?" t;.'"' -" -I- Wer7'r''''' 'M ,?: ...,7 T"I z.t , .. 'IW4-j.fR irt ',rt- J f" i ? 'r tfivA " '"- '1"- JS1WvUl ' tV T." .fcv r ft . ' ' ' ' Tl .TT "W. Ml M " L lit '' 'fM 1r.1B It I 'x ifr fl y I '27 . EVENING PUBCtO rEDGEIt-PHrUADELPHIA, FLPAY, MRIE 22, 1921 i $30,000,000 The Goqdy ear Tire & Rubber Oompany First Mortgage 20-Year 8 Sinking Fund Cold Bonds Due May 1,1941 11.000. 1100 and 100. inter- In New York and Cleveland. :trst. Tha Company agrees vrho',hav paldsucri tax.' Ischanga Dated May 1,1921 Total authored, 30,000,000. Interest payable tflmyl and November t. Coupon bond of l chahKeable, with provision for registration of principal. Principal and intereit payable Redeemable a a whole, or In part for th Inkfnr fund, on any intereit date at 120 and to refund the present Pennsylvania four-mill tax to holder resident in Penneylvan'A Application will be mad In due couree to Hit on the New York Stoeli - The Union Truet Company, Cleveland, Ohio, Trutee Tta Mortgage will provide for'the Retirement of the Entire Iis-ie at 120 and Interest, by drawing by lot $750,000 Bondt on each Interest Date, beginjhing November 1, 1921 The following information i aummarixed in a letter from Mr. Q. M. fctadelman, Vice-President of the Company: ' Security These bonds, outstanding under a closed mortgage, will be specifically secured by firat mortgage lien upon all the fixed assets of The Goodyear Tire fit Rubber Company, novijowned and hereafter acquired, together with pledge of stocks of subsidiary corporations. The'mortgage Uffto provide that the company shall always maintain net current assets as defined, equal to at least 125?gof the amount of these bonds outstanding. Assets The balance sheet of the Goodyear Tire fit Rubber Company as pfjupared by Messrs. Price, Water house & Company, as at February 28th, 1921, but after giving efTect tojpresent financial readjustments, to the losses from of ration during theperiod from October 31st, 1920 February 28th, 1921, and to ad justments of inventories and provisions against possible losses on rawf materials under contract, show: Net Property Account, let Depreciation Net Tangible Assets, less all Reserves , NotlCurrentJAtsets S5252,00 1J5,344,153 03,139,808 Earnings Net sales and net income of the company for the past fivefiscal years, as certified by Messrs. Price, Waterhouse & Company have been as follows : Fiscal Yaar'endad October 31 1 ItIO 1S1I Net Sales, after Allowances, Returns, etc $188,866,024 $168,258,892 Net income available for In terest, Taxes and Inventories . Adjustment 10,384,9O8 23,59,989 itife $122,675,720 16,76,808 ItlT llt $103,588,649 $59,122,281 1S,07,76S 7,456,877 At the close of the last fiscal year, October 31, 1920, $9,970,00c)was written' off net income shown above for the year, representing the difference between cost and markjtt value of' raw materials in inventory. In the balance sheet referred to above a further provision is made mounting to $32 ,850,000,30 tha t crude rubber on hand and to bo received under contracts wilUoe carried at 20 cents per pound, and fabric at present market value. The net income available for interest and taxes as shown aboi:, after inventory adjustments, averaged $12,575,269 per annum for the five-year period. Annual interestfon these First Mortgage Bonds amounts to $2,400,000. The company estimates that net income before interest aifld taxes for the 12 months to February 28, 1922 will be approximately $10,600,000. Management During the life 6f these bonds, control of thefmanagement of the Company, through the right to elect a majority of the Board of Directors, will be vted in Messrs. Clarence -Dillon, of Dillon, Read 8s Co., John Sherwin, Chairman of the Board of The Iftifon Trust Company, Cleveland, and Owen D. Young, Vice-President of the General Electric Compandor their successors, either through Manage ment Stock or a Voting Trust. 