Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 29, 1921, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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'fv-ti VUV7VtT,Vf
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XXX V Love 8 Program
The Woman's
A Cat and a Kitten
To the tSMor ot tt'omnn's Pane
rr ftrxK.v nKCin
And It's a Lucky Mother Whose Son LiUcs to Talk Over All
His Interests and Activities at Home With Hvr
Please Tell Me
What to Do
TO lift?
MitUt : IKS-i
M:: m
4'? 'H
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all fl,v j ' i-'!
8" 'w
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I' rlt 'I
P3"fi ., 'ilt :
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Wi ' Si IK
P w t It
StH't ii;t
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it 1
II 4
AllY laughed A low happj laugh
i TI-.1. ' til.. 1.1..1 .... !.... I....!
- iirn . -iiii- uiini ii Hi'i urtiu,
"Tares ni ner into icnri caporaici
"Dick. If you and f ,.v..
I are coinc to p- .,,, n,'v'7-
tramp the orl. JVg-t-J
toRpthcr. to:! mo
the p r o fi r a in
"Swoel hf.i-t
you would adore
it. We'd take h
bant firel t
South Afrioii. nnd
make n Ions Irok
from th t'api
up inland Wo il
get nvrtiv from
town", from rlvll
izatlnn out to
tho veldt where ib- fin! t n r Is like
champagne Vm d lnu- li - utter free
dom of the lite
"I enn plot.iro you rutins on n trans
port wiiRon henrlns tho ourcr Impreca
tion of tho Kaffir die-H lis tliov urge
their bullock ou 1 inn see vou pick
ing a thousand llfwirs that crow upon
the veldt, oxo'niming over their beauty
"And nt night tho ramp beside some
rushing river You Mnrj -sitting he
dido me in tho radius of the fire that's
built t" keep tho lions off I'liU moon
a great v,hll- moon the snoot scent of
gardenia and far nnoi tho eerie fir
ing of tho nicknl
'A mau has room to breathe, o.u
there A queer hitnec'k longing a
nostalgia sometimes oonies tOf me at
nights for tho wide, sweeping veldt
Marv via-- smiling nnn
'Go' on." fhe said. -pleae. teh me
more. ' Her little fneo wns no longer
pnle. but glowing ro!t Her tears
were dried
We'd trek baek t" the roast again,
and vail for let me s"o-Cejlon! To
Jombo the sampans round the big liner,
the little blaok bo .linns fr siiier
roins and lu'edles-i of the .shark 1
think vou'd 'ove tbo Kat un'esn it
frightened you
"I d rent a bungalow near some tea
plantation. You'd like tb inscrutable
native -servants some of them n"
never unde-tards them, though nfil
havo a tropical garden set about the
bungalow Tlowers spring up almost
OVni!gut in tho East. ou knov Glow-,
ing. hort-llved a svmbol of man p life
out there!" , ,.
Ho drew a long. dop breath. His
eyes were shining, with a far-olT loolt
in them.
Threr Menus and Some Good Recipes for Sunday's Meals.
Tr- Stuffing Porlt Chops With Onions. Bacon and Seasoning
m MRS. si. A. WILSON
fCw. '"' " i A- ,r""'n
1 ' ; rloh'f mama..
POOR foods and careless cooilng hav
broken up more homes and cau'td
cmlle or everci-o opumi-m which is tti"
!-tr"nges, intl encefor success, nor can
ilev work efficiently, either at phys.ca
or mental labor, if the food is not what
it should be
Evert oun; woman should learn to
cook Plain and substantial and arac
ire meals, and then, if she w to be u
workingtnnn's wife, she will b able t"
prcpar- attractno food without waste
and will thus bo able to -are for 'he
rainy daj that comet, to us all. !"'
wo bo prepared for it or not. "n'"";
if he marries the man wh' can afford
servant, she can effieinnt'v direct the
planning and serving of meals that w 11
not onh satisfy her husband but win
her friends wherever she happens to bo
M.ono mat bring io' p. easr.ro, hut it
ocrta'n won't bring rrop pleasure tn
the 'ab'lo than that of the humblest
home ii 'hi- land. unr mother kneads
lore, hop- faith ami wi'hot. into tho
bread .mil foods she prepares for tbe
A Mis:estne menu for three meals on
Strawberries and Cream
Fried Tomatoes eum (".ran
Kaoon Garnish Waffles
Rtd'sh's Coffee
Cear Tnma'o Homllon
Rndlsbes Young Onlon-
Ptuffed and Kraised fork Chops
Brown Grmv SwlsK App'
Sweet Ii tatoo. Peas
l.fti' "f
Mar e rarfait f'nfjee
Rice and l"h-e li'rcnll eite.
