Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 22, 1921, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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    Syri. ; ' " ,.y-?'ii"rf-'iviffWysr,-,5'kfi!-'
W5ifil'iPI in'W,WYVVr ' '' """&1TX3 i?T'' ' '-"'-. " .'" iT' -" -' ' -V ' 't,W
MBPBWiBBBB""MP"""""""""B''"""""""""""""BB57.: - "ITTSSi i- ri'n.' cfni 'mitr'!-'! i o tit . fl 'l 1
9.0. .
Formal Protost Sent to Com
mission Would Mean 60
P. C. Cut In Traffic
Tlir- prediction Mint ft ton-cent fare
would Mine n 0l per rent slump In
trolley riding In C'nmden was mnde tn
ilny by f'ty Counsel E. (J. C. Hlenklcy,
of Cmmlen, In n formal protest (lKtiltut
a fare rise to tlio New Jersey I'ulille
t'tlllt.v Coinmlislon,
Petition for n ten-rent fare Is now
before tbr utility board from 'the Public
'Hen Ice Hallway Co. Decreased reve
nue tliroiiKb Jitney competition is ono
of tlie renons advanced by tbe com
pany to back up ltn fare boost request.
"The president of tbe street railway
eompHtiy says tbc jitney l Its greatest
rhnl and that It is greatly depleting
the rcM'iuics of his corporation," wrote
Mr. Weakley.
"The jitney men reply that the Pub
lic Service Hallway (So, N the solo rca
ton for their existence. They cheer
louill) every niove'of this kind made by
the railway company officials.
"U'lieii a business man has n compet
itor lie does not raise prices In order to
drive that oomKtltor out of businrs..
The practical method is to either reduce
priees or Increase service In quantity
nnil ipialltj."
Mr. Weakley argued that the com
naav's efforts to Increase Its revenue
tliro'unh a higher fure would fall and
that tlie practical method would bo to
lower operating costs.
The cost of coal, he continued, Is at.
important Item In the company's ex
pire short. The general public "hah
-one en a strike," he said, "and all thu
order in the world will not affect Its
quiet but determined resolution to light
ll out on'thls line If it takes all sum'
Mr. niMklO) told the commlsslon'that
if the company would try to obtain
reductions in coal prices that public
iigcncles Interested would back up the
Fire Doei $1000 Damage to Home
Fire of undiscovered origin caused
$1000 damage to the second floor of
the home of Isaac Schwartz, 11,11 South
Hhermnn street, at 2:110 o'clock this
morning. The family was asleep when
the fire was discovered In a rear room,
and stood In the hnll while the firemen
were at work.
Presentation of Charter Will
Made This Evening
Members of the Lions Club will bold a
charter night on the roof of the Hotel
Adclphla tonight at 0:30 o'clock, when
a dinner will be served.
A feature of the occasion will be the
presentation of the charter to the local
club by the secretary general of the In
tcrnatlonal Association.
' Etched and Plain Border
Wide Selection
$4.00 to $10.00
Wrignt,Tyndale & van Rodeiu Inc.
Reputed the Largest Distributors of High-Grade Dlnnerwarc
1212 Chestnut Street
At all our Stores
'Where Quality Counts"
rirofct &n
Chiffon, Brown
Chiffon Gray9
Just now, the rarest and most desired of
Women's Silk Hosiery- Perfect shades, per
fect weave. Draw them through the slimmest
wedding ring!
$3.50 a pair
S L7 'Soot Shop
f 1420 Chasinut Si.
What does "denture" mean?
DENTURE meins "a set of teeth"
ARTIFICIAL DENTURE means "a set of false
teeth" such as a plate or u bridge.
Made by The L. D. Caulk Co.,Mtlford, Del., and sold at all drug stores
Av Cie
) f iV"1""
In Black Satin, Gun-metal
and Tan Calf.
In White Kid-Cloth, $ 1 .00
In patent leather with grey buck
back, tan calf with fawn buck
back and all gray buck.
DHE "Fan-Tung" stands out
as the sensation of the season,
a style that, original with
Geuting's, is now being copied by
prominent retailers throughout the
country. It offers a delightful varia
tion to the vogue of straps which is so
justly popular just now.
jummg q
An exquisite two - strap model, smart and
dainty in seven styles satins, leathers and
leather combinations.
$10.50 and $11.00
Silk Stockings
All shades, plenty of tans and grays.
TA"SoToncs eovrtMo
(The Mora ot f mou JKod"
1230 Market St.
1 308 Chestnut St.
(Shoeo and Stocking for All the Family)
L-'-1 " '', i
To-morrow at Strawbridge & Clothier's
C3.95 &o 4i20o' ,35o I
More New Trimmed Hats
$10.00, $12.00, $15.00
Summery Hats of malinc-halr and mllan-tagal, many in the larger
effects, with wispy feathers and fancies, ribbon bows, (lowers singly
and en masse, ostrich feathers drooping from Sailor brims. Plenty
of black and blue and gray and many new and beautiful combinations
of shades.
