Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 27, 1921, Night Extra, Page 23, Image 23

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' . t l fcv J
r F""
. ttfiit?-t VI Ht7.- ' '
First Invitation Golf Tournament to Start at Trenton Club Tomorrow
loth and Chestnut-
Women's Golf Results
rmt.ADF.i.pntA tvv
fttfe.1 "I'.V.?1 WwMon. 0.
if..ii j ' (n"ni9lli 1
"MKRfion iij,! 11
Counlrx C'lnb,
Nl'riL'RnAN GUI'
iyaiiy Stars of Local District
Entorccl "Out-of-Bounds'
Penalty Discarded
IMID, 3 Motnlhirrj. 2.
f ihMicr, Si hi, a,,,, ...
Crlurbriwl. ll lliintlnidon ?ni ia i
WV?V,Sfr 2iM .?-'!5 "H. m. .
-.. -....., 4 ,, iiiiinrrrn
liinnni.fiiiA ct'i-
. i
WhiU fi snlil In lie llic firt Invltntlori
Ifolf (mii'iinnietit over lipid In Trenton
F tnrt tomorrow, lion tlip Trrntiin
Coiinlrj null will lu- (lie liosti on its
rr.m nml lin.nnloiis (-oursc. At noon
todnV tlicn wrrc 11(1 nitrlcs with ninny
Ifliilj- conibntnuti ctjiwlcil from tho
mitr'opotllnn. .lPicy ami l'lillmlplphlu
S5'D(hIIkIi nvltijt" iipiillrs In Tion
ton, w'lilcli i" nn Important point tor
lVnl entrants to roniPiuW In perusing
the attached list of starllti;- times.
Trtnton tlnip is jdven in thp lljt. which
.na that If .von are due to start nt
1 o'clock on thp Hit it "Will ho 12 noon
br your I'lilUiririphln timepiece. '
The train service to Trpntoii Is good
nd cadi putting trninionu wgii Up met
i tho Jcfcy terminus hy a flock of
mitos donnlcil by rliiuniemliei's for tho
me of contcstnntH who will thereby have
no worry about getting irom itntion to
The tourney is tne genuine curtnin
rilser on the 1021 Northern golf sen
mid. I'verytblng N In inld-senaon
fhape. If scenrTMliP town of Trenton
Is all ttorked up over the event ami a
iniuinc reception will be tendered all
The inmates of the New .Jersey State
Insane Asylum, which borders the see
mi fnlrwny. will be dre.ctl up In thplr
Sunday best and hnve been rarefiilly
rehearsed to keep quiet during the shots
there, not to sing or shnkc. the wire
Prizes to the amount of SlfiOO were
Iild out in glittering array today in the
iliibhouse. I he new lockerjwuse Is ex
pected to ip formnlly opened for the
jutsts on the mprrow. Nothing has
been left undone to mnkp It all a slz
xlltijc success.
riatt Tliere Today
,s the fihnl touch. .1. Wood 1'latt,
prlile of the local golf belt, who jhiIIs
Ir'nturday to compete abroad, will play
nn eiiuimion mnirn over tne .icrscy
lourse this nfternonii In add zest nud
final impetus to the enthusiasm of the
aroused golf population In Trpntoii.
Long, strright driving will be re
warded during the tnurnpj , Tlio
tonrp Iiiin eleion boflndary holes, and
It i oignlfirnnt that in the first compe
tition of the season hereabouts the out-of-bounds
rule as adopted hist season
will be discarded. The old rule will
apply as per thp loop-hole provided by
the 1'nitrd States Oolf Association in
framing the new rule. In other words,
It ii club docsn t like the new nilc be-
cau-e It has ton many niit-or-tiounrts
rones it can play the old rule.
wide puer losing distance only.
C'flrkrl llnli
Mfrlon . ,
Huntingdon Vallry
J omitrj- Cluh
Httcrton ...
Statistics of Leagues
in Scholastic Baseball
Coach DoLoliva in Quandary
Ovor Selection of Sprint Ro-
lay Team; Ponn at Shore
3 0
i n
3 II
O t
. II ?
. U 2
3 13
2 12
Cricket Club, Huntingdon Valley
and Merion Triumph in Phila
delphia Cup Series
The three strongest teams in the
sttuggle for the women's club team
chainplonihlp of Philadelphia c-nino
through the second round successfully
nml stond In a deadlock again tndaj
with clean slates.
