(fwwwwliWll', - -. .,,w,,, ,., ,,, -t. , ,- . T . -r.. , ,.., , vmrTfHrfpwtiKiJ&ftwi, fJ.(llr??SJf4aKv-V.7JT.' 'i i ,G EVENING PCBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1921 SfiirWT' i!giiiMmiiiiiiy i i Vi I U as if I;i -t ; t B tt - . HOW SPROUL FORCES WON DAY IN HOUSE OVER GRUNDY Dvtailvtl Story of (inventor's Crushing Defeat nf Opponent f in One of U ihlest Scenes in History of Legislature "Drama of Government" Exhilarates Mrs. Ilttbhs H, n stntf I orittpo ih ' Ilnrrisbiirc. piil -"' - lr. 1 1 a rirt I. llubl. ! riiilndelplihi. ii niemner of l In- I'liiii-ilniniii l.-egu' (if Women iH"l. -lllil "f til" III'ImII"- in tin' Mouse ' "Wn-n'i it "l uci-ful ' hi ill PC tllllt uoltl'Mi llili'i in"' tin' gll'llt ilrnmn of gm eminent. "t'crtntiil.i hi1 iiff not liiinc in fir dead dii.i "f loti,: !;" I'" " "' lerj Hi" I s iiti'l tlfj null- mien the won, i n linn n' i'' M" rim be dr.m iin. it .-li n. Women nib tint il'Miiii-i l mm ii- si'-itmi 'l tbe tunes.' h m . ' i - i llarrlMiiuc. A 'I -' - ' ' Biosphere shot tin v.gh ttlt tin1 mint intPtip p lit mi hi iiml ti'ii'iil lo tion, tin- sfp.ii timl supping inoniPtit m om nf III'- higgei duiiim i ' " lii"!'"" of lVntis.i iiiiniu noliiiK iin icndied at seicn minute- after midnight when Tlepreentutivc lle one "f Hip liiondi floor leaders mud" tin pieliiiiinurv move tniuud adjournment of tli" Mouse r presided in hi SipiiI.pi- Spauglet "I tnop " "HkI lli". "Hint iindei the otili'i-t of tin- dm. tli" llimn' ail ionrn at I" " !' I It was tin n in uoti il r.'.Di ii in thp i-loi K Inning '"'"ii "' ' '"" Horn "ii- tin- tun" mi it"' l'i'"i' Crow fon-cs to iKpit thriiiThi'i they did. "Cuilcr thp onl"i- "f 'Ii" dm ami Tiniinceil the iipKit a In- KP Wll" banc-d ' tli" Hon will non ailjoiirii ni 10 n'l ll" S Later Main II Mcllei-itt. -tn Coici-nui- f-liio'il wlio wu i-ptan in tli" Ii" House all tli" tmi" pointed out nit hi tli" nl" ot Ali"Hir tJptiPial Alter ' leirnl iidt ""' to ill" limi'i inn. thnl thp lli' mo- mi li.nl no spuinil. Spe.il.er tailed Aibltr.il Up iu't .uhitiurili ndjiiiiriiPii tli" Hnup I Molii'i'tr. Sproil-I I"', ! ll'li'l I'", I ted in. i tlint tli" lltti'ltu'i SMieril vii" oil IiiiimI to iinteh if no: t" cnaul tn" h-gnliti of all proceeding" No .ooiii"' li.'i'l Hi" sii-ii'n'i 'inliO'iniPil th" H i li.i ii "" ' f' ,,"; '"""i"11 and lim I'n'il ",:!. , Iniiiiiiliiiii'h lin.i nt.mve .luniPs A. Walk"!', of riiilit'lulpti'it Spimil tloot- Jpnripr. mid a ' f -iIiit "P" on thpir '! -I tnitf t" tli"tr itllt"" i" all l.nrts of in" lo mm- i iinmliiT "Sit iloM n ' Mt ilnwii" K"pp .,0ir Minim i !P niliirv "I in" whiiipii -P"i tators. liiian i" Ii a m o ' t" toi ll" or scores o' oiiipi- inn doors bad been shut m-i markable thai with all t jiption there wii" 'itt' Vililrpssni" I "hn ' I "leru II hmii-i 1 1 wn tuP 1 1 swlftnes- of oilflsoli i. '1 lioiiia" 11 Walker sIkhuci o damn. Kpprei ntatu nluiie the spimiiiiii: t 'Mr 'Mii"f I lerU ii.ll'illi Ho- -i"iik. i limine left iliPchn.i. will ion Mki in" chair and alt tbe House to order'' ' (Jariiu .iri.i at tie jerk's, desk The Hoi .( will '"in" t" order " nn-Jiouni-Pil tiiimii iippan-iiili iiff"rinj from ii lui-ki Mil".,' 'Tin- serReain -n -i in - iid m- - distant. ' HiiiiouiH'd i.ar'in 'wil' t-'ose the doors. Ks'.-ixss Willi Kill As these pre''iiiiliHMe weie OeiiiR gone thiongh. m b -s tune ihiin ii inki to tell i UepiPM ntiitiM I'mii'iiii Smi c'air. of 1'iiMttp iiiunti. one nf th" Oilier llfll li" "as lepijli'll Id llllle the wtlfai" bill 111 b's pin ki (lushed oul tin ii lendiii',' in tin liiiieltnu 's offi, e In d" ll- ii" hurtied pnt .cures of millien sp, , tiitnis Hi nl mil III"! lii foil' til" ll nil- s.nilllljeil All lloflls II etc Mini tuiltll ' ll 11" nnc could Re' hi i ii And pi en dooi iis : urnng enough '" ngn i f'hief Clerk I ill! in ft speaker 1 moip ' ih imi" ( Wnlkpr. "that in- II" e ' lillbl RPI oUl i.i nil i hi men i, 'li'-ir post. .is uo' iii'tins (I Itepl"-' . .c In p llt.ltn e .led Id nop if -i ipioriiiu I" I' ARain thi I"i w. tne door. i wo. no midniglu i!n" mm fpntatiie llc-s Iiml S'ene b his inoii"li the ordi'r of tne d.n sITll I pealed In use - n miiiuies aft": i . ' iflel Itepi" 'ipiuited the Imr " (I'll'. Hill IIHIPI At this point ' "ii. "iidi ni Him a numbpr n' thus, n ien .in lo supM rt the Orundv-tlii"i piogriini bad b""'i caiiehr in the li.'is.un" nun mid were sUll ill the "lllllllbel l1.nllg tlP" WIT" Itppresent.itnii A'' iniU"i of I'elawnre. the stiu mi pptri ' o1 :ne s. ssi.ni ami l'cniikl.ii "iliel.i i l r.il'iii.hUs ,f lui- In.-llltoM Ii It tl"s h'jlt Alleghetll. I.i "ll" 11 i tlon to tin- flli 1 lllnl 'i that all ii1 ad " ' ' Mould b" ollliled a. in '" Hi'iini-li of alleil mien ,i i mi iiiiiioi ic ml . II i is. present HiR 'H sen- Visitius Didered f'atu" .ini'iio i .ii.i Aeung Speaki !' ii to MIpik e ( lllell' tl "III Visum, nl remain senten ah'l " 'I 'I ' Th" women -ii' i,"'in Mpannil" ! ( - i m I'n.li p. Cldirtl'l'l i r i ii ii iii'i'i e Mian TIBS 11 1(1 1 B' trni 'Hn I ii 5 t ioil Ii loir -I. is Ropn ' ni ii' mm in- "" '1 Tterirekeiil. 