton Riots , .t. t. r .A.,.r I 70 '"e e oiro- 0 m- ty -" .,V'RIE. F-,. era". -Mor 5 30 A M - r . . . 'r"'"-: " '. .' , ac-01,n, me tn :ojr People Forum a t,-. acrouivt of tr.e paxton nois an', m- v.u.-- . --, rtf hfl Inn. an ojiDrea Mior? me ""v ;...- 4 i r.-sv-r i ma h Pint','' o ' h p in-i-ans '-rw rru")---"1 M'- nf -arr- fmm J'x.t r i- n-i.--.-ui. Tn. :-ema.rier , '. 'he bend, rnu-' en 'n nun. b-t . an,.,. ... i..n'2.:p nr in. aptured b- ra'd,- s ar.l t'i In- d'sns li. io .no ncini . "" - "" l'ai'in t The rsnsers wh., s'.rontrl rorde.-nnl in -r. - ' 'rr. part cf the prov .,,. ,.,... fi s.poi t-d ' 'he fr-.n'.ler ..'i.rm. ow.nff .o 'lie : . w. ""'"" ;,:: t,tn, rf,. f,i t o Pont. io .a. TO ."-.... ran n u en that i -ompanr ofbsck-oodi-- .Tlftn njmteric Irom M"i n w1, .' . (fi .1 A V.' .KTV. 1 T64 for lh:.ndelBhl with the i - went-Aft Olir-)sl OC Selling I'll Morale n , Indians ho had t..en brouiiht f h' I h-n t-r -ere turned bac. at Oerinar. to . Coi.f.'e- sr.'n tn .ir.u.ans e..tem Penn- a nr. .njel up 'o the openlK ,f u.e ItiMj ;' r.ary War Must Be Paid in Full sr. tl.. Editor or ' Put.' liivtr: fi W . 1 .on p'.rase sn in our I e.,, . s K, um anawe O 'n.,1 f'dlo lilt hrt.i I'.n Dels- JU' When m- rn naron De i.- . -" '-' I' ,i rc-D Is I- 1 In ''a m-.n'ri set r.e-e . no t:va'...i r. t!. rur.'-ac t!-.' ,m . om lsJ i" a' an- ",m 1'h'o the rror.'.h e !, er.'....' 1 to pmment In f i'l for the in' n h hailing aoay r-rooiom To tae Eduor of la. itv.o IblH l.tda'r: nfjst n mDUVa U' in. invii-n i.u y.i -.ji'mih- v...r . .. tji ...r i j. t.w . i HK (S UN AT.S .. .,.,-., . i -h- c -'. ir' '.id i.r," c ,-.!. i - . . r:-.r. l in. .rli.e ..' .. ' .vPrT.." 'V""..-.. It'' ' ifi- -i ,,., - - ,..,.,.... .- ,,.,.- V , ... I'. SI " or Mica- itii.,ir j'tiit i-npist ... rt !.. nian.h .n ' . H S S . HIL.I - Apr' .'". MR .lo n' .Inioh ' . . . , b r- I am incieiinw herevri'h an answer 'm. inl'ed to ho se-vlce. on .Monday after ,n h i.'oo.e'n that rftnt ws p'ln',,1 In no. n. m 2 .. ,;'ork the Oliier H Pdlr to a j. oo.e.n 'mi ' ' ,..,,.., i Hid lSLd Chestnut st. Erie-ids mi- . icv our I-o-irn " .s .... ,is..,n .n, .. .m, ,f,.r , funduy rrave-sed oy a fal is" bo4:' n f.jr . .., ,-,.tnut - .r-rdsT So.ution The d stane,) . -sod dur1' I! a,-, of -id. ' -in '.. la OH .., (40.Vcni ,, ,i tn j ,v ton n,iu rM o' . r, unreir of se-ond-. stjuore of 1 euua's '.'57 2' ir f.-t. Tr si pn a Apr.! '.: Tu-r-fnre "I " ,j s'ance teaerstsl Poems nnd Hongs Desired "But I Ain't Going to Cry" or kd. ' ' "'ir F- ' "V P. ' ' "i " E' , Pi a- ' -I ' ." b.v i H'l' I .'r. ' M K 1H2I '.steiai: r; s-u'-lr,! 1 4 Oi'ins I rr'Mto.'n, P A'.-ri. 1 "Tlie Town of Rock and Rye" Io "o tl '. ot III' '5" eMiau . '. i ' ti; s I m ;'t'"' .".11.1 ' t I l.Odf' r I , ,' -u ' 'l'n .rtl - f, ii 'ue I i" n Hid ifcv ti.e it' e p ,, m IIS. '. 'I e' 'hlii" ' ar, 1 'If - ou r'ease VV l,f of rto, a a,.d Ry ' '" .1 .h h hfk.ns Ani .Ion t fie' ,:e "ilianli sou. '..delphla Apr ID. I The People's toriini "III anpenr dallr In Hie r.tenlnic PiiWIc Leslaer uml i.Un In the Siiiwliu l'ublli' l.edsrr Letters illsrusvlnir llmrlr lopli's will he Printed lis ..,ll lis roiiirMetl iKiems, lint iiurstlons uf aenrrul Intrrr.l -sill It nnsnrrrd, 'That Vlrglllan Cry" To tfi9 Sf(for 0 fhe Kretidto I'uWle L'iotr: Sir Who wrote these lines, which have been hauntlnj me of late. "Comes aurjtlnc tha Vlrglllan cr, The sense of tears In mortal thina " i H T. Philadelphia, April 10. 19J1, May Riley Smith Poem To lie Kditor o' ri rtcniiio ;"ib:ie LnforrM Sir Please prln' in th IVoples forum May Illley Smith's short poem. "Tr.flea " PANNV T PHEI-rs. Philadelphia, April '.':i 1P2t. TltlKLKS tny Mav Itlloy 3mlth). What will It matter In a little while Ihit for a day V met and ime a word, ft touch, a smile t'pon the way? What win !t matter whether heart" wero brav And lies i- ere. true: That you I3e me the sympathy I crave At 1 cave you? These trifles' Can It be they make or mar human life? Are snu'.a as llahtlv waved as rushes are IK njvej or strife ' Yea. vea' a look the falntinir heart may break Or make It whole. And just on word, If said for love's sweet sake. May eave a soul. ' T T. V " asks for l words of the Ir sh sons containing these lines "When th ehlp leaves th- harbor tmor- row. At rose ihe wide ocean o roani ' IN MRMOniAM ItCTrMINSfiN I" me-ioT of IIUNfty VU't.T.t'M Ht'TCHINt"OS-. who lied it Pain. Auil. ;.". lt'17 Ueatfis nii'i: Anri' '-"I tfillV WilVES apd 1 n'n'je -t,M fri-id no ro'lr IxdK- Vo I't t' 1 id . M Post No. '.'. O A K Old Ouards '.M Hee . V O P . ' invited to Mt.ii.1 f'.rl -vlce. Ut; rniwim ." '"" ' -' -"" P. M. precisely ItrSOWN prll KffSENK V.. son of l."ucene and l''a Blown in Ha'd1 ajrrd IM P.ela'.lxts and friend" so i.nporal .tohn Hstor Tosr. No 'JIM nrd all other ord-is i-f which ho was a member nr Inxlted to attend funra' nlcs Tu.-s. j p. Me at Mi parents" lesldence, 4117 K. Thotfipson st. "nrldoshiiir Inr ptt a'e r,M1ar Hill Om. Krlonds nav ca.l Mon . 7 to to P. M. lltlOW.N" T'ou'th Month JOI'i .1. WHAIl TdN BROWN. In h's 7th cr runeta! M ,-. I. 1. U... .,'1 V ,'l..,. ..A.J Ironi nifl iui- i"iut n " - -nr-, . ivu, s ,h ,,a . j.rndjnv j-t'.,h jionth I'd. litr. I M Trains will h, met leavlnr tlTOan ."3 ,-llMHMl i ,,-, 11 ,rsi Chester. K ut and 1 0L rr from illlth t I ttt Chester road ni'DD. At h'.s re de r- 1.1.1 c "pth at. n .nrll 'J-. 1921. 1IKNHY UfliD aited 71 .eats Sen tee on Mondi;. mornlnp at 10 Mar r P K Church, fidth ats. Interment privat Kindly BLTtNft. prll 'J7 riUXK h isband of Marv and eo-a ot Man and the let I:ar.k Purns. Relaru an I frlrrds also employes, of Tranklln Reltnlnu Co. rod Dauch Sons. at invited attend funeral Mon. 8:30 M !. .siderc 2121 pai a-, sot- enn mnsi 5t Monlets Church 10 A 31. Ini H'.l 'oss rem. , i,? ,.Ap,l.aJv, ,'Vn'd AfflHE hls.larldonc, "'l-roS J , . ..,., , -nnon ,ne davaehan) H-a- flves and frl.Mide Incited tt funetal Mon. 30 A. M. . from rt sden,-e of h'-r sor.