The Cricket Club beat Itlverlon on
the Jersey course. () to I. Merlon de
feated Phllmont on the former's course
by the some margin, and Huntingdon
Volley had a severe contest with the
Country Club, finally winning out. I
to .1. I.uch of the winners has onp
more match with the trolling clubs of
the division and the gonfalon is expected
nc won wnen tlie.v. then nlnv wh
SlieioE is a bad habit at Trenton. It
tikes one to messy lies, which is the
tip lo keep 'em straight.
oboily "ill get wildly excited ncr
the fart that there will be plenty of
I water nt Trenton, but nl least It will
h kept in its proper place, i anals and
These "hnier" hazards aic mostly
ir from of the short holes, nearlynll
of which nre guarded by creeks. Tho
cotirf vill be entirely harmonious to
nice golf and tome elegant scoring Is ex
pected in tin- qualifying lonnd tomur-
iow I hrre will be an Innovation in
lonnection with the medal vouud in n1.
inmh as iherc will not only be a heavy
jold medal presented for the lowest
tcore, but there will also be another
medal for the runner-up. In case of a
tie. both nlaxers will cet a medal there
for, or if you finish but one stroke be-
tjnd j on get a sop for your sorrow.
A macn hicnt tronhv is onereu tne
Tinner of the first tliizht in the shnpe
of n siher platter valued at ?."00. The
dinner of tho second sixteen will be
little less fortunate, for to him goes a
thirtecn-n ecc slcrlinz smr ten set.
The two winners should be welcome
prodigals to any home.
Kntr.iuts wlH be guests of the club,
'tlsaid. The committee follows: Ches-
tet I.. Maxwell, chairman: K. ('. Kose.
H r Havvev. H. T. Cook. K. II. Pep-
low, H. II Pone and .1. ('. .Murray.
Scleral members of ihe Princeton
team will compete. Pioinlncnl locol
'ntrics include K. C. Clear? . tieorge
HoffiiDr Hnrhnrt It. .Newton. Norman
Maxwell, Fred Knight. Alir Coles. H.
W. Wood. Charlie Williams. K. Vic
tory 0 Manlou
There will be fue sixtecus. match
pl.v to start Friday, following the
luallf.wng lound tomorrow.
As (ialiglit saving applies, the start
ing timeh appended are one hour cnrlli'r
in I'liiladclphia. Hlglit o'clock in
Trillion is 7 n, rn. iti Philadelphia.
Here are the pairings:
sob ' t Donntlli anil V tUkliiel.
0i 1 t tlr to S. hcrnnion.
1 - Jiurtifonl rind II. HfKe.
5-3-11 Isiwell nml U. Oulppf.
II llradlxy and U. S ilooic
oo-(m,re ,MHruirc and T. Deilrllialts.
MVi), Stammall nnd W. Htacli.
V 10.- ldu nw! w Plittllnw
I S.L'n-i-' v iinMtifu iii C'hHtlp t'ulkort
V-"" n r M.v..irii unil Ilu.v l.umbcrt
Ihe ( ricket Club Itescnes won n
close nintclt wtili Whltcmarsh In the
Suburban League. 3 to 2. and stand
alone in the second league with a clean
I.andowne ami Huntingdon Vollev
Second both lost jestcrday in tliq Wnf
liiiRfnril division, having hitherto passed
The contest in the Philadelphia League
now promises more suicly than ever t.i
be a contest between -Merion and tin
Cricket Club. Merlon holds tho title,
but .t is minus the services of Mrs.
Ilarlow at No. I. who is now ubrond.
The Cricket Club, on the other hand.
I"y;iM",1('- " Vnnderbcck and Miss
Mildied Caverlj. who stayed homo'this
car. The St. -Martins team is strong
right down the line and. in the derisive
mutch, Is expected to beat Merion.
nip nrst live players on the Cricket
Club team have plajcd thp No, 1 posl
tion nt some lime or other nml nr.-n,.,-
tho team in the league has such a strong
line-up on paper.
r(nnJ''' ,,,,''1v. of the visiting
I rench relay team, is In n nnandary.
rhis morning nt the St. James Hotel
lie delivered himself of several short,
snappy sentences. "I , Tcrv mucn
liset for I do not know who I will start
In the sprint mcd'py ri-lav race. Yes
tprday I hp d a limp trial and nil four
men ran almost U,P Sn,c tmc y,r
distance wus a little short of 220
...iro-. i Mimi tell more this aftpr
noon about thp makeup of my team.
At present 1 will start Seurln. lllget,
Jiohart nnd lery. but M what order
thpy will run I cannot tell."
The Frenchmen held their time trials
yesterday afternoon much after the
fashion of the Kiigllshir.oti last year.
Mislead of running the full 220 vards,
the conch t.rnt them over a shorter (lis
"Vict; , Jt w" estimated by one man
who heltl a watch on the four nthletes
that the did approvlmntclv twenty
three seconds for tile furlong.' The
I' rench coach was plainly well pleased
with tho performances of his athletes.
Lnwson Itohertson. of the Pcnn
team, lias about decided on the makeup
of hls.sp-int medley team. Lever and
Mnxoin will run the '20,- Lurrv Itrowii
tho quarter and Captain ICnr, Kbv
the half. This ipiartet is expected- to
win the title, nlthough Syracuse nnd
the Frenchmen will make n strong bid
for first honors.
