i iii www MinuwjMii i i.m i . ... in ' -- rvvfrr4 "iv" '- .fw ',k,Y?K-?T ,,, t--.l MM.I-(.r91'.i"r5,' -r' . V TV fTJS?xv ' "'' V'v, TW9?W j,rv - -j m-i 1 f EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEBPHILADELPHIA, WEDN?3SI)AY, APRIL 27, 1921 '25 L 1 1 .,. l jVeu sautf - $1,000,000 Compagnie Du Boleo " '' Societc Anonymo (Santa Rosalia French Copper Mines) ' 8 Serial Gold Debentures Dated March 1, 1921. Annual Maturities 1926-1930, Incl. Free from all French and Mexican government taxes, and U. S. Federal Income Taxes yp to 2. i The CompagnieDu Boleo is a French Corporation, and operates a large copper mine on the Gulf of California. The Company is controlled by the Rothschildj, together with the Mira beau Banking Corporation of Paris. Authorized issue of debentures is limited to $1,000,000 and constitutes the Corporation's ' only funded debt. While any part of this issue is outstanding, no mortgage or pledge can be created upon or against any of the Company's properties. A of November 30, 1920, after giving effect to this financing, net quick assets equaled 340 of this issue at the present rate of exchange (francs at 7c). The Company agrees that its reserves figured at current rate of exchange will always be equivalent to twice the outstanding debenture issue, which at the present time requires 30,000,000 francs. The following fixed assets have been written off out of profits over a period of years, and da not appear on' the balance sheet: Tho mine iUelf; Mine improvements and equipment which have a present day value of over $10,000,000 1 Five (5) ocean-going steamers having a conservative valuation of $1,000,000; Fifteen (15) miles of railways, 220 cars and 9 locomotives; Seven (7) fumnce of 1500 tons daily capacity; A modernly equipped 3000 h. p. power house; Undeveloped mining properties of 50,000 acres; Grazing land of 1,500,000 acres. Tugs, tenders, lighters, etc.; Average annual net income for the past ten years has been about 15 times annual interest requirements on this issue at the normal rate of exchange, and over 5 times interest require ments at the present rate of exchange. For 1920, a dull year for the copper industry, earn ings (one month estimated) were over 4 times interest charges at the present rate of exchange (francs at 7c). Dividends have been paid uninterruptedly for the last twenty-eight years on the capital stock of the Company (120,000 shares par value 100 francs) which have a market valuation on the Paris Bourse of about 90,000,000 francs. The legal issuance of thess debentures, and all matters pertaining thereto, will have the approval of Meant. Pdbborg, Maduon & Sutro, Attorneys, of San Francisco. Accounts audited by Messrs. Haikins'& Sells, Certified Public Accountants, $200,000 due annually March 1, 1926 to 1930 inclusivo When, as and if Issued, at Prices to yield about. 