Onion fii!' Vegetable Sa ad
'"tp t'usMrd
Stmnge t'ake Tn
The market bask' w !' req i.e
Out hnr frnrk"-it'.
Eight tnmiitne.
Onf hvvh ni rcdwW
Tiro butflim nf fuffwni
One nnd on h.jll itminAt o mr t
Tbrer npy'".
One Ofl ni 'UM'I'i ti 'r
tjnr ilo:". row
Ov half t'wt"i ' 'wor
Pout thxrL pork rhnpn.
One hall vut ni tj-hipy-rj f'"tw,
Tun otneet o' n'" '
Ar.d '! e . H -veU T -Upf ' ej
Mufffil .ind Ilraiwed I'orl. Chop
Havo trie b .f I'-r . i,' 'Kb (. i'ips about
one ni' h 'hi' k ar 1 ll en .'.i a knife rr
Its- ,IK.N
The (, olden
'So i uii far a?o t,d.ir kas
gran ifather
"Klf'i uar , . graroTi
Spie.-li ' Spoeo.i en'l 1 ie ' n, i.rrn
graudehi'd" n a-d .) 1 ,hf relnties and
friends who hne m'nr 'oyiiher to help
1 elehrute the g'd"-! wdd tig There
are veral greit grn'"i''bi!dren i"1
"Well ' grniidfiithe- begin r(v re
ten t iniicii ti be a '. Some fo'kw tn.nk
It's uiinderful to bo nai-rieil hnppi'i
fifty 'ears Hut it nn t at a'' On
the pari of the muodiid it is ju
matter of keeping in .rum that mn
the BUI110 girl he .a s inaillv m lore
with at the heinniiig
"We liuve had our epats. ma and 1
lint wo irie not ilk" ' ue who intike
great tragedies out .,f more incident,
l'he worst thing In married life is the
uncomprmiilKing (.pint That's I no devil
who make.- most of the 1 rouble, uiritin;
husband nod wife to msUt each is eter
asll right in all tho differences Ihnt
come UP during a Ion,; married life. And
so they lire driven farther and farther
apart. . ,
"Married life, to bo successful, must
tie n series of rompromtses, of giving in
i 'We'd be tremendously happy in our
' little bungalow. Just you and t. After
tho hpat of the long dny, when th
I ... IV ... Al.nl a. rtnXI
servants nntl gone on ui mni .
Uiinrturs, we'd so out to our gnrdon nnd
listen to the ringing of the temple bolls.
Out in the b-ant there's always a oun
oin music in the air. it seems to tne.
We'd walk n little further, toward
tho fringe of the jungle. We'd watch
ho wild animals stealing down to soma
-p, 't pool for their evening drink. 1 na
"i.nn't! there nro glorious, Marv.
And nt nlght.s. in our little bun-
naiow we'd road and talk, nmr be tm-
inptiseh happy. The outside world
would 'be shut off from us. Hut the
wind sighing around the I,,.aC0Tw?"'J,
bring tho sweet scent of the jungle from
across the hills "
Mnry eve shone like two stars. Her
I breath came ouiokl Tho pictures hU
I dear, backwoods over conjure; up
gripped both her imagination and her
'"'"And after wo left t'evlon. what
net?" she whispete.l
Pick Cnlnrdin smiled. Hloied tho
eagerness lu Mary's smoke -bue eyes
"I think we'd go straight o tho
South fo., islnuds. TlmfH h "V"'!,.,"
heaven." ho said. "I can t Mnk of notl
,R lovelier than 4o J M..
Tier seem io iv.nn- nn -;- "i 'e
mail's soul, somehow The miwlc of
he surf and of the pa m-trees-the
coral roofs nnd blue lagoons, the
uarrath. .ho color- ot, '. it's all wonder
ful, my dear'
We'd find some jnit. dW""J
spot, far off from nn where 1 d build
a little Mean-to' for vou in the shadotv
of a bamboo tree. You could sleep 1 1
night on a bed of palm leaves, with he
soft swish of water in your ears and tho
coll of night birds oil about you. nnd
mavbe a ukulele playing in the dUtanre.
