Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 20, 1921, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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Only Eighteen Senators Are Youngsters Take Part in Im
Listed as Unfavorable pressivo Ceremony at
Three Doubtful Cathedral
WflMilnslmi. April 20 The Jennie
will veto on tho Colombian ticntv nt t
o'rlock this afternoon, ami unheal ions
arc that it will bi rat Hied bv much more
that the tcquircd two-thuds mniontj
A poll of tlio Senate i nuclei stood
to have shown tluit ii'it mou thim fif
teen Itcpublicins nnd three Ilennuintli
senators enti be depended upon to vole
against i.uilkntion Three ltepubli
cans weie vill listed n doubtful "lien
the Senate rcicsstd .it i! u clock vestei
dav afternoon
Snator who ni expeiied to vote
against intimation art llnrnh t'uni
mings, .lohtison Touch uf Washington .
Kellogg. Ki-mmi "Mi Nnr . Norn
l.enront Poiiidev,iii l'onitiil .ui'l
WndMxortli Ui publnntis Itecd.
Shield and Watson ofi.ecirgia Jlemo
crats Seiiutoi Nelon I, a Kolktte
and Norbei I, nie litiit, u doubtful.
The treati win the milv matter ills
ctused in tin' Senate vestei day the
prim Mini peei h in opposition to ratifi
cation wn made hv f-cnitor id i d nud
Senator Wutfon of (ieorgia Demo
crnt Senators lni 1 1 ultsi and Mc
Cumbet Republican and Kan-dell aim
Woleott Democrats. poki in fnvur
(.liirgrs "Stupendous Piaiul"
Senator Heed inserted tint vnuous oil
"n tuieu lmi" ftaud wliili tin "tin i"
defended ff on vanous ground uniting
tne niguiifiit advanced being that it
would do justice to I olombia and would
tend to improve tin ultition ' "lie
United Mate with tue Lntm Atinrimii
republic f
Sennoi Kee ncrtee that various ml
compann with t'ulombian interest nad
been lendei in the movement tor l.ititi
atlon and tl.ar representative', of these
concerns j ninth were in Washington
urging favorable at tion on the treat v
I wonder ' atd Mi Henl "how
much the trguments of those gentlemen
lntluen.td smi of the gentlemen wlm
have about-faced on this proposition
Th' 's iiikmhh) tientv with Colombia
will be ratified A political ontliet ot
Rerentcen veitr- wj'l b lerm'nnted
Republic in followers of I'olonel Rooe
velt wi 1 cast then first otes asamt
The presint lender of their parr.
Mr Wilson urged the :.-. nnn i"WV
pnTinent as reparation to l 'olombia for
property lo-t bv he: ,n tin I'untuin '.'a
DftI Zone
Mr Koonvelt opposed the pavnient
on the ground it crustituteil intema
tional blackmail and eilionnrcd his
record ns Pieideut of the lintel
Mr Harding urged tne tieatv is tli
one s-uio unv of promoting good will
not onlv uitn Colombia but with nil
I.at n Amerna
Uatifuatiou of tne trean is held to
be essential lo the imunnnane c m power
of the Sunrer Administration In Co
lombia from will, h Aineihan oil in
terests have obtained invaluable ion
cemion '
l'reident Harding will gain .i veep
ing viet ov wiiere I'resident i'on en
rouDtrrul defeat A inontn before t'ie
close nf the Wilson Administration a
mnjontv nf the Sei.ltf wjs opposed tc
ratifieation of the tintv nimitli
after tlie beginning of tli- llarilitig d
ministrutiiiii more -hau two-tlunl ma
Jrtritv of the Sena'e is re.uh to vote
for rntitieation
Washington. pnl u - Hi i
Sen.ifors and n pr ntntives fimu
'even fur wesprti tid pnfeited in
organization tmiiiv vnth a vow to lind
lng a i mntnnii gm itnl ni"in nlmH thev
an work to solve tin fp.isnon of ,Inp
ane.e immigiafion
Senator Johnson i t i u'lfornia
chairman of the m g.iniiiMoii w i 1 up
point an ee. utive i oinmi i ipoe,1
of one seiiiifiii jnd one ""ini -entntive
from rmh of tin- t lei n si,u. ('iilifor
ma (in gun Washington Iiii'm L'tah.
Nevada Vriona Vi w Mi n . T n
( Iklali'imn and I olonul
I hr oig,ini7iition a- tuniiii a j
conferi nie ,u ,,l b m i a it nun .1. I
gat on nt whi h Sihvn .loiinsnn nmi
V S Millitilv ot s.i(, H , ,,,,, 1
leseni mg the liip.un e l'. I i-nui l.eig e
of ( nlifoima who tin pi tin nui, -pmiK
er1- Mi M.i In'ih. d '.u.d tl at uu
less the .Inpam wi . . x. I 1.1.. '.le
ultimiitelv would - vj'n . tin. nh ii
In tin II. ii lo.mv I!, nr.i iiia-n,
Kak'i ' ii 1 1 1 1 a proposed nil
aniendim n' to ' orst'tm i . ,
mg 'hit n . . I i, i I . n itii t tmi i r
tbi I nit d "sin'. t o. g , i in. i i..
h i I tn i igit.l' ' t iii.n i i
I niti.l M it - n ' ih inn. -
eligible f i I" UU. '17' I s ,,t tl U l
fc'tllt. -
Convicted of Attempt to Bio Lp
Victory Moni.'nent
Itrrlin A i .'