Interest centers in the one-mile race
on Saturday afternoon more than iu
any other rnce. Yesterday afternoon
severol old-tliuc. followers of the elnder
path were dismissing the chances of
the different teams nnd three of the
the selected Syracuse, two Pcnn and
none the French tenm. "With Allan
Woodring, the Olympic 200-mctcrs
clinmpioii, Miuuing the lost ctinrtcr.
Syracuse Is expected to prove one of
the most formidable teams in the race.
Pcnn will be strong, but not so much
so ns was first expected. Itohertson has
not announced his fourth man ns yet
and thnt leaves the ltcd and Illue, ns
far as predictions go, In the dark.
The Pcnn teams will leave this
afternoon for Atlantic City, where they
will remain until Friday morning, when
they will return to Franklin Field.
Bby. Meredith, Ilrown. Muxuin.
Lever, Head and two or three others
will make the trip. Last ycur about
ten men were token lo Atlantic City
to get their minds off running.
Led h Captain ICurl F.by. the lted
and Blue tennis went through n short
Workout yesterday, tho easiest they
have had In weeks. The workout con
sisted' In jogging around the track and
starts. The team will rest tomorrow,
and according to the roach should bp
In prime shape for the first pistol on
Friday afternoon.
INTERftClfOLArrrifJ T,KAli;K
w. i.. r.r. v. jM r.c.
run. nith n o l.ooo rniii.iiirh 2 .1 .too
Nthn.uifh n i .ooo w.rhii.ii. 2 n .too
iid. nuii a s .ooo .v. K.nlh o s .000
Onl.lllfh S .500
Houtlirrn lllnh. 101 Crnlrnl Illah, n.
Frankford lllah. lit! nl Phlladtliiblii
Illfh, 10.
w. i r.r. w. 1.. r.c.
. H. S.
Itath. llllh 2 1 .0S7
1.0 S(iii r. 1 1 .ooo
A 'nov IT. 0 3 .WO
VEHTRRIlAY'R RKNUl.Tri -Calhollo
lUsti, 10) HI. Jsih's fttv, 8.
U'wt Catholic llllh r. I.a Sallt Trep, at
Orrmantown Aenl(nir, I3l Chrnlnnt llllt
Aeadfrny. 10.
KulK-opal Acarirmr, "I .St Luke's School, 3.
Amblrr llllh. .It llermnntown 1'rlfnd", 4.
I,a Nnlle 1'rrP. 10) Wllmlnilon ITIrnd. 2,
(lifltfnham lllth. Ii drome school, a,
IVnn Charter, Hi Radnor llllh. 10 (10
Shutout Victory of Downtown
Nine Is Unexpected Stoolo
Stars in Box
Mm. Vnnderbeck is n sum t...w. n
lend-off player. Slip has won her first
two matches hy the stunning margins
of H nud 7 and 10 and 8. The former
nationn champion is right on her guinc
Olid should be good for most of Hie local
honors this season. MUs Cncrlv, a
niitloniil finnllst. is also playing well,
hlie lias won licr matches without mucn
trouble, though slip finds her shots uot
behaving In exactly tnidsenoii form Just
J el. This slip cpcels. to welcome by
Hip well-known practice.
Miss Ucll was n trifle ofl her game
jcsicraay playing Airs. Waller Page,
Uiverton. though the latter wns inline
form nnd won. 2 aim 1. Miss Hell,
however, was 4 down nt the eleventh
nnd made n game fight from there home.
Amateur Sports
Former White 'Sox Player Is Ar
rested in Connection With
Baseball Scandal
Is Angeles, April 27. -Arnold
("Chick") Gondii, one of the former
Chicago White Sox baseball players In
dicted in connection with the Hllcgcd
"throwing" of world scries games in
1010. was arrested here last night at the
request of the state's attorney's ofllcc
in Chicago.
Gandll. who formerly played first base
for the White Sor, had been working
fur some time in n Los Angeles lumber
He xald he was anxious to have "this
thing ovrr with," referring to the world
scries charges.
"I don't suppose I can ever play In
organlml busclinll again. ' he added,
"but I want to get a chance to piny
somen here, which Is impossible while
these charges arc pending. (iandil de
nied ho had any shaic In "throwing"
(iaijdil was locked in the city jail. Ho
hud In his pocket, the detectives said.
n railroad ticket to Chicago and a sleep
ing car rcseivntion for Thursday of
tlin week, and said he wns planning to
go lo Chicago to face any charges there
might be against him.
The police said they would telegraph
the state's attorney in Chicago nsking
if (iandil could be admitted to bail und
make the trip ns he had planned.
Southern High's shut-out victory
opr Ccntinl High wns the big surprise
In the Interscholnstic League (rpsterdn '
afternoon. Thp "Kpd nnd Ulack nine
had little trouble hitting the offering '
of I'lirmnnn. the Crimson and (iohp
hiirler. and won as it plcnspd, 10 to 0. .