8V Chandler & Company New York INCORPORATED Franklin Bank Building, Philadelphia Boston Tha Information contained in thin strertteaieDt MaJbeen obtained from reliable sources, and while not guaranteed, la accepted by uu accurate. jfotb, Bacon & avie ESTABLISHED 1(94 An Engineering Institution Experienced expert investigators specially qualified in preparation of operating and financial programs. ' 115 BROADWAY new; YORK $472,000 Okmulgee County, Oklahoma 5 Road Bonds Dated Dec. 15, 1916 Due Serially Dec. 15, 1921-35 ' Coupon Bonds, $1000 Denomination Principal and Semi-annual Interest payable at Oklahoma Fiscal Agency, New York City FINANCIAL STATEMENT Assessed Valuation .... $43,215,770 Total Bonded Debt .... 1,004,000 Sinking Fund N. . 160,000 (Net Debt less than 2) Population 55,072 These bonds are the direct obligation of the entire County of Okmulgee and are secured by an unlimit ed tax upon all the taxable property for payment of principal and interest. As provided by the State Municipal Law, each bond bears the Certificate of the Attorney General as to validity, rendering them incontestable. MATURITIES AND PRICES $32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 Dec. 15, D.c. IS, Pec. 13, Dec. 15, Dec. 15, Dec. IS, Dec. 15, 1921 6.50 Basis 1022 6.25 Daals 1923 6.25 Hasls 1924 6,12 Bail. 1925 6.12 Basil 1926 6.00 BatU 1927 6.00 Bais SZS.000 Dec. 15, 1935 6.00 Baals 532,000 Dec. 1 5, 1 928 6.00 Basis 32,000 Dec. 15, 1929 6.00 Basis 32,000 Dec. 15, 1930 6.00 Basis 32,000 Dec. 15, 1931 6.00 Basis 32,000 Dec. 15, 1932 6.00 Basis 32.000 Dec. 15. 19336.00 Basis 32,000 Dec. 15, 1934 6.00 Basis Bonbright & Company 437 Chestnut St. Philadelphia Clark Williams & Co. 160 Broadway New York C, B. & Q. Jt. 4s, H2L Wo nro prcpiired to allow luw uni Intercut on tliesm bonds In exchange for the now labuo Joint 6 Vis, duu 1936. Price of tho New Isuue 96V& WlOIHER BtOO. PHILAOflPHI Mrmtiri PHiUJtMi .Vrw l'i Swi Sxilniti wwwm amassm. n. t. f&i mwwim stmeiTH.il. i. ,53. DflHBIVUjauiJajuMnaKBKaraicaHejHHBjBa n MM "HUMAN NATURE N and THE STOCK MARKET" Is the Title of our special lett r of this week. Writ a or a free copy. Volt wiU find it intrrentinp. MILTON HIM$tO STOCKS-FOREIGN EICHANGt&ONDS 1 1 .i MSMosae 1 PHILADELPHIA STOCK iXCJlATiflS. COUSOU OATio frock rxCMAMGfe'ei 1022 Chestnut Street I'ltoiiMi 1111. Nnrure HfH.'.,.:i- Kfixtunr, ItiivB 1(10 71 llrondiitty ft 4BI) nth Ai.. V. V. Mmnfonl. Conn. Springfield. Mn NEW YORK BOND SALES Summary of Individual Transactions on New York Exchange tSALES IN 1 10001 GOO. A. HUM STOntS AND embers of Hie 1'Uili ' vib mid Cliknto Hlo . A. HUHN & SONS I IIIIKII liidelnlilil. bel nca Hlork JJxrMauiits Nur Vnrk rntlon KxelinilKfl Commission Orders i.xocuteJ In All the Principal Markets Liberty Bonds Uouht and Sold Utllryue Court lllds.j iaIH Walnut St. Ambassador Hotsl.. yj r, 3 Amcr. Gnu & Elec. Common Portland Uwy., Lt. & I'r. Com. WcHtcrn Power Common tltNRV D.B0ENNING&C0. VniCK UNrilANtlK IIIJII.UIMI lllrerl 1'rltni Talrplioiif JJ 'V n,k Member I'Mln, Stock Kschnnis C. S. PATTON & CO. ill) A CIIKhTNUT HTH. BANKERS Bond Nllrrl SAII.KH I hTlLVKNSHN and Hlocka boiisrlit nnd sold oil romml.alnn Mwnbrr. I'hlla, Htoeh Fifhutue NEWBURGER, 33ENDERSON&LOEB ir.mhjiA X7,j, Vnyl hmJ Philadelphia Stock Exehqngts WW cnestnuc mu Al O'd Mln 71 B.... 100i Amn A I C t 2 03 2 Oil Amn 8mlf s & lurir (is 3 70 4 70i Amn T V elt 1 Tfi'i 1 T0i Amn T t T 2s 1 83 1..... 