'in I mi t n ne '" nt'i'ti' "ii i. IMii .ni- ii ' ' . . n ell' iiinl ejsn'l lii'giin I' rend u book Tri- -' i 2 hi tht door- i' ,i ii ii announeeini-'i' rn "How 'ong' Tb"n ori Wa.l. was polled 'I ne i' I- - il 1 1 I M II - ' .it UhOl iiei . hn r o I'i, II I,. io-.,i tlie Hole tiiiei in eil af' r lunil,er nf Hi" 'In i' iifi ini A Ml I tl ' i il Mill Mill. Il.e i('l(k"l ' ie H" Jm( n.ol. ii et pro 'mii i '1 he nip. II' 'dig Sie-nlti-i i i 'he rolleall 1 iR' I.'." llonst! hsd Hti-w M i majontj of ft,'- H- -e Itepreseritntpe I r t iiuorain being f i having Mr 'b. u.i to rbe eleeti'in "f n -" Tho mot ' i have it m -i Garvin. Then cnnie nn ' ' ' 1 i ii nil 1 1' riione ti r-i i ITki i . of r Mie'l tight in. ni iuh .itiun ii fi.i reminiscen' of Sproul -Crou f" pupreuiaei in tin Whillll.rr Niilllill.ili (I "I move I'll" '"I I I Ii t ii I. Hi Major Samuel W'l t.ikei m n.ntei lie elected upeukei pi t ti. This motion wi inn .ne mi, n i nnded 'Tbe aie. Mi'' ' i-ilieu out t.c rhnir Major WbiiiiKi i 11.10 us. ihe "i.K lnul I'hon 1 of the Spi'u I 'roil leuip 1 . sbip for tpiuWei thin tilk"l 1.1 tl, chair. Thundering f- mid 11 n.'b of handelaph 11 ' uiiii'iiiiiul him ' th, upeaker'n rosirum Major Wlntnki r, oinrmiii- leieinu Ml a bturiii and 11 tudil.v llgure 11. h utood where luteli Mr Spnnglu hn I btUfed the guiel iiml diiiiiiied nut ih" jnorementH nf the Sproul men II looked quito luformiil He nine 11 .ott collar und u olkuiiut tie Ills ilurk suit, with Just H '"' f handkerchief pteplng out, hud no Mat to hide Inn hlrt. When the tumult and the nhontin 1 1 1 in Ml this "Mraonllnur.i imi-iiioii." I'Iipii m mil ill" sprii's of lislitnmu liKi iiioip In wIiIpIi tli" blll ulili'b tlni tiltind.i Dliicr IpihIpii Iiml K"it nirli'rd" III lliill' "Ollllllitti'i'i 11PIP I'lnllSllI out III Hip llnol' In III 'lis of HM'liiirgiliK Hip "inninlttcpt Imni fill -tlipp I'liniiilpratliui of tlip iii"it"iiri" m iini'itlmi, liPpi"PHIUllip rinllii iiiip" iii.ii i iiml to act tli" oar of tli" ti"i ilniii i', an. Xt'liPii ii "mil" to pasiii2 tin bills on tiii ii'ailini; l'hilllis liniM"i : 'I nb inl: j mi Iiiiip not roi iiiitininio i "on. cnl " Sppaliri- l"alU In IIp.ii- Spp.ikiT Wliitiiki-i did not Iip'i i-. 1'linlips. win, ciir'n'r in tlin ii'sln had I cpti tiainm it all bis mi n win. I"ml"r the proiPiliii" i-itiililNliPil mi a number of molions anil roio'ntlnii", all in wlii'li iere adopted. I lie lliiuse tlirn pnspil on 111 -t mid sconnil iimlitius "s bid. wl.iih liad In en IipIiI tip bj the opposition in tin. sint" adininistra tinii Tli""" bills ni" now iii for final in"nKP Last nislit tlie.i were in ' "pii Mp Tli" bill, an l-'ii'st iais lull ippealnri tli" nonpartisan bal'iv . i"iu fm-tin-eb " tmti of in.inn-lpal ottii-iaN in l'itts Iniru'li ami Scriititun. Seeonil (.'onm-pusional iciiiipoi liotinient bill, wliieli the sp(,n.(r )l;i, been lairiititf in bi" poikei. ' Third Tin- lpai"latne nppm tioti- nietit bill, which wiis helil up itl simi'ni matiner I'otnlli Thp iihIi. in I appoi tmii iin in bill Fifth The senatorial apportion ment hill Skth The H'niiilu.iti! lull to ire ate n jitat" Milfaie ib'pai tun in. which I had been held In di'iioiis uiethoiN in the lica'th and "nniintioii "Oinmittce. , The hi N wit" pa'sed in the Hr.t sit tins of the reoi-gmiiPil Ilniii'". When I lii" Mrt sittinji of Mumltu r"""-i-"d , and tmmcdiiiteli r inicucd the hills "ie passed mi spcniiil riifiuins i-i..... the House met at I'J :.. it was on the Tucsiliii sitting. A:ain Kepicspiiiaiiie l'hilliiis strove ui-ii for t-i nttentiou of the spi llki r He lose in n point of order "St.ii" loin point of order ipplied til" speiiki r Virprisril Ii.i llpcngnltion l'lnllips was s,i surprised at to oRiiilioli that lie wits soHiewhat . rec at a loss to siiitc his Milnt. but he did. He mail" ilie poini that no one could be hound In i lip nrcseiii action for the pea .on that the "Hmi.c lm. adjourned." "Vniir poini is not well takeii." ruled the (hair while the House loiki'd with lnucliti't i Ot the lulls it huh were lu-ouglit out hi the H'orgaiii.i'd House nud pas'd on two leadiiiRs those whose original copies had been lost or stolen were pro vided fm bi i-ertitied copies of the orig iiml. When the lions" rm oaveiiPil for the final wick last night nveri foot of spai e was in service Tin- galleries were pa ked , s,i were the places about iin lustrum and the side aisles. Women, with summer,! huts ami shimmcri wmts upppiiri'd to pii'dominatc Among the women were Mi. John (I. Miller, i iiimuian of the iegislatiie inuncil of wiiinen's orR.inuatioiis, and Mis Hor net I.. Hubbs. of ihe I'emisylvaniii I. pari. p of Women oters Seated hi the sp,.