A nrw find wns uncorked In the per
on of Stoolo. the only regular pitcher j
of the downtown Institution. He
side hurling shutout ball, he held the'
MlrrorS to fivo binglos ftnd set seven'
of them down on strikes. Fly this I
victory Southern High goes into a tie'
for second place with Frankford, who
defeated West Phllly High. i
The Pioneer won n slugging match'
from West Philadelphia High in the
leagues other game by Ihe score of'
1.1 to 10. Frankford pushed over four,
counters in the ninth Inning, because
of the wildness of Klliol. the Speed-1
boys hurler. This lost tho game, nsl
West Philadelphia wns unable to score'
In Its half of the session.
HI .Incmili Hinn Imf tin ! n 1 1 I n... I
...... ...,,.,. . . .i IUOK ..O .(l.bUll fill,,.,
in the Catholic League on Cnhill Field,
being benten by Catholic High In the
closing Innings. 10 to 8. Kennedy, the
Purple nnd Gold receiver, knocked a
triple with three of his pal resting
on the sacks In the, eighth Inning for
the deciding runs of the game.
West Catholic ntlll remains nt the
head of the league, with two wins and,
no defeats, whllr Catholic is right be
hind wltl1 two wins nnd one defeat.
Chestnut Hill was defeated by Ger
mnnlnwn Academy In n slugging match
by the score of 12 to 10. Kplscopal
hod little trouble In defeating St.
Luke's, 7 to !. tJcrmantown Friends
traveled to Ambler nnd "Ann defeated.
5 to 4.
La, Sallp Picp trounced Wilmington
Friends School. 10 to 2, the game only
going five sessions. Cheltenham High
scored Its second win of the week, de
feating (icorge School, 7 to .'!. nnd
Pcnn Charier nosed out ltndttor High
In a ten-inning gnme by the -core of
11 to 10.
Northeast's Kelay
The Northeast High Sellout two-mile
relay team. rompocd of Hill, Gun
drum, llemmeilj nnd Slcinmer. expects
to come through u winner In the Pcnn
The Itc'd Hntl llhick team trnvelcd to
Lnfajctte College last year and copped
the two-mile championship there by a
wide margin, and as LoU is the only
member of the team who has graduated
the Archives should giic the heralded
Cedar Ruplds High School of Michigan
a hard race.
Have Hcmmci'l. who is the anchor
man, is the indoor half-mile champion
and Winnlp Slcinmer. who runs third.
is Inst year's outdoor nnd Indoor 880
Oundrinn. who runs second, has not
been competing during the Indoor sea
son because of being basketball manager.
Last year, however, he took fourth
nlacp in the hulf-mllc. being uoed out
fop third place at the finish by Fruitier,
present West Phllly High captain.
Hill, who will lend off, Is n mllcr who
has been switched to the half to fill in
the tncnttcjk left by Lot. He hits been
showing up nicely iu the preliminary
P. 13 -A riitii. i. .i.l T lfi.i.riit.
IMft-H T ifjrK ana It. HMkle
M.Wr Oliiihtr&t. and .J Hhlwr
10.10 ..t" lnlUm.tl f. Hfl l I kilt, I
101' J Wrntzdl nml 11. 1). Hew
'"' Clurlca Stokes and II. Cornell
I.'.'!.. n n nui... . ..,, i- ,!.. ..
II.. .i I. .-M-IUHI ,!', Ill IIIIL.M
:! r ilHidlner mid K l. Iliwpri
jJi1 M. Sctclln mul J. IJarbn.
.". .i '" Woolvirinn imu imrtncr
i-lf, Or !,. li. 1'eplow uml 1). llerr ns
;i-k pkin und K, C ChAildn k. I'lilU
Binglcs and Bungles
Mill the rhllllrs hm a hanet to smash
"tt r !"!'t ' record mid 1n it sexle. II
will take it rouple more Kunvrs from Ihe
lira res to do It. hut II ran I done. This
nflertioon'H conflict nt I'lltecnth nnd llnnl
insdon ktrceto begins at 3:30 p. m.
J'ic Whlla Snj- 7iaie rrlcnsrd fin ulnucra.
.None of them belonged to the Ulacl. Hoi
C'asej Steneel has been ont of the tunie
becaue of a tlir Imrk. lie hits l-ecn taklnir
ireatments. nml liopes lo be In the llnr-un
t nn earlj- date.
In .1 recent school imni" tlir ducji of une
team made n I. Irk because th- timplre de
cUied n ilead bull when a Ditched ball acc.
dentHll hit k pMser'B hl, Of roure tho
ump rn right. Tho intention of a hlttar ha
nothing to do ulth the caee.
Tommj 'Jurnrr. moiH of the An. him
Iriifd .Inmes 1. I'ulihum, Hhortftloi of the
Auburn C'olleice Irani. Connie la dalli rata
tne Ihe Mandardu of his curriculum.
77ie I'hllllts lost a double-litniier irilrr
day. lint then lost a oanic lo Doslon, thtn
theu lost tht sirvieea of Art Fl'tehcr. ranfnU
oiid shortstop, who annoutctil that he had
rtliitd ftrmanvtttlu from hascbalt
The H(l Vlriclnlu haehatl lenm iiUts
Ihe tlnlterslU of 1'ennio-lvunltt lomorron aft
ernoon ut Kraukllii ricld.