Eleven n 'i i' -mad'
'in i'iii '
the V n if J. i i .
Pit " r '.j
t friii .t i i in is .iii,,.
nar Tli
ir '.' ii '
( nun mi-' i r - i g
vv !n v ii. in
and r. w i. A
jail in tl i I
up tin t i ' V
trnted 1. '
bn ' i i 1 '
arid oii,. .
thi i. hi , ,
f.H' '
If. 1? .
Kn i It . I a
i .
r -i
Erwo Bt'0j S' p to R'tj'i- '.c
fiat st Lji-cj
New ork . 11
Hme V
.1 inn . i -i
Vlll 'r.l I ' ' ,
hoard! d "h 1 e
before . m.i . i
five tare I
sf tu . .. ,. ,1 k
ta. Hun i i . . ti
niiv ii ' ii i r i in. ii .i.
UU sfjll II III
Reception for Dr Long
I nig ..-i i P I. .i . ,i , i I ,i
lollll M P.ltll I si.h l si( it, Hl i
eeptioo i.i Ii give , n hull f Ih
William II lung cl. un a innnlni
ol L'aidiiuil I', uglieiiv s pKriv on the
leeenl lllpt Itullie mil.i Philuiiiiisttiit
Club ".HI I v it mil Muct tciiuglit Id.
nudltoi'iiini i i i'ic .liil. w .1 In IuiiiiI
nuiieh d .unteil vtli tl iiutiminl c ..
oi" plants nmi im ih " i i Im long
n ill ih - i ii" tu ti i .ni' rim Ii t In ic
v il In ' I " '
t hlldren of the f'atliolii high sehooU
elebrnted the elevation of Cardinal
Mloiiglirrtv todav nt the Cathedra!
I he i ereinotik' weie inspiring, vet
( sinitde mid served to bring, the lariliniil
nnhbiHhop Into more intimate ton. h
with the idiildren of the diotose
, Kverv parish in the lt vvn tep
' ii sented and the attendniu e vvns an largi
that seore ot chJlfi en sUt on the sep
of the side altats
i Preceded bv a ctoss bearer and ereral
i dignitaries of the iluiub the miditinl
gave Ins blessing to .the assembled
tin one as he walked down the main
iiisle Aivoinpanvlng him vveie tin Itt
Id v Moiilgnoi Vevin V I'lslur se.
iiloi vimi general of the dim ese and Kt
, lli'V Moiislgnor Mit Intel ,1. Crau. ii
linn vn :n general
1'erhaps the mint striking feature of
the leienionv vv.is the lueietitntlon of
downs to Canlitial roiiRhert.v b time
gills and two bo.vs of the Cathedrm
si hool Klgliteetith and Woodstieets
(.udlnal Talks to Children
t tne . oni liislim of tlie hjinn dm
I'ntiiei sung hv the high school girh
the ihildien walked before the thlolie
of tin laidinal nnd lnld Uie (lowers nt
his feet Then eath lised his ling
I he iiiidinnl toui h.'il ein h ihild llghth
on tin i hei k as ,n rxpiessjim of appre-
nit inn
Klvi i liildren in unison then e .
piissed the gl.ltltii ntion ot pupils o!
iln atholii schools at the Cardinal
liiation Those who participated m
this teiemonv were Slhitin' O'Nei'l
.Molh Hrown. .lohanna llreen. Kdwni.i
I5rn7ll and .lame Lmskl The gir;
weie diissnl in white ntid the bo.v in
ld.uk suits of the Kauntlcrov tjpe. '
Cntdinal Iiouglnrtv teponded briefly.!
He smd .
"Km manv veais past the priets of
tins dioie.e Imvi planned and labored
that our bovs and gitN might leieive a
good religious edinntion Our good peo-
lib i ven though not bk.ed largel.v with
the goods of t hi" wor'd have contributed
to the iimtioii of p.inshis and ( iwoW
As I look nt those ascmblid before
nie now I feel that nil the niixietv labor
and siurltiie liavi not been in nln It
is i lliii ult lo imagine a more inspiring I
signt than that wlmh is before me fo
dav If the diocese is in a Uonj Ishlllg
iiuidtloii It is due in n ijn nt part to the
parish schools I
(he ( redit to llellgiou
tiient iredit i due to tin biothers
and sisters who hnvt di voted their Iivcb
lo vuui education 1'hev have left all
that is dear to thnn and live lives of
, i If ui tender that m mav icniain
'steadfast to the faith ,
He then told ot mi idents in lonnec i
tlon with his tup abroad and brought
smiles from the attentive oungster
when In lelatnl how railiond strikes
nnd other obstacles inteifered with the
luogress of the lardinal'" partv toward
Kiinie In relating linw qulikh the i
Meow Anisti rdniii. on whnh he sailed
to 1'innie made its tup he smd the
i hief englniei was a Iiutih l atholn
and made the chip go the limit
1 W illinin 11 I ong of this i itv
who was among the In j men aciompnnv
lng aid mil Dnughert.v to Koine will
he the gm -t of honor tnniht nt a le
ii'ption givin bv pr..nnn nt C.itholks at
'h. rhllomiisian t 1 ib 'MI Walnut
Camden Drivers Who Lost Bonds
Keep Business Going
H.'sidents of Camden and Philadelphia
. business nien th home. mro- the
De nwnri had a fue 'itnev seiijlee
sf.ir'iug nt ." o ock last ivening and,
'continuing throughout the nigbl .