And Canopus and the Southern Cros
shining like Jewels in n deep blue sky
would keep n bright-eyed watch on you,
like faithful sentinels ,,,
"Oh. it sounds just like haven .
cried Mary eagerly A. wild rose flush
was in her cheeks "Oh Hick. It seems
a fain- tale:" ,
It's coming true, mv dtar--lf I ro
got nnvthing to say to it-' He kissed
ber once again. "Hold on Where were
we in the story? Ah. yes! Sleeping in
the starlight underneath the bamboo
Tomorrow "Yon Care, for Him!"
move tho bone and make a pocket In
the fillet. Mince fine :
Three ottio'U.
Tiro Jtrt'pn of bacon.
Cook slowly until soft. Now add.
()nr ''up of breadcrumbs,
Onr-alf trjjpoon of thurm.
On'-q'inrter trisponn of ponUri ta
One fcajpoon of tnU,
Qnr-half teaspoon of prppf".
Onr-half cup oi i-old water.
Toss to cook slowly for a few min
utes and then let cool. l"se as a filling
in each chop and sow tho opening with
string and a darning needle. Roll each
"bop in flour and tben brown quickly
in a saucepan, containing four table
spoons of fat Add two onions for each
service Hiid one cup of boiling water
Cover and simmer very slowly for one
hour Turn the chops frequently ;
about twenty-five minutes before serv
ing wipe the apples and then c-ut in
half and lay in near the chops and let
steam until tender
To Krve lift the cnop on a thin
sHre of toast and then nft the npnle
and onions for garnish Bast with the,
gravy and sprinkle with finely minced
parMOlv Servo.
Maplo I'arfait
V ire in a saucepan
One- ind one gunrfer eUp of tutor.
One-no! cup of tcatcr.
Bnni to a boil and cook tnreo min
utes Now add
Volt of two ego.
Two tabtt'pooni of eornttareh.
Fov tnhleipoon) of coM icator
Iissolvo the starch and then beat the
yolk of eggs well before adding, then
pour in a fine stream into the boiling
rup Cook slowK for if minutes.
Cool and then add .
Owhatf teaspoon of nnple ffat'orinff,
One fcnpoou of vanilla.
The one-hnlf pint of cronm should
he wir.nued srlff . whip the whites of two
egg-, stiff Told together and then place
in O.e mold and cover with lightly but
tered wax paper, brfore putting on the
lid. Now dip a i-trip of muslin one inen
wide in tho melted shortening and bind
around the edge of the closing of the
mold This is to proxent the salt water
from spoiling tbe parait
I.'te two parts of ice to one pnrt sa't
and bury tbe mold tn the mixture, then
!e stand for two hours
To serve remoie from the moid Tjy
wrapping the cloth, which has been
wrung from warm water, around the
mold Cur in slices and then lo on a
desseri plate and cover with hreldeil
tonsted almonds and a little finely
"hopped citron. Garnish with a largo
straw Derry
Tnnst or brown the almonos in the
oven until a nice brown, then put
throagh the food-chopper and use the
eoari-est knife Cut the citron in pteees
and put through the foodohopper.
Vegetable Salad
I'se the green tips from the sou
One on ton.
tine-half cup oi cnok'd prm
Finely thndded lettuce
One tomato, cut tnto bill,
'io cooked aiceet potatoes duca
TofcS to nvi, and then serve
I'rd- nt opinion mart be aerifi.'ed fori
'be happinos nf rhr familv 'lhat is I
no main consideration In auv differ
noes that mav arise let the hutoanil
ren ember that his wife is the very same
girl to whom ho used to yield in nl.
n alters of dispute in the days of court
dilp and in the das ot tht honevtnoon
That's about ail I have to say "
Tbis is a verbatim report of a inU
jiven rome weeks ago bj a man at hi
go'den wedding in 11 eit) in Uh.o
r.'andfather genero is!y puts the In
uni on the hneband Ornndma wou d
probably put it on the wdfo. And that
iv why they have been happy no pac
in? the buck, but each eager to do b s
and her part
Nothing that grandfather says it. new
Neither is happines something ne -.1-
truth ft Is nil the old, old stnrj . so
old 1 hat wo tin uot alwnva llrton when
we lieur it. jet -0 simple and so true
t lint we havo but to take it seriously
to have happineSH
Three cheors for vou, grandpa and
grandma ' And hero s to n like speech
nt the dlatnotid weddinc, twenty Ave
cars nenoe
Doubts if He Is True
Worried One If ou cmnot trust the
man and think ho Is not telling- you tile
truth It Is bettor hreak now than Intel.
