T 'V &tin trp'TrjrfZt Af 1'iW'tvuff 4 ' f-tV A f ' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHlLADBil'HIA , THTJKSDAY, 'APEIL 281921 MOW MANY CARDS? By ISABEL OSTRANDER Author of "The hland of Intrigue," "Sutptnae," 'Athes to Aahtt," etc. " CowrieM, Jill, Vy Kebrf U. UcBrtt, 4 Co. THE GUMPS A Peep Behind the Scenes liy Sidney Smith m t I "f - - - unrBwi II IWU m ..., . 4E RYNOrfilS i uld-bc '" enters the pita- ii.1 rt sidtnre nf Eugene Chritlnpher rrtvtling. Mr ',"' out again in l.i mm into rnc nonnj or o aercc- l, lie profMM Ac Ann" "noMfnp rjo ,f(M tfAor i dert." On the f"0'' " room "M " """ 'u timing clothe, the front of hi Tilrl crimson with blood and by hit Mt a hvge nimy revolver. The tnbte 1. hid for '"" "'"' ehampanne on L Jilt KIIHU-IHWI . ,, . ....nt 13 bi nf human being. Vrcvclinp uilti "' rf "' c nitoeiattd JilS the wealthy, and nt one time rtt poken of on "the million -a;' .1 ,. uri r'rriintin rtiorufr m " m7""M ' k'MP the mtrdtrcr to iuitice. Alexander, utter in huimei to Cicveling and ,(h tf Mr, t'reveltng, object In Itr activity and desire in unearth XI mystery. The dead man it re tried to hate quarreled with Dong Li X? overly, tcflo had left the house h a rage. There had been n robbery tl SDtne ftre1. nnd Mn. -Ifri. rmelfnc'-' '""'""j ,fl" omited, let ,,l on oati" and disappeared. "Then Ul became nf Ihe jeteclry! .Ifc Forty demanded. .ND HERE IT CONTINUES lT DON'T know, sir. strike me pink ! ' Rollins tone wnsunmiHinnnui sin- 'None of tin run finger out uhot terf '.unfnfd m li ROt ball, tnoilgn wnrrc it come from Gawd known'. It Isn't often that pfnn In service as trienoa mat tin rlijc up ?1 0,0001" ?hm'n,V , the other led him across "If "l nd ceremoniously opened an other door. How 'could the mah Cutter have Anticipated IiIh coming? Was It sheer bravado or wan Cutter Informed bv the paper of the Investigation nnd the name of those In charge of It. and prepared to giva him some fsets which would help in the solution of the myMery? As he pnsucd over the threshold he won aware at flret only of n rich, rubv Rion- fnillns on rowa upon row of exoiiMtel- tooted bookt whleh llnetl the wnlla, tipping with gold the marntficent hronre groups that stood here and there In Uie vast recfis?. of the room and gleaming softly on Marnvhucd silken apcstrlcs and mellow, deep-piled rugs Into which his own heary-noled boots sank with what seemed to him an nl most profnne pressure. He started when the butler touched MN arm and murmured dcprccatlngly : "Jour hut. sir," and relinquished it with the seme feeling with, which he would have handed over his favorite blackthorn nt the entrance to some mu scum. Then all at once he was conscious of n tall, distinguished figure advancing toward him with erect, soldierly bear ing, and n rich, musical, hearty voice with just a hint of amused tolerance runnlns thrnueh It ptrlnlmcH "I have been awaiting you, Mr. Me Cnrty: Take this chair and hoe s ujmmmu-jm 'gs-rmii" w.a i mk? m mi yammw mmn r sm 'wvmmr ajsss ?::" 3 SOMEBODY'S STENOG Perfectly Hygienic it K i ' m tifj nay want It. but we was all glod when I''fJAr :t.T think ou'il rind these to your innii. Ah thouah in 11 iln.i MrCnrtv frit the grip of a soft but vigorous hand. ) and found himnclf In the depths of a great chair with th; best cigar he had (vpr smoked between his tcpili nnd keen. CHAPTER XI . him'"""'''" Kr0 " S",lling ',0Wn a' Hlrds of Different Feather "You're Mr. Nicholas Putter, sir?" 1 LEAVI.M tne irevenng nouse, jic no asked Wlico he could find his voice. I r.r for the scond time that day !