' S -' .'-(..v ., H' sr,'-ip-"rrr-Ti-ir,v "V E .VV'W 7f7rTT5r'. &. ? '-Wi'i'n EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, ''APRIL'" 21, 1921 19 -- Athletics Make Their 1921 Debut on Local Stage With Ruth as Top-Liner P. B. WHITE & GO. S08 Ghestnut'St. RED LEG HOLDOUTS SOMEBODY IS ALWAYS TAKING THE JOY OUT OF LIFE u 1) ARE DIVIDED AS KOPF SIGNS THOSE PAPERS ri " ",,-.- ev"' If GIRL GOLF CROP AT CRICKET CLUB 1 't Si. ! 2 Iff V Dnubert Cracked First and tiousch and Groh Are Remaining Members An Maybe Landis' Ukase Changed Larry's Mind Hy KOilKKT V. MAXWliM. Sport Kdllor Ktrntnc I'ubllc l.eiler A HOI. DOIT In baobnll censes to lie n holdout when thr -nlnrv i'herk begin", to mnk-e its appearance (wire a month The "pay to benrcr" tu(T lins hroken more thnn one dctCTmlnntlon to rctnnln forever on the old farm or ontinue n pli'iiciint occupation f tlriviriK n truck. In other word, n holdout follow hN trmlo to lone a It dovsn'l wt him anything. Yesterilnv Lurry Kopf decided to pluy tinebnll with Cincinnati thi riif.on nnd tiKiied the pnpori. Larry Imtl been holding out in Boston mid .ring signed statements thnt he through with bnsebnll for good nnd would devote nil of hit time to hi flourishing automobile business. Thl ns before he became acquainted with the business side of the motor gume. After tne introduction he wns absolutely certain he wns 11 ball player. Kopf's signing of the paper means a lot for Cincinnati. I .nut winter, according to gossip we picked up nt the training ramp in Cisco, Tex , four of the noble Itedlegi derided to form n holdout union and stick to the linWh The) were Daubert. Kopf, Oroh nnd Itotisch. It una a tort of "unlted-we-lan'cJ-dlliled-e-faH" affair and the were to remain firm to the bitter end They made their salary demands nnd c.u back to nwnit developments The first to crack wn .lake Pauberl .lake isn't a sprint; chicken nud probnblv has only n couple of years to play in the big show, so he kicked in f .11 Ij Then came a long wait for the other three The Cincinnati manage ment said the holdouts would be treated ns such and If they came back It would be at the terms of the i lub Then came n deep silence on both sides. The players figured the club could not get along without them, and this proved to be n wild pitch. .liidge l.anilis niinun'ed thnt all holdouts must work two weeks for noth Inc if they joined the ball club after the season began, the rule to go in effect next Saturday This caused Kopf to forget all about the $1)000 snlary he demanded nnd h rtecppted the lub's term Uousch. who wants $20,000 per year for three e.ir and (irli. who thinks he Is worth $15,000 per rinuni. probably will be among -those present in n short tune. They need the money and can't afford to loaf Something must b doo to end thi holdout stuff Plnyeis work the old jgame every year to get out of the training are not in shope Myers, of llrooklyn. examples. Neither i worth anything ou the sidelines for another two weeks F THE big itngur eontraeta go opeitttta of the iraaon. mighty !r trrllninr) trilntl. Meu.scl Gets Another IRISH MKUSEI. couldn't win the ball game nil by his June-iomc yesterday and the PhlN were trimmed by Brooklyn In the final confliet of the scries. I Irish connected with a homer, two sineles nnd 'received an intentional miss during the afternoon This Is considered right smart hitting in any league. Mi. MmiLal i. itfnnlnt sitit utrnnir (hit t on r nml thuu fur hiw unlliinnil r . , ... V I. -v I . - '.-J. )' .,. ...- ...... ...... ...... .... ...... .-...