Thinks She Loves Him
Dear Cvnthta I am wrltlnc to you for
the Mm time There Is a yountf man whoj
always came to our House as we ar
friends for a long time He told ins one
day that he lilted me. nlso that hn loved
me, but ho did not ask me to marry
him He nskrd mo If 1 liked kisses, so
I told him no. that I would no let u
man kiss mo until I was mnrrlod to
him I am twenty-one eara old nnd
I do not like to be n fool Ilka some girls,
but I think 1 love him as ho does not
conic to 'tee mo am more and I miss
him U H T
1'erhap.s -on do lovo him, dear, but
do not let htm kits xou unless he asks
jou to marry him
She's a Year Older
Dear Cynthia I nm n boy seentren
years of ape and havo boon Uecplnsc
steady oompanv with a Blrl who Is a
your older than I am
My friends all tell mo I should not go
with a frlrl who Is older than myself,
na it would make noma difference If ever
wo should pet married
This oertain plrl, unle6.s sbo goes out
with tne, cither stnys at homo or goes
out with a girl friend of hers. I am
posltle that sho likes me and I would
not want to go with nnybodv else. Dear
Cynthia, please tell mo whether It makes
a dlffoicnce and could It Injure our hap
piness In any respect. Trusting that I
may see my nnewer in your valued col
umn I tvinnln PRHPLUXUD
Tho difference of one year In ago Is
too slight to worrv over, but you are
both too jounp to think of marrying
for a while yet.
Let the Dead Pact Bury Its Dead
Dear Cvntbla -T am in a difficult sit
uation a id wonder if vuu can help mis.
I attend one of the Philadelphia colleges,
but do no' expect to remnln hero when
I prraflnate
My home Is tn another part ot Penn
sylvania and I hsvo no one here to ad
vise me what to do My chums laugh
at me, ou' I feel very eerlous I am
In love with a wonderful girl whom I
met at a church She li a very good
Ctrl and If her pa-ents knew my past
life they would forbid my going with
her I loxe. H eo that I Intend living
the right kind of n life from now on
I am sure she lovt me Can t start
llf anew with her' Shall I make a
clean breast of it or shall I let them
think as thev do I can't give her up.
for I need her Please help me. Cm.
thla. for I can t decide I' mjself
If things ou hac made mistakes 1b
In your p.-st ilf concern only yourself
vou would be wiser not to dig them all
up But if -hev concern others or could
interfere wltn thin girl's future happi
ness you I ad hitter tell her Let her
decide about telling the others
"No Man Can Serve Two Masters"
Dear O nihla If posa'bK could you
and eome of our kind readers give me
their opinion on the following subject
"Can n student be a high-timer and a
student at the same time nnd be success
ful at th lntter""
I have had Homo discussion with fel
low studonto of mine who happen to
have different views on this subject Wo
are all going to enter college In the fall
(September) So w have decided to
ie thto to your wleo Judgment andl
r host of k'nd readers Thanking 5oul
W'inifrcd Harper Cooley
speaks from tho experience of n
writer, a feminist, a lecturer, a
wife nnd a widow in her intimate
little tnlks on
three times a week on this page
The first one is
''Being Square With Your
which will appeiu
On Monday Evening
In advanco for jour kinclnes Vy the
way, wu a 1 iin tne same nimuae mus, ihoh ,,,,,.
Ixmg live i.'ynthla and her column " "And what nbout your own looks?
TRYING TO RE DOTH Harriet parried
If you mean b high time going out Grace shrugged her shoulders "Oh,
to the tnetures, dancing and suppers! my looks are all right, but they re dlf
every n'gl, nnd attending class every , fercnt from joi.rs I ''an look out for
day, you had better let the golng-out kj
If jou want to be n student A certain!
amount of recreation Is good for exervl
ono. bu' students nt college or school
would do well to Keep their going out
much to holiday seasons and week-ends!
tnnd not every week at than To be ' brought this up tor a special reason
student ot.e must realh work andrealil noticed the way Churlio Harmon
work cannot be done when ono is play-l looked at tu. and I wanted you to be
ing all the, time or interrupted tn thlon guard."