7 We cMet the above Bonds for delivery when, as and if issued and received by tit, subject tothe approval of legal proceedings by counsel. Price 99 and Interest " L L : Dillon, Read& Co. Goldman, Sachb & Co. ' The National City Company (guaranty Company of New York Lee, Higginson & Co. White, Wield & Co. Blair & Co., Inc. Kissel, Kinnicutt & Co. Hallgtarten & Co. Lehman Bros) Brown Brothers & Co. Qassattvife Co. Elkins, Morris & Co. Continental and CommerciatyjTrust and Savings Bank Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc. , A. G. Becker & Co. The Union Trust Company, Cleveland The Information contained In thin advertisement hue been obtain! from sources f which vre conelder reliable. Willie not guaranteed; It l3 accepted by ua as accurate - I T iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw V Safe Profitable i limeslmcnis We are always prepared to makjb offerings of Pennsylvania and New York municipal bonds. Mmonil am Broad and Sansom Sts. Philadelphia Pittsburgh Baltimore 33 Pine Street New York Washington Advertising, Sales and Export Manager With 17 years' successful experience in Direct by Moil, Trade Paper and General Advertising to Dealers, re tail salesmen and- consumers here and abroad, wants con nection with manufacturer needing this kind of service. Address A 633, LcdgeV Office. 7oreign Exchange explained An Interesting booklet explaining In simple language an Important auu Jtet. Investore and bueln.ea men will find It of greet value. Sent Ires upon request (or booklet F-22 W"-H.M'Kenna&Co. 25 Wm! 43re1 Street, NEW YORK WE SPECl IALllZE IN ODD LOlis Foreign Excfntnge Bought andi Sold MILTON HEfMtfCO STOcitiroancM oemmtoma Meet s)sa " 1G22 Chestnut Street rbonejt Brtl. BpiMoe B041WS-S4 II Broadway A'lpNfltri Ayr., M. . Mamroru. ixion.'rjimnsneu, umi a: Central Pr. & It. 6h, 1040 General Asphali 8s, 1030 General Gob &.jElec. 6s, 1029 HENRY D. VENNING & 00. BTOCK intO'AANOB nCtUUMO Dlreet I'riinU 'ftUvhoae to New Ysek Members MjiT Block Kxetums Con.avaWve Investment! Willlamst1 MacMd .UMO.1 BTS. PRIVATE BANKER, who will spend approxi mately May Hith Jo Oc tober ISth in California, will be glad to represent Eastern firms or corpora tions wishing to close busi ness negotiations in that territory. Address A 03, Ledger Office. Merchants Union Trust Co. 715-717-719 CHESTNUT ST.. BOND DEPARTMENT American Railways Income 7 Scrip ' American Railways Co. Common Stock Fractional Certificates Ar tha request t holders' w ara pre pared to buy and sell the above durlna Cities Service Company 6 Cumulative Preferred Stock ' Dividends Payablo Monthly. 2. Backed by large and grow ing equities. 3. Earnings after taxes and all prior charges several times preferred dividend require ments. 4. Followed by $44,626,878 Common Stock; with mar ket value exceeding $107,104,508. Price to return over 8 Send for circular P Henry L. Doherty & Company 604 Morris Building Philadelphia, Pa. Telephone) Locuet 1440 Crew Levick Co. First Mortgage Sinking runa oy0 Bonds frnirir aw fav Bueloees established CD Tears. Net Earnings 8U Tlmei Uond Intereit. Price 87 H and Interest Returning! 7.80 Edward V. Kane & Co. Morris Building Kctnbllahfd IS rears NEW YORK BOND SALES 1 Summary of IndlviiJual Transactions on New York Exchange Adams ED At, 1 .. . 68 2..... B8 Allwh Vl'y. 4e 1 89 Amn amlt'a A Iter: Be 1 10V4 a 70 u 1 T0H Amn T A V ell 4 70V4 3 70 S 79 H Amn T t T til tBALCS IN 11000) 1. 1... 1... 1... 1... 1. 82H MM 62 hi N3H 82 Amn TAT fir 091 00 H 00 BOW not 00 09 00 Armour 4 Vie Liberty Bonds' Bought and Sold Edward B. Smith & Co liiiBUiuiu 1S02 Members New York and Philadelphia Utock Bxcbanses 1411 rilKSTNHT STnEBT PHILADELPHIA. , Safe Bondsjjiiivestmel IHALSEYL STUART & lu.jnc: 80 80 70T4 80 80 4. 