F!5?WW vy?i& S?wW-e3'- ty!wYtryyw.f"n7n:'iPmww ?-'Hiys-;'w t"1 Vj ; -'Vf "rvVTvJIJvrM!i lvVi J ,v f.fWyV ' Jj VJ 16 12VMX1XG PIMiLK1 LIOIKJKR rrilLAUELPllIA, SATURDAY, APRIL1 30, 1921 fl it m 4ih t ttf Di'f'. .-. Ht ' . .!' it II M, 31' M HW! ! (: &' . mrJV "is : '.. it ' I ' IHl i DREAMLAND ADVENTURES The Garden of Yearn ll.v DADDY OIAI'TKK VI Tim One Way llnrk TKCt(tY ninl Hilly at in the (Jnnlrti of Yonrp trjing to kiip tho otic way Imi'k to their happy rhlMhnoil Thr l),id foolMily uIipi their npiim nwn.v Riilniiiir the fortune, fniiii- unil i mii'i thi-j ioirod, hut loiiie their '"iitli. wlilrh now seemed more piolmi than aifthing else on earth. There n nnlj one wny to heroine yomi; .'icnin. v Father Time lint -mid. mid ii'M ,i hr turned hl honr-clii-i lie uacsed his head nnd repentel ht word . In uno wny only can jnu (ti'l hneK our lot year--Kiie tlmt ihi uiir nnd ou IibII heroine ii girl nnd liov nealn." I Hillj Minkei his white tinir nnd hennl " lie trii'd to Riif's the one wny nnd I i' looked (lityinRlv nt I'egp. whnr 'I'nrs had h"i'ii rut iin bj Father Time much iiKiilti'l her ui-h "lion atllj e woro noi to enjn p.ich .eai- liy itjrlf n It It'o-foinod'." hr "isliPd. "Wm rou'rl Imvo Imd awli n happy time if p hndn t been en;,-"! t" im "II our ,enr in butirhi'i." ttiurmiireil I'ejej I to'd ion mi' 1 tn'd oii .n"" Father Time uncivil hl hend unil hi nnifji. -.nundfil like tH'kin; of a clork "h. if 1 weie onW im.ns ngnip 1 would make 5"od up of i'er day Riven t' HIP." pOllllPli lllli) "And I uo'ild irj to bnehieii piu'Ii hour with U.ndl) donN. ' .'ltr. IVgsj "I'ronme,. are good, hut gut"' tiiir' (tiii'i the one ui) ' ' inuriuiiri'd Knthpr 't'niip. "I IfIi I roiilil nlp up nnd find tbl un nil ii dri'uni." . ruM 1'pggj ' Hot' Mot! (iiinvi' ltiip: r'ntjipr TiniP ui'nt on uiggiiig h. l'".id Hi'ij UrnightPiiPil up nnd 'onkpd at linn. 'What do ion no an b i.ititis hot. hot";" dpninndPil Mil I oi " Hot ' (tin ' itup !" rrpi a'Pil Tnllipr Tiiiip l''gg iiildpnl.i gavp u glad rrj "I kni' what Iip ni"an 'u' i'olnnupd "It i likp lh' linii'-iiip-tiiiinblo gnnie flc ufp'l to plaj hPti wprp oun Up is a) ing 'hot, hut ' b aiie Tip al most R1I"(P tllP I'll'' W.l.l "Hottpr" llottpr" Kntlii'r Tiiup went on. IVjgx piii'kprrd up Iit brow nnd tiimicht ii'ppl "Vow whnt ii I snUng hPti Iip tiri .-iid 'hot'? Ah. noi I knen I n .lung im- nu!d wakp up and nnd tin. all n dr'-am " " I'nnt i' " " -ii" i il lli'h "Thi i. a drpai. .1 id t '"' "in ij bin k from It l to wake up!" "Hot' Hotii'i-' Mottnt'- I'huiklprt V.'iilni I inn . .iml I.- .u'"i hi hand lowaiil tin- ii.w "f gt'M' ng M'.ir plant' ihni " i mail.p'l l'-p-g-g- ' nnd ' It-1 i I -' I'ln'ii. I'.i.l bi'gim to gio on i .ir .Tom. i t unl l,Mpri iut off b KatliT Tinp . ..vt1'' nd ns Up p'.lllt. gi l''B Hid I! v bp. nn i" I' . tinr is I1ip urnliw t'r,! r roii! ilf r tin "-I u i ' I nir I ,i ni'd ' ir'.' ' la- ii a m ti dil Why Your Dollar Buys Less Than It Should The Federal Trade Commission, in its recent report to the President upon the high cost of living;, states that "as a prerequisite to normal business," high prices "must come down," and that "the first move should be the reduction of retail prices, accompanied by such credit a.-sistance as will prevent any undue financial disorders." In a careful survev of all angles of this question the leading article in THE LITER ARY DIGEST for April 30th quotes the Credit Monthly to the effect that "while wholesale prices, as reflected in Bradstreet's index-number, had declined more than 39 per cent, from the peak to January 1, the cost of living in the large cities of America decreased less than 10 per cent, on an average from the peak." The New York Nation avers that up to the pres ent "retailers, as a whole, have not taken losses," and the Brooklyn Eagle holds that "the indictment against the retailer is that he blocks the return to normal all along the line." The retailors indignantly clony thi.