-(, leseneil about tile rostrum was Mis Il.irclai II Waiburton sliiiminR in n bl.'ok dies, n ml hat. the whole reliePl bl II stllllR of pearl Mam men prominent in the politics of the state wen- picscnt. Senators Vine ami ("ion were tuisi circulating nboiit. lis weie aUo President Judge iirown mid Thomas W I'limnnghnm. lliini'tii, Sim, I,... flu. ' (,i,.L 1 ' i,f flie welferi. Mil tnnl pit erntidlv nliimt while Sp'aker Spangler was in the ili.iir. Sin-1 etoirbad an expansive smile and smoked i a lug. a ieri lug i igar I in hard w pg I' in in I'siil'Mi'. of rhilaileipiiia ( nun i il had ii eai aiii"iiR ih" iii"inh"i o' tli' 1' 's, llip.il. Kpiied Kiel! bum .""nii-il to iea,i.e thai the lug ini.ik In f ween the lirundi -i iliver tones and the Sproul-Ciow leadership ('lis about o Take place AppiiKlilli "i)lltor I'eiiirise took no hi. ml tot i itlni side though both i I -ll 111 eil In favor Judge Itronn and Mr i 'tiiiiiiughatn. I'cnrose leadeis of Philadelphia, came up from a visil with the .Piiiitiir in Washington and ndvlspil both iis.enibli men and leadei that Penrose had uit them luie to hip ' iioiiin he would not mtereterv with either .111" l.en i ne IIou.i (onieneil under Speoki r Spangb i . it obvious that , both -libs uiie leadi for a light, l-'veiv 'time .i lirundi -I diiei man anise a ' Spi-cil leader also bapeii to hi feei to i gel il.e nllentioii of the choir. i In i on mn' and s.ifi, u casion did Spangler re. oRni?e .iiiioodi hut those lepie- (nt n g ihe opposition to tin- state ,n. ministration. Itenrespiit.Hiip Hess wdsithe hist m n. tecogi.iPd hi th" fust part "f ihe pin dings He mined the ai ppm'n p m' II re pint fr 111 the committee mi ",'es on the RPiieial appropriation.- lull iiud ll I ' .lisullllli e bills I'll st Voting I'PNl 1 1,,. m ibi mt i,,,i ,, -I I IIK l -Ii 'be ll'in'-e liellie. i ,r iihIi -I llliei nml Spriiin .("i-ow lt.,reeiitutiie U n,,er mged ln lOllllg II Hie foil e allies IT hitaher ami Spangler Career?, liriefly 'fold srfinuel Kuril -Hi e lir. nm )' i ne. rec I lie I lule .t ,, la II lli( Kile of I iinu I iu'i 'I Sue I MiitHl.er " il Live, ni I'lioe '"iinu lirnilunii u l'enn!lvunlii mi' i U'bitakei Tbiiiiip.oii dull ll I jilllge hi i ' fed (. Hi. mule lluivi of Henri eiiini e. f.,i ii,., , ..Km- of lil,'i imr, ii ml I'M" i uniiiiiiiileil llnrteii r 07 I ,1 ''I Ai'illen during Hie uni mid to'lCnl lit I llllle,li-Tllle l i Allliu IIH-eil III. niidlllllei lot .penkei uf lie Ilulj-e Novenilii 'll f(. (.H ll( hmi ihe mippuri ol (!iiiwiiiur Sproui nm Sth'i ('bniiniiiri I'mii I tut .11 'he I tl t I I II I helvleen the ll II- i f.. in Tin-in nml .Inn Mi-, .'!. tin,, uni. II hen the lloii.e mn, u.eil .Mil lot Wlll'llkel (iilletll l! iimlrei! II. n eillllli- 'lllle He lx 1 till 1 n 1 11 11 of ii 'Ull'll .IMlot.ell Sp.llijlei for , lllli'U' lerl kiii H- .peak"l- Itobeii s. spangler 111 1. 'nut! nine 1,-ui. 0 hi lue. hi (irk After giinluntiiin from tne I 111- 1 ! -It V of Vllgilllll lie plli'tli(( lim in S',rk (0111111 Hi. niuiil'-ii I'i'in in the Hi, ue uni 11 lUlo, ie-eleitei for rhe xeiuioii. af I'M.. IH1T nnd I'.H'.i inmle ipenki 1 fur Hu I HI '.1 .1 ..ion 11 lien tlllH I'lilllllll enti'MUl thr ne 1111. 1 uinmissiiiiieil a hr.i lieiitenunl uf infiiritii ni beginning of imr, but .oun afteriiard ( bonorabU ill-- 1 hlll'ged bnuilre ol defict III one ele Mi Spuugler Insi full mnde knuii 11 hu 1 pndidnc fur ic-elei ticn ns speaker U'chn Major Wbllnkcr stated lie would 1 nn fur ihe ulflic, Mi Spunkier conn- tei'i-d that he would stbk to the end i.-i.-il Li(n i.i l.'M((W .eft (11 Ilie 1-11(1 II' win indorsed for the spenkifihlp at the House caucus on Jiiiiuiiry y and furnin ' elected on Jauunrv 7 ilii-n Spi'iiKi'i Wlnlnliii iiiihIp ai.uii'al" "ppii'li ii follow: "I tliimk .tun for llii liotn i prising in Legislature Interests Women I oters lliirrlslini'3. 1'n.i Apiil 'JO Mm. Infill I). Miller, prcildeiil of Hie l'elin.i linuia l.eii(!Ue of VoliiPII ViiIpis, iiml i liiiiiinaii of the IprIs tat ic cuuiiell represptitntUc uf nil wiiiiich'h oraiii?atliin" Itilcrctcd In IlnrrWitirK loRliliitlmi. miid this iniirnitiji the cxcltlns procccdinasi of lal iiIrIi! and cai-lj thl inornlliK were cr iiitcrctiiiK mid InHtrucllvr to the new uilcrs. "I innniii." siuiii ,i-s MiIIpi. "nl Ibis tunc diii us. fu n the uni ons i.viic. iinoltci! I tnnj soy. Iioweicr llinl the situation n it dc icbipcil onl.i ciiiiliasi?cd iinpnrtBiicu of the control of Hie mnjnrit.i Cer tni ii l,i If bills wlili b nro dpsircd b. n malorilj of ihi legislators me kept iilddrn in lommltlpe, then soinethliiR is tmi tight I hope tlint iiiip of till icsiilts will be ili.it Rreftrr tilten tion will be pnid to the nivnsiirps desired lii a niajiirilj of the women ioIpis," to lote the Mess repot I down on the Kriiiind that it would interfere with the. ad iiiin i.t rat Ion program. Mere Speaker Spnngjpr rpported the loiiKressiiinal reiipportiiiniiicnt bill out l of lii "pocket." He referred It to : olimjittec. The Hess tppori. h Urundy-Olivcr nunc, wo then mled down by the House by a wite of l."i." inn to 7 I'n.ioii. This sluiweil that the Sprotil-Crow leadership actual,! had a votius mo toriti of the House a elected b the , people. A "tin m of applause I'min all p,irtf ; of the rowdeil House hailed the nn . nouiu.'pliieilt of the ote -mil til" llr.st I proof that there was no loiieer nny iUP.tion a" to iiintrol of t he lower I rbainhPt Mini I'lill.ulelplil.i Vntcil I'hiladelphimis viiIiiir ua.i hi Mipport of Spioul were 1 Akbur. Itahli. ltliinibeii:. Hiirti. I Coniu'r. IHIslieiiner. Hrinkhoiise. Dunn, 1 (tins". tiolder. Haws. HelTeiunn. Kraiisp. l.oie, McCorthi. Mctlowau. 