. II indreds ni I ai k ereneh against
1 the itjshions of the buses and enjoved
j free tianspnrt Dion to points in Cam
den Haddotih. Id Merchantviili Fair
new nnd i",th' r ,. it lng towns in lei er. I
i Fmj-.fm of the iniietv ntnevf, and'
I i rub im i hit oiieratr in Camden bore
. plni ard- annmin. mg "Hide free nt our
I ow n r sk Passengers did not nsk the
-ensnll V'l.v but liOpoeil lovfullv II 1)0.1 id
Iitn- v ..if led "u.e b'ggt niimbei of
peis.n in ii'sfrnv iln diiveis s,t J
'II 'a re la't 'ree of the State
M in. il It s.nai . e and I.nlulltv ( o , of
Newa it e as ie.tmtible for the gen
ero-j .f tin- iitnev operatois That
rompanv bonded most of the lltneys in
e .Insev Hjlf ot tlie machines in
i Htinlcn nad tik'n out bonds averaging
",iiiiu ia- i w.tu th defunct organi-
LaDor Leader Will-Take Part In
1 Ann Open Shop" Meeting
i .. 'i 1 r ieii nt . f the
'" .in I ! ration if l.ab. - wi.l he
' i' nr.pn -p. a .i I iioitv .it an
. 1 1 in I aboi mas- mm t ng
i' .' lo k in t A" d.'nm ' M i-i
I i . uu et r,g in 1' 'I . a .-pi. e, of
' i e-i uu I edera' on nf Labor nnd
.. ai I 'an' h' s i f. i the urpoe of
p-o f.png again ' tj , ganied 'npen.
sin ! d rr' n"
I rarh Mi tr sot si etnrv i fin
fe.iMBt o V I I.. ni.ifli. spenkir lis
" ' M-. ura I iiho. rational siere.
t.i- if 'i,e I r n 'linn Woriten of
.-.a M-- la -- P Wiuhjs.o
.f i i . f i i . rative I. f ague nt
Vn i j " -. ak ' M i i o-opi i at 1 1
- . . I I I ' -h IS a l''i iigllle.J
u .al i ak. i -
I' l ' o H pi i sif lit nt
I . - I il mi lost ph
i ,t i,e e,f tin Ann i H nu
I h o at d Pic lim i w -
1 1 1 Unman s I rml.
Laor C' ' Challenges Steel Man to
irwejtigatisn of Plant
lonml'i ." San ! i.nni
,. S e- i uri I ech in
'- ' iMn klcl Klllllt
d ' ii I h leil Mat' s
'.'' f . is iitlitiide
i fi rt H'J'liess hi (otc
I r, c r-t ; i si. r.lav
I i. ft. i i'. iiii-i ii up I'eileni-
1 H . C U U-l HiglOII
i e ' a l I lib.ienge .ludge
( . I i ' nf it i oiiiniiiii e
ii a ' '"I v Imn am! half
i ,n
., i - ' ski i. hv. -iignfioii of
I,, i i i I i 'e MiiU- Me. I'.irpulll
t .it vni 'I ' f' i r 1 1 i n
Panama Continues War Preparations
saii .lose. ( ost.i Klca. ' -jci i ;
I P n in n mil n ic in m.iki
vnliki pn purntini.s alui.g iln Ccistn
lin an In. nil" r il is lepnrteil hiri 'I he
I .."M I tie i ti mi eminent if s iissiitetl
is icjiitv in i nn i into nigoliufimis h.Hi
Piiiiliina fcr the purpOM. uf iincliiug i
iiisfm tcirv soliiiinn of the hoiiuduij
, He l.itw.en the two countries
i .
mH asvJ M 4Btfa' jAa ByrffllHr VH J,o's , v
p W . Bi5Sl tf t ti
' ?N J" " - 1,,' '"fsWfiT fc ,. i
llils group, all associated vdth the
(osllngs." vvlilili was presented at
Mayor Moore to Officiate at Paoll
Tirchouse Exercises Today
M 1V..1 o ii iii t iv the corner-
si. in ot ti P ..It luelioiise at C
link 'in i" ii i He will be in-
tiodiimi bv .liidge dcorge Henderson,
of the Orphan Court.
The new building which will cost
about SXl.tieO. will house the volunteer
fire (ompanv. the postoffiie and also
the town auditorium K. Nelson Kd
wants, of this i itv. is the architect
Chorus smging bv 200 i hlldren of
the I'aoli public s( hool. Ir on the pro
gram, wlmh was ananged bv Gordon
H Clllev
lho llev Horace A Walton, lector of
the Chun h "f the tjnoil Samaritan.
