Llt &t tTSTHTVfT? JKBW Vi yv, 'J , 1,',.jv "tTVfirtftn V-'f '(?'' WJfS!l5',!,,,-w wr!!- fTUNES" ARE CONDEMNED Are a Crime When Applied to '' Hy"118' ProfeGSor Says H,i. h nothing nlmrt f n i-rlme to writ. m'w" ",,n,,','' "'" '' fnmlllnr 'minus. nrcordliiB ' I'rof. 1',' K. I.tit km. doctor of inilfck', who comlitptPil n Woftrnm Innt liteM In Holy Trinity 'cinircli, Nineteenth find Wnlniit Hired. 'H i brrnkltis m n sentiment Hint hA( liocnme lion to thoiisnnils," ho said. "Am' "to"' 'f ceiicrnlly happcni hnt the new niucie I not so wnll milted to the elmrncter of the words." PARCEL TOSS Grocers ' Butchers Hotels Restaurants Refrigerators FOR EVERY REQUIREMENT Computing. Scales. ''Hrlo Coffee Stills. .11 rut Urlntlrrs. Cituli llcelntrrn, Safes Cash Prices with Privi lege of Eaty Payment. rilxutrated Circular on llcquot HOWEScnleCo. "Wsaii,!" HOWARD VINCENT ANSWERS THE CONSTANT DEMAND .FOR LOW PRICES Every one who knows anything shout tnuiic it swsre of the generally ac knowledged su periority o f Howard Vincent Pianoi, Plarer- Pianot and Bab Grand Pianos, but a great many do not reliaze that Howard Vincent prices ae extremely low, with convenient terms. Compare our prices with others. Btlow will give you lomt tita of a lew of the wonderful bargains ue are offering: Kcgal PInycr Pinno $245 AiircUis 88-Note $200 Player wiTv Chickcrins 88-Notc Plyr. 375 Ask for No. 1187. p,J I J Hcppe Upright $140 Ulc for No. 2592. sDltU Masius Upright .$ 1 fif) Ask for No. 11142. tPAUU Cunningham Upright. .. .1 en Auk for No. 28892. Ju l.cstcr Upright "61215 nk-for No. (IDDG2. iDl-CU l.udwig Upright I C C Ask for No. 2678. sDlsJiJ Steinwny Upright 5R990 Aak for No. 9462. U,6',U Mason and Hnmlin Upr. fAK Ask for No. R089. i-xJ Kranich and Ilach Upr. JC9tiC. Ask for No. 169211. J?.,JJ Howard Vincent Upright. 1 QC Ask 'for No. 9452. tJl70 These instruments arc in good condition with a tvfo-year free exchange privilege guaranteed. New Pianos. $245 to $79". Now Player Pinnos, S375 to Sl()50 llnbv Grand Pianos, S390 to $1500 Reproducing Players, $750 to $1800 !eiiil for CniuloBiir Knay Trrnn Open Mon., Wed. and Fri. Evgs. HOWARD VINCENT 836-838-840-842-844-846 NORTH SIXTH ST., PHILA. JHs5iHI H The Scientific roofing for a concrete building The best roof for a concreto deck is a coat of Carey asphalt primer.a sheet of asphalt saturated felt, acoating of Mnnco asphalt, another sheet of roofing, another of asphalt, etc. Every additional layer of roofing in this building-up process means another ten or twenty years added to tho life of your roof. You can go as far as you like. Why not discuss this successful roofing with the people who have applied it for years in this community with success. We nro haadquartora for the building and insulating produots of ASPHAUT ASlBEiSTOiS MAGNESIA "A Roof for Every Buildini" ffin&Uccm. 9nAu&xff0n EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS OF CAREY PRODUCTS ROBERTS AVENUE AND STOKLEY STREET 8 J k. X PARCEL POST Pri f I'lnito polish for furniture. U Vt ii.iiiiot untl nmuiuoblles, 51X per enni A runs for L postpaid. IIOWAIll) VINCENT. 83I-K3H.8I0 N. Clh OI.lt LIU Wt lll.vHIVKl) Write nr itioni for sample nml prices. C. SCHMITT, Mfr. msAVfd CORNS & CALLUSES i.ruiutrti in FIVE DAYS "ATmnTT'a PLASTER muses no Inconvenience. No trouble to weir ?" while using. Only B . ay. needed, Very thin medicated plaster.l'rlr 10 A 25. All Drug Stores or by Ma II. flntti nml fllranl Ate.. Vhllirlelplilt, IN MEMMtlAM SHEPPARD, WILLIAAt I11DDLE SHEP PARI). .Memorial services will lis held at tho First Presbyterian Church. 7th nnd Lo cust ls.. Thursday, April 21. at 5 p. m. Seat! AI.LU.V. Htid.lnly. on April 20, 11121. TIIO.MAH C'LBMBNTS ALLEN. Nolloo of funeral later from hie lain residence. Church and Cnlar rondn. Blltlne rrk. ATAtOIIIC. At her home. Klnu'ii Court Apnrtmenm. on At.rll 20. 1021. .MAIIV K widow of ltnbcrt K. Almoru. Uolitllvcn nnd ftli-nd are Invited to the errvice. on Hntur ilnv afternoon, t 2 o'clocit. Ht tho residence nf her oli, t'rnlir Almore. 1725 Cheater ae, Inlprnient iirlvnte. t 1IAKR,. -On April 20, at ;he reldice nf her num. Ml Mury llanr. 18211 Htlle st., noSALIB AONKH IIAHU. nitoU 18 yearn, datinhler of ,lamph ami Aunea MainilrF liner, of wllke-llarre. I'a. TrloniH msy call thla Vedneeilay rvertlnR. Interment Wilkes Harr. Pn. 11AUTO? -April 11). .MAltTHA. widow nf Thom.ia llnrto'i, aaed Ml. Ilelntlven and frlondi Invited to attend services. Frl., 2 1. M nt late residence 135 Hoffman at. Int. private, Vlwlni Thlira. eve. IIRCKKK. APJII 10. TIlEODOnE. hua. hand of Lvdla nnd son of Josephine end late Theodore tletker. aged 47. Itelntlves nnd frlind nleo employes of Winner fo., In vllcd t'i futicrnl. Krl.. 8.80 A. M.. fnim his Inlo rcslilenc. 17(17 W iomerset at. Maaa nt Corpus Chrlatl Church 10 A. it .Int. Holy Cros Cim. IIKLL. On April 20. t02I.. HULKS', widow of l'eter M. Hell Service on Friday afternoon, nt a o'clock, nt her late resldenco. 1007 llelmnnt ave. Interment private. III.OODOOOD. -April 21. nt hr residence, 2I2.1 JJiirlnit tliirdei Ht HAItltlKT T widow of William Ji. Illotdgood. Duo notice if funiTiil will b (riven, IlItOrilY. --April 10. AaNKS (.'. dauirliler of Intp Daniel nnd Catharine Hrnphv. nela Ihoi nnd friends Invited to tunernl .al . 8:.10 A M., Into residence. 2:104 Lomonrd at, Solemn rmiulem mnss a HI. Patrick' I'hurcll 10 A. M Int New Cathdrnl Com. FlUClOfAN. At her residence. 821 Hivnrlhmore ave.. Hwarthtnore Pe... on April 20, 1021. LltCV V.. wife of Edwin II. Huck man. Itelntlvea and friends are Invited to the service, on Hnturday mnrnlnir, nt 10 o'clock, at the Oliver II. Hair Hldir. 1820 Chestnut at. Interment at Ilnltlmore. Md. HL'UNS. At Moorestown.' N. Ji. April 10. WM.Tlin .1. hinlinnd of Sarah A. flurns. nued H-. ie,injral Snt., 2:80 P M. late roal ilfiice, 18 K. 8d at.. Mooreslown, S. J. Ktlenils may cnll Frl. exe. CltANR. April 19, MAUY A LICK, wife of llolii-rt Crane, nelntlvea und friends Invited to funeml aervlcea. Friday. 