-tn-lAw, Martin J. Mct'onold L'7SS ewkirk st Sol iiin "qulem mass hi the Ch'irrh 'if Corpus Chris;) U A. M Int St. Matthew's Cent.. I. VY un Ati-ll "1 1021 Sl'SAN t.II- I.IAN, wif of Tlioi-as V . T . rla Ttela- ues ano rrienna are invitn to tne service Mnndv- afternoon at J ( clock n he tcsilence. ll'll VV nnew-rt.1,1 road Oer-ook. Iti'erment privai at Mr Peac- Cemu;er5 Friends mav call Sjndw cvcnlnj. from 7 to n o'clock IAI.V. o- Apt,; 21'. I'il PATniCK. h.sbind i,f the ' .to Sai ih Pa, fleintlvca 'd 'etnrts .nvl'e.i t runrni on Tu-sday. I mi .30 a. in 'rn-o ' ,s le'e residence lv.-idr, :, .i ' . Morton I'. lllch ma., nt r.,uiA;n ,. Oi 1 art- n lirw.'i:t Ttn 1111 ... -.! , .. . DK VCji -Ap. i 27. JESSKH . .husband oi iu o i-nrnn .. n.n(i iiP.a ri aim DINE Ap-" 2 ANNIE W rfe of the iat James ri re Funeial Mo- s .fi .. Ji . residence o' son-ln-la-v P.nks Yo'mnkln. 40ia Westmins'ir nu,. HUh mats at ''hurcb of Ou- Mi.'h- f Sorrows DOl'rJHF.P.TY April '.'' lSlr: F hnsband of .'.tftrMt V rmugiiert- 'nee Iior.shue1 Ie utles s 'id fronds also St. Anth.n.v's le..v Name oeie Ph :.. t'oun c'l K. of ' roitofflre C;rl;s' Aso .atio.-s. .r.d all o'i.e- o-gun'ratlons .f h'rh he wart a memi r ,7.v!-c?..:o M,.r.r.,i f.l.'l reral. Slon . n Sil A SI 013 S '-Slh Pulemn ruses of re.iulem :T-ah?-nl" ,. - hurrh 1.1 m 1 New Cathedra FERHlE-VPrl "IJ.I.M.M J lr.H- from 1 Is I lnte residence. 24".-. r'oluml-ls a-.- H. .eim I rf(jul,m maJ, S( r;nZ!' I'hurch. in 1 a. Si. Int. Holy t-epulchr rem I FIFIEI.P April " ILAHA sum I Wsltr Fitleld ncl .1? t-'u:-.ra. Kui.,1' or f".in her !M'e r, s hr.e XorthtVtd. .1. In'srrren' ,r,i r-niet.-", FITZOERMI. s.wto.n I' Vr-'l I'i'.'i IKNV1E m' of K, " ! W F tr- .:-, i.i -l 1 -e n ue ., . .it, a rr' !. ii a si lo .. s uhi, h s'. -... s nie-obei Itea stterd finer.: wlthou' iirher no- WS..: Her la'. resiiic"ce y. t . .i th Mndi. lu J 10 in it m. lttu'tnen' fjr,nwoo,t Hi.,ete---. rh'lad,.!- V'i i .ra'r.s rir Ne'cvi . i ,'ivs r.eadtns Trr Fhlla Je'p'ila, ti Hi m ,l't.R.- '! JT PHI! IP l-.-jshand of 1'. -v P.-, Ople . It. -it ' ard f-l"nds also l'rio Lndee No 7" I O. u. A.."herrl K.....h erased ini! ed 'i, .1' nd 'ur.ersl eervteev S.u, . 2 P SI precisely 'ate es.(2.n-e, ."JSJ st. F'it. Sit. car- - mel if err, i Klndiy orn fio'rers. flARRATY. Anrll 27 .TASIErt V hus .TASIEt hand of lato Annlo Ciar'a'. iner. Mnrley) relatives and frle'.ds n so Ph!'.i Iy.die No. 2 It P. o F I'hila t.o.Jce, , ,ij r. o. O M . and a, e'hor o:can!sa'mns of whlon he waB a men.l.'-r h e lnltttd to a'.und fu-re-al. X"n 31) A Sf Ini- reslden-, 100 Lancaster Ke Solemn reutivm miia Bt, atha'a Church 10 A. SI In'. Cathedral Cem IIERNER -Ail.. '.' I.ISSETTE lil.RN ER aifed 70. iTrnair.a niav he v'ewed Sun. ..e at her ln'j -''., Zlu Somerset st , Oieiieenter t'l'.., N .1. In rr.'.i'e ORATZ On I-ildav tnomlnc. Aor" '.P EMMA C. da'jKh'.t of the late EdwnM and H'l! Rs.a'lve and ft i.r ds are In' Itrd a'te-.d ser' ices Mav-." e V J S 'e 2 P. M rei.der . ' t Mon Oreenwood tK. of P. i t, HOW All'" -""hi ." 2" 102! fHVRl.ES A husband of Ll I' Hnward. of 8401 l.nns jmt, ii e Ho'atl nnd fr'end' nlso !" ft.alor Itidc- No. I'll r anil V. SI . O'len ti it. A. I'haiie.-. No 13, S' John's C. il- ; maad"iy. No. !. K T rhiu Conrlstur, , A. A. 6. It ,Lulu Ten r A A ON SI. l i i nu. i.iinii"iuri, mil einolovea uf tin, I'enna It R. d Ml KSUN April '."' SARAH wife of , ,1a t J iiso' .'..d -o i.-wt R-. h ..ves nntl,tls In- r'matiia firn. 7 to ll P SI . st. "lervlrrs nnd int. l'orest ,' ',,.,.,,. I ,,'n. Del , Mo-, upon urrial ,,f M ST 'ren from I'hl.adelphl. ItlilNPTON -On April 2H 11)21 ONES I' itl-VSTf iV Hervloe on SInnda afternoon. et .' ti't .o ,; at he-- residence 1 1 1Sr. est , .- t .. titeinrni nt VV'istmlnst, r Cum. rrlevlH mny ea'l Pundav eenlr. I ,1 l.l".' Ai.r'l : OKNKVIEVE P. Ill I.l'iN n.'.uh' r of lieoriri. A. llovil. nf V, i a I'd 1 u ierai ..rvlces Hun 2 P. SI.. 't .i , of !" P. Fratil.i i.fleld Sons 8300 V , mi int Mt Zl"n .'em Kl MPr- KF.H.MAN - Ami 21 11.21. EMMA ''f' ' Hi-orj K'' 07etJ nf. I"u. mi. i Mf 1 P M. 1H3U Kelm st Int. .jre.n;noi'' v .'ut s in . -,. -j vi A.i'.lnh I. n.K'n n-.iiie and frlenda In - ,.,) t . fu'erai M ' b nu A M fn.iiili.r I ate i i..dM" 2S..1 1'. E'l.taf rt Sn'enn i.qul.'ni m.'Ss at nutch of tb- Nativity 10 AM lit H" rteil.erner ('en i i..,v-1.', -xprl, 21. JyllSM, l,lr1,,f itt. VI I.. rv !t-'i--9 and frlnd In .. . . , 'in..,., s-r i SI ,n .'.3n p vi IptT s d 1. Olefisiti,. i n i t i , mt - ui -) o , v ..ini. ss ro j,.ii ileal I. J I.vnuio e Roxboiou.ti la ..ft, : i.Mlt.ii''!,I.i;.;,is eswwesJuMauussntsswssiisisiii iiiisswiswsssisssBa . rLi-V OIAS-IOND ! i.siiMiiaSiSweiie.WMi-e 'si"sse Hsstsj '' fi'-MITKjtl IOTK i, .ii u .. . . , tnt .- ui t o pe I . I'll .tl'm JL'O Heal aa v ' ,e DK.VT1I8 l'n. Int. rrlvate. Friends may call Sun. 3tAtlEn. April 2. JAMR8 F. MAtlRH. son of the lato James and Annie .Maher. Ilelatlvea and friends, also Isabella Council N'o. 32S. K. of C. i Holy Name Society of St. Joachim's Church and employes t Fay ette 11. numb. inc.. Invited to attend fnneral Monday. 8:30 a. in., from hla lato residence. If0 Church st Frankford. .Solemn hluh tnasa at Ht. .loachlm's Church, in a. m. Interment St. Domlnlck Cemetery MARIS. -On Apill 2. mat. fjnonaK n. MAIIIS, In hl sgih rear, at his lata resi dence, 20311 N. L'Oth at., Philadelphia. ITlenda may call at .'72Snide ave. Jlay 1 from B to n o'e'oek. Service at Friends' Meeting Hous West Chester. Ta., May 2. nt 10;sn. tntrmnt private MARKS. At Atlantic Cltv, N ,1.. April JO. AUOCSTLS. beloved husband of Sallla V. Mnrkn. Ilr'atltes nnd friends are In iltert, to meet funeral. Mon. lt:30 A. Sl at the chapel of Odd Fellow' Ceni . Phlln. MAKTt.N.-Aprll 20, AI.ICB 3 . daushler of Catharine 8. and the lato Hlaney Martin. Du notice of the funeral will be tlvnn. jut liii.NKi; - April .'.i, iiuli.iia.s, " band of lato Rachel Sllchencr, In hla HSlh esr Relatliea and friends are Invited to attend funeral Slon., 'J P. SI . lato resi dence. Dustloton. l'hlla. Int. 1'cnnypack Ccm. SIIN'NIO!! April 2?. SAIX)MK widow of ttarrv K. Mlnnlgh. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral aei-vtcee, Hun., 2-30 P St., late residence. 423 Tusey ave.. Col llnudate. Irt Oettysburc. 1'a. . Ston SIONROB. On April 28. ClIAHLKfl P . husband of Maud It. A. Monroe. Funrral service on Monday afternoon, nt 2 o'clock at hla 1st residence 1310 N. 18th a'. Inter, ment prim!