-. however, and the New York Tribune quotes A. E. Burkhardt, presi dent nt the National Association of Retail Clothiers, as saying for his branch of retail business that "retailers are facinsr another ?ea.son of net loss instead of net profit," while the New York S'i irs Record affirms that "retailers hae taken their losses and are now buying merchandise for immediate sales, taking a moderate margin of profit." and Dr. Paul Nystrom. of the Retail Research Association, declares that "retail prices have been lowered consistently with demand and with market prices." Other articles of absorbing interest in this striking number of THE DIGEST are: Germany's Attitude The European With Full-Page Freight Rates That Halt Freight As American Labor Sees the British Miners A Tariff to Keep Up Farm Prices For a Secretary of Welfare A Farmers' Union to Balk the Grain Gambler Mandate Perplexities French View of German Poverty Our Yap Protest as Seen in Japan Sovietizing Russia's Peasants Teamwork to Better World Trade How the Hungry Children Are Being Fed Making the Immigrant Unwelcome Nomads of the Automobiles Rear Admiral William S. Sims, U. S. Navy, says: "I ha. ,i!u- - had THK LITERARY DKiKST follow mo wherever I have been. Iifuiu-r 1 haf alw.'t.-. tclt 'hat ir j;a e me the gist of the world's news in a perfect lv iirpartial thanner and im -m h rm that a hu.- man could afford the time to read it; and I al-n en Mia' it ui."!d I.,, hard in mca-ure the general educational benefit of being thu k' fit liifirrretl nt i iini;' i,n up hprin all questions of moment." April 30th Number on Sale TodayNews-dealers 10 Cents f 'Tis a h - - The Literary J Jli.l' 9 FUNK& WA'iNALLS v ngpil, thru thpy uero of hlgh-srliool j pari, and in Ips tlmp than it tskpt to toll thpy wpi-i' bark hs tlie.i lind Iippii lion thp- llrl PiitPrpd (Iip (iiinIpm of Growing Yciir. And nil the blmsoinlng . im mnliiliig planti mpi-p iioddlng nt ilii'in brightly, while Fatlipr Time gnnnpil plrananllj . "Your ,piirs nro given hnok to you." 'Iip rhm-kleil. "Spp that ou up tlipm wi'll. for Iipu ngp i'oine next tinip It inny Iip n fart and not a drrnui. Happy tiny to joii." 1'ntliPr Tlmn tuniPtl oipp hi" liniir-cliix, and ns lip did o Iip vanlsliPil "Vhoo' U'hool Wlipt-p nrP jnn1" oiindi'd .ludgp Owl'i voire. The (Jnrdpn of (irowing pnr' fail'il lolv nunv, nnd IVgj and Hill) found thpiniohpn b.'li'k home, with .ludgp Owl outlde thpir window hooting good night. "My gnodup". I am glnd that wa n drpoiii'" aid 1'pgg.i . "Now we can go to the piinif tomorrow " ".Itnnnoti. I wlh it wpre tomorrow now." Miunpit Hilly. "So do 1." nld l'pggy. "Winn)' Whoo'" liiilglii'il .tudge Owl ontide "There ou go ngain. wiihing tour life nw.ij ! Whim ! Whoo!" Ami .ludgp Owl tlnpped awav. Ipaving I'pggv nnd Itlll.i grinning diippihly bpeaiisp tliei hud foigot'pn th"ir lei'on o vooti. Next week I'pjr and Hilly will havp nnotlipr fuuii) nihentui". THE DAILY NOVELETTE Sadinc From Paris lt DOKOTHV 0. GKAVKS Nadinp l.oime Hrown ri"pd her tlufTi iiPiid luxuriously ngaint tho white towel ktrotehpd over thp hair bnek and wntclip'l the lljing lnndi'npp Paris-. Ill . w.n en fnr away and 'adine' lipart pumped joinii.li Slip MinuUl ar rive m Koiion that lery inorniiig. nnd then life would eoiinnenio for her. Ho. ton to Nndine was everv thing that I'nn. Ill , was not There would be wiling men. thi'Mres. jnbo ever) where Nndine plnnnei) to jet a job right nwaj The train rumbled into the South Starion N'aditi" alight' d She knew .iut whnr to do ,ind sh" did it sue epssfiilli Not an hour Inter he .kip lied down the steps nf the Y W ('. A and .tailed to ppk life The ofnee boy in the Kvpivninn's .nuirnnc" ofcee grinn"il nt V.id'ne and Nndine gnnnpil bnek She felt veri mui h that he wore a