8... 4 .. 1... 1... Alctt Topeka A 8'a Fa 4s 3 70 1 .... 70 1 .... 7iJ 0 ... 70 Alch T A B Ke ov 4s 'no 2... . 70 Atl Coast I. 4a 1 70 Atl Coast I. 7 2.... 100 Atl'o Fruit 7 l .... en Atlantic Ref's ct 0s 2 . . 00 A 5.. 09 nit a otiio cv 0... . 60 4 . .. now O A Ohio BViil 1 HIS 3 81 natt A Ohio Si 1 07 Halt A Ohio fl I bn 1 . . . . 88 U A O Tot 4s 1 03 1.. .. A4 II A O P I. E A W Va 4r 6 04 Drll T 7 rcte 103 103 1(13 103 103 103 .... 103 4.. . 103 1 103 I 8.. 103 Ueth Steel (d 2... . 82 1 81 Ueth S Be '301 4 .... 78 2 .... 78 2 . .78 Ilkn Edl Co Be 1 .... 78 I . 78 llkn R T ct 7s 1 .. . 44 8 ,. . 14 S .. 43 Ilrkyn' It T 7 3. .44 Dueh Terl 4 1 70 Canadian K 7s 1.... 101 1.... 101 2 ... 101 2.... 101 Ctl Leather Be 1 80 Ctl Paolflo let 1 72 B .... 72 .7 72 Cerro do Paeco Cop'r C 8e 4 . 74 Ccrro de Paecol Cop'r C 8n 1.. . 107 1.. . 1071.4 2 . . 107 1 ... 101 9 107 C A O cv 4s 1 .... 78 C'k A O cv B 1 .. . H2 2 .... 82 3 . H2 C A Alton 3 1 o. Chi L A Q neb 2 . 'Chi D 3 .. 9 .. 22 . B 4 Cl'd Cln Chi A St I- 4 1 78 Colo A S 4s 3..... 78 1 .... 73 1 78 1 73 Cone'd Oss 7 1 ... 100 B... 100 1 ... 100 1.... 100 I...-. 100 Cuban Amer'n Buiar 8S 1.... 3 . . . . 1. .. 7.. 4.... 1. 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cuban C H cv 1 . 8 . . Del A 1... 1 83 .. 83 Hud cv .. 82 82 Del A HuiLfd 1 70 1 78 d 7 Del A Hud 1.... 100 Denmark Con ct A 8s 2 .... 08 2 .. 08 Denmark Con ct D 8s 1 1 4 Lack Steel '00 1.. .70 Lake Shore M fi'n 4a '28 2... . 83 Ln A Ark'a Bs S 00 Lou A Nash 4s 6 .. . 81 Lou A Nnah 8s 1 83 Man E 4s etu 6 64 1.,... 87 I.!... 87 7 64 Mm Pet 4r 1 87 Mex Pet wl n 1 08 2 08 Mich Ct'l il in 1 76 Mid 8 A Or Of 8 77 2 .... 77 Mil dan Co 4a 1 ... 81 Mln A 81 I, 4 4 40 Mln 8t I' A H flts M 6s 2 87 Mo K A T 4 1 68 0..... 68 Uo Paclfln le 08 08 08 H8U 08 98 98 Den A R O 4s 0. ... 84 Det Edl 6s '40 8 .... 80 Det O R 4s 1... . 60 Do Canada 29 1 1 6 Do 1 a .... 02. 02 . 02 Canada'81 . . 30 00 Monl'a Pwr Bs S 88 Nat' I R R Co Mexico 4s 3 30 New Or Tex A Mexico 6a 1 88 N T CtU'l 3s 8 07 1 07 6 .... 07 KTCTi rcte 100 Duq Llaiit 0a 1 . 6 .. S... I.. 1 .. 3 . 1 88 88 ,1 88 88 88 82 88 Erie Oenl Lien 1 .. 40 1 . 40 Erie II R cv A II .90 Krle R R ov I) 1 . . 30 Erie Rx Co 4s 1. . 62 Oene'l Eleo ( 2 8o' Oove t F R 8e 8 .... 08 2 . .. 08 2 . 08 8.... 08 1 98 1 .... 08 1 .... 08 2 .... 08 1 08 8 08 1 .... 08 1 . 08 ( Swlt'd rcte 1 . . 103 (Id Trunk rcte A . . 101 8 ... 101 8 .. 101 1.1. . 101 1 . . 101 O Nth niy 1st 1 . 79 O Day A Wn 11 1 7 1 7 Hock's V 4s 2 71 Hud A Man fd 2... 1... 1... 20 .. 1. 08 08 B 66 08 Hud A Man In 1.. 1 I . 13 a.. l 30 80 30 30 36 30 III Central fd 4 .. 74 5 74 Ills Cntl 3s 6 88 III Cen'l 48 '61 3 - 83 Intboro R T fd 88 Q 4e 00 00 bfl HO 00 3 90 13 . 00 CM A Eetn III UB Mtr ct Be 1 . 87' Chlcaio Mil V St P'l d 4s 1 60 Chlcaso Mil AJ StP 4s '23 3 72 Chlcaso Mil A StPov 4a 6 .... 03 1 63H Chlcaso Mil Aj StP cm 4a 1 78 Chlcaso Mil A St P'l ov Bs 1 .... 03 Chloaso A Nth Wes'n Bs 1 .... 08 0 98 4 U8 Chicago A NIQ West'n 7s 4.... 100 Chi nallwys St 1 00 6 oa Chloaro R Il'd ft Pao fd 2 . 6.. 3.. 3 Chlcaso Union Sta ct 0a 1 ..103 Chile Cop'r Os 60 00 06 06 73 73 73 73 70 Chile Cop'r 7a 8 04 1 .... 04 Oblneae Qvt Oe 1 40 8 40 3 .... 40 1 0 Cltr of Hera-en 8s rots 1 . . . . 00 City Heme 5 el 1 .... 07 1 .. UT Cty Chrla'a 8a 00 00 00 ml 00 J... 1 .. 1... 1 .. 1... City Lyon. 6 1 (sale) 70 City Mara' a Oe 1 ... 78S OHTk 4'00 10 . 80 C N Tk 4'0d 16 .... 93v City Parls-fla 07 8TH 07 97 97 97 97 97 97 12 . 1 4 .. t 8 1 .. 25 . . 1 .. 12 .. 1 . . 1 . 80 -s 1 .. 1... 3 3 . . 4 .. 87 67 67 87 67 57 87 67 67 67 67 68 S7 63 B3 63 63 63 Sclota Val'y A N E 1st 1. . 78 Deab'd A L al 1 01 Seab'd A I. (Is 8 .... 