--.g-. .. fmore home run than Ha be Ruth, who will be among us today. Irish has J connected with three circuit socks this season, whiih is the record in both flengu'es In addition to thnt. he is playing n real game m the field and his iiirowing arm, winch was limp nml llstlesx last year, lias n new lease of life, lie is pegging with speed and accuracy and no longer do the enemy try to score from second on n single to left. The other members of the I'lnls who left-handed them' until they were Jumple of chances to score, but .lack Miller had an off day on the bases and rnbbed the act on two occasions. Hrookhu copped in the ninth with an oldtiine batting rally which netted two I The 1'hlls will assist In opening Jibe Athletics are billed to put on n grand nneuinc at Sliibe I'ark. Connie's Jaihleten have fared bndlv thus far. hut it must be remembered that two of Jthc tougliest clubs in the league were played. The Yankees oud Washington I u ill rnk high when the final averages are compiled. c Babe Ruth will he the principal attrnetioti at Shlbe Turk this afternoon j Bambino, large of girth, slow of foot, but just as dangerou- at the bat ns ecr. will give a demonstration of hi hitting prowess for the fans, hast 'tear. It will be remembered, he receded u brown derby from Krnnk Mncklii 'and then dropped n long fly which gave the Athletics the game The derby 1 proved to be good luk. for Babe buted all home-run records after that. rHU I'.s' har n hrltrr lookimj bnll rtuh limn m imr ilrtr Ihe iron nml loit rnlumn. h'rnnl ltrazil inll make hit debut, nml lm nung first botetniin i irrll worth areinn. ) anlcce Girl MISS AI.KXA TIRI.INfi. Anierlcnu. and hope of these t'nited States In the jgiilf championship, of (Ireut Britain, lias abroad. Both were played on courses strange !m n man vs. woman niitest hv one of inever nlaved in sui h a outer before I In Ihe other, Miss Stirling played jover another course which wus strange to her and nputed to be one of the tackiest abroad The Yankee lass had 72-73-145. storing unheard of by women in this tommy But it wnsn't enough I Mi" Cecil l.i'it'h has been the British 1 hamnion since 1!14 She Is the J invincible" pluyer abroad, who is admitted to be the main barrier to Miss Stirling k title aspirations in both fared belter than Miss Stirling She !plon. and in the medal plav Miss I.eitth was 72-70-112. Rut Miss I.eitch wbk thoroughly nt home in both competitions nnd her showing was not un- axpected Consider Miss Stilling In the firt Jhest in medal play, yet she scored as of it. dolt serlln-a in drove followed nnd moiie operators hemmed her In on ganged around in a dense foj; of pipe fauburn-hnired merican was noi 'on would ne iiKcd for or against her. evi ry shot was being analyzed: everything ue did ami -nid was being taken down Is she surviving this third degree'- You have only to reud what the British prints have rr. ny for the nuswer She hn taken l.ondontown by itorm The papers are full of her pictures nnd her praise. She has put n decided iiirill n the 1 l.nnipionshlp tituntion Yesterduy the gallery deserted the rest of the pioyers altno.t unntiirnously 10 watch the sturdy little Ameri can Missed pi'tts thro'igh nervousness when the crowds preyed too i-loe on the grrens ere all that kept her out P lrn ai tnr ni imi or Ihrtn here." Ihr itd. ' Site ;jfq;i LJ hrr i.n Iit,t a pn, Ar i the brit littler ue hair n.11 vrcn nrrr That thnt Hut thru one thimj thiy (Inn t know yet. VAf't ;u.tl about the inmeil w-nninn playiuy ioll. Irid if (Acj hrnt hrr it II inily be m rr i (imp form nml a pile of hiiilitl on itielti. Bothvi'll Scores on ew V orl; Jockey Club .t(iDOI.R( CS are in order for the New York .I01 kev Club tJieen and SV' Yellow 'he 01 i.f (iijy Beilwell, were unfurlel vesterday on the j.Mnrtland irii'! or t,i hr-i time in (ears the former trainer for Commander , is i""' ii.v,iiu -ewren relations witn tne 1 Hnuilinn turfman, ngnin tniihini; bin how an no owner In the lirsr no e nt Hrivto .1. t:r.,, .wt....in.. was intcii'd tl.e hav hlh Stola. In owner. I. Taulier. 