Ready -to-W ear Hats, $4.95, $5.95, $6.95
Taffeta, hair and various fashionable straws, small, medium and
large, trimmed with flowers and fancies.
Banded Sailors, $3.50 to $8.95
Roll nnd straight brimi, round and square crown's, plain straws
and combinations, plain shades and two-color effects.
Ribbon Sports Hats from $4.95 to $8.95
Of soft-finish ribbons, wide and narrow, plain Bhadcs and com
bination effects, and including the Ribbon Crusher Hat, at $4.05, so
smart on the head, yet can be folded and put in the pocket.
In the Girls' Millinery Store
Trimmed Leghorns with ribbon streamers, $5.95. Ribbon-trimmed
Milan Hats, $1.60 to $6.95. Sailors, $3.50 to $8.05. Trimmed Hats
of various kinds, $3.50 to $10.00. Broad-brim Hats, $1.85 to $6.50.
&- Btrawbrtdee & Clothier Second Floor, Market Street, West
Girls' and Misses' Apparel
At Exceptionally Low Prices
A Smart Coat-Wrap Like the
One Sketched is $29.50
It is one of a group at $25.00 and $29.50', which
includes short, flared Sports Coats, belted Tailored
Coats and Coat-Wraps of unusual excellence. Sizes
14 to 18 years.
Misses' Coats, $15.00 and $19.50
Double-breasted, flare-back Coats and Belted Coats
in sports and three-quarter length. Sizes 14 to 18
years. '
Misses' Tweed Suits, $25.00
Tailored Belted Suits with notched or tuxedo collars.
Tan, gray, brown and blue. 14 to 18 years.
Misses' Dresses at $15.00
Embroidered Jersey Dresses in tunic style. Tai
lored Jersey Dresses with plaited skirts, and combina
tions of crepe de chinc-and-tricotine. 14 to 18 years.
Girls' Coats, $10.75 to $19.50
Short, flare-back and full-belted Coats of burella,
serge, veiour and cioaKing. Sizes a to 16 years.
Girls' Lovely White Frocks, $5.00 to $21.50
White voile, batiste and organdie, trimmed with laces, ruffles and
rose quillings; many with organdie sashes or ribbon girdles. Sizes
6 to 14 years.
Girls' Fine Dresses Greatly Reduced
Colored crepe, lincne and chambray. Chiefly one of a kind. Not
quite as fresh as now. Sizes 10 to 16 years $12.50 to $16.50.
gft Strnwbrldee & Clothier Second Floor, Market Street
Men's Spring Clothin
Of Outstanding Excellence
The Slcin-Moch Smart Clothes, the Hurt, Schaff nor
& Marx Clothing. "Alco" and "Wickham" Clothing
lines of matchless quality in fabric, workmanship and
style and obtainable at this Store only in this city.
- Prices for Suits $25.00, $30.00, $35.00, $10.00, $45,
$17.50 up to $67.50. Top Coats $30.00, $32.50 to $07.50.
At these prices you can now and here secure the sort
of Clothing that cost one-half more last year.
Medium-weight Suits at
$22.50 $27.50 and $34.50
Serviceable Suits, at low clearance prices.
Spring Raincoats at About
Half Price now $15.75
Conservative and youthful belted models.
Hart, Schaff tier & Marx
Oxford Gray Suits, $39.50
About one-third less than the former price.
AM 'Qk
1 A
Suits with Two Pairs of
Trousers, $27.50 and $34.50
Of serge, cas3imcrc and worsteds.
Men's Separate Trousers
Special $4.50, $5.50 and $6.50
Neat stripes and mixtures. All unusual values.
Youths' Long-trousers Suits
$22.50, $27.50 and $32.50
' Designed for youths of 16 to 19 years.
--- Ht'nulirldKi St Clothier- Second Floor East
Beautiful Afternoon Frocks
$25.00 to $32.50
And you couldn't wish for a better assortment.
Taffetas with quaint flat bodices and .skirts with
perky little side fullness, side tunics edged with
plaiting, silk-ruffled crepe Georgette draperies, or
finely plaited tiers. Crepes do chine, sitli plaited
skirts, plaited or tucked tunics or tiers of plaitings
set in panels at .the sides. Canton crepe and trico
lette, in coat styles and many straight-line effects,
some deeply girdled. Crepe Georgette in plain
shades, or combined with pretty foulards, or in
flowered effects, one of the latter sketched, $30.00.
Navy, brown, black, flesh pink, white and gray.
Lovely Crepe de Chine
Dresses, $16.75 to $20.00
Plaited-tunic and gathorcd-tunic styles, in navy,
brown and black, at $18.75 and $20.00. A straight
line model with plaited skirt, in white, flesh, navv.
brown and black $10.75.