work Harriet s blind went out Impulmvely
The Church W edding
The bride's mother Is escorted to the
first rw at the lft of the church bv
I 'he cb.ef usher while the groom'b familv
j occup thn first jwb on the right The
hnonl nart at the first strain of the
wedding march starts for the altar At the
' same moment the groom nnd best man
I '-omi from e estry and stand at the
rlrht of the chancel steps, waiting The
1 ushers come firs' two bv two and then
1 the brldeemaldx the maid of honor nnd
the bride on the left arm of her father
The usherH and bridesmaids group tnem-
neHes on each side of the chance: and
1 the groom receives the hr'de from her
father or esTort and proceed, to 'he
I nit .. r Th( maid of bono- Htands dl- '
recti v beside the bride to t.iK h,-r bou
I quot and 'urn her train hnd th- best '
I man tv the groom to give h oi the ring j
I The bi Ide s fntlir waits in the rear of 1
I the ctiarc! until ho Is called 1 pon to I
give, away tne bride, after union lio 1
olns his wife in the nrst pen - lr May
Good Housekeeping
Tailored Models
I Among the older women nn noted s ,
I pa'tiall'v for Kevero tailor-mades with
I long skimp sleeves and long jackets .
that wre as a rule unbelted Such a I
: modal tn bluo Polrtt tw,l, hjd no other I
1 touch of trimming than three, straps of
HClf-tnaierlal In the buck term nating in !
groups of knife plaits In fact the less ,
' you put on ni sort of tnllor-made th ,
I smarter you ire All decorative eiToots
I r.re left to waistcoat and Moue and
1 hats '
sssrjaaKi!-". s 'nasuteb . .is&.-assj
Exquisitely pure!
r !
l ff rs J
I Butter I
' M
a At all our .Stores
1 S B av-iV4-i U ,
-1 irTffsm&M fA
a nwnmuMxs&
ilisv &. f ( rKrjjfii.
1 !
I 1 v i
Revere the rovers here is otic of the
slogaiLs of tho dress snrioe; of 1021, It
is rcallv nnito nstonlshlnc to find tho
number of, frocks finisbo'd wtih this j
sort of neckline Tho propaganda for,
rocra ci'ieorauun uan ucon tto (wrong, in-
deed, that even the evening models hard
been affected. In the above charming I
spring frock of black nnd white figured
foulard posed over black satin the revers nrBt: continental longress mci on .-cp-tiA
t r..-..iai.A.) t. .u.. t i.i,. tember 5. 1774
U.ir n IIIIUiniKl ui oinini tn iniim.
organdie embroidered in black. The
girdle of plaited black patent leather
wltn Its nforn ornnments Is particularly
Cowrto'it, llll. bu i'ullie Ltdotr Co.
Barry c' ten ent to jiruoti for she had cause to remember this talk
cmbcaUno fundi, but Harriet, hi , with Grace many times afterward
trte, irined he trnt innocent. She
concciied the idea of getting o job
in Harry' t office icheie the could ipj
on Me thief, and the war helped out
by (i girl sta-.iing at the same board
ing house. Ifer ftril dap with Uar
mon tf Grove, Harriet it iiifro
ilticrd to Charlie Harmon, the ott
of the head of the firm.
Harriet Is Warned
TTABItlET established herself quietly
H nnd without ostentation in the firm
! of Hnrmnn A Graves But from that
cry first day sbo felt conscious some
how of Clmrles Harmon
TW.. I-!-,... llvmnn,l linrl left the
tw-o gTrls had stood Ticing each other,
for a moment '
"I suppose ou know vou're awfully ,
good-looking?" Grace i-ald after a mo-
mint appraising!?.
Harriet Hushed She hadn't oven
thought about her looks for two days.
She was oven uncntisclous of the ,'iotnos
s.lio wore, excepting for tho fact that
they were dark aud inconspicuous.
, 'Nonsense." she snld lightlj
"But you ore. nnd ion have that
softness about you that l apt to be
dangerous in a business office Thar
i mouth of jours is too tender nnd your
, skin is so white nnd jour lips so red
! nnd those violet-colored ejes of yours.
were meant for nothing in tne wonu
. i i . i. .... ,.i n.nn
" w ' v"
i mvw-lf
"And eo fin 1. '
.,....uj !... (r o inn M.nmmi
,,,, ",',,. Li,.' -ih finnllv "there's 1101. saw a
We"-. i,,fj S tW h V I 'around
need of beatitig around the bush. Ip round
nnd touched traces. inatiK you,
1 rIio said softly I understand nut
Ma says one of the
Seven Wonders'1 is my
appetite for
(Superior Corn Flakes)
The Kitchen Is the
m!g """"s sjj-j-lijji,i--tm,X;yy
Hi ','.' Hn--a5--B-JCHB-MljM,--lll
"9 . ,v.v wivjM mKSM3Kmmi
The United Gas Improvement Company
Dear Madam I am writing to yotii
i about a mother cat one vcar old unit a
i kitten two months old which I thought
I you might' llnd a home fob, as I ntn
going away for the sumtnor They ore
. both nil black Tho kitten Is n female
! ono and very cute. The mother cat Is a
good mouser JIHS A V. tt.