- Vlewlni Sundav evenlnir. Ml'RPltV - nrll 2S, RAYMOND J , son of James F and Aanes M. Slurphy. Reia lives and fi ends are Invited to attend fu neral. Slon.. 30 A SI . parents' reeldence. 1018 Green f Annel Slaea. Church of the Assumption. 10 A, SI. Int. Holy Crosa Cam. NKI.MS. At the Clinton, on April 20, 1021, HF.NP.V l.AWRENCK. husband of Sue Terkea Nclms sortie on Sunday evenlnc. nt S o'clock, n. 'ho Oliver 11. llalr Illdir.. 1920 Chestnut at. Interment private, oil Slonday mornlntr. nt II o'clock, nt Plymouth Sleet Inir. Flense oml fliwera NF.VIMiK - Vprll 20. K1.I7.A T . widow of Dr. William H H Neville. Itelatlves and friends are Invited tn funeral services Slon.. 2 p. m.. lato residence. 4310 Pino at. Int. private. PEUTZ. April 21 BENJAMIN' R. Vr.l.T7.. St. D. Funeral services. Monday. 1 p. SI., from the parlors of Arthur SI. S'etler. 0000 HldBo nvd Rnhornuh. Int. private. Friends may call Sund.v . 7 to fi p. SI. llRDFIKI.Ii - tn Philadelphia. Ta.. on April 29. 1I'2I ROIlIlRT SSTFART RED FIELD. nr'l 72 years. Service on Monday mnrnlnia -Slay 2 at 11 o'clock, at St. Stan's Memorial Church Wayne. Ta. Kindly omit flowers. RICHARDSON -April 2R. HARIIT. hus band of Klla Ri.ha'dson (nee Ruck". Rela tives and friends are Inilted to attend fu neral services. ,.vi residence, -was N nrtli st.. .Monday, a p. in. pre mar call Snnda' i to 9 r precise. y. Friends RIDDLE -pril 23, ot the Thlla Hos plt.l. JASIES R1DDIE asd Ot. Funeral Ston.. 1 P JI from tho parlors of John W. Shea. M4 S. ISth st Int. Holy Cross Com. ROSEN A her residence f.030 Catha rine, st on Anrll 211 102t. ROSE E. ROSEN (nc Styles). wfo of Alfred C. Rosen. An m,unernent of funeral lator SCHENKEL On April 2S F21. W1U LIASt J., be'.ord husband of lxiulae Srhenkl (ne Knoblam'.i. Rclatlies and friends. Knlithtej of "-'alnt C.eorge, St. Hnrnard So ciety, Twentieth Con'ury Republican Club and emp' of Ilaldwln's. lnvltd to funeral, on M'-ndav. at 8.30 a m . from hit late reslden , 1534 N Dover st Solemn mass of reouiem at in a m.. St. I.udwut a Church. Ipti mnt New Cathedral Cemetery SEES -?udJen v April 27. MARIE, daughter of Charles nnd Annlo Sees (nee Selber), aged 17. Funera'1 services Sat.. 1 P. Sf . rarents' residence 2M)0 Sepvlva st Int. Northwood Ccm. Friends may call Frl SIMONS Vprll 2P. SARAH J. wife of William A Simons and daughter of Sarah J nnd the lat Harry Allen. Funeral services Slon.. 10 A SI., brother-in-law's resldonce, William T Rrlght. 2710 S Darlen et. Int. Sit. Slorlah Cetn. Friends may call Sun. ev. fTKELTON Suddenly. on April 2S JENNIE J., daughter of William and Eliza beth Skelton. atcd .14 ears. Relatives and frlendp, also Knyston Review. No. 24 1. Iady Slaccabees Invited to funeral eervlce. on .Monday a' 2 v m at hr parents' resi dence, 2110 K (iimhrla t. lT-ends cnll after S p. in Sunday Interment North Ceda Hill Cemetery STINSON - April 2. LAURA FRANCES, daughter of Charles W and late Slary A Stlnaon. Relative-, and friends Invited to fu neral. Ston.. 2 P. SI . from resldonce of her grandfather Chtlstlun W. Simon. 24th and Penrose ave. :?ri's nr.a int.. ai j rinny Lutheran nt 3 P sr Viewing Sun. eve. STRUTHERS -Ann, s. nt Cliadbourne. N. C . WILLI A Jt STIU'TIIERS. formerly of Camden. N. J . itged '.2 yeats, SULLIVAN April 29. S1ARV. wife of late Jeremiah T SuIlUan Relating and friends aro Invited to attend funeral. Slon . S;30 A. St. from her soi's resldof-e. S33 N 42d st. Hlch reqj.m mnsa St, Jnmes' Chureii 10 A S! Int. Hoty Cross Ceni. niOSIA-4 On April 25. SLMIY. daughter of J'im-li nnd Uessle Thomns tne Wlntorl Relative end f,lnda invited t" funeral on Slondn), at 1:30 r. in., from her par-its residence. 5S07 cathailne st. Interm.nt H"l Cross Cemeterv WACiNER. April 20. a' her late rest ,1i, i-e. ft7.1t? Lnnsdownn nvp MARY WAO N'ER services .lion , i r. .11.. oiu; iiaver- I. ms t. fets.uSA f A 1 1 fse A St lS SSVSL WALTERS,. -April 2. ELAULIH C -.-. ts.ix.s.a. - .. ......... . . , ' o E. ore lnlted to attend funera Sun 2 'JO P. St st Ashe-s. 130'J N llroa I St. Int Washington D C WHITE -An-11 27 at M.iru-ate fit. N J. (ATHAUINE lIoed w f ' .lam's White inee Ilusosi cf touniv Tjrone lie land, naed M 'tela'Hes nnd friends Invited to funeral. ..' r I) A. SI . from la'o ms. dence. Allan'! nnd SVoshtncton ace Slor cato City. N J Solemn requiem niaas a' our Lady S'a- of the Mca Church Jo A. SI WILSON -Ap 'll 20:- FANNIE SVII SON Funeral Mon!.iy. 1:30 rt. m . from r lat (nee Jlllatti, wne or itooert ji. viisou residence 3140 nelffnide t Intrmnt For ... Hill, fen i , ,,.,1,,. ...... ery. inn,y b vltwrd i WORIC. A his resldene.. HIS U'.lsort: st.. on Anrll :". 1021. ROBERT W. II , hus. , I band ot Sar.n K Worit no Koenlui An nouncemert i-' f ineritl later WniOHT April 2f. .MONICA 11 wife of Dr. It. I. ' Jit. Relatives and fri.nds are Invited to a- ' i luncrai Mon.. Tan M residence of reiulen Int. Pi ha V. Proad et Snhmn mass U ,.l, , ' ., , -1. ...... ,1 I I, .c.'uqi. n i.uiwi, .- . .,, LOST AND FOUND BRACELET--Lost, fl-slblo diamond bracelet at St. James April ill between 11-1 A SI In las' r.eward if returned to K II llnllev. 17QQ luamond at KNVEL'll'r Lost, a laxge red fllr ,,ine i 0P. 111"'-! 12x10 inrhes, conlalnlrt- 0 ' DhotoaraphH and other napera of no va,u to any one but tho owner Howard of $10 if i relumed lo Hromlej 1021 W. Upstl st , Germantowr ltioii" QermantowTi 2807 ' I'lN Lost diamond circle pin, Wednesday j nlKht. in or near S .Tames' Hotel or ln tax!; rewurd 2030 Spruco st l'OUUl'-I. st or mlslKH. I'ollcy No 7r,,nH7. Issued b th-j Pel ti SIutui.1 Life Ins Cn on tho iiM or nuati J. iiamill. tinder will please r-.'. .rn it to unaersiKneu; application hss been nail,, for the lssulnr of a d ipll rsie J II. mill Jt'J. Itii st cn. BTicKPLv"-- -Loi dTa-rd rckwp 7 atones e,rd. Mr I). Jtockower, 111k Chestnut -' '.. : - - THE PI iI'IMITV of Just. n Maiifinelll 1201 'I-" st. was sold to Jutub Ileesp dwelllns Horn olid machinery HELP WANTED roM ALE ACCOLN'IANT with 6 to 111 years' exper:- nnd initiative, capalile of utwnlnit new sr' of hooks and uiiianljlng office and sales foice In real estate business. A 813, I.ertiitM . niB. ClJTrEllS on llKh'.weliiht knit cloth for nathliitf suits nnd L'tseva, steady fork, under.e..-1 ru.ters ' in re.idll" do this i.