JpWf'Irtff,V'''v-yrT77ry; r f ilf j ' e-i rVij , M ' - u 'W' ffm'' ' y'-5n" xt EVENING PUBLIC IEDGEK PfllEADELPHlA, THUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1021 By ISABEL OSTRANDER Author of "The Island of Intrigue," "Suapmae," "Aahca to Ashes," etc. itvyirnjini, ivii, vy jiootri ai, uounao d Co. nvsnPHiH A uohH be thief enteif the pala- Hal rtiidcnen 0 nugene inrtsiopncr A.....i,i. He tuns out aaahx In- ilsnttv end Into the hnnd of a rfefce 'A.. it rtiiblv perturbed and troteiti "he hnd nothing to do iclth that's in dere." I- ihr door of a room lien n matt in atninff clothes, the front of whose ihirt it red irith blood and iclthln touch of hh hand is a huge army ...urr. The table ii laid for ttco tedh champagne on lee, still in wetted. The house is empty of human JeiflOt. .' iiri-wnut-r, inriricr in Utineis " the dead man, and uncle io hit trlc, appears saying he has Uen summonca og iriepnonr. .urn. r..,,V,A(i nnneari alto, Neither then nor the itrtnnta, irho later assemble, can throiK light on the affair. Ju. Crcvttlng tuststi on engaging the tdfctiiT lenlcc. fjirrr had been a quarrel bettrcen flouolai W'avrrlu and the dead man. iv.. rh, hnd left the heutc in a raoe. ttarui. trith a lint of the moil intimate of the Crevellngi' associate, iMfisff he had "eomc ftom police Xcadouorters." AND HKHE IT CHMINUES imOLIPK-?" A little frown hurt 1 gathered between her narraw ,trlht brows. "Oh, I pfesume It is n connection with the midden death of ,ur frlrnd Mr. (.'reveling.' McCsrty bowed again. "You have beard from Mrs. Cretcl- Iwl ' "s Ht mnld wns sent to tne with message not an hour ngo. But fime In: I eu M"11" J0" a fpw n,ln- Mti, of course, mil i nm nirnm mm j till he at little assistance to von. You ire a detective?" sh added Hip nuestlon as Blic turncn Ind led him past the round-cjed foot- uan Into a cool, mm arawing room, notioning for him to take n scat. MrCnrtv regarded the fragile chnlr r,ih nm misgiving and settled IiIh ittlk glngerlj upon it before he re- ilicd : "Retired, ma'am, and it 8 only-fair o tell you that I'm not here officially, o to speak. I'm on old friend of the nfpector In charge of the .race nnd he iften cam on me to ncip nun oui oy atlierlnfr general inionauuon ior nvn hcn he s too busy to go alter the Ride mum himself." McCarty beamed ills- ntenuousl? upon her. "I'm aorry to bothering you, oui uic inspector unh me to sec as many of the 'rftcllnzR' close friends as I can locate nd find out if they hnve any ldcn wn ie would take his own lite." Mm. O'Hourke drew a deen breath nd her starry eyci widened. 1 "I thought tlmt Is, Mrs. Crcvcling's Letuge ab to the effect that he had leen ihot: iier tones viDraicu tnroiiRii he itlllness of the room. "I did not Inow that it was suicide. We mv lusbind and I fancied that it was nn Iccident of fcome kind. It did not oe ur to u Her voire trailed oh into silence nnd i faint wild -rose color appeared in the teamy vhitencss of her dcllcntc face. "The medical examiner snjs thnt Ir. irevclioe killed hlmielt. but ns n hitter of form the inspector has Io loon bto eTcry iHisslbllity, ma'am, CRpeciallv Is up to now they've found no motive jr sulfide and Mrs. Crcveling won't rllete he did it himself," McCarty ex lained. ".Might I nik you whnt mes ige she sent you?" It did not ionic directly