Tho persons who get those cats ore
going to bo extra lucky, because they re
block, and everybody known that to own
a black cat Is considered fortunnte. The
address of Mrs. A. P. 13.. who so gsner
ously offers these two, has been tucked
nwny In n e,afe plaoe, so that any ono
may havo it who telephones or sends a
stamped, addressed envelope to the
Editor of Woman'! Page.
Colore for Dark-Haired Qlrl
To th Hititor of trotran root
Dear Madam I have dark brown holr
and eyes nnd my skin is neither light
nor dark. It Is medium ; In other words,
I nm considered an American brunette.
Will you ploaBo tell mo what cotors
are particularly becoming to me? My
hnlr and eyes are oxartly the same
color real dark brown
You should look well In different
I .,w l.nt,. ., ,l1 ..!. v.. l,Mnmlnir nun
grny nnd yellow, the color of a tea rose,
would be good colors to wear. The
brunette genernlly looks well In laven
der, while pink and dark blue are nlways
Interesting Spots in the City
To (tn Editor of trotnnn Toot
Dear Madam I have Just come to
Philadelphia from a small country town
and would like to know of pome Inter
esting and some historical public places
1 can visit during my st here.
Of courso, you will want to visit Inde
pendence Hall whllo you are in I'nun
delphln. This is on Clietnut street be
l twoen Fifth and Sixth ana you
the Ltoru- Bell SereZd'arTa'
manj other wonSlaV Interesting I
things. Carpenters' Hall, which etanas
In a court oft Chestnut street between
Third and Fourth, Is alio nn old. his-1
torlcal building. It was here that thoi
,-,,- ,i,.. ,. .!. r,. .. tj,
1IIVII ..ICO d LJ4C iJWD., MYJt.f A.wuu,
at 33P Arch street, which is associated
with the flag, an you know. Christ
Church, at Second street abovo Mnrkot,
was orocted In 1727. and mnny famoiiB
A SOOn as Grace hnrt loft TTni-r-iet,
went back to her desk In Mr. Harmon's'
c-acp A little later he called her for I
'dictation nnd she was transcribing the'
letters on her typewriter when he went I
for lunch The moment she was ulonel
i Harriot flew across tho room nnd took I
i the newspaper ont of the waste basket.'
iv hero It had been thrown. It was, onei
I of the more sensational dallies, and on!
i the front page there was a typical I
heart -throb storr alcned hr ;'neiol
writer. Across the top in henw black:
letters ran the caption :
"The Woman of Mvsterv '"
I'nderneath In smaller Jotters ran a
i subtitle.
4,rv Cl, TA.H n. Ti...i .
.V."" "". . ..rv" "" """. "V
' Yh're . I Z IT Amp,,M? ,
' hcrC fo"'meu " column and a half
oP sentlrnentol slissh about the wife of
-v"ln? Ilarry Noll. Ir told nothing, it
wasn t intended to tell anything. It
wn written to start people to thinking.
. ort controversy about tho woman
in the ense. and it filled Harriet with
disgust and dread
There wns nothing new about the
case itself, although there were plentv
of intimations tbat the police were fol
lowing new clues that were sure to track
down the wife. The paper seemed eon
fident that Bnrry was guilty.
Harriet put the paper back in the
basket and went out for lunch. She
' "ivui iiiu.--i ui ii-r 111111:11 iniiir wniKiuK
spent most of her lunch
in the sunshine, stopping for a sand-
wioh mid 11 glass, of milk at n cheap
restaurant nearnj somehow she did
not feel nearly as confident as s.he bad
last night, and the thought of Hnrrj
shut up in n gloomy cell uway from
the sunshine nnd fresh air made her sick
at heart
When she returned tn the office she
group of the girls cathered
1 Lucy Pratt's desk. She was
, lorcwi to pass air. i.raves omce in
order to get to her own, and one of the
1 girls called to her to come 111 Hnrriet
entered reluctantly tnscioub of liey's
unfriendly eyes.
Tomorrow Tim Jade Necklace
Heart of the Home
No room is ejeserving of
more attention than the
place where the family's
meals are cooked.
We invite an exami
nation of the new Gaa
Ranges, which provide
all that is to be desired
in comfort, cleanliness,
and convenience.
All innf-es eolil by us con
form strictly to "A. 0. A."