1 Marcus, Millm. .1. ,f. Smith. Hownul Smith. .Ipupisoii. hiiowilcn. Sowers, Staekhouse. Sterllni;. Stevens. Wnlke: I'lillailelphians voting aje. oKuinst tbe stale administration, were i . Hluett, Itrotulei. I'ampbell. Kd- i nionds. l-'ranklin. (ireen. l.afferty. of I'cnrose s home ward, the Kighth ; i Leeds, McOwen. Albeit S. C. Millar, i Pern . Sniink. Tralnei Two I'liiliidelpliians win. did not lote , were : llradi, of Judge Itroiin' home war I. the riftpenth. .mil Keetie No Vat-" men loted against the ' Sproul-Crow leHilei-ship. It wo appaipul thai heie and tbeie the distnii'tli I'eniose votes in the I'hiladelpbia delpgation were splii so that the I'cnrose cause would be 'right" with either side to the tight. TIip TiaiiiPr men voted with up "in big the drutidi -tlliier forces Drclsiioli defeated in the firsi skir mish for lontrnl of tin l.egislntiirp nnd MipiPiiiiu.! in the Republican parti, the Urtindi ( liner contingent (. out on a filibuster in the hope of preicnting the House from ailing to defeat the ob trin tin- tin tii s tif Speaker Spangler. ItcralK .session of 1N0H Managing to loiitinue the filibuster until midnight, tlie.i moved the order of tli" doi. which mil adjournment. Spiaker Spongier banged the gavel, on nouiiced the I louse adjourned and left the rostrum, a did John K Karr, spp.iker in the Instill Ii- session of ISOD. .Main of the (inindi -Uliiei adherents left with Spangler 1 Ilefore the lcoi RUined House re cessed Hepreseiitatiie Hitluuh called the names of those in the House who were present and who should he counted us picsent Speaker I'm Teni Whita ker (ounted them us present. There were ninetien of these, making the to ml piespiit during the reorganization l.'-l The total membership of the House i i LtlT 1 .lllltur Whitaker said he wo ceitnin everitlilng done in the rcotganized House had been done acimding to law ll ml the t'lilits I Mi- Karr who ii I's'.Kl left the .-hail- in circjinstaiH e. souiewliiit snnilai to ! thoe under which Speaker Spongier 1 got ni. was in the House last night i'iil"ull hii III" pi in ceiling rloselj I'm- w.is of I,ai1.awaniia In his plaie the llouv ele. led Wonl It. Iiliss. of I tela ii me "'.iu a niajontj ot ih" House make lis own nib's'" Mi Karr wa asked. "Abs.iliii.li, he icplied Mi I "n rr ibi lined to go into othei (p.est'diis ri lilting to pai-liamPiilary law . W. ii ilh the (iiestbin will be raised as ti rln nht of the House to operate in the spen kei s .ibsi-ip e when he de clniril ih" lloii-e iiiljnuind in lonform nnte wilb ii nib- ut the body itself. But 1 it is helii tb.it ihe House mo v make and uiiin'ike its inles and tl.i spiaker le I ispiI to Iihipii to e lour of protesl .1111 II ll" lull 'I Mil . Spangler Repulsed by State Police I (inrliiiirii from Pine lim muied rliu) rbe nroeeeiiic be exiiunced . from the ie, oriln I Reprevntntiie Hiihrn h reported the i-hnngei. nnd dei lured the prui ceding!' ' iiete in order Repiceutntlie ,1 , n 11 r. Alleglien.v. dei I a rerl rbe proreedings illegal Mr Viiur nnd lies, both (barged ibni the doom had been lucked nud members nr Int 1 arilr hi. ked 1, hi. M(Vjiiir said nil legikhition huh leiipnrdied b.i the pro ' ceilings Cnu'l Go Itililnd Itirord Repreienintiie Walker. I'hilndelpliin. nilniiniitiiitiun (lour lendei . nnnoiineed iilint "No (ourt in Pi'iiii-i Ivanin will gu behind the ri-iords in the inurnol ns 1 11 mien iheie hi 11 lunlorlt of thin lluil.e Walker denied Hev, aigunient that ihe proceedings ueie Mi-ifi lat night ' The gnlleri and nislcH weie crou ti ed with Hilton. said Walker, who . chniged the olliei .nlc 111th intimidil I lion Kuither debnii line shut off by Wal ker lulling fur the prei nm. ipie.tjoii The Hniii.e then proceeded to u roll fall (ii the lie, iindiiiii to expunge the I priweedingi fioin inidniglii Inst night Mii to'll 11 in iiiiliii from the joiiiiinl. Hen' miitiou fell bi n loti uf l'',' nnjs to Ii" ilje. After the defeat of the motion, 'llesi nnd iuk uf York, put in 11 lesolution in rccunMili 1 the vote bj ubidi Whit- uker nn-. ee. led kpeaki'l . Il 11US then dec III red out uf ordei The House then lesuined the regu In 1 order uf businen nml the "bolters" ' remained nnd took part I I'lirtiripatiuii of the ridiiiiiiislratiuri'i , foes in the proceedings- mis said flintier 1 in hnie emphasized their legnllti House Kills Karly As n n 1 luck iipptoached this morn ing the House lipgan to till up in on ir .other dins Time ivns much tulkinu. , bin nil seemed peaieful. Hperutors, including innnv women, 1 filed in sloivlv us the members of the I reorgUIIIZ.t'll IloilM' took their sears All seemed 111 uhiihI The .Sproul Crow lenders and followers were out in force Huddenlv the clerk iinnounced that u lodge pin bud been found; probubly 1 belongs to 11 Indies' uuxiliurT." 