82U 0 83 Amn IT(l 7.... 100 2.... 100'i 2.... 100H 1.... 100U 18.... 100U 2.... 100H n..., iooi 6.... 100H Armour 4H 3 70H 2 70; 1 70'4 Atch Topeka A 8'ft r 4s 1 70S 1 70V4 1 76U 1 70S fl 70'A 1 70H Atch Topclia A B Ir cv 4s 1 OD'I 2 00 U Atch T & S Te, B 70 All Coast 4' Ts 5.... 1004 2.... 100H 2.... 100H 2.... 100H 1.... 1004 All's Fruit 7a 1 ns 1 B0 Atlantic Ilef'r ct C'ifl S 3 1 1 2 Dal & Olio cv 1 00M 3 00 4 05i 1 04 H i. Ohio 8Vtf 3 81H (l 8tU 1 814 Dalt & Ohio 8 VB'n SHs 4 78H Boll T 7s rets 1.... 103'i 1..., 103H Ksale) 103U 3.... 103U 1.... 103 Beth Steol fd 0 83 Dutlalo Tto'r A rittsb'e 4tta 1 87 H Bush Bid's; fie 1 74!i Celt O i II m 1 80 1 SSH Canadian N Chlcaco n Il'd & Fao 4s 1 (10. 3 09 Chtcaco Union Nta ct 0H 2.... 103 Chi & W 1 it 2 (10 3 S9'4 Chllo Cop'r ds 3 73U City of Ueien 8n rota 4 .... 03 '.4 City Bern As 1 06T4 0 00'4 Cty Chrls'a m 2 8i Cty Cop'e H 1 74 W 19 741 City Lyons 0s 1 80 City Mare's 0 2 SO C N Yk 4s '80 1 83 ON Yk 4WII3 4 02 1 03 City rarls il Ksn C Ft B & Memu 4s tn 1. ... rtTH 2k.... 074 Kan C Ft 8 Mtmp 0s 2..... 04 Kan Ota li fl CO 2 DG'i 1 B8!4 Kan C & 8 fts 1 74, 4 74 'i 5 71 '1 K C T niy 4 1 71 1 71i K Belvlum 1 93 1 02 E 02U K Belit'tn 7 Ha 8 07', 2 .... !7W 2 07', 1 07'.', K Uela'm rcte 01 3. 7 6, 5. city 4 OO'.i 00 4 00 H 00 U 00 H ... 07'4 . .. 07T4 ... H7i . . 074 Toklo &s . .. (SO crd cm cm ft Ot Lo em 4 1 604 Cl'd Cln Cht St Louis as 2...... 80, 2 K0. Colo' Indust 3s 3 7D 1 70 Colo S 44s 8 7.1 t . . 731.1 iColumbla Gas L Ulsc 1st .1 84 '4 cons a ua 7 7.... 101 Cuban Amor'Q Sugar 8s 1.... 100' 4.... 10O S.... 100 2.... 100 '4 2.. ..100'i Cuba C aucr cv 1 82i 0 M: Del i. Iiud cv B SI". 3 81 'I Dl & Hud 7s 3.... 10(li 3.... 100' 1.... 1004 Denmark Con ct A 8 1 1 1 1... . Denmark ct D 8 1 1 1.. 1.. a.. i.. 2.. 1.. 4.. 0.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 2.. 8.. 08 ',4 0SH OS 08 Con 08'4 08"4 f8'4 PS'i 08 08'i 08 08 V, KlnrToni Vea. mark ct8e 1.. 1.. 2. . .1.. 1.. 1.. 4.. 1. 98H ft.'l 08'; 08 , 08'4 06 '.4 10m 101 101 101H 10U4 101'4 101 100t4 100 '4 100 100 '.4 100 !4 100'4 Canada 8'n Bs 1 83',; Cen'l of Oa en 0 82 Mi CU Leather 6s 2 80 Cfntr'l Tl It ofj New J fis 4 03' Ctl I'aclno 1st 1 72i 2 72'5 2 72N Cerrn ue Pasco, Cop'r C fls 4.... 10H' 2.... 108 1 108 P'k i Osm 4s! 1 75 C 4 O cv 4Hs 1 7B 1 75'i 1 73 2 7; CMS & O cv 3s 1 82 1 82'i 4 82 1 82'4 Chi i. Alton 3s 1 45 C & Alt'n SHs 13 35 Clil'll'tQ neb 2 88 2 87'1 Chicago Bur & Q 11 S'.is Chi B & 13 7.... 