2 p. m.. late realdenro, n3:t W. Hortler st., Oermantown. Intrrmnt prlvnti. w DAV IKS April 21. AflNKS M. DA1ltS. nued 110 Itclnthert end frii'iidii Invited to v rvlces. residence of lirother. .1. .1. Davlea. lil"l Westmoreland st.. Frl. 8 p. m. Int. private. DAVtK. On April 20. lliil . CHAftLBS aiHIIONH. husband of niennor Peale Davis. llclntHoi. und friends lire Invited to the service, on Friday afternoon at I o'clock, at hla lntn residence, M20I Seminole ave.. Chestnut Hill. Interment private. DKVANNEY April 20. SUSAN M.. widow of .InmeH II Dovnnney. Itelntlvea nnd frUnds aie Invited to nttend funoral. Snt 8:30 A. M . latn residence. 801 llelttrad'e st. Solemn reiiulem nms St. Mlchnel'a Church 10 A. M. Int Holv Sepulchre Cem DONNKLLY April 2(1. MATTHF.W, husl linnd of llllen T Donnelly (nee Sweeney). Duo notice of funeral, Into residence, 5134 jf IlroHil st Dl'NCAN. At Mt Itoynl. .V. .1. Anrll In. AMANDA I... wlfo of Edwnril F. Dunran need 07. Iteliitlws nnd frlenda are Invited to nllend funeral, Sat. April 23, 2:30 J' if.. t'NHF.HTAKF.nS V j& QrflUYLERS W . BROAD and jeJ DIAMOND 'UpPTOOFS rniijuc.Lrnirt , EVENING- PUBLIC litlATHH residence of her (laughter, Mrs. Mary V. ShlnnKilt. lloyal. N. J. Int. Ka-llnnton'Om. v KHHllLM. Anrll 20. .10HN .1., son of Huao and Maty Eherlc Due notice of fu nernl wdl 1m irlven. 15I8KNHAHDT April 10 MART EMMA, wife of tho late Christopher Elsenhnrdt. Ilelatlvoa nml friends aro Invlttd to nttenil funeral services, , Sal.. J l. M.7 residence, 7t 1.1 'Pullp St., Tnenny, Int. Magnolia Cem. lO.MEH. On April HI. 1II21, ELtZAllETII. Wife Uf (?hnrfl . I.'ma.. ttnlnllvoft nnd friends Invited to funeral services 011 Friday, 1 i .'" ' 'ate resilience, 110 w. tneiwa. RV?.'.'. permanlnwn. Interment prlvnlo. HNOAItD -Anrll 911. ivin.v it., wife of. Harry S. EnKnril. Itelntlvea and frlenda a.rt inviiea 10 atienu rurerai aervlcea, eai., Jl A. iN. late residents, 2105 N. 12th st. Int. private. AJIcntown and Ilethlehem lmpers please copv. , FHOitUTH. April 18, CIUUBTIAN. hus. band of if, Loulso Fromuth (neo Kemper), nged 04, Itelntlvea and frlenda Invited to at tend services Frl., . p. m., at his Int resi dence. 2515 N. nth at. Int. private, Green mount Cem, Vlcwln Thursday eve. FULLAfBlt. Anrll 18, JOSEPH, husband nffitary Kllen h'ulliriar. In hla liOth year. Ilelatlves nnd, friends nnd Lafayette l-odge No, 14, F. arid A. M.. of Wilmington. Dei., nro Invited to nttend funeral services, Frl.. April 22, 2 v. m.. residence nf Marlton I.. Prltchet. 218 West at.. Wilmington. Del. Int. private. OALIMOHEn. suddenly, April IB. MY11A OALLAOHEIl (nee (loodchlld). wife of Wil liam J. Oallagher. Itelatlvea and friends are Invited to funeral, Sat.. 8:30 A.' M.. resi dence, 4460 O rats si. Solemn requiem mass Ht. Francis Aslssi Church 10 A. M. Int. Holy sepulchre. tlltAS. April in. I.OUtSA. wife of 3 Martin Qraa. iegd 07 veara". Itelntlvea nnd friends Invited to attend funeral, Sat.. 11 A. II., from her mt resldenco Southampton. Pa. Int. Qrcenmount Cem.. 1 P. M. Train for Southampton leaves Ilcalinc Terminal 11,23 A. M., nAllKINH.- Anrll 20. MAIUA ttaURhter tf Ellsnlieth nnd lne Michael Harltlns. Due retire nf funerrtl. 1024 Van Pelt st. HEATON. April 20, ELIZA A , widow of Thorrraa Heaton. In her 03d year. Relatives and frlenda are Inxlted to nttei.il funeral. Pat., at 3 P. M., residence. Ilatboro. Pa. Int, private. - HENItY Suddenly. April 10. nt Newtown Square, Pa., 1IAUHY A., husband of Mar garet A. Henrv (nee Uorman) nnd eon nf late Phellm and Margaiet Henry. Itelntlvea und friends, nlso Hhnnnhan C. C . Invited to fu neral. Sat.. !SU A. M., from tho family residence. 020 .V 4Hth si. Solemn requiem mass Church nf Our" Mother of Sorrows 10 A. M. Int Holy Cross Cem. HILL. Suddenly, In New llrunswlck. N. J. Wed.. April 20, 11121. HENIttBTTA CHAPMAN, daughter of Inlc T. Wilton nnd Bllrn Dally 11111. Services at lale residence, 5 F.lm row. New llrunswlck. Frl., April 22, 3:30 p. m. , JONBH. Suddenly, nt Medford, N. J.. April 20. CAHL. son nf Itavmond W. nnd Ida 11. .tones, aged 3. Itelalltes nnd friends Jnvlled to funsrnl, from parenls' residence. Medford. N. J.. Mat.. 2 P. M. KENNY. April 10. MAUY C. beloved daughter of William J. nnd Catharine Kenny, aged 17. Relatives and friends are Invited to nttend funeral. Sat.. 8 A. M.. 12 West ave.. ilcKlnley, Pa. Solemn high requiem mass nt the Immaculate Conception Church, Jenklrrtown, U.UU A. M. Int. Holy Sepulchro Cem. . KKIVDA. - April 111. AONES. wife of Adolph Kriviln (nee Ollllgnii). aged 10. Fu neral Sat.. N:30 A. M.. from her mutlter'a residence. 3253 II at. Solemn requiem mass at Chuieli of the Ascension 10 A. M. Int. Holv Redeemer Cem. McEI.OltY.-Suddenlv. H.-verly. N .1.. Annl 10. 11121. VltCHIIlALI) C. McKLOHY. Sit tn nullce kf funernl will le given. . MrfflKTTinAN. April 10. .IAMBS P.. bus band of Inle Julia .McOettlgan, IteUitlvea and friends, also Suivlyor' Asso.. 118th ltegl. (Corn Exchange Pn Vols.): Encamp ment No. 'M. t'nlnn Vetornn Lesion; Asso. of Ex-Prisoners of War. and .'inployes of urnfr-Llth tn.. nro Invited to funernl. Sat.. 8:3(1 A. M.. late rosldenre. 702 W. Vennngo st. High requiem mass at St. Veronica's Ihurch 10 A M. Int. Holy Cross Cem, McMIILUN. April 20. WILLIAM .1 . hus band nf Anna II. MftM'ilIln and son nf .lolin and Calharlno K. McMtilltn. ased 28. Tleln tives i and frlenda Invited to funernl Snt.. 8 A. M.. nnrents''reslilenre. Diesher. Pn. Mass a;,..A.lJ.,!!Vn.v'r.ch,,rch- Ambler. Ta.. 9 A. M n-MBEDITH Suddenly nt his residence. 38.10 Lancaster nve.. on April 20 1021. HOWArVp MBnEDITH. llelatlves and friends, nlso Phlln Lodge No. 2. F. and A. M.. are Invited to the service, on Patur ;la. afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the Oller If. llnlr tlldg. 1820 Chestnut at. Interment private. MlCIlELMpitE.-'-Aprll 20 EMMA J., wife of John Mlchelmore. Relatives end frlenda. also l.oval Friendship Ixidgo. No. 2. I o. J-J'- .'..".; '.T" 'Jivltert to attend funsrnl.. ,1.' 'r.'l I.:. Mv 'rom hr husband'a resi lience. 1 13 Mldvalo ne.. Fnlla of Schuvlklll. Services at Grai- Ri formed P. E Church 2:15 P M. Int. West Laurel Hill Cem. Re mains imtv be viewed Frl. evo MOOItK April 20, JANE M.. wife of late l-.dwln F Moore. Funeral and Inter ment strictly private. POOLE. At Woodbury. N, J . April 18 .JOSEPH POOLE, used 34. ll,-iatl?es nn.i friends are Invlled to nttend funeral serv ices nt his late resldenco 307 S. Ilrond at. m-i'-nSiJ'- "h ,,n' Ftllnatnn Cem. ItD'OMt. At I.nturhnrnc, Pn.. Anrll 10 or'-FmmA "j nBBDER. n,t m.SSlJSi of Emma A. Reeder (nee Muncey.) Ileln tlven and frlenda aro invited to attend fu-?..