1 UM(l!ln , Then can ' Spangler ar me the ousting of Speaker and the election In his nhied I of Mr Whitaker lhl was done st' to lip sure tlint nil bill. pnncil by llio Hoiihp would bi kIriipiI.Ii.v tin uppiikcr The Hotixii titidpr Whltnkcr wflu con vened at 10:1(1. N'o pi-nyor won hoIiI. ti the Tipdii nrnvcr hnil beon nitlil shortly offer midnight. Spriikor pro teni w'bltnkpr rccoKnixcil Upprpspiitntivp Ditbrlcli. Slicakrrshlp Ucclarcil Hcant Mr. Dlllirlt'li offered it resolution 1 sUrltiB the otliee of spesker viit'itlit. The resolution was odopteil. "In offprlnix t lii a resolution." said Dithrlcli. "I wnnt to mnko It clear It 1 not to chiiMlsp or lebukc any otic for bis conduct. It ll farthest from Hint. It Im for the belt Interest of the com iminu'n1ili A bill to become n law must be niinnl liv the upeaker. H not the work of the leinalnlnic ila.ia nuuld be frustrated." , , J , '" orderly procedure, but will) a Rflni The vote for speaker- n: VMill- determlnntinn tlint had In ll KiiinetlilllK nkrr. I'Jl ; SponRler. 1. A majority Is akin to the old Oromwelllan spirit, the, 10t. ' majority of the House seled the re.tu V .1. .1. Miller, of l'liilndelphia. wim'of Its coveinmcnt, elected n sprnkpr t. ii sent tmi noi ioiiiir. iiiuiiiHs. ui l.iirertii'. lotrd for Spanqler. The iiiinoiliiceinent of tbe otc wasi cieptpil bv n .storm of cheera a tlie let tubers a lose en masse. II'I.IImI.ah I. Ullnlil III II llll.im i m ..i. 'i.i 1..m. fi.ntitfitt Miiliir I I1CI1 (nine 11 ( en inn iii,it'iii, ...... l liltnL-ni veils sworn ill . nil n l sunn - ACM ( I1I11P a roiiniimii. .mm i Covci-nor. It was rend 1 l. linw House and the mw spe-iker wote there by reeorfiiized b the state ailminlstfii linn. AH this time, state police in civilian clothes silt nea l'e speaker's lustrum anil conferred with the sergeant -at-.arms. Hnrrj McPeiitt. secretary to tbe (lovei'iiiir. denied ieiorls that state po licemen had been summoned from bar tacks In eieut Mr. Spangler nttunpted to tnkt the chair. Seigeaiils-at-orms were Instructed lit the start of the session not to permit Mr. SpoiiRler to take the chair and if he relstisl to turn him over to the state police. Mr MeOeiitt snld only n fev. ot tbe hiijliPi' oiriccrs of the police were present. TRACKLESS TROLLEY MEASIRE ADVANCED Rk n SloiT CorFfjjioirfput I llai-risburg, April '-!!. The Vare inotolbus mid tiflckle tiollej bill, which ho already passed the Senate, teceiicd first rending in the House Inst night a ml is slated for second reading todaj nnd final passage tomorrow or Thursday This speed.! action follows n public hearing lat night before the electric inilwa.iR committee of thr. Housp. ni which " Oscar Ilea.sley, counsel for the l'nited liusines Men's Association, opposed the bill in it pres ent form. Mi. Heasle.i's speech came after about lifteen minutes of legislative laudeiille. in the (oiirsp of wlihli Mr Itensley ii a. almost depriied of bis mi ll rcss. Mr. Ileas ej hud been notified that tbe henring -lould be held In ItiMjm .till. Mr. Iteaslei limit there, but found no lonuvitt'p meeting The committee, under the chnirmansliip of Patrick I'nnnpr. of Phllndplphln. an ally of President Weglein of l'it. ('oiincil. was reulli meeting in Itoiim "--. which no a distance of two floors' nwiiy, to soi nothing of the usual labyrinth of Iegislatiie coiridor Uf course, Mr IleuMcv wo not there. He wa elsewheie searching for the yeal meeting place Meanwhile the romiiiit -ice. moiiifrtlv in fnior of the Vare bill, was apparentlj eager to ndjourn. Mr. Sower", of underworld bill fame, also of the Twentieth ward. UaVe Lane's waul, inoicd that the committee ad join a Some one seconded the motion, but Chairman Conner desired at least to go through the motion. Ilj thp tinii ho bad done so Mr. P.easley hod got "Ifcp" and dashed liurricdl.i into meeting "You can hole, all the time want." -aid Mi ConiiPr nuickl,!. the 1011 nd dies-iing Mr Ilcudcy Tiv committie. after hearing Mr. lli'iial".! . reported ihe measuie to the tloor of tln House without change. It wa i eporled out by Joseph Murcus, of the Twentieth ward, who also asked unanimous consent for first reading, which was granted dppite the volcano on which the House was sitting. Mr. Heasley i ondomnisl the measure as ii P It. T scheme to obtain through blanket legislation mntrol of unoccu pied streets in Philadelphia to the ex clusion of bus line, i ontempluted arm urn oniemplai I The. bill, lie said, as drawn pertains onl.i to the P. It. T . and be offeied amendments that would he explained, make the bill more gen em! in its terms and penult bonu fide companies to apply for certificates of public coi'lPUicnec Mr. Heasley tondeinnation of the bill took in all its provisions. The (ommitten then went into exeou tive session The bill wok reported oul nfhrnuttiveli and without the