47 Sinclair C Oil Corp'n 7s 01 01 91?, 02 112 02 02 112 02 02 02 02 I . 92 8o'n Pacific M 1 .... 78 6 ... 76 5 . 78 S'lt, Pac cv 4a 1 . 78 t . . 78 1 .... 78 1 .. 08 flouth'n Pac 0s 8'n Hallw'e 4a 2 8 4. 6 0 8 t 67 67 87 87 87 87 100 100 100 i, 100 IN Y Cant' I il Cent'l 8 4... . 2 ttJew T N H A II ov Se 2... . as New Y N II A II 3a '00 2 .... as New Y N 11 A Hart'd 0s 1 . . . B0 0 . .. 00 New York u A West'n 4s 1 .. . B04 N Yk Rwya 4e 1 . 20 N Y Rlya ct 4 . . 20 N Y Tele 4s 2.. 81 N Yk Tele Oe 1. 02 Nth Weat'n B Tele'n 7 s 14. 2 2. 1 2 I. 1 1. H 1 2.. 09 09 09 90 90 90 09 99 00 110 09 N'n Pacldo 3s 2 06 Wn Pacldo 41 6 1. B. 3 2.. 73 78 76 78 78 Nth H Pwr 0s 77 77 Oresn 8 I. 4a 4 83 Orcxon 8 I. Bs 1.. M pur-W'n R Co Navl Co 4a I . . 69 Pao O A K 6s "1 . . 77 Pa R R 4s '62 4 09 Pa R gm 4s 6 . 70 Penna R R Bs 1... . 84 8 84 Penna K R 0s 6 . . 07 Pa R Il'd 0S OSS 8.. 2 . 1. . 1.. 1 . 2.. 6 . 13 1 . 4 . 118 98 06 96 96 98 96 96 113 96 (13 05 67 57 07 67 i 87 67 67 67 2 .... 87 I M Marine Ca 1 .... 81 4. ... 81 Int Met ot 4 1 .... 10 1 10 16 10 1 10 Jsp aova't lei 2 . . . . 83 1 83 1 .... 83 8 82 Jap Oovo't 2a 3 83 1 .... 82 1 . 82 Jap Qove't 4n 87 "i Penna II R 7. 00 00 00 00 00 00 rJ0 07 101 101'; 101',, 101 Pere Marnt In 1... . 04 Pere Marqt 6e 1 79 Phil County cv 1 03 1 .... 98 2 03 Pitt Cln Chi A StL a 4a 2 80 Pitts Cln U A St L a 6a 1 82 4 82 0 82 Reading- R- 4s 1 77 1 77 1 78 1 77 Rep Chile rcta Kan C Ft S A Memp 4a 1 .. . 03 Kan O A 8 8s 1 . ,60 Kan C A 8 Be 1 (sale) 74 1 74 1 . .. 74 K HelgTn 7e I.. P.. 6 3 . B.. 0 . 2 . 1 . 2.. 1 07 97 07 97 97 97 07 07 07 97 90 90 90 09 90 00 1 1. 18. 12. 1 3. Rich A Dan 3s 1 88 Rio Q A W 4s 2 03 W Rock I'd A A Loul'a 4a 1 03 St L Pn Mt A B'n Rly 4a 1 00 1 07 St L A B F aj 1. 7 1 2 .... 3 .... 2 K UelffTn rcte 08 OS 08 08 98 03 ea 03 13 03 03 aau St L A S F lii 4. 8. 9. St L A 8 Fran aeries A Kingdom Den mark otfle 8 10 1 .. , a i is City Zurloh 6s l.., 07 la 97 1..... 97 .. T 3.. 3 . 1 . 1.. 1.. 1 1 a 2 90 00 100 00 98 99 90 98 99 1 I... 1... 7... 0... 1 .. St L A 8 Fran Bene D K of Italy 0 I 88 Kingdom Nor. way ct 8a 100 100 100 100 100 100 Kins Bwd'n Be 83 I WU. OS Laok UUI 31 8... . 94 It... 94 47 47 48 00 01 00 00 00 60 73 73 72 72 72 rran Series O 6 8J 8 .... 88 5.. .. 8811 8t I. Bow'n en 10 . 02 8t 1. Bw'n let 1 . . 60 St U Bow'n 6s a .... as 1 .... 08 T ... 68V St P'l filoux Cltr 7s 1 0441 Sao Paulo ot Uraill ot 8. S'n nallw'n 61 I . .. 83 Sland'd Oil of Calf ret 4 ... 102 1 ... 102 6 . . 102 4 . . 102 TMrd a'vo nj 1 . . 81 Tidewater Oil Co ct 0a 3 ... 06 2 .. 95 Union Pac cv 2 . 84 1 83 Union Pifc fd 1 . 75 6 . 76 Union Pac 4s 2 70 1 80 1 8(t 1.. .. 70 Union Pac Oe 1 90 Union Tank C Comp y 7s 2 . . 100 1 . . 100 1.... 100 4 . . 100 OKofO llrll A I'd 1021 13 09 10 00 2 .. 1(0 8 (sale) 011 32 . .00 1 . . 09 20 119 S . .09 2 .. 99 U It of a Urtt A I'd 1022 1... 05 1 .... 95 1 96 U K of a Urlt A I'd 1920 2 89 6 80 u it of o lint A I'd 1087 U B nubb'r Bs 6 78 1... 78". 1 . . 78 1 .. . 78 2 . . 78 1 78 U H Rubber 7s 1 . . . . 99 1 98 8 ..99 U B Rub 7s 100 1 1 1. 1. 1 2 1 1 IJ'il 12 2 4 1 1 V C 6 88 83 88 85 85 85 85 .. 100 .. 100 .. 100 . . 100 .. 1) . . 100 100 Hfl 8 . 9.1 or. or.', . . 9.1 08 4 Chem let . 92 Va C CI 7 6 (sale) 91 Va Rallw'a Sa I 1 H I 2 '. . 81 1 . 81 A 2 81 Wee'n Eleo Be 8 . 98 West'n Md 4s 1 ... E 100 ;'. ioo lOOtl GOVERNMENT BONDS 111. I Auk . 911 1(10 . 99 . 90 . 77 . 70 82 80 82 80 8'.' 811 . . 100 99 100 104 1(M 101 101 94 .. 1930 ... 198(1 1938 2n 938. 1901 3a 1001 Panama coupon 2a Panama registered Panama coupon 2e Panama coupon 3s Panama regletered l.hlllnnlnn 4fl 1034 MilllPPlne 4e. 103J Philippine 4e 1930 U B Govt coupon 2s 1930 II H Govt rcststered 2. 