H9 Vs "rai'.r ":i.", i 'rt- Ai . alfeineA ..,1 f, i.',y 111 . , .JlViTWJeiaV g. a w;ifW?.-W. ""P.'" J- ;JA'"l35i lf?r .- I r "J.l. I" M, "' j l y .' a . Mr". "i1?1 i r ti : fe!!l: liSte: 9N& INI.-Vl It. 1 mm .1 lr V I i ! " 1 J P(i..i iVKJ I1?. i' 1 ,! "SIS' ,-BS) 'i , id'si . tii BK! (5.4 ' " i;i Ill I M : ,;i mk a" v ' 't-.H'J.e' r. fflHW i.vwrni I m j ? :f :.",-? ' . EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, APBIL '29, 1921 21 frfi TTTinrr iJ- m . m . i i . ( , r - ' " 11111 , , - , , , , , , , , , , , , , , M ....... 1 rrx fVIARKET RESUIVIED I NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS SKtrfrife v&x nfinniinri niiiiiin sate ins m,h u in.t imche ffij l-UKWAKU 5WINU gjrtyyqtty Burlington Joints Advance edition of booklet containing study of finance, business, and prop erty of the C. B. & Q., Great Northern, and Northern Pacific to be had upon re quest for Itnnklr' t'l ' The National City Company Philadelphia 1421 Cheilnut St. Atlantic City Chalfonle Ulock 1225 Boardwalk Break in Oil Group Checked Rapid Rising Tide .it Midday flf Participating Sinking Fund Bonds Bonds with an 8r'r coupon that will participate in dividends, and with de tachable warrants cnti tlinft holders to a call on stock for ten years, afford opportunities for an in crease in Income and principal. Net assets over 12 times amount of bonds out standing. Earnings for 1920. after taxes, were over 17 times interest charges. The business has been operated successfully by present management for over 10 years. Ask for Circular ESS. Hemphill, Noyes C& Co, Member New York Stock Kicheni Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia Mew York Botton Sainton SVafTilo Albany Crncw Baltimore Paloe 40fcl I Of) iflfl 320(1 ISO MOO 4109 100 too 400 400 7400 too 3.110 P' too inn 10 100 Mft 6000 3100 100 300 7400 300 ftfl MOO 10030 aio iinn 100 eon 3300 1700 .1000 3100 1:00 3000 1.1700 1O0O SOU 300 too Columbia Graphophonc Loew's Inc. Recent developments in there issues are shown in our special letter. Sent free on request. A,h for L. 10 P.K.mHRIE&CD. Mttnnera Phl'a Stock Krebanie 1418 S. Penn Square SUITE 30O srnrcE ft767 rack 7 l'na Wires to .Veto York Nrw Ymk. April 2fl.--Ignoring the 7 lpr rent tcnr-wnl rnto for mil money tlio npunnl winc n roaiuiiril with Miri-oiiilnc vigor during thr fnrrnoon nml prlcca were run up from ono to ntor -1 points above lnt nlghTm cloaini I level. With tlie rising price there wns I nn nppreclnble inerenc in tin- volume 1 of the traillnp and n illtlnet broadening of the ilenlliKt". The nilvnnre nas well 'UHtalneil until arouml mlildny when the I I'Mni; tide uas checl,e,l n the sharp I break In the oils, u-hleli in turn wn Inllueiiied bj diquiefini; report" eon rernlns the Mexienu oil wellv The netlon of the Hethlehem Steel I lirector in mnintaitiine the dividend inteN on the common tocki of that cor porntion. toRether with the optimistic tntmcnt r'oneerninjf the immedlnteh future of the teel industry exerted nn inviRorntmc influence in the early trail- 1 ins nml offispt to wmie extent the ill effects of the l'ennsjlvanla dividend re- 1 dnetlon. The market nlo had the hope fill aridrcai of Secretary Hoover to help I nlonp nml a batch of more favorable niilrond rnrnlnssi Indirectly contrlbut- I tnc to fortify the position of those I 3x000 I pledged to the constructive aide wan the U,3in iisnred success nf the big Itnrlington I nigon 1 bond ihsiii . cioo ' Tecliniml Mitluene. however, were, 300 Hlone suthcient to carr.i the market j nlong as increasing uneasiness on the pari of the hort interest was manl 1 tested in different ipiarters. being the I more striking In the industrial division. I in which iiuiirter mntterj. were innde de 1 cidedl unromfortnble for the entire bear 1 pnrtj The market developed a strong tone si the outset and made steady upward' I progress throughout the entire morning; sesoinn with 11 volume of business nt , I the rate of over a million shares fori 1 the full day The turn over for the I I tirst hour alone totaled over I'.OO.OOO t shares. In extent of gains.' oils con- tinned to lend, advancing 1 to 4 points I Bipiioments were next in favor. Tin Id I win Locomotive featuring that division , at gain of almost " points. Steels cj. tended their initial rise with Crucible ns the foremost fentiii and motor subsidiaries of the rubber group gained 1 I to "J1; points. tfitins among the rails ranged from 1 to ' points 111 St. I I'aul loiniuoii nml pieferred. tJrent ' Noriliern. N'orthern l'acltic and Head- ' mg What n alleged to be leports of federal ngeiit mi Mexico stnfed that I'nlfed States .uould be compelled to look elsewhere for the supply of oil other than 111 Mexico. It was stated 1 'mc of the largest wells were running nlr water, and the life of some of the best producer wns fixed nt six 1 months to one year nr the longest. Thin disturbing bit of news was seired upon, li the bear contingent as nn excuse 'or i concerted drive against the high ' grade otN. particular the Mexican ; properties nnd to clieck the forward 1 1 movement in the general market. mull .. Ailama Express '. .. Advance numnljr 1 4 Air Reduction X .. -AJux Hubber 3714 .. Alaska Gold Mlnei... Allied Chem A Dye... 4SH 4 Allls-Chatmern 3?i 7 Allls-Chalmore of .... 