uv -v ivtfjt -1 Js." s Ml I II II Euening public leftcjer PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1921 HOLDS HER SCHOOL HIGH-JUMP RECORD. Jeanotto Robey goinft back to earth after she cleared the bar at the Lansdowne High School, during practice, yesterday afternoon Ldcer Photo Service. MM- hfmsz'v 3mmzs.T?m ,?"!' J-. i .SVSft.S." wr- .'N3v, 'yJrtV wmlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr 'kwBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW7 -? - - BBBBBBBBBBBBBBv . - X", v"i"F&r",'w iSK' J". .! . SKS? K s f44 -?' MUCH SHAD FISHING THESE DAYS. Fisheimen in the Delaware river at Gloucester City make ready to drop theirnct l'hot SCMIi Vs --hE ,.Mta. iIhhhhbhbkiSu4p9I vImhbbbbbh ""jf Vylfo UHMlS9WHmfl5BBHv9BE JHNBYBhBqBYBYBYBYBbK "jf hWaWaWaHHHHHHhIBs s IB f4 jJR T x 'Vv 4Me dBBBflBJtTfl flBBB'wBTv bBEi HVaWaHHHHHHBSHVaT ' iSrj&A $Bfr'f& HBHTBWHHBHHhT HHHHHHB AHHHflv V 4 f HWaWaHHHHHHl A FRIENDLY COMPETITION. Dorothy Bowers is flying through the nir as the hurdle falls over Her teammate is Kathryn Lyle. They' are members of the Lansdowne High School girls' track team Ledger riioto Ren Ice GOING TO FOREIGN LANDS. Mrs. Arthur Woods and Mrs. William Brown Meloney, both well known in New York society, sailing on the Olympic Central News Thoto. "t 'IUKIU.J-WJ. JlJU'unjujum i.. . BBBBB bhi . . - .. .-viis ..nW . . ' HbWBV ''IBbWJPI' f BHHSpilHHHWAui I flHwraKv'' ,SBHHDBH , r-- '; vw SIM sTBB W.'Mmjmllm. ' TlrfllMWtfMMMBl(TllWB'llrilBiiiii rTiiiiWTT I &, JhbVJ I AlBHHHkUaHHHMMf JOHN P. (JACK) CUDAHY AND CHILDREN. Cudahv' committed suicide nt Los Angeles on Wednesday because of nniincini woriiua. xio wua u auu ui me rauitl-millionaire umana meat jracKur. iiicro uriiuur cnuuren InterratlonL MAYS WARMING UP. The Now York American pitcher didn't make any home runs yesterday, but when Athletic runners were on bases he becamo airtight Leaner Photo sericc. NEW YORK ART STUDENTS HOLD ANNUAL BALL. At the left is Miss Peggy Goodman, who appeared, as a Spanish dancer. The French maids are Miss Ruth Brucker and Miss Irma Case Centmi Now8 Photo. IPlili-'i til - W& 'flHH 1 " WK$SmiW -fipww hbbhpBk4vS'v Af 81'vr " n HI '' MnJaBHVIitl': Vw" A rl Bl v l!!! '???-'- iI ra .tSfJ Bl BnBfaBBBBft4MK?!S HaVSni 1 K5Ji -' t miff n lnBniBBiBinraiSOBB? J& TW sfW'WMk.' v BmBPx lBll JBBMBMBBlBA'iyKEiS ,'IBfW P BBBjHsBranBBj? v 11bmi wlLltl k I v, ., !!p y. -y . ,, 1 Jj BEATING OUT AN INFIELD HIT. Walker, of the Alt letics, is just getting back on his feet as he makes a wonder ful slide to first base, at Shibo Park, yesterday afternoon IPHEer J'tioto Ktrtlce. t IbbbbbbbibbbKibbbSIRbbbbw2wv r2 'ytMf tf sbRSbbT A . BLBBBBBMT Bit d ffr.' JjK teHr)ul m. 4 1B v bBbbbBb j4bbbv Ib Sjwi. " S ' XsrlBPS 'jl JrJbhBhbI RUSHING THE SEASON. Rep resentative William K Ma-n ot Illinois, thinks it's warm enough for a Panama hat ru-EREl'X MILBURN, taptain i.f the