Specifications, thus iiiBur
inB economical, satisfactory
Thero aro two waye of eating boiled
eggs. Tho English custom, which is also
followed In Canada nnd in some other
countries. Is to plnco the egg In an egg
cup especially constructed for the pur
pose, and to take oft the "cap" or emnllei
end of the shell with a spoon Then salt
Is added to tbo egg. which Is stirred
with a narrow spoon and eaten from tne
shell with this egg Bpoon,
When an American ordeis boiled eggs
In any hotel, club or restaurant In the
United Slates, ho knows that the wRlter'
having ascertained whether the order is
to be Boft-bolled, hard-holled or medium,
conveys then from the kitchen cooked
to the guest's taste, and then breaks
thorn into nn egg-glass much the stiapo
of the English egg-cup, but threo times
na lnrge. Tho guost eats them from this
glnse with an ordinary teaspoon. ElUicr
way is correct, dui no ono ttuoiv,,,u -the
American plan should attempt tne
"served-ln-tlio-shell" order In public
without several private rehearsals
men. Includlng'aeorge Washington, have
worshiped here. lou niigiu '"!,, .,, . . :
visit Old Swedes' Church tit hwansoni mHA I boy is n lucky one; he has (ho
nnd Christian streets, ns this li tne, jl ... j. . . fh. There win
oldest church In the city. Then thero Is ri ht k nt I of mother. There will
the Public Library, nt 'imnwnui ."
Locust streets, the Philadelphia Mint.
at Sixteenth nnd Spring Onrden streets,
the Postofflco, at Ninth and Market
streets, the University of Pennsylvania
and Palrmount Park. When you visit
tho Park. I am euro you will want to
you will goPa Tot of enjoyment out of
going to tho different places I have told
see. tho Zoological uaroens, too i mi'
you oi
.- -
. , - ;i
A v OtnCIl S LOtlCgC
S nodical College. Fulton, Mo an
Institution of higher learning for
women of the Southern Presbyterian
Church, hag long been noted for the
number of Its graduates who enter the
foreign mtoslon field or become the
whes of ministers. A recent survey of
the college gTaduatoa. however, shows
that manyl havo attained success In
othor linos of endeavor Four have be
come bankers, ono la In the grocery
business, one Is In politics, one Is sec
retary of a cemetery association, ono
Us n designer nnd interior decorator,
one a city editor of a dally newspaper
and one the manager of a large Jewelry
The Question Corner
Today's Inquiries
1 Of what Aaluublc new instrument
is Mar? Hallock Oreenewalt the
'.'. Describe nn unusual-looking
Ilower that could be tucked into
tho girdle of a dark nftcrnoou
.1. How is a handy and attractive
shopping bag fashioned?
4. What innkes 11 pretty nnd inex
pensive "shower ' gift for the en
gaged girl? ,
5. For the living-room mantelpiece,
what old-fnshioned ornament Is
again in favor?
0. In what way can photographs
which have become dusty be
Yesterday's Answers
I The bride con pretense one of her
wedding invitations in n ueeful
and original way by inclosing it
in a small, glass-covered tray.
-' Jade-green Is being used for a
great many evening dresses.
R. Pussy-cats' heads form the fore
part of a cunning pnlr of shoo
trees for tile small person.
1 An easy inatruer of removing most
bluing stains is to boil them for
nbout a half-hour.
" The latest mode decrees a notice
ably shorter waistline
0 When the same simple "suit-hat"
most be worn to a party, in the
afternoon, a lace veil thrown over
it will give it n charming, differ"
ont nppearnnee.
WlJSiicsSa.Vr.i!nVn,SJ '
u x.r ." Rt.i,ri jssjmciV$.
The Finest Butter in America!"
Is Down
!f to P
'IjW m Butter
1 ,u
Richland Butter ib 47c
Also bijr value in pure crcainfry print butter.
It takes the cream production of
75,000 Cows
milked twice daily to supply the butter requirements
or our Stores!
Ao Stores all over I'hila.
ir. A.-Wjt
IT WAS very quiet In the llttto restau
rant, and the boy'a voice could be
henrd plainly nt nearby tables.
"Did you see Joe get over the fence
after that ball, though?" he asked In
the slightly utircUlrd tones of seven
teen "Oh. that was beautiful 1" agreed n
pleasant voice which evidently belonged
to bis mother. ".Toe played n very good
game all the way through,"
"Yp-ah," agreed the boy through n
large mouthful. "Did you see me slide,
though, that time on 'first base? Occl
I thought I'd never stop,"
His mother joined in the laugh.
"But why dltl you throw to first that
Unto, Ted, instead of home?" she asked.