$' J1' h' 9J''"'- 1Ji $,; , boitdfd n "nuth-going hus, having as .ot vo y , ' rtalned from Rollins that Mr. Nidi- "Your former colleague, or- er 1 -iis cutter lived on lower Fifth avenue competitor. Mr. AVade Tfrhune. has, . u..hinvinii iniinro nml ! n'ready paid me a call and he told me ,Mr Washington square, nnd as be ,, , m,R,u Mp(.et ,ml hortjv... Mr. wit downtown he wondered somewhat Cutter dropptd Indolently into a chnlrl !.iir If further mrster wein In irropt nnd utrntrhfil nut lil lnnir llm 1iirt IUti.' - " .'-- - - - '- rt- . : "V- -" . tim at hh destination. Neer had he luxurious.) 1 m quite ready to tell known a ense wmi so ninny eonniciing ;-. ';-.".. .. "" ""- " lements. so many tin cads which led Kugcne Lrcveling . Doarcntlv nowhere, such nn Inextrlc- 1 , ,So Terhime had .been before him and iblc tangle of tnntnllzlng suggestions 1 ,Icft "'"J 'ronil' warning, knowing that .S (oiLn i,m. Hnmouliorn nmnnr. it would be reoeatei McCartv stifled tbem. lie knew. ln tlie solution to the a P"'fnne observation nnd his own hon- IU.W. ...I ... . . AB Kit... A. A.. .1.J In .... tf. .. Inl eoirnis. but it bum ciuiieu mm. vouia icnv ""r in m hiiihuibhi Cutter turn out to be as much of a I "v,r his companion. He saw a man in puttie as the rest of them had been? ,h 'fl,p .for,i"' with a dark. lean, almost int numoer git en nun jirovcn to up -- .i j.t. .,. ...h ... that nf nn old-fashioned, square innn !'",'' temples, a man who bore himself Ion of brick and brownstone situated I "', "", cordial but unconsciously aloof upon s corner nnd running back to nn i",ipnf nrl aristocrat and yet about whom touminl depth upon the side street, l" ere appen red to be an alert tensity with high wall bordering the strip 'nN "f ,nnp hnbitull on guard There of rnrd which separated Its ,.ten"lon seemed to McCarty to be something from the house at the rear MrCnrty tvK"cl. familiar about that exprcsion ; Itmllod past and examined the extcn- "'"u 'e mec nan lie enrounieren 11 ion 'Uth curious ejes. It resembled befor" .' 1 con'rrvfttnrj. but the wnlls and dome "You 11 excuse me for intruding on irere formed of thick, opaque, rubbled , you. sir, hit we've hardly nny clues rli, behind which be fancied he could to work on nnd 'ti only through Mr. dixlnguisli a network of strong, pro- iCrevellng'n friends nnd nssoeiates that tMing wires, sureij. if there were 1 we can hope to get a line on him. Mc plants In mere tncy were or etrnordl-nan- value to require Hitch gunrd. and mu't be of some species which needed no tunlight The shades had been raised at all the itZtliV OUT AM' GET ME. gSlIS ,SR THESE 3GS ARE- THVf HAVE. A0T BEEAt- TOUCHED . SAFE PLACE TO DEAL.' Lff. i SOME EGGS FOR HEAD- ALURIfiHT r U STRICTLY FRESH? BY HUMAM HAMDS 11 THE r- JFI MUST Te.u MOrm&m ! BREAKFAST- I Whe IN V r'E"faJ J PROCESS OF AAAWUFACTURE I If sssf'p '. IraRSOTjHEM U0AEYfj4A CT 7 Sf AM5 IMCE THEV WERE MADE $$& ) 7 M7' A &&P ' fWK tiPTIM -SEAEt AIR-TIGHT ftt f Tfl H y4 The Young Lady