'rainer, the program reud What n "Mm fir Id Hedwell has hurlecl in tlm tnce of the Jockey Club, hi'li lias been battering him mound as 11 iiIhim-iI. forcing him fioin the -mp.oy of Kos to moid getting 11 SlO.tJOIl.Olill ntnble In 11 Innirle At iho iinnt.int lledwell npinnred down und out Ithati ever Now the .Jo. key Club is up nuaiut it It will have to shoot at JTfiuber also if it goe. nfter Bcdwell Tnuher stands nix feet nnd has the hacking of Kentmlu ,ind Mnrylnnd trniks, and tins never hnd n suspicion irast upon him If th" .lwl.it Club pursues Bedwell further it will enmesh Htelf deeper and perhap- wul be told where ti, gi 1 off at 1 inv'O ,"; qatntj uth fiM n (rnmr-r Urtluell meed n larnr itnblr of Ait niiii nnd tor ,nen ttnioni teat the leaihm) mnnt y untner tin 1 tht Irnrricnn tut I rnvurtgH inn l,u ;(, ,,- ; rttarr Cn, DEFEND JUDGE LANDIS ! (Yankee Owners Say Criticism in Baker Case Unfair I New Notli, A pi 1 1 '.'I t iiIiuipU Hup nert nod lliiton oivikm of the Sew h'ork Yankees, nri in no vvie in sym (athy or haiuionv uith tliose who tin v j'riticized Judge Is M Lnndi ihe yominlssioiier of ba-eball. for having lulled to reiidei a ilnision mi ihe status W .1 I'rnnklip llnkei These owners iuive Issued the fiillovvuig idhi'llll stnte uenl : There seeiii In be ll tenileiii-y to I'lilK'Ue .luilge I mulls for ileliiv 111 de I'ldlng toe linker ine This is unfair the judge n a 1 1 v succeeded in -getting him the mini million he request Id on tint l-llh mutant ... be Iihb had burtlly time to reach a decision. ' Agreement That FHvved. trip, and when they do report they and Stock, of St luiis, nrc luminous to the club nt present nnd must stay in efffl n Slnnh I iiufcud nt the teie athtetn trill be anient iltiriml , Homer, hut Phils Lose could do little uith Sherrod Smith, woozy At that, the locals hnd n runs. the seiison in New York today, while Storms London Southern and Canadian champion coming inmnetition for the women's lost In r first two tournament stnrts to 1mm In the first she was beaten tile lenrltne British innnteMr She hn.l In a thirty -six-hole medal competition of the nboe competitions Miss I.citc-h beat "ynl Tolley , the amateur iliaiu- place i-he is decidedly not nt her she did But here's the intricate part her etn rnoe; a battery of cameras every side; heavily whiskered experts smoke to have a look In short, the her own" She knew everv moie of the running. Miuathor - Murione II II Hn.lunl! he aimenrs im n i?nmte.- not t., ,-n.r.ii TO COMPLETE CIRCUIT Phila, Manufacturers Will Decide on League Make-Up This Evening ' The Philadelphia Mniiufiu turi'rs' llasfbull I.iiigue ill meet at Yonuh tloll. l'7-7 West t'olunibiii avenue, ibis Mining iniii decide on tint make-up of the i ireuil for the season. Si tennis hnd been admitted at a 'pievious meeting nnd there nre numer ous applicants for the open berths In I (ii ilcr In secure the pest teams possible I an invitation is extended to any indus 1 1 in t plant in intend tonight s gutheriug. Chestnut Hill Wants Games I ( lieiiiniii llto, nt ihe vlnn'sonT-rv ( ,iunt , 1-aNUO hh April 11 an 1 Ma' 7 "ln for iranti s en hi ii iin rrounds a Wheel I'urnp (" surs t mm as lli.ldal' Kt luher 