30 1 11 S 1 72 Q 4s 00 't flo"; oou 00 ; nos no oo 004 uos 9 PflH P0V4 00 4 0fli4 Ofl'i on 4 06 00 H 004 III 4a 28 V4 12 Chi nur 0H wl 20 00 .1 1 1 B 12 B 16 Cht E 1 Chi & U III 5a 1 87H Chi & Kst Ilia Kuar ct 5n 1 8 1 87 1 .... 8' C U E I w-uari ct rcz 18 874 Chi ts. Erie 1st 1 77 1 70T4 Chi & O W 4a 1 30 , 2 SOU 1 SOU 1 51 Chicago Mil A St Paul 4s 1 074 P 17'i 4 07 Chicago Mil A St PI d 4a 2 67'; 0 57'4 Chicago Mil A StP 4a '23 1 73 2 73 0 72 1 .... 72 Chtcaco Ml StP tv 4V4s 2 (sate) (II ft'.' 114 Chicago Mil 4 St P gm 4'4s 4 71 4 ... 74 Chicago Mil 4 St P'l cv 3s I....'. 64 V, Chicago 4 Nth Weat'n ntia 1 DO',4 Chicago A Nto West'n 7a 1.... 100 0... . 0014 Chi llallw'a 3s 2 05. 8 .... 63V 2 en 1 .. . 03 It Chicago R Il'd t Pno fd 2 I 8.. 1,.. 1, . It., 11014 60'. 00 U 110'i Slit 41' 44 44 Q 4s 04H 03 , 2. 3. (Den 4 It U tu 2 -tm 3 0 1 Den & It 1 I.... 1.... D 4 It CJ 4H 1 03 Des Moines 4 Ft Dre 4s 1 43U Det Edl 5s '40 3 804 Do Canada '20, 1 02 1 02 Do Canada '20 1 Oltt 5 01 '4 2 0 Do Canada'31 1 80 Duq Light 6s 2 80 1 88; 1... . 8H. Erie dcnl Llrn 1 41 1 41 1 41 Crte Ily Co 4s 2 324 1 32'. i;rio a n cv 5 .... 38 1 . . 37 3 ..38 Urle II It cv D 1 . 41 l'ort Worth 4 D City 1st 1 ... 0(1' Fort Worth 4 Itlo Od 1st 3 03 Cene'l Eleo Ss 1 .... 8BH Gencl Hleu Us 3 00 t no R 00'4 1 004 1 00'i 2 90 1 0St4 K of Italy ft', 1 80; Kingdom Nor. way ct 8a 1.... 1004 1.... 100 1 ... 100'4 2.... 100; King Bwd'n fls 1 82'a 2 82'j 1 82. Lack Steel 'i':i 4 034 1 04 Laok Steel '30 1 7Bi Laolode O'a Co of St L 0s 8 74U tAke Bnoro M S'n 4a '23 B 83'i Lehigh Vl'y Ct 1 05 1 034 1 n.".'4 Lens lid n fd 2 054 Lou 4 Nash 7s 1 ... 100 Mex Pet wl 8s 1 08 '4 1 084 1 08; 2 08". 5 084 2 084 Mich S Tel 5f 1 874 Mid S 4 Or 51 B 77 2 77 1 T6T4 M & StL fd 5s 1 40 M K 4 T 2d ct 1 30. Mo racino 4 1.... 100H 2..., 1004 Ksale) 102U (1.... 102H 1.. . 10O 2.... 1004 17..., 1004 Publlo Service Cn N J Bs 1 67; 1 04 Heading Tty ct 1.... 100U 1.... 1004 Readlne Ily 4s 1 77 2 77 Hep Chile rets 0 00 1 00 r 09 nio o 4 w u 1 04 Rock I'd A 4 Loul'u 44" 1 054 3.... 054 SI L 1'n Mt 4 B'n Hly 5 2 884 I 6t L 4 S 1. ... 53 4 R3H B3 53 S B34 334 3 5 1 1 1 1 Mo Pao Ss '65 13 754 Monfa Pwr 5s 1 8-1 Nash Chat'a ft St Louis 5a 1.. .. 03 New Or Tex A Mexico 5s 2 58 N Y Cnfl 34s 07 4 N Y Cont'l fls 2 83 ; 1 3 3 1 1 (lila V 1. ,ooo t r 23 1 .. 1 1 1... . B 1 1 . . fi 100', 1004 100 O 4 N 70 It 8s PftS-, 084 084 084 084 084 084 08 i 0S4 O Swlt'd rots 1034 1034 1034 1014 10.14 103 4 103 4 103 ' Gd Trunif itts 8.. I.. 1 . I. 1 . 1.. 3.. 3 . 1 . 3 . 3 3 Hud 1 . 1 . 101 lot lot'. 101 101 Man () .. 1)3 0 Hud 4 Man In 1.. II.. N.. 1 3. 1 1 . 1 37 4 37 ; 37 37 4 87, 37 i 37; 87 37 'k 37 4 37 U 37 374 II Central fd I 71 II ( on'l 4 '52 1 . 704 Int Mel 4 4" 8 18 t.. . 174 Int Met ct 44 3 IB 2 ... 13 i M Marine 111 1 . . SO 2 .. so; 1 . 81 3 . 81 3 . 804 U .. . 81 1 . . 81 Intboro It T fd 14 1. 1 1. 1 Jsp Oov' 004 001 30 4 Ai, 5rt',: t 1st 2 ... 82 8 ... 83 2 83 3 8.1 1 884 3 834 Jsp Gov't 2nd 3 3. 3 1 Jap I 3 824 . . . . 824 .. 83H 83 M (lov't 4 s 00 OOt 004 M 1.... 1 2.... 5.... NYC 5.... 