Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 28, 1921, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15

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Letters to the Editor j
Msrrlaae and Happlnesa
rtkt BdUor t he EvttHna Publlo Motr.
air In reference to the remark tif "A
..Vr-IlM Olfl" I" " '"u! ef Apr" l0' '
ln 10 ' fw 1,n"'
mril she 1 wfn wh,n ,h "W ,h' fl"
T" ....... ..IJ .ltJ(t ..Hank
Mini of Ins W1V" "" "'!" ' -".
I with tM DSCneiur hiiip. .. "- io
t wouM net csre to live In thin ssner-
. .j f .. In t.rltl 1! II tllA ltn
lion ror woum v..r --
',, children of "horn I am th. proud
" ' A ,00-i many women fe thinking
eni m ""n "n" "" he nl 'h, "
'ertatnlr to b ,,,led ,n(1 not 'nV'"1, Ut me
..it yi u wh
WHsre l omn "' re(lt,r x,lu" ,0 ,n
.rid thin In the home tralnlnc teachlna-,
?1 eltln. out of a bit of clay? Whm,
eray o",n- " rMl womn' more
' ' mofe contented, morn t rest, mora
a., mere lovln; and mam loe.l than
i.", a ?hi. unitWih. aoa.iin. aod.
-..nAinr occupation?
Jf, an4 the axerare trmth.r and compere
'J La but do It with n open mind I
ix"'Ly. the elderly maiden or
'."'Jl.ior. but they certainly look any
S?, but hrr. toxlnr contented peopl.
" m very happy and .xery women I know
'..h.t children li aleo happy and de
" ".... hem. and family. Joodnee.
hi? mould happen If they er not? This
"!.. . ..nl rtusel. children would
0I ...7 iv.. would hate their hue
.'..a' husbands would llvo In tho
""" ..., ih. narrow and selfish In
".....I 'm y. "Well, that la almost the
,n, read the newspaper..
woman wottlA practice stntlcness
.hk would b low Per cent
Woman's envy manes ner
Loiters to the Editor should bo as
brief and to tho point us possible,
avoiding Anything ttmt would open
a denominational or sectarian uls
cuiilon, No attention: will be paid to anony
mous letters. Names and addresses
must bs slKiud s an evidence of
food faith, although names will not
be printed If request Is mado that
they be omitted.
The publication of n letter Is not
to be taken as an Indorsement of Its
views by this paper.
Communications will not bn re
turned unless accompanied bv post
age, nor will manuscript be saved.
xytted In what was known as Bible Or
chard The lerncy also provides for the
Dment of ten ehllllnss yearly to lb r
ror preaching- the sermon on the occasion,
"commendln th eicellency. the perfection
and divine authority of the Holy Scriptures."
This singular custom was observed eier'y
year, with the exception that the dlce
throwln now takes place on a tabl aracted
at tha chancel steps, the bishop of the dlo
case havlnr decided In 11180 that the Com-
ttiunton table waa not the pronar place for
n ranie,
Wants Home for Rabbit Hound
rofdf Krtlforo fne Kvtrtnp JiiMic .edorr? f .Blr' w "" '
Sir I hali a nice rabbit hound, ten ","yK "' , .,h" ninth
months old (male) I would like to aive It "iJ?.il!,,Jni. ....
When I nut louna man (about fifty ear
ho) an A-No 1 younc man rould earn ISBi'
or ISOr, a ear and his board, and hs could
walk four or fle mllea Hunday evenlnta to
sea his best sir I and save most of h)s earn
Inrs to buy a home for himself and her
And when they settled down they could
to to cljurch In s lumber wagon, drawn by
a yoke of oxen or a heavy work team, and
live happy and contented In their rlrcum
ttarres, snd verv few ever thoucht of dl
Noice At the time I waa llvlnir down In
I sllll know conditions In that section
Nowadays the same kind of a man can
earn from tSOO to 11600 a veer, but he must
spend It all for automobiles and Ice cream
and theatres, movies and all kinds of par
ties In order to make an Impression on the
fair bX, and when they net back from their
costly honeymoon trip. In most case, they
have not enouth left to buy a bed to
sleep In, and tho (sir one, who hss been
brouiht up to suoh terrible extravagance and
styles, drives her husband to desperation by
her demand for the continuation of this
extraxarance, and hence misery and di
vorce. The cure is let us go hack to the old
happy tlmas. and let us teach the oncoming'
generation that economy, Industry eelt-d-nlal
and a happy una contented home should
be the first objects, and style, extrdvagance
snd high-toned parties must be lsst If we
would do this, the dlvorao lawyers and the
dlvcrce Judges will soon have to go to work
at something else than helping along to
bleak the bonds of those whom flod hath
Joined together P.EUDISN T SIaATEII.