13Ji a Am Ajrlc Chem...... 4(i .. Am Det Surar I4 Am Ttosch Magneto... 00 Am Can al X 7 Am Can pf R4 13 Am car A Fdy I'A 7 Am fnr & Fdy pf. . . 1H a Am Cotton Oil 30'4 Am Cot Oil pf f Jt Am Drug; Syn H a Am Express 137 . Am Hide & leather. . 11 .. Am Hide Leather pf 4t!4 4 Am tee Wi Am Toe pf OR . . Am Internat Corp.... 4 1 Am-1 France Enr.-. 'OK a Am Llnsetd 41$ 8 Am txcomotlve 0V4 .. Am Safety Razor Jd . . Am Ship ft Com T Am Smelt ft Ttef 43t 7 Am Smelt A Ref pf... 78i s Am Steel Foundries.. 30t 7 Am Siimr Ref IV4 a Am Sumatra Tob ... 71 H Am Tel ft Tel 1J 13 Am Tobacco 133U a Am Tobacco pf new . i0 13 Am Tobacco B 130 J 7 Am Woolen M .. Anaconda Copper .... 41 Asso Dry Qooda 34 M Ateh Top ft Santa Fa. 81 J4 7 Atlantic Conat Line... 77a 10 Atlantic Gulf ft Vf St' Atlantic ret M! 3 Baldwin Locomotive. . Vi Baltimore ft Ohio.... 37(4 4 Ualtlmorn lb Dhln nf. . 4i 10 3. SO Bjmschl. Plan. B 37 ' S Bethlehem Steel 87 S Bethlehem Steel B . . 11 13400 tfta 300 ton too ion 3on HOB 7190 13)0 4800 100(1 Jion soo coo 140 R1.1 010 310 100 100 C 3000 TJi loo ion 1300 410 100 AS00 300 nan nno 350 100 too 100 ion i:ioi 300 3on inn anon Brklyn Rapid Transit 13 Bruns Term 10 Hums Bros 8K Butte copper ft zinc. . V4 .. Butte ft Superior Cop. 13'4 .. Cddo Central 6 ft R. 17H .. California Petroleum . 407-4 3 Cal Zmc ft Iead H 10 Canadian Paclflo ....lll'.i .. Central Leather 37)4 7 Cent Leather pf .... 73 3 Crro de Paaoo 3t 10 Chandler Motors 84 4 Cheeapeake ft Ohio .. t3'j . . Chi ft E 111 Eo. T ctfa. i .. Chi ft E 111 nf ctf Vt .. Chicago Mil ft St V.. . 30J, .. Chicago Mil ft St P pf 43 8 Chicago Northwestern 14 Chi Pneumatic Tool.. 3'4 .. Chi R I ft Pac 38 fl Chi R I ft Pac pf. 3H 7 Chi R I ft Pac 7". pf. 7.1)4 .. Oli'Ie Copper II1 . Ch'no Copper 34)4 5 cu.v cin Chi ft St L pf 3 . . Coca-Cola 31 ij 3 Co'orado Ful ft Iron. 30)4 Colum Gas ft Elec. . . . 0)4 .. Col Grapnophone ... Vj 7 Col Graphophone pf.. 41 4 Comp Tab Record . . 30 7 Consolidated Cigar .. 43 . Consolidated DIs Inc. 8 FREE OFFERING OF P. X. ISSUES I We Specialize in the Purchase and Sale Foreign Securities Orders executed on conservative maririn Inquino. muted Quo tations upon request. Trading Accounts Solicited Weidner & Co. Bulletin Hide. 1'HII.A DELPHI . f'. SpniiT 1 .VJflU 11 !! W. Nrw Wl PENNA. MUNICIPALS City of Coatesville Street Imp. 5s pnl, 19.11 -:ii F'riceH to yield t.RO'r County of York 3'2s So.. 1 932 S8 and Int. to yield .S7."ir City of Williamsport Ref. 3'2s Oct.. 19") 90 and In4. to jield t 9.',', Townsend Whelen & Co. 505 Chestnut St. Phila. Elect 6s. 1022 American Gas 7s. 1928 Lukens Steel 8s. 1940 General Asphalt 8s 19 30 Amer. Power & Lt 6s. 2016 Kentucky Trac. c Ter 5s, 19 51 Mr0Wlt6COL LAND TITLE BUILDING. PHILADELPHIA. PA. 'Wmbrra I'blla. ftork llfh.ni. Improvement Shown in March Earnings Helped to Strengthen Pennsy Philadelphia l'lertrie issues were tie , rntie feiitures of rlie loeal market.) There was liberal offerings of both the mmou dtoek and the uarrnnis for th re preferred stoel; The rommnn s"'irl, under the weight of these hales i elded to "Jm. or within an 'fc of the low priee of the jear. All the war i ants continued to b- absorbed at nn ' The denlings m ttie preferred stork were niurh smaller but the Moek was well siiKimneil nr 2rt Movement nf the Knneral miirket was in. m hot irri'sular tint the trading was altogether lifeless and without feature I'ennhvlrnnia Itailroad was firmer nnd rallied nbuve ."." The inuch-imnroved e.iMiin!!s lepurled for Marrh made n C"od iinpress'.in. but it was evident there must be -onsidernble more ini rn ement to nv reoine the big shinknse revealed in Hie hrst two months of the in lender n-ii. I-'nr the first 1'iarter i ie road in -fnseiieni-e failed to earn the tied i liarge. Kieptru .Storage Ilatteiv again ex. iierifuei'd -iiie diffienlij in lindins its level After mnlcinz an early nilvaoce '" llti'-j the stock jeneted to I l!i on inodo.-nte profit -takinit The smaller wi.uine nf dealings in the stork in the a-t few .