fW'Vv ' "' ' '" "' . I..W H'f 4 "f 'V " U (iv- '',Y''ir7rTPvTTiTiJ!MwJ!T!y55j 'K mj WvP WfcyW' Uf,HJ 'W V Tvl WW I rr 114' t h ;;n Mi $ 0 ft r " i u f rai-y ii:ai .'. ' ' tV'tiM,. 'S ', U-Mlli't .' '. 5 i '.' I I ffi ' ('Mi nm i h iu a a 11 ml m 'Kif'., 111 ,''.,;. wnw I'i 1 iSPlf '!-: r S1 lif. -.I I: " i":!-;: ! I' K8 !" ', r fcuenmtj Public J&edcjer PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1921 r hww v-imwiiWi rirr fcagautsajt-&iwiilillllllllllll ill I mill UMlgara Ju. fi U 2 ft. ,. Xia&liOaOE1iMli THEY SWV THK SPEAKER OlTKU. .Many f'hiiml. l,.n an- vw i , mi 1, ! ;,t Hal ii-b.n is during tin- upset of th vii.i.m.'. .i i n , iu in iii- n. uu i ,iii', ni' in i J.-H. i. im.i.i ii nv ,iii .neyt'i-, li.niuru CKR'Ul. JOnn It. K k lh.tn S. v Svn'.t. S'nion Waiter iui'1 Hans itt ir UVV LEADER. Rcpresent- t'v .1 tunes A. Walker, of Phila- iphia. one of (ho Sprout leaders, who was busy yesterday 1 lir . f, , . . IN THE WOMKX'S IEAM CHAMPIONSHIP Out .l Mcnon yeMeiday Miss F. MNee'.y .iefti, of the Me it n team, oppo.-i ii .Mr.. R Slottci'. of I'hilmont. They wrrc Miapp-ii wiih their caiidi. . I. I, I'M.'' I 1 . i i i - l i ' ' MM""-aMMM nl'M T HAN UK DK GHACK RACKS. Miss Myrtle Kreden and Mrs. .1. Baron, New York folks, durine; nnxiou.s monicnls, as the horses make ready to start. Mrs. M. C. Flood, of Wilmington, at the riRht, has her glasses focused upon the field in the second racl l.'illfcr I'hntn Sfrwc SOLO WANCKR. Miss Jocphino NN tilt., one of I'enn's "co-eds." who will RETl'IiNIXG TO EX'lLIC. Kx-Emperor Karl of Austria- ' ui' part in the May r-cl to be held on May .1. 0 and 7 She was at Hungary bidding good-by to friends at St"inamangci esterda's rehearal following the failure of bis attempt to ic-gain hi- throne 1'ilRr Pholo Si I n. i 1 i n ! i;(ili; (iOOIJ NYORK FOR MERIOX. .M.s .'l!!I- URIUGE .Airs. N K n II. ruler ready for a i h i o m th contest .gainst I'liilnion' I i rrisiu i.s a laember of tli I'hi mom team m the l'hi'ade i bin golf thampionship r -I. " CO.Y IN I "NV.(,ON AI'fJllMCM.' .!,. ,,!. M. Dei 'i...tt hi- uifc ami , uuldrcii 1 '- .'.it'.ti ". " i- .,f 'JM'.i It eh.nm.d Mnet. Mr- M I1, ";u". at.: "m n' '! r'n.) ;n p i.n. jiiuum I I.nATIN'ti NN'ATKR IMCYt'LES. A in v -ii.-ation lia- bei n mtiodiU'd at Cmu-.N Island 1 1 g r .in ml.iig tlie mix bins, ulirb are held under the watt" 1" the tanks- in front and bac:,. They aie proprlkd likf tin- iuluuir. buji1' l.uiMi'ds wne attraiied by the new diit" on Sunda.v I .1 V l- I'l ! A I'AM- F1FTN YARD RUN. Girls of the Watowic Ricieation tenter, tiermantown, napped as the; reached for the finishing tape OUR CirV'S WORKERS AND WilAT IMEV DO THE BEAUTY CORNER OUR UIVS WORKERS AND WI-1AT IMEV DO M? J I 1 SEMAPHOKE SENTINELS j WZIBMJJJI lS:::55Jr"rsu,.,ttiM.Mt Bmm'MiXk:, trffWwiSSwEPWK LJsSr jWftM a WSm I M&iMg&i " . . JOHN IIAUT.MN.S, i-.i I V.'u'U'ii tireiuu', opi uiting hii i !i ci i n- cutting muihiuc. au it cuts maii itn. Uii' - i. :' loth. n tli -nop of I.. H Mankn 6: o , "!' Ill; A rcli -trcrt lAll.'i 1 Uu v a ' OCT A(,AIN NM) Mil IV, huv . ( ar jl o and Mr-. ( ... u-i. NT DKI.ANV WW. I'IKKS fR MMF,K Tr (,FIIM WTOWV iiiilt.c .,., (i.oiug.apbed a- i.i n-u- t the r I -i , in Vw Urk altera N KAR.s 'i .i.t.r.Ku- u, . Kl lfl( . , ', V '. ;.l,',,;i ne) ''n 'rhS , ' hi? f',-'i'l ni.torrdc II ,,, .line of th- ..otclteno.- placed i.mo.- Patrolnmn Ml- .Se.Ur whom. et,, 1 ,, Uia I w Vv'.V ' f f(r ti''' 1,toru,lu', vi.th 1.1k wii,t iMitroinm. for tvuntv Inr iB . ' " l,u Ual" lv,tw 'aUon Cent' . ... Goimantown v.itli liiti wuiglit laic na ,0.) fifty-soven years old and live at 1010 West Orleans street Uusw VUuU) u,rvtet X..iuci 1'l.uiu i',iu.i MISS ELI.AI1KTII FRAN- lOli North I'ercv .-tieet I'liiladclphiu P I .A -.rr.-rrfi -?.. i ,U&t., fJ.ljriiVJLA.j..