Philadelphia, April V3, 1031
Liquor Fighting Its Last Fight
To Hit Editor o the Sventna I'ubhr Ledger:
8lr Allow me to voleo m protest against
tho sentiment against prohibition R ex
pressed Ih the Ktorum of jour Issue of the
14th by one who signs himself "Vox Popull '
What right has he to speak for the people
and declare agalnat the enforcement of th
laws put upon our statute books bv politi
cians who could not hold out nny longer
against publlo opinion? Is he ashamed of
his position that he cannot ilgn his own
It should be evident to any one who Is
open-minded on the question that the liquor
Interests are fighting their last fight, and
with nothing to loss and a. poselblllty of gain
nnd last but not lsaat. i PUDlio opinion will punisn tne Moiaiors oi
If every
iej courtesy.
nole..,..Ci. h.r vanity makea her unjust
??.t etery woman Is guided by her heart
i5'.V.h.n bv her head, and this Is usually
II. reuse of her mlstakea and her troubles
""."....;. without chanty Is like .
A,.k.v4 desert without an oasis there
frn'JVltmen. of comfort In h vtrtu. q
Philadelphia April J!0. 1021.
Where Do They Function?
T. Iht Miter of (he Evenlao PubMe Ledor
sir-Tour article "Old Dollar and Nickel
i,s Functioning Again." appearing In the
Pnuc Ldo April 4. contains some highly
feur sting "dope." but you failed to glye
u ."mi real Informatlon-th.t Is. where to
", first-class goods at price, quoted b
rTou re pretty n-"- eomet on eugar.
., potatoe. and coffee, but the butter
at, clothes and coal are away off We
weald like to know the name of the store
rreln jou can Buy lour aoicn m r. mi
10 some one who would le It a wood home
ro"jou think any of your readers would care
to hae Itf Call between! 2 and 4 p. m
2TI! South Jessup street, Philadelphia
Answers .Uebt Problem
To tht Editor o the Evrtifno lb.'lo Lfdoer.'
8n In reference to problem submitted by
James T) Wrrec, Jr. April 21, which
A and D owe 12276 A agrees to pay 120
Men day If B will pav tl first day, 12 sec
ond day, 18 third day, etc. How many days
wttl It take to psy the debt and how much
will each psy?
Let X equal number of days It takes to
pay oft debt
Therefore, B N over 2 IAtU20N
Substituting. 227BX over a (14-X1 20X.
Clearing of fractions: X2 41X 4360r.u.
Factoring, we hale (X-I-OJ) tX BOl-O
Thirefore, X 01 and X 50. since we
cannot use 01 In this case, hence It takes
so days to pay on
Troof. fl-BO over 2 (1 ri0)2SyM-.
1127S, TVs share, 82nxrt0x2OU000.
A'a share, f K D .J27B A and II
Hoping this will iiot take up ioi much
space In your People's rorum. 1 thank you,
Philadelphia April 22 1031.
Problem also solved b Ernie Hebson
CI ester, Pa.
Pronunciation of Havre de Grace
Jo th' Edttar o( (de Bvcnfnp- Puollr t.tdgtr' t
Blr Would you kindly publish the proper
pronunciation of Havre tie Orace, Md ?
y. n.
rtrldgeton, N J . April IT. 1021,
It Is pronounced very much as If spelled,
Haver do (Iran, the last "a" havlnr the
sound of "a" In air.
Allen and Military Service
To th. Editor o tht Kvmtna I'ublle Ledotr:
Blr Does an alien hive to get his second
naturalization papers before he csn enllm
In the army and navy? 1 W D.