ilrneon. but he griiiU"d so likp thp I'nris. Ill . bovs thnt slip was not so nlnriupil as .lie expeeted to he Said the boy- "Mr Hlnek?" Th -i vva a .trnw. Nnduip grnppd it "Yps " "He's out." i.lnl t!ie boy. "but vou e'n talk to hit nssntant It . Mr .la' k ins .on. M-. .fohn Hlnek. .Ir ;. on know " Mr Hlin k. .Ir . appeared lie was vprv lining nnd lerv linndsotiie. more o than nnv I'nn. Ill . voting man His eves were ns .tartled n. Nndin s own. but sho did not see thnt Nndine tried to think Mr War-Is . .Ir thought for her ' You want n poiti"ti?" Nndine no Med Ii-t head. Mr Hlaek smil"d What i vour name"" Nndine nodded agniti Hu' it "emel o ri-ng no ie i'IP Hrr knee, rrenih'ed iqieerh and .i 'nrge so-uptlnng nb- Germany's Side of the Case Mirrored in Editorials From Her Influential Journals Which Negotiations Must Be Started in Order to Save Europe Advance in Asia Colored Map 1fji Illustrations, Maps, COMPANY (Publisher.- of the istriieted her breathing1. Nndine wns tenrpd. "Where do you come from?" Mr. Hlnek, .Ir., forgot this wn n business nfTalr. nnd not n eountry club dnnee. Hut Nndine wan not thinking of that. At last It wna n question she eottld nn swer. If her brpnth lasted long enough. "Paris." said she. Mr. Hlnek grinned. Now he undpr stood. Nine months before in Paris Iip hnd tried to buy snap of n Prrslnn npothpenry, but he hnd been disappoint ed In the comprehension of (ho French man, nnd Iip hnd never got the sonp. "Can you typewrltp?" N'adltie started to sav. "We hnd thnt In high school." but she decided It did not sound bulnesllke. but It was too Inte. the "we" hnd eenpeil Mr. Hlnek. .Ir.. understood the "we" for the French "out" or vps. i "1 spp," Iip snld. "and you want n , job Now, could you iiddress envel opes''" lie hesltiitPil but a minute, I he was not thinking of hrr nnswer. "You ran copy that easily, joti know, nnd If vou get stupk I enn help .vou with vour Kngllh. How tibout twelve n wppkV" "I'nvplopps?" gnsppd Nndine In uir prisp Mr Hlnek inllli'd to lipr support. "Onvplopes." he nided her. He drew n letter fioni his po, ket to show her whnt Iip mpimt. and then smiled engagingly. "Twelve dollar n week. menu " Nndine coinpri liended and her pips sparkled delieioiisl) She nodded Net ting n job In Hostnn wns not so bad after nil, nnd. really, emplojment men were quite nice ' What Is )nur nnnie?" nsked Mr. Hlnk. holding pnper nnd pen read) Hut bplng very kind, lie motioned her to wait befoi-p nnswerlng From his pocket FARM AND GARDEN feu f- vyiseftv, H 7 I w ,K r ' nt rntn't thn' i rntiii n rjrf iSC ( r you nt n't if. - r fnr nut ytfxr '? 'i ' i tr M v ii U rnrl tt hi, M'ffru mail tree B. F. BARR & KEYSTONE NTRSEKIES. 107 1! I ", VtOk' s. Wreck of the World's Largest Airplane What Children Need to Eat Shingles and Their Substitutes The Lightest Wood in the World Jean Paul Laurens Gloom in the German Movies "Free" Poetry in Russia A Cabinet Officer for Art Impoverished College Teaching Is the Ex-Soldier a "Social Misfit?" Islam's Advance in Africa "Boycotting" the Ministry Best of the Current Poetry Topics of the Day and Humorous Cartoons The Trv-, - Famous NEW Standard Dictionary). NEW YORK he produced n xvrlN thumbed little red book, "French Self -Taught." He turned the pages to the "w V to the "I's," to the "yV' and to the "n's." At Inst he nsked triumphantly, "Quel est votre nom?" Nndine smiled, she tvnnted to laugh, Hut she did not dare, nnd nnyvvny she knew her smile wns enchnntlng. In Purls, III , she hnd studied "French fnr lleginners" for ii yenr in high school, nnd hnd rend n little French story by Monsieur LeWim. which nnmc her teacher had translated ns Mr. Hrown, so she nnsweretl readily, but In hnlf hesitating Kngllsh, "I am Nndine I.c Hrun." Mr. Hlnrk smiled benevolently. He fplt n comforting spnsp of his grent kindness. At the sntue tlmp he snw his father