Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 28, 1921, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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    'I '"ji!W' 5'' ' '"'- '! iv'rt"r'
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Organ Plays at 9, 11 and 4:50
Chlmei lit Js'nim
Slorc Opens at 9
Store Closes at 5
Wanamaker News Is Always Fresh and Always to Be Depended Upon
' J
There Is More Common Sense
Among the Common People
than many of us suspect.
Invariably they use up less time in making their
errands known and in the letters they write than lots
of our best friends and best-educated business
The MOTHS that eat up time and patience!
They flap in for one minute only, and, flattering
one for ten minutes, take ten minutes more to shoot
off an inquiry prefaced by excuses and apologies
which take ten minutes to present.
Moths that eat up time are worse than the little,
flying, silent things that bite holes into our clothes
and carpets.
Don't you think so? i
April SB, 1021.
Fine Costume Blouses
to wear with handsome suits, blouses that will transform a tailored suit
into a costume, form a distinctive collection in the Blouso Shop.
There are somo new and distinctive models of particular interest,
and the assortment includes filmy Georgettes, lustrous silks and soft
satins in colors to harmonize with suits. Somo have just enough hand
embroidery to make them lovely, some are trimmed with real lace and
tvery one is attractive.
$7.60 to $65.
(Tlilril Floor, Central)
ST H.HI tfriraiKtm
In the Women's
London Shop
tomorrow you may see some amazingly good
ready-to-wear country suits for only $35. They are
cut from a tightly knitted 100 per cent worsted
fabric; a fabric which stands seashore dampness
to perfection and is an excellent weight for Spring.
The colors are the brown, blue and light heather
mixtures and the suits are made up in three styles.
(Thr (lollrry, Cliefttnut)
New Wool Jersey Swimming
Suits for Women and Girls
Women arc asking for them now to wear indoors, but they are the
kind of suits thut may be worn on the beaches, later, as well.
They are all of firm wool jersey and in attractive one-piece effect,
with short skirts.
The colors are most effective, and the combinations are very pretty
there are black and white suits, brown suits trimmed with tan, purple
with white, black with rose, and other good combinations.
$10 and $12.50.
(Klmt I'loor. Central)
A Dainty Afternoon Pump at $1 1
Her toes in patent leather, her heels in suede, is the way the
modern woman likes her feet dressed
And here is the prettiest shoe to do it with. A gray suede one
Ftiap pump with patent leather vamp or a patent leather pump with
gray suede back whichever you choose to call it.
By any name, it is exceedingly dainty in shape and material and
workmanship. The low French heel is what many women prefer on
this, kind of slipper, which answers for street or dress wear.
And the price is but $11.
(l'lrnt I'loor, .Market)
A Cedar Chest Will Kill Moths,
Says the United States
Government tests made by the Bureau of Entomology prove
conclusively that n good cedar chest is not only moth-proof, but
that it is certain death to nny unwary moths that may get inside
it. Here's what U. S. Bulletin No. 707 says about it:
"A red cedar chest was utilized .... 10 adult moths and a
supply of flannel were placed in the chest Ten more moths
were added every two weeks until a total of 70 waB reached.
Two months after the last moths were added examination showed
thut ull had been killed and that no eggs or larvae were present."
In a later test: "30 moths and a supply of flannel were
added to the same chest. Observation made nine weeks after
revealed no living adult, no eggs, and no larvae."
"A red ccdur chest readily killed all adult moths and showed
considerable killing effect upon young Inrvne. It did not prevent
the hutching of eggs, but killed nil the resulting larvae almost
Surely proof thut one of these fine RED CEDAR MOTH
PROOF CHESTS we ure selling nt special prices is the very
best and Mifest container for your good clothing.
Priced $10 to $40, in sizes from smull to large, und each
better thun usuul at its price.
(Knurtli I'loor, Market)
High-Necked Nightgowns
'or large women arc here at $1.86 to $3. They are cut from sturdy
"lushn, hnve long sleeves and high necks, nnd are finished with
I unbroidery and tucks.
Beautiful New Arak Rugs
at Lowest Market Prices
Araks are of the family of Mahals, only finer, heavier and closer
woven. They nro rugs that combine fine looks with the practical
quality that makes for service. Dark blue, red, or rose, are the pre
vailing colors and the patterns are of the all-over kind, making pleasing
general effect that lends itself well to various furnishing schemeb.