Ueusley amendments It was passed on first leading. ENGINEERS URGE BILL Philadelphia Chapter Protests 'Pick-1 ling" of License Measure 'Ihe Philadelphia Chnpter of the A- sucintlon of American Kngineers i making a strong effort to have the en- , gineers' hcenso bill, which has been , passed In tin- House or Ilepresentatlies of the stute f.egislatuie, brought out uf the Semite "pickling committee." The fulluiiiiig telegram lias sent b.i Kdinund .1 Kitzinnurb-e, piesldent uf the ihupter lo Senator I'M ward W I'm tmi luiliii "Are the engineers of I'eiins.vliunui ' to be bet rui eil bj pickling the engineers' lnen.e bill in committee'; Wire reply.' Mr Kiiz.mnurlie eiplulned that the bill bin) the support of all lepiltilhle I eiigineeis .Similar bills have pn-ved the j I.egiilntuies of seventeen states nnd lire, under 1 onslderntlon in nineteen others The bill would provide for 11 state board, appointed hi tlie Ciovernoi . lo examine, all engineers befoie thej cuiild practice j their piufes.ion ' NAME BERGDOLL COUNSEL j Ex-General Sherburne to Act for Probe Committee I'm 111. t III uaili. 'i (ieueiol .luhn II Sheihiinie of Ifostoti. win mimed 1 od Kl in Wii.liington as special (ouiisel b.i the lions mmittee uppointed to iiiiesti- gale the esoupe of Hroit'i Clei eland Itergdoll. I'lillndelphlii draft dodger The i.iigiiuil det'lslnn of the committee not to einplnj counsel wus clinnged nfter It was found thnt the service, nf n lull .1 er weie esientlnl Chnirillllli I'eteis nilliounced the Hnie fin hearing witnesses would be deter milled lntei in the week Russia Ends Trade Restrictions Hlga. April -ll -Uestrictinns plneed upon the trade cniried on In theutre buffets, ten bouses, milk stores, buti'hei simps, gioceries, fruit stores und cer ium tjpes of coinmunitv fund sliops In ItuHHia have been lifted bv ihe Sniiet fioicrnnient. It is Kind 111 newspaper ; advices from Mnmow. Trading mov in I futiiie be carried on freelj, it n suid. Donovan to Address T. A. D. Society 'fllll" Donnviui, malinger of tbe I'hillies, will lie the speaker tonight ut the celebration of the Korty-rlghth an niversary of ihu St. Vincent do Paul's T A. H. Society The meeting will take pluee in the pnrlsh hull, Knst I'rica Btreet flcrmantown. An enter tainment and dnnce will follow , V i .V, i ii... iinmiiitn uirreieu put) ic atiPiition. Ins, b.i dudge Hargcst. of the Unuphln . )R g mii(t lh(l oplllIu.im County totirt. ,.,....., Jpartv In Pennmlvntila Is split, wide Whitaker Replaces Speaker Spongier Com IiiumI front l'np Our thu I'enimjlvHnlB I.enlnlntuiP lino ever, " In tfcolleclloti of the oldeht ncnu-i tor in reprctseiinHtivpt When thp House nseinbleil this I tiioniliiR al 10 o'clock It won under' toiidillon that hod not cxIMpi! be fore in tiontytvo year. House Itlir ARalnit Janjlfr l.a.t nislit tit inlilnlitlil VM iiipmber., representliiK the Sprnul tidmlnlstratlon, , iianirii into open rebellion mrnlnst Hrienker Spander and the obstructive! minority lip represented pru iviii mm completely roiueu me mi- norlty fnctlon, which, hended by 9pan- gpr. hurriedly left the chamber. t'llnmx In Party Vtmi rty feud to wiiIpii the 1'A'bmmi i t ii- n( ,t.lti liKDOKH In Xovenibcr. JIIM, first .. . . , , ,. nnn ,. , , - ,,. f pnv.,.. "!" " iwv ll inn" "" " " " 11 H II gulf nuil an unbridgeable one nt fi . - The faction headed by Governor ' ""?,' t nig htVaaVe me if over ll..t Sproul and Itepublle.in S.a e Chairman tAWufp4" Senator Crow in unouestloned con- nm, fiB,lt t0 nVfln,R, (f fc tmi of both Senate and House. ) ,nT yCsei-day there was nn nlr Ihe faction, headed by Grundy and 0f trnse excitement around Cnpltol Hill. Oliver, of Pittsburgh, i in n hopeless Conferences of both factions were nl mlnorlty. Thin was demonstrated last , most continuous, l'hc Governor met Ms night every time n test vote was taken, friends and lenders at the executive in the House. 'mansion. Senator Crow, Chalrmnn Me- Where Is Penrose? ttolg. of the House appropriations corn- lost ul.eio sipimior Penrop stmitls m 'f?! 'pI'entnlvos Walker, of Phil iib Vci nn h Z illJnTwllb Is n'im,,,',I,in' nml Hanson, ot Lackawanna. , el.ino n i vie .er m, nup' i w,th ih" Oovemor'. .secretary. Harry H. ""''S'-'r?"'1 ,n. "r.- ."e,fi?u,5 e' ...i J McDcvitt, nnd others who mine aud 1 PtIIIIUUI A l'lliTt" line "' iiui.nni.1,' let mVn who openl.i cla lined his Mi port and eiicourngeinenl go down to defeat, then be has I tige lor wiiicn ins ipiienu i'"!'""" cannot compensate. ' On tho oth"r hand, If be lias openly , ontogoninod the triumphant fnction. i then he can scarcely expect its support ' In the future. In such n case he 1 not the patron of h faction, but a suitor fori its si'pport if he intern's lo return con- nol in the state. I'r.nuestiorinbly Hie insurrection of last night will have it effect upon the approaching election of a t'nited Stales senotor. in which Senator Knox is an openly acknowledged candidate. All sorts nnd conditions of political 1 erplexitle.s will be sponncd from the