step from the elevntor nnd enter his prlvnte office, whereupon Mr. Hlnek. Ir., hastened to complete the business in hnnd. "Kindly report nt 0 tomorrow. Mile. l.eHrun, he snld with dignity nnd not n too controlled sensp of command Nndine smiled ngain nnd withdrew. Outside the building she purchased of the boy nt the newsstand n small, red book of "French Selflaught." During thp npxt few weeks Mr. Hlnek. dr.. npptied liini'clf to his duties so thorouglil) nnd perseverlnglv thnt Mr. Hlnek. Sr told his wife thnt "Junior' would get somcwliprp yet. Junior did. Whether or not il was thp particular "somewhere" his father meant. It wns dune. He'd asked the en chanting French girl to go "some where" with him thnt evening. Nnllue smiled nnd nodded. She tripped down the Y. W C A steps ns blithely nnd more buoynntly thnn any American girl Junior had ever known. These French girls were the FARM AND GARDEN 6 Beautiful Monthly Blooming Hardy Roses 'I o every garden lover xvc offer this attractive collection of six beautiful roses richly colored, exquisitely fragrant, each one n perfect speci men of its type. 1 Rhea Rrld. csrmlns rose. t Ophelia, tatmon yellow, 1 Radiance rote pink. Hootier Beauty, rich dark red, I Mrs. Aaron Ward, Indian yellow, 1 White Klllarney. All stronp- one-year plants the six for $2.00 postpaid. Do not miss our special offer of 25 America Gladiolus, larce size bulbs, flesh pink, for only 2.00 postpaid. See our catalog for Dahlia Bulbs, Gladiolus, annual flowering and foliage plants. Send for it today. COMPANY Ilarr Bldfc., Lancaster, Pa. Say Entirely New $4.00 a Year LCSt jpk best ever, he decided; "all fluffy nna freshly starched, and soft, and pretty, and " That night Nadlne also got "some where." It wns the June night, plus the luminous moon, plus the gentle lnjiplng of the water on the nhore at Inthrop Itrach nnd plus Junior. The answer to the problem wns "yes." Pos sibly Nnd'ne had something to do with it, too, but she gave nil the credit to Junior, And then they both got "somewhere." It was this way : "We'll go out West, dearest," Jack, Jr.. breathed Into her delicate nnd very French little cnr. "I've nn old grnnny out there who'd love to see us, nnd she promised me long ngo wIipii I married I should IitHc" her housp for n wedding present, and dnd's nlwn.vs ald he'd set me up in business out there." "O. Jnck!" "Yep, out Illinois wnv." "Illinois!" Nndine gasped. Hut Jr.' mistook the long-drawn word for her imperfect knowledge of English. "Yepraris, Illinois." he laughed in expectation. "It's a grent little old town." The idpn then occurred to him thnt Nadlne might have misunderstood "Not .vour I'nrlH, you know; it's just n small town in one of our states. There's n I fa If n, nnd wheat, nnd Mime nit le " mm ijjqj 31 rr WTm FJS3 SPRING IM SORTS GREAT EASTERN RAILWAY ENGLAND CATHEDRAL ROUTE Kt Ancll. Honi.' nf the n.erim ralhprs Dickens nml rpninjon Dis trict SphsIiIo ni-..rt f,o!f THE FELIX HOTEL FELIXSTOWE. ENGLAND Th most marn"ii ontlv nrrolntfl "mMlshmi'nt n th t5nt Pnnst ,f Knslanil owned hivI mniniiinl hv the OieM Knstern 15' way Company. IIutruoi1 brnchu' on request HARWICH ROUTE Knflnnil to I lis Cnnllnenl via HARWICH ind HOOK OF HOLLAND Alio vii HARWICH and ANTWERP Nw Service Commencing June, 1921 DIRECT TO BATTLEFIELDS VIA HARWICH - ZEEBRUGGE Luxurious Steamers Pullman Car Trains Apply for lllu'trniH booklet "The World War fJniili nrlili, u lhltjnun niirf 1'rnncr " II. J, Krtrhnm. (irn. Act. nil I irth ,. nit S.M St.). ru Wk RTKAMSllip NOTIl r. LUCKENBACH LINES PHILADELPHIA TO SAN DIEGO LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO-PORTLAND-TACOMA-SEATTLE S S HARRY LUCKENBACH LodinB SSK.I. LUCKENBACH My 8 S S PLEIADES May 19 Seattle Tacomn Portland San Francisco Los Angeles San Diego Philadelphia S i S KATRINA LUCKENBACH May 5 S S K. I. LUCKENBACH May 8 