1.... B.... 12.... I.'.'.'. 1.... . 88 . 884 . 88 . 88 . 88 . hSU . 884 . 884 7a rrt. . 09 4 . 00 4 . 09 4 . 00 . 084 . 08; . 00 . OSS . 08'. N Y Central Lake S 34s 1 604 N Ylr Light II 4 Pwr 4s 1 074 3 ... 074 New Y N II A Ilart'd Cs B 304 N Ylt nTS Bs 1 .. 4 4 N T Rn ct 3s Sli N York State Ilwys 14s 2 B3 N Y Telo 4 4s 61 N Tk Telo 0s 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 014 014 014 91 . 014 01; 2 .'. . 014 3. ... 01'i 2 914 North West'n Hell Tel 7b 1.. 1... 1... 00 084 00 00 00 08. 08 1. . . P8, N'n Pacific 3 S .... 544 14 B4; 1.. .. B4l 1 34 u N'n I'acinc 4s 0 74K 20 744 1 .... 74'4 1..'. .. 75. 1 .... 744 2 74. Nor Pac cv lis 1 ... 1004 i 100 W 1 100'i Nth B l'wr Bs 1 774 Oregon S L 4s 5 70. 2 ... 704 1. . . 704 Oix-W'n It Co Nsvl Co U 1 . .. 704 rami en 44s 86 Pa H win 4 us 1 70S Pa It 44s '21 4.. .. onm 1 oo Pa It It'd U4 1 1 2..0. T 1 5 1 3 23. . ' 1... . I.... 03 04'4 04 4 05 P3 05 03 or. 05 05 05 05 03 044 044 04 4 044 05 044 IMS OIK 014 044 rnna II It 7a i.Xi iooh 1. ... 4 0 . . 1 BI.40 4 1 1 3 1 B 4 3 1 1 I. ... 1 fit L 4 H Series A 1 1 .... 2 ... St I. 1. 11. 3 8' h' l o; 4 ; 04 'j 014 ni ; 0i V hi 40'; 49H 494 40 40 U 404 49H 49 4 404 19 4 40 40 Fran 004 ... 004 .. 604 Sow'n en .. 02t ... 034 04 3. ... 614 1 (sale) 634 St L Sow'n 3t 1 084 2 69 2 08 2 C9 San Antonio 4 A P niy 4i 4 034 0 03 Scao'd A I, a 1 33 I 1. 81 31T4 U s 47 V, 474 4 Eeab'd A 8, 1, 1. Sinclair C Oil Corp'n 74s 12 02, 3 024 3 02V 1 02 1... 8... 2,.. 1... 1... 1... 924 03 024 93 93 93 So'n Pacific fd 0 TBS 5 T8H 1 734 B 764 S'n Pae,cv 4 1 784 S'n Itatlrr's 4s 674 B'n Ballw Ss 1 824 1 884 t 83 1 824 Btand'd Oil of Cnlf rets 1.... 102S B ... 102S I.. . 1024 Third Ave a 2 31' S 31 Third Ave is 1 47 Tidewater Olt Co ct OHs 2 05 4 0 054 1 054 1 054 7 034 3 054 Tor II Buf 4s 1 70 o. . IV Union Pao 4 2 70S 1 794 8 70S 2 79; ,. 70S Pao Oi .. 07S 2 08 3 07; Union Tank C Comp y 7a B.... 1004 1.... I00H 1.... 1004 5 1004 DKtlo Brit 4 I'd 1921 3. C a 3. 1. 1 3 U'd 8 Steel Bs 13. . Union 0... c. 4. 1. 1. 4. UKolO Brit 4 I'd 1022 2 034 1. 094 90.0 00 0 90 8 00 0 054 054 03 4 054 054 U K of O Urtt 4 I'd 1020 5.... 41.... 1.... 1. 0. 5. 4. 3. 1. U K of Brit ft I'd 1037 88 S 884 884 88, 89 2..... 834 1 (aslo) 85 4 854 83 S 854 854 834 1. 8.. n.. 1.. 7. . Ut'd n'ds San F eqct 4 1... . ant. Ut'd H'da Han F unct 4s II 304 3 31 ,' S Mexico 4s B Rll U S Msxlro Bs 4 494 0 40 3 40 x ... js U 8 ilubb'r i, ... 704 ... 784 Itub 7 4-i P9; ... PO'i 09. 90 ; 4. 37.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 934 934 954 034 03 S Utah P 4 I. Ss 0 794 2 JIIU V C Clum 1st 3... . ni'i Vo C CI 74 B 914 1 914 1 01'; 1 014 Va nallw'a je 1 81 ; 1 S2 Wost'n Md 4s 1 334 1 534 2 53U 1 . . r.s Wn Teclflo 1st 4.... 81 West Shore 4s 1 7n W 4 15 Mfg 7s 1.. S.. Liberty 3s Liberty 1st 4Vs. Liberty 2d -tB.. Liberty ltd 4Vis.. Liberty 1th 4Vi. Vie N'otes a8.. Vic Notes 4.yfB. . 