Philadelphia, April 21. 1921
The War Department saya that It Is not
necessary for an alien who desires to enter
the United Btetes armv or navy to have
either hi first or second cltltenshlp paper
The very fset that the man enters anv
branch of military service entitles him to
first cllltensilp papers
Age of Petroleum
I To the Kditor of the Rvenino Public I.tdotr:
T- fll. I ..... ... .II...,... k a,...t..m. la. a
Dtr I .WW mi .hub. gn iu pnil il. will i),
century Isn't this nn
C, U T.
Phllsdelphla, April 21 1021
This woUId be quite In keeping With the
times, since petroleum hss been known In
various parts of the world since esrly times
It was used In the wslls of Babylon and
N'ineveh, nnd Its various usages nmong the
ancients were described by Herodotus
woman can hide behind It until the buRatd
are past, la entitled "laeea," or "Down b
the mo Grande " H M.
Philadelphia, April 20. 1021 I
If "E V a." will send a stamped !- i
dressed envelop w will forward "Lasca ' I
as we hare copies of It for mailing purpoaee ,
on the banks where
Their sweets
The tli to our cottage they say has grown
Aiid the place Is quite lonely around
And I know that the smiles and the forms
f have seen
Now lie In the cold, mosey ground
"Roll On"
To the Kditor of tht Eltnlio Public t.edoer. I 'B t, K
Rlr t shnulil Idle to secure the words of . this atania
an old son! "When the aun of life Is low
"licit on, ye dark waves, o'er the troubled When the dewe and shadows creep
asks for the poem containing
Author of Poem That Offended
To thr Kditor of tht Ktienlnp ulfc Utdatr:
Blr Who wrote the poem In the early
part of the late war that offended the Ger
man professor at Harvard?
ui.wooi) h rosTErt
Philadelphia, April 21. 1021
The poem entitled "(lot Jilt Tjn" waa
written by Charles Huntington Jacobs, a
Uos Antle younr'man who was attending
Kanard Unlvorslty.
Location of Quotation
7olhe Elftor o (he Evenlnp Pwftlin l.tdgtr;
Sir Please give exact quotation which
runs something like this. "A wrong con
sistency Is the hobgoblin or little minds "
Where la It located? N N P
Philadelphia, April 10, 1921
Thn quotation u refer to r..H. "a
foolish consistency Is the hobgoblin of little
minds, snored by little statesmen and
philosophers and divines ' it In to be
found In Rmerson's "Self-Tlellsnce
Poems and Songs Desired
werem jx -- butter The eoali tbey are creating Intentionally auch condl
fU.r,.r.nnua? spring drop of $1. to go b.ck tlon. .. to discredit prohibition. Ev.ntu.lly
bid Its annual spring aropo, ,. w, -,., wl Dunlin ,h ,oUtors of
" -M like to know where In this big ths prohlblton amsndment and the laws
we ould UK ,0 Kn . . cl0tn tnlt for. er acted for Us enforcement and then -we will
,(,n rou can buy a -''''"" . ,nat , ,, fu bnK ,rr,d'up by
Btny i" ''."... nu ..... ,..ii, ,h. a minority who are trying to fasten an un-
ink. sbiuti rssn ini iiu uu u s v .. .,
null Item' The landlords hao not rw
'juced their rents the mortgage (lends are
till charging onvwhore from B to 10 per
nnt premium while the building and loan
secietlee charge ou the wsrtlme fee on sec
.. mrtses F. A. tOMbl.1
April i. jj-i,
desirable traffic upon us against the wishes
of th majority J P HICKOK.
Philadelphia, April 10, 1921.
Leave Hareh Worda Uniald
U thf Kdlter of the fieitinff P116I10 Ltdotr:
Sir In reply to "108d Jtnglneer." Tuen
ty.elghth Division. Jly desr comrade. I wae
a Keistone bn msett and ball from the
111th Infantr) Dut on your assertion of
MondsN. April Is. In th People's Forum
m proved an Ironet I'll explain plalnlr
9 -ouIl understand, as bv rour way of x
p'llnlng vou do not read between the lines.
First of all, 1 do not belong to the l.eglon,
bm praise your spunk on the way ou slick
by the organisation Wny don't I Join It?
ivbat 1 m tnieK in, in worm o i nuw,
is I wn never a hard loser, and will not
liiscrlmlmte against them, like you toward
'' V r W
Why don't ou belong to the V r n
nd how do you get all jour dope? You
r'slm that the V F W slogsn Is "They
wen the wsr." Win. certainly. Is that
rnt th, case with the LeglonT If not. make
hm up Oh, bov we all won the wsr.