S , S JULIA LUCKENBACH May IS Philadelphia to Rotterdam S S FRED'K LUCKENBACH May 10 Philadelphia to Hamburg S , S WALTER A. LUCKENBACH May 7 Rotterdam Philadelphia S S LEWIS LUCKENBACH May 0 Hamburg Philadelphia S S ANDREA LUCKENBACH May 4 LUCKENBACH STEAMSHIP COMPANY, INC. LAFAYETTE BUILDING. PHILADELPHIA l.OMIlAHn A340 IT A D N . I I II f IK Incorporated 1891 U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamers Regular Freight Service PHfiLAOELPHRA to HAVANA A Steamer May 15 Fnr Space) and Itntei Apply EARN-LINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Agents nullltt Bulldinjr. Ph!I, Pa. Lombard s:0Og!Ol.5!02-3:03 Main 3314-SJll briu tiKiwinj:ti m PaHsengcr and Frcluht Services From New York fltKlllI'" n'j AND JUMITDV Aqiiltunl Mn 3 May 2 4unell MaiirrtnnK Mm I'. lime u .Inly H IltreiiciirlJ -InKe ! June 311 Auc. 18 I Ivr.lU'iW' ' Cnrnnta Vetrl ( arnmiln AHmiiiI.v (new i Alerrln I'l Mi II i II Apr. n June I Julr t , Mny II . Mn 1 June 1.1 Julr lfl June 7 lull 13 Auc, '.'0 .lime 11 . - llhltHOI I'.ii , KAHl'Ili; -rtinnii June II . 1 1 1 1 21 Auc. 3D AUirl. Mn II Coliiinlilu Muv 'M .lune IK July 10 Vii!" OIHIlAl.TAlt I'AMMS ni'l)It"i VIK TIIIKB'I IJ Wi 1 II Mil Calnhrlii Miy 11 . HAVVNA rnni'N.vt illliHAl.TAtl, rins m prijvnik Titr.-iTi: kii'.mk I'anniinla June I . nOSTON T' t.H KIK'dOl, dunlin MnvSI - PHII.AtiKl.rillA PIHAKfsi AI.KX AM'inv HKiner hmyhna Ains'ir i-DSSTANTIVOl'r.K LfiNrANA niirr Arie M It run am: i PM'v to lovnos ViilUln Mu IR ( unnril unil Auilior sleum -lilp I. litre. I'nmenKiT Ofllre. In Walnut M I'lilla, rrrlnlit linice, llour.e lllilc I'hllit. DixieSteamship Lines PHILADELPHIA, BRISTOL, MANCHESTER, GLASGOW U.S.S.B. S.S. MONOMAC I iprctnl In hall tlnj 2(11 Ii for ROTTERDAM C.H.H.Il- H. ti. "WKKTKKN HOI'B KtixTleil tn snll M.u 20lh AT CONFKIlENCr. HATFA Harriss, Magill & Co., Inc. 425 Lafayette UUe- I'hlladelphU Lombard B220.1 Mala 1BJI BTE.MI1GATS HKHOBTS ERICSSON BOAT'NOORDAM M.r jjmu,-,. KOIt IIALTIMORK $2. one-way fnre: $3. round-trip faro ulMWhttiA, aV.0.cU "",nu" Hend (or Pamphlet. "And corn, Jnckcy, say there's torn." "Yep, there's corn, ncrcs of it." "And, Jnclc is It the little )cllo. house on the corner of Main nnd Fleas nut streets with the hollyhocks nnd the wistaria vines'!!" "Why, Nndine, how did you know?" "Itecnusp," she smiled archly. "Tell hip, dearest, how did yn i know?" She smiled ngain nnd stroked t hand playfull), which he thought v foreign nnd Frenchy. tint Jnck Junior wns not nngiy. "Jnck Junior, denr, will you forgive me? You see I come from I'nris." "Nndine!" Next romplelo novelette, Never Thought." 'They SI'lilNII lir.MlKT i.AHr.woon. x. j. Laurel iR-tlie Pines LAKEWOOD.N.J. SITUATED AMONG THE PINES AMD OVERLOOKING LAKE CARASALJO New r.lm Grill" 18 hole Golf Course.Horscliack R.iding,Motoring, Plcturcsciue Wnlkc, Mimic, Private Garage. Ner Electro-hydrotherapy Balk Syitem. I'ranb I'. HIinlB, Hni, it.tyi:uTO,N, .1. Tlll l.!lvn HflimP Heautlfullv located onpoelte llherton Yacht riub. I'prmnnent or n-nnmi-nt f (' WTI.nil I'ron. WKKNnitSVH.I.i:. l'A. "OAI.K.V HALT.. WerneraMllc. Pa. Now open l)UVATr.K 1AI The Mountain PnradSse .KITTATINNY DELAWARE WATER CAP. PA. i;aon Mav to December l r if!iele interior and enter or .mprfiie nient1 lul completed niaKc the Kittatinny the fiiipt appointed ncrelnle Mountain It'eort Hotel (.'apacin lino iim hou trom Ne York I,arUaanna II II , mi'es li nutomoblte three hour from Philadelphia P.MineMmtila II II Kt miie t,v automobile- Pui'niuii sen ice and Onod Iloads nil the mil Hotel nittlated In lunate pink lid flower" nnd rhododepdron in prnfiieion Mapnlflcent cencr Uolf tennlK eaddln home" bontlnn. iroul ni'd baeM fishing, Iron honilnp ipountnin UnibltiK Orrhentrn of Solol.i Nlnhth dances frequent eorlil feal i-i llrldne". etc In riinrirr of Mjoler of Ceremnnle. American I'lnn e.lu n la tarie