1910 II H Oovt. coupon 4a 1025 II H Govt, regletered 4s 1M28 Diet of Columbia 3.05a 1021 BAR SILVER liar stiver was 'frd higher in txindun to day at 34 d. f r Ul'd Rya Inv't Comp'y Sa 8...,. 07 Ut'd R'ds San F eqot 4s 2 80S. Ut'd R'da San F unct 4s 2 .... 80" 1 31 U B Mexico 4a 2 30 8 85 3.. .35 U H Mexico Bs 1 . . 40 2. .. 46 W A 6 2 3 3 2 2. 4 4 1 83 Mfg 7s 99 . 99 . 99 . 90 . 9-. . 99 . 99 90S 99 W 1 1 eon Co cv . 83 C let . 87 . 88 . 87 . 88 87 Win Central 4s 1 08 1 ., Wilson l ., 2 3.. . Liberty JUg .. Liberty I'd 4s . Liberty Int 4'4 Liberty 2d 48 Liberty .Id 4',s Liberty 4th 4i,4s Vie Notes Hh . Vic Notes 4!Uh . High .. MUM) . 87.54 . 87.38 . 87.58 . HO. 50 . 8r.04 . 1)7.50 . 1)7.52 1.0W 811.44 87.54 87.31 87.34 1)0.24 87.40 1)7.50 97.48 U 15 a m. SD.5.S 87.54 87.31 87.53 !H).50 87.C.1 1)7.50 07.4S DULL WEEK IN YARN TRADE Further Curtailment of Production by Spinners Textiles Spotty Dealers in ynrsw soy thry have expe. rienred another dull week, both in vol ume of orders nnd inquiries, nceordinp; to the review of trade for the I'hila delphin district by IL O. Dun A Co The Inst week's business was duller thnn the previous week. Prices remain virtually unchnnxed compared with those of n week ngo. Curtailment of tiroduction by the spinners is becoming more general. Prices are, therefore, steadier. It Is believed In Nome quar ters that the minimum price In yeun. hns been reached. business is very spotty nmong the textile manufacturers. Some report they are operating to full capacity and others that they have barely sufficient oi tiers to keep "their mills from closing down entirely. Che review, continuing, goes on to soy : "Manufacturers of shirtwaists re port the trade hns shown a marked in crease in the last thirty days. Many of the smaller manufacturers say their orders far exceed their output. Prices are quite staple and there is u .good demand for the better grade of merchttn. dise. "Cloak and suit manufacturers re port a slight falling off in their bust lies since the Easter trade There is not much demand, and buyers are not disposed to place any advanced orders. Collections in the line are a little slow. "Manufacturers of shirts state busi ness hns been increasing steadily for the last sixty days. Many of the smaller plants report having orders In excesf of their output. While the business in generul appears to be of the nand-tn-mouth part, prospects appear encour aging for future business. Prices are more staple and collections somewhat improved "Manufacturers of men's and boys' clothing report the volume of business good since early spring. While orders are smaller, there appears to be a good advanced business and prospects are encouraging. "Manufacturers of dresses are in re ceipt of a nice volume of business. The orders are somewhat smaller thun in other jears. Sales have increased steud lly since the early spring, and pros pects are encouraging for the summer business. Prices have stiffened and collections are somowhat easier "Wholesalers and jobbers of woolens, piece goods, etc., say there are great improvements over the business since trio early part or tne year, there ap pearing to b a steady demand for mer chandise, especially in the woolen line ItcportH frotn different representatives throughout the local territory are very optimistic. All look forward to a good and steady business during the season "The Iron ami steel market has been somewhat btimulated during the Inst week by price reductions, but is still quiet Plants are operating at greatly reduced capacity from normal, ranging from 35 to 5Q per cent. "The automobilo industry shows some improvement and an increase in de mand Is noted. "Structural teel is quiet and actual business is dull, but inquiries ate some what more numerous. "Manufacturers of inotjve power re port fair orders, but shipyards