(it and the erratlr iiioveiaeot if iiiotatii sijfollnwin? the reeent inpld elevation has oicaaioned tome disai pointDienr to the followers of the issue. I'hilndelph-a Kapul Transit was in iietter demand touchinK I"'-?, while t'n on Traetion yielded frnetionall to '' 'i I i' 'el Has Improvement on I tinted denlinifK ninvei) up t ',at , Fhu n'es of t'riimp were marie at 13, or 1 'indei the previous wile. The an niihl report ihs nell received and the Msinens atiead rirtuall assuren the in.1 ntainmi: f the present dlvidenii. 7 Contolidatcd Gas . . "7 . Consolidated Textiles. 30',4 7 Continental Can I4 . Continental candy ... 1'4 7 Continental Insurance 13 4 Corn Products Ref. . . "31 Is.tooj.Mi Cosden ft Co 43U 03ao a Cruelblo Steel S4H ion 4 Cuban Amer Suifsr... 33H 000 ,. Cuban Cane Sugar. . 1S?4 000 7 Cubn Cane Suarar pf S 100 I Davison Chemical 33';. 300 o Del Lack ft Western. . 33SJ4 300 .. D.nver ft Itlo Or pf . 1' IS JO i Dome Mines 30 13730 8 Endlcott-Johnson .... Uii 00 .. Krle 15J4 000 .. Erie 1st pf 10VJ 110 .. Erie 2d Pf l's 310 a Famous Players L. .. . S3'6 400 Famous Players L pf. "1 11303 .. Flsk nubber 17? 310 ..-Freeport Texas 14'j S731H .. General Asphalt 741$ 100 a General Clear "i mo a Genera! Electric 13J', 4.310 t General Motors 137s 100 a Gllllland Oil pf 77 100 Goodrich B F :',, 100 7 Goodrich n F pf .. 1 1000 7 Great Northern pf . . . 73H 100 4 Gt North Ore ctfs. . . 30J4 300 .. Gulf State Steel 30 100 4 Haskell ft Barker Car 17 3400 .. Houston Oil ......... DIN 400 1 Hupp Motor Car.. .. 14H 100 3 Hvdraullc Steel 13 3)ii 7 Illinois Central il'a 100 .so Indian Re fin In it 10 ft 400 to Indlahoma. Ref . ... ft tnin . Inspiration Con Cop.. S1. 310 Inter Con Corp pf . . . . 13 100 Intirnat Agrlcul ... h 300 7 Int Harvester new. . 81 H 000 Int Mer Marine ISft 3490 fl Int Mer Marine pf .. J.V3 400 internat Motortruck . l too 7 Int Motortruck 1st pf. 74 too 7 Int Motortruck 2d pf. 03i 33)u International Nickel.. 1ft 300 .. International Paper.. 04 110 .. Invinctblo Oil Corp... 30 700 Island Oil .. .'. S 7000 Kansas City Southern 33 100 4 Kansas City 80 pf ... A0 IS;n 4 Ivelly-.Sprlnfrfield Tire. 47 3110 Kelly-Spg-Tiro 8 pf t toon Kennecott Copper ... 30H 3 ts 36 H Ji 44H 31' 37J 41Ji 7Ji A 31 At 137 Ml sot, es n 130 It 4' 8ft m 46 H mj; 40 tiflli OH li 43ifc 7t, 30 H R 'Hi 10JV1 131 At 11K4, 7ft 40H .34 AIM 77!-, 31 Sl'a MX 3d ft H 37 37 31 H 13S 4H ttyi U U'i 17 43, 4 ill ::4! 73 '4 3 t..3j; 13 ft ft 3 40 ft C4 r.Sft 37K I3?i 73ft lift 74 ft OS 30 H 3H 41 31 43 A S7 tH AR I ft 03 74 ?i 4K4 S3 ft 33 lAft tH 33ft 51 1ft l?a 34 "3ft : 10ft AIH A 10 14ft :3 ft XAft 137 I3H 77 37 J, 71 71ft 30 ft 30 ft 7 A0 14ft 13 lft 10 ft ft 3SJ, 13 Aft IH 15 CtH 38H 73ft l3s 13, 3ft l9i 4ft 304, SO 4ft AS 30ft 31ft 3M IA 3; e H 37ft- 1ft ft- ft 434, 4 ft 3AH 1- H 77ft ft 4Aft 1ft 7- I- tft 3lft H A4 -r ft 13U 3ft III - 1 30ft ti es - 3 Oft 133 4- 1 io; n. 4ft r 3 I Aft '; OS 4s t- m I0, . 40 - 3ft Oft 4- 3'4 r.H I- H ' (ft 1 43ft 1 3ft H 30ft 1 ft Aft I 7tft-r H, 107 ft 171 ft A - I UAH" Al 4 41 J- H 34 - ft AtK I 37ft- ft M - 3ft MK4- 3ft 3ft 4- VI ift 4Bj4 : ft 37 - "4 37 411 t I ft lH S 4 14 ru ft y - ft 13 ft 13H- Si 4ft-t 1ft ft - ! 111".- ft 37ft ' 1 I 73 ft ft I 3 Al ft t.3 ?i ft V' 40ft ft 1 4 - I I f.ft 4- ft !A ! ft , llH-i- HI 33ft i I I lift 3ft ft C3 4 I 31 ft s- I 30 !i ' ft , SK- Hi Aft . ft l 41 H- IH 38 I 43 4- I ft I A ! A7 1 H l4" ft SA Ift ! ft I I 73 Ift 1 43ft 3'i Mft4- 7ft 33 H 4- ft lAft K9 '- ft 33i7 - ft mm; : "ft Ift lft ft 4? - 3ft 13ft !- ft Iff 13ft- ft 3ft4- 3ft A 13 ?i - 1ft 14ft 4- ft 73ft 4- ft SAft ft 137 3ft 4- ft 77 - I 3AX4- Ift 7 71ft 4. ft 30 ft J- ft 30 ft 1- ft 7 r 1ft t.3 ft 4 3 14ft 13 lft 10 ft Oft 18 . 4 13 4 14 Aft a 1H- H Hft-4- M ay, 4- h 3AH - ft ? es?, - ft to ?4 ft 4ft i, 37 !i SO 14 48, m AS 1 I 30 ft - ft t)lv. (tales In I Hlh 100 ., Keystone T A R Il!i SCO 8 Kresg-e B 3 HA too a I-ackarrauna Steel ... 1ft 1400 t Leo Rubber Tlr ft 100 3,80 Lehich Valley iH 10 .. Tjlma Locomotive .... 78 3400 i Ijoevre Co lft t lxft Candy Hft ? Louisville ft Nashville 8ft 8 Mackay Cos . Malllnson ft Co Uft 7 Manhattan Kiev ijuar. 47 .. Maxwell Motor ctfs... 3ft . Majc..C.hal. B. w. I Uft A May Dept Stores 0 13 Mexican Petroleum ,,131 ft I Miami Copper 33ft 1 3ft 10ft t 3ft 4 30A 1(0 IAO 100 380 100 100 300 asooo 340 3300 l.eo Middle States Corp... 1180 180 308 100 108 ISOO 100 too A08 X00 800 100 100 3180 MIdvalo Steel ft Ord , . Minn ft St Louts. ... 3 Minn St P ft S St Me. . . Mo Kansas ft Texas.. Mo Kansas ft Tex pf. MUaourl Paclflo !K MlFEOurt Pacific pf . . 3A Montgomery Ward .. 'ft National Acme lift 7 National Bisonlt 6 Nat TCnam ft Stamp. . . . Nev Con Copper 10 New York Air Brake. , r. New York Central.... 