from her, ut from n mutual friend of ours who Ian ffltne to toun to stay with her ilur- pg ner trouble." Mrs. O'Hourke hesi- "To man it ma Koiinri Imrrlhlr rholous at Midi a time, but n nnmnn huld understand thnt the lonvcntlons pust De obierel This friend merely Mlfd the fact of Mr. Crerollnir'u miiI. Ion death and renucsted that I nrmnw bout mourning for Mrs. Crcvollng. I pas nariing ror tne modiste s when lou came. "ll0 h tliM tniltlinl friend?" Mr. fart) added as n quick thought Hashed crqunisniimi: ".Mrs. IJouglas Waver- The lnd nodded.1 i "My husbind bus cone to tli Ihiuhp low to offer his services and I would Invo accompanied him, of couise, but ps. navirij said that Mrs. Crcveling la utterh piostrntcd nnd could not ft me until later. It it must be ter hblc for hcriy .uv.any rogorilcd the exquisite, flow- r-llKe face Ominaltn ill lnnramJn(Un lienee for n moment. There hud been I "ugjostlon of horror in her hushed pnes When She snoke of Hip trmrirll- lit only in thnt quick almost Involun- Pry eiClamntlnil linil ronl foAllMr. ,,! Iclf manifest, nnd her softly curving IPs trembled for the flrt time. It wns jmtni mat hor sympnthv went out l generous nhunrtunrn tn tlm linan.,n,l if", but what of her nttltudc toward it dead man whom she hud i-nllcd their lend? Ileyond n well-bred nlr .if nl. ioit perfun tory regret 1 ould ilis- "" no trn-e of unv emotion othw thun sort of shocked reiiuirnnnpi. m Hit. ""in.or of M" niR ""f. 'Mr Crfvcliiig was nn intimate lend of jours, niu'iim''" M('urt Of InV )lllRh.1nit: ah,. innllii.l uiekli "Of (ourse. uc uorc nil In w same set nnd met constnnth ut so- f m ,"' '"" T ,lntlllall f "ion1 1 nls wife, Mr ("reveling wns essen all) n -a man'H mnn- 1 mmin tl.nt i,u ii fnimls would know more of his I,1 ,1""'" ,llan "" "f the women "nls ife H immediate circle" J.ikiaru, 'd h,'r gorily Was it "'Mole that tberp wns n uiiiin..n.,.- lltr Words (itlmr tlinn lI, 1. ...1 Uendeil to t-onpjV Shi- hnd spoken of If Wlillliiii 111,., l,...lf ,i .' i.. i.i. He S ( llii ( linf .( ,.,!... .. j ., - - ......i ... ..mi.-, ituiiii'ii; , "Y " I'p thnt unsnvorj rumors con- ". nn- mnn now nind hud lualnd ten In r eirs? i fumb p wit , u, . ,,i i, ..,,..... i hut 1 , V '' Mini ,,- uuill'l'll pailier hands erp little larger than 'Me of ..hii,! H(W Ml(, wnHi '"ill) nun lAirdl how prettv! 'finnnth his thouchtN flnOi,.,! i,n..i. .... " -"' her htisbniiil'" cried Mrs. O'ltnurke in shocked nmnzcniPnt. "Hhc must be hys-j terlcnK the Mow has come so suddenly McCaity shook his 'icad. "Ivc seen many n h) clerical woman when I wns connected with the force inn nm, and she was fnr from it. I'd say Mrs. Crevellng was the most level bended one in the whole business and she look the news without the, flicker of an cjelath, From the minute he heard lip hnd been shot she set her mind on finding his possible murderer nnd she wns so determined nbout it that (dies called In the biggest man in his linn in the country, the criminologist, Wnilo Tprhutic." , "Terhune! I'vc&henrd of him, of course," Mrs. O'ltnurke obsencd. After n pause she added: "No one can blame her for wanttne to be sure, to l know beyond a shadow of a doubt thnt her husband was responsible for his own death when it occurred In such n dreadful, mysterious way, but if the medical examiner, ns jou say, has