-oiU. irood I v HBlen." Fleefod L'nder.vear Co '.M1S N lli.Aard PlfHlOM'lli'iinied. etp"rl'nced in art nie dltjv. o, hy lata' eethblished wholesale housn ,i' ' hirao .-tute ui. .siwrienra at., salar-. . teted. VI fiti.1. Leilner Office llDi VtWiJltK OlrT uhlie urelerred, to do ireiie'nl housework, sleep ill. Mrs. t". Lavar ir.m NrthituIJl".'Ljti!'"I w lfiirnnW'RIi A oo'l.lnc amHirfainlI no laundry: sloop In th" Ced.r Wnd Sf.Dti ,1 MENIlERH wanted hy lame out-of-town cloihlnv house: best wanes; stuBdr year round work. Address I'enn Punts, Inc.. Boz 5S.Headln.Ji, ."'PERA TORS fweniy-ilve eaprr.ii,:ed nar"- row m.ichlno operutoia k. anted lmme'iiaie on silk sweaters, steady iv;,rk and um.d nav. , .. , r. WnlitrmiLli 1.1", "s 111 uml '.. MitrHnp. i "',",,, ,t , I'ATI KHK I'KRI'ORATiiR e.xii..reure,l .anted l.y Chlcaa-i -.. h.ilesale art rsedle I work house; stal- ai;e, experlent,. and salary ; P,P.,-ied AllresM rind LImi' OffVa SORTER and markei sp Apply T.aundri f' IlojpPal ll-'. and filei.ns at. , "!l,, N .1 ' "innriL.-'-- - - -. . TKLEOKAPII DPEItAroR Yiiiji' woman expei ience,j in sentl ng aid rceel'ln telesitiph 'nnnnu; must l sit. lied In the use of the typewrite; itoi.oaraphlo BiperKne desirable. This noslllin Is v.'h u lie uianjfacturlne corrern. ln replylns of experience education v Rive details sse and where a s socureil. E SI P O liox 3170 WAIiREMR S'puijt womsn with pleasma .-. lltr.nn .our v.i,ni.n ,iii v .... , -- - ' , 'anna 'y i m a cnuiPiv tjr'"'"l OLD euid silver platinum,, plated wars, old. nUVSH ",u li,1in ""'"' ,&! EsV'isr'jj c UXL'&VZ: ' " let- Oltk'e ,,-mHkK '' "'' ' curlv "nntt, JOT Sansom. HEIiP WAITTED FEMALE TI.KPHONB OPERATOR to relleva at switchboard nnd assist In clerical wrl: permanent position; nlve age, experience and reference. Sir. llallmon, Chalfonto Hotel. Atlantic City, N. J. Ocnernl NURSES WANTED Always In demand at good pay. learn nt home In spare time, entire tuition can he earnod In few weeks: you earn while you learns aoeclal offer In cluding free tiuraea' outfit; write for full B-irtlculare. Chicago School of Nursing, 421 , Ashland Blvd., Dpi, O, Chicago. Ill, CIVIL SERVICE examinations Stnyj vacan cies: Jl4O0-$180o yearly! women oier 17 ollglhle: enparlence unnecessary. For free particulars wrllo J. Ionard (former cull fcerwco examiner'. P02 Equitable Illdir , Washington. C. HELP WANTED MALE ADJUSTER. EXPERIENCED y WITH LKCIAI, TRAINING AUTO LIABILITY DEPT. Write: all replies confidential. t AMERICAN CASUALTY Co., READING. P. DESIGNER, experienced In art needlework. wanted bv large, established wholesale hoise In Chicago; state age, experience and salary expocled. Address St SU4, Ledger Office, LINOTYPE OPERATORS Two linotype op orators wanted tor straight news compo sition on mornlni (except Sunday) news paper! 131.00 for 48-hour week; open shop: must report on or before Wednesday, stay 4; best shop in Cumberland Valley and only reliable men wanted. Write or wire Publlo Opinion. Chambcrahurg, l'a LACQUKRER A man who underatonds the use of air-brush on bedsteads and chan delier work. A-l man. All answers must be In by Monday 2d. P 210 ledger OfQie SIEN Ours is a growing organization, so we are In need of mon to fill the vacancies caused bv promotions: we can ahow rau m. dennttn future witn tho largest organisation of Its Hum ,,. ..,,.- .."null, i, viijl i.ui nuu.v un inm you aro reliable and Industrious; all appll- cations are strlcthv onlv those that can furnish first-class references neod I apply. If vou cannot call write for inter- view a- 2S Pmltli-Aus'erm.ihl Ilidg., 8th miiu jui rti'i sis,, uamaen, . j. NEWSPAPER SIAKE-FP SIAN to handle nmli-up on 8 and 10 rage morning (except Sunday) newspaper; eterotype equipment; must he typo of man to take forcmanshlp. fi ,n r,.. .. a t... . ...s .khii o, ow iui -.o-nuur weeh upon anut', hih cams will be considered In order applications received, but qualifications not overlooked report on or beforn TitMitiv Mav 0. SVrlle or wire, i-upiio tipinion. r h n 1 1 inersnurg, l'a . 1 l'ATTERN PEHFtiriA'rnrt. exnerlenced. wanted by Chicago wholesale art needle- l work house, state ago. expel lence and salary ' expected; SI 003, ledger Oltlce. PRESSSLVN-STERKOTYPER wanted, must unueratanu Hoe double supplement press and stereotypic; 8 and 10 rage aerago run. morning (except Sunday) newspaper: capable assistant provided; $84 00 for 48-hour week; open shop, must report on or heforo Wednes day Slay I. Write or w're. Publlo Opinion Cramhorsburc, l'a. Sheet metal workers," nrst-ctasa aii- n round Hhnet metal, steady shop work; P 201. ledger Office UPHOLSTERERS wnn'e.l, hlgh-grjde wot k men can And pernintu-i' ponltlon nod pies.,' ant Pince at me J II, San Sclver Co.. fac- t'.e.v. .' ainden, N. .1 WATCHMAKER, must U Orst-clasi me- chanlc; steady position. koo,1 salary Sal- .ifore Deslo. 020 ! st . Washington D c YOUNU SIAN Wonted a bright voung'man wnn some experience in wholeiai'ng women's shos In a specialty ready-to-wear department, one ablo to take entire charge of atrok and order. "f r.l," 1 .rtp.r lirftrj. o. stcoK ann ornera m r.o.. Ledger urtjee. tirnrral SIEN wanted of good'ehnracter for training i tra In accountancy; a special agent of the alnlnc depnitment of a largo accounting rnoration will Interview men who desire to qualify themsehen fcr service In this field; Interview n granted by appointment, state ag and hours convenient for personal Inter- view. Address SI 430. Ledger Office. - Al'TOMODILE SIECHANIC3 are always la demand; mroll now with tho largest and test-equlpprd aulomoblle and tractor school In tho East Write, phone or cell for fre .atalngue Pots Automotive School. 8 to 10 N 20th t . Philadelphia, Fa. YOl'NO .MEN, oer 17, for postal mall serv ice, $120 month; examinations Slav; ex perience unnecessary For free particulars of Instruction writo J. Leonard (former Civil Se'Mce examiner), 062 Equitable Rldg . Washington i t. WE TEACH TOP TO DRIVBN'b'nEPAIR ACTOMOnil.ES ,2.1 FOR FI'1,1. ft COMPLETE COURSE J2.1 DAY NIOHT CLASSES, open Sundays. SATTLTR'S 1001 to 15 Spring Garden at. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE lol Ni.1 K.VHH iles're.i pnsition ps co' 'neis i w lu, w.k. . ;'n "l n'?5rnf.h tlr5el. Vere'r' language -ddre.s SI 010. Ledcer OfHc YtlCNfJ VnfAV. of. Unnl. Keeper, tpist. capable of tak'nir charse of email office, wishes pus. SI 42f. Led. Off. - - ... ., ... ... , SITUATIONS WANTED MALE SIAI'.RIED .MAN desires position T-niteman a lountry place: care of poulti., carder. laivn. hand, with tools; capabls io take charge rmv hind of wont. C. H .' . care tt Qhormnh-pr l- vrristnivn r. . l-.Vi'v.y ' '.TT Norr''-'-" n -1"-- HALEHMAN. age 80. havln.T 8 ea-' selling experience 2 years renresentutt of .r.n - Wniwn business col r.innniirnr. nstttntlAr, dstr, s 1i L-finnoi t with hnntl hniiu., ,j,,rltn ivt.n lm: a . refeien. s Kllt-eds. Write for i . , ... ,, . , J .., -.. in. !' i-ii .m , " , i -UKerun,ce .TOVNO MAN 21. lilte wlshe V'aftio'n as -ORDAS' lU'.'O '-monttrat. r, llrst-clii'ss con . ?r. - , roTiunnlnn h.h school educat.,,., w.Mj diilon, will iruoinntee same as new. reason. bred ery neat appearance, courteous and ansoiuteiv I'liao.e. noes not nrin,: or smoke; , .?"..; ,1" Ji ", 5 ,,fenc,s P -1. l'ed? Off T icierences. i .i B U SI NESS PERSO N A LS DIAMONDS BOUGHT If .ou wont to he convinced that we are still pavin JO'V more tnan otners f, r diamonds (also pawn nonets puuinw can at KELLY & CO Xn 032 Cli )KFICKSl PH 2D Fixn (Pm ATE OKFICESl 032 -"HESTXTJT HT PU WAl. 7844 DIAMONDS BOUGHT '-- ..... . ... Hianest pr.ces pain. to iu t'.i'nt,; $n t0 I i.'.',.rTr , issisi o'd Bold, platinum nnd silver bouaht. RKVl' r n r- I o is v i.t .""'Iu.VLIUj . - ' uiaP.0.n.ue 12ILl" $$ " wivi-rt ,ne-7 a :.-)UNlS aent us a.e cii.Tof."S-.. i ,nn merlaetinly at It fine thOfl: hu'sl ' and other matters adjusted; ,, ref i Mutual AQJUsimeni m,. i.i.j ii.oert su DIAMONDS BOUGHT """ iARRVJ,'l.-i,4!TiLinilvLOM2T, TOP CAN ROIt ItOW rconey Vtr m - .'. cent on diamonds. HmP','R'H. IHBlarsei VlOi.Er HAY facial nnd si u'n "" trenTlmeiits . , n lad'es In their own hnn-e JJiumond 4332 W. ELECTRICAL TREATMENTS. pnysTcal cul'. turn. 10B H. 17lh st. Hours 11 to fl ELECTRICAL treatments, houi . 10 to n. 2(ll 1 nth 8t. Jljnirmlddlebeil 6CALP Hpeeiaiin facial mas . ai hrauchea Rlnckwell. 1010 Sps C-urden P .pinr r.Oir, ELECTRIC treatment and manlcuflns;&lii"s Hanson A "iVIIsjn.lOS Heed Ill-f I'h Loc.aUHJ SANITARIUMS WASTr l o'J "i.talid" lady to hjardand .in f. and iv si irlty ouse'i :n u ji-ln-o inei'.ii'.'n M s Whiiaker llroi-n artl M.r nr ree (j.o ..osier City. N J llnuiesl'l 214 P. DOGS, BIRDS AND GOLD FISH I'uR 9VI.E llost M .-rrler pupp. Iictu K Cuinherlund Call Sjit bet. (I ui 1 7 p -,j MACinNERY AND TOOLS I.AROE STn'K r-m'ilt und ciiiiian.eeil en- .-inis,'3 ulr toinpi'essurs htuicrs, I inai'h ii- inls. snii lor tornpl'-te t'lita.oue , of toi k. IIKHSIVN I. iiiToT. POWER EUl'll'SIENT EI OUR I EN SLVCHINERY CO. 110 ID NT h LECTRP' t.iottis and iienerators, . II P. I W Adams. 13') .. 12th l AUO WANTED HONEHT Plll'Efl pul.l ftu aentisnirn's clotll. in- wine mim 'i imuiir, ivt, can anv nheie, any lime, C'-opoi. 8.1411 Slarket st I'hoti lrfstnn illii.i "pen oHninss. VVANTED I'i buy 'eniml iln'toiiraih""siudio I' 211,. Lc.lsiv nfilie MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS aL. makes llonrana rol.lrstl l,v experL Holotone phon. Co. XI27 Chesti riANO jieaiituui new uprmnt for sacrifice. 1243 N UOIIi at. -" V """-" " U- OLD GOLD TTSED AUTOMOBILES piiiaiiKiKniiiimitEBiilo ir-nAnri (3 1V1LKLLK Series 8; touring: overhauled, re painted; guaranteodi purchaser ot car may select color of paint. KING 8 1020 touring: splendid condition. LOCOMOBILE 1017: 48: 7-passengcr touring! over hauled, repainted! guaranteed, HARE'S MOTORS, INC. 2314-2322 SIARKET ST. . Telephone Locust -IM) SilMPIWMiWIIMM .MARTIN-ALEXANDER AUTOMOBILE PAINTING If your car Is shabby, its can quickly make It like new. The Martin-Alexander baking procesj of reflnlehlnn automobiles Is beauty of finish and lone life, considered the most economical and heat, . , . It will prove an hour well spent t Inspect our work here. MARTIN-ALEXANDER CO. AUTOMOI1ILE REriNISHERS 120-128-130 Reed St. Dickinson 2201 ln 17 AUTOMOBILES WANTED Stust be In A-l condition 610 N. JIROAD POPLAR 7320 STANLEY AUTOMOBILE CO. IQIft HI lirK" roadster. 4; very rea-l-IO OUlUrv sonable; cash or terms. BARON'S, 640 N. BROAD ST. OLDSSIORILE sedan, sllghtlv usedi A-l condition- wire wheels: ft new cord llresi 1400: going abroad. 2108 Walnut at. PADIF F AT 5 touring. 010 N. BROAD. -rtLlL,l-rtV OPEN SUNDAY Toplar 7820. HTANLEY ADTOMOniLB CO CHEVROLET, almost new, largest modern sedan, porfect order, cost $2210; sacrifice l HiO. Raring B84 J, i, CHANDLER 1020 4-pass DlrBatch; like new BARON'S, 640 N. BROAD ST. FORD truck. 1 ton. with panel or express body! In good rondltlon: reas, RAINER SERVICE STATION. 172 1 N. CttOBKKT COLE, 1920 Lr.7iSce.H"n"p,rck' BARON'S. 640 N. BROAD CADILLAC 1910 G-passenccr touring- car. In good condition Can bo seiui at Wllls-St cialro t'o Philadelphia. 2013 Market at Price IIOOO AUTOSIOlllLfiS WANTED Must be In A-l condition. 010 N. BROAD ST. Pop. 7820. STANLEY AUTOMOBILE CO. 1P21 DODOE BROS. motnicas, touring, roadsters & sedan; Immediate delivery: a ear to pay. Authorised Dodge Agency. Slan- ryunk 18HB 4200 Main at. Eden Slotor Co. MrART AWH '".. Suburban 'Sedan: disk "lv- rn.uri.ii wneeia fully eoulpped 010 N IlftOAD. Poplar 782n OPEN SUN, DAY STANLEY AFTO CO. ViUDSON apeedsterH tourings. 1H20. 1018. 1017: all newly painted, cord tires: A-l mechanically BARONS., 040 N. 1IROAD MFRPFR tourFng. guar." A-l condition. UIL,1VL,1 , N. nilOAD. Pop. 7820. OPEN SI'NDAY. STANLEY AUTO CO. AtJTOMOHILES WANTED SIFST RE IN A-l CONDPnON 010 V. BROAD ST. POP. 7S20 BiAM.iir ,uTimnn.K co NASH touring, late model; cuar A-l cond. 010 N nROAD. OPEN SCN. Pop. 7820. STANLEY AUTO CO , TRUCKS Used Slacks Plerce.Arrows. Pack- , ,,),, rom x to ,s, t0ns. with or without lodles: also dump trucks; term payments. Slack International Motortruck Corp.. 2300 ' Chestnut at PjTOna iKioust ,18, i PArpfARh 3y EISIOUSINE. W.IS; act au ev. riiii m nnoAn. OPEN t7N, Pop. 7820. tYrANLEY AUTO CO 'jt'TriMmm r.'u lriuTtm ' ' ' ' v.MUlllhha S ANTED MUST RE IN A-1 CONDITION Oil. N RROAD ST. POP. 7820 M-ArsLtsr AiiTO.MOHiLi; co. , PAIfiF ",ort ,n0(le1' dlsk wheels; A-l con . i 4 riiuu BUar- cjp ; nnOAD, OPEN SUN. I'on. 7SO. STANT.WV ATtTn oo I . . ; PArKARr) twln s,x' 2-a3' 'ra fine rn.unnL' corrtitlon rash or termp. . Mi:, N RROAD ST. i. NEW Stephens Salient fclx automobiles: 2. passenger. 