'thru "y that some ot the Black Snr hnvt
oonc fo Mxrico. f,'ot satlifetl n-lfh tSrou'nio
imim Haitian, titrit rn m r u'if, ro uccomc pio
(Iclciit of 1ironlito fl,e bull
charlea llollncher wan one of the bis Mils
rinir noljes esterdav. The Cubs ahortatnn
maikcd uul three doubles In four trips to
the nlc.le
Our "lleto" had Iwlter ilu,k when he ures
Mr. olatead nrairnnrlilnr. lie hnu nl nm.
nit it kirk uf Kill per lent, which iranaialrd
. tnn the lancuate of llilrsi Is '.'00 proof.
lleo has been culled on by llonntiin three
lime) In pinch lilt, and thrre times he lias
I J. IliAmmi tind 11. Maddock
j:. It ferklin and CI. J. Yntusll
' ' O'llsnlon end Henry Youu.
I'liinictt (r.Ni-iil i ml A. I". II. June.
I I i 'hui nml cleorse llnffncr.
Viiniwn Muxwcll and .1. Mliiipsou
I lean
I (I Milch. II and .M. UlcKltnon.
'" ConnnMr and I'riif. Jlclnnla,
'I It Wilkliitun and IT. Zlinnior-
m an
.liilm Pomei und V. lilllnian
llurar-H Cook and Herbert Ht. Clair.
(1. ;- .iii" mm in. Liniuiii
i?l 1"'uh '''1'iPbell nnd Jl. J. Now hem.
narii rioiHioti anu 1 . M, iici.-
i in
l 'ii
i .;,
l i-
I in
l .v
; oo-
I Hi
I .'II.
W ilbou i n 1 Chutles Swan.
1... Hell unl . Tlltm.
luiion i nd T, I'. Miicl.Huhlin
I tlur,,'nii ml 11. v Wuud
I' l.rilimin and V llnbcrlx.
I Kneopcr Hid T. Af.xiip.
! I'lianln uid W I' Woiiliuin
M Kii.lnl uid W. T. iMilsUt.
llelCn' timl llr. 11. Itiulliijr.
'' loie, mul r. lli.tpuilnii,
'bancs Willluina and Jlarolil Ilarvcj.
.iiri I'ulnam und lliou J-ldnunla.
I Ii Car mil u nd II XVpNtrlniiir.
v r,r i.tiii,, D., i- i i.,vu.ii
Ijii' id l-Mnnrda i nd' c" M llinnii.
' II, Tob. n rnil I1' II, b'ulpii,
' 1 rn I'lufil ..nil I llii.i.i
jaJ I' (CMIHPIMl Hllll li.' C litis
'" .' "rue A .-V II ehd Chan, W 1111
. , "
. "' . 1 1 r, r Hupp.... , mi. t
.11- I
3.1 1
! 11 I,
r ".- 1
Ml i.
.1 nn , .
n UA
S 111.
S If,
1 1.1
IX If,
1 ,0.
h'rank IIiukio coullnu' i
ball inenlcK9l Tenterd.iy
tiar cot three rafe inpc
hammer lh
the biiaketball
Sonic saj that if Sni.i keeofi un Iim ai'at
hattlrto streak. 11 oklnototi nil note puCed
'ice as ii pennaiient diet
.lAe Acofla who waa crrdtlcd with ln
nlim the frame for XVnlilnelnn from the Tan
kern cKcrda, U r.itiil b Clurk l.l-imih as
Ihe nvin with Ihe het control In the Ameri
can l.eaeiie.
Johnny Dundee Outpoints Kansas
Jlllmiiikce. Ml.. April 'JT Jnhnn Hun
dre or New York outpointed lloiky Kun
aaa of Uuffalo In tcn-iound bout ae
rnrdlns to n ma tot II. of 'prrllni.- writers
at ill" rlnsld.' II w a a pectacutar liut,
with Uuiiilec il'ilnu all the iii'tinir and han
n dolnu niftJi of iho HkIhiiib Neliher boy
mp8 damaKcd to fnv 'Mem
The lladcr Athletic Club, of Atlantic
City, which is making n great reputa- I
lion and is yet to be defeated, has many
well-known players In the line-up. 1
niehip Dirghnu, who jumps center for
llic Coatesville Kastern League, has
been signed to catch; "Peterson, short
stop last .xcor with Vincland. and
( hurlie Mc.Malion. of Camden Clt j, hae
also signed to play with Under. J
.liniinv Carmuck. a local Atlcfntic City
High School star, will take the place of
ike Nelson, who is plning with
Fleishcr. Finder A. C. will play nil Sat
urday nnd Sunday games at home at
Ilaclmrnch Park. All clubs wishing
games should communicate with Charles
Lentz, 12 Spray avenue, Atlantic City,
Jasper I'. C. has a few open dates for
semi-pro home club ofTerinir reasonable in
ducements. James Clark. 1859 East Clem
emlno street.