'ant suu ,-j m hooaed Write Jave "Unnl 630 Eajii ChslU-n avaaue. III Tell. MIM To PftSrTiGo "ou- I ArJT Thon I IW jM, ... PlbX-iurC VrfjlM lCOMe n.OtiT ovienl iXCe a omp TiMy f" Ltfn MOiT CBASE- MVmM' WMM(7" i-tff W o shot ,p!P II ILJl till V ' ' cH x CMI 7R- PATSY WALLACE IS READY FOR J. BUFF Local Flyweight Anxious to Box for American Title After Resting Up HE PLANS TRIP ABROAD By LtU'lS II. .lAI'KK Patsy Wallace, known nt home ns I'asquale Appalucci, is about to wage a campaign to bring himself in line for n chance to we for the Hy weight laurels of America. "Little Patsy" wns the most-tnlked-of flyweight on this side of the Atlantic following Ins hout with Jinirnr Wilde InRt May at Toronto. Cannda. where he stood off the Mighty Atom in a ten -round contest. Hlng siders nt that battle soy Wilde, bat tered and bleeding, wan lucky to have been rendered the referee's verdict. Having made himself an international reputation virtually overnight in that Wilde set-to, Wnlloce permitted himself to be kept on the sidelines entirely too long, so when he finally got back into harness he began hitting the toboggan Thnt I'ntsy had the class was displayed biyoud the i. of 11 d. that night in Toronto against Wilde, yet he was un able to keep going nt u winning pace. Wallace, more than any one else, did not understand his icxcrs.'il of form So. after losing three or four matches, he decided to quit the ring that is, tint go entirely into retirement, rather rest up for a while. For the last three or four weeks Wallace has been condi lioning conscientiously and faithfully. Two weeks ago he went to Bending nnd scored with n lot of wullops on Willie 1 Allen, u promising youngster. Now the little Italian is prepared to resume activity in the ring, and .lohnny Buff, the .lersVy City battler who re cently bumped off Abie Attell Ctoldstein. is the man with whom Wallace is anx ious to go on. Buff, because of his de cisive victon over (loldstein, is claiming the Amern an tlywclght title, and it is that crown which Walluie wants to bring to Philh , I'tilc-ts Wallace'- plans go tlooie he intends going to I'.ugland nud there challenge Wilde for the world's cham pionship But before gallivnutiug up the gangplank of an ocean liner. Patsy wants to (jet the opportunity to prove whether lie is Huff's superior. "I litked Wilde nil right, nobody can tell me thnt I didn't in Toronto that night." said Wallace today. "And I feel sure I can do so again. If Wilde doesn't come back to America before the end of the Aear and I succeed in win ning from Buff whom I hope to box In u referee's decision .bout this summer, then I'll go on owr to Knglnnd. ' Scraps About Scrappers I "(it'orucp. ( nrixMitlf-r Ims the Breateit rlulit han fiuml) "t nnv tos(tr 1 hue en i-n ' tulil (louro Dunther. eteran Neirro mlndm. "eli;ht t(Kl!v ' I took for the Krenehrnun t mop JjcU Iompny on July 2 ' UUTIthfr who Is on Alserlan und n I-'rench iul)Je-t. 'tn bsck Ir Am -rn . f r Ihe Hrnt Mine m thlr then r hnlne Uen nbronil durlnn that Mm' Ilv Is 111 Ins In Philadelphia an'l opsn to imi any of the mnWtnwdxhiB lieorur l iratnliff a joutur-ti ui South Orane N I Votitu (Jeorse Ouniher by nnnw ami th latter ih preporea rur lu-pouiM conipctitton I Ten Imuts are arranej tir l ulnoKcr to p t-.n n the Knuthar Mens Cluh Pront nd r.lluworth nirret-t tonight Uddlo I(arev o Little Hear ill I thn wtnil-Up with .. I..n w U'llli,. KIH .1 irk C'lillen v. 'loolmei Iloe ruHse alker vs Charley Mil'arlhx Lew .Mirmrtv ts .