4-passaugcr and 7-pasrengsr i models; factory price 12100; special sale , rrlro SO "4 discount. Wire or write W. P, , Atmnaon. i'. u. nox in. retersourg. v COLE rero 8, lato model; like new; guar. A-l cond. 010 N. UROAD OPEN SL'N. Pop. 7V,il. STANLEY AUTO CO. TOURING CAR wanted. Cadillac. Slarmon. Packard ,r Plerce-Arrow. not older than 1018 model. Send particular to Leo Tire ' ''!t n,ubr.r L" ' '-oishohockep. Pa Atten- tmn H W. Ij-k FORD inuue. Ilk.. Dew. Hm N. Rroad. Open Sunday. Toplar 78.'0. STANLEY AUTOSlOnlLE CO. FORD TRl'CK. one-Ion. with panel or ex press hody, In ood condition; reasonable. Roltier Service Station. 172t N. Croskey. I 'rl,tl5sl1 rrlvate party took Nationals to . .yL-i".'-- "ngche..ap 1612W.L.hUh. M'UITP LISIOLSINE, rl(lnul paint , like ne-. fltu N llniad Oren Sun- i "", POPLAR 7H20 STANLEY A(!TO CO. , OWNER will sacrifice new Lexintton, sedan. i .', months' old, oord tires, fi pass.; leaving env 1'iione utn. '.! J io a i; at AUTOMOBILES WANTED Mua' he ln A-1 condition STANLEY ' M'lOMOIllLE rO.. .110 N. Ilroad, Pop. 7R20 ! .rp"nfr7Tr"i37iT"iiJ"'".oTA7T,"i 7ZZCrAJ... ' ASIERK AN rtx lu.o touiinjr, looks and runs , like neiT. See till, enr boforo huylnc your j next tourlr.K. CALL POPLAR S271 ASK 1 tvi tn I'rtANtJl.i.T.. uu iuinfi ht . . - r - 1 1IAYNEH 1020 7 pass. . n c.-r.l tuns 'Ike new, BARON'S. 640 N. BROAD , nhie i'AI.1 SIR CRANDELL, 1'OPLAR ' h7 ' MFRPFR 1 Q?0 r r1d" ru' "'""'Itlon. , ItlCIAL.'irv !7iU , ash or time BARON'S. 640 N. BROAD fv"IK5R 1020 sedan, ftrft-cla-e condition, a , hataalti CALL POPLAR Si271 ASK FOR 'SIR. CRANDKLL I'AI KAKIJ ' P"",. new tires. . - nrisinsi piint: retaonn reinonAhl. BARON'S. 640 N. BROAD r.MOK t -Us-intr cnr. Iplfl. ready for .llfvcrV bargain wr au xk miycr. t,.j,iv I'Or!.H niioAD ST NJTl . Amv vis, .in . .Si Ulsljl,, np x I pass. 1020. liko new a real "I.. .1 ,,,,, .,, ,. V ! BARON'S. 640 N. BROAD , uniwi. . un I', UiWrtU IJOISPAN 11K tjurl'ik". excellent toniiiiori I ,n.i!H and run ll'io new CALL POP I I.AR H271 AUK TOR SI CHAVDKI.I. OR C VLT. REI.SIONT 240.1! R AFTFItnjp Jtf I R0AMFR VB,;'p.vTO. -fi fcV'SsiJ BARON'S, 640 N. BROAD .SM'fsT tl-pass. tourinr A-l ,nd . TiarKsln. BARON'S, 640 N. BROAD ST. ' STORAGE AND MOVING ESfAHLISHEO lt.72 CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSES 20th St. ab. Chestnut MOVING STORAGE PACKING ORIENTAL AM) DOVirsl i' RUGS AND CARPETS l'l,K,VlCl-K .ii Illlll- N-jI!!.l) TELEPHONE LOCI'lTlor,ii ONE MONTH KltLII FIH'AHI.ISIII.r) SA THE EXCHANGE STORAGE CO. I I'.'ll N nTH ST. pitfisB iiiAMi.N'n 2;i SEPARATE IIOI.MH PA' KIM. A Vri.VIVfl . Vl.L AND INHPE'I OCR WAIIKHOI'SR LONG-DISTANCE MOVING I THE BIG 4 TRANSFER CO., Inc. I '17TH AND MAItKEl STS flARINfl 112 - islliIIn2 STORAGE In .hik'1 inachln.,1,. couipped "' 'r",n' " d h.nes or iAt "' SBEVlr'T Hh" iKlKr-3. WATBON'S' llies"" "ua, . -f om Wiuhlnsto-i Harrlsimrrf. ,,' "r Conn and "" seassore resorts, t;in sin ;' "l VICTORY STORAGE Till. JOHN IIIiriAIiu"T,n Utoraae, I'acklni. najviii. carpet ' cltanln. 41.1T-W LANCASTER AVE , U'i'ht i?"1' ii-irii. iwinnnnmn Ayr, . tvi uriNAitcil HTOitAon on ' ',.,: i rNisVr.WTkffil$ I rACKINQ, LO.N'Q DISTANCE ; iii ."7U LANCAR. ,.'.;,""AQE. 4I0VLa. ' sena filbert. Phuns Il.i,nnt .... "fTTT.-. for esilmatis PIsrcs.Arrna ..i.. aut, WANTBD--rart load to Atlanllo clfv a asis ut ' ior, waiace titoruce t'o l ,,,' " " 20ih and 28il Cturch Line Otn ' ,8-- N BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Iirsi.VESS M with (ixvtrlenes wanlefl lo' lieeomo nesldcnt nnd treasurer of T'hllndetrlilrt ,,,i,.nrAf ton : In business 11 yearl. selling patented household necessities through agent nnd, parcel poati unlimited poenlbllltles for right mani Inieslment re qtilied. P 221 ledger Offlcej ) SALES SIANAOER, ablo to Invest IIM0O to 110,000 In established business: must oo qualified to get 100 per cent out sales roreo and furnish best of references; remuneration according to ability. ReOly to SI 424, Led ge roinco. DOCTOR'S opportunity Hlectrla medical of- flco for sale, located In a city of 73,600 Inhabitants! bargain tor quick sale: good reasons ror selling, Aauress ropiy io no A 820. ledger Office, t 6TviNO to death of proprietor, widow will sell large-established grocery and meat business, with a 3-atory corner property: location and terms upon request. J. i. camao CO.. .i'tju ivoooinnq ave, "yoUNO StAN. with 2B00 to IS000 cash, at once, ran have a steady. Rood commercial proposition: salary. Interest and eood future,! no agent: only personal Interview nt once. P 223, Ledger Otfloe. HU8INESS JIAN, 45, with equipped office, entertains representation In Phlla. and vicinity of any flrat-claes proposition: your conridenca fully respected. A 804, Le-dcer PIT. WyVNTBD. auto repair shop for rent In ga- rage witn iuij-flmi cars, a. imh, i,-ii.rr mi , FINANCIAL assistance in business men. Maurice Llchtman, 2p3 Colonial Tr Rldg. FOR SALE TYPEWRITERS RENTED VISIflLK 0 mos.. 18 and tip. Factory Rebuilt Typewriters "Sco Our New Machine, the Cpntury" American Writing Machine Co. 802 CHESTNUT 8T. Walnut 24 CO Main 820 DESKS OUR SPECIALTY Blsel flllna: eablnete. sectional bookcases, tables, chairs, etc.. In any quantity. (Jet our prices. NATIONAL FURNITURE CO. 909 WALNUT STREET . noi-H riioNEa " OFFICE "FURNITURE NEW PTORE SPECIAL SALE vav"''.K!o,dCh',," desks Km1 rwr ?Sr 1102 ARCH ST. rA. OFFICE, 011 Wal, aLFt'RSlTL'RE CO. niNINO SUIT. 10 pieces, genuine, mahog any, Adam period, good as new, lzo. beu- room suit. American w"n,ut'l,iJT1n,,,.bl,,S' chlfforobe, bureau, vanity dressing table, mattress Just llko new; J273. Apartment No. 1. A727 r. nroan st onrlrm irltnNrTUltlB Large lot ot desks, safes, files, cabinets and iVceral office furniture, stora fixtures. We bi-y. sell and 'exchange, PATTEN FURNITURE CO. . tf.rt.RT 4070. 