780 . so New Tork Dock. 300 30H 700 101 4000 too 100 300 S090 300 300 300 3S00 18400 300 8100 too 390 100 100 too 100 300 3400 100 300 300 109 180 100 300 300 109 400 701 1730O 300 300 408 1400 400 7I0O 13i00 5 100 1700 .100 300 100 UOtl 3100 090 1300 .4700 3001) 401 400 100 1300 5SA00 300 400 300 780 t 8830 330 3881 380 10 i'lll 100 1300 800 300 300 1003 noo 000 loo 103 118 C3S HH 78 70 ft 33 K SA K 10 3 34 ft 38 33 . aft 30 H 137ft t3ft 18 38M 73H S 33 8 New Tork Dock nf .. New Tork X H ft It . ., Norfolk ft Southern 7' Norfolk ft Western., 7 Northern Pacific . . . R North American . . . B Nova Scotia S ft C .40 Okta Prod ft Ref.... Orpheum Circuit . . 8 Otis Elevator .. Otis Steel , .. Pacific Devcl Corp. .. Pacific OH n Pan-Amcr Petrol . . 0 Pan-Amer B 3 Pennsylvania R R . .. Penn Seaboard Steel, lift .. Peoples Gas Chicago. 47J( 8 Pcro Marq prior pf . . . 30 . Pbllllps-Joncs 30 7 Phillips-Jones pf .... 78 .. Phillips Pet 38X 3 Philadelphia Co 31 ft .. Plercc-Arrow Motor.. 18ft .. Pierce Oil 11 a Plerea Oil pf 73H .. Plttsburfh ft TV Va... 3A B Pitts Coal 3ft 1 Pond Creek Coal 13ft A .Prcesed Steel Car.... A7ft 8 Pullman 104 8 Punta Alesre Sugar.. 41ft Pure Oil 35ft 8 Railway Steel Spring. 8 .. Ray con Copper 13ft 4 Reading 74ft 5 ReadlnK 1st pf 41 3 Readlnc 2d pf 43 .. Remington Typewriter J3X .. Replo Steel 33ft 4 Republic Motors 18 fl Republic Iron A Steel. C5ft ,20 Royal Dutch N Y 8ft 1 St Joseph Lead I!W . . St Jxuls San Fran .... 33 ft ,. St Louis Southwest... 38H .. Santa Cecelia Sugar. . 3ft Sa.vnge Arms 17 . . Saxon Motor ft . . Sears-Roebuck 87 .. Seneca Cop Corp Iflft .74 Shell Transport 48ft .. Sinclair Oil 37 H 6 Southern Paclflo 73J4 .. Southern Rail 31 H 7 Stand Oil of N J pf..!08 7 Steel Tube pf 78ft .. Stromberg Carb 3ft 7 Studebaker 03ft 1 Submarine Boat Corp. Aft Superior Oil Corp.... A fl Superior Steel ... 43 . . Tenn Cop ft Chem. . . . 10ft .1 Texas Co 41 j; .1 Texna Co cash 43ft . Texas no rts 3(4 Texas ft Pacific 31ft . . Texas Pao Land Trst340 1 Texas ft Pac C ft O. . . 3 .. Third Avenue 17 fl Tobacco Products .... 54 ft .. Trans Cont Oil lift 5 Transue Wms Steel.. 43ft a Union Bag ft Paper. . . 70ft .. Union Oil 33 10 t'nlon Pacific H7ft 4 t'nlon Pacific pf 3!4 . United Allov Steel ... 31ft A United Drug 0Sf 300 j. on United Drug 1st pf... 4.1ft 180 a United Fruit II 100 United Rwy Invest... 10 300 . United Rwy Invest pf 33 U0 3 United Retail Stores.. 54ft 300 ft V S C I P ft Fdy pf... 48 800 . u S Food Products... 30ft 3100 U S lnd Alcohol 71 700 . U S Realty ft Imp ... 81ft 33 00 BUS Rubber 7A 100 8 U S Rubber 1st pf. ..I0l 388 . V S Smelt ft Ref 33ft 38100 fi U S Steel 84ft 180 7 U S Steel pf 110ft 700 4 Utah Copper 51 30 .. Utah Sec II 7-10A .. Vanadium Corp 334 390 ,. Vlvaudou Inc oft 300 . . Wabash 7ft 100 .. Wabash pf A 30ft 1400 2 Weber ft Hellbroner . 13ft 100 , . Wells. Fargo Express. C5ft 300 .. Western Pacific .... 38 ft 700 4 Westlnghouse E AM.. 47 ft AJ0 4 White Motor 40ft 111 . White Oil Corp 18ft 188 ft Wilson ft Co 43?4 1 .. Willys-Overland Aft 190 .. Wlllys-Overland pf .. 37 ft 188 8 Woolworth F W ....118 8o Worthlngton Pump . . 33 Rx-dlvldend. t Es-rlhti lft 148 "ft S8ft 4M 78- 1 "ft 8ft 08 1314 47 3ft I 14 IS 145 33ft 14X 31 H 10ft It Ift 4 18ft t 30 ft 31 ? 118 MM un 78 ft 301', 54 lift to 115 13H 58 3-1 aft sft tS7 13ft 15 38 fift 15 34 ft lift 47 ft .10 30 78 38n 31 ft 34 J, II 13ft 37ft 3ft ISft HI ft i3ft 41 ft 33 ft AAH I3H 17ft 404 41 31ft Jlft lft 13ft ;ft i3ft ah J ft 1; SJs S6ft 1li, 43H 20 ft 73ft 31ft IfIA 17ft 43 90i, n. 43 10ft 40K 43ft 3ft 31 ft 340 3Aft 17 54 lift 41 70 ft 31 ft 118 83 31ft C8 43ft 111 10 33 34 ft 48 30 ft "? 81 33ft 1U1J4 33 ft SAft 110ft 334 11 34H "ft 7ft 30 ft lift 85 ft 2ft 47 ft OH lft 43j; Aft 37 ft IIS 4, 3:80 Naf Low (NT tmt Oliae, 18H ' 118 - Ift 1.3ft 4- ft .!4 4- Hi 483, 78 - 1 l - ! lift- H A Li ft 88 l- a ! ISft l- tft, 47 4- ft 3ft ft 13ft 8 - Ift 148 - ! 33H4- ft 14J4- ft 3ft I- ft 18ft t - ft 3ft I- ft 4 lft- 38 4- H soft- ft 31 ft 4- ft 118 , h 1 m ll- H 18 4- Hi 08ft- ft 32J4 4-3ft 53 4- 3ft I7M4- W 10 4- I 5 I- ft nft 4- H 3A - I r,s - Ift 3 . 3ft - H 137 1- 1 13ft 4- ft 13 ft 3SH4- 1ft 50ft- 1 83 34 ft 4- ft nft4- ft 474 f 30 - 3ft 30 4-I3J4 LOW-PRICED OILS' LEAD CURB TRADE 78 - 38H4- ntft 3.1)4 4 II 4 73 4 3A t.3 ft I-13ft-A7 ft 4 104 -41 ft 4 35ft . t 41 43 -33 4 4- 4ft I-fSft-1134 4 33 ft 4 38H 3ft 17 4- 3M 87 4 18ft 4 4-75ft--31 H I- ion I- 78 ft I !i 'ft ft H 'ji ft ft 1ft Ji V a ft H 74 H Heavy Doallngs In SlmmsElk Basin Active Anglo-Amor- ican Heads Standards Nmv Vorlt, April 20. A feature of Ihc trading on the llroail Street Curb lodny was the strength that developed In n number of the low-priced petrol eum Issues, HlmmA Vetrolcutir belug heavily traded In nnd advancing to A.ft. There was nlo activity nnd strength In Klk llasln, which rangfil from IHi to 0. Announeement was made that con trol of the Ouffcy-GlllcMe Co. tins been acquired by the Tidewater Oil Co., on the basis nf $15 a abore. Tula an nouncement hod an unsettling Influence on the stoek not absorbed, sftleA being made at 13TJ, to 14'. R." Oil again sold at 8Vi. around Un recent high ''' L . 