1'ranilNrllle A. A. has open dates for
flrat'Clnsa home asareiraUsn. Charles W.
Auld, 1S27 Sn-aln street.
Trlanale Club, of ICtncsesslnr. has Sun
day dates open for home clubs. Wayne Cur
rle. Fiftieth street and Chester menue.
The MaJeMle A. C. desires to meet anv
Ixteen-elRhteenoear-old nlnos wlllln, to
tra'et for reasonablo guarantees. L. J.
Murphy. IfllS .South Beeohvrood atreet.
Am llrat-elnaa pitcher wllllnc to plaj for
the sport of the national name should call
Lombard ,0.,S between 11 and 11' A. M.
I'. I). H. of A., Camp 120, da'.r to meet
lirt-cluaa toams In or out of the city offer
ing reasonable Inducements, J, C Malone,
371": North Darlen atreet.
M'eat l'ark A. ('. has booked Karnes with
auch teams ns Media A. C St. L'antlus
C. C, but still has many open dates In
May. .lune and July for home clubs for
Saturday and Sunday zames. K. J. Davles,
Ola North rifty-fifth street.
I.lsrclt A Myers A. A. desires to hear
from home clubs having- rrounds and offer
Iiigt reasonable Inducements. Edward Ltpton.
care Lncgett t Myers, Third and Ontario
The Indian Kock Clob desires tcames with
flrst-claes home nines. Horuce Sinclair 133
Kast Chelten aenue.
Kinsley Club, ot West Philadelphia, will
play aivay on Saturdays and hume on Sun
dais. Home or traTollnt; teams wlshlne to
book aamea should address lluslness Mana
ger. 4'JIS M'eat (tlrard avenue.
Illnikatone .lunlnrs .desires In mtet thlr-trnn-flftee.-.-r-old
home nines. Sam
Schwartz 1014 South Lawrence street.
M'. T. Pritchnnl A. C. has Beeral open
dales for home uasreaailona offerlnc ault
able Inducrmenls 1, V rix, 5028 Osaze
I'elthiil A. A. desires to har from third
rlaas home nines Nat I'utamklne. S29
South I'nurlli street
Meat Jerse I'ros, a li lolly first-class
traxellnz nln has upen ilalfs for teams
nireilnK aultnble Indueemtnts. C. K, M'lley,
llierlev. N J.
I'elhain A. A., n arirnleoii-rishleen-i car
old team, desire to hear from homo clubs
Kddlo Lone, CC:17 Muegrao atreet.
Dr. Lasker Resigns in Fifteenth
Came After Suffering
Fifth Defeat
llaiann, April 27. Jose Capablancn
won the. chess cliamplonship of the
world here when his opponent, l)r.
Kmnnuel Lasker. resigned the fifteenth
game of their scries and the match.
With yesterday's victory, Cupabalanca
had won five games and drawn ten of
the fifteen played. The conditions of
the match called for the playing of
twenty -lour games, ui tne nine re
maining games, Lasker would huve had
to win six and hold Capablancn even
in the other three iu order to win the
title, for If the match had ended in u
draw Cupablanca would have been de
clared the champion.
I,nsher said that while he destred
to give full credit to the young Cuban
master, he had been handicapped to
somo extent by the hot weather.
Crowd Cheers When Babe Ruth Pays
Fine for Speeding
New York, April 27. -"Flabc" Ruth
is too fast for New York He appeared
today In traffic court and was tines! .$-5
for driving his automobile up Broadway
last week nt twenty-seven miles nn
hour on his way to keep nn engagement
with the Yankees nt the I'olo Grounds.
Half on hour before court opened a
crowd had gathered to see the baseball
star. After "Babe" hud fumbled bis
cap nervously, admitted he was sorry,
and paid the lowest fine the court could
Impose, the crowd set up a cheer.
Former Indian Hurler Seeks Release
f'leTcland, !., April 'J7. El Klepfer, for.
mer star pitcher of the d-veland Indians,
who xoluntarlly retired from the same two
years ago, has telegraphed Manager Speaker
nnd "'resident Dunn Baking that ho be Kli-n
his unconditional release Ills rcouat will
be srautud if Ihe other teams will walo
on him Klenfer ha been appointed man
Kr of the Qkmulgeo team of the W'eetern
Mens Merchant
1017 Chestnut St.
Boots and Saddle
Local League Standings
I'hlli. IV. I
Tenna. Co I
Corn Kc I
N. M Tr I
lhll.1, Nat 0
, 1,. l'.C. M I.
II I.OUii (ilrunl Nn O II
II 1. 0011 rldrlll) O I
II 1.000 llnaranlee II 1
II l.lino led. Itc. II 1
(I ,000 lilmrd Tr O I
. r.c
Yterdjy's Score
Northwestern Trust Co,, Oi (ilrard Trust
Todaj 's (irine
1'rnns.sltunla Co, ss. I'eder.tl
Shlbc l'ark,
You Auto Know
M 1 1. P. i.