Arak Rugs
About Dark Blue
Dresses for Women
SOME of the very finest
dresses we have in the
Fashion Salons 1
All the favorite Spring ma
terials ore represented in
them charmeuse, the rich
silk crepes such as Canton, taf
feta, faille and Georgette
crepe. And these are made up,
sometimes with tho greatest
simplicity, as in the case of a
new chemise style of Canton
crepe, which has on it no orna
ment whatever but fringe, and
sometimes with entrancing
ltytlc ruffles arranged in scal
lops or designs.
(I'lrnl Floor
One navy poplin has a bodice
and string girdle, ombroideicd
in pewter color; a taffeta with
n high collar has its bodice em
broidered in self-color, a Geor
gette crepe is ornamented with
coin dots and big eyelets.
Lots of white chalk beads
nre used nnd a few of the
skirts ure of uneven length.
Also a few dresses are com
bined with a good deal of beige
and gray. One soft satin
frock has a simple blouse and
a skirt covered wholly with
knotted fringe.
Prices are $65 to $150.
12.7x9.8 ft $525
14.1x10.7 ft $625
13.0x9.8 ft $545
12.5x9.3 ft $485
12x8.8 ft $155
11.10x8.11 ft $465
10.8x7.9 ft $365
12.4x9 ft $460
Mosul Rugs
Average size, l.OxC ft., $33 to $45.
(Hetentli rioor, Chestnut nnd Central)
13.6x9.5 ft $545
10.6x7.4 ft. $345
10.6x7.10 ft $375
10.6x8 ft $375
12.3x9.4 ft $525
12.10x8.5 ft $405
11.9x9.5 ft $470
If You Want to Be Sure of
an Anglo-Persian Rug
without having to wait till the mill resumes operation, better get it now,
While stocks here arc still good in certain sizes.
The recent price-lowering on these famous Whittall Wilton rugs
took a lot of them out and they nre still going rapidly.
9x12 ft $120 8.3x10.6 ft $109
6x9 ft $74
(Hetenth Floor, Chentnnt)
The Good Traveling
Bags That $9.85
Will Buy
Men's traveling bags of smooth
black, brown, mahogany and rus
set cowhide, excellently made i
on 18-inch size with leather lin
ings und sewed corners.
Women's light-weight traveling
bogs of black long grain and
smooth tan cowhide, in 16-inch
size with leather linings and
sewed corners.
(Mnln Floor, Chestnut)
Filet Collars and
Women nro wearing them not
only upon coats and dresses, but
upon sweaters. The variety here
is considerable. Collars alone are
$1.50 to $3 and sets of collars and
cuffs are $5.
(Main Floor, Central)
Organdies for
Fine Frocks
The dressier organdies arc
these, of fine, beautiful texture,
in lovely colorings nnd most at
tractive designs. Colored dots,
spots and figures on white, nnd
white or contrasting dots nnd
figures on color. A really beau
tiful collection, 44 inches wide,
priced $2 and $2.60 a yard.
(Klmt Floor, Climtnut)
Smart, New Plaid
Skirts for Young
Women, $17.50
These nro the skirts young
women like to wear with sports
coats and sweuters, and they are
certainly most attractive.
These new models are of soft
wool velours in pleasing plaids
there is navy with a ton plaid,
nnd a tan with Copenhagen blue
plaid. They are all in box-pleated
Other new spbrts skirts in
smart plaid and striped effects,
in fnshionablo colors and n num
bcr of good styles, are $21.50 to
Lengths are from 30 to 34
inches, and waist measures from
25 to 29 inches.
(Heeond I'loor, Clieatnut)
We've Changed
Prices on Some
Untrimmed Hats
and they arc now $1 to $5 euch,
though earlier in the seuson the
prices were considerably higher.
They ore dress hats and sports
hats, hats for tailored wear and
hats for general wear in fact
hats for almost nil occasions.
There are black and many good
colored hats, there ure fine nnd
fancy straws, and small nnd large
shapes, und they need littlo ,jrim
mlng to make them into .(.trac
tive Summer hats.
(.Second Floor, Clientnut)
Children's Socks at
Lowered Prices
I8c, three pair for 50c, for
white, cordovan and cadet cotton
socks in sizes 2 to 10 years.
25c n pair for white cotton
bocks with fancy pink and sky
blue tops.
35c, three pair for $1, for
fancy-top socks of mercerized
cotton in many colors nnd plnin
full-fashioned mercerized und
openwork cotton socks in u wide
rnngo of colors.
(Flrit Floor, Market)
Boys' Suits That Stand the Test
The tests of a boy's suit nre many.
Wanamnker boys' suits nre made to stand them all.
Quality, style, fit, service, value for the money these arc the main
Nearly everybody knows that in all these points Wanamaker boys'
suits reach the top-notch of excellence.