1- There , was moderate business In Standard Oil of Indiana, nt i.1 w 74. The most active Btock in the Htandnrd Oil group won Anglo-Amer enu. sales of that stock being unusually large at 18 to 10',4. plllllaad Oil sold nt HI to 10Va "n International Petroleum nt tO'A to IB'-i. Arkansaa Natural Oas sold nt 15. Intercontinental Kubber was (lie most prominent feature of the Industrial group, ranging from lVft to 1141. Southern Coal and Iron wns again weak with sales nt tt. British American To- bncco old nt, 18. Knstern, lUlnols oommon was ttU with n small omount of trading at IS. INIHJATItlAI ,cm Col Auto Ful llrlt-Am Tob coup . . . Chic Katt III . Columbia Emerald Kmplre Wod Inti.r Itubber Perfection Tire Southern C t U 8 Dlatrtbutlna ti H Shin Corp It 9 Hteam United IToflt 8h- rln HTASlAlll OII.H Anglo-Am Oil .... H Oil of lnd INIIKPKNDEST OIK" y E WISH to announce the opening, of our new branch office at Delaware Ave. and Market Street on Monday next, May 2d. You are cordially invited to visit our new office, which will be open for business from 8:30 A.M. to 6 P. M. ifust Co. FranWinll amm w. .'J ?i New Office Del. Ate. & Market St. Capital, $1,000,000.00 Welt Phil.delDhit 52nd & Market Sti. Surplut, $700,000.00 Main Office, 15th St. Below Market n ft 3K Ift Ift-i 8ft A -43 4-10ft-40ft-43 ft 4 3ft 31ft - 340 4- 3 4- 17 34 4 "ft 1 43ft -t 70ft 33 i 117ft 4 83 -lift 4 111 10 33 -34M4-4 -30 ft 71 4 SI ft 4 ft4 101 i 3314 83 ft -110ft 4 34 -I 11 38 ft 8ft 7ft 4 30ft 4 13ft ' 83 ft 4. 38 ft -r ?ft 40 ft 16 ft 43 Al Allied Oil .. Arkaneaa Natural Oaa noone Oil . . . lloaton Wyoming . Carib 3yn ritlea yervlce "H" . ucnnv mi I Klk Ilaaln Pet ft .Enrtneara Petrol .. if Federal Oil .Ollllland Oil . ,, Kllenrock Oil 1 J IGuttey Qllleaple .. . I Hudson Oil . Int Petrol ,7 , Marlanrt Unt Oil . . Maracalbo Oil ... ft Me rrltl Oil 14 I Mexico Oil . i4 I Mountain Product" ' " ivnlili. Omar oil Producer v uennera riyan Cona ... Hlmma Pet 8ko y o Teion t'n Texaa on . . -United Hoyalty Victoria Oil new . . T Oil Leading Copper Stocks In n special circular the copper industry is reviewed and a com parative analysis given on five leading coppers. Mailed free on request. BOUREAU & EVANS ile-mprr. PAIIadelpalo Btoek Exohangt 130 South 15th Street Philadelphia Z,ooi8i stt f.ae Silt Wett Phil. Offica. 1 8. 81 Dtntt Phone: Belmont S!9 " MINIStl Alaika Tlr Columbia Atlanta Ills I.edt9 llooth Tloit & Mont Caled M n tlandetarla M ona Vlrrinii Cortea flller 1'ri.Kinn flntd (renrent McN'amara Kureka Crwaua Kureka Holly . . Mlold Cona . i? Joold Devel .. . 4 ,)o!dn!d Flnrenee Ti tlolrt Kewana . f" 'Hold tUIer Pick : 'flold Zone ft I (treat Hend ft Ijlecla Mlnlnc . !4 iron Illnaaom " l.lumbo Eitrnalon ., IKno 1)1 Wde . .. Ji McNamara . . t; .Marsh Mlnlnc Mother bode Mother I.ode new I NIplaalnE 3 I North Hlar . li Ophlr Silver . . . 3 ft inocheater Mlnea I Han Toy . i; iSllier King Divide . J I H Silver Lead ; Hucceaa Mln . ft Tonouah llelmnnt ft Tonopah Caeh Hoy Tonopah Divide . . , Tonopah Eitenalon 1 Tonopah-Jlm Puller Tonopah Midway it Tonopah Mln . . ,. Tonopah MlJpah .Tonopah Montana . ft Tonopah Ileacua Eala ft I United Eastern it IVIclory M"hlte Capa AVUDert Yukon uoid ft1 2 37 ft I If, 33 ft r 3 Commodity Markets Philadelphia Stoch sa4 71 U, IK !l' j S5, 71 Is '.!'? .r.P, -'I'... i. I7U ::ai, WE OFFER Southern Pacific Railroad Co. 1"t Equip. Ilonds tltio 1S3.I-.I3 To Yield 6.10'. Philadelphia Plan Samuel K. Phillips & Co. .Mnubcrt I'hlladelplil t Mink Kirhnnae 507 ClicHtnul Street MLKh '..' A Hi 1 riv.nr- I Jill Am Stit .1(1 J." ni Ship K fiiiu I" I'Mifllalt c ( 37 .".7 JHO KI-oKtor lllji, 11.1 J". 1 C. N A J113H i J.. I. Su for 174 I'h II Hi Va SiiIi 1.1 I'hiln ln Wirr tfi I'h i In To inn nf r,7:! I'lnln r I'JO io prof I1UI lo vnr Kill I'ln'n II T Hi." I n 'I'rnf IV. I I! I ii i ramp . Soil" W ' mc m1. hv c. in i or ... i .n - r V. V i .-'.. 1. Kccharfe I'llll.Mlt'.I.IMII IKIMIS J'.IK'I I.lllTU 'J. I I'f lot :vi i.ih. i tv "d ),; tiiimil I.ibrt lih Ift' IOimi I.ibPrti Itli P,a liHin At'nnrn- M rt'v" . . . HMMi Ildl Toli'iiiiont- 7 Iihiii l.cliiili ViiIIhj Cnil ." .KVHt l'Hiiii.vlvnnin II '.j I in in I'entmlvnnin i 10i HI I'hlliuleliillio rcii-r 1 it H I rnti'il ltilHs ."". . IikKi I nitpil Hnilwavs .1. jiHin I n t.'il Hullnj .1 ,'ikkl Wasi V V & Pa pi-ii 4i Liverpool Cotton Vet . be ',- v n .VJ -'I'h Jii IT', "Uft i:i4 i.i siis i, 17 4- ij 1 in jf). r ". f-7IL.4- .11'... . :i'j 21 ' - jn COTTON MARKET Neu Vorli. April 2W. -ConiidiTiiij trx- fnct t lint ooble" ftfrr wrnk. W cot ton markot hml n stcniiv opening with price" ti puiutb Ion or to " points liicuvr Th ilninand rnme raoifly from W'nl. trepi nnd truilp iniertK. while New Orleans nntl other southern cepiers hold l.nter the Iim Kindually worked lotvr under the presauro fiom the South nnd ua. 11 bunt 7 point below 1 he prevloiiN rloae The receipts hi ihe portt. for the dav are puiimarwl ai 20,000 balea. 