Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 30, 1921, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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    WW srw,w VH ' yWjrt
KETTTPTTr- -.-TV"T1 r I" ' "-H
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.METING lJLLi,i(. LEDGLii 1 H iLAJJivLl .LdA, fcJA'iUUiJAl, AiliiL 30, lyjl
MILTON Slt.T.N seems to liavo boon
destlnpil for onrs to ila ' TIip
Faltli Healer." The iila entered lii
life and reappeared ner nntl mrr nRniti
for jenrs nml finn'lv lie nehleietl li'
ambition nml created the leading part
though not in the wny lie bad nn. e
hoped to do
For thirteen tears li" knew of tbe
tln.T and wanted to ad In it. Tui'-e li"
i1mot acted It on the stage and on r
gain lip alniot mode an imlependen' .
production of it for the screen. J
Mr Sills' nt-qunintan.-e ith Mr
Moody, widow of 'William Vaughn
Moody, tlie nutlior, extendi out a
period of fnentj-nne jear-" for - j
was one of hi teachers when ho ttns
ttendinR high st-hool nt tin- age -f
seventeen. That was before t-lic be. am
.Mrs. Mood., her name being llari-m
C llrainerd
Ily nn odd coincidence, ulien Nk
Sills later was attending t'lin ago 1
scrslty, Mr. Month one of M iirn
lessor of I'.nglisli Throi glt hi" frieml
uhlp with Mr". Moml he became ml
matel.v acquainted with her lui-band
and was at their house almost daiH
just like n member of the family
T WAS still attending the I'tiner-n
of Chi'-aso stinking for niv l'h I)
dgree when William Vaughn Mmm
wrote "The Kaitli Healer." "" -aid Sil
the other dav at the I.nskr Studio
"Mrs. Mondv sent over to me th
flist penciled draft of the play, that I
might read it. as I was verv mm li in
terested in it from the erv niomeir
that Mr Mondv bej;,in writing it Tin
moment I read the pi. I loved it
"Some time latfr I obtained my nni
remit? degree and was granted a fel (
lowship in a societv of philosophj . l'.i t ,
It wan not lone before I had made tri ,
my mind to go on the stage I resignc !
my fellowship nnd was soon gett.ng
a'ong fairlj well in theatric.il wnr!.
"It was in the beginning of mj sei
ond year nn the stage, when one dai I
teeei'vrd a wire from Herry Miller .uk
lng m" to come to 'ow York to cntiMi.t
with him regarding an engagement '
the time I was making S.'O a week an '
as my engagement was about to end I
left immediately for New ..rk
'Arriving in the metropolis. I fount
that Miller and Month were jn-t bIw t
to prmlut'e "The Faith lle:i'er ' Tin
fairly swept me off nn l"ft In asking
that' I pin the title role Tln I.i I
first been suggested bt Mrs. Mooth
who had wsualired me in the part an 1
thought 1 was the most tilting person
for the role
"I wanted to tlo the part but 1
wasn't quite sure that I i-miM do f i I
justice to it So 1 begged off. wired
New Orleans, found that tne stuck
companj I had been witli had closed.
and came to the emba.rnsstng realira
tion that I was out of work
"Hut the news that I lud iKcn
offered the title role of 'The Faith
Healer' bad spread anil that en snme
evening I received un ofer over the
telephone, accepted at SI Til I a week aim
goon oegan me engagciiieiii in uie uest
part l nan nan up to tnat time, i tl so
ieccied live -j ear offers from nil the i
big managers in New York o. a'
though I didn't pla 'The Faith i
Healer' at thnt time, it was through'
that plas that I went to New York audi
made the biggest nthame I h.nl tit
mHF fo
J- ugain
following season lr Mille-
ugain sent for me to plav '1 u.