are not very active. Prices are deemed sub ject to change Collections are fair. "There Is little chango in tho hard ware line A fnir demr.nd for all grades of material Is reported, but the volume of business is less than thnt for the same period for 1020. Prices remain high and collections good. "Tho electrical trade reports a good volume of business, particular!) in household specialties and labor saving devices. Jobbers and retailers are well employed and manufacturers somewhat more busy. Prices are reasonably steady and collections show an Im provement "On staple goods the Move trade is quiet, but a fair demand Is reported In supplemental heating apparatus, and Jobbers and retailers note an Increase In demand Foundries are operating at about 80 per cent capacity. Prices are linn and collections fnlr ' NBW YORK COFFEE MARKET . NewYoiU. April 22. Uusiness in the roffee market this morning was very quiet, with the bulfc of what business was doing eonnned to exchanges of May and duly to the later months May was exchanged to September tit 81 points, to December at 132 points and to July at 43 and 14 points. Julj was switched to September ut 10 points uinl to December at 88 points .. Vast clnae ? 6 08 ft 09 ill . 0 124M3 September. 0.524JB3 ..br 7.00901 Mid, Open 5 04 OII6 '0 07 II 4OU50 0,97 Prices Firm on Paris Dnui-. ItSS&'tiRi1 "T-r "era nrm on the a?.?r wy' Thr per cent rentei, SB? " J?"nns 2" lnndon, BSf 80e. ' fry. v w-, ll IUM1 Kxamptfrom all FtxUral Incomn Tax Miami Conservancy District, Ohio 5J.X Bonds Dust 1922 to 1046 100 and interest This District takes in part of n(no counties and includes, among others, the cities of bay ton, Ham ilton, Middletown, PIqua and Troy. Circular upon isqatst Harris, Forbes & Co Plnei Stroot, Oarner William NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Wldener fJIdg. American Stores Common Stock t present price this issue ,icts the investor about 7'i per cent. Increasing busi ness and enlarged facilities -Iiould improve its market position. Ask for our special letter RitiWmm&co. Sltmbere I'hlla Slock Rachanse 1418 3. Penn Square) suiti; 300 pni'CE 0707 rtAcn 337 I'rivata Wires to New York a flNANCIAf, OTIS & CO.- Stocks Bonds Acceptances Foreign Exchange Member of New York, Cleveland, Boston, Chi cago and Detroit Stock Exchanges, the New York Cotton Exchange, and the Chicago Board of Trade. Private wire 'connections with principal markets of the United States and Canada. 216 Superior Ave., N. E. CLEVELAND New York Boston Detroit Cincinnati Columbus Toledo Akron Youngstown Dayton Denver Colorado Springs I To Holder, ot Certificates of Deposit leeoe ' by C1UAIIANTY TIltrflT COMPANT Oa NIC1V VOIIK, na Deooaltarr. for CHV TARO & KABTKHN ILLINOIS BAI1 ' ItOAD COMPANY (inxnUAI, CONBOIJ-' I DATKD AND FIIIBT MOnTflAOE FIVJS "" I'KIl CKNT. IIONDH, due 1937. deposited. - tinder nondholdrr'a Protective AsT6t,3. went, dated Auruet 3, 1918. between. "Metwltore" "' such bonds us deflo therein nnd the underslsned Committee. Notice la hereby Riven that, under and pur-'fj' suant to aald nareement. the Commute hae) W formulated. In c-o-operatlon with others. a,j, P'nn and agreement dated March 81 193I,V tinder which Meiers Kuhn, Loeb Co. ar( to act aa Iteoriranlzatlon Manaters foH'l the reoiganleatlon or adjustment of tbi'; fflalra of the Chlcaso L Eastern llllnolst,,, Hallrond Company, that a copy thereof haat!'' been riled with eald Depoaltary at Its offlesjr Nc. Ho Uroadwuy, New York City! that)'! the dato of tha firet publication hereof S' April 6. 1931: that, pursuant to said aa-re!l , '.""'