drill foi Tourli KlitHilnn eiai'l and fruit Hiirdene and dairj auppH abundant fr Hh piodiii te Special fi eenenn rule nnd l famlbee nnd li"inl llmik'et terms and au'o maps n 'lied .imiv l'l iiiiy (on; mire. 100 nrlttehth, opirlljr S00. Aliluje .UUV irn rpirnain iuiu, ft"" """""i "- Open Jiim ltli to October tl AddremimtlUunclO. .lohn J.iblions.MKr. Hotel Itennert Ilaltlmorc Mil srr.AMsinp notkt.s Marine Despatch Line Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and Portland S. S. Chas. H. Cramp Tier in Smith, ol (l ( y im, S. S. West Haven . . . May 24 S. S. Henry S. Groves, June 9 I'nr Itnti-H anil lnrrnutt Inn Apply Atlantic Gulf & Pacific S. S. Corp. Ilnnlll llllll, I III x 'IIumI St I'llllmlelplilii Plmi.ps I .mil '..ri5."i, Isi" Man L5I I BLACK DIAMOND STEAMSHIP CORP. PHILADELPHIA to Rotterdam Am. S S "Kdsi'tiHint" iw Loading W. J. Grandfield & Co. Philadelphia qrnts 308 ( hrstnut St. l.nmliiiril ftl'C-i H U M.iln tn-jn-i AMERICA LINE New York to Rotterdam Via Plymouth and Bonlntrna.inr.M.. ' ROTTERDAM Ma 21 Ju2S Jul. in I R,YN.DAM Ml2i ."'r 2 Auj. r, Ni, AMS1 ERM ;JC" J ' 9 Ai. 13 rintner Oflite, 1531 Walnut St., Phil. iiir.NV viT spniM.s.px C ' r ,n Wm,V' America ml f'tt 'cJUL" te'OlUEfilDCE MOUNTAINS A ktHMl, medern holet .ilh cxrellenl ttble end i M'RINH ur.siinis OI'KAN CITY. N. 4. if i leTpincoln OCE7MS CITY, IX. . A dfliffhtfu!, enrr-frec iccck'cnd. Friday evening dinner until Monday after breakfast. Dancing Salur day evening. Special rate Single, flS.SO; double, Anirrlriin plunt ulrnm-lirnleil rooms it ltd runnlntr vrnter. Iteiennllnm recrlreil fnr miiiinirr m-n'on. T-leilmnii Oreiin Clly tno th STREET AT BOARDWALK Newly Ileum iilrd nnd tniler New Mnii.iKcnicnt Pine Table. Iteaaonahle Iute nfferlmc excellent iiccommndatlonn Write for ltewriatlnne Reason Opens Muv 2Sth P V. YATIIB. Prop. Ttiqctvnn HunnlnK water In tiary room. uiai-a.vin. noklPti 1:. lilundln. XTl.ANTIP PITY. nT.T. , 'N Tim HEATH" OF THINOH PROCESS H C'HrulInn Ale. clme to tench nnd Mteel Pier l.i r st modiralo-rate hotel of brick, Heel and Htnne I'onatriictlon Hot nnd cold runnlnir water In imeet rooms, Private) baths P'vatnr from elrect loe Within R anuares of II leadlmt Protestant and Calh die churches nnd tiinlii postodlie rreneh chef Kxcellent table Jt nnd up dally. Atner Plnn SI .10 and up dly. Kuro plan Special weekly rate,. Kor llnoklct nnd Auto lload Map address I'ul P Ilosecrans. Oivn-r nnd Prop Phones 4511 and 4338 tat- Hotel Z C; ATLANTICCITY.NJ. Ai Tennessee Ape just off tha Baardivalk with Aracfi front service and appoint ments qt moderate r.itca. EitrcpeanpIaniReitoumnt QttBchidunder personal 'super vision of G.W. CARMANY $2 up daily; spec, wkly. Europ. plan EfiON and dreproof Annex, I'ennessco e, near 'tech I'upaclty 4IH t'enlrnl Open eur irundlncs, npp Cnthollc and Proteatant rl in diva Prunte batbs. Running Water in All Rooms Mlilte tcrtlre. Ilonkl-t It. II. I.l 1)V, M. I. New Vnrk Ae. ne.ir" Hem Ii $r week-end special $r .1 SAIH'RII.VV M I'PPIt 1'MII, .1 " momiay mti:k IIHICAKIAT I llenl. Unit Will Plnie, w.m. mtooia: 'HOTEL LEWIS 1711 PXCIIIC AVH. NKAK HIIKH ..'..Vk!."1'; U.l".'rl'.'. Hunnlnn water; prhato s 5r, r"ctr ngMn. Table unsurpnaed. jhv American pUn iutu for April and $3 Daily $18 Weekly Hs. 11. I.KWm. oner A Prop. t mi il. imatiil. I nixielbd for tomfort :: .r"'".'," Klee,J'"1 llKh" nSiinlnB bnVh. ,'.lno';;f .""" nr "'thnut pruato J i .. ,,:,','n, -ulm ronesponilcne and inspection solicited Modernie rates "pen ..il I v!"ir" ,orma"" l"i application I. It. JINOl.li. Onnershin MnimKement tbtc ! ATLANTIC CITVM i I a- !)lrr,'1" ", tl'e "reaii Pront j capacity" 000 '" ' dl,,""e"l" I OAUAOi: IFolfer J, Dutbv wmuNp I Hill l i 11...1, I. !...,... ... vV,,.,1;' '" " ''- N.vr.n"o..t.,d .i- ..'