85 4 854 85 U 854 85 U High bS.70 7.40 87.10 00.10 87.10 07.48 07.50 09 . P9S pon 99 S 90 ; 90S 09 i 90S 9 on. on; P9 4 90S 99 ! POS PftS 994 nni. Wilson Co - 2 824 2 824 1 82 18 8" Wilson C fst 2 88 2 88 1.... 5.... 1.... 7.... 1.... 42.... 1.... 1.... 1 7. . . I.... 0.... 1. "shot thmn an IKcm buttJIng" Broadway and Fifth Avenue at Madison Square New York THE FIFTH AVENUE BUILDING heads the New York itinerary of legions of buyers. So many of the lines they wish to see are shown here. lliiiaiseml For May Investment Erie Railroad 6 Equip. Bonds (Issued Under Philadelphia Plan) Various Mattritics to Yield 7V4 Sinclair Refining Co. 6 Equip. Bonds Due May lat, 1923, to Yield 8.25 Sun Company 6 Gold Debentures Due May l.t, J 929, to Yield 7.75 New York Shipbuilding Co. First 5s Duo 1946, to Yield 7.25 Interest on all the above bonds payable May 1st and November 1st Information on any of the above securities furnished on request GARRISON & CO. 1030-32 Widcner Bldg., Philadelphia Members Members N. Y. Stock Exchange Phila. Stock Exchange THE LIGHT IS BREAK 1 ING. The morning is at hand! And lit the not fnr-dlstant future we shall sco the Gospel of good will towards man, and good business broad, far reaching and 'convincing encompassing tho land. The mills will poon open and the whirl of spindles and bobbins be heard again. The pessimist has no place in this land of prosperity and to think that wo arc going to stand still is to be immovable yourself. This Bank bclioves in tho new Gospel. Third National Bank In the Center of Things Opposite Broad St. Station I in. y IOn- S7.-1U 87.40 80.82 1)0.20 80.11S 07.40 07.48 tlm) 11 13 h. m 87 40 8710 80.8'-' 00.20 80.0S 07. (0 07.IS DEMOCRATIC WOMEN RALLY Addressed by Mrs. Ellen D. Davis. Letter From Ex-President Wilson An appeal for co-operation ntnons tlio Democratic women of tlic city wns inailo by Mra. Ellen Duann DuvIm at tbp meeting of the Democratl!- Club yet, terday afternoon at tho College Club, lHOO Spruce street. Mrs. George. Mor gan presided. Mrs. Davio gave an interesting ac count of the Joffcrf-oninn dinner in Pittsburgh on April 11. She Hnid that every timo ox-I'reaident Woorfrow Wll bon wns mentioned the gucntH vom to their feet. Mrw, IMvIh protested vig orously agaiiitit the effort which in on foot for a hepnrate peace with CJer mnny nnd hoped the women would not Indorse the policies of Senators Pen rose and Knox. The Democratic women, she said, hnd labored faithfully during the 'nt campaign without any remuneration, while the Kcpublican women had bien paid for their services. Mrs. Davis -aid she, would like the Democratic Club to join the Democratic organization, us they could work very well together. WAR ON JAPANESE BEETLE State Ofdclals Get Busy In Northeast Section of City Plans for resumption of the ".late ! campaign ajralnst the Japanese beetle iu tho northeastern part of Philadelphia are being worked out by the stale bu reau of plant industry, and nun who have been Kcurching for signs of larvae of the pest will