Kenl Ksl. 'J II I.Oflll I'om'l Tr II
rriinklin I l.iniii fomw'ltli. o
IjiiiiI Title I II l.OUil llnukcr '. 0
M. P. I" I I .100 Ursl N11I. II
l".illir Sunn.''.!.
iiii...." Ii'irrowis uml U,iliir Mnoi;.i
i"!) llowe,, mid j. .Miams.
!i;r Jii,'i'ike Kimici -.mi it. k. linns.
!;'.' ebler TwM nd . T. Mclwr.
-u jVunrli. ll'hli- ..n.i 'n i m,i-.j.
- lranelx
1 . "r j r
t II
J ' U
. M
1 ' (iriiipnirinii
.' I 1 I nuilnn UI1.1 11 l
luf il ,V"rrl iid ' 11
!itTi. V "ro'in ., J 11. II
'-.; . I', Its V pii jr.
While nnd T M. McCai-
K Delta and nk'hard This-
Thomas r ml Lcsur lllaner.
11a iirih'ngloii nml
ri. linl
t "J 1 .s 1,
S, ,
V Harlow
He ii' in
mid K J
Ilunnulph, ."1
s 1
and J,
rtuikllnE of plates in n baiierv is .aused
In overchnrpliig or ilolent dlacharglnjr Ions
lepi up. whlih h'als the batterj beond all
buunds. ,
Oil Irakimr nl Ihe rear hearlns la usually
uuseil l 11 nuin fell wahi' In thi.jiesr nc
cetiiiier, o I 1 suine ii' l.y a worn brurlnir
ticlf. .
If the h liter,' Is not kept ilian ami pie
entrd from nloi'plnc ner. imiiiiloii u lound
10 oicul' whk'h will eunlually isusc an
'ntcrrupllon of current.
To remote the mil pin) m ihe p 11 on Mi.itt
louxen the pinion beiirln; .uJJu-t inenl lui'k
and turn Ihi uiijuiiieni In take up the
nd pla Th. U'silnirs ihoiill be adjuated
unlll Ihe-e is no end inollou but 11 uhnuUl
lint bind unr jhuuld h"i cause ihe ehaft
'.11 turn lianl.
lleviliisc nllgmiient of Ihe wheel I an lin
iniiiiini fautur 11 lh if- of tlic fi'oi,! t m
Ihe tlluanee lul o-.i vjil pro Incd w m
jdjustments. 'Hie from of the lire shnulil
sa, , rule be flie-aUteeiilhs fluari lojcthrr
than the, fekr, measurtd HI Ilia same height
Ironi Hit Krpuntl.
... -i
elerdi' Score
Kml Katulr Trut. Ml M'fsl
Trial. ':.
rodaj a dame
Plrat National . I'omnierrlal, nt Oreicl
Ittnl moiid I
lreel I
Cms HI
llnihiini u
l P " M. I,
tl 1. 0011 ' II. .'h 11 0
11 l.disi I'h miller 11 11
11 ,iliHi llldille-ll. o I
II .IKH) M est A Co tl I
Chlerdiiy'e Score
lliorl A Co.. Vi Middle A llfnrj,
Todai's dame
A Co. is. Clnindlrr Itros,,
There, are three puri-p races out of
the ordinary at llairo de tiraic tudity
I the Candidate Steeplechase, the Aber
I deen Stnkcs and the Flight Purse, the
latter bringing togrthrr Star otcr,
Billv SIcLaughliu, Haiti and other fleet
three-year-olds, The steeplechase
should furnish n keen conteot between
flrlffwood, Overmatch and Peccant.
Tho Aberdeen is for .iuumlles. lu which
St. Maurice will shine. Oood 'limes
and Uxcuse Me should furnish the chief
contention here.
Horses iu trim for the other races
arc: Flrnt .Rrnosi A .. I.mvh. Tin. ruin.
ReoerTe, t sin. Third Tile Ilelnian II Promt-
ganda. Brisk. Sixth Oath, Star
Realm, I'lratA Mcfiee. Seventh
Padua, Lady Kmnieline. Clicruhino.
Tile Phoenix Hotel llundii'iiii Is ihe
iooo. fenlure nt Lriington tnilay Thp vpI-
rrnn Mooiltrnp, if lie li i,p 10 n race.
siioiiiii win the ancient tlxtuic. Jtou
Icau and Dancing Spriij nppeor (lie
contenders. Horses in good ronilition
In the other loecs nre: First race
Bloisc, Ilugazza Hotsinda. Second
Mlphlnvelll, Planet .Mary Jnnc llakor.
'I'hlr.l 1I.UI.I. II.... 1...I ...
i ri .. iMiimii i,hil-i , iiiiu-r. .iir,
I'. Triil.iH T......l. nnn.. Uilu ci
,000 ' , ' i''ui in -in-nr-r nun, oiilltip.
iwui ini-i-M. nixm cjiieruiH. .aipzuh riu
nello. Seventh Wiidsnorth't, Last.