Wash Frocks, $7.50 to $16.50
Fine ginghams and dotted voiles in dark shades.
In straight-line, tunic, panel and long-waistcd effects.
-5 - Strnlirlili:e J. Clothier Sei onj Kliior. Market Street
Tailored Tweed
Suits at $24.75
An Extraordinary Value
Only thirty-five of these Suits, but the thirty
five women who get them will be among the most
fortunate of the season. There are two models, one
sketched, the other in Norfolk effect; both of smait,
sturdy tweeds in gray and tan, and beautifully
Tweed and Homespun
Suits, Special at $35.00
Belted models in straight-line btyle or slightlv
gathered at the waist-line. Unbelted models with
quite on English air to them. Also combinations
of plain coats and plaid skirts, and some combining
the long circular capo with the plain-tailored skirt.
An excellent variety in models and colorings some
very effective checked tweeds in the lot. This is nn
accumulation of Suits from our regular stock which
were formerly higher in price.
')&- Slrwbri(1e 6 Clothier Second floor Centre
Wonderful Values To-morrow
In Coats and Coat-Wraps
Sports Coats, Special, $10.50
Of the fashionable tan cloaking, made on plain
tailored lines, belted all around; centre-back slot
seam. Others in various loose and belted styles
$15.00 to $45.00.
Wool Veiour Dolmans, $20.00
In tan and blue. Belted across the front, fin
ished with deep collar, and Milk-lined throughout.
Others from $22.50 to $60.00.
Wool Poplin Coats, $25.00
In black and blue. Made in all-around belted
style, with deep collar; silk-lined throughout.
Others of wool veiour and tricotinc at $30.00 and
' Seventy Fine Cloth Coats
! Much Under Price. $18.50
, AX EXCEPTIONAL VALUE worth one-tlunl
I more. Four different models, in the fashionable
three-quarter-length, of plain and two-tone veiour
and fine veiour de laine. All bilk-lined throughout.
I One model sketched.
Top Coats, $20.00 to $37.50
Of fancy mixtures in tan and gray. Made un
full, plain-tailored lines; ome full-length, some
Forty High -Grade Cloth
I Dolmans Are Now
i Only fort m this lot but they are bcautii-s ami uell uorih com
ing here early to secure. Made of high-grade cloth.-, in tun-, and
tnupes, heautifullj embroidered and button-trimmed, and silk-lined
Smart, Mannish Top Coals in Man-Tailored
Overcoat Style ft, $15, $50, $55 and $60.00
. High-grade Cloth Capes, $,15.00 to $05.00
- Mr i il n iki A 'lot til. r
Handsome Moire
Bajs j $8.60
Hand Bags of distinctive ele
gance, at a moderate price. Of
brocaded or broadtail moiro silk,
in brown, black or navy blue. In
one-piece style, with smart plait
ed frills at the sides, harmonizing
in shade with the beautiful silk
linings. Mounted on covered
frames with snap catches.
8tmwbrlcle lc Clothier Aisle 8, Centre
Now All the Kiddies
Want Gay Parasols
Silk poplin, taffeta silk, plain
and mercerized cottons, flowered
or figured, plnin or with shirred
edges; some with wrist cords,
others with rings $1.25 to $3.50.
Slrawlirlilue It ("othler
Alile 7. Nrket Street
Men's Shirts
Under Price
Tho following specinl attrac
tions for men who have planned
to choose Shirts to-morrow.
Soft Shirts 95c
Oood pHttcrnN nnil fabrics, out full
h7.u nnd well-made
Soft Shirts $1.50
Mam styleH of Hhlrtlnes and pat
turnn All made with Hoft cufffi
Madras Shirts $2.25
' With the attractive colored Htrlpes
woven clear through.
Madras Shirts $2.50
Of niadru.s bo lino In weave as to
feel like linen.
White Cheviot Shirts $2.50
Mercerized, with neckband or at
tached collar.
Kant Rtore UlRhth Street
New Stripes Avail
able in Men's 50c
Scores of different color com
binations and stripe effects in
Neckwear of a quality far high
er than this unusually low price
would indicate. They'll go quick
ly to-morrow at 50c.
Alule 1, Market Htreet
Traveling Bag's of
I Real Cowhide, $11.95
Black or mahogany colors;
made with sewed frame, cor
ners and edges; finished with
strong centre lock, and lined with
Double handles a feature sel
dom found in Bags of this quality
at such a low price.
Your choice of 18- or 20-inch
tuilN'le 4. Clothier A mr t'entrr
Fragrant Djer-Kiss
Toilet Preparations
Djer-Kiss, the perfume of dis
tinction, subtle, but heavy enough
to be lasting. In these Toilet
Toilet Water, $1.82 und $3.12;
Extract, $1.82, $2.00 and $3.38;
Talcum Powder, 2Gc; Face Pow
der, 52c; Sachet, 91c; and Vege
tale $1.30.