Pnoli. will deliver the Invocation, nnd
volunteer the lompanies ftom n num
ber of the Main r.tne towns will be
present nt the leremoiiies
The lire company hjs n total member
ship of PJ." Its officers me: Presi
dent. C M lilisseii. vice president,
Erie Ottii sec retarv (Jeotge MnPlilni;
trwis-urn Kdwnid F. Itracken. and fire
ibief H I' Ione
Former Governor of
Joins Plea for Clemency
llnrrNburg. pril 20 I Hv A. P I
Application for a pardon for Kellogg
Hirdeye, serving a Kentenie fot con
spirnc.v in the nffnirs of a Pittsburgh
insurance companv, n submitted to
the state boaid of pnrdons todav Ilird"
up was senteuied March "i 1920. to
. .. , . I...I I ... ! UI-
;...".:r a "." S..": " rs: '".":
luillll. line1 -.liUllllLiru U' l-"li..iu,
S W M Call, of Massachusetts, and
F M Ives, lioMon. and W l Ar
nold. Martin W Littleton und Kugene
i..c... -r v.... "-l Tl. l.A,..l
.-s l lisini i I'Hb I ill- fvuiii
will deiide tonight
First application tor a purdon for n
mm ii tion under the sedition in t una
made for Jsndore Spivack Chestei
Two first-degree murder i uses weie
neard. the applications being purely tor
mini lioth men wire wife murderers
Mur than thntv uise weie submitted.
Detectives to Quiz Man Held In Con
nection With Wall Street Plot
New WI.. pt.l 211 i Hv A P l
Two meiubcts i.f ipe police bomb squad
weie 1-j.pci'cd to so to Scrantan. Ph.,
touav in quest on tin innn susv,i ted of
louip'icitv in the Wull street bomb plot.
ai ii st d i hi r
agent i 1'he
mo-t .f 1 1 i -r
dis.isti r s hi .
pteinbi i
It WH .lllllc
sfe-dav by federn
-i(i lives have devoted I
ine to n solution of the
it oi 'in i ed heie taut
ni.il v point' hesdquai-
tc .-' I III t
u nn s jiirtiiioii measure
minis ai il holographs have been scut
nu. to id nf.ti. ati.oi but further thau
tl it olfiiia's i.fusid to discuss the ur-
Man Accused of Looting West Phila
delphla Boxes
loin, I Huvvder twenty -two years
old nf c.nard avenue near Fiftv-hfth
treci. whs h. Id in SHOO bail by Mugls
ttntc M'l-leiuv in Cential Htntion today
ic n-i d nf he ing one of a gnng engaged
in stealing building supplies and break
.ug into teh phone pay stations in West
Ph l.td'lplim I
-i,iie I)i tec tne William Goeu who)
in usted Ilnvvdei tistiiied he lind ad-,
until d to nibbing n pnv station Satur- I
uav night at I lftv -fouith and Herkv
streets where h" got 7 and another
at I ifty -fourth street and Husquilinnnn
nvniie Sundav night where lie got ."! I
'I hi ii w.'ie seven nthci pnv stations I
lohb'il ovir tin- week c nil in inai nun
itv it wns testified
-. . pe a qeaci leiiei uniu iuoe in nuiuuruy
MEXICAN DISORDERS GR0Wtalse s0"l" Mnit" act,on- I
Summerl.n Reaches Capital and!
Makes Report to Hughes
Washington. Apul 20 1 15 A P i
i.eoige I' Siimnierlin Aineiuan
.iiii'ge l.ttlines it Mfxus) City, who
mi siiiniituiH d home recisutlv to give
s..iiiiiiv llugliis tlrt hand Infortun
ium about ...minion-, in .Mexico, nriived
i tin s nnd iniiile a puliininarv repoit to
lli StHte llc'piiltlll"llt
iiftieinl reiirts indicate tncreainf:
lisuid'i iionoiiiii allv in Mexico, but
cl,.. tin ii .i shrnv that the many small
i prings whi. Ii have been reported have
1--1111111I 11 elnngcrcius aspect (icneral
Mnigi.ia who s m revolt in northern
Mi im l..is not s,, (eedcil in gathciing
iinv 1 uiisiili 1 ilile fun ! nnd 11 similar
, 11 k ui -uu 1 s. I us mi r the
1. in 10 PiiiiUiu nnd I'nndido Aguilni
niiiv oili ei nn. 1. 1 the i'urriinu ail
iiilhistrntion 'Im have iffiised to give
th 11 nib g im. tu 1 Im- pieseiil goverii
iii. i.i '
Two of Consignment Had to Be
Killed Twenty Injured
iletiiilou. P.i. April 20- Winn nn
is press car loaded with tlnrt) Western
lni.es was shuiitul lo a siding vesler
lav ii 1 .111 tliniugh 11 bumping block and
hung half suspend' d over 11 twentv-foot
huh lunik I hi animals piled in one
end kicked and Mrugglcd so two had to
I to killed while nvcntv others weie in-
und Jlcr-cinin with tin ill "uigieded
in 1 tling them out
Versatile Uratuli nf the OlrN' Senile Club, appeared In "Mother (.lOtne's
the Downtown Women's Jen hit Orphan' Home, 1530 South Sixth Miect
Say That Board Members Advised
Against Securing of Pledge by Sons
Patents of tV suspended Camden
High School students todav ihitrged
members of the Camden Board of Edu
cation with double dealing In handling
th'o fraternity case at its meeting.