proved that it wiib n case of suicide she Is only harrowing herself needless ly. Why should Rhe think thnt any one would want to take Mr. Crcvcilng's "For the same lenson that ton snv the Idea of his killing himself is al most Incredible, ns far ns I can make out. ma'am; that he hnd no cause," McCarty responded. "My experience before I retired, though, taught me tlmt there n manj n trouble in n mnn's life that no ono knows nnj thing about. However. lnre this is n case of suicide the sooner the Inspector cstnbllflhes a mot vp for it the quicker the thought of its being mi) thing else will die out of Mrs. Crcvcilng's mind and the more ready she'll bo to drop nn Investiga tion that h bound to bring announce to a lot of Innocent people. Your nnmc and Mr. O'Rourke's being mentioned ns ifmong their best friends, the inspec )?T ""it me to ask jou In confidence if Mr. Crcveling had seemed to be troubled about nnj thing lately and If bed mnjbe dropped a hint ns to what might have been inn hlR mind." "No, I couldn't say that Mr. Crcvel ing betrayed any sign that would lend one to think he wns worried much less thnt he contemplated suicide," Mrs. Oltoiirke said slowly. "If anything, lie hns seemed to be In more than his usual spirits, but I have Rccn little of mm ouring me latter part of the sea son. Mrs. Crevcllne linn hum . you know. My husband ran Into him ircquentiy nbout town, I believe; he WOllId be better nbte tn nnuunr innr question. Oh, here he is now!" The front door rlnsnl ltl. n jnr nnd strong but springy footsteps crossed the hull. The next instant the curtains nt the cntrnnce to the drawing room wcrc-thrust aside nnd a tall young mnn tood looking in upon them. McCnrty caught his breath. If the chubby little Lady 1'eggy bad changed almost beyond recognition,. Tobn Cava nnugh O'Hourke had not. The samp clean-cut, freckled, sensitive face, the same thatch of brick -red hair still irrc presslbly curly, the same clear gray eyes with the boyish twinkle barelv sub dued in them! McCnrty could with dif ficulty restrain the pxclniimtion which leaped to his lips. "Come in, John." Mrs. O'ltourkc rose from her chnlr. "This mnn has been sent here by some official of the police department -to make inquiries nbout Eugene to learn if v,e know of nnj- reason why he killed 'himself. 1 told him that jou would be able to mi ' Muestinns better than 1 " "There's no answer!" Mr. O'ltnurke i atne forward frankly. "There docMi't seem to be a reason in the world why he old bo should have done himself In. Jillt Whv IlnVP mil nnmii t.. .. H'" tn"e wns friendly nnd McCartj HnUed broadly in response. "Well, sir, jour name was given to the Inspector together with the NnverljH and Fords and several more as being among Mr. Crevellng's closest friends and those most likely to know if he wns in nnj- trouble. rm not properly connected v with the force, though I was once, and the inspector, calls me in now nnd then to help him Allr n llli fAa.M.