WimlMiilw & I'inihler- Aitlr ! Centre
Moire Taffeta
Ribbon, Special, 45c
In the 4 -inch width desired
for hnir bows and sushes; gootl
Colors. Alele 11 Mnrkol Mr. et
Satin Skirts7$9.75
In black, navy, flesh color nnd
wlHte. Also, these fashionable
kinds in great varety:
Flannel, while colors $10.00
to $15.00
Combination Effects $20.00
Silks, white colors $22.50
to $30.00
FIGURES requiring waist
measures of 29 to 41 inches; in
black and blue $10.00.
. i nnil I iimr I1llrt M-eet
Prices are 25 to 40 Per Cent. ,
Less Than Last Year's in This
Semi-Annual Sale of
Floor Coverings
One of e greatest Floor Covering t-voiits Philadelphia has
enjoyed for many years. More than 117 different manufacturers
have contributed to this great under-pnee assemblage, which
Includes our entire stock of Wilton, Aminster, Bodv Brussels and
Velvet Rugs, our Waite Grass Rugs and other Summer Rugs, alco
Carpots and Linoleums of different grades.
In view of the continued scarcity of desirable Floor Coverings
at the source, wo urge our customeis to take full advantage of thi
important opportunity. -a -stntin iiu i ,, i UMii r ... w-
Candy Special
for the Week-end
Fine assorted Chocolates, with
creams and hard centers. A qual
ity that usually sells for almost
double 70c a pound box.
Chocolate-covered Almond Pat
tics, peanuts, raisins, filberts and
figs -48c a pound. Assorted.
Assorted Cakes Macaroon
Butters, Sweet Maries, Butter
Jumbles and brown-edge Wafers
45c a pound,
Blrawbrfti A Clothier TUternent
Bicycling Finest
Kind of Exercise
The Waverly Bicycles are the
best tho money can buy. Men's
$40.75, $54.50 and $60.00.
Women's $55.50.
Fay Juvenile Bicycles, made
especially for the kiddies $49.50.
The salesman will gladly toll
you how these Bicycles can be
purchased on terms of convenient
Htrnwlirlilne & Clothier Poui th Floor
Baby Coaches, $30
A handBomely-designed, well
made Coach, neatly finished in
gray or ecru, lined with corduroy
and equipped with the convenient
rovcrsiblo gear $30.00.
StraWbrldie A Clothier Fourth Floor
Phonographs for
the Play-room
Cabinet ste in .small size -just
the thing to play the Bubble-Book
Recoids 12.00. Other
styles at $0.1)0.
tlr.ivl i i.u. i ih . i I .mi: in I )it
Taffeta Silk
Petticoats, $5.95
Smart in effect, ecellent in
quality and inexpensive these
Petticoats in black and desirab e
shadesat $5.9.'
Cotton Petticoats $1.50
Of lovely flowered cotton tnf-
feta, with tucked and plaited
flounces. At once practical and
, stnmnridiM A. Conner
Recond floor Vel
Waists and Over-Blouses
Many Exceptional Values
p i- t i cully all fiifchionable
light nnd daik shades, h.auti
full, I.1.....I...I I . . . 1-. .
jyr Iff " '""iiii-'u, i-iiiui i hum ((! Di
Arttr&VA trimmed with late y.i.M, to
r r il SI0-" Tlu' mo'li'l sketched,
VmU S10on Also Striped VOILE
' r.K-m.ui hk.S, us shown in
me sketch at the left $1.75
and scmi-tai ored in ariou-.
stj l . $:;.oo.
MADE BLOUSES-with frills
and plaitings, embroiderj,
tucks, diawn-work and hein-
-utcning s;;.75 to S7.5ii.
Lovely Cotton Waists, Special at $1.00
oilVtLin. lni-'1,,t's. trimmed with gingham; white voiles with col-
oted s ripe.s anil white organdie collar; and some of all-white tucked
organdie. Many uith Peter Pan cellars. OthorJ In wh to, flesh-color
m1o!leKC;iot"SLS:5.,,0red' -- tnmiJfcr of'
150 Crepe de Chine Waists, $3.95
highf S; "Tjo-Iia,! Ar&lTC!? clre-fi
combination tucking nnd convertible Cl,lnr, the omer finished u Ih
narrow plaitings Sues :t(i to 40. nnisnccl with
' "" .in henna ! (our ( et)tr
Ml MllVli II ll
i i a i
l "" ' "ft
Strawbridge & Clothier
OTsry I liiciiTiisT. wuiKirr H
.W ., !JI ,r,
....i. i.
.. - r"1'te&ltei,.lZlii