1127 ARCH ST. RACE 2008. DESK BARGAINS Chairs toll's, filing csblnets. office parti lions, new and slightly used. p, WEISS & CO.. 1087 Race st. bHuECB parlor suite, mahogany flnlalj: leatherette upnoisiereu. nun tuiiuiiiwu. . brary table, mission finish; almost new. Rest offer takes one or both; also 3 rockers, Quartered oak. well made, for sale by pri vate, partvA.ja'Vyidener. Ashland, N. J roil qALE Piano (sauare), Sleyer make. In good condition; red plush parlor suite, pier looking glass with gold frame, walnut bed room -suite; bargain for quick sale. Address I" "1111 IUKCI ytnv- SAFES SAFES 100 new and second-hand safes, all sites: rssh or time, Howe Scale Co.. 80t Arch st. CLOCK, mahogany, hall clock, chimes, great snap: can be seen evenings or Sunday. Phone wyomini.- in," ... CEir.INO FANS Ten Fidelity d. c. fans; good conditio cheap. Engineer. 1213 San- som et .- - . . . TYPE, presses and cutters, big bargains. Phlla. Trlnters' Supply 14 S. Bth st. BOOFINO ROOFING SPOUTING HEATERS AND RANGES REASONARLE PRICES II. rENTLAND CO.. 80 N. 10TH ST. POPLAR 1407 J ROOFS, reprd. nnd painted; any locality; nuar. B yra. : coatod 10 yra, : starting at reduc. American Sleet Sletal Roonne Co., inS3-3. APDlctt-e st Phona Locust 4284, ROOMS FOR RENT UROAD AND PINE- (The Carroll) Lame office: double and single rooms. Walnut 72S2. UROAD, N . 3022 Nicely furn..attrac. rnis.. all conv.; handy to trnln & trol. Tloaa 8601. CHESTNUT, 2018 Wcll-Iurn. loom, with or without hath; slnKlo roum; eleg. ; leference DIASIOND 1007 Desirable front room also slnglo room, uentlemeii. bath, mar- hle shower: phone .. OKRSIANTOWN Larse doublo room, well -furnished; larce Kround, shade, porches; excellent location; In Oermantown. board trains trolleys; reference. A 40, I-edijer Hrnnch. O.'JS Clermarnown ave MARKET ST., 2200 Rooms for irentleman, also housolceeplnir suite. .1. P. Campbell, 2200 Slarket st. Locust tHi22, SPRING GARDEN. Ili22 Furnished house'. keeping suites. 2 3 rooms; prlvtte hath, hot water, cleo. Phono Poplar 071 .1 , "PRUC1J SIT., 1010 & 103.1 Estreme'y des rooms & suites: hand, turn.; private baths. WALNUT ST.. 4030 Jomftrtable rm. near bath; nentlemcn; I. conv. Ilarlng 1723 W I6T1I. N.. 130. II O T IS L RURIO Beau. furn. rooms, spotless clean, else, h.-w. heat: dally & weekly rates; conv, to stations I bestaccom. for travellnt; people. Sprues 10114 WILI.INdTON ST. N.. 1321 Room nicely furnished. In rarefully Kept house, for rett, preferably to single, ninn. i:JtflT AVE.. 1123- Miiife 0r"..n suite"." busi ness i-ouple or K nlltinrn, t I'asonnble. Phono Tio.t.t -1212 R. 10TH. S.,R2I Nicely furni.hed rooms.slna'.e, double; next bntlr. elettrlc. Locust R80O J. 44TH, H , 222 2 ccm. mis., furn. or unfurn.. third floor, western evpnaura. Pros, 4II0R .1 .iIIiANI UIRARU, N. E. Cor. Up-tn-d"te neTvIy turn, rm.; light hkpg. flel. 4487 M DESIRAHI.E rooms, slnitle or cn suit., pleasant location tn Oermantown. lame Grounds, shade: near trains and trollej . references. 1 210. Ledrer Office. DKSIRAHLE furnished room, with use of bath and porch; vicinity of 17th and Ral tlmore ave , convenient to 2 car lines. Phone Wood. 8271 J for further Information. LADV, having a beautiful hum", will rent room to a refined aentlcmaii: first class onlv. Woodland 470H SV. TWO exceptionally clean rooms double, modern furniture. C. 20.17 Chestnut m. etn"t!a or A. Wolfe. ATTRACTIVE turn, apts., some hiiuseltp Sherwood Apt, Agency 1,'I34 Wiln ut st, PINE. lfjOrt Iively apartment, 2 rooms. hath nntl porch: csceijont table. 121B lJCUST Olio Fo"u7if. ilrst floor, for eentlrman. Lion's Head Apartment J"!,5'J.'A',.'ir-?,'"'KI,AN SI.V1N 1.INE Delijlitful funi.sheil rooms lti private home d tmnutes ft-oin Penni, ta tion: nil modern Phuns Wana SHI It COLVVYN Comfortable airy Imme. omv. , elec ; nr train and trollev. 130 mo.. Slai Not. Call Shuion Hill C07 J. ROOMS WANTETJ WANTED Thri-e rooms for flno people, with or without hoard: within M mile of Oer inniitown 11 lends' School; from Sluy 12 lo Juna 4. Teloplmno (lerinnntnwn 140a W, OENTLEMAN desires mom In hiichsior V quartera or with Kiiiiiilsh-spesklnx- family A S22. Ledser Office BOARDINO WYNIHTiM'. IN De.un Pa . ..n Sla'n I, In , in 'i nu'ea fioni llruad Si Station rt'fliti with ,i . it Lout ptl.ute bath; reason nl'li rates vtrv dfilrab' for huslnesi null with fumlli.'s I'hoti" IVr'ijii 2SC VV DEHIRAni.K latanrie. for aentlsinen or iiupl'S rsceliom tubla: tndlviduul a'rtlct; opposite P II. It. .lliill.ill, reasonable rates. Phone rjerti un'ivn r8H2. JBNKINTOWN Conv. train 4 trolley; prf f andes. reflneil cuple Jefa Ogonts 1112, OREEN. 17IH VliiRle rocniTccellent hoard buainesa peopln; t.lblo liiMrtl; home cuol.lnv. APARTMENTS APARTMENT HEADOCAUTERH (en'ral jpurtmcnlN a upeclaln. Hherwool Apartment Anen'j. JH3I Walnut ! N. PAR'k'.VVK 100T--Very lesTraTiecor. i er apt . S laig,. rooms nnd hath, south- em expns'jie. Appln Ilrst flnot I),i. 8031 H. 15. Cor. Hlili uutl Locust, .-iiol. ImndsomeTs' furn. lisiipif. upt.. I summer months. Phono Loo. H07 lTlfTENIIOUHE HOI.'ARE, W . i7lV- roams nna Mi'n: larK. mid ought. Hprue imtf I1ARINO 40SI. and 4JH H. 40th--l 2 r. ,Jl1',i,Lk"c,Vi will furn. Preatiin 8H2B J. sFinEitN; cmiNBh apt., r. rooms oTth. Vppll- to Kaufman. 281 S OOtli st 4HJ.MUll.1ll.IlV AVE also dill, sit r . unf 1720 2-1 "ft. com . , emu im, lin.ldOQVV UTII. H . 820- DcKlnibla apt 8 rooms, batii and kllrhnnette. Tnulane, om Walnut st 2230 10TII- -Euro apt all modern conv", electric Dalits, Phone Olainonil 1120 J. i'OR RENT furn I moulTie. o-rnoni aiur, tlnolt .liiulwl t.fsi nto I' 221. I.,,i. "iff"' vFaUK't iniii sTrTT-ic n. Vauii'u' 7um tr. 2d fir, .pUU2 r,.iiu liskpi:, t3 S.IUtli APARTMENTS PLazia apartments 1719-21 N.33D STREET vi'inivi.e i-srs n large rooms mnA a l porch: in first-class condition Dfami.8.ib--ln. faundry eervlcesi eteell?nt ie? &.m cl,ll,t'i n. -it. UUSCH, 800 Land Tit wa. Spriicn 7B71 IIP 7D7I -a. TO sntntiw. - Attraotlva apartment! thsCoronadn to. Whestnutl 3 badrooms, bith, iiViSV V.4. vestlbula room, dlnlnir room,' uifSi.n ."i pantry: .central) wnlh na dlstanc. V lines: Janitor; elsvator: all -Jncl.,?..r rental reasonabls all things considered"?1'' modlato poiaestlon; Investigate, ni. :Jra- JANlTnn "" ' -THE T0URAINE-. SrRUCE, ICTft AND DC LANCET 8T8 Philadelphia's largest fireproof house keeping apartment Park Ave. & DaupHin eVmi SIS- irnt 0 rooms and bath, front and back ,.' ' . eoreh on sach ant.: rentals 1180 to IlinK' month! open for Inspection dally until bV? Ef' finest apsrtments n N. PlilltTt a i.V'iH:1 S. H. Johnaon, 1420 Cl.eslnu'.8pr,;ite' 5 AND 0 ROOMS, 00 AND JOs ' HERBERT HOPE 6901 YORK ROAD FFRN1SHED apartment, 20 i:,reniTS- Oermantown: sraelous lawn and SaJiV near H. II. and trolley; rent- mod.; gKr& eluded. Thone Oermantown p?7n. " ,n' FU'E roosis. and bath, hoJsTsTnTrr. facing Tarkj SO minutes to C ty llBth.!i sonable. K. ailWENULATT. 