- I a. r THE GUMPS You Can't Go Broke Talcing Something for Nothing MIN- 2A,W TUB VVO&T PECULIAR SI&N ON AN' A.PArrrvAeNT down YNes-meFr- NVUST Be ONE OP- THOSE OLD COCENTRIC FEUOWS- HE OPPPftfcYHe- APARTMENT FREE - Vo YME MFY THAT ApPUES- QEY XOUK WAY AND CLOA.YON Q.UICK- IWrniL vtyMWtZ2j fiui 3iT ' I hi mMUi sf JS3fs I i TTA."" TJIll ...T APARTMENT Contented COUPLE INQUIRE VSflTH IN gtifli',Jr'Tu if p F ' vje'Ve bought) A HODiE- BUT ) I iPVoECANCtET ( ) OUR RENT FftE J VvlECAN (SELL. TWAT 4ErtV& "'' 3 iPxy (Y WELL SlrVT A.f6 VOO ) J I n CON Ye NYE D I COUPLE? A IHIEL CONTENYet? VvERe- LAUJrMNtr TME RE I5NTA THNCj VsE- NEEt -VHERE ISN'T A YNNCt VvE WANY 2 jr - r-Jc-u- .i ; Y VLiCkl vummu SOMEBODY'S STENOG April Showers Copyrlsht I0JI tv Pulllc Ledger Co & . ' f ' T BE3 4a?)R I WAR DOA1. MISS- W?ULD YOU CARE. TO MARRV A .OAIE EYE,b 1 MA,M HrrAVE'MSA UA ' s 'J i, i 1 n. r7. UR&am !'! I 4?r?SGxi!BQ TV7TAL.VBaBB -tt wm' "j - vumxxzmmcm ' 7V HT Ir' I l&yy i lUm ' ' 1S&-: ' ' ' ' AEH The Young Lady Across the Way til! ""K ago. Tlnrc uus no triup fit., in... .. ". - "" ",' Hmr I' .lill.liMh ticble in her low. toftlx DMtK ' I.iiiph no suggestion of the M. I " "" "IP I'OHIMCSN, urn- "henutv of Ireland's highest tjpe. P' mile companion of fnr-off dujs. '"rilll'i inmlflnir 11, . i ' .... i.. tun i,,,i, ., , '; " "iinii-i- iiituiKiii 'win! ' J ,0 tht' l,rob,e' "f l'e ) iisliniid will returr I t n re h. . in" ,J0U tt,,it for n" J '' lik,,. ?hl' "" hih iiifnriniitioii " l' help win as litil,. s ,.. it. ""' 'si inciPdiiiiP thnt this should "ilhlnS "ipns". Mr' I"'"""" '""I S,,'lp,"' a" '"" Hiti rlil holds Ml. . 1S ''p s,,,l Wle made n ,, iiitt-i v iow , I wns nude ii .!!.. in' nn. .. it .. . rim. . i ""' hiiinir ns u iiniiiK ....taiix blllJP.1 hoi U K IIIOlli tlltlli llw.l II I III. I. -"" "". "HI IIIH H lis , J'nI,'',t,V0' '"' '"""'I with ive I. ,i U".8 "i".'1. ,,H ' M,i'1' "'k1 ii't a li", '"' ll'''1 l,,,,1M,,r' m" ' it uf I, ..,.11 "" ni ill lllllhl- 11 ,";' "i'i'v f'r the dppiii iiupnt ,j , nnlm,.h t,M,'r f , . ,","" II IIOII'I ,....... II.... -. . .. funi-lnJ '" "",l ,,,,B' l ieei- "inucs home one nvtuully killed out with detuils he hnsn't time for. I ve alreadj seen Mr. Wavcrly. but 1 thought I d come to jou before nnj one tnc, "If jou've seen Mrs. Crcveling vou'll know what attitude she's tnken In the """" "'"' i spue of tlio medical ex aminer h report she insists it couldn't hnve been suicide " "I know." 'Mr. O'Rourke nodded w ith a quick jerk of the head, and added: Look here, haven't I seen jou before.' our fato Is familiar, some how.und jour voice, but I cun't place !'V.,U ,1"lvc' 8ir- und m ll. too, but tls long years gone. Thai's whv I came to jou first. All Mr. Orpwlin'g's fiiends ore llkelj to be dragged in if Mrs. Crcveling persists in disrcgaiding the medical report nnd I wanted to uhia flin rl,. i..1, . n,c .. wi.wuinr irum Hunt annoj nnce I could. " "The" O'nourke!' " The voting mans voIcp was suddenly liuslh. "X,, one in America has ever i ailed me that!" "Von were not 'the' O'Kmukp when I left tin- old i mi n 1 1), nIi-," Mi('nrt) lesponded qttietl) "Your fntlier was nllve then, find lest his soul You wi'ie jusl a bit of n lnd with u thatch of halt like it shanty nfire who hunted and fished with me mniij's the time, and I.ndy Peggj , saving her preseni p. wns nil pettii tints nnd tnln. mni tn ever tumbling down "' "Oh, and jou didn't tell me! ' A warm, soft light glowed in Mrs O'ltourke's pjps nnd slip lipid her tlti) glovi'd hand out impulsip) "Who nrp jou? I ought to leinember " "Mj name's MiCurty, ina'nm, though 'twill minn iiotlilng to jou, jou were that young " "Hut it menus something to