-wUh,?Ml t"rl.her notlce. from his lata residence Winchester nve.. Langhorne. Ta.. Sat. 1:30 P.M. Int Newtown Cem. Train Phr..adXn0rnr2:17',p."if RCRd,nK Termln"" SCAJtNO-SAt.VIV'A All 1n ...- lJi0.0,r,nftiph Sc,ar2'. 'lelllves and friend; Invited to funeral. Sat.. 8:30 A. M.. 1304 N Uarnock st. ilolemn requiem mass Ht. Msrvrn" hurcli 10 A. M Int. Hoi? "row 8LNLR April 111, MARV C. wire nf vwTV ,!5""".r , ""' und friends In vited to attend funernl service., in lu rcsl ilenco, 5112 Spruce st . Frl.. ! p ru pre clsely. int. Westminster C'emeten FrlendH may nlK Thuradav evening. ' SONNEllORN April II.. ifARY beloved wife of Ueorge Sonnebnrn, aged UN. RelatlvcH and friends, also all societies of which "lie was 11 member, are Invited to attend fu u,? "it?;1 5:30.1,',nl .'""" h,,r late real ie. h'iHl71J. "rk r,,1, Ifu"eral ervlcea will N. tleM,, nt Lvange'itnl l.ulberan Church gf tho Holy Croas, nth st. and Lehigh nve 3.30 p. in. Int NorthHood. h SPRlNdER. On April I'd. 02l AN'.S'V P.. wife of Wllbert C. Springer. Sr Viola. Uvea and friends, and nil societies of which ahu una n Itinmluis n .. 1.I a . i.ll Clnr'k STIAMIUUH. April IB, ISAAC H l,ll band if I.nure V Hojds Stlnernck ' Re,,. lives and friends, also all orders of which h. vas 0. tnomher, nre Invited t.i nttend funeral services Sal.. 2 P. M.. IS.-." He" man'1',? IM'rl e " Private Friends may HTlLLWEI.l.. At Crnaswliks. X J f-o",rJ.,i!?.""1' Xhlnl-dHV, Kith. mai. r'ATH--V1INrl"' 1 ""'O,' Howell Stlllwell. aged 5. rtelutles iind frlenda uie Invlled to nt tend funeral. Fourth Month. SWlh-duy ""d at L' p. m.. from he; husband'a leslilenre! Crosawicks. N. J. Int. North Croaswlcfca Lt meter . SUItBltS. April 7. HARHIET C V widow of Wllllum W. Hubers. Sefvlrn's Thurs 2 p. m.. late tesldence. fios nutli hi .. Oak l.une. Int. prlvnte. I'TZY. On April 111. JOHN lIT.r Sr ' husband of Sarah Utzy UCeil 81 eara. ' ?'"" '"KK; - ?; "', le lesldence. vn'er in.,. Wcldon. I'a Interment Mrlctlj WHITLEY April 10. MAIIV. widow of Joseph Whitley (net, Reeve:.). 1 tola tlVes n,?,l friends are Invited to attend funernl aerv lcea. I;n . a p. m at the rel,l.,ce of .r daughter. M,ir Melz 1327 Palmer t Int. Uiurel Hill Cem. "' LOST AND FOUND trilOOCII Gobi btooch with peai Is "md dla mnnd on Frankfnrd nve. between Ilerka and Cambria sts.. Tuesday event nt- Itrwnr.i If returned. Rusaell A smith. i'30 E Mon mouth st. "' '"" PIN Lost, nold bar pin. set with nsaris on 4 car. block 37. from Harrison at to (lih nnd Chestnut. Itewnrd If returned to A. K C. 1044 nilmore st.. Frnnkford IIN- College Fraternity nlrTrlleta TheliiTpn 11 diamonds, H opnls. I.lbernl reward (' .1 Ford. I0 Finance Tlldg. ' - KING lost, solitaire square dlnninruT 1 ImT going ForroBt Theatre. Rltj.Carltnn Hotel: Row a rd Return to nitr.-CarltnnIloudiim.k- WILL PARTY who received bl lie "silk "um brella by mistake Mondav evening ul Lu l,u Temple ple.iso notify It. It f).. ou-,3 Balnbrlilce st ' PERSONALS I WILL NOT bi responsible for utiy debts unless contracted by myself. HARRY WALDA1AN. 4020 Pnrkslde ay.. 18 Hank it HELP WANTED FEMALE ALTERATION HANDS, experienced on worn eu'a dreFses; alsu helper, good pay; steadv position. Apply The Ilium Store, 1310 Chest". nut at., fourth floor. I'IGAR.MAKKRS Wanted experienced bunch maker and rollers Apply American Cigar Co. 12th at and Washington ave. GASOLINE ALLEY Our a ALT: PLUMP, UNMWJRIEO AND AS TO MATRIMONV HE'LU 5AV ME KNOWS WHEN HE'S WEIL OFF. Ice. on Saturday afternoon m o'clock at her late residence. 2240 N 15th it in lerment private. FrlemlH may call Friday nenlng. from 7 111 II o'clock ' ...to . i.i.i.i.n,, ma milieu in inn -,n. HmmlaKSKKp' Ajie- -. - . n.. t..iw.,.ci,l li i1 sz: 1 a ciose m6'Av I0SDJ2R-PHIIIAI)ELPHIA:, THURSDAY, IIEfiP WANTED FEMALEJ. COOK und butler imnn and wlfH) wanted In 11 home In the uburbatnear- PhUadelphlai must be willing and capablei this Is a, splen did chance for a couple who can appreciate a romfortnble and cheerful position ami secure iood wages! references peccssarV, Address M sun. i.ruy.. v...-". r-ORRKSPONnENTS Typlsl- correspondents, well-edurated young women, who dflro to learn mall-order correspondence, will find our- offer very attractive. Hears, Roebuck ft Co.. Kooaevclt Iloulevardj. CORSET ALTERATIONS Wanted, a thoroughly experienced hand corsot alterations; good openings. Apply llurau of Employment WANAMAKER'S CUTTERS, experienced on bathing suits and Jerseys: steady work; good pay. Hygienic Fleeced Underwear Co., 2415 N. Howard. ENVELOPE HAND FOLDERS EXPERI ENCED rREFEnltED, RUT NOT ESSEN J. 8TAN0LER CO., 1237 " N, TIAL. K, HOWARli ST, ENVELOPE OUMMER EXPERIENCED HAND-FOLD CUMMER. APPLY E, J. SPANOLER CO.. 1237 N. HOWARD ST. FELLERS and plain machine operator, ex perienced nn shirta. rompers, boys' wash suits; good worklrur condition; no limit to wages. Annly seventh floor, N E. corner 0th nnd Spruce sts. OIRLS wanted to learn tassel nnismng. atoiwlv work. F. W. Mntirer Sons Co.. Mil Wav'e 'ov... near lHlh nnd Gorman- town ave. ,, QOVERNEHS wanted for a dent child. Apply P IK'JS, Ledger Office... 1IE.MSTITCHERH, experienced. wtt'l''J,orm, handkerchiefs! good pay; steady work. Apply Camden Curtain and Embroldory Co.. Front and I'enrl sta.. Camden. HOSIERY toppers & stitchers on Ilnnner ma; .chines: slnglo-stltch work, children a spelts, hlgJvsUj)lque3j!4Ji.Lnvvr'nce,i.th fl.'r HOUMBKnEPBlfH Wanted. 