Servant in the IInie.' Up told n,..
that the liad never yet protbn etl Tin
Faith H-n'er.' but were going to in
the near future and agntn nked uie t
pla the part Tins time I thought I
was tnpable and would hate s-lndlv n---
cepted. but I was under tout-act with
rielasto for linee e.irs. and tnli-
Ttasn t iri to tin Hit- t-t.gagxiii. n
"So ngam tale prev. ntnl me f ,,m
Slaving tin itltal purr Later M
Itller plat id the ijiote o.insilf
' l)er a jear ngn the ii.it aea.n
tame into un li'e I p',itiiied t. tnnkt
it as an independent j t- 1 inon fm
the si reen Ilu" tnv as.o iate, bnel. d
out nml ng.iiii I gave i., I m,i of ev. r
plaMiig I'he FbmIi lle.ilo s:,, 10
i I Kignen n lotitraci nlm ' ir I'nni
mount, imagine n siriri-i r, , p...s
rre whei li Mtl ford tolt in. -tui ,,n
of thes! rmnl tints e as :,, " i
Fnith Ile.t'er '
'Mi- Month fa- Migag..i to , . in,
Have You Had a Photo-Silhouette Made?
Pj B Htff jVWWisyywr7.3tJUW-,-?w.yy.y)TO7IrtayyMyrK.s-LW'ilVWil.l
The pliolo silhouette Is bitoiiiln- the tare a i' the Inn pilnussis nf
the ller Mrern Hero Is one of lurol Dini'ister s Litest tliosen from
n set that are woiidrrfiill etTerlhe The phi.fo slllioin-ltc shows no
details of face or ll-utc, but dots allon Jn-t ,i f.Uut siig estimi of Un
rounding uf the thrtli, in sr and mouth .mil a vllutpte of ll.c etc Some
photigrapl.tr will slait this fad animi-; suilel.t wminn miiii- da soon
.did "rlcJii up" un II
Czar" Leaped Into
out and li 1 1 w i th, s,,iinrin Mie
tlidn t know tlin' i wis to jiius t'n
title role ,iud I didn't know that she
was to work on the scenario. '
"One tins we met on the lot. Yo'l
tan iningtiie how delighted we bolh
Ann then the n-kecl tne to ml-
aborate with Mr- Month upon the
sfciiaiin ami nothing on
lime til. n-ed me better It
it i
union wnli one of nn bcsi fro'iid. the
Willow of fill .IllfllOr TO WllOlll I lllld I
phiH'd the part tif li.ro worshiper, and
to work on the si-mimo nt I In pl.n '
i, l I.... i, ... .1 K n.s,i,.i:iteil
with lit life .mil mi t .pi t r wjs, indt'ii'.
a labor nt love '
f)lil I'rimtili lfl iiuiin
Uitt I tu'ntt.s Meet .ifiain
Among tho-i who hint renewed no-
i.on.nt.M, .J,,,., lift. I- !! Ml t SIIW
time at the l..isk stiidnt, Hull wood.
u Iiorotht lialt'in .mil Mnnte M Km-
lerinhn. tlie wiitei
s, rote tin- s, ri
Ii Kiittei John,
i i n
fl -lull nt I lie
Cieni Moment." l'linnr
for Clnri.i Swt.nsoii. in
Iialtoli on iht f nil I!
she hat m:: In n " .1 ' t
l.hn's -toi .
mmiertil .Mi-s
ItiMllle -ft.
ii urn if the
femin.il" lean- HI III- newt st . ilium -I
mo now iiiitbr , it .unl will, h was
siisEfsir.l lit I i 'Hind Mfiritk- 'I. nil
rel- ami th I oh
tt rot" Ml-- 1 ..i t ii s
Mi Kntteriolin
fist Tilling'.
s.nrnt.g te i - 1 'e ...ingle I lnlil
uioiig ml. i- wlmii li" inio and in
wlii. h Mi ltiltoti w.is -'.Hied b Tri
nngb w Tin Fl.iiu. "t 'In " -
Loll II I I i.l' ol lie' .siift'H s
'I In ,i ' e
Mac '
, jj . I II
PIlwlHB. w 1MB ; ill m, w
Stellar Fame When He
"Czar" lihotvs
badness and
I" iih His
Girl Playmate
bound" will ,
who saw "Kaitli-
agree thai the big llus-
sian wolfhound reallj carried off the
stellar hniiois in spue of the compett-
tiotl of tlin I inn nO.M.u
Ai, N f , , ,,,',, ino 0,
, . , ,, , .
"' '! ten m the nudiente asked.