me'" O'lniuke clnppul him hcnrtllj on the shoulder "Timothy McCartj , bj nil the powers' Tliumio McCartj, who knew nil the dtepest pools und the thick est coverts, and where the Little Peo ple clam i'l at the tin n of tin- moon! You came to New York to seek jour fortune " "And landnl in the police, foicp " .Mi'C'urtj's fuic gipw sii(ldPiil) grme. "I'm rctlreil now, nnd u landed pro prletor with tenants of m own, bu! now and ngnln when iii old chief calls mr me I take n hniijl In the gnmp iimo more in mi iinofhcinl wnj, of coiiisc. I happened along the luenuc lust night wIipii thp liolli'pmnn on the beat illscowrcd the body of Mr. Crcvp ling 'tis too long n stmy to go Into now, but 'twill Iip nil nut in the after noon papers and when the inspertm got tliPrp he kept mp on. If thp motiw for suicide enn lip estalillsliPil well inn! good Mr. Terhuiip run potter around with his niicioM'opp nnd his litt'c sclen title iiinchlnps ns long us It iiIpiisps him and Mrs. Creplng will uiithorirp him, but thp innttpr will lip dropprd from tho records of the ilppartment If, liowewr, no ii'iihtin for Air ('leveling killing himself i an be found und ii,i ni tunl proof that he did do it liejiiud tin opinion of the mctlieiil pxamini r, tliui the inspeitot-'ll linvc Io hnw pw'rjbiidi (hat knpw him up on dip enrppt 'Tlmt menus notorict) fu all his friends und I thought if jou wiiild glp imp piivntPl) n tip on why ho miijlip put hlmsplf ou't of tln wnj I totild scp tlmt jou nnil inj ladj wotiltl both be Ipft out of it ' CONTIXUUl) TOMOIIItOW I THE TERRIBLE-TEMPERED MR. BANG The joung ludy ncioss the way sajs the loose-leaf ledger is another imljcntlon tbut thej don't nial.e things ns curefullj now as they did before the war. By FONTAINE FOX X I&2 ) ' Sr.V'Si "tl " yJ& r Mr 0ANG CJ.IMBS OUT ty i,hu,1 Ssl&kZ&hM?' Of BMMDBrlK6S X idSJ&' BACK TH )-AWNMoWK ?r '"'X HE UOAK6D YH MAK NHtT OooR 1 L v " ' - - i SCHOOL DAYS r . J iMMn . - - TB' j JB I PETEYHe Gets It in the Neck -Vie u. au have N7AIRiaN ii-ouivtHIWC IP IHEVOMCE n IHCNRE MlGHtV WGS (PCAT? ME ( v N- I WMlIlL i.,j.. II flilllff f -rrSABrlwi 1 11 II llllld 11(11 U IIIIIUIINI Vrti 5iTAS3Tr-n "fe Ck . lllllllU' III U I 'Hill ,w """tJ'iuiui VI OMIUIIIlklllllllillDlli iid rv--. . i IIER llr-iyWIhll -Xwrscur4 a III! M rr,c-rivu , "I ii - ii ii i rxi iMh unites i - Juts iT ', -n THE CLANCY KIDS "The Diplomat" $$& y-s r1' I 'I 1 S-JVJHY, TIMMIE.THAT5 MW CULLY NICE. OF YOU TO OFFER TO HELP Mi, Ui lWfNTY0UT0 60AND PLAV iSFiMMjar t fiilRllHllriniyi-l V l And help m& ffupoci . yw t mmriuimwM mitsiii j. W-Ldjeirr,;1:;" ?. ! r -ii. ..nirTifrn 1 WWW (If Mllllll lHrtf ' UV' liCteVS nt- , nt i : ( I n tan I " ! ..tsi, svii isi uiri, iliim i ii , jjpj , rv-r HAVE A CAW h--:2: . 'M I J& r4k ml w.r&G f$WK& ' V Jig Sidney Smith uV WHAT i)Q XOV WANT ) J OP NV.Y , V, F.AT? J ( WzMl coupes. S?. Wzefo ' applied '' r iv?s. iwitmiw vy(S2: nm. Jrf c 1'i SrAll By Hay ward Thej let me cTARRV T69UR UMBRELLA m 1 !5J 1 lis By DWIG By C. A. Yoight ' I0rjT S.TAY TOO LOHC M That CRAU6HY 10UU GLT demona' r . f c s Vo a, k. s By Percy L. Crosby r ir I ' H. Af''t - t ' TH I! mill in i MS M i miii f if if inn mmi i r 1 1 r i i ti ii s IB " it, at t: V i .ir --"T . br Ml it si iiij 'Jr.-r; I I iM. ( o fmml x sf m, ,ftf ""tti ntl S tr w & W&3&J? m- 'ill 1) V J tW.,i