The parents) i laim "certsin members
it the boaid Including the president,
U'lvintd them privately not to let their
on mgn the plrdge nf Mis Clara S.
Piurrougb puncipal of the high M-hool,
renouncing their fraternal association'..
Later at n public meeting they say he
condemned the student nnd their par
ents is lawbreakers for not obeying the
principal's orders The pledge, the boy
contended, went beyond the Jurisdiction
of the dthool atithoritv
The comnut'te designated to investi
gate the controversy, it i said, made no
ual iffort to aw f it.iin the fact nnd
(ame to the meeting with n "eufand
dried" decision ntrivnl at in n "star
I'hambei nession Tie pntent mav
demand the iai-e te reopened nt the
next meeting of the bontd next Mondnj
nmi n fair lieiiriin? eivcn them. Thcv
,,,, li i r iause to he fust, but fay it
was picseiifeil in a wrong light by the
piiiictpal and boaid to the public.
A a tfsuit of what ttanspiied nt the
board's meeting the students claim thej
will not nnd cannot now sign the pledgeii
and that to do so ' vou'd stamp them
among their companions as 'yellow.'
The "frat" question i not settled by
ntiv means, the students claim, but has
b-n made woro by the
attitude of u,.;
It vvns hinted the students' case maj
be taken befoir State School Commis
sioner Kendall at Trenton to obtain u
Art Jury Man Called "Greatest Ob-
structlonlst" In Philadelphia
William H Kmhardt said last night
that Kli Kirk Priie. n member of the
Art Jury, Is "tbo greatest obstruction-
ist Philadelphia ha to contend with "
Mr. Kmhardt made that statement nt
a meeting of the auxiliary innimittee ol
the Germantown nnd Chestnut Hill Im
provement Asso iiition in the Vernon)
Hullding. Germantown and Cheltcnnve-
uues Mr Emhardt is the president of i
that association '
The association has been tt.ving to
choose n site for n SoOUO fountain left
b ii West Philadelphia woman in her!
will. It was decided to place it in Vet- i
non Park, but no site selected by the '
committee met with the apptoval of Mt
Price, and the site proposed by Mi
Price did not suit tlie committee. Mr '
Kmhnidt declared thut but foi Mi
Price's obtinii(v the fountain, which
has been in stoiage fi n year, would
be up and working
1 But Conshohocken Has Made No
I Provisions for Enforcement
The curfew Inw passed by Consho
hocken town council has been signid
by Hurgess Uav. Now tlntt tint law
s in force the matter of enfonflkuent is
being diseusscd
Tbe ordinance provides that nil chll -
elren undo the age of sixteen vear
must be oil the streets after !l :D0 in
the evening unless in the charge of n
parent or guardian or with a pioper
Council has made no provision as to
the sounding of the warning to the
children at 0 13 ns dltcited in the
ordinance anil tne nurgeis is wnnoui
nutltoritv to enrrv this feature of the
I ordinniu e into effect The police ulso
have received he? instructions in the mat- i
tei of enforcing the new law , w hich w 111
No Registered Letters Sent Through1
American Postofflce :
Wasliliigtoii. April 20. (Hv AP 1
Limited mail service with Hussih has'
been resumed after lour yents suspen
slon tlie Postollicc lJepartment an
noiineed today Moil for Kuioptau Hus
sin Im hiding the Ckraiue, republic of
Georgia nnd republic of Azerbaijan (;ors
via London to vioscow tor ciisinuuiiou
Onlv fully prepaid iinregUtercil let
ters nud postenrds will be accepted for
European Itiissin " the annoiincement
Isnid "at the ii'giilar iiitenintlonal pus
tnl rates 'e Itusslan tiostomee ni,o
ncrees to nc ent mail of like chin inter
offfeir Kussin in Asia"
The tlepartment "iid it ns unable
to stale "vvhnt censorship arrange
ments Itussia hns over the letters, but
thev will probably lie subject to close
sirutinv before tliej re delivered bv
the Soviet Russian Hiithoritle.s "
Mail for eustein SlU'rla and Mndl-
vostok will lie accepted ns usual
Celebrate 22d Anniversary
'I he ouiig Men Association of
I'nlls of .scliiijlkill 1 elebrnted the
twentv see ond anniversary of its found
ing last night at its clubhouse. ."..11-.