2 white l'rot istant settled working housekeapere who .an. good cooka; also chamiermaui un wniir-?ss, muei vv nv .. -.... W. Walnut lano, fJtn. . UlTlI Wanted "neat colored elrl for work In small prlvnte tunUy. Call between 12 nnd 1 Frld'ay. at 332IJullltt Itldg-. Ilh and Wnlnut sts.. to Interview the lady or the house. - . . HOLVSEWoilK. no' cooking; Protestant .pre f erred; ref erencis; salary 1 2.Merlon35q. llODSEWOflK, white. experlneed. Ogonta 101 J. I.AUNDRY WORKEIIH Wanted, women lo do fancy Ironing; musi be exper. Apply .Market St. Laundry 1308 Filbert st. LtlOPER. HOSIERY. EXP. X',1!1! )( IONKJI FOR OUR N. V. MILL! AIW O Li'TELV STEADY. APPLY GOTHAM ,'tl-K-liqsljjitY CO 2D AND -N01iRIh.PHLLi': MMDS (2). line fur looking nd downstnlra work, one for ciiamlH.rwork and to nelp with children. Phono Ardmoro 01 J, or ad dress A 50J wanr uuict MESSENGERS We are In need of a num ber of girls. Ill and 17 years of age In the ortlces of our clerical and merchandls- il le pnrtments to learn various kinds of "orK' an opportunltly for adiancemenl hears, Roebuck & Co.. Roosevelt Uoulevurd. OPltttATOltH Kxperfenceti cannsninkers for men's coats. Apply Dreyfous & Lang. Itioad and Wnllaco sts.. Mulford .Ijlrtg. OPE'lUTORH Frontmakers on llk waists: clean vork; good light, elevator service; good pay; clean machines; pleasant lore l?iuJ5i&llL 5yaiilc-ii 1235 Filbert st . OPERATORS on Singer machines. Ner- Itlpum Overall nnd Shirt Co., --J ? 28th st. . SALESWOMEN We are interviewing nppllcnnts for selling positions, If ou have nrr'.-cliiss experle'ice ur If you feel that you have the ability find personality 10 maae a iuoi-i..... woman cnll Hureau of Employment WANAMAKER'S ales- SHIftT OPERATORS Ooml openings operators. for experienced shirt Apply Hureau of Employment WANAMAlxEICH SHOES TIP STITCHERS WANTED; UN USUALLY STEADY EMPLOYMENT AND VERY ATTRACTIVE WEEKLY EARN 1NGS LAJRD. SCHOIIBR & CO.. 22D AMD MARKET STS.. SECOND FLOOR. SHOES VA.MPERS WANTED: UNUSUAL- LY STEADY EMPLOYMENT AND VERY ATTRACTIVE WEEKLY ' EARNINGS. LAIRD. SCHOHEU 4 CO.. 22D AND MAR K.CT. SECOND IfLOOR. STENOGRAPHERS- We haie several perma nent positions open to well-educated young women In our offices, u few of these posi tions offer exceptional oppoituiillles. Sears. Roebuck & Co.. Rooseielt Uoulevurd. TYPISTS We have a number of permanent positions for beginners oi experienced tplsts. Scars, Roebuck & Co . Rnoseielt Iloulevard. ' . WOMAN of experience wanted for employ ment In personnel work In Kenalngton manufacturing plant; state ti.ilnlnir evpvrl- ence etc.. Ill full. I' 1531. Ledger .Office. YOUNO LADIES wanted, neat nppearance. Illmliil Chemical Co.. n S. 18th st A NUifllER OF POSITIONS are open for alert, well-bred, home girls ai;e in lo 22 veers), who nre Interested In and wnuid appreciate a good steuly position. Apply Hureau of Kmp!o inept WANAMAKER'S General V 1 1 , 1 , YOlT M'll US uur P:we lime'.' We will train vou to writ" ahnwv'.irds fur us, llK-ie la ii'j c.inv.iislnK "' soliciting, we sup Plv vim with Hltaih woik, illstaiiie no ob lei'i, will pay yiu from $15 to $.10 n week Wilson Ale'hods. Dopaitinent 5. 125. A Oueen at. Bust, Toronto. Cnnudu NURSES wsnted Always In dm and t good pny. learn at home In spare time, en tile tuition can be earned In few wteliH; you, earn whlla you learn. teclal nffei Includ ing fieo nurses outfit. Write fir full par llcuHri, Chicago School of Nursing, 121 s. Ashland lllvd.. Dept. (1 I'h'csgn, III. MAKE MONEY AT HOMr Ynu can earn from II to $2 an hour In y.ur spare time wilting show cards, qulrkb and easily learned: no canvassing, Write today for fall particular to American Show Card School, 230 Ryrlo flldj,. Toronto. Ont.. Canary. HUSINl-.'S's SERVICE'Vo Tl HI Land Title STENO., nsst. bkpr. $25 bill ilork. $22. Own Who's Who EJKtEZIX: ,VALT6 stepchild. Che U'a found CM WALT'S DOOHSTEP EACIY IN THE MORNINO F.ACI.V IM The SPlHf HELP WANTED FEMALE. (lencrnl . .4McwwVI!fiAra,lr,,0,,0,, Did rtl( 'culars." i" 1107. ledger Office TIELP WANTED MALE APuSnou1mPa,ta?eCengt"'pef,.J: enc.' "3. .nintlonr resile, strictly conn Sential. ) 1530. l'dgeLi)ffJceJ- BLACKSMITH Heavy drop forger Long-time Job wllh unlimited production Apply Employment Department CRAMPS' SHIPYARD RICHMOND ABOVE NOUH13 ST. IIOOK-DINDEIIS -Permanent positions (or .... ..,! A enUheea who wl 1 work 48 hours in modern, well-llghted plant. Western Permsylvanln.! good wnges; e"elent oppor- tunltlfs. Address A 513, lderOfnce. COOK and butler (man nnd wife) wanted In a home In the suburbs near Philadelphia, must bo willing and capable this Is a splen did chance for a couple who con appreciate n comfortable nnd cheerful position and secure good wnges. references trecessary. Address At 3011, Ledger OrjNce. LAUNDRYAIAN, small institution, .inder- slandlng boiler, machinery and hand Iron log. Phone Overbrook 4837. . .MAN I. nm looking for a particular typo of man who la inherently honest, who ran faithfully represent nn organization of na tional reputntlon and record! regardless or your present occupation, you may tie tnut particular man, whom I can place In 11 position to earn not less than $7600 per sear. Cnll 428. t.an'd Title Hldg. MEN .Men holding executive positions In the motor Industry today nre usually men who went with their rompunlea when they were oung: such nn opportunity la now presented to mnturo men, 25 to 50 years, by Hesvemer .Motortruck Co. Call peraonally. from 8 .!"- to jl p. in.. Suite 1320. Wldcner Hldg, bliEItATOIlH Experienced aleevo sewers on men's coats. Vpply Dreyfous 6 Lang llroad and Wallace ate., ilulford Hldg PLUMBER wanted to work In Heach.liavon. N. J. Apply T. T. IloclteU- 020 N. ltlth sit . I'hllnj , "PISTON RING MANUFACTURER WITH national distribution among garages, repair men nnd servlcs station la extending Its selling force to cover overy county In Penn sylvania: haa Interesting offer to make to men having "confidence n their own ability, the economy shown by the use of this ring makes It an easy nnd quick seller. Reply, giving full particulars of past record, terri tory covered and references. Steel -Spring Piston Ring Co.. 141 Metropolitan ase.. Ilrnoklyn. N. Y. SALESMAN, over 35 years, to tnko orders for listed dividend-paying aocurltles. Phone Mr. Hilton. Spruce 0720, for appointment. SALESMEN We ate eager to add to our rapidly expanding staff a few good men who have full confi dence that their best years are ahead of them and who lire ready now to tackle an op portunity bigger and bettor in every way than any they've ever met heretofore; our own record nnd standing will bear the closest scrutiny: our men's records show that they are nil steadily on the way up and going strong, many of them figuring their early earnings above $10,000; and the exceptional merit of our proposition and our tnorougn cnacning ami nacging or evm new man tnken. on ennbles the newcomers quickly to vio with the old-timers both In corning power and in the enjoyment nf po rltlons or executive responsibility. Call frum 10 to 4 for confidential Interview Suite 005. Van Dam Hldg. loth And Market sts. SALI-.S.MBN" We require the services of a few ;rnnd llvcvvlre salesmen who possess enough Initiative to determinedly nml force fully present a flnnnclal bnnklnK proposition In n truthful manner; wo oiler lurgo com pensation, permanent position and unlimited future for those who qualify. Guarantee I Inanco Trust Hank Hldg.. 314 Chestnut st. SALESMEN We want men who are ag grcsslvu and ambitious, to handle a most attractive and diversified line of securities, experience n a essential! we co-opernto with i.rtvertlMlng nnrl leads. Write or call 015 Sink Exchange Hldg, Air. Spohn SALESMEN to take orders" for Hated dlvf. dend-p.