make immediate reports. The beetle came across the Delaware fro,m New Jersey and a quarantine was established in parts of Philadelphia nnd Bucks count last fall. During the winter plans for extending the supervision of tho state over laro areas were worked out, and as soon ns the weather in favorable for the iu sects they will be attacked. Owing to the time given for organlzatiou of the fight ngninst tho hugs It is believed the state will bu able to mako good head way. seIecTpupils' camp Stecher Announces, However, It Will Not Be Ready This Summer William A. Stecher, head of the de partment of physical education of li public schools, yesterday announced that a camp is being projected, where pupil will bo taken during the summer months. The plan will not be put in execu tion this summer, however, because of lack of funds. It is planned to have boys and girls alternate at tin- camp, each group to staj ono month. The camp Is to be located along the Dela ware river about forty miles north. A report of the school nurso service for last month was also Issued vester day. It shows that 10,004 ailing chil dren received treatment. Of these, 0403 were reported cured and 3308 Im proved. SHIP MYSTERYJSOLVED Deerlng's Crew Captured and Hand cuffed, Message Reads Norfolk. Va.. April 27. A message purporting to explain the disappearance of the captain and crew of the schooner Carroll A. Deering, mystery ship of Diamond Shoals, has reached coast guard officials here 'from Christopher O, Gray, of Iluxtou, N. C. who said ho had taken it from a bottle washed up just north of Cape llatterns. The full text of the message read; "Deering captured by oil burning craft. Something like chaser. Taking off everything. Oufing (probably hand ruffling, crew. Crew hiding all over ship. No chance to make escape, Finder please notify (undecipherable) qts of Deering (word missing)." The Deering, a nvc-miwted craft commanded by Captain Wormrll, of Boston, and with a crow of twelve, sailed from a South American port Inst winter and was next heard of at day light opo January morning when sat was found fast on the. outer Bhoal with U sail set and no elgu of her. crew, i ( Me Tlfettmg Uattkr0 Yc of The Mutual Savings Fund Society who arc met together in this city which has cherished such vcnerahle exponents of the thrift that you foster: Hvnnw te that you are welcomed to our city, and that Philadel phiaua wish you success iu all your convention activi ties. Know ye, further, that (51? (Mluts iinirin as an organization engaged in propounding this same virtue of thrift hids you a particular welcome, and in vites you to enjoy their hospitality at the Philadelphia headquarters. The Co! 226-240 Columbia Ave. Service Philadelphia, Penna. ss::w251 Are the Copper Stocks Tose? Recent market action strongly suggests accumu lation for the longr swing upward. Depression has carried so far that any change in the trade situation must be for the better. In expectation of an active market for the copper stocks we have prepared , interesting data on the leading issues. To obtain this data ask for Bulletin P.L.