.'r "'eu August a lino, every "ueposi. ! tor under eald agreement, aa defined there-,. i in. win to conclusively deemed to have aa-1 I eented to said plan and agreement and tof be bound thereby, unleaa be ahall. within I, forty day ni ter the date .of the flrat publU ' , ."V..n hereof, n'e with aald Depositary av ' 1 n.r'.t,en "once of dleeent from aald ptanV and agreement, withdraw from said acTS. i ment dated Auguet 3, 1918, and make payi ' Ef.T.' ."" therein provided, and also repsr , 27J'" .lnt-T"t sny advances made to him pr said Depositary or ta'd Committee: ana I that the Committee has ned one per centit I of the prlnclpnl amount of bonds deposited" Dy each Depoeltor who so withdraws frornf said Agreement as the amount which haj.., jBti.t pay toward the expenses of tha Corn , . mlttee. . Copies of eald plan and agreement may.' , he obtained from raid Depositary or the J Secretary of the Committee. r , Dated, New Tork. April 6. 1911. , IIKNRI KVANH. Chairman J. IIOWAKI) llOOAltDUS -IIKItllKIlT II. DKAN 8AMUKI. V. STIW.IT FKANK B. WEEKS Commlttes I SIMPSON, THACHER t UARTI.ETT. Counsel. A. V HALSTEAD, Secretary. 02 Cf-Jor Street. New York City. I GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OP NEW YORK. Depoeltary. r $50,000 u City of Bethlehem Water Works 4h Bonds Tax Free in Penna. Free of nil Federal Income Taxes S8.000, due 1925 23.000, due 1926 19,000, due 1927 Price to Yield 5 Elkins, Morris & Co. Land Title Bldg., Philn. MemhnrM New Tor & I'hlla .totk Exchange VAI.DOF.TA I.IOHTI.VO COMTANY nnsT MoiiTtJAfn: 8 pun ckn? SINKIX; PINII OO I.I) IIONDH, ' I)PK I02. Pursuant to terms of Mortgage, dated June let. 1913, 14800 of "aid bonds, nutn bered aa below -hae been drawn for redemp tion b Sinking F"und at 108 and accrued Interest, aa of Juno 1st, 10JI. when all Interest theroon will cease, vis . For JSOO No 79 For IlfXM) Noe 291 488. 4d 829. AIkc bonds with nil unmatured coupon attached, should be presented for payment at otllce of Trustee on or after June 1, 1921. OIHAHI) TRUST COMPANY, Trustee aEOHOE II STUART 3d. Treasurer. Philadelphia Pa April Id. 1921 .' FAlItllll.I, STATE RANK Notice Is hereby given that hy a resolu tion of the Hoard of Dlrectora of the FAIR. 1TTT.T. STATIC I1AVK n .neelal m..Knr nr K. elorkholdera of said bank has been called I land will be held on Tuesday, June Is, 1B2J, i at 2 o'clock P M. at the general office of the bank, 201 Fuller Illdg lu South 18th street. Philadelphia Pennsylvania, to take 'action on the npproval or disapproval of and to tue for or against the proposed Increase. of the capital stock of the said bank from) 1 150 1)00 hn J20O.O00. and for the transaction l. , of anv other business properly coming before V eald meeting ' 1 A V. SKIL.TON. Secretary. TAYLOR RORBY A HOAR, Sollcltora. i PrpnosoU bEALEI) I'ROrObALH WILL HE OPKNKS by the Sunt of Lighthouses Philadelphia pa P.M.. May 17. 1021. for anthracite I in a.etone and (lscal year 1922. Informs.! lion on application. Annual Election. GRAIN PROVISIONS COTTON i Our Daily Letter Sent on Request Hughes & Dier ) Chicago Ilnnrd of Trade N. Y. Produce Ktcbanre , Philadelphia Stock Exchange ' Pittsburgh Stork Exchange 1435 Walnut Street Bpruce M3 Ua,. 1(03 ; Philadelphia THE LIIIRAHY COMPANY OF x.. , '"'lUKU'lILV Th" Annual l-lectlon of Dlrcctorfl ' ind ? ai-iinu.s -.-- ( win miiy or irt it delphla will be held at the Library on Ms iliu, the second dur of .May. rft" it Mon- uiu, f """", "" ' .'lay, irfgt, at S n'.lniL In the iifl.pnnmi .ut.n , m w w ..w.n .... ...... ..uu.., 1.,,,, .na iresurer will altenn to rw( the annual paymenia As there, are .everal shares on which flnea ar due. tho owners of them or their ran. resentatlvee ar hereto- notified that their will be forfeited agreeably to tho Charter Laws of the Companv unless the arrears are paid off tho Seronu day of May or wltbZ In ten days thereafter nti- J RODMAN PAUL. Secretarr. 