(let It cut of your dome also that the V
T W dees not believe It takes an army to
run an srim for It does Th onl dis
tinction Is ene has to sse foreign service, no
matter If It be lcelapd or Kslservine. ana
rvr beard a gun go off
Another pointer. Men died In Haiti, the
Htillan Islands and other places where
(Jelled States troops were stationed, and
net only en the western front, and they,
too If allowed to live, would be eligible for
'he V K W
I believe, truly that ou're In the Le
tlin for what you can get out of It Top
ilso claim you know a friend. He sure
mail bo a personal friend for to know so
much about him He served In the Spanish
American War you elate May I ask. Was
r cut of the country at that time? If so
he his a Jmt right to be a V F W. And
whin our good old USA got Into the
.ate war he refused to enlist Probabl7 he
tot inousb In th last And when th draft
eime he claimed exemption owing to poor
health Well, they surely must havo found
him unfit or he would have bad to carry
the liny on his back, the aame as you and
I IP bet sou made the crack many a
fme 'They'll ner get me again "
But Jock, let me tell you I do not regret
nr experience, although I am dlaab'ed, and
I'm wining to do li all over again for the
lime cause That s straight and from the
ihou der I believe by our way of thlnk
:rjr that when Bergdoll returns which he
'I.I without doubt he will be a candidate
tit the V I'' W. because he has seen for-
m lervlce Yes he will be srreeted openly
tlth boxing gloves
So buddy, he good of heart, clean of
mind snd whet's left unsaid leaie behind
Pot ou always must pa to find out what's
order Three hlr tins. gobs, leather-
rvici nd doughboy all ehared In the same
r'ory over there, also here JIQOH ,
Philadelphia April 20 1021 ,
Root of Divorce Evil
re th, Sdifoi of the fCvcnmo Public l.tdaet
Blr I hsve been reading In vour paper
'he letters pro and con on the divorce ques-
"on end about cures for this evil, and let me ,
"-' M,i in my opinion none oi juur mi
'(iinndents gets at the root of the eill
i Suggests How to Handle Husband
To the Kditor at the Kietilap Public Ltdaer!
Sir In ansner to ' Mr W L. I. "
I Your letter ha led me to believe that I
can help you. perhaps. Many men are drawn
I to south Just as your husband Is. Just for
get about what our friends have told you
that h will come back to you If a thing
deos not get better It gets worse
Please try this, "Mr W I, 1.. no
mattsr how silly It sounds to you: First
see s hairdresser, hate a massage, get her
to arrange your hair becomingly Ask her
advice on arlous beauty helps, Next, plan
a little surprise party (preferably n card
party) for your husband, Invltlne his friends.
Tell them It is a surprise for him.
During- the evening; be as agreeable snd
as Informal as posslbl Tnu must Interest
jourself In these young people If oi do
you have bund the secret of being younr
ourself. Above all on this occasion make
sourarlf attractive. Hurcly your husband
will think you desirable. Knrourage him to
bring his company home. U "he likes "life"
and Is nearly your age, -can't you?
una. T. D
Philadelphia, April 21, t021
Questions Answered
Something for Readers to Solve
To the editor of the Evtxino Public Ltdaer
Sir Please print this for th readers of
your' paper to eolve
Two wom-n and two children solna along
a road met two men One woman said
"There come your two fathers and our tvo
fathers, tour two grandfathers and our two
husbands ' Please give relationship
Philadelphia, April 20. 1021.
Referred to Readers
70 (de Editor of the Kiemna Public .crffler:
Sir Will you kindly site through the
People's Forum the -origin of the couplet
"the coionel's lady and Judy O'Grndv art
sisters under the skin"?
Mulberry Ind April 20. 1021
"The Bible Orchard"
Jo the Fditor of the Kirnlnp public l.tdocr;
Sir Plsse tell me the history of the
Bible Orchard In England J W I.
Philadelphia. April IT, 1921
The Illble Orchard la a. piece of land In
the parish of St. Ives, Hants, England Dr.