.ii i. .t. i .1.. .i
""" " '"U1 ut' "" """"- "" ""
do that':"
it stems n pit to have to give n
P"'"' ,l""1 ,,f ,1,e cietllt to u nit and a
.,iat l)llt if lt ,mtln.t 1)((,n f(U. tht,uc
two unseen animals, mut li of the tlrn-
'" ""' wnillll nn f Olt-'U lufl. ..tt
tnul.irh In the iiuennti scenes where
the tlog s, ,.s the sjnnt of his dead mas-
... .iii.i npi.nr.iith trembles at the sight
ut the npparltlun
Tl 1 1 . 1 i I ,
w ho si
HKlHi are seteml tlojs m pietuies
ein to .oss.,s nn intelligence
almost human . then- are perhaps none
in whom tempi raiuent has been teel
np"d ns it has in t'var. this beautiful
Ilu Ian wolfhound
I'nr's master, (ie.irg. Hale, t.eter
peinnls tne dog lo pun in . omeiiie-.
II'" has trnined him sperlnll in serious
Milium, anil t.i uig iininiHi .ontriniii."
, , .,, . i, i
an iitmospheric touch without parallel
to sue, a prnuu.tiot
In tin- linl.lw!! Pi. lure, i nr plaied
tlie line nt a t tig wno nan just insi ins
I'.i'k of tlie master, imlei i-i ullnrls terrib'e tir- was more than mn stiff and lat.it mem
1 t iiiustan. s Y'fw liuiunn at tors nie 1 r ,,f the . .iinpnny lifter plowing
tibl" to depict giief muie convincingly nrnnntl in tae wai-t-deip snow thus at-
than does this ting.
At n word trom hi" master he dtnps
hi- he'id in nn attitude of utter sad-
in -s and loneliness Hi seems in p r-
I..- an on! with the mood of the be-
i.uv.d v ife anil daught-r nf tin- nuir-
I man
Mi line gni the tlog win ii the ani-u-il
was three months o'tl At the age
nf one jur In- h.gtiii to train him.
t..n is now the ears old and is so
perfeclh icspotislie to his master's
spnkeii words tnat il is I-ni.l to believe
In- does nut understand the Fngllsh
Ir iguage
Bl T C.ir had n'ver be. n taught tn
show the ftir that was deslrttl for
In s en. s whete Ins master's spirit
.ipti. ars In fore him
Tne pionlem up to 'he due. tor. r
llne Hunter, and tin- dog's ownm
' hs to get (Var to show niiprchen-ion
.f something which was not there and
oi i in the tat anil the gont figured
The goat was tried fust rnr li
i i ninn.i nifr'ion lo gnat'. ll is not
.-I.e. lalh afraid of them, but the sight
' . gout it - s iiitn
s.., the gnat was brought in off suge
hii.I wlnle ihe c.imeia tilmetl C?ar s ac-
I I.I. HMtT. sri thet now sn, i
gniti, I-1 g'e up tlie s I ecu and lie
t le ,'iM bi tun. to writing, lie un
iin'iio -ttiittn ii books for Lots,
In mn find Ui.it.- ' ami "Inn n and
WnitM i-liike (Ml for Tli.'insehes "
I ie liilte- wiis published this spring hr
niglilon M'ffitu ''.
lr Hail has nrrr nttempted imv
linn.' in 'nn h h"' did lint M.t.eetl I'i-h
i .'oi'e r. nl.e now tar In had gnu' on
i ,. 'eg. muni.- -I-I," before III went into
Hint II
I'm., to P.mi." Ii" had plaied -'led-i
no-it. -lob unions u.tr.ssis ns .lunn
itiiui M-idnuie Ithen and M.idunie
M. !. ss.i as ttell as i renting such loll s
,. Mi.-iiht" in "Iten-llur ' and
I ,i-i lliitk.us" in "Tli- Sipiaw
M.n. '
i wa- tlie last ninnttl p in . with its
wr ii.iplial.c siittess, that made M
H.ut utilize i lie thnnte western diauia
had lie soon ufterw.ird Iciame .