happenings of last night. As for Grundy, lie is nn nntigonst who never recLgnifcen dofent. Prom now on it con snfeli be declared he will tight harder Kioti cicr. Hut it will be up-hill work. It will be the task of o political Siyplius. The eients of bin night run in cosy sequence. Thej bad their counterpart twenty -two cars ago. when in 1K!)9 John It. Karr, of I.aeknwannn. wos Rpeoker. He defied the House and the House uccepted the gage of battle. It elected the biililnnt but erratic Ward It. IMiss. o brothpr of Generul Tusker H. Hliss, of world war fome. ns speaker pro teni and fought Karr to a finish. At the beginning of the present I Legislature, it will be recallrd, I pointed! out that the Assembl) even then was 1 oier a sleeping lolcano. tlint an out- i burst mis likely to occur nt any mo- ' liient . further, that it would be a ses-' sion in which taxation and revenue would 1p paramount issue Indicated bi All Sides Willi no disposition to lie on "I told you so." it is only necessary lo soy that eicry finger boon! in Republican politics, even then pointed to the cer tain fulfillment of the prediction. Itrielly outlined, ill" story of this rare and reinarkoble episode began when ESSEX $1595 Through Its Steadfast Reliability Essex Leads In Today's , Market That Quality Is as Unusual in Cars of Its Class as Its Wonderful Performance and Its Price With 50,000 owners giving a solid verdict for Essex reliability, it is natu ral that you should know the car best for that quality. No other thing counts so much with men who buy a car to keep. Tt is the decisive question in today's competitive market, , when buyers choose the car they want not just any car that can be delivered. Everywehre its owners are the greatest sales force Essex Possesses. It has been so from the first. It is they who say the convincing worthwhile things about it that others remember and repeat and act on. For men know neither self-interest nor gain is back of the impulsive praise owners give the car. They sense that this trust and enthu siasm are but the sum of thousands of miles and months of service that brought no disappointment. C!i!5oh3p i.NLTOH LV-P "Evcrythiitg Is Lovely,' Says "Tom'" Cunningham Hu a Staff CorrtipondtHt HiiiTlsuiir, April 2(1. Thomn CunnitiRhnm, clerk of tjiu Court of Quarter Srasion rff IMillndelpliin and rcpulcd to be n I'enrouo leader, mode this comment on the situation after Hie full membership of the House had proceeded oii'C more to the rcR tllnr order of business, lifter depos ing Spongier on speaker and seating Hepresenlntivc Whitaker. "Everything is lovely the goose Imngs hirh." , "Tom" Ounnlnghnm sat thiongh the session of lost night nml this morning. 'the Orundv -controlled committees of the 'House refused to report out the two ' i'ii V'n m'iratfon bills. One cs- tn.is u..... u i. ..i... , , ,i.. ... , !rll,rv nn ?A to thV w S.l Li.1 '.M ftT rittsburgh and Scranton. Iloth bills were put in "pickle." The Orundyites dcclored they would never nco daylight again; that I hey had (he Nnnnul iiilitilntkiti4lA- !(.. ..i tt ,!'"..! iii.inisiiiuiiuii HL'wi'ii up in a U'flnt U'APn hlu n1tletttn ""M !-iv "in u.t IPtlP. f Hh.iK.i.. i i T-...r ii ..2 Chester Hill, Senator Hiickmnii. Chnir ost pre.s- ',nt, mi,ii ,,f ,i, ..,,,,;,. i,iii. and sanltothm ! .Tolin Flvnn, llemocrntii' leader of the House, nnd Speaker Span- BPr, i Ms confidence, Nobody knew jut what the Sproul ppnplp contemplateil. It would seem, though, that by instinct or information the Sproul-Crow people knew wiiut the lUrundyite contemplated. They pro pared accordingly. They anticinnted that Spongier would call the orders of the day nnd thus adjourn the House without the necessary vote somewhere about midnight, and tills Is just what he did. Spangler'.s Fatal Error There, the parliamentarians say. is where Mr Spongier mode a mistake. If the orderH of the day nre set for 10 o'clock nt night and they are not called at that time It Is a presumption in par- liatnentnry low that the House desires tn ignore them and keep on with the work in hand. Kindlng thot all the laborious fili bustering by Alexander, of Delaware; Hess, of Lancaster, and Phillips, of Clearfield, was getting them nowhere, fearful of some coup by the administra tion leaders. Speaker Spongier, with u whack of his gavel, declared the House adjourned till 11 o'clock today. It was just ns if the electric lights had been shut, off in the chamber. There was hubbub nnd noise mingled with i cries of "Sit down!" "Don't go!" "Keep our seats!" Speaker Spongier disappeared like a shot ot a rear door. The Grundy men i sei.ed their lints nnd hurried uivay. They knew there 'was trouble ahead. The galleries were packed. The visi tors on the floor und nt the side lines, and in the rear were so many that thej crowded the members. Above the confusion Walker, of Phil adelphia, and Dawson, of Lackawanna, i culled on the chief clerk to call the House to older Then things were en acted with the clarity und speed