'lie"!"."!! "-',S4! bale a week . 'Jt.lSl hales n vear ago and 4!I.o!)t bales two years n ko I Ma , lull October tecml."r I Jinua" Mrch N T Time 11.30 Pr. ClO" O'ep M I ) 12 13 IS IK 12 1 2 13 07 13 6S 13 3 Id. 3ft IX 31 13 0 ia 70 1a 73 is 84 itist M IS 17';, :';,- 1.1 1 11 id . i ORAIN MARKET I'liicAiio. April 'JO - Wheal U ls honed intirh strength earl, hut the bulls jeri' llndtiiK th KiiiiiK toiith aftfir the inid sHSHiiin Mm wheat was up (is much mh ' cHiitn ni one tim earl in the him. nwiiii; i ihe HoaicHy of wheat and rthort (n"nm;. .Inly ns affected b.v tr in htronzt 1 11 .Miiv umi oil re vin or ex - IK) .10 cfuhlii' moisture o'-er parts of the belt. O if but the mlvani e was nut so Rreut an ST-.l in tli Ma illi.j lle'.iiini took "JJOMtO biikhels of MKI'.. whent at the na board and more was 1)2 1 1 renoned 'nirkini This also cnuHed l).t' 1 IjiivIiik 'I'lii'te "ai lie.iw coreritiK In mm:, .nimni shori-i. but leadine local In- ill ! lereKtM. ulm hnil liuuslil the wlii-iii lower 0'i7a down, b.i re ir i" theni mi Hie buli;i nnd flOj I tins caned the p.t aituiilioit Winter 70 , uln-nt iireniiums scrr tirni. Spring LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Chicnm pr 1 0 CATTUB Kecelpte olO0 heail Ueef ittera active ationi to lAc higher Ton IS 7.1 paid for UsT-pouncJ .leera and kiu - eaiini7a. bulk bttt ltrers. 17 SO tH to, .ulene iha atoclt bulla muck er and feed -r. Meaiy bulk fat coue nnd n.ilfers. fisoft; bu'la lrrel IS.2AOC31. ralvea 2.V huh.i bulk eiler. SJDfi33. bulk c mo vi hlte heav calve. 7 Miil IHKiH- Hedelpta 31,000 head Openlnn etrons l 1 '..- n-ifher. later ateadj lo loo h fthcr . van A.1 liaht butrhra active nil era si T. p JB.73 earlv. verv few i-ver I" 'ft uu JS tojf S.Cd plat. IB.- i.. :oa nighrr bulk dei'r.ibi. mo 10 wo pnond i.lrt ST own bllFlZP l'ce.it ROOD huvil Umnj ataady to SUt l,lth- wool .1 l.imV lop III beat nnt aod earlv Jlulk I10.31U1I nhnrn tn 110 40 tv nhlpsora. 110 JS " 1'ockera nulk rf .00 10 25. ffood MO-pgunJ norn yeanink-e 7 t.i anoep -iop.inn ctedy PKtahorab. Aiinl 30. HOQH rUrDt 1800 head HUhor. Heavlea. 18. 2ft UH. 40 Financial Briefs heavy and llht yorkera and plra. 1N.7ftfotU. Steady. Top aheep, 17 25. top I BIfKEP AND I.AMHH necelpta 600 bejd neep, i 20. top iambi. Ill Receipts, 20 head 8lead. Top CALVKH 110.60 Kaal lluffal, N, v., April 30 CA1-11.K Ilecelpti 32ft head; 3So hlrher Cilwa recelpta iftoo head 60c hlsher, ID'S 11 HOOH necAlpti, fttioo head Htrons l.v hither. Heavy ant mliad, 10 3S yorkera lO.ir.t'O.llS llsht do I!) Oil jr. pla-a IS 78 tra: rourni I7V7Z3 itgi H mwj.vi SHBCf IVR LAMIIh Itere pta The Franklin '1'nut Co. nnnnuncti. the opcn.njr of their new branch office at Deli, ware avenue and Market afreet, on Monday Slav 2 Thla branch offlra will be under "je rnanarment of n O. Ilawklni formerly of 'h Seaboard National JUnI of sw r0rk clu and will be open from 8 30 ni until d P. m The aurig. pile, of im, ,,, ,,. . dutrla alocke advanced .OH per .en- ve. terday to ,78.77 hlle twentj raiiroadj In cretaed .72 per cent to 71 2 The consolidated report of th r fcmer Tel Aft 1024 Anaconda 7 1029 Uarnaaau se . Hath Hlet! 7a 1023 Chic Kaat III 6' ('one Oaa 8i . . . Popper Export 8a 1022 Diamond Match TA Grand Trunk Vta gulf Oil 7a Helnx Co 7a In'.erboro 7a . . Humble Oil 7a Kennecott 7a I.taxett Myera fla Heara-Iloebuck 7a 1B22 Reara-Iloebuck 7a 1023 BAUthwaat Hell 7a Houth N V 7a 102ft Roulh K Y 7a 1831 Hwlfl a Sevlft 7a Taxae Co 7a Vacuum Oil 1.1ft ,"f4 tr P-m. 41 41 !! S 1S. Hi SH 3, S t,J 11 11H IV. I A I A H H ft 22'i 22' 2JW . 1 ? IS IS ! 1 1.1ft Hlth Low am. , 10V. tSS 10 . 74'. 7' 74 II II II III 1ft 16 14 1. i'a 100 97 100. ' '!r Il ctfa . 3i; aT a.ij U l , OS s ?s , .... m is lj , l' IS l'i 10 ift. 'ft ,. . IS IS .. .. 14S LIU MH ,'."." teS inn ins 2S 2ft 25 , ... 30 flOJa SOW . . 12S 12J4 IjS IS IS 14 US US US ! ... 43 42 48 2'4 2S 2S 4V 3 44 SS HVi HW .. . . OS OS OS ft ftj. SH . . . . s s s 2 t ' ' 'af ' "" .:;.:'. "'. s s - ..AAA . . - ', Vi ,'t 1 1 1 1. I 1 3 3 3 1 B4 M 04 Q 10 10 10 30 37 38 I 7'4 7W 7' I 73 70 73. It 10 0 10 H 73 OK 72 U ,A -A .A 1 1 1 34 33 34 H ti H 10 10 11 2 2 2! 4 A 4 A ,JA ir. ir. ift B a 11 o I ir ih is D Jft 14 1ft H n a 47 47 47 4 4'a 4', r.i ft r.U 5 8 ft 1'a IS IS n k 11 I . . . 