-iylng security; liberal commission paid. Air Hilton. Spruce 0720. SHAPER, experienced on men's coats. Ap ply Dieyfcua & Lang, Urond and Wallace sts., ilulford Hldg. SHOES TIP STITCHERS WANTED. UN USUALLY STEADY BAIPLOYAIENT AND VERY ATTRACTIVE WEEKLY BARN INOS. LAIRD, SCHORER & CO.. 22D AND .MARKET STS., SECOND FLOOR. SHOES VA.MPER1 W ANTE D. UN ,.,!!?.VA".'!.RTnA""T' EAIPLOYAIE-NT AND VERY ATTRACTIVE WEEKLY EARN ING , I.AIRD. SCIKM1EH ft CO.. 22D AND MARKET STS.. SECOND FLOOR. ST E NOO It A I'll BR wanted; must be rapid. nccuiate. with oxp.: state ago & salarv ex Peg'ed. Hox 2000. ledger Hraneh 327 Nj3d TRUST CO. uptown desires assistant title and trust officer; slate age experience, quiillllcatlons: replies atrlctly conddenllal. P 101. Jedger OfHce. UPHOLSTBRERH wantelf-riih'.RlirdTwork-men can,- Ilnd twrmanent position nnd pUusani place nt the J. H. vnn Sever Co. KMcton'. Camden N. .L AN ESTAHLI8HBD Wall street ."1'nLr!,.,".t, ,inu"'e ,n enlarging Us Philadelphia sales force, an excellent opportunity Is open to the right mn. P 1421. LEDOER OFFICE General AUTOAIOHILB .MECHANICS nre always In demand: enroll now with the largest nd best-equipped automobile and tractor school In the Boet Write, phone or call for flee catalogue. Petz Autumotlvo School. 8 to 10 N. 20th n.. Philadelphia. Pq. WE TEACH YOU TO DRlVr. AND HBI'AlTl AUTOMOI1ILKS "" " A"' $25 IOn FULL A CO.MPf.UJTB COURSE $'" DAY A NIOHT CLASSES. (Open Sun.i'avs" SATTLER"S.U01 to 15 Spring OaFdon st. ASSISTANT AUDITORS for government ln . c!IV,.,v"lTrr.von.ue .ervice: inlnrlrs $10411 lo $2740. Write for free Information. Fed ernl Institute. Wa bgjpjjp.c. MAIL CLERKS Hundreds are needed" ex". nmlnatlons soon, salary $1(140 to begin Write for free Information. Federal Instl tute. Wnshlugton D. C. ' '""" CIVIL SERVICE examinations April- ami Afay: many vacancies; salary $1400-1Hi)0 write for sample lest. P 110S. Ledger Office SITUATIONS WANTEJDMAJLE ACCOUNTANT-AUDITOR deslrea parl-tTrr vvorlt. manufaeiui ln md construction ac counting a apecla.tr Wyoming 5II2S J ADVERTISING" position v"vanteiln ' vmln nirencv or us ndvprtlsing manager e.ini bin nf managing off lie knows routine of u and produition Prulestaut nnd ox-sen I,. innt salary $10 :.A 412. I.ii. "ir? llOOKKBEPKR Young man compotenl" ev lierlenreil. delre temporary position available Immediately A 5111. ledger Office CHAUFFEUR Young man. 22. white"" d. . sires position wllh private famll ; ii 'e,,r exueilenc". eiiroful drlvei , noat. mur'r-m,. lell.ible. A-l references. p .,. jd"' .?. CHAUFFEUR deslies position, private" or truck, will k.i iinvwherc. references an.l cxp'Ml.mv. 2I2H Pp." streei. MANAGER cred iloth g nine open for m,,,, 15 yra vvlth chain s'ores A 132. I,e,. off Sa'lKs"".MANAC,1:R or representatlvewoiTrd represent Philadelphia concern with high gr.i.id ptoduct, srviie or otherwise. i v!;" York City: no slock. 33. live wire, right 1 d peuranre; salary or commission, $4000-l.1iiiin Ail.li.es A 131 I eilg, r Office. ""'U. TRAINER und handler of string of Bhootlni or flold trial dog3 for prlvnlo gentleman excellent references. .1 H. Wise. "14 k" OSlh St.. Nuvv Y.rg. n- YOUNO .MAN of good family and education out-door sportsman desires position us companion, willing to 1 ravel, ivferencea ., changed. A 120. Ledger Ofnoo. very: a close FRIEND or WALT '5 - VCRJf CtObE. IgJlLL: Houest ErCEPrWHN"1T?(IN( 16 OtT AN AOJUiTNENT 04 A. llStr.. f o APtttL 21, 1021 SITUATIONS. WANTED MALE YOUNG MARRIED MAN. 28. former army officer, desires outside position, construe llon or nbor foreman, spenka Spanish, will go anywhere! unusual qualifications; wide experience A 231, Ledger Office. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. HAHVEY, lOlll Rlttenhous square, reliable help supplied; wanted; every ca- rarw,., . . - WANTED Compel, nt white help 11 every capacity; rcf. n quired, mil) Italnbrldge. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FURNITURE, SECOND HAND; $no0 stork, horse nnd wagon; small rent, will smil flce for $800; unusual bargain. LIM0ZAINE 10J1 CHESTNUT STREET . ROOM 333 . 7 nvi: ihn ,i.ie. in establish a imall bus- ....... i. ..hi-.ii 1.A ..mi Hiinnlv service, as well as eap'tal would like In have full Particulars as to what you have to oflei A 505 ledger Of lice. . GROCERY, KENSINGTON, modern fixtures wllh 7-room dwelling, good stock, wry reasonable, ..... LIM0ZAINE 101 1 CHBHTNUT STREET ROOM 333 WANTED .Men who ctn Invest from $5000 to t lo.ono In promotion; it stock propuslj ton it the first clnss. iice Mr Alack. 4., 8. Front st AIUHIC" HlfoP Fixtures and stork cost $1400: will sell fnr 70(), ifct iiukklv. LIM0ZAINE 1011 CHESTNUT STREET l'OM 33j FOR SALE FOR CASH 1600 ACRES OIL SHALE LAND. LOCATION : RIO BLANCO COUNTY, COLORADO. ADDRESS M 329, LEDGER SECURING BUSINESS CAPITAL QUICKLY Foiteful. high-powered, lonvlnclng presenta tion, through right channels, based on orlg Innl Intelligent sales plans, will get devel opment or working capital. In any amount. Ifr record time, nnd at minimum cost. We epeclnllxe on everv phase of nnanctni writ ing and illrect-by-mall selling. Twelve vears' "ucceasful experience. Advertising Service Co . Parkway Hldg . Hroad und Cherri sts. Teieplionn Spruce 1020 WANTED Men" who can Invest irom $5000 to $10,000 In promoting a stock proposition of the first class. Wo .Mr. Mack. L"i S. Front st WOUI.i) LIKE "to hear from" ii party who1 Is willing to Invest irooo In established busl nee, netlvewir silent A 4 14. ledger orf W-e H. W. Con. Iith "and Christian sts! and ad props., lot 80x711; gt. bus. ren : make offer. II. J. Fnsey. 