Whoever doesn't has something worth while to learn.
Norfolk suits in nil the best fabrics, $16.50 to $35. Some at $16.50,
$18, $20 and $25 have two pair of trousers.
(Second Floor. Central)
More Housewives
Are Asking for
Ruffled Muslin
They seem the most fitting for
simple country bedrooms, and for
rooms in the Colonial spirit.
Prices on ruffled muslin and
grenadine curtains are $2.25 to
$9 a pair.
Very good hemstitched marqui
sette curtains, 2 yards long, arc
$1.50 a pair. This is n special
price on a limited quantity.
Others up to $10 a pair.
(Fifth Floor, Market)
Plant Seeds Now
if a garden is expected. Vege
tables and flowers should both be
getting their start in the ground
not later than' next week.
Seeds for vegetable gardens,
old-fashioned flower gardens,
wild-flower gardens, and the usual
garden varieties.
Tuberoses, gladioli, red and yel
low cannas.
A sure harvest from every
Wanamaker seed packet and root.
(Fourth Floor, Market)
Twenty -Two Years of Intensive
Piano Knowledge
IT IS twenty-two years sirtce
the Wanamaker Store first
began to sell pianos.
Nearly a quarter of a cen
tury of intensive concentration
on pinnc buying and selling
hns put us in the position of
leading piano merchants.
We have studied the people's
pinno desires. We know which
instrument is best suited to the
needs of the individual piano
seeker. Therefore we sell not one
piano, not two or three pianos,
but ten different kinds of
pianos nnd player-pianos, each
of which we believe to be the
The Chickering
The Emerson
The Lindeman
The Jr. C. Campbell
The Autopiano
best of its kind in America
It takes this large variety
of instruments to meet the re
quirements of a wide and va
ried range of piano-purchasers.
In twenty-two years we hnve
become musical experts, in our
knowledge of Pianos and
People, nnd their relation to
each other. We have watched
for, sought out, nnd secured
the privilege of selling only
the best.
The pianos found here can
not be equaled elsewhere at the
snmo price.
The Schomacker
The Marshall &
The Haines Bros.
The Brambach
and the Celebrated Knabe
Twenty-two years have not
shown us a better instrument.
We think you could not find
better in a long search.
In addition to n right price
(Egyptian Hall,
h the further advantage of
convenient terms of purchase,
nnd the fact that we will nc
cept your used piano in part
Second Floor)
Five Books of
The first by Arnold Bennett is
called "Things That Have Inter
ested Me," and is a collection of
brief essays on a vast number of
subjects, most of them entertain
ing, $2.60.
"Majesty," by Louis Couperus,
s the second. Tho book contains
for characters only rulers and
princes and the individuals of
their immediate environment, yet
they are exceedingly humnn, $2.
"First Aid for the Car," by
Harold Whiting Slauson, is a
practical guide which will appeal
to everybody who has anything
whatever to do with a car, $1.50.
"O. Henry Memorial Award
Prize Stories of 1920," chosen by
the Society of Arts and Sciences.
The second and probably the finer
volume of prize torics issued by
this society, $1.90.
"Hat Wing," by Sax Rohmer.
A mystery story, $1.75.
(Main Floor. Thirteenth)
Silk-Covered Air
Pillows, $2 and $2.50
A very low price on these good
traveling cushions of silk-covered
rubber, which both train and
motor travelers find indispen
sable. Every one guaranteed. Take
ihem for $2 and $2.50 while they
(Main Floor, Chestnut)
Two Special Lots of
Boys' Sports Hose
3.jc. three pair for $1, for heavy
ribbed mercerized1 sports hose in
black only, with turnover cuffs;
iizes Hi to 10.
50c b pair for a new lot of
heavy bluck and brown derby
iibbed sports hose with turnover
cuffs with contrasting color
stripes of artificial silk; sizes 8
to 11.
(Went Alule nnd Klmt Floor, Market)
What a Man Looks for
in a Suit of Clothes
This usually depends upon the man.
We have a stock that appeals to all kinds of men
who are in any way particular as to quality, fashion and
the value they are getting for their money.
About these last three essentials it is our experi
ence that most men are agreed. They want the best
the best in quality, the finest fashion and the largest
measure of value.
This is one stock in which they can choose to the
greatest possible advantage.
They have the advantage of the finest quality known
in the men's ready-to-wear clothing business, the finest
fashion, the best value and the best-chosen assortment
of colors, patterns and styles that any man could wish
Just now we have a very attractive showing of the
light-colored fabrics in herringbone and tweed effects
that are so much in demand.