Across the Way Carty began nt last. "We're trying to find out what motive he cum hnve had for killing himself." Mr, Cutter's eyebrows went up nnd he put the tips of his lone, slender. window of the house, but they were tapering lingers together n hnlitml f,Hn'' Thi. fltithnrltl msfkfd bv heavy lace curtains, behind uhicli kuiic darker material hung In I close fold nnd no sljn of life nppenred about the establishment I MeCarfj mounted Ihe broad stip I which led to the massive front door nr.d I sounded with a vigorous hand the bronze SoV The nuthorltles have come to the conclusion that it was suicide? That was not the impresion I gathered from Mr. Terhune." "Mr Terhune Is a private detective, sir. a scientific criminologist, he calls Mmelf nnd n unnrle,- he Is in KOme knorser which faced him between the i icspccts with his little recording ma-' wmi- purrm n.i rrno crnstiru upon chines and mien, hut im a special iep bik ears like the clnng of n jail ntc'utv on the police force nnd one of the and prnmptl) the door swung open, re n!d school Suicide the assistant med jeahng nn rlderlv figure In conMiitionnl 1 icnl examiner names It. and as a suicide Mack whose fnded ejes blinked tapldly I I'm investigntinit the ense." McCnrty's n iie rns of the setting miii as thnuyn tone was that of one harnessed to rou unarrustnrned to I tt light 'tine, but there wns a speculative gleam 'Mr Nicholas Cutter. Does be live in -he gne be bestowed upon his host, here'" MrCnrt nsked Mr. Cuttei shook his bend. ies, ir ine doorway was uidr i.nr .., l... nr i.,..i..t, but the shrunken, stoop-shoulilered fl urc ffeineu consciously to till it n JIc Ctnv mtide a move to step Inside ' I'd like to see him." ' I will see. sir. If he is disengaged " The em nl's tone wns gentle with old fuihlnniM courtesy rather thiui obL 5'iiousneis. but he still blocked the aoornsj "What name, sir'" 'Timothy McCarty. though 'twill mtan nothing to him .Tnt tell him that I'm here on u most important pn 'ate muter." ome in, sir ' The man threw the dvir wider and turning led the wnv 71th tottering but siirprislnglv quick .u...:-,,? ui 11 .wonii door ni ine fine ..,,. .,- , ... 1uj,i ,; .1, 1 the dim hallway "I do not know , "' TT"'"" ". "SL JVY.: .. !X.. Z .1 your Mr. McCarty, nnd your medical ex lien's diagnosis ought to be conclusive, but isn't there room for doubt? I'm not nctuiilly insinuating that some one broke in and shot Mr. Crevclliig. but have nu looked at the case from nil sides?" "If there wns room for doubt thnt it wns suicide what else arc you thinking of but murder. Mr. Cutter?" McCarty demanded. The other shiuggeiT. "I have formed no opinion, person alh. I can no more conceive of Mr ('reveling killing himself than 1 can of nnv one UISIUIIK 10 nine inn nir. jci nn- that he will be -ible to see miu. but I m take your message. "Thanks," McCarty said dr.vl He sas accustomed to encountering elfrnnt rr insolence nnd servility from the domestic staff in the homes of the neb. h'U the formal dignity of this ancient rfrainer wns new to his experience shot of a pistol fired by bis hhnd or that of nnotlicr If the authorities are sat isfird thnt It is n case of suicide that is odb slep on the way to Its solution ' "Ynu'io known Mr. Crevelini a long time?" "Since he left the university, but nnir cAHtiA v hi those earner years. When the Intter hnrl illinnnninrl thnlir.. ..