."""'' p ,n"' '' mem III .to u ti iliv. '" smi:n s stitzkii. Akliwgton iVSBSSiKBBmSBf Let I k Miikp ,, r,.f i , Mn , ( ll nf KuhuNt lleulil," HOTEL MORTON GRAND ATLANTIC i n'"ir,.1 n".'1 '."nfh ."ot "nrt " "" IK water r vate Ih.iIim n,. ,n t. ..-.. f ' Mt i fdVTrit i HDf In u i -"'" . ... IV. tt ll.v nun nn ...i.. ii vi'tu n t.wiiov MpprncECto no 'ern i i n kl f& ' ' tap. :j, 1 , . ' ' .t' i 'r r .,! jr. rtun EDO S2 WAlTTE IR? $15 Special American Wky.Rate $15 JOHN ( s;,, .ril,,, J.,;s;,i.,iirAp,;i' xrr im 'x$:,v& am In lultlne nn.l t.rvli-e Ilookltl I NO-imvKI.I. Pron. HifotGl ojrcrirp r l.hirlre )'la anil IlMch. Fresli unil lira vater u.itli;riinnlinr wa-er In roomi, elevator Suiiunor tsble priinr iMr'.Coneh nt trains, A V. WACNhlt I'rnn W It. l.AYION. Mtrr THE SENATOR ircln.i ie nt lliiiriliMill, rirriiriiuf Our i-iirlnc ni(i,. Suii-rliiui nluii. m nn ,1,,, Wi 1,111111 At ami umi ii, up jjg I'rlvati bAM KI.I.IH. Hwner j HJI.I.IMa lfr THE ELWOOD 81 teiriH IMa i mltinc Ihe rintril. V."..I'rlvala bitht 1, r lirurf (iwnir icolli I Ireproof t itnn t Hum Hue w n.. 1' vk, HOTEL CONTINENTAL M s T'lJ I ft I , HI nl Pin ii hi ii llun, an HOTEL EDISON wK.rVSrtt. Mni'nW. ' .fllft up Uly, Uurop.au plan, M.80 up dallf. Hotel Chafin ,N1W ,4urk Ave. j.-irn i-ii, ,., ,i. ,';;"fl from lleach Amer. V. .i. . " '""' I'ln tin room a specialty Ili.lliliiM i, , ,,,, M.ir,i i..i.ii .fli'' NV Clarion ?,nluck',v. Boardwalk. .i,. ,T"J! r'iNTK-iiAnrtoN TialT; Atlaiilli. (.Ii, un (be Ueacti and lloardivalk ffiJSP xx j-:: ft JO-E2p GARDEN ANN 23 I PJIIN!iKSOIn H "" " . ATT.ANTIP CITV. N. j , !i'n,.ucl:.l' . "V and Itoan 1 i 1 . ' ,'"LrlrV . wunny ocen-vie. ;lu' Pest enmpped tc most iSiriiie,!, Jaann ATM RATB HOTKt.Tr? Allim e 'r't'y Sff"5St water In eiery room. Private, laitiR"""!"! hrij.jahout. Orch. DanclS" Vef.;. b,.,i' Parlor Jorneritorv. THOMAS M triihA'1' i,,- :.l..'. ".'" ""aruwaik. fc.... and up weekly rhona i'iJ'.'a' W'tij&ti Message of Quakerism IIV DR. JESSE H. HOLMES South Broad Street Theatre Sunday Afternoon, May 1. lo?i . . .. TllflEn O'CLOCK ' "' An inritntlnn la extended to sit . lenrn Hie. fallli of tlm foundera f ,,,', elt.v. Hie rilr of llrolb.rt.. r" ."' "'If LYELL M. RADER of Chicago j rm,aUHm'n,,!elA',Jdrt,,,;";f I CENTRAL Y. M. C. A 1121 AW;K.r...-?"IiA.Dr,i.pniA v! HlINtlAV MAT 1. 1 Il.il. 4 p. M " Pn.OORAM m;r;L-iAii rrniUAL I.AIMI',. I.MVITKI) aixweLcoms Rr.i.mini'H xotipkb llaptlst " Till: TKMPLK llroad and Derka its. (1000 N 1 3000 Seat. HUHSBI.I. It. CONWEI.L. Pastor .i. nun, .licii'iiLir. Allocate Pi.... .T. .MAJtVIN HANNA. Muilcil Direct J,1" rni'lil'tiifl ernit. A?' w ""Of MV"riA'-'i,.,ii" ... . i-,:,. "r".nl will pfeich at Tt..30 and 7.M n" volt' ' Temple choruses will slna at both i,.. . u,.,,..u....... ..h .c i,u,n in ms eien.K eerv ce "mru lllble School .lore I Presso, sunt us,,' I Praer Metinir. Friday at "'H Prlends ' Hi: III.lt FRII-LMM' .HKCTInlinri; Ainniaomery pme. Merlon, was estkii.v.i 1dS2. Here William Penn wor'hlBM !. well as many other noted Trlends n. .! the hlitorlcol spot! of America i. . for worihlp cvsry ririt-div (Runl Invited 1 1 o ciock. isitors eordinij i:tlilcl Culture ltKUAIl hTKEirr TIIKATRK li a M nT Algernon H Crapsey, on "The Vales iv Danter nt Persecution " a Prehterlan ARCH STRKKT Clll'RCH. IRth ind'Arch" 111 45 "Tho Cleneratlonless fhrlut ' At 8 Dr. Macartney will preach on "Tk, nurled Ufe." Pom and old truditio.. tell of a rlier which flow, illenlly ,,",' deep burled under th surface of ., earth. Only now nnd then, or hv ih. ..: cldent nf travel or adventure did m.J catch the murmur of that lubternnii! eircHin. is ufif u river UKe mat Wllhls tb heart of man? la there a Hurls u.; within you bidden away nedertri I nmiirui "l ll.