Lazy Lou, Newell W.
M. r p.(
Tn cut -third nnd Vrnunco
Slriilnii I'lclil
all Mia.
IRON M STIIKI, l,i:(H'i;
W. I.. P '.. M. I,
ll.T.Polta '.' II t.HOO 1111r. Iln, 0 11
11.111,1 UlH I .iM'll
Jliirrla-M. I I ,5'J
iratrrda;'a Msirea
11 r. Poits a Co., it e. 11. rtoud, a.
ltrrl-H1irier, III R. ). Wood. T, .
III addition to the link Handicap IToOO
i;dded, to be rui May II at Loualle tho
Kentucky Oaks of 10,000 alio wilt be Or-
ut emeu on that da. The llska Is for three
?rr-uin niiica. rue total e-uncci tnonev at
Churchill Duwns tint da ill be f'.'l.ono
The Oaka la the nearest approach lo the
Derby ut Iiuiaillle The dates of Hi, Ihmna
stakes are Kentucki Htrb Jjn.ooo ddd
lay T, Debutante Htal jjoimi ufldt,, m
Ti liaahfnrd Minor Httkr, l.luoil undid Mas
III I'lark llm Ileal. 7.1ui iiddotl, Mgi li,
IvUmurl.i ciaks, .1 In. mul ,ik,i ,mh j
Krntt'ckv Hanillcap, IIO.IKiq aihtad Ma L'l
Sui'luw Trial h'lukci (.1000 added Ma .
1'roclsr Knott Handicap, InOOO addtd, May
Made to Measure
At Most Unusual
in Price
Saving in
Special No. 1!
The Much-Wanted
Brown and Gray Herringbone
Fast-Color Blue Serges
Homespuns Tweeds
Finest of Worsteds
Just think of this group of tine
M-oolcns to select from at this extra
special low price.
.They arc here, too in a plentiful
assortment assuring you of every
coloritifr or pattern that von could
wish for.
Made to Your Individual
Special No. 2!
With TWO
Pairs of Pants
This is a wonderful saving oppor
tunity, as these are hard-twisted ml
BLUE SERGES nnd the extra pai
of pants practically gives, you two
Take advantage of this low pine
without delay.
ilorc to Your Individual
Special No. 3!
Including Co.it, Vet, '
Trousers and Knickers
Hero is a rare chance to buy i,
combination that practically gives 'you
two suits for the price of one. Sia
terials arc finest herringbone.-,
tweeds and homespuns.
Knickers give you a splendid golf
or out-of-doors suit.
Made to Your Individual
sJBi ir
Chas. Adams Co.
Philadelphia'! Largest Exclusive Men's Merchant Tailors
1617 Chestnut St.
8 North Warren St., Trenton, N. J.
Open Saturday E-ninga Until 9 o'Clock
Till 6
10 P. M.
Another Big
This progressive clothes shop
is crowded every hour in the
day as a result of this
Amazing Offering of
Strictly All-Wool Spring
Suits & Top Coats
For Men and Young Men
At -- , " mm
A spot cash purchase in which thou
sands of garments were secured at an
enormous saving. Guaranteed the
equal of the best shown anywhere at
$35 and $40
Models and Patterns Galore!
They are the last word in style and unusually well
tailored. Choice of newest gray and tan herring
bone weaves, pin-stripe and chalk-line effects;
Glenurquct plaids and club checks; color-fast
blue serges; blue, gray and brown flannels; also
neat patterns in worsteds for the man of quiet
taste. Single and double breasted, 1, 2, 3 and 4
button models. All sizes. The Top Coats are
the popular all-wool knitted fabrics in the newest
Spring shades.
You need only glance around this busy clothes shop and
see the crowds that fill it all day long to realize why we
are doing the greatest clothing business in this city today.
Vnmatchable values is the answer the ability to give
our customers clothes of genuine all-wool quality and
faultless style and tailoring at big savings. Nowhere else
in Philadelphia will you find values such as you will see
here whether you want to spend $22.50 or $30 for a
garment, or any price between. A'o charge for alterations.
Another Extraordinary Feature !
in which we olTcr a large collection of especially
fine tailored herringbone and pencil stripe
Suits at $
that are absolutely
the equal of the best
$60 and $155 values offered in Philadelphia, tin new
est single and double breasted models in finished and
unfinished worsted.
We Specialize In
Clothes for the Stout Man The
Tall Man The Short Man
Stout Sizes, :)7 to 52. Short Sizes, S.t to 12.
Long Sizes, 3d to li
The most varied selection of fabrics and
patterns in this city. Our prices guarantee
you a saving of $10 to $20.
Open Hiilr
Till H l. M.
Till 10 I M.
15th and
-Aiti York Headquarters, 15 W. 31th SL
da $
- a '
1 1
3" iV