It all comes to this, sir, you can have the best suit
for your money, and if you take less the fault will be
Men's suits, $30 to $65.
Youths' suits, $28 to $40.
(Third Floor. .Market)
Men 's Soft Hats at $3
a Clearaway Sale
So as not to have any soft hats left when the straw
hats come, we will make a quick and complete disposal of
the former at a price not to be resisted for hats of this
These hats which go on sale tomorrow at $3 have
been $2 to $7 more. They are odds and ends, with not all
sizes in every shape and color, but all sizes in the lot.
The man who takes the time to be fitted will have a find.
All fine in fashion and in a good range of colors.
(Main Floor, Market)
Men's Fine Summer Shirts
With a History
Owing to the scarcity of linen in this country during the war,
the Government bought up huge quantities of the fabric used in
typewriter ribbons for use as balloon cloth. This material was
chosen because of its amazing durability for a fabric so light
in weight.
Subsequently some of this balloon cloth was made into shirts
and you can imagine what wonderful shirts it makes. Though
light and cool it is extraordinarily tough and washes like silk.
wc nave some of these shirts in soft-cuff, plain neglige style
nnd in colored pin stripes. The price is $4, and considering tho
fact that they will outwear two ordinary shirts, this is little
(Main Floor, Market)
Men's Dress Oxfords
$7.50 a Pair
At this modest price we hnve two fine-looking low shoes for
men. One is of patent leather and the other of dull black calf
skin. Both have perfectly plain toes of very graceful shape, light
welted soles and flat heels.
They have the appearance of much higher priced footwear.
(Main Floor Market)
An Uncommon Showing of
Men's Golf Shoes
(In the London Shop)
We have been told that it is the most complete assortment in
Tan Norwegian calfskin oxfords with rubber soles and
smoked elk with tan saddle straps and rubber soles, $10 a pair.
Tan Norwegian high shoes with rubber soles, $11.
Leather soled oxfords with spikes, $9.50 and $12; high shoes,
$10.50 and $12.50. Air-peds can be put on these.
And as to Air-peds
Ted Ray wears them. PTT
r, . i. . K.'t
ao aoes narry varaon.
So do thousands of other good
These rubber grips are better
than spikes because they give you
n good, comfortable stance on any
kind of ground (imagine spikes on
a pebbly road!); because they will
not harm the putting greens; be
cause you can wear them into the
$1.50 a set for n puir of shoes,
in tan or black, to match
(The (allrr.r
All Through the Summer
Children Need Coats
ure included in the
nnd, of course, they need them
in the Spring when we huve so
many cool days. All the good
kinds of conts mother likes ure
heio in the Children's Store
eoath for every day, coats for
play, couts for best.
White corduroy, serge, tan
polo coats, coats of lustrous
crepes de chine nnd tnlfctn in
white and delicate colors, littlo
capes all
Prices start at $-1.50 for white
corduroy and go to $25 for the
fine dress coats. 1 to 0 yenr
Hats to wear with the couts
white pique, rep, white cotton
sailors, and fine straw hats are
here in interesting variety. $1
to $0 nnd 1 to 0 year slic.
(Third I'loor, Clieiluut)
.. '" '.: n. . . .-VI
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"MP tW.
Here Is the Best Low-Priced Bedroom
Furniture in the Country Going
at 30 Per Cent Less
Here is a furniture event that bears out the old saying, "It never
rains but it pours." It comes close on the heels of the Sale of very fine dining
room suits at 40 per cent off, and it brings a new purchase of medium-grade
furniture the best of its kind in the land at 30 per cent below the latest
low prices.
This furniture comes from the factory which makes most of the low
and medium priced furniture we sell.
You often hear of "popular-priced" goods. This is the best furniture
that we know of at popular prices.
Certainly it is unexcelled to our own knowledge, and we don't know
any that quite equals it in all-round merit.
Above all others it is the furniture for people who have just so much to
spend on a suit or a piece. It is the furniture for people who have Summer
homes to equip.
It is the best collection of furniture of this grade offered in years at
such an advantage in price. There ai seven patterns to select from, includ
ing mahogany, walnut and enameled and decorated.
You may buy a complete suit or a single piece, as your need dictates.
There are several pieces of each kind twelve of some and as many as thirty
of others.
There are suits at $178, $215 and up to $862. Single pieces from
$18 for a bedside table up to $102 for a bureau. It is a remarkable
opportunity, indeed.
(Utli Floor, ClieMiml)
(Tlilru floor, uenirai)