-S0 which we will send free on request, together with our booklet Tbrift-Saviags-Investment &flRLE5tt.ClflRK50H&llf 66 BROADWAY NEWYORK TELEPHONES; RECTOR 4663-4 Financial Publicity Leading Copper Stocks In a special circular the copper industry is reviewed and a com parative analysis given on five leading coppers. Mailed free on request. BOUREAU & EVANS If embers Philadelphia Stock l'xchanpa 130 South 15th Street Philadelphia Locust ilSC Kace 31SS Wtt rblln. Office. 7 S. 33d Blreti i'icmc Belmont ZJ'J Spruce S200 BOUGHT SOLD QUOTCD LUKENS STEEL COMPANY 1st Mtge. Ss 1940 sncpniTins nnr.uiTsiENr Commercial Trust Company Hrmlwr Federal llHttt Ayntom City Hall Square West Exortjpt from all Federal Income Tuxos Niiami Conservancy 5Jj Bonds Due 1922 to 1940 100 and interest This District takes in part of nln counties and includes, amons; others, the cities of Dayton, Ham ilton, Mlddletown, Piqua and Troy. Circular upon reqnset Harris, Forbes & Co Pine Street, Oorner Wllllsun NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Widener LIds. Foreign Exchange Explained An Interestinc booMat expUlnmir In Hlmpla InnKU.ixa un Important sub ject. Investors and business men will And It of Brest value. Sent free uion rrnuext for twol.lct Wm- H. McKenna & Co. 25 Wett 43rd Street. NEW YORK Liberty Bonds Bought and Sold Edward B.Smith & Co IBIiUUUUIU 18112 Msmbero Now Vorl. una Philadelphia Sioclt Exchanges 1111 CllKsTNUT STHEBT I'IMLADULPIIIA GRAIN - PROVISIONS Om" Pd'lu I'rtltr Hi it mi acquest Hughes & Dier Members i l iilciii; Hoard of Trade J S. Produce Kirhauie ) l'hllndrinlila Stock. Kxchm I rittsbursli block lUrujua 1435 Walnut Street hones e Spruce 813 Philadelphia liaco 1805 Mich. United Rwy. 5s, lOIlfi Goodyear Tire & Rubber 8s. 1041 Louisville & Nushulle 8.s, 192,'t Goody'r Tire & Rub. Com. & I'fd. Morton Lachenbrnchfi Co. 42 I1KOAI) ST., A V. IMillu. Telephone Walnut JV101 IJ.ire .MUO l'r bate Wlrso to Nsw York. ChlcaKO. tH. Louis. I'lt sburEh, Detiolt. ClutcluQiJ, drand llaplds. Safe Bonds jfcr Investment HALSEY,' STUARTf &. CO. Inc.. WHY NOT Knjo) tlie distribution your produrlx deere, I urn lookliiR tor u re I selllne Job where remuiierntlon will be In line with reaulls obtitlneil, Ten years experience. A 131, I.KIH1KK OFKICi: Cities Service Company 6 Cumulative Preferred Stock ' O i vid en ds Payable Monthly. 2. Backed by large and grow ing equities. 3. Earnings after taxes and all prior charges several times preferred dividend require ments. 4. Followed by $44,626,878 Commqn Stock with mar ket value exceeding $107,104,508. Price to return over 8 Send for circular P Henry L. Doherty & Company 604 Morris Bulldine Philadelphia, Pa. Telephone locust 14(0 WIEGHER,ROCKEY&CO. I Certified Public Accountants, Prwl EwIdiBg, PlalLdtsnia ' m t . i '-mfc. ".,,! Al f 1 '