-nc hnrlni- bin tllnc in the brlcht -rcundsniaii glance 1 wondermgly iKbts and my tnsten drew ine in quite about him The entrance hall hnd been another direction; il wni only nfler bis so dark that coming in fioui the glare I marringe and through n niutunl friend of the street he hnd been nble to make I thnt I really came into contact with out only vaiuely the outlines nt einir I I, In, nml dlscniered thnt we hnd nn in tnoub oddly shaped chairs and settles ana chests, the great tlreplni e and 1 111 in staircase with a beavllv cnrictl balustrade, but somber as it wns he fa gained nn impression of spnee and pouplnj of unostentntioiis elcgnnce btside which the costly liixuriounes of w Cre eling house seemed tawdry nnd blatant in comparison As a boy in the old count rv lie hnd onee been invited together wifn other "llngc children to a nieniornblc "treat" at the caMle which dominated the conn ,r nnd hnd strnyed tinbldtlcn into the ff'nt iiall; the one through width In "id jiifl passed would have filled barely 6 corner nJA nnd yet something 111 it tmoiphore recalled thnt glimpse nf the Plendnr of lung-pnM feudiil days ns ""thing e'h, in Amerii'n lind cer done ar'J 1 sensation of awed iiiluilrnlion noli. a er him. I'hr little leceptloir room into wlilio I hud bten ushered Menied on the "ijitrary to be almost hare, with il-. vheately ecrved chairs nnd tnlilcs. II. ."(v.iim inmn, nml thp ruriniK Ine fl'icinl cabinet, iinnn the lirnml tnn nf t crest in (amnion which rrnneren on congenial " ., "And what was that interest, Mr Cutter? ' McCarty nsked quickly "A loc of the bcnutlful in nil things, textile, books. pnlntlng. pnreelnlijs. sdilptuic It hnd Inln dormant In him but with me it was Innnti. the passion of 11 lifetime: he had the acquisitive real of a collector and I the npprecln tion of nn hereditary possessor but I was niitumlly Interested 1u finding a kindred spirit where I hnd lenst tnnught to dlscoer one. If you were a con nolMcur. Mr. McCarty. you would un ilerstnnd wbnt a pleasure it wns to me to liistrud nnd ndvlie him in bis choice ..,,., In innnv 111 SIHHrH lllll lie -be wns learning What lie learning pit? :" "Yes. sii ' McCnr.y agieid gi-aeh "Who was the mutual friend that brnoshi mi Ingether?" t Mr Pouelas W overt . "llliu!" McCurty ejaculated 'And in he hni ou call n connoisseur int. t utter siiuirii wiui its: jv 1 i i m 1 W THE TERRIBLE-TEMPERED MR. BANG By FONTAINE FOX We asked the young lady across . the way what hc t nought of the pentathlon and sne ald she didn't believe there ever was a girl that didn't look better in skirts. "frill VoMAN IN THE FLAT A0OVE M C , II PUT A RUG ON Trie. WINDOW 5ILL U yjl $ fo 0CAT IT AND ALU TH - wmmt W- OUST AND PitVT CAME f K KtGHT 1)0 WN INTO &mJ ZMf7k v Sang's Window. M, rirt SCHOOL DAYS By UWIG 1 iMyp rwmLTHL mm& x iiii -r'o,"i--zr'- ww' It 11 u How To W pv VUV.O VOMH PETEY Inside Stuff By C. A. Voighi ITTT1 ' cJUL- 1 r-4i-A Cmickekj 1 I II l w,Lt HAVE To I 4 U5E DVWAVMtTE -TMtfT (SJV wevt D0fU HAVE To BE6W 6PEUDIUC Njowem To feed Hl5 CHlCfcEkj & FROM klOW V Vftrc OKI J I i 1 f ((ill p (Mkz,IX A 1 ' npv" xJ li ' ;PeTev-i DtDwr J, p ' n ' 1! MC 1 ; v y fV-. let mi.i Vn.niAn - L Y ' 1, , y r into1 CM VTT... n,...