-vian reironiii i-,..nuin tl'uit KuJ ullahnn llol.ln- Wll ' Hams n Hlchio (J Keeftf ami Leo White s rrankl" Trar I liulrbls- Met mill will sIhih for ih firm tltnj under tho rulrrs or iiernirtii mndiii at the rjmhrln Club tomorrow niht when ihe Oravs Kerry boxer meots llohhv Mt 1-eorl Two other elK'ht-rouii'l nintchea are Willis McCloekny vs Jeo Ilti arel Joe Ausatla vs Pat Hosan HI-roun''.ers are Tern Mc Govern vh Tommy Luns'lon aret IMUle Curi va llul.by llurke r nrr lleot will t.ick'e Martin .ludn 'h, lh,.I in tha Yniini: .Ine Hnr Ti 1 1. Mi If a Credell content at tie National Club Hnturda I1 nlKht The prelims Darby Caspar v .luck I Ilrltton Jlinmv llc(joern v (ieorxle i-ersu i son and Hobbv Allen . Iltlly lienor. Ihiilk Mlmlor r in-lHirsh nneiiiht Philadelphia for tnnie ,... l.w..n itulnfnc .ii J'hlladelpl than a weuk He i a hrotnor or iuuio Willi jar who rocerrtly stood orf Danny Kramer Chalky is ettlni in shapo for a match with Patsy Wallacu at the National Mondav nis-ht dihor bouts on this prou-ram ur" Joa Tlplltj vh Tim toiinev, a remrn miicn. .tnl Chancy v Harrv (Kldl Ilrown and Kid Williams vs Joe Ilurmin Wall lllnckle liaa been malrhed by J II CrrH-eti lo meat ltlt VVallers at Atlanite Cltv if tt Thursdav nlwrii CroHeo.n ivnn' t , end Wally after Wllllo McCioskej Jack Jlrioio and Joe Jnrkson ,ih Ihe Neyvslal). Is niintiilltiv J o pel moni loial lll-pnundor Joe Bnls to nn'rii joe with any of the loial llo-nound battlers Kdille llaiiilo has two nw boxers In mw Tloih are bantams Jack West and Logs-htiOY HharUev Tho latter I" from Now lledf'ird Mass and h Is stationed at Canrp lm S J ut Ihe preseM tlmt Marti" .ImUto la booked for two bruin,, tins vvsek lie moots Jta Planni rv in 'Is-iin ma a tonluht and Cliff Pent at ihe Notional here Saturday nlahl Pole rn-ll has 4 prnmtInK in Tmiin' Iielin Altle uuh i mill r"iut ho sh-ivveil ' a,- l. i Tonuiiy ilcC'unif tasl wk vltrwoUht as po 'In i nn'nk f- nn . L )T hat May Happen In Baseball Today s. tioai, i.iixoti: W. I,. !.('. Win Uisr New tori I .SOU .HS: ' .(W1J IMttkliurch ft i 1H .' .K5 cIiIciikii .1 't .ano .'i'" 'OA lliettotl 4 S .Ml .112.1 ..100 Cliirlnnntl . :i I .I5 .w ; Phillies ': :i .ion .i.no .M:t llnxikljn i .1 .tun .MM .;8" .St. trills I 4 .51X1 .8 .!' MK!ttt'.s. I.UAOl'K W. I.. I'.f. It In Ii-e .New lork I I .H0.I .Hit ,ai1 AVllntilnctlin .1 2 .114 .ISO . Nt. IiiiTs I 1 .n7 .'1 .! Clrielunil :t .W) ."I .4S0 ih-tniii : 'j ( .noo .4110 iiontun : i .:sn .4u .tt Chlcucn I a ,'J.VI .100 .4011 Athlr-tlrn I .1 .101 .3Hfl .U.I lTi:ilNATIO l. I.IIMUT. T,M)lN(i M . I IM . W. I.. I' C. Insej H I o I.ihsi lliiirnln. O 1 .000 Ncniirk. I I) I .mm srrne l I .000 Ur.iOli'c. I O t.tmo Itiidie-trr. 0 I .0(H) llulllninre I 0 i.ihio Tiirnntn. O I .Mill SCHEDULE FOR TODAY Mi:iti(.N i,i;.(itt: I New lork ut I'lilluilrlphlii, IVtitliltlirtnii nt llntin. St. UimU nt del eland. Detroit nt Clilriico. NATIONAL l.ll(illK I'lilllli nt ru York. Ilustmt ut HriMikln, riitriiKo at M. Louis. ( Inrlnniitl ut I'ltlslnircli. INTKKNATItIN l. I.KAML'K lllllllllcl III .lr-riu- t'lt.v. ruruo ill Newark. llocht-stcr ut llruilliis. loruntn ut Ilrtltlniore RESULTS OF YESTERDAY ' AMiatlfAN I.KAf.l'l'. uhlni:tiiii. til Athletics. 