18th endThnrniisonls ISBSTAt'HANT. doing good business, with property for s-ile- vrv env terms, near I'tiHei-Hlty 331", Woodland ave. APARTMENT" HOUSES Furnished houses'. A. L. Duggan. 110 N. 20th at BUSINESS PERSONALS " DIAMONDS BOUGHT If vou want to be convinced that we nre still pining 25Vo more than others for diamonds (also pawn tickets bought) call at illnnlng nnd singeing, scalp treatments. facial massage, eliclrlril nnd vibratory treatments, violet-ray treatments, eyebrow arching, .etc. Ida K. Ill'sh. president; Edna E. Regan, Instructress. Wal. 7304. Call or wrtie. VISIT OUR Up-to-Date Beauty Parlors rUlennni-lir 'ncial niasjage. scalp treat-l-niropouy rnt manicuring. halr- rtvelng. all branches by the latest methods. Dr. AI. D. Austin. 1302 Filbert St.. 2d floor. DIAMONDS BOUGHT Hlmieat prices paid. to 10 carala; $in t0 (8500. old gold, platinum and silver bough! The Diamond Shop i?n, &C Pe.el-, Phlla- or Camden homes eiec.1 qOW VaSIl trmed with fixtures washing machine, sw .eper and Iron, easy terms. Ph, Oregon 2507 or write ARTHUR AI. POLAK. Electrical Cor.tractor.llPorter. Iilla " DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY W. SMITH.. 717 BANSOitjnv YOU CAN BORROW mnncv loiv as De"r cent on diamonds. RIBDEH'S. 128 Ma rket s t . ELECTRICAL treatment, nl-'o mnnl.-urlng in to () AIlss Croix 305 S. nth st. UUVNKETS w-nshid. air dried; other laundrv solicited. French methods. Poplar (irmi ELECTRICAL treatment, also manlcurimr 10 to 0. AIlss Douglas, 30llth st. ELECTRICAL TRBATAIENTS. pnyslcal cul ture. 108 S. 17th st. Hours. 1 to 8. FACIAL, scnlp. electric, hours 10 to 0. iim rft-rgman st ai jonn jpl- y ilroad st Et.KCTRICA treatment. For appointment cull Walnut 1852 Houra. PL " il. ELECTRIC treatment and manicuring, ili.s ' Hanson A Wilson 105 Heed Hlg.Ph.Loc 3l)ilj SCALP specialist, facial mat,, all branches ' lllackwell 11.18 Spy. Garden, Poplar5015 J AL'To'llcense lags furnished In less thanT'JI hours lloseott A Oliver. 1)73 N. 13th st MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VU'TROUV VI. with tl 10-Inch double-faTert i-cur Is $3'.. 10. thu uutrlt for one p-okinc for a go ul machine at a small cost. H. II. ir,M rum Arm it . iu chestnut st Open .Monday Frbl.lv and S.-iturdyeyenitms iSllll Storv t .lark MS-.mlent.veV.e. lie tut I .IS Useil II snort will e .-,,., trno , .. ..i .-..- '"'. tirm, can lie irrantf,-d: guaranteed I) n' Tudd.130(lArch Op-n Mon . Frl.. hei ov gs! 1IN') $75 cash. !85 one dollar week for magnltleent $350 nlano. been used, ilei-iried largaln. II H Todd 180(1 Arch at Open Aluiiday, Friday and Saturdayevenlngs. I'lANt) lleautlful new "upright fo7aaIeT at .aerllue l'JI3 N (Huh si ' ALL tnalfes tih. nogrnhs rej.ureit liy facorv expert b.iloiono Phon. Co . 1707 Ciestnut WANTED II PHI EST PRICES paid fur gentlemen's . I .Hun i. wi l e. i-end or phone, we call jni." ul,. -i an tlm i.ooocr 3311; Man,,, -. I"Vi r e; )' Oj)enevenlnes WE WANT ,'t once r.oustiiold funmuVe stole fixtures, cfflee furnituro. pav spot cash honest value Phone us about It. lo cust 4214 old Church "- I20i atnCherrv II II sit' ". en o. Its shoes, h'l'i II u-jhl h k.liei.1 pi 11 - 1 nil. I we .ill invuh ,,. ,it, oiiimv .III inp Write call , phone I 1 1. I, 11 Li-1 ii' i" ii "e I tl 1 foil! h . I STAMPS AND COINS VlKU T STAMPS PHILA. STAMP I 1 Ill'Y OR SELI." I -ST 1 1 NT ROOFING ROOFING SPOUTING HEATERS AND RANGES REAS0NAP.1.E rmcL-u II. PENTLAN11 CO 804 N. 1BTII ST POPLAR 14(17 .1 '' R'OI S 1 ul painted ini 1 .canty uuet -.1 HI redm Atn.-rlien Sf.et Metnl t R oflni- lo ,M3 35 Appi-i, ea, Phone . 1, ul , aS , starting at -, OLD GOLD CASH n.ilrl f.o .: 1 lock-- Rollers ,!..K"''1 ,;'" ,'nd Hnti.nn 4A S. 17th I. 1011st ul'i SEWING MACHINES f30-s-vv di.iphvl 7. i- wj-kt cost $4.', . In-.-.' . jiingn and otlpra $s to $15 fully s urant. I HUN' 10th st. By King Adviser, to the. alilv Both as to PMYbtCAi Ailments and mechamcai ills. His PccscBtPriONS N0RC EAfiPLf SoOCrlT THAN MI& ADVICE KLLLY & (JU. .Mown ROYAL '.MOTORCAR V'O .' "x&. Mil I -52I2i ?W- 2D FLOOR ...12 CHESTNUT ST.1, Hn.PoPlar .103,: Ojien.Smejj.y . "T'.r TnnnW&TX; H'RIVATB OFFICES) PH. WAL. 7344 I'ADII.LAC 55 louring. Including demount- Uj th or w.lhoul sarage privilege Poplar FRENCH-AAIEHICAN COLLEOL. INC..122S bl" "?,'!'," ,0": n.r'-ctla"s 0dl'!nn , J'hon" 1617. Market st. Instructions given In mpnl- SmuceJi l evgs. Oak Lane l-..NdUei s , -.fir-N'T?,07 One "TuTiTlTed r.mm ad rurlng. hatrdresslng. American nnd French CADILLAC Coupe, model 57 and 53: rond. ' loin'inir bath- nil conveniences Poplar ""i51 ..t u,n..lnu .lew tirtri n.l .k.m I.. -t . -I....... A...w e ....e... l.-. ..- l,il.,.r. I JOinmK "Hill, III! CPU V eil lenees . I opiHr m.pi USED AUTOMOBILES ii i rrni i r w unimiii j f riimnH r n ni r r rt m: rttrmn ij pn niit j n ni nmniij nninf whh itni mnu LOCOMOBILE 1017 48 1'iiirlm.. 7 nassenger, over hnu ed nnd repainted. KING-8 11)20 louring splet.dll condition MERCER rMpainl'-'J. HARE'S MOTORS, INC. 2314-2:12..' MMIKl'.T HT Telepliore Locust 150 .'iiiwtiiiniiiiiciiiiiiiicraiimiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiiffiiiiirjiiiiiiciiiiiffliirafliiict'.iiw MARTIN-ALEXANDER AUTOMOBILE PAINTING If your ear Is shabby. w can quickly makn It like new. The Martln-Aletander baking process of reflnlshlng nutnmoblles la beauty of llnlsh and long life considered tho most economical and best. It will prove an hour well spent to lns"ect our work here MARTIN-ALEXANDER CO. AUTOMOItlt.E REFINISHER3 12)1-128-130 Reed st. Dickinson 2201 Afsln 170 " Mack Trucks Practically New 5(i ton. with dump ot sink, bodies 2-T0N PIERCE-ARR0W With dump or stake bodies General Motor Truck Corp. 2)TI1 AMI .MORRIS STS. We Pay Highest Prices for Used Cars ROYAL MOTORCAR CO.. Inc. (112 r.22 n iiltnAH s'l PnPl.xIt 0130 BUICKS BUICKS BUICKS 101(120-211. cmirnnt'ed in wonderful enn dlt'on OPEN SUNDAY. (.IP N. HROAD ST. RTASI.KY 1TH I'll KINli . iiijn I -pussengei- speedster; snappv .ml f.ist, rum t.iluo ! w October 1H20. pro X'JLT.U ii w(-e wheel. Hood cord tiles. iuii 7UII.I miles. Ir good older F W. 113 W lolnv.r si . H.iltltnute I'hutle St. Puul iio.Mi PA nil 1 AC "" '"uri'ig ri i ti"v. ifitVJAiV V-rtLlL,rtv ,,,,.N SUNDAY Poolor 7X211 STXNI.EY At'TO.MOHILE CO. PADlf I AT S"',H"' """"' v'ry "Hie: vALIL.L,rV,,.. .nU.. ,.ff.