-,cn 9rt () :. MWrF MM .v&-2 s " y ro . i j: s; mf?; j' yiSfeA'Mv A ttuSm ?Vf I til - T .i . wmi f( t M v jcr. ' . I T X VL 1 r ' BSF ' t lltll 1 XV MM - .7 I M. I . AT r -. . -' " K. 1 i 1 ' 1 ' . evident M- 111, Il I r .... 1. ...1 ... "...1 .7 ' 11 nun- 1, i-r ill Miiurii 11 11 pMiu lllllli'lii'-Mi , . ., LBS blue tdmid in solllnry stale. Kennli. "You Im'c nlreadv inter'lewed turn "'"riiiui t. couifnrtnbly iimrrud sUicr l .ec. No Mr Waerl Is n good .. . " .'Mil, II HUM,. lll'IIIIT.l 7-11. -i V M'U, u .-.,. , , t ,1 U . In !Wlv. wiin the onl, woman whom .Mr-f sportsman nnd n capital fellow, but he lrt nilmilled to bis fiiciidshlp nml . in ll(, Interest in-er-nntlnues. How ier. I fear we 111c wiinuhr .'"i " "ft" ililllerul "pnrhii" was In bun III' 'Piininr of i-hccrfiil jroml liisie: ciie I er few dollars nml she would luue bud "it room Innlil.ix like MimilhitlK tin1' 'as mesiit In be liied 111. ie it lind J" air nbout II. nt thai, iilliiough lie '"'lid imt lime In'd wbeiein ln the ill" '"!',"" "n'1 '"' known thin ench article rniiiiilmd W"M well-iiluli price ''" thnt nunc nf llieiii- like tin ned-(iii.lniikiii!j ai--hml grnicil 'e palaces nf cmp rors lonit dead, mil '"t enib had 11 lilstmy which would "e rialed nn Arabian Nights of the yniunrl.ins he woubl luue In en dill impres,cd. htil it would lime imide no tiirrerence In Ills perninal opinion the old iiku, Mi-rvit u( had cln-id lh' '"" upon him with a' certiiln delinilc ""Knf gemurp uhlrh luude lllll! hcsiiiili '''I rifitw.,. u 1 11...... 1.... 1... 1....1 . "i" i n nun inivii, inn ue inn Vlne " wait Almost lmnieillntely 'riner leappeiucil and Ibis "I'llieii III '1 lltim. I In. .lull ,,,. -sir Cutler Iiiih been expecting jou '". t'nii,. .1.1 . J,l('nrh fultuunl, iliiuib with uston 1 Hide lime. As I sum. I nuoi ''.'" win Mr. CreveliiiR should have killed himself unkss- " "T'nle.s what?" McCarli lentjed fnrunnl nnd his teeth clamped upon bis eigne. , ,11 "I wns coing to say. unless lie had Midden luken leave nf lit- n'lu-e. Mr Cutler replied, stirring uiiensih In his ilinlr "l would not hai sug ...,.i ii ..m n nnsuihllln . but now thnt 'I haic pefiniticd mysef this lndiscre tlou I lilli't lell you nunc ir.uiKii nun uu seiernl nccnslnns nf Inte Air Crcic ling I1111 -reined to be rntliei er- pecu Miu, Not exactly Irintlonnl. but be bus let go. I Iitrtil of bini-elf oii'C the met est lilllex. worked hllli-i'lf up uilo 1. state of ungojernnble fury be niise nf hiime sinnll nnnoynnec or dlf fereine of opinion at which he would Inn c Inuglied n Jenr ngo." Difference of opinion1 Mi Cart .ideated "With whom. .Mr ( utter.' rOVPINI Kl TtVHMll THE CLANCY KIDSTimmie's Up Againat It By Percy L. Crosby VANAME'auiCK'AffOorj rr'f r-mifuE ) IlniBB 3erre WioeNY0AiJ ocfofecHet- JWIPB5 T.J ? rM'M M)G6H 6oy-L I AM! IKHOlKZOOliTl ClCKrAHV FUFP fOOGHT AND All UCCAUiC IGOTSUCH !KP RIGHT s j& ,f: FRICND5 N0THIN(T rfrflfll (. -K7 fl I III RUTT VMM IN irtl ' . jU A- ,-v &?. L"":"' 'vv.l" c .ctrrn 11 ... . -i v. ... ," ; kl. jrr.-j wo f i kihk lil.'.ui l!!l siai I "-sr -"w II ( (?' .l" ft, A TATrU A AOminm! u rrucmEwjAmmr r wysm hVaga?- Jh rlii: .ijc'w(Ki3 ?o L. -. , v by & w fun's' 6 ic L . . ;- w ) n '4' I v ,,( j. I? ii il r J t irv rt