1. Now lurk. Hi llot,toii, 4. Detroit. Hi cirwlitnil, CliiriiKu-st, ImiIs ruin. NATIONAL LIIAfil'K llriiiiklirT. ll I'lilllle-., 't. Nei urk, Pi lliiton. .1. Clmlnnntl ,1i .St. l.tmK. I. I'ltlKlMirKh. (Ii ClilriiKn. .1. INTLUNATIONAL I.KAHl II .Icrsei (it, 'ii Ituffitlii, I. NiMiurk. Ui ir.i(-iii-( 3. Itrililllil,', Ot lticlieser, A. ltiilttmnri. Hi 'lorunlu. I. GIMBEL NINEIn AMATEUR CIRCUIT League MakeUp Is Completed With Addition of Department Store Baseball Team The liiilii-tiittl Amateur Basehnll League tin- rompleted Its circuit for the 1f''l season The finnl member voted into the organization is Gitubcl Brothers neci pled nt n meeting held Inst eiening nt whlcli time the. innstl tution was adopted und a schedule com mittee appointed The league consist, of eight teams, the other, being Ilohlfeld Manufactur ing Co I'lickiinl Motor Co., Supplce Bnldle Hardware Co., lliirrison Safety Boiler Co . Thornton-Fuller Co , IvitiR Cake Co nml Henry Disstnn Sons. The .enson will open on Hnturday, May 7 with a layout of twenty -one guine. All the teams have been play ing evtiibition contests for sexernl weeks und will he in excellent shnpe for the getnwni The iinmes of players who wiil -tart in the initial contest must be Hied with President Ilohlfeld next week. Thi Vitionnl limit; nnd Trust League will i. pen the season this afternoon ut r. I' l on the 1'hillies' gi omuls. Tlie ten ti am. in the league nre all well in.iti In and included In the line-ups tiro inniiy former college und scholastic stars I of mil I, . , i, Wi.viw. tr tin.iilent of tlie I ' ph Wayne Jr.. preslilent o IHO I lilt uni National Bank, will toss out the ,M ,., M tK. , games nre free to til" lllill Thev are nlayed every after- iioot witn the exception or noturuuy tui tin I'lullies and Athletics' grounds the team, u.ini the idle park ... i REWARD SOCCER PLAYERS Gold and Silver Medals Presented to Players of Three Teams So, 1 1 1 players on three of the lead ing Minis in' I he city were levviuiled ii, uioiIhIn last evening ut the Mo lents" I'luipter The piesenlntion speis h vva- n .iile ty Herman i.. iiouiieio. in whiih lie lauded the teams for tluir ( l-; i r i p!uy nig I io!i medals weie pi (suited to I I'l. i..!.. , ti loiwii-ki i.f the I oitiil rin I i ague pi niiiiiit, ami silver ones to llohlfilil. luiiners.up. Cold medals , were also given tlie pluyers of Ilarilvvick cV. Magee. which ciipttiictl the llnhlfcld ' Cup and silver ones to Ilohlfeld which al-o wii- iiiiiiier-up in this iomietitioli 'There's something about them you'll like" CsS-5 Cr4ftt V tw ! IMJU'LS LOSES FIRST- Senators Come From Behind and Win After Athletics Get Jump GIANTS FIRST IN NATIONAL Walter Mails, stnr southpaw of the Cleveland Indians. was yesterday credited with his Hrst defeat since entering the American League, when he was driven from the box in the gnnie with the Detroit Tiger' The score wns l to II. The big crash came in the third in-iing nfter Detroit hnd amassed live runs on seven hits. I'p until yesterday Malls hnd (ollccted six victories nnd no defeats. Walter Stewart, a iccruit liurlcr, was sent to the mound to relieve Old hum, for the Tigers, in the eighth. lie came through in this session unscathed, but in the ninth the Cleveland batsmen lotinccleil with his offerings nnd four hits, a puss, error and sacrifice netted four runs. Bally Slops Marks Washington came from behind In Ihe game at the national capital with the Athletics und hy scoring twice in the seventh anil eighth managed to nose out the Mnckmen (1--I. The A's jumped on the delivery of Krickson in the first inning and registered three runs. They atldcd another in their linlf a! the tifth und then the Oriffmen liegnn by count ing in the tifth and sixth. "Slim" Huiris relieved Hasty nnd had a world of stuff ut the start. In the seventh he was tillable to get them across and two runs were scored. Itommel went to the mound in the eighth nnd another pair of runs weie made off his delivery, which proved enough to win Homers by "Bube" Itutli and Bobby Mciisel pluycd u prominent part in the S-to--l victory of the