Robert Wilde, who died In August, 178. be
queathed fifty pounds, ths yearly Interest of
which was to be expended In ths purchase
of six BJble. not exceeding the price of
eeen shillings and sixpence etch, which
should tie "cast for by dice' on the Com
mur.lnn table of St Ive on thn last Thurs
day In May by six boya and six girls of the
town Hence the dav Is locsllv known as
Ttlble Thursday The cap.tal sum was In-
The People's Kornni will appear dally
In th Kvrntnr Pnb
In (be .Sunday Public I-e
discussing timely tonics will he printed
nnd also
s well as requested poems, snd questions
of genrrsl Interest will be answered.
rllie MARKET ST. BEEF C0.-
The Quality and Cut Price Market
5221 -23-25 Market St. & 5939 Market St.
Lean Smoked Picnic Shoulders
Finest Half Smokes monoy can buy.
Fresh Ground Hanttburg Steak
Best Meaty Spare Ribs
rure Lard in pound prints.
ALL STEAKS wH trimmed
City Dressed Shou ders of Pork
Shoulders of Veal for Roasting
Rumps of Veal for Roasting
Lean. Boneless Bacon, in piece, 5-lb.
Frih Selected Ebbs, each snd every one guaranteed to
be fresh, big end meaty
"cited 1 dog, to a carton.
Finest Creamery Butter money can buy, in U-lb. prints,
Finest Stowing Chickens, 3- to 5-lb. average, this week
Lean Soup Beef, 3 lbs. for 25c
Country Scrapple, 3 lbs, for 25c
Breast of Lamb, S lbs. for 25c
Store open 7 A M rady to welt on trad
Salt Pork
Pig's Feet
Sauer Kraut, 2 qts
Closes Frldsy snd Ralurday 9 to P if
20c lb.
, , , . ,5c lb.
. for. . . .6c
15221-23-25 Mtrk-t Jit. and 5939 Market St,,
Tho Poem Is "Lssca"
To the Kditor of the Euenltto- Public ltdaer'
Sir The selection requested by "E V.
Q ," which tells the story of a msn snd
woman rxrt'on -the prairies ehere the buffalo
run wild, the man shoots hi horse so tht
I heed not your anser, Mania's by my side
Mn vr. i. o
Camden, N J., April 21. l2t.
"We Cannot All Be 8oldleri"
To tM Kditor of li Bvrnlsp' PubHo Ltdotr
Blr Will some one Itlndly send In the
poem contslnlnr the line:
"We cannot all be soldiers and have battles'
Nor can we all be rlshteous and hate slsjht
of sin
Borne must Ire poor and lowly, other proud
nd strong t
For It takes all kinds of people to make the
world ;o atorur.' W K V
Philadelphia April 21. 1021
A Song of the South
To the Kditor of the Kvenina PabHe l.edorr'
Hlr Please print In your People's Forum
the words of s 'southern sons entitled
"flweet, Suony houth."'blnnln "Take me
heme to the place where I first saw the
llrht " E I- KIIATZ
Philadelphia. April 21. 1031
Take me home to the place where 1 first
eaw the llrht,
To the sweet, eunny South take ine hnm
Where th mocking bird sans me to rest
etery nltht:
All, why was I tempted to roam?
I think with resret of the desr home I left
Of the warm hearts that sheltered m"
Of the vilfe and the desr ones of whom I m
And t sigh for the old place asaln
Take ine home to the plaee where my little
ones sleep;
Poor massa lies burled close by,
O er the craves of the loved ones 1 Ion; to
And amons; them to rest when I die.
Take me home to the place where the orame J
trees trow,
To my cot In the evergreen shade,
Wl.ere the flower on the river's sreen iiMr.
rln may blow
Bay for me before t so
' 'Now I lay me down to sleep
if A. Kins Oermantown. ask for ' Ood
Be With Us Tilt We Meet Aaaln and In
the Auld Countrle." The, hymn mentioned
printed In the People's Forum of April
18. and copies can be had at the offlee We
will print "In the Auld Countrlcl If a
reader will send It In
Orace Crater The sorur, "Ml the Jlest of
th World Oo lly," Is a recently copyrighted
number and w could not .print the words
without seeurlnjr permission from the i-otn-poser
or publishers
"W 1, T seks for the poem containing
the lints:
'All honor to the 4th, of ilnrlau renown
Etsland, averse thy countrymen and strike
the" fqemeii dAwn '
Margaret Evans asks for the rjrrek trans
letlon of "To you whom I hsve loved long
elrce,' which Is Intended as an Inscription
for a memorial
"Mary T " desires the poem "The Old
LFsshloned Pocket," a parody on 'The Old
Oaken Ilueket "
"8 j C wishes some one would end .