, teii'Sled ... the "iun les" anil was
nli-tHsi'd will, the idea tiillt gootl west' i-n
Hint it w ill. I till ii big di mam)
Winn oe lug, in on tin visierii
. mot o wa real' u tllilg on me
market. ,
Acted for Screen
The Big
T olf hound
Made Hit
of llw Play
"Camllle" Gowns Cost Fortune
For her pittiiro of ' Cnmille." Nar.i
movn ependitl n unall fortune In gor
geous gowns. The fifteen costumes worn
during the different stages of this pho
toplnj nro uniipie in their oiiginalitj.
each being u tjpical Nnimova gown,
retlectlng Jhe fnsriiiutlng personality of
the great Uiisian artist. One gown
which 's seen fot only n few minutes
was designed bj Miss Nntachn ISom
boa und is made out of a new mate
llul. tionf. the two iininwls faced each other,
.Some er elTettne scenes were thusl,VOod enncrs. fumlt'iie makers, artists
recorded it is salt- lo sh unit tlie
goat was gltitl when they were finished.
and he was led nwaj from the disquiet-
nig presence of that big husky dog.
i or a suuiuir ci.cci. inc .at i.gurct
?," h.:1 l?a?,.. 1."'..''!ltt',njoy,7
.i... . i.... .i. i.i.i ... I." i ..u
l I t- s ,ii ion Mini. llUWtll 11- Illllt-Jl IIS lllll
'" K'Ml. inn s,- a, m, , ,.r JOU
In ma n forte, nnd the tog. he d to is
puicc bv his master's conim.iinl. trem-
Sighed for California
To outfit n lmrti of twentv-st peo-
)1(, j, nnnijjnn wardrobes was the
,1)(-k ()f 1p ,,,, ,Mirdrbp ,,,.,an.
luent when making "Snowbllnd." u
heginnld llaiker pindiictinn, from the
hlory by Kntlierine New tin Hint.
The tompanv went into Canada to
lake snow scen.s nnd there was no, '1'1"' 1,p', ",fMk "'''' mioiporated in
.amouflnge in the garment-, th. woio.l I111"1"? v)w" of U" ",!.i,"Kh f?'' , huui"
,. . , V , , i , . , . . ions (linwing looms Ihc nrt depart
ha. h had a pmr of iii.h-tlilck fell inner nlnt KVcs the painter the idea and his'
shoes four Hints, of woolen socks .mt ,,r M mjs, H,P rodll( I I
i win. h sometm.es thev wnr- nil n' Ti.e siudit, nrt shop tunis out ieo. i
nnc-i. henvt oMter shoes, snow times, i ,i. .... ,.r r:,i .,,.. ,,!,. r I
. , , , .
fur-linetl mutt n, fur nuts, i aiis. great
, oais. inner pn. .ets ami iiiuuier.
I h footgear t.l. .tie wt iglietl, snnie say.
tnntv pouniis nor tierson, inn tlier..
-- t-lothe a pntr like this .osts ns
much us. and i- n tiinll more tumble
than, to t ostium- hfti people for an
elaborate ball a . oiing tn Miss Wncu-
,,cri l,(.u,l t th. wai.llobe
'y Wr?" A2-"jsW.V mmlmmwtmwImWmW
m ,&sm3SLmmWSrmW
s JsW" mij.iam &. .Ur t
TITAKINO moving pictures in these
"J-,njs seems more of a fascinating
i diversion tlinn n serious billion-dollar
; industry. The studios of today nrc rcg
ular Krlss Ki Ingle worshops, with him
drrds of merry fellows at work on their
fairy-like productions, whether it bo the
film sto;y itself, Ihc inlnlattiie rcpic
sentatlon of n ast running factory on
'bo ''olumbln or a mere clny model of
nn incense burner. AH departments are
fascinating, interesting to the utmost.
Take, for instance, the plmtcr shop
nnd .ts branches. Heie nie made all
manner of things from to ehplianls to'
miniature ships. The men who work
here enjoy their labor, for it is inter-
I ncllmt
Fvervthlne under the sun is tniido in
this shop. Hue one man L engaged in
I producing n dozen Utile Oriental in
tense burners. A dark woman lncois
ami holds n pan. in uhitli there in n
hole for the skk of perfuuu'd kawdusl
to be placed in.
Another chap is busily engaged in
making a siluII sailing vcs-sel of olden
time tleign. Another is applying his
craft to the embellishment of n gor
geous llower box with caicd bi tickets
und trimmings.
rpHK nit department nnd its branches j
especially nrc open 10 inc uiimi.
Here nre dented eMT.vthing bcautittil
and novel. Hvpcrts from all over the
world lire to be found modeling incln..
carving tiny wood nit pieces, painting
pictures, molding in plaster nnd apply
ing their knowledge in all manner of
Kerj tiling for the finished set must
lie supplied cither by manufacture, pur-
base or rental ami mostl; it has to
be made.