Yankees over the Boston Bed Sox ut the I'olo Grounds. By winning they were utile to maintain til st pluce in the American League. The game between Chicago and St. Louis whs unpluyed on m count of ruin. ('hints Tuho l'xMd The (Hunts went into the lead in the Nutionnl League by a il-fi victory over the Boston Bruves. The Mctirawites walloped four opposing hurlt r. and eveiy one of the alien pitchers showed u marked unfiimiliurity with Ihe locu tion of the plute. Tlie Christmas spirit wan in evidence ami thev handed the (ilntits nine free tickets to firt Tlie I'lrates sciittlid tlie Cub. l-." after playing an uphill game Uxtrn base hits were u feature of the contest Thick and Cutsbuw em h having u pair of two-buggers. The Beds won u t lose one fioin the Curdinuls, fi to -1. Hornsby and Liivun, of the losers, hml triple. nnd Duncan, of the Beds, u hoiiu r. The Curds tied the omit in the ninth, hut in their half Cincinnati won when Itixey hit to center lifter Tousii-ii singled. Ciiine sacrificed und Wing was pusstd A Mliieezf play by the Cards rtim n f,.. tine of the game Walker Wins Over Green I'roiltleiire. It. I.. .April L'l ' Mi. kev Wnlkei of nilzaheth N J u,,n Clrtun! all the way from Ja. I, i,i.tn ,f pr,,v (1, n, ' o e tweive-ruunu u-ut iu-r. ih ueiterMetKhtB riTlltl. BVIIMXH. Al'llll, ; iiii.i.v nr.it(ii:n vn. tuiliiiv ai,i,i:. J I in til MrdllVKKN vs. Willie ITIHH sil IIAIMIV .Mini CASPER vs. BRITTON fl.lFI' 1I.MITIS BENT vs. JUDGE MM'MI Mllll. JOE BORRELL vs. CREDELL TH'KCTS AT DIlNAdlH H. 33 H, lltli ut. BASEBALL Sllllll, PAIIK atBT AM) I.KlHOlt nPFrMtvn (iav.u. ii i m tovn i-ilui'L.nn. 'ATHLETICS vs. NEW YORK lti-kt- d s. a Ounbtis ami riuaiduut AM NDIANS ui' n are i IRACEsl! TODAY 1 AT I' ll HAVRE de GRACE 1 ! 1 SEVEN RACES DAILY I Hpeclal I'cnnsjlvanln Itnllrnnd ffl M Trnllis leave llroud htreet Station W I) 12:31 I', M.. West l'hlladelnhla. I IS 1 39 I'. M. Direct to Course. I M Hperllll II. O. Trains leave I ' 3-1 tl nod Chestnut Streets 12i3u I I', M. 1'urlor und Dtulnic Cur. I ' m Atlmlsslon Urundstntiil ii n d I1 ruddock, $1.65, Including Cloy . eriiment Tux. I 1'lltST HACK AT 3l30 1. SI. D ! NATIONAL A. A. I Youthful , Second Team- Prqves Star? Jhrive at St. Martins. Scrubs Burning Up League MISS CHESTON , BRILLIANT By SANDY McNIIIIJCK If the opinions of the fn'tr 'contestants playing on the lx tcntna competing for the wnnipn'N tenm golf chatntilnnship of l'hlladelphJu counted, the l'hllnttel phla Cricket Club team cputd be handed the IMiilndclphlu Cup iVithotit further conipetlflon. A tour of the battlefields on opening day this week disclosed this sentiment as being unanimous:. But while blink ing before the glittering brilliance of the "varsity." it Ih also (pilte illumi nating to look over the second tenm of .the St. Martins Club. The "scrubs" ,huvo played ten matches so far. None in iii!:xc juutciies lias oecn won, except. 1ill ten In other words, tlie winning percentage of the Cricket Club fecund tciint In' 10(H), unanimous In nny box of which brings out the fact that there's something about the Cricket Club that develops women golfers no plus nltrn, as It were. ' There Is probably no outdoor athletic lay-out In the city to equal that broad playground nt St. Mnrtlns. Upside an elghtcen-hole golf course? of merit, there are some of the bcijt lawn tennis courts-ln town, strc.tclilng byrplatoon in front of tlie clubhouke. Holding the women's national tennis championship wns a habit out there till this year. The cricket table has entcrtniiied some distinguished bowlers. There nre hockey, soccer, baseball diamonds and wlint-nots