ijueen lam Willinni Kerguson, finnn
In I seerctnr ot the dub for the lit-i
twelve venrs was piesented with a golel
iicii .lolin Purler, the society s nrst
prisidcnt. was given a bouquet of iom
and 11 lm of cigar. Three hiindrnl
ii' mlier" of the 1 lub Were pieem
Le.lcer I 'hint t-
rv iu
Alleged Boy "Firebug" Will Sub
mlt to Further Examinations
r'nt.litnll Vlnlllinne lloi VOtltllflll
Mount Airy firebug, will undeigo n
mental examination at the hands of
ur. Jioraee rhlllips. in tue nouse m
Detention. District Altorncv Hotnn has
instructed Dr. Phillips to lo'e no time
In submitting his repoit in older t lint
nroner measures mas be tnken " It is
MIVJH:. IlllllOUIVS lllll uu lni" - "
ni i,n iniAniinn nf the .listrlct nt tor-
ney to make nn example of Matthiws, , 0...O00.O0O.O0O marks, 'rho value of
but .Mr Itotan feel it is up to his office the piesent gold reserve of 1.000.000,
to see that the question of the boy's , 000 marlm i computed ns leprcscntliig
snnltv Is determined immediate!? 1 Si per cent of Getmnny s currency Is-
In the event the report of Pr Phil- i
n.. -I .1, . I , ' I M..t.A.. '
nnsj snows me no.v is nouiuii uncuims
will nt once bo turned back to the po
Hie ntid arraigned before a magistrate
to answer the charge of arson The
grand jury will take the matter over for
Indictment and Matthews will be uc
corded a speedy trial
In addition to the examination by
Dr Phillips it Is llkolv that Mntthevvs
mav also be examined bv uu alienist
employ ed by his father District At
torney Itotan has given hi 'onsetn to
this, providing that Dr Phillips is
present at the test
In the meantime, Matthew will be
detained nt the Jlouse of Detention by
an airangeinent with the district at
torney's office
Shoots Youthful Wheelman
Being Run Down
ungstown, ).. April 20 ( Bv A.
P. Itov Knight, nineteen, of oiing
town. who litis been missing fiom home
for two months, ts dead in llenvcr
j Falls, killed bv n policeman who died
after Knight's motoicvde nfter it bad
I run the oflicei riuvvn. A t'lftien-ycni -old
Knst Toungstovvn gill, whose name po-
I luc withb'ild. and who bus been away
fiom home for nine dn.vs. is still miss
. ing
1 Tli.en
fa t weio dlMlop-tl ttiila bi
I h unlii-A ftillmritiro i nt Pklirnf fnn uitn
icports thnt Knight was )U inK with n
young gill in the woods ncni hue.
' without heltei exiepl n mattress and
n few blankets. When their aliv nbode
was loideil Sunday morning, the pair
' weie missing, presumably driven out
iiy tin- heavy rains nt Miiuiua.v night
hut the matttess nnd blankets Were, poses ,
found To pav to the Allies .'t.000.000.000
A telegram fiom Hcavei Falls police I gold marks ($730,000,000 annuallj
todav tfiid of Knight's death then- last during ten jeais, mid also .venrtv pay
night A man companion, believed to ments equal to one-fifth of the value of
huve been wounded, escaped. , Gei man exports to Allies' countries dur-
No tiace has been found of the miss- nK tilc preceding year.
Ins gl'l In ouler to icali'e n pait of the above
! indemnities, to issue an international
S. P. C. A. MAKES REPORT '"-U?'000,0110 . ,?'! m,,rU,
, (S2,.iO0.-MiO,0O0i. upon which Germany
Organization List6 Activities
Month of March
The Peniisvlvntiia Soeielv fni
Picvention of Cruelty in Animal" h
poits the following activities l.ist
Prosecutions. 2.5 mscs remedied
without prosecution. I IHll Ileuses or
dered from labor i'nr vntmus muses.
lO.t, pads ndjusted to prevent nibbing
ifto iJI ' linrsna It nul. . I A.1 ..,.,., l.l
. . . ' .. .' - - - - -
-...,. ,...,.,,.,, iiih l.illl I
weather. 104; coops of poultry relieved'
from overcrowding. 22.".2 nnimnls
moved in society's ambulant
a ni
I nials huinanelv killed. :!7t! d which l.s
wcte horses oiTcr"cl for s.iie .it the vnn-
!ous bnnars
At tlie stock yards e.ui agents u,.
speeted S12 cat loads nt i.utli m wlmh
'weie found S7 atnmnls clisali'nl and JO"
I killed iu rrarspuoi tation .Stoning .mil
beating cattle prevrnteil ,' hogged
( cows relieved, 0, oven nwdeii cnnle in
wagons relieved. '1 intib ordeied to In
fcd, 12.", and attle wati icd u,-,
The Ballinger Company
announce that they have removed
to more central quarters at the
Southeast corner of twelfth and
Chestnut Streets.
This location is directly across
the stre&t from the offices occupied
by this organization for twenty
eight years, from 1881 to 1909.
Clients, new and old, are cor
dially invited to inspect the facili
ties of these new offices.
Architects and Engineers
Philadelphia New York
v v'i-.vtifTffTfS.
20, 1921
Exports Doclaro Transfer of
Reichsbank Rosorvo Would
Moan Collnpso of Mone'y
lty the Aoclateil Pre.