in the Mini 'entitled, "flrtln on n KpranJ1 I
end beelnnlng "A pound of tea at one and
Lovet the Old Songs
To the Kditor of tht Kueninf PubHe Lcdoet
Hlr 1 am aeventytno years old I still
love to sins; the old songs to pass iwn
the time I am a conatant reader nf the
SPeople's Forum" snd watch eagerly for I
the old favorites Will you please print
"Oh. the Stormy Times Wo Knew In Our
Hult of Army Dlue. ' "Far Away tho Echoes
Itolt Along' and "Only Down to the Club
If vou cannot print Ihem can you tell me
whre I can get them? W L,. T
Philadelphia April 21 1021
M'e do not have any of the selections re
queued, und vie do not know where thy
I rould be found, onless In the collection 'or
possession of some reader who would t
wllllnir to contribute them.
Do you realize how much
prices have dropped
in the Asco Stores
There has been much talk in the public press about the failure of retailers
to follow declining markets. Our customers know that we give them the benefit
of every market change, for our Producer-to-Consumer Plan is working
assiduously, constantly, tirelessly, to lower your cost of living, wherever and
whenever possible.
Here is convincing proof!
On January 31, of this year, we published a list of groceries, with prices,
.showing that, between January 31, 1920, and January 31, 1921, just one year, we
had made a more than
33 Reduction
Notwithstanding this tremendous reduction, you will note, by consulting
the list that follows, that the same downward revision of prices has been going
on constantly, for a comparison of the prices below will show that, on the same .
commodities, from January 31, 1921, up to to-day, we have made
An additional 21 reduction!
Asco Stores give you every advantage of market fluctuations.
Facts in Figures Read Carefully -
Price n
Jan. 31. 1P20
. ..Ib 17c
...lh 73c
,ln. .11.
Best Granulated Sugar
White Potatoes
"Louella" Butter
Peanut Butter "'" 14c
"Gold Seal" Eggs "" 85c
"Asco" Coffee ,h 42c
Mill Brands Flour .... ,2,b b" 88c
Crisco Mb "n 35c
Best Pure Lard ,b 29c
Fancy Galif. Peaches . . .bl" " 40c
Extra Fancy Peaches . . . "'" ",n 48c
Fancy Calif. Cherries t"n 28c
'Hawaiian Pineapple "n 35c
"Asco" Oleomargarine . v. . .,b 40c
Best Soup Beans ,h 10c
Best Marrowfat Beans ,b 15c
Best Cornraeal Ib 5c
Best Rice ,b 19c
Choice Rice ,b 12c
Calif. Prunes lb 28c
Choice Tomatoes ",n 15c
"Asco" Syrup "n 15c
Rich Cheese ,b 37c
Best Pink Salmon n 22c
Sugar Corn "" 15c
"Asco" customers know, and others are fast realizing the fact, that
"Asco" prices arc the barometer of true market conditions. What would
groceries be coating to-day were it not for the "Asco" Stores
"Where Quality Counts" and low prices prevail
. 6c
4 Asco Stores all oyer Thiln. and throughout PennsylTanJa, New Jersey, Delaware and Bfarylartd A
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Use it on your own stove. You then will realize why so
many women prefer "Wear-Lver" kitchen utensils for every
kind of cooking. You will also KNOW frtJm your own ex
perience that "Wear-Ever" insures better flavored foods
nnd that it effects a material SAVING in the amount of
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"Wear-Ever" utensils keep food
flavor IN and fuel costs DOWN
" eat. Ever" aluminum cooling utensils have two great advantsRea.
They heat EVENLY all over nnd once heated the maintain a cooking
temperature over n REDUCED flame. Hence, "Wear-Ever" utensils
require LESS FUEL, and cook the food, with greater uniformity and
belter flavor For best reeults with "Wear. En er" Fry Pan :
3 Add fat (when method of
cooking requires it.)
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I -Place fry pan over MEDIUM
2-When pan is hot, REDUCE
flame about ONE.HALF.
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