1 it Annual Meetln ga r" TOT) OAB S 4 lnivw PARTNER DESIRED An experienced man owns patent. rm.r Ing the only solution to date nf i ,ik nesa In h certain line of nflon Am haMng the device, manufjictuifil for me hns been on tha market u er sol. I wnll and ;len satisfaction Il.i,. nut sufllclent rupltal to get the msnt out of It A silent partner who will tiname in it m1.'ate ,in-Mnt Is desired llnth man and proposition are open to search inu ln,allKiitlon. Onl iiriuiipaie no agent. A 830. LEDGER OFFICE OII-ICE IK THE UNITKT) OaT'. V. IV. Center llnuiil ,.n.l L V '. Philadelphia April 14. lnM The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders The United daa ImproNement Companr will be held ot the office of the Company NT W ! t'orner of Droad nnd Arch Streets piiiil ' delphia. Monday, May J, 1031. at la o'ellirJ l noon. hen an election will be. held for 2 President and six 0) Directors to serve fa. the ensuing year and such other bu.lnli Kin be tranbigltd as may ba brought bfJ the meeting. wr) The aiock transfer borks will be rlnuj irom S P M Wedne-day April So losi until 10 A ' M. Tuesday, May 3 1021 . . Oi.WCl'imAN S.oretar. Central Market St. Ilwy. 5s, 1922 cciurai it. cc ut. bs, lyifi Amcr. Lt. & Trac. 6s, 1925 Morton Lachenbruch&Co. 43 1IUOAI) ST., N. Y, I'hlla. Telephone Walnut 8197 Rare S060 Private Wires to New York, Chlc.m Ht. Louis. Pittsburgh Detroit. ClevilSSd" Qrand Rapids -"'"no. NEWBUR6ER, HENDERSON & LOEB Members New York and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges 1410 Chestnut St. C. S. PATTON & CO. I IDti HF.STNTJT KTS. BANKERS ' . Hiiffesenrs tn t, J5A,,',KLt . HTIIVKNSON Ilonds and Slocka bought nnd sold on roinnils.lon I Member. I'hlla. Btoelt I-.,hn.. BANK OF NORTH AMERICA Philadelphia The Oldest Bank in the United States Chartered by Congress 1781 National Bank 1864 tP Ol'FltK 01' T1IK WILLIAil CRAMS' tt3J 4 bONH SHIP AND KNOINK , lll'U.DINO CH.MPANY tllrhiiioiid and Nnrrls Htreei. I Philadelphia. April IfJ ?. The Annual Meeting of the Ptnckhold.r ' . r Th" rai,m Srnmp Bona Bhlo VI I nglne llul'dlng Company will ,e held at the ofT.e of (he Cutciany Richmond an! Noma streets. In, the City of PhlladalDhla on Thitrailajr. April 2H. life!, t' i? i'SSti noon, foi the purpose of electing Dlrectore u sere for the ensuing year and transact. Ir.g such other bimlness aa may be iirouabt . before th- meeting m frougnf , CHARLES T TATLOn Becr.tary.-. 'U4 T".,; "l,ST ANXl'41' MKICTINIMI tt uu: !'1'ri:nticich' i.iiiittRvi COMPANY will be held t the Llhfarv Ilrnad atrret ut.oke Spring Qanlen on T.lll ' il. April W. nl H '. M., ror ,h, SlertlSrt i nfilt .r. fui t mtng i.ai and other business o( ihe i'..ihi.hiiv IWNMAMIN ( ADIILRT I Hecretary. Kltllleo.K 111!. UKAL i:sr.TK TIlt'hT OSlT'ASf or iiiii.Aitr.i.i'iiLv "",AIV llrouil nnd ( hrslnut htrrrts April 21 isji. lie Mir.l i.f Due. tors has thta Jay dei.ared a diiihjil of three (S) per pent os the Prefern hi.kk uf this Company nav. abb- on Mil) il, I irj . to st.kholdera ot r. .i.nl m Hie .lone of Imslnesa April 21 mai i'hili will be mslied ' Trnnarr honks will be i lused from Anrlt 22d 10 AHM1 .Kill, Inclusive m p,U KDWAltD S 1IUCKI.KY JR , I . Treneurer TIIF. CK.NTKAI. NTION, rank on- Philadelphia April 21 uji, Ihe i.Hi ..n bine mis dv dwlarsi a, il . ierU l i e.l nf fl Hr frill, free of la. naable prll .10 I9SI lo s ockho'dVr. f r....r,l April .'.. 1UJI ihe. ks will Im. rnalleSI A. 1) MWIFT, T - f'ashl.r. WIEGNER;ROCKy&co. Certified Public Accountants I IMItTNKIlftmi'H 'r-y'N0TirK ,S IIKIIKIIY fllVIW THAT ' u the partnership herelofore esistin kZ 1 business heretofore .nn,i,..,L. "Cf'ir Tl partnership will be carrl.d on hi Tellla at 41 N 13th at ni,ll.'..- whnm all aprniinlsi a... w U ' hill l palfl and by whom all aSStr fcV undwUkeiL' "' "'" "m p,irur UrA-Taw-. M N m