Iterlln. April 20. Whllo the German
cabinet linn not yet Indicated the nfttute
of it. reply to the lcparntlorf commit
idon's (lemand that the German gold
reserve be transferred to some point In
tho oconpied 7-ntie, Pic!tlent Haven
steln, of the Itelchslmnk, and the finan
cial writers sunimaillj t eject the prop
osition Thev take the ground that the gold
in not only the propert of n pi Ivnte
bank, but that It removnl from Ueilin
under the condition named would re
Milt in th" collapse of German currency
nt home nnd abroad,
Tho experts assert flint such n pro
ceeding would work havoc villi Ger
innn economic Interest nnd promptly
tesiilt in an advance of all eonimoditliV
lo fabulous prices.
Dcclaretl Impossible
Piesident Ilnvenstjln declares thnt
nious consideration of the proposition
bv tlvt cabinet would be a mere waste
of time nnd doubts whether any govern
ment could bo found In Germany which
would nccoda to the I'ntciite's demand.
"The Impossible is impossible; that I"
all there is to It," said Hcrr Haven
stoin. The Norddeutsche Allgemeinc hel
ping, owned by Hugo Stiunrs.' ex
pi eses sitspieion that the French nie
t lie driving force behind the new tie
mnnd It savs that once the gold te
Nervo is outside the confines of the
1 Kclojisbnnk's tnults and placed milder
Entente control In the occupied zone
lit will no longer remain ns an active
asset or the lianu, as It ultimate seizure
, would then become n simple mntter.
i s rnri,t- v.n
Thi newspnper estimates the volume
of German currency held abroad at 20,
000,000.000 marks, and thnt foreign de-
' . r. - ,, . , , " ,
i minth on ticrmany of all kinds total
hue. ,
Its disnpnca-nnce from the bank's as-
sets, tlie newspaper nsscrts would not
only result in the instant vitiation of
the foieign cicdltois claims, but also
have n catastrophic "effect upon Ger
man export nnd imports, rspceially
with tegard to purchoscs of raw prod-
A special dispatch from Tssen today
says the new customs conttol set up by
the Allies in th" occupied rone for the
collet t Inn of duties under tlie penalties
plan became effecthe nt midnight last
night. PasspngCr trains are being de
tained ten minutes for the inspection of
the passengers and their luggage.
Pnils. April 20.-(Ily A P.l-
Mrltish nnd French military lenders will
confer nt Hjthe. England, next Sun -
i day with Premiers Ilriand and I.lojil
1 Gcorgf. it is said by newspapers here.
Marshal Foch. General Wevgand nnd
i-ii.i vf...i,.i ii. n ti vc:i..
I will be present, nnd I'nrl Cttrron,
I llritish secretary of stnte for foreign
nfTairs, will take patt in the conversn
( tlons.' which, it is declared, will relate
, to militnrv penalties to be placed on
11111 ...III 111111 .Jll l.Vlll, .1, i.ii'.-jll
Germany in case she refuses to make
icpnintipn payniVnts dye on May 1.
Premier Iliiund, it is declated by the
Echo de Paris, will insist that the llrit
ish ilag. Hv with the French tritoloi
lover the Itulir ilistmt The newspaper
sajs tnnt. in 11 letter to Prime alinistei
I.lojd George, tue Frenih picmicr hat
rmphfled the importance of unanimity !
biivvc n tlie 1'rencli and Hntili tiov i
laments. I
The Temps publishes n dispatch from )
Cologne giving what purports to be.
propositions wutcli the newspaper says
Gormnnj will ninkc to the Allies. Ac
uirdiiii- to the Tenuis. Gcunanv mo-
is ,T r.i, .-,, i.f ll. 111111.--11 u l I kj ll'l
for rent Tlie loan would be guaranteed bv
railroad earnings and by participation
.up to 20 per out in German .pi ivatc
l'' J (mill Lt-ntnr
llllllt-l 1 M"5.
clmrlfs .1 Vlcim vSU Hiiilr.im me
.mlia vv rin L'Jo jrkiitjii si
I.ouls J Iyi l'nttilcrf,d nnd Helen
U!kl( nil's Lo. cmt s
Jamc" Wjl.on
1 ill vv 1 mi.liicr.it m
. uimn l-i.K.r. Iu -lilii. ...... .
. "".''.. -;'"". "7 -' . i luiti
Josepll .NOH ll.'il N 4 I
Keelmer 8HI N 4ih at
! c"e;"V.r",w.!l'-JlBJyiV. .""' ' " am " nni
llillln I stuntrlii ills Morris nt anl ir.
tarla l'.irnatHiie mt s iiuh , i
Jnnif e row, L'sj.' .Iiirnicin st Mnd Ellzi
both Jjunn lulls s .M it
toiiuviui urn VI etc puicM.i.i J0J" i -- .
erutt bt nwi Mnna Snllcaltl Jlcv i u N j,
John c. tlec'iinnn '.'Curl 'Ir-mnnluin r
mvl IMith lo... in 1.1 ii.riniiili.ii R
fjesHAi Kml'i',! Ii' !) u j, ,, j
Veroiiira Mnlcu li.U l.nier '
li.n e v Hi. .n UJ'tl i .iImi ni- nt m V n
ii. sneact .'Jul e mhrti inr nt.