- nonr .MUTDItl'AII (II . INC. 020 N- Ifrotid. IMpbir (.o:iii open Siindnv. PADII AP ,,'-, ,ourlng cai. almost new. V-rtLlL,L,-- uovai. MOTOR CAR CO , (12(1 N llllOAD. POP C.II3II. OPEN SUN rUAMHI CP SEDAN i. will sell reason . t-rlrtlNL'LC,I able to quick buyer. I ROYAL MOTOR CO.. INC. I 020 Nf HROAI). IMP. (Will. OPEN SUN. CHANDLER t'hummy roadster . late CHEVROLET, 400, touring. A-l tnechBTil'-al e.-nd . new rubber, painted. Rnlnler Serv i. i- Station. 1724N Croskey pt. CHEVROLET touilnt:. late model, excellent order, will Sd rltlco for $200. olien even. 17U7 VINE. 10"! DoDUB lllios" niotnrcnrs. tourlni- I roadsters A sedan: Immediate delivery, a I vear to pay. Authorized Dodge Agency. Alan- nvunk Ifiss. 4'JR.I Alain si. EHen .Motor Co.. peepy Touring car and rnadsier. 1920 OOCA Hkr, nnWi W, H&c rioy.il Motorcar Co.. Inc.. 1120 N Hroad. Pop. 1103(1, Open Sun. FORD i oupe like new. Hill N. Uroad. rUIAL' iir,rn sumliiv Poplar 7S20. STA .Nl . E Y AUTOAIOHILB CO. HAYNF.S Inuring. .5 pass.: guarnnteed llnll,l"J condition, must sell; CASH UR :ri' 'i4'. fc"5 N. HROAIl ST. WIlPMnRII C Touring. enrly en. wwi iiiiv.i ROYAL MOT OltCAH CO INC jn N" llroad. Poplar .103(1 open Sun! NOMA 4 pass. UROAD A-l loiKl.tlnn (111) N. OPEN SUNDAY POP. I.AR 72" STANLEY A UTOAfOIllLE Co PlAfvl ANIl '-lk" '"" i,,, N lIRiMIl w' ""'- ol'EN SUNDAY. 7820 STANLEY AUTOAIOHILB POPUR CO OAKLAND - r - - AIcMICHAEJ.. 131 II PClPI,RHT OLDS.MOUILE seilun. siigntly uen: A-l con. dltlon: wire wheels: 5 new cord tires, 11401). going ihro-id 2108 Wnlnut st (il.DSMonil.E t loadster. perfe, t con- 'Itrlott. good tuliner. methanirsllv A I 57.M. Do 1.,-incev street , - ' u CI'infKlS, .Maxwells, CllOVIO ets. ' ' nn B. Ilirot. (nni r,n,l mum. ,.(V, - --...-, ......p..., ...,w ...... iiit.ii, uiie I" an. too num. r on-, t.i mention. gu.i l .inte. -1 mei-li in . Hv perfect vie.l o ..him room .mil ,,tn Urge force of eile-tn ..ill hhovi nu .n.l explain ou .ill nn.l no , hllgation I" Inn ni-ii Sund.i.i llltl -Jt N STANLEY 'AUTOMOBILE CO. VK Al J "-''" "" m-'e. ,... i.tel I '" ' 'ond'tlun lltst $3; ' "' " '' R"i il M.....M hi Co Iru. ilii'-r,-.' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '" ""," I niirr)l A Mil -101. VN ..,..., " , , , OVKKIJxND ..'""'" Xl I'""1 "- ' -V Ir. t "per,,: M'To'c PAIGE-,:'''" sll.", V '.Hi 1 Mi XT A N't EV .l. I I'.'ll. liiOi,a and ruri 1 Wll or TERMS. R0AMER I pn- i-Port. H classv I 1 Pi ROYAL AIO- TORCAIt 1 o INC I" I1J V OPEN M M'r P .1 I,. i'S3ll ' llllOAD. NEW S' t .up 1 ni .-. autoin-vbi.f . . Piissengi ' i-uiMeiiger sriil 7 nasstrioiT. models, fait, iv ..lie f.'luil. sper-ai I a prlco I'll'. ..Pin., Wlr. ,- wcte w 1 Atkinson P n H x 101 p. 'rrxhur: Va en lll--.-s-i'.i ii 1 i 11 i-i.iss, ,-nutiirii. k,. , w 1 ash or 1 1 in- 1 a -. i -.. -. ti;i 1 vii. j TRUCK -It., 111. 1 1 ' xpl. -is. l,.,r 1.11,1 r .1 pi 11 rm,, Rain '1 I, -.-I P e - -'HP pe. 17 : 1 WHITE I I 1(H .-INI dill N .1 0 I'OI'I .i lltos ilileil p v. k urn :t.' U.lgel Oflll STORAGE AND MOVING .:- I MILL-HI'D is;.' ) CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSES 7Dil, 9i nU n,n,.... 1 --" "v. "v-.. v-lll-OlllUl j MOVING STORAGE PACKING "" "" . JNI) ""'x-'i' KUUi AINU LAKtJLIS ' '".e'l'-'i.", I-:,' '", l!'-" -'loitl'.D Tl i.ill'ip IN 1. 1 1 11 1 ST lllll, . Ml lo'l II I Kl " I .-l-.v. 1 ISHI , ,,s TUP PYPMAVP.P CTftDAfp . 1 .t wv. 1 tri xvj ! vjf u, 1J, iru s. n 1 . i'iium: i'i wii . i:i' ii 1 1. ki '"vi.- Pvc v I'll I. Mi ISSI'Li'l "i R utFiiocM-: , RADFORD Lur.il and o O'lliailCe mov. inn -t -1 111-" in f.epa ,,t i.g In sioiage. .',311) u-at.r V, 1 Wjoiii-hk .J3').'i J VICTORY STORAGE 5200 Fill ert. Pb-oie rtelrnnnt .(670 Pl-r.e rrow vans. for esttrria'es WALLACE ,37 cK,,' o;n YNT PRT LOAD TO ATLANTIC c1TV TIIE .IOTn UHOADhVo Storage par king nrovlng. inrnei cleaning 4 1 .17 51) LANCASTER AVE.V llsT PHILa' MON MICH STORXIiH (.'O 3S7U LANlMiT TLIt AVE- Vtro Sl.ItVICIC smilVillJ" 'ilKlN'll LONG DISTANCE MOVN(J ,K I'I.ANIIC I'i'l'v K PRESS "307 Markil si Tiunks and ,.,1.1 li r , ,.-(.h ' hauled ilin. 1 to hot. Is and ii.ii.iKe.. e,' Ing n -ssaiv. Maikel 142. Mulri 171 nmht tihin,- Shei in'.. R " ' ,7" BOATS.MOTORnOATS.LAUNCHES IS FOOT Mullin's . an fur sj,. . . ,.. , ,,, f iimli.inii In. I e. nm. ru, pi . , , " Bl.l, . ... 1,.. ,,,,,,1-isri 4787 J ,.i 111 li'.i'.'ii Mi.. 21 i -r FOR SALE J. desks our specialty; ui,.l flllMl. - f -! nest I ' linjirtl linourflff-ii. Plfl'l III 1ILM i n"i -' ' -.- ..... : i I mhio- (iin.ifn nfr in any niuirnit un iurn iniiinr i-. - National furniture co. our ..- ... . . .. . Mtrff-rT 1 i . TO WALNU 1K1 i IIDTH PHONES 2, new OFFICE FURNITURE Tnji SPECIAL SALE , TAIII.ES. Chairs niTC.lYC; .':'"". ''fr"Vn?' New A rud LJlr UnilglH Mold ij tt,-iS.r II 02 ARCH St. ..sTo'l Pn Office (111 Wnlnut SI ITIIN ITl'llR CO. ; TYPEWRITERS W Stieclal reilnctlon s. e mir stock beforn bi Ir.g. M daye- trial nod l-.vear gnarallie) savo about $20 more than elsewhere. wrlW or call a' onr-e. f BUNDY TYPEWRITER CO. inn;, f'JIrN'T JT. fHJIVALNUT MTt NATIONAL-cash ri'gTter. latest style nift 13) RAS-EL. too principle. II bunk 0 lm)I ililunl tnuniers one total counter ! Idinwei r,.k llnln. iieinll -iru "r "? I niwrnteil rust, $1025. 2 .veilrs old. nbsnluljlv ' as good as new. iheap Address il .13. ledger (If fire i. OFFICE FimNlTUIlE , ! 1 Irge lot of desks, safes, files, cabinets n4 general office furniture, store fixtures. ve iMiy, sen niei pt imn PATTB.V Ft'nNITI'HE CO. I L"rATinIi,,J--Aliil" -8X nA.'!,'2 c2i DESK BARGAINS 'hairs tits. filing cabinets, office parti tlons. now nnd slightly used. H WEISS CO. 1037 Race si. SAFES SAFES anil seer, ml hand safes Hue lb, we Peal. Co . 801. Km ntw i .irh ol ill sle' Arch st OFFICE FlRNITl'RI'. Immense assort ta.tii nf desks, p-irtltlon. tables ih.n S flies and other complete otllee eiiuli.m. nt ihs.i in vviit eontri.ct work, in splendid cntidnoft and will lie sold cheap. HI OIES. It'll nn.l liiittonwood FoirsALF. -Piano (squnie) Aleve, make In codil condition red plush parlor suite ppe looking ulass with gold frame w.ilnni bed room suite, tmrgnln for quirk sale Addrel". I I01. IJ'yerJJfrP-e. FOR SALE :i Chlcatlcll ponies. 