galore In tlie club's equip ment. The whole lay-out makes It n sport's paradise for young nnd old out Chestnlit-Hlll-way and, the sturdy, bob-linircd young girls of tho com munity nlvvnys form n large part of those "present ony voting" In the dolly doings Then Sho Tooli I'p Oolf Ixieks n-streum. cheeks u-flush, the) grow tip 'nenth tlie broad blue skies, roaming the turf out there with bat in bond seeking new foes to oonnuer. Sootier or later this finely bred type turns to golf nnd when it does new stars of the linkM tire In prospect. Whence Is the Cricket Club second tenm. The year following Mm. Vnnderbeck's triumph In tlie nntlonnl championship, the tnlent of a quartet of young stars, us o supporting enst, wos described. One, Miss Cnverly, went to the finals of the nntlonnl thnt year. Another, Miss Bell, won the Philadelphia chum plonship last year. Bight now the cricket "scrubs" hove the same promise ub the above stars. . Take, for instance, Miss Charlotte Cheston. She graduated from tlie sec ond to tlie first tenm on Tttesdny. She wns matched ngaiust Mrs, .Inihes Ake royd. Country Club, o finished golfer, but all Miss Cheston did wns round the first nltie on two wheels,1 you might suy, nt a tluzZliiig forty-one clip, and thnt nfter a wobbly six on the first hole. "So this Is the second team." ninv inured Mrs. Akeroyd. ns she enteied the "devil's kitchen" triangle, six down. The rest of the second team Is burn ing up the Suburbnn League. They have played Overbrook ami, Woodbury so far without the loss of a match and the victims are still talking- ntio.ul It. Keep your eye-on the .Misses. Cheston. Dixon, Loverlng, Taylor. Davis und (loodmnn. reserve strength of the Phila delphia Cricket Club. rhurllr l.ovelt. colt' mogul of Huekn County Country Club, states emphnthutfy th.it the team out there In the wlltls of Lneshorrm will tie very much in the running for the mon'a suburban title. "eHpeclallv ufter the tlrit match " ho odd Trie (thine brothers will bo Strom; (stints of tho teim ItuntloKilo'ti Valley has h(1oiI a subway Krllle room utFler tho porch to tho euuUinivnt of the clubhouse Tho historic bar haa been, set up there, lianleheil IIVo nil ltH fellows, ami irrlnnlnir nheeplshlv In Itn new surround. Inns or qui very bust pop bottles anil sania frllles A. silver water p.lcher roucham serves as the cuat-of-arms ....I ........ . ... I UT riiurii, loriuei wjunr nt (i.ilf Illus trated, claims the champion freak shot of the oarly season Hooked his drive to ditch full nt wiitr llni-U In UHl.r (IM ,hn. ah -....i. Hall on nlij shoo Just dear ot water Socks litill 140 nrilN tu-n ri r.m., ,.in ...i.l mashle VNorrler what Hon (Jiuiunent did with that old shoo' The eljrhteenth hole at tho CrlrUet c luh In snmothlmt morx Intricate than a drive now ine raco oi me Kreen nan been elaiated with traps on eiihee sMe The seventeetiih has also been revamped English CIGARETTES You can't gue.ss why but you can learn. At dtalift iverywhtrt &.M2 "rrvult6i (PtxllYlrnA K44 TOr 2D f not a 1: I Smoke i j OVALS! 1- M-E-N!l! I Sensatioeal Sale of i Suits to Order With Extra Trousers I Biggest VaEue Regular CITfTC! WITH EXTRA TROUSERS UMMSMiJ 0 $rol 5w Reg. $45 Value All- Wool and Sunproof LUE SERGE Suits With Extra Pair of Trousers ade To Order Megiilar Here's a real sensation! Save close to half! Act qwcldy! Fine custom tailoring, and perfect fit guaranteed! P.B.WHITE&CO. TOM MALONEY, Manager 808 CHESTNUT ST. OPEN MONDAY AND r.r..:.Formerly 104 In Town! $35 Value 'Made to -Measure 2 I Eeg. $5 Value $55 Value SATURDAY EVENINGS! South 8th.St.zzzZ-'i q.5o r -ru