American polo team, .aiN to England to gio battle to the Brit ish polo representatives THLY ROOTED WELL, BUT NOT ENOUGH. Women and men from the Frartkford lurbarn of the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Co. on their way to a ball game yesterday morning. Their team was defeated by the general office nine Ledger Photo Service. HIS AERO RUNABOUT. A. S. Butler, the first Britisher to use a personal airplane with a uniformed mechanic-chauffeur. He is leaving London for Paris to spend a few days Central New Photo, CHILDREN "WATCH THE WORK. This photograph wu taken as a student of the Academy of the fine aus ow somo work at Sixth and Chestnut streets . Ledger Photo Service. OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO vmmmm rL'ti $',rih, Aljfyr)iA . .-7 i".jt j.'i, vi-jl yrr ast sr s,i.rr.:i -m mmmw& wwipmMmA );&vZS mm PQHKQI SEMAPHORE SENTINELS HPFl jibbb i,'-" IKAlBBa - I'M rtMterx r"11 Ji'. '.. "1H.V 1L" J'i')ll")Jmii.'IM.l,Jli.g-7lg L". I '. "J'MJ'J.i'J1 J '" . ' (! ' I H 'J J I MMMB BBBBT i-f A .. . i. Vs BHIBBBB I I BBIBHIIII 'I H '"'IIH I' I I ii I ami T ( jluIBHBHU Nr ,. - 6St-f?:;WM..B:.i1 rBHBBB BBr- ' !-;.- .,'' BBM mZZar;&MiM--, HrBBHEPr V ,T ttmaty, Jt.Ji'-.,BT''lTlitJl-,.f,TK 'B i T"S'W, V" t Ji-fld. .RWK''A),,BBBBBBBa ffBBBjT X T' T-. iiHBH . tSCiiiiiiiai r tfaiiiiHb ;'K,JLB) v Hll. liiirV.M. v:r. . A.- r tT-!ii-M&. 1.. ,StvfrJ.,Sjv','SiJriiM,y? iSJfeM rPVM ii TPMiHlBHI HHT , iV iiiBBK'V.VJiiiWvii ' ' 1 PnSS'Wi fB7rMMfleKffiHcfirr ! fiSBBl mwr -ty .BKBB IfHKiaKS -'ttWSJKfinB!,.Tt-ir,. ., ,-St,Jt' SIB .( , V Wtt-a'A ,',rBlBBBl KiBV -fl . .RjjyK. , .u . 7W"""-""J4PBBBm Vs.. BU -, BBBJBI., -aBBBBHkt ; TT WALTER HOLNCJl'IHT, of Jl to North Onanna stieet, molding n htuve door for the Kappler Fox I-ouiulty Co., m it foundiy nt -027 Eat York street. Ho can ,- linish thiity-five in a day Ledner l'hutu fccrnce. f SAILS FOR ENGLAND. Bain- BRIDGE COLBY, ex-secretary of state, was a passenger ontho bteamship Olympic Centml News Photo. RESERVE PATROLMAN CLAR ENCE HINKLE, stationed at Fouith and Market streets. He has been on the fotco eight years, lives at 43-15 Fleming street, and 1b thirty-one years Old Ledger Photo Service, IN AMERICAN LEGION SHOW Miss Genevieve Houston, who did clever dancing in n production at Carlisle uutii. 'ilt 9b1d9BsBk?BBv '' fJ 4f T'S' i. i.'- BR THE BEAUTY CORNER MRS. LLOYD GEORGE ENTERTAINS. She is shown at the left, as sho takes London friends about the grounds at Chequers, tho estate where tho Britisli primo minister and his family rebido Central N 1'hoto, & m Rfei KSb? f , &f b1 il hBhP' $m j'WZ?' ' 'MW'm4k'" - ! ; : - ' - ' . M..-W , VrX'JTA 'A V -' ' .Ki J.S? mws- hU 11-r- MISS JRAN GORDON 2521 South Darien street Philadelphia ) I k lit A .Uli.it .4Jt. . , i." .tW'..,Vt h ;? .- , -. VJ ., ), i.S.. . , v, , ... , . yWiitp K,i . .Lj'j'riiiffVtt 12 jWitkdJjMrtjiA W h . " - ' ': ,- TMi. n