A restaurant scene needed n lot of
candlesticks of n certain design, nnd the
art purchaser, being able to find but
one of the required style, the plaster
shop set nbout maliinif them 100. And
in a da they were ready for Mie set and
a lot of moniy wns saed.
I'very day such things arc needed nnd
all the nrt director has to do is press a
button und lo I the Kris.s Krlnglu men
get bus In the ait simp and bis wishes
nie carriitl out to the last and most
minute detail.
And thc, sny the film industry with
its 54O.0lHl.00O.000 of film is Just In
its infant1 !
A inotion-pieturc studio today is a
vast fmtnr.i compared with what it was
a few ears ugo, wtien all the work
that was done was mere "shooting" of
pictures. This is not in the sense of
picture-making itself, but in the prep
aration. P
N TH12 old days, nil furniture nnd
irops were reutetl. 'louay most of
this is made right "on the lot.
Theic is a milling plant which runs
night and day. There is a plaster shop
wlnre men link; nil sorts of bric-ii
I brnc. both night and da. There nie
i nrtiticeis of nil kind and painters.
, f nil sorts.
F,mrlv futni'urc was rented. Now
I jt is made
I i:xrricn cd wood carvers make benii-
lf), JC(.0S f ..nntinll(,.' nnd wodc,
' fuiiiltun Fiitcs for this line of goods
, wouiti oe ti'rt iiigit u me goons were
l , l. . ,.!!. 1 .!. ...,. .
. , s. . f. ,.., . ,,it,
""'"" "" " iV'',,,,.' '""""
nml renovated. Uenthiig Is worked
"vt'r ""' over ugain. l.xpert up hoi-
sterns ii i c dull making old p fees into
i cw : icpnuing anil leiolnring. so the
photogriiph will not rtenl the tiuth.
Masshc tables and heay piices of
oakwaro pre made everv week. Kxpert
painters tinisli the work in well-lighted
sliop and the host of everything goes
to the stage for the diicitor to use in
the pictures.
Furniture worth hundreds of dollar
is mnile e.uh month. In the old tlajs
I tills was all renlul from dealers.
i inn mis in im-iomi nun nioui
I tlll0 nn, ttoodwnrl. that art
lui.i lo '
i distinguish trom the originals.
, .
Sprotte Was Once a Dentist
Pert Sprotte, who plavs in ' iniilc
nf Women." starring Wi'l Uogera.
start, d lii piufcssfniial cureei us a
dentist ' f de-eititl that work for
the thrntie, both ns m tor und due. tor.
lie nigailcd the Stiiudnrd (iraudOpeia
Compnin. uiitl was its innn.-igtr foi
st icral eai.
.Marshall Xcllan, in tlio production of "Hob Hampton of
IMaccr," used a new method of "direction" which may
result In brnging many c-snllor Into jlie mollon-plcturc
Industry. In singing tho spectacular scene In which f lion
sands appear, Mr. Ncllan employed ninnl scmnphore experts
to signal his instructions to distant rnnirrainen. Special
signals roerlng all the technical phrases of inotion-picturn
production were devised so that these Instructions could be
dispatched Instantaneously orr miles. Tills saved much
llmo nnd labor in Injlng wires and erecting rcechlng
nnd sending stations necessitated by the field telephones
which had nlias been used for this work
What Your Favorite
Hoot Gibson is being fentuied at
Fniversal Clt in "Hearts of Cold." i
a short reel western photodrnum in '
which the cowbov star is being directed
b William Craft. Mairelln Pershing,
Cenernl Pershing's cousin, is plnjlngj
uie leaning icminmc role.
Grace Darinnnd, one of the most
beautiful blondes on the screen, hns
been engaged for the leading feminine
role in "Itcniinclntioii." the Peter II.
Kyne story just started under the di- i
rection of William Worthington. Miss I
Darmond recently pl.icd the lending I
roles in "So I.o'ng Lett" und "See
My Lawyer," nnd opposite William I
Mclglinn in "White and Unmarried."!
Kilcen Sedgwlclt is nur-ing n bruised ,
shoulder, the result of a fall from n
tenth story fire escape In down-town
los Angeles for a scene in "The Ter
ror Trail." Of course Fdwnrd Kull.i
the director, had provided n net to
witch Flleen ns she dropped below the
rnnge of the camera, but n sixteen-foot
fall into n tight-rope net is not like
dropping into a featherbed, as Miss
Sedgwick discovered.