2 broko to ride mil drive. Apply Philadelphia Coun- (rv Club Stnbles Rla.Pa. FOR HALE Thr.e laige rooms nf office fur niture together with lease. Cnll l.M'J Wal. nut. Room 403. CAFES, fire and burglar proor. sllghtlv used, all sizes, slip's and makes, 72N Fourth. TYPE, pres- - -in'l eutiers. bit- hirers Ins. Phlln. Print. .is' Sum.. It S. in e! lll.OTTERS printed. 3 xr,. J3 thousand, ad dltlonal thnus'd 13.50. Printing. 210 N 5tn $875 NATION XI. e.ijih teulsler $2n() . m Ik wen at 5(150 Willows ave . Wesi PI ROOMS FOR RENT LHOv.li AND office double PINE (The C'k null i--i. urge and single r-.oms Walnut 72l2. HHOAD. :i(22 N Nicely furn otrrii- 'ma ' nil ioni . h.ind.v train tt trol. Tlogq 8HU4 AAIAC. N ""'.IUII Two nnd 3 rooms with bnih second floor. Conor house, ight. . he. rtul. well furnished all conveniences CHESTNUT 20:i IUopi wllh tirlv. " bath; beautiful suit.-, also single rnoiin. . DIAM(jM loo? Desirable from room also single mom; gentlemen: bath maiiilo shower phone. . S'l'Rt'C'i " ST!. HUH A Itn.V-Kntremelv de. rooms and suites: hand., furn. ,prl ba tha. flTHST S. 3J0-1S (near s'prucei iThx Perrln) Allractlvni rurninneo suite non 10TH. N.. inn. HOTEL ltunio Ileiu. furn. rooms, spotless clean, eiec n.-w. beat: dallv A weekly rates; conv. to stations; best aocnm for traveling people. Spruce !95t 20TH. N.. 1040 Very large second floor front bedroom. 2 large closets, near until. room, handsomely furnished uompb-ie- If party desires may use kitchen for hre-ikfaat. also washing; private. 2UTII ST . N.. 2111 Three i n- ai.d li.gh. -er ond loor. with electric ilvhl 431) N lion liinp furn. rm : -oni to Mrs, good lee, prl. fnm geni. pref. Pres'ICOJ" 521) and Glrnrd. N. B. cor. Up-to-date nevy- ly-turn. room, light hkpg. Hel 437 AI THE MORRIS. 3t1 S LITI"st7 Furnls'ied, ' ' f room- and bulb southwestern exposgie; frorn Junf. to oetober no houske' t'ln. FURNISHED room: nil convenience, gen- tlemen preferred. Kensington 53'il W. ATTRACTIVE fum. opts some h.ius-kpg. Sh. rwood Apt. Agencv 1334 Wulmi! si Wl'.slT PIIII.ADEI.l'IIIA 40TI1. S 421 Three unfurnished, papered and decorated, reasonable. newly APARTMENTS k"li'iiliw.liiii.iiilm. ,i J H'iiiiiiii.,iiii!ii:,j:!M'iiiin,ii: SWARTHMORE 1 ! 22d and Walnut j ! ' f ! Ij I l ; HeHLJflful apaMlll.'l!.. rll!'M- 'infiirnlsbed. a)1 lirigbt o'll-i.-l-j i' uly '.May 1. I I..HII J hath I h.ith i! lo.'.i M. de f.il 'e letitals ir lnr.(H'. t H Wl' wiilf I Win ' - rltl mi RKtf Tl Htltl ttHIITI i I 'i,lrHllWie'IIH1lllllllllHllinilU WAVERLY APARTMENTS 1 10.1 CJIIE K .. in n pertmeni .. '"' iK" e.e 1. -at. low ' -hli- ti ,ioi mi I i m I ' ' i Trie' Ihir It 1 Ai S.-..1 I I 1 a. I 11 I Lr . lIlUitERT r '. .- U 1826 SPRUCE STREET 111 .tml Ul'i h' ip ' o looms am) t. pi. -. a p irl met ' nn. .lei n imn lue'its C. F. SIMON. 112 S. I6TII ST. Park Ave. & Dauphin ..uVhcv moS' .rn. 0 riKiMic and bath front and I n k su-inr fiorrh on each aot . rentals II3D 1110 per monlh. pen fi r lnspeclion dill.i unril ;. ,4. m : Ones; .ii.n 1 n. 111 . Ii N Phi,, 1 . . p.ft. 11. lo me ,11 ll.u otifstnut iptu.'e Uliq I'.'O MoSTil - ll-kiu 8 rtns. ehmv -1- pn I pori ) be.i 1' if i I l Ijlh : I I- fun 1,11 " 1 1 1111 us hoi wiit-r ,.,,.'- md ir.i - ' ki le "ii ..i . r ice on i .'- in'-1 ll - .' 101 l-'nrvl w- live A W-si 1 "I III". I lis II Jll' Ml 1 P ." I lei C . p,. I .... on M l.ich .ids or Air I -t I ! BRIE 1VK aro I Mull si V W . 1. -n- n.l hi ih ivlr-iui h nil- 1. t t.' , . nlllStile IOOII11. HUrt 'IUI ilM'SS .It- l . ,h d' . 1. ; .1 - 111- heaullf ul -i.ir 'Ir fis i , ' , - 1 1.1' H.ll rs- J ihn.on tl'i . 1U1 t Spi in . 4 1(111 lilt -IVi;P. l. "1 an I n "i t nd h nn. ' pi. ','-! s rn - In ine.ll 11. p..,..-.., .i:oil ; .mill, n- RICHMW ItkM.TV in S 1. I . ' I'll . 1.1 I'll sMull ., V , - JH'.i". 'Ml.llViil'imi APT Slnli 10 . - - . . Mil. Ul" .HIIMl.le Mi ' 7 I oins 1 -' 1 . nl ' - iiti.l Ih vst 11 y S. in o- 1 1 . Hat i.s !7fnl V I 1817 PISE ST Large living , 111 with 1 ' -epl.u e. best p.irquett y ft.j -is su-inliay; 11 !!' t-.'iliooin most modern cf butini ahower mil perfe. i kl'r heriMinfut nislted. .' 15 Split i'i: "erv llti'i ". lis ur.fi, r.lahe.1 .1 nr -i.-piw I large r .0111- 1 i n an! '1 ' 1 ii- 1 "' ill-nil 1 oner rip 11 .1 .vi 1 1 ,1 nil I : ' .'I. 32 .'ll S 15th ' v. ItlpiWi ST IW'."J FiiiiiisI .1 1 unfur 1 sip I I to 11 rot in. nn.l I, vCi r. 1 Jilfi t , nn. CCilin 171)7 l.'.th . ' .iil irn-ai '.'2 1 ami "t.'irlo "I sir t It .or 3 10. -mi and l.nc . . !.-i - nn. to 3 mi moms 11 I troll. ye Wm Lin. I. r 1 32 Clp.tnu, n. APARTMENT II. Ht)l' VII I I'll 'nli-il .1 tm r tlllelllH .1 -s -II 1 M.Oll V p.ll I np'll I AH- IP - 1114 WeTtj. .. 1 V 'UK R0AI1 51111s at 1 men .'I "us an 1 bath iti -! I .111 t p.. .ril.rt - , .inn-. 1 or 1, 1 nm 1 , i. iftiiivnlMiiri'HIS AIT 111 s I pi, s I '' v ' "' ' sub 1. 1 UAI.lN'i l".ll ,i, I3n H ton. I A J 1 1 .'ll.'.l i 1- sell. UP ' ivi'l lurri 'i. 1 Ii VMi- 'Mil V Op ip 3 1. . I ' I -I ll' HI'- lll.'i'l 11.111,1 ' APIS lipiMI.Rl , K 17JII- .' 1 tl on, .11.1 lllll 7 I Wis I PIIII.ADLI.PIII AI'ARTMKNT UK LPXK o aplii lit on... In l tie rr.pilr. , nf "i . f. . king 1 .pviirioue home in an exi-ui tlv. lulglilnirlinoll l.llhht ll, I fill l, 1 1 ii-s uiiusiullv large, . 1 1 li I r.ii oullo.,1,. hue . PMVSte hull , ... , ro-rn 3 nias)"i b. ieriin.s villi 1 it-il Inch 1 Hgiiifl. in dlnlnir "' " Pant k't.li.-n iruilds ,, rT tol'ei l.Mge . Ic.SMS I.P.I. I', drep. ,nf lilli Ins Pt (Inn IMUlh mpsmi iru $175' l,,u"li (I01.1 $jn Apilv lanlli 1 .,,, ,.i,n' l-es W ...ill 'ii I UPaii n Minim,,,,, UPS III S Hill. SI II u,l Che.l.. , , ," '"J'-J'.V J!"'u!" V J.r ,-20, '"H "' .... .00 s " MnHLRN up Id-date sin 011,1 f, , kI ij " .,. nn., i.n.ii jroiir iinn i.si' liill.il. r '!. 4"i(KI N tiro.,. lull ieny MOD .' 1 and h llt'l IllllM.I ul, vi... .T irel M.nklll 1711 V llloiwl Wv n7u a it it 1 I 1 liw TL.Nri( MTV I'I I. 'U"HKl,,l , v 1 t Kennaid o ' ' snir ( nestnui t. - i'i ' ., ..ft(w?ri. 1, .s.m-.'e.'l . ... ;e .?'. Vji; ,1. ai.4Wi;., O-eJ