4ts si' !!' Rldg. Horuca 7170, sPuberi OENTLEMAN wishes rennea gentlemilTT; share furn. apt., near Rlttormouse' fine opportunity for the proper parly- ...2' ences exchanged. A 80.1. Iedger otnli '"" ilEAUTIFlff. 0-room apt.; outside roernTs'S modern convenlencos; must ba seen -V VJ appreciated. Apply E. J. Elliott. 1113 cJii' nut et. Filbert 8888. '-lt. HEVKRAL (V and 0 room and hath in."" ments; some linmedlato possession. i,,t'. locations. RICHHAN REALTY CO V r oor. 13th nnd Chestnut ata. Walnut "ssi 1B1T PINE ST. Largs livrnTToorrrVir; fireplace: best parquetry floors; sun el I,,. larca bedroom, most modern of baths mhSiU and perfect kltchtm iinfurnished. ' ,no"f 0348 N. 22D ST. Third floor, a roomr... bath: 140 rer month. wst, TlNnpn 1828 Chestnut St. '''.MiER, HOl'SEKBBPINo'npartmenls lnThote77r cations. StAURAN. DOLSIAN X CO v ' cor. II road and Chestlut, 2081 W. ONTARIO ST. Up-to-dai. sTr'Cr.. apartment: light and heat: vacant """ a,. J. Manna, itn 3V. fi4lh ., 1730 N loTtt ST- -New unfurnished" ., ntn. modern, electricity; refilled n feViL." lrn. n'wntr. ma n chl. VrK8T PHILADELPHIA WALNUT ST, ALNUT ST.. 3. W. ccr. 40th" (ireT. Apis.)-.Strictly flroproot ro.3m T. iuse, . larso rooms and bath with tutri. noune, ini.u ivviii. 1.1111 UBtll with exesnl tnrir, tinsels. In (lr.l..l... ...i..Tv1 laundrv tervlces: excellent tcn'ce, imm' loss. JF. M. Orach. SOO Land Title irX Phone Spruco 7071. HRONARD APT8.. excep. val.. 7 r . .1 hsjr nrli'.tn norrn. nereens. .t,n'p, ab.. ..... Bsl Inn, janitor, 41 S, 00th, or Ph. Sprues 4in' (..n .lE-V. ... A . . R . ' '. rjii ia,i-A, iuiiim -. un,, i u-riti, apt situated: 8100 per month. P 231. Led, ct ra.XKTORn 4.VJ2 FRANKFORD AVE, Second fleer rooms and bath: modern; Jno per mo, sum. mer: J00 per mo. winter. Schweltz' till Frnnkfnrd svo. rkd. 2810, pennsviaania snii;itn.vx OERMANTOWN. Wlssahlckon Apartmenr rooms. 2 baths, porch, refrigerator; an nutstdo room. Tel. Oermantown 4920. erTIi' 4001. HAVKRFORD APARTMENT, 0 rooms. prlate porch, ltsrbt and air four aides 180. Ph. Sprute 4111 or Inquire Htittnn. H'ierfnril i.AXHiimvxn SIX ROOMS, private porch; modern apirt ment building; convenient to iranncrtt, Hon: $120 per month, icarly; sdu't famlls-; also furnished apartment for sum mer months. 05 N. Lansdowne ae, Poobi Lansdowno 018. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS U 3 Beautiful Housekeeping I ' ll Apartments 2002 N. BROAD ST. Hardwood floors, atllstlc electrlo flj, tures vihllo and mahoeany finish, hot- Improved aas ransu. first floor suits Q arranseu tor a pnysician or with Karaite ln the rear, can be seen by applying either to CHARLES L. UROWN CO.. 217 S. Ilroad st,. or to OEOROE L. PARKER 17oi i-airmount ae. a , tm m tit s ni". tiiKiinniH i nr -ninu tumi ih : jii pi h iimiii! i mi! i rT.JMincii nnn , 'u in iiiccS . 17TH ST.. N.. 2020 Unfurn apt. 4 rconu nnd bath; ren $.10. Raymond SI Pftlier, N. E. cor. 17th and Wallace sts, WEST 1'1III.AIKM'III CHESTNL'T, cor. 30th st , flvo rooms snl hath, lady vlahcM to elmro her funuihw houaeltecplnii apt.' with ou or too istllti; ..... .I.-..I nf lir.t.1 ,,,- married cr-UD e bui nss re'onle preferrid. finest lotav ,u. Hoi I M 518, Ledger Otllce 1TURNISHKD APARTMENTS WB HAVE listed a loreo number ot situs- the apartments, centrally located ail fully furnished, which can be rented lit short terms. Call Locust 0037. WhlttUJi tt, SlcLanahan. 10th and pine, NEAR Ilroad nnd Spruco Furnished au ol a rooms; hotel service. Includlns linen. $100 monthly: June to Oetobor: reference!. rESUIERTON ESTATES. HarrlsonPI. SIODlTitN apt. house near lUlli and Sprucel south, exposure: lent HliiB rm b'flrir. din. rm., kllchen and bath. H U' Mi.t shi jt SKIinahnii, Lltli and 1" ie HANDSOSlELy'furn. non-housekpi; ar'e, f"r aeli ft 'QUPlca or Kicliilors. 4030 Ha.' tie. west rnu.AiiKi.yim . pi'RN'IsilEn. 7 tins u hedriiis. pr. porrh. sctreus. etc. Sprues IUI. Janitor 11 r.0'.h or rh. APARTMENT HOTELS HOTEL BARTRAM USD AND CHESTNUT 3TP furnished and unfurnished apartrnsls. HOTEL COLONIAL s,1thctat Two rooms and bath. 3 rooms and THE GLADSTONE '11TH AND PINE RTF ABHOLUTELy VIRgPftOOP "the m a r l v n VVA1.NIT AT 4BTH KIREPROOF THROiailOl T TToTBi; CA M fJEN" 2d "sT-"t "" ' Jmtl". , . oJope ' W SS ST a .nil,' , nVsViK,. ho.,, wi'.h 130 looms nnd 70 paths . . ' '? and monthly rates jestiiuatit " " home vool-lnir. Tolephone Camdtn w HOTEL HAMILTON. 1331 Walnut st (n ot RroudV-A qufet. coiissrvaii.e MH. besiitlfully furnished aiidvvell Mnduc W I'm," I ITTI.E HOTEL-228 K, llro.'l,''"" A -rood plies to live 'whllo In I'hll.dilli " I ft nillillllH VV I K II U III HM -. -. ' REAL ESTATE JR SALE CITY ,010 N. 11ITII BT.-l W ; cor.' ;;-,;, , I.iniler, 1321 Chestnut lMT"N"iaTil MT nnd H'll l lanoii n Ut' ',' ?.0,,',V,u,rt .i'ni Vo lumbla av.. "o-osATi.rxiiiBNv ave. (oppo.ii. iM .1 honi s run, a """ "Vfl.i... Kill. . .'L. .1 .... 1.1.111 v.eiini Marlin a: n.'i;,j inr-:.., -"- ' - --rrr-rrTrr.iTirslr, ' SIOOKRN dwe linsr. . room. "' ; -,i ENTRAL, vacan'l lUth nhove .'; "7 st; new house. H rooms, oli com enleat? RSHTH 1B8H Point Jlreeri. a.e 2210'y. 17TH HT. Slodern homei 'S"f02K''M '?,.,, ,vi. WALTER 11. PHII.t(IPH.llJt.L''"ltr-r. iiYanSTUAmSy' -I'uliS,. ya-ia DIAMOND BT.i J9000. "' ."i.ii &&i. ..V$3!&- KV AND HACK, in "rr atrw 7 .iinvenlences, LlilSlj, JjJ-iba vgil mg J-..' .-... r-";A".i ,.,,. easy ''.".. 100 cr; toil!) X SITH-Blaht ''.VV I'i'ai.Ir. on account of Illness; now occupied as ... slu,). prlrl 700O Hjrlidet!.. I i! v zti i4"alf.-smiTLEWooi)BT. 'n-.v.a;' . visste. v i-our rooms aou u.i.i -v... , .l.lm, l roum., .-..u Slon, exenuenv w,i(ii.ti.", -.- ,,.. - .gill. t tooms.jrUw.!hlll. -'?" r .- ; lllfiTw: VBNANOO Lars. ''uU" ' " '