Kdith Holicrts is prepnting for her
starring tole in "M. I.a.l of the
Island," in which she will have a patt
of the exotic tjpe so well suited to her.
The locale of the production will be
the South Sea Islands nnd It is prnb
nble that N'ormnii l.iwn will direct her.
The cast is now being selected.
Erich Von Stroheim is now on the
eighth month of his super-special fea
ture, "Foolish Wives," w'hli h will
I'lttmiri w-,
Alriamliri ,.-,n- M,,rru !:-,9svu"k.. ",
ainamOraMt. i)..,, hi.- I rts 0 1.UU
ii i i in in i i.' it in
alleghenYm',;";;1;. f-.A1,:,v
..-.. as. ft
tj .ui xBm j r Musi tv v m i m ' .ti.( t? t e ?v-.Mii:sijjjjjjrijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjji-ijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjji v iiiiiiiiiiiiiwsiiiiiiiim - ub 'm n hj"
GS.SS ....:uMKH's m.,.,onv.
- - - ----,- , COLISEUM '.'' lti.iwuKN
COLONIAL Uln. 5nM;i:i??.0i' "' ' WLjiOLXJVlt W,n V!C" r",rH
l'IT.Ml UK I I't St
rAlVllLI K m in mi.i .sin
In "maiidum-ii iii:iitv'
llriid 1 si ju i;n
tn "i in: nuii."
iMPEWAri . 3v v.,7 n
In "t.OOIl Itr.l I'JtKM IV
In "III Ml"
rlllNt.jD sin v ... ii m- m
mdn ri: iii.i i. in
ril A I TO ' I.Jt M ss inw s s v i i i;
llfM- s- I I I I 1 I I. I. i s i
i Tiii. .'iitiMT it mi iv
ruby j"r,;, ;','?; .,',"
..Vim in hPs m.i...
i -aui. i.i. mi.s ai.iki..."
o ac i-'ii m.u.m.i- s-iHKi.i-
IDLE HOUR ."'!'! ".rn m
. M Ml Mll)M.,r no.u, Cnm lsf? UOTil ANTj aWlUCB
BEBE DANIELS "LININ ' ,,' 'V;,,? -' AU: r . matinui: .HATi-np.
-Mn: con.nvi hi i.i n THOMAS MEIGHAN George WBlih in "Dynamite Allen
AT WEST CHESTER ll"' ' ,t0Nr"-" '" '"" ntibs- "' KKS: ' uhh"-(0MKin
R1ALTO ..JVi'W" bLUEBIRD " "' H""l''l"i"a WM PCWM 4I.I ihJ Uiitaim; Al';
Film Stars Are Doing
probably be a full ear In the making
nud cutting, it will In nil probability
be 'the costliest screen production yet
made, nnd those who have watched the
"rushes" in the project ion -room nrc
confident the picture will justify the
I cosi
Answers to Questions
From Movie Fans
KATIIIIYN Ccorgc Archainbaitd
hns been Flnine llnniuierstcin's director
in most of her recent pictures. Ho ,1.
rectcd "Pleasure Seekers," "Poor Deaf
Margin et Kirb" and "The Girl from
Nowhere." all of which hnvc not as ct
been released. He is now working with
Miss Ilammt'r.stciti on "The Miracle of
(VTIi: Ma'tlm Mansfield's first
Mnr pit turn will be "The Fourth Sin."
in which she is now being directed bj
Alan t'riislaiitl at Fort I.ee, N.,.1.
I.. A. MAHSIIAI.L C. F. Mender's
nddrcss is Fniversal City, Cai. We
ntlvise j on to write him directly for
the information ou want, us his an
nouncement did not contain any jinr
ticillais other than those we printetl.
We know of no other studios with the
sunie leqiiirenicntH.
fW - iiW 7 (' 'rP?'&tXli -mWmBXZm; Ui'I-'fiq 1y J
I Kianli Majo's next starring vehicle
1 will be "Three in o Thousand," from
l the st or b Hen Ames Willinms. Fred
I.cioy C.-nmilb will direct the fenture,
und is now iissembllng his cast. ihc
star has just HuMied "The Triiunt"
undir the direction of Hubert Thornb.
i ! .ijjsjjjjiiiii-a, rf
AVENUE -'3lh Sl unJ 'Mifshen Ave
nVLnU. Mallneo Daily
I II in till I I.
belmqnt7'"07'"- r'
II W l.'IVI It.