There was a man on third, and you
threw to first base "
"Oh that was nil right." declared
Ted, reassuringly. "That was a squeeze
I hero was silence for n time while
I tli li nittneviib nt it. l. t 1 1
Yi hat's your next game?" inquired
ins motner, later.
And then they laid plans nnd made
I prophecies about Hint
. - .-...v .., .., u,t. ,,,,.,
joy or tun worry that he cannot bring
right straight home anu talk out with
his mother.
He doesn't have to leave the dearest
idols of his heart outside the house
with the mud off his shoes.
He can trail them right along with
him into the porlor or his mother's pink
and white boudoir, If he wants to.
And tho beauty f It is he'll want to.
i-sjrim MintViere nn'l matre plenrtu
O with their boys, and then they expect
devotion and obedience.
. ,, t 1 ' , ,,
niuinny n noy who nas oeen giving
erv ounce of his strength, every Inch
of his endurance to win a game or n
race for his team, doesn't enjoy going
homo to a contemptuous person who
looks him over aud says, "I don't see
how you got so dirty. Hurry, now, nnd
get ready for dinner."
He isn't going to tell much nbout the
game or, in later years, anything else
to a mother who has never been to
You will never enjoy that distinc
tive corn flavor until you have
tasted JERSEY Corn Flakes. Look
for the blue seal on your package.
"Learn the JERSEY Difference."
At Your Grocer's
Also maker of Jcrrey Whctt-Whcat Pancake Flour
cIhe Original Qhick Corn Flakes!
J0I1-A s
1 iiicniiin
1 cthdijc rn nl
i thi l?Xlln l'he purie. ,,asl?ur-cd cream of line, healthy cows
i hnnS-? dR,ry ,?cct,ons, th c'llli-e United States. Loucllo
lorfi l If U v,?Alrc: lL '-cxquiBitely pure and has a won-
dSi. IJe'KVorT' lhUt makCS R 8tand Ut' hCad and 8houU
and lhrmiB,uut l-enn.yir.nl.. New
f 0 .- .
see him pl'aj, and wouldn't know wht.
ho wnt doing If she hnd. vh,t
And he feels that tho conimn. .
a parent who "doesn't K.i.J
aren't worth mueh. '"wrstitid"
Rut the hoy who has a i,nl u.
mother, or a mother for a pal uhu
ever way he wants to look at it. JL'V.
enjoy being bad. beratnc he'll tl! l
enjoy Doing bad. beratnc he'll "'
that he cannot toll , ,,. ",, nw
forward. ""Ul
always bo the best part of hiVfiin
TM) Is lucKy- ho has the right kh.4
of mother. k,nl
And Tod's mother lticltr. inn .1
right kind of son. '"
Adventures With a Purge
mrtnnii Is somofblng strongly nppf.t.
ing In dainty handkerchief,, v
mny nrgue to yourself that a hnndkff
chief is only a handkerchief and that It
Is foolish to buv nice ones beeanite Jn
only lose them anyhow, but just V,
same when you see some pretty han(, '
kerchiefs you stop nnd frequently bur''
You could not resist the Madeira ...
with the delicately scalloped borrff
and neat little Initial one rornpr
They are so fine and pretty y0u -in
undoubtedly want to buy a fev, pat.
tloularly when you know that' their
price is only forty-five cent each Thf
would make lovely gifts, inn '
supporc .vou nave n hears ...w
your hair nets in envelopes. wbi, t,
a logical and natural thing tn an
1 umi umr nci come mat war Thtt
is. tney used to come tint r,. .".' il
I now. it vntl nlenue tl.A ' ..D" I
' arf packed Is In isinglats ttibrs. Tt,.;
, ',p rlsj are real linlr nnd come ) ,fi
llhc untifett linrtAB Tl,n K . ..
"- ". ....-,. "". nrr metlinm.
' 'Wd, and so deslgneil that there nren.
cnds: t)"r hairpin will hold the etlr
not In nlaee. At lcit tlmi .1. ' "
fturnncc ono finds on the tube It (
nice to buy them this way, too, becaut,
you can plninly see just what y0,i
buying. Their price is fifieon rent.
each. "
For rami's nf rjinnsi ai!ilrr TTunun'. n
tMltor or nhone W.ilnnl or Stain 3M8. "'
J.rHey, Deluware and Maryland
v. ha k o u. . .....L.UUU.vlVllAfAl
, 1. o. -n-J
-.?.- tjft42&'f&d 1 nl--,yj
" ' - - v zx...mx re-