2 2 2 ,A ,A ,,V 3 3 3 IS I A IA ft ft ft I' IA li IS IS IS N R Ift 1ft 1ft IA IA IA 1 h h 8 n H 8 S N IA IA IA U 2S 3S 2S I 4 4 4 1 a s a a . IS 1 IS 1MMS l as oos n.is 03S 03S 03S 98 . 00 OA VH IH OR BOS WS ft9S 100 100 100 1QO 100 100 102'i 102S I02S 04 08 03 08 S OOS 00S 08 OK OS 7ft 7ft 7ft 90S 0AS OOS I 92 02 t'2 005 OOS OOS ' OOS OOS OOS , l sivs onfi ties K 0i,4 OOS 0'A 101VJ 104'. FtMiWnrf Immm TlKH Miiai CiiNrvmey District, Ohit Vf aVvttM Dm 1M2 t 14 100 and httrt TtaJi DUlrirt UkM hi prt mt ! etxMti aad lodnde, tHenr; Mkert.Uia dtletof Dayton. Ham iltoa, Mlddlctewa. lWtw ad Try. Circlttr mpcm ivt. Harris, Ftrbet t Ci nni Btratrt, 04fnr William NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA OFP1CE Wid.at.r liltJ(. Cities Service Company 6 Cumulative Preferred Stock 1. Dividends Payable Mon.hlv. 2. Backed by large and grow ing equities. 3. Earnings after taxes and all prior charges several times preferred dividend require ments. 4. Followed by $44,626,878 Common Stock with mar ket value exceedins $107,104,508. Price to return over 8 Send for circular P Henry L. Doherty & Company 604 Morris BoUding Philadelphia, Pa. Telephone: Loeuit 1440 Spruce 8200 Free of All Tuxes CITY OF JOHNSTOWN School Improvement Bonds 1926 to 1947 Price to Net 4.80 SKCCIlITIEa DEPARTMENT COMMERCIAL TRUST Company lumber Tedtra! IWeerte Rraleia Cilr Hall Squar We it mmmmmmssssssssi Three Investment Bonds Yielding from 6. 87 to 7.75 Particulars upon request Reed A. Morgan & Co. Wett KtieJ Tni't Uldu , I'Mlu. Mrmbera of the I'blla. Smelt Eich 100' toi 'i inni 104 104 BOW DUU A9H lVi toov, iooI "nneeeeM Mi.r inn neimcal Cornornnr.n for ihe ,,Mr enrtM December fll. 1020 ahnwe ntAl Income of I0.0TO.0HO m comp-rert v,in, ! iL'M '" 'h Pfvloua rear. The deficit for I02D amounted to iMnmo .. ."L i-'iii uai ran with a deficit of IB7B.879 In JOtO Ihe Unlteil anil aiobe nuhoei t, n awarded a contract for 37.0.10 fee- .,r n.e noo i,v the city or Philadelphia Thli. year the bld were er cloae. due m keen com priltlnn and ihe ho.. w aubjeeted to In unuaually oere and thorouvh leet Th factory of thle comp.ny la at Trenton and Jo.epTc- "n.tt." U'""r ,hf ,nBn"'n' uf NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET Nrw York. Anl lift. Openlric prlwn in Iho local (ofTec fuhirfs ninrkei thin inortiiiig upro S ., II point Imwr on 700il lellitir hr llin.t n n l..n.1.1 . .. .. l-oad. fh-eo aciv. Iambi alr-v pricei un I " "" ' '" '" '"'',, n-ii-niiy, ti: l.liernonl API I - -Ther- w . nn wa'l deiaiid fn iHt rotton irdav wi-h nrl'.e earner on i lie baile of h decline nt 'Jli unlnia for mhldllnir t 7 Sid The aalee were Soon ha lee The receipt -er 70un I bulre Indumna- .iniu imiee Aineriiaii li 1 ,.r. ere " n th early drallnae Kpot CcriJfied Public Accountants V$ JgCs -WSi"i JiiWSs, Land Title Bldg., PhilacIelphJn ' t.wi "i' iw'"'u"'n" -M chaniel Kl M. liul. April 28 r.vTTI.B Re relptM lOOfl Sr-ad Hfeers and ttnj riekilv j nLmnc Hani tearlltu ano heifere etrony to 2Ae hfaher lb ald. veal .if ton 0 71 other cUneu itiHd JIOOB llecelpta 10.000 hd cl.v. llk tc l.'ir hijher Top (8 10 hulk S 40( 8. BO for a i1 Rradrt heat butchers packer aowe jind p'e lc lo -.V hither, rjuallt) a6od h-ae veil ei'd SlinUP r.cctlpte, inn h- :a Vommallv ateady. rectlpte all odda ard endn of vart rjn def ned'Um flno i omrnnn quallt f.'-ai ' ii' und of ae n of genuine sprlnce from eiiucly not eold United States Treasury Certificates Int nue Siockwell, Willson & Lmvill IC1I hiik 1'nan r. t'ciru t ii Mini fiirlj itli wlicnt. niii f ,. t ho innrki' nil'l " lower prifi".' loti't -v. Tin' niurliPl rrnponnpil mil Imlf -linn I I ,'', eillv in tin' hfor IiiiIki' nnil lliix mnrte ,. Ionics nnxioiiH to Kfll mil Iilttlp cn;i- i tfti- flilw' "iih ilinp'njH nn the buying l,,; nidi1. Tin- man dim wiih iint-nRnpeti u4, l)ni folnupil corn tin innrKct hf. Inc uliliout fnturf Tlie me .Mnturinn Hate Mi) HI 19.11 I'JIie If, tll.'t lune 15. 1031 Uly In. 101 in. 19JI Ift. 1811 1ft. 1021 1.1. 19SI Ift. Iil 1ft 1021 1ft. 102 Auz ?ept Kept Oct. Or i Per Mar flid I On IOO too,. ion Aeked Yield IOO.". 4 HO IAO 1-32 IOO. too 3.8': (111 III tlio liruv rewipti At the two principal port nml to the rirlj entiles from IIrii7.ll. wliich were not nin-h ax to Htimnloto nuy iloiunnd. The loc.il market n dull during the morning Region nnil price chnnices wert- tiniinporliiiit. Iinlilinit within ii ' to .T Demand point ransi-. TIip miirket. nt the nm. i'bie ment. if t.o nurrou that n fnu- nrrt.ea olther waj will inflnenci. tlio pj-li-f trend. .Mm win fichonit'd to Hep. tonibrr at 7H points u few dnjs nico. tlic iliftVri'iiir" hetufi-n 81 nntl S5 polntn. Veet. olo.e Open Mav ft fin ft fiotfoO 'ul ft 07 ft. 00 September . 