- llll.l SpeflKS, IDHIl the man who hear" Hli Voice IS. lllble School. H;lft. Puppef "PR 1IKTH1.K.IIKM PRENinTKRIAN CliVRflf llroad and Diamond mi Rev. WILLIAM. L. McCORMIPK l'a,trr in 311 "America for Chrlit t,j, r,t William It. Klnir, D D. PresbsKriii! Hoard of Hnirte Mleilnne L' 3" Sabbath School. II 43 Christian Kndeanr Thr Mnrdnni Come, In ity Countrs " Man ; u 7 in Ceneral lubject "Phonemic a Ij'i Work " ' Law ns a Christian Vocation Mr n. mnnd Itamhn, of the Arm of Ramtm i Itninbo Rtlorncje. "Medicine na h Christian Vocai n Ko eri i. ivenmer i. i., 01 in sianof J,f. ferson Medical. Huslneis na a Christian neanon Mf, r,iiu.n'i iiintiiit.t. in inr nrni CI Mm tiel 8. Armstronir & Son ' reachlUK hs n Christian vocation Pr,i (ienrce K. Walk. Ph D Dean of Tath. ers i.oiiexe. ipinpi" i imerstn "The Ministry ns a Vocation rte Wn, 1 -McCormlck. Paitor. nciori .tC8ic i it el skatj ' unuirtli r.Liujir. ill .1.1 bIM')Nl PRKS1IVTRJAN CHTItciT " "" ilST AND WALNUT STP RBV ALEXANDER JUcCOLL, H Dm M1VISTKH HUV ALVIN R. OV'RLP.V ASSISTANT Pr MacColl will prr-ch at II an 1 WtM Mnrnlnc rubject "Uound In the flunlt of Life Willi the Lord Trv O.kI TM story of ii Hebrew wonian and her two. of a huiband " Kienlnir "Chri a School of Ilippirm'' (second series). Subject ' llletntd Art the Pure In Heart, for They Mull !n Ood " Musical Service 7 30 P. M violin, harp and organ "Hleaa the Lord". . "Jubilate, Amen" "We Prntie Thee" "lla-k Hark Mv S311I Mixed chmf. Terhnnckolt BrtKt Kmulikr Sunday School and Adult Dlble I'lm il SBfW A AI. Visitors welcome. Protestant KoIhcoohI saint piTrr.ii's en men" a anil j'ine sis Rev Kdward M. Jefferys T D P.ctsf, " HA Hrl It t t Otl dt I ,sllF UMII 11 t .i., P ' ,l At th tnenlnff ncrvltr lh rho r n " ir rompnltlonn hv Khtllf. HI r VoNi, Mnrtli nnd Wllimnm rnllnrlan PIKT I NITAJtlAN (III UCII rheatnut nt. abate 'Jim Il.. PRRDBItICK II. C.rtlPPIS Mmir.tr.. II A M -Hov. llnbrlel I'Uki M nlil" ' lh Unitarian Ohimh In Kolcumur Hul k ry. will preach. IMTAKIAN Clll'lK'H 01' (1KKM NT0HJ1 (ireeno it nna w rneittn fte Sunilny Mny 1st, Mtrvlcen at 11 in, Ilev ItOOKK H. FOnilES. -Mln nr Subject "Ho Still anil Know Thni I 11 Unil ' I jnhtee fnr children. In inrtnh hftu il Hie eame hout All ar lnMei kdi'catiiivai. Ilnlli Setra Your Salayy l liinttfl nnlv hv our elTlritne In ireuee Miur ntcienev by tnenne nf ip; rUl tiAinlnx anil ou Mll t" iurprii( hnw riuirkly nu can iloubl (r &' our ealnry. Tho demima" fer n eiunl1 nt tiua .ttMaH buon found in fxcin nf the suppb but now the adju'Wiint nf ntr ctillKK hoik ftml the appll t lori nf the Inronic mx hH (renin, ine "' Hlin dpinniul. nml poiilllnii. pa mc l nnre of from li.tnn to J7.VKI rer J' nn. attnnlly going begging lot ant o" I'omprtenl men tn lilt them There !' nothltiK In the orId tn prevent you (mm iiunllMiiiC for one of theie tilta- Klarlert I'onltlnin It l mmpl irat ir nf rteiermlnnllon mul lpl' 'lll,, IU rieiotlnu a few hnuia ' ui P' t ine hi home men evuiniK iirntei ir ,1'rni t nuperMalnn of our enper'e )J i ill he nble to nuallfi fur un ' tr-" 1,0'iilnnn nr for ilie I I A e imlna lion In it comparative ihnr' "n" u, ml.e H epetlnli) nf im nt m3 fir pxecutins arcouniln pi ltion rimne irlle or tall fur l nitt "limv 'HI l.KAHN AI I nl sri.NQ' INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTANTS' SOCIETY J lu l'i ntr sin nl Si hunt n ''"J 500-511 Widener Hullding rlliniet l.ocuat '111" Kenillni tlfflre 313 Ainrrlrnn ('nmi.ilty IHi'r- tVIImllKloil (inire -1121 Dil runt lllilt imi'ohtam urncK r')Hii'"5,sWM, Our ttudenta In etenonraphy ana vrr Mm iik re lvn real oltlie t "folV nuallfy them tn accept Important W'1'"; ' - muiviuuai "' .."""' ..iii (0 Sfc. nlnht olaeiee. Call or " '" vttja I'III1A IIPHINKSH roi.LW '4aV anil lollrra or -onira'"j.iti inn Che.tnnt HI, fhlMjlg STDAVCP'S The llrat lli'l0rr,vW l'iillliiii ciiariin'il. i:nter no. !' of "i!: PATiniTT, POST BTEIaTS Victor Victrolas The NewMoifil Hftfl Complet. Li.t of jjf n.eorJl NOW "" i. & . -.Beeor enS IUIniui" 1 -" -g 135 iTOKTH FRONT ST. i I (rflMBti iif mil 1 1 1 I i7 w 1