of a "movie" tilin It wus tbe most icmarkoble exhibi Price f o, HCnuo.v 1-rm. Irlr i:u, h-Pi.. loirlnj l-rn bpMditer SM -Pim. Itoaditrr :-l'u. CabrUItt ,v(m -l'n. .Sedan !"' '"di S4M t-rii. CabtUUt t-fui, rur ins J-r.ti. T.url.,.I.I.a,., ii2l ran. J,lmui!n ( Gomery-Schwartz Motor Car 128-140 North Broad Street tion nf Intelligent and cffeotlve team- work the chamber lias seen in n iior.en jenrs. Kvcry administration nian had bis work rut out. Kvcry motion, every resolution, every report of n committer wiih read from typewritten sheets In regular order. The scenic effect were the brilliant dresses nud hats of the women, the crowded and silent gallery, the deter mined, often smiling faces of the chief administration actors. Kvcry office holder and atnte official was In the hall. Major Whitaker, of Dclawnrc, the man who was pulled off by Senator Penrose to give Spongier, n friend of Grundy, the iilnce of speaker, was minnlmously, hilariously, chosen spookcr pro tern. .The desk clerks stuck th their jobs. The rollrnll showed 135 members Thlrtv-one morn than n ipioiuin an swered to the roll call. A" "f the Pen rose mciii who were led by Harry Trainer, left the room. About twenty other members who belong to the Grundy faction wcrn caught nnd bad their names recorded bb "present. Then the doors were closed by thu scrgcniits-nt-nrms and the great event All the bills In "pickle" were brought out nnd the committers discharged. This Included the legislative nnd congrcssjpti o'i apportionment bills, with some, others. The House worked like a trip ham mer. . It was one two three right along. Phillips, of Clearfield, who re inuincd evidently as a stalking horse for the minority, tried to get In several points of order, but the speaker dc elated them out. Nothing Forgotten All the bills wore read for the first time. Then nt 12 '.(tt the House recessed to meet nt 12:55 a. m. today, April 2ft. Nothing was , forgotten. Everything was ready. The session of a new day is, always opened with prayer. The administra tion lenders hod a rhnplnln ready. J. T. Davis, the member from Indiana, Is n clergyman. He opened tbe morning session of April 2(1 with prayer. All the legal und formal procedure rules were compiled with. In tlu me.intlme Mr. Grundy and his representative in Pittsburgh, Samuel Jniiilsmi, were In the rear of the hall, inferring with their friend suggest ing courses of action. The bills that had been ripped looie from eomiiiittrcK and put on first rend ing flfteon minut?s befoie, were read -i M'cond time. A new dny had dawned. The night session of Monday was closed. ( The morning session of Tuesday. April , 211, had biguti. It hod started off with prayer as customary. At 1 :20 the ses- , May We Supply the Wedding Ring? While the narrow plain band of pure gold is still the mainstay, the most fashionable "rings arc the decorated designs in gold or platinum. The Orange Blossom design, which so well expresses the sentiment of marriage, is the most popular of all. , Green gold $10 Platinum ovcrlav. . 20 Platinum ". . . '39 t S. Kind & Sons, qw chestnut si. DIAMOND MERCHANTS -JIJWEI.nnd SILVERSMITHS Thus, even those who newly acquire the Essex bring an expectancy of un usual endurance and reliability. But it is interesting to note even they are not prepared for such costly car depend ability in this moderate-priced field. Repair freedom is not all they find. But Bird-like smoothness, whether in the first or 50-thousandth mile And consistency that gives the same duty in ihe same delightful way today, or next month or next year. What owners know of the Essex has put all concern Tof the car from mind. It is a belief that thrives in an intimate companionship of steadfast service, and each day renews its bond with sub stantial satisfactions. Is it remarkable, then, that this friendship is so manifest that it causes comment everywhere? That thou sands buy Essex because of it? b. Detroit rwH .fins . iim . SIS" . J 1 00 a recess till 10 o'c), morning (Mi llils day promises to be marked i,l a white stone In Iegislatiie aim, ,,ilh l.t lias opened with the mlmlnL. i. wu lones noiuiiig tbe trend,,,, "!' every fellow's arm full ,.r " ?M mentary Jiand grenades. imrlli. THIEF HIDES OVERnIgHT Secretea Him. elf In Market street Store and Gets 7nn Gets $700 A thief who npporentlv M., , himself in the see, 'store of llZY. Mlehell, 018 Market, street, bef ' 1 from n safe on the second floor i policp announced today, '" T!T 'ntr"cr Presumably knew- th. combination ot the safe, because I i not pried or blown open T he ,Ln", was in it tin box in tfic safe "0n" To Fill Pulpit In Hrdlno' Chun Ifanus Clfr. Mo April .(l.-(i,v ." P.) Dr. V,. S. Abernethy left liVi day for Washington, where .t come pastor of the Cnlvnrv I uJi 1 Church, which President HanlM ' tends. Dr. Abernethy ho been nn.ti of the First llnptlst Church hereto?: number of yenrs. lur Mimm At all our Stores Butt 53 c lb. Taste it! umiiMiii BilMllHIIIMitli! Co. A a slon took 5me HI sy