I '"' n"
! IUMB0 .' "?N!' ST iinutt avi:
in "i,vrni:.v
I.FAnFF? '" A ani Vri..t wi:
- MSI'IM : ll.lll.V
I.M .1-1.1 In
LOCUST,,'-:" , ' '!." !."""pi.B
riwKN Mnnnr. " uu l" "
in; ( iiid.r.s, is tiii: t tr.
NIXON SJL) NNIJ Msitmrr sra.
".via ii. tmii'in
Dlrl I ri") AMI MVN-stfiti ra
x. 'A'V:.-"."NVs,,V,,,-"An'y!
"The Plaything of Broadway"
. rxj I J uiiiM.Nlim, A K
in "Tin. i. must in tiii; (.vuui.r
ll.S lll S's
"A SPI FNmn HA7Atni
- aiB-r hMrU
, Ai CJK ' "'i . .' iii.mi su.
: clara kimball Young
A " , m " -
AUKUKA '- "ninninni u.
' CCCCIirmw.,, .:". I"l
i i "un, i uisr mms"
Original "Yon Yonson"
Now in the Movies
KNFTK EUICKSON, the orlglnil
"Yon Yonson" of the legitimate
stage nnd tlie creator of bis famous
characterization of "Daffy Dnn," which
ho played in nine different stngc produc
tions, has at last yielded to the lure ol
the silvcrsheet and will make bis debut
as n screen actor in the role of "Scrap
Iron" Swnuson. In Hoscoe Arbuckle's
"Gasoline Cms," now under production
The picture is being made, nt the
Iinsky studio in Hollywood, and al
though this is his first time before the
enmcrn. it is not his first association in
n theatrical way with the name
"I.asky." A few ears nco he wns
I starred in two of Jesse I,, I.nsky's most
j successful vaudeville sketches. "At the
wnlilorf and "On the Housetop," both
of which plnjrd Keith time.
Horn in Sweden. Frickson came to
American nt tlie age of eight and didn't
lose much time getting on tlie stuge
In nddltion to "Yon Yonson," he aim
starred in "The Mini From Sweden,"
"The Seminary Girl," nnd in the musi
cal comedv production, "He's In
Again." During the war. lie was the
star for six months in the ull-sohlieis'
show in France, entitled "The Mop
pers Fp." given under the nuspiics of
the Y. M. C. A.
Few Costumes for Helene
Helene Chndwick, the only woman i.i
the cast of "Godless .Men." is nllowcd
but one change of costume in the entire
picture. "A heiny skirt nnd blotuc
and a light skirt nnd blouse," were
the costumes called for.
CARMAN aisriMANrowN avk.
v-ilVi-JN noVK AI.UKOHH.Vr
ri.(inK.n: viimib in
L'lle Ave. ani fth 8L
fiTIH'f'Ci . .
art . . ."'W ikl
Fays Knickerbocker uffi
. "tSKSBp
I '" ,,"'av ami ihmh
56TH ST TiiBATnrii.10,. sP,.
. '.'I" '"I';. Ill ""IIAMI
j Buster Keaton in "Convict 13"
FRANKFORD 'n Wfiks0110
I In Till". (IIKMA IS nn; s."
Ge'njfntown "VI .."'"lV'-
I . w awua H AWLEY
in "tiik nnsT i:i.iiitjiit"
IMPFRIAF -u ANI ropi.Ait. Jit
JEFFERSON J,,1..ruWl,;.sT"
, LIBERTY noA,, ,.,,,.,, xv
In .'ll(lll AND Mil I,"
l.'.'i SOL ril hi Onheiilr'
t''iiii.nimi.s r- on I lo 1 1
iii "(ositAi) is hi i,sr in, ins uitui"
Will i i a k ri nun in
in "tiii; ,scitti.i:ks
PARk: avB daiTihn.
-.-...- ,,, .., , mi n it, ..
BtK 1 LYlbLL.
i" "nn; i-inci: nr hkhuii'tios"
u "naoAinvAV ,vnu iiomk"