87 n 272B Uecember 1 l n 70u FOREIGN EXCHANGE New York, April 20. Exchange on the print'ijial Rnropean rfntern wan nttady to firm with the opening of the forflgn exchange market today. There wns n good demand for hills at nrotind opproximntely yenterdoy's rloning price. The quotation were: Sterling rnble 11.05 0-10. demand 3.04 13-1; franc cables 7.70. check 7.00; Hie (allien 'I.82Vk. checkn 4.82; Swi cablra 17.150. checkn 17.47; peBela rubles 1.1.00. checkx 13.04. guilder cables 85.07. checks 3.1.02; Stockholm oableH 23.15. checks 23.10; Ohristlfinln cables 15.0S. chcekfi 15.50; Copen hagen cables IS 10, checks 18 05, Hel ?lan cables 7.71, checks 7.70; marks .50. The premium on New York fund in Montreal today wns 12 I 111 per cent The rate of discount in New Ynik mi Canadian funds wan 10' per cent YKSTKIlOAT'S FINAL QUOTATIONS Sierlina franca Lire (lullJer. Demand Oft 7,2 4.80 S4.ftr, Cablee . a5i 7 4 4 SH 36 05 TOIJAVB OI'KNINO UOOTATIONP Sterlln Franca l.lre Clullder. 1.S3 Dft.02 4.24 35.07 GRAIN PROVISIONS Our Daily Letter 6'rnt on lUqutat Hughes & Dier Me mbera Chleara Hoard of Trade J N. V. I'rodoca Kxchnnae 1 rblladrlDbU Hlock Each ( flllnburih Mark Kithua 1435 Walnut Street VV Off,rt City of Philadelphia School St to riald 4.85 Free 0 oJf fares Bradford Electric Co. 1st 61, I9Z9 01, to yield 7h Free nf Prnna. Stale 7'aa antt jej reral Jncoiita Tax WiaiNn (in. PfliuuriiM MmUrt fiiUJilOU Krm lari Smt Sxthtfn mmnm auuam.ii.li III pafl HI 11 3e fipruee 818 Philadelphia It ace IMS Phila. Sub. Can & Elec. 5s, 1960 Portland Ry. & I.t. 5h, 1942 Seattle Construe. & Drydock 6s, 1922 Buffalo & Susquehanna 4s, 1963 American Gas 7s, 1928 BAUER, STARR & CO. I .and Title llalldlna. riilUdelphlu New York flfllee, IIS ttreadrTar nireef Private Ttltphone bet. Office :i.04ii n.nnA 7.n 7.70 HEWBURGER, HENDERSON &L0EB Members New York and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges 1410 Chestnut St. i( HUMAN NATURE 1 and THE STOCK MARKET" j la the Title of our apodal Utter of thla week. Write for a flee copy. You irtll fltul It Interesting I MILTON HUM tnoois-rattjcwaa. Mai X Hit 1622 Chettnut Street Pheiteet lull. Hpruc 8041-7-S-l Kealane, Race 750 .. ., 74 nroadwnr a 4lS fltli A.. h. V. i Wlamford. f'onn. Hprlntfleld. Man (X0 watoHoa HlO'i tool inn ion a-s-z mo lonX too 3-m i on a n. an Kitui nine n a. inoA 10AU r7 4 70 4 Hi i ''.' I Hoeton. enrll an 511 in tomoi rw vlll n .ii fi 20 r an w utirhangi'rl Kiempi from normal federal Income tax f Income tat h hii.ii i n'y. n uabiij jAceeplablr for pamnt of due on date of maturttj' Le Active Demand for Wool The Cnminerilal Pulle eav. 'Thw H.n.uH.I r- woo' thla eek haa teen lee active and nrlrea ate barely firm ei .nt In. n.. i.nl. ent ilapla wool a The tnlll aliuatlon con llnuea generally hialtliv. Shetrlnv prtadIP In th Wait liyt Hit 'r hualneia ia t..norled on the part of eaalern dealera al ,et Tf.'5!;"lh..rn,l,l'k" ' llttlv Irn? oroed hut the outlook m Atietralla I eon Idcrert erv hid Cermanv la buyn a lit Ie mure frem n ritenllna ""'" MONEY-LENDING RATES NKW 'VOBK Monei on call boih Ham. , of collateral opened today at 7 per cent for lending and renewing IIIII.AIII.l.riUA Cll B p P,i tlm. fl per cent commercial paper three to eix I IIHMIIIIW 'I I'PI .l Note ineee arc merely nominal quota- Hone ihe leral rate of In'areat in the met. i nf l'ennalianla lielna; filed at fl per cent run premium and rninmleelon. time money' fnr thirty to ninety div. I l.iank ... m .' I :.v .' .'-.: -.--. i".n.u . n in nvi oer cent wni a commercial n . ilali Butter hirty to ninety daya Ii loaned at s "m u per cent " BANK CLEARINGS reipondinic dtv lilt two yearr I 1Q1A atfl tan, cm ;fli WHY NOT V.njor Ilia ilUtrlbutlon your proilncta deieree. I am looklna; (nr v. real elllna Job where remnnerallan will he In line with reiulta obtained, Ten yeara experleiiee. A IS!, LKPORK OfPICK GEO. A. HUHN & SONS BTnrTi iMn unvna Member T Ihe t'lilladtlphla. tit Vert b4 Chlcnto Btoek Kiriiansia hCV XOTU ejelton ticnanae net t'blcnfa Btoek Comralnlon Ordera Eaecuted la All fl.. Prlnelnal Market Liberty Donda DoUfht and Sold llellfvo Coort UMr.. Xl W'atool SI. X. Y 111 Ilroadvny. Atlantic lit. Acbaie4ar ITetal. Sloiton N Tori I'H' a viiwSto 7 Ml it ana S7 I4U 210 7d Sl,Rtt nys nil. add inn or. i n!'.2MW 4ii,Ta 7S,C.'4.tV,tl live lnvn.tm.nl record an Kiecutii. TRUST COMPANY, DANK or Other INSTITUTION Have im an nMntnr for an INVKfiT.MKNT "rr.CIAI.IHTT Ine yajre In the llond lluilnaee l-'amll r.n. i onserva Iliperltnced ae v i, i.r.nr.r.n nmri! I I "" rmu. buh Kiea I Waterloo, Cedar Falls & Northern 5s, 1940 S. S. White Dental 8s, 1930 Empire Gas & Fuel 6s, 192ti HENRY DaBOENNINQtOO, ATrwrK KxciiAN'nr. nun.ni.so Ilr4 Pritate Ttlephana via New Tark K