Hol.erl tc nrn ( .imdei s j ai 1 f a
be'h i Rpljska Ncu Vork
sie i HlkoiMk' l.'tn Sulmon i rrni
rilmirhe Hlu.sisa IJ tu Saline n .1 s
t'i4Li. Illlnv ua, j u Ml I lt
Vcaths of a Day
Manufacturer' apd' 'clubman Had
. Been III Long Tlme
Charles Gibbons David, manufac
turer nnd prominent clubmatti died after
n lo;ig illness at 1 o'clock this morn
ing nt lilt farm at Ambler, Pa. He wns
slxtv-llvc .years olll.
Sir. Davis was hcAI of the firm of
Davis & "Hrother, manufacturers of
railroad spike, nt Westmoreland, lie
llted during the winter nt 8201 Semi
nole avenue, '
Mr. Davis was educated nt the Chel
tenham Academy and nt Kvvarthniorc
College'. More than thirty .tears ngo
he nnd nls brother organized'thejr pres
ent firm nnd developed it Into n man
ufacturing business of considerable im
portn'nee. Durlngtlic w'tir it specialized
on government contracts and Mr. Dnls
was a member of tunny government in
dustrial b6nrds.
Mr. Dntis was n member Ot the
Union League, tlie Itittcnhousc ami
Kneqifct Ulubs, Philadelphia Country
Club, Ucrmniitow-n Cricket Club, Jliiiit
iiiadon Valley Country Club nnd others.
He i survived by bin wife win? was
Miss nieanor Peal Jacobs; n son. Kd
ward Ii. 'Davis, nnd three daughters,
Mrs. Joseph IJ. McCall. Jr.. and the
Misses Hlennor P. nnd Carolyn II.
Christian Fromuth
After an illness of one year, Chris
tian Fromuth, it Kensington carpet
manufacturer, died yesterday nt his
home, 2.-iri North Sixth street. He
was sixty-four years old.
Mr. Fromuth, although in falling
health, was not confined to his bed un
til four weeks ago. His mill was on-
Waterloo street above York. He was
born in Germany nnd wns brought to
this countrt when four yenrs old by his
parents He settled in the Kensington
textile district and lrnrned wenvlng. .
Other members of the Fromuth fnm-'
ily. including nephews, became widely
known designers of art squnrcs nnd ear
pets. One of the Intter, A. TJ. Fro
muth. is seiictaty and treasurer of the
Alvn Carpet nnd Hug Mill, in Frank-
to"'. ... li
Mr. Fromuth is sutvived by his
widow nnd five children. Funeral serv
ices will be held at his Into, home Fri
day afternoon, nt 2 o'clock. Tnterment
will be ih Urccnmount Cemetery.
William P. Allen's Funeral
Funeral services for Willlnni P.
Allen, who died suddenly on Mondny
night, will take placo tomorrow after
noon nt the Media Prcslnterlnn
Church. Interment will be In Arllngtoii
Ccmeteiy. Mr. Allen, who was forty
eight rears old. wfi the proprietor of n
grocery store at 2j4 South iMlteeiitn
street. He went to his country home
in I'dgemont. near Media, to make
preparations for occupancy the coming
summer and was stricken with heart I
disease. He is survived bv his widow
and two (liildren. Virginia nud Wil
liam P. Allen, Jr
Mrs. Elizabeth VV. Ernes .
Mrs niixabetli Wjiie Eine. wife of
Charles K. Kmes, auditor for T.tt Ilrnlh-
ers, (Ilea vesieruav aiier nn innesn m u
year at her home, 1-HI West Chclfn
avenue, Germantown. k
Mrs. Tines was born in Philadelphia
in JMJiS. Niotvas active in the affairs
of the Second Presbyterian Church,
Tultiehocken nnd Greene streets. Ger
inntnn She in survived hv two diiucli
iters nnd one son. besides her husband
rn.A fiinnro ..ill tjiuo nlnce 1 rlrlni
afternoon. Interment will be in Fnirhlil
Cemetery .
Appropriate Jewelrp .
The fine appreciation of the niceties of jewolr
ns o complement of dress, displayed in the
collection of pearls .and now jewels, should
prove most acceptable to -women purchasing for
themselves or for giving.
J. E. 'Cald-tfell & Co.
Chestnut and Juniper ;
Yes, oA
Suit Wears Out
But It Outwears
Cheap Clothes
"That Make You
Hilton (ompanx
1211-1213 Chestnut Street
Ctolhtt Shot itt
' jfW
Phila. Dologation Seeks Pros.
dont's Views on Relief and
" Indopondonco
, Hu a Htatt Correipoiultnt
Washington. Anrll "fii
for Armenian relief ntid Indent i
wns presented to Presldei. 'm . ?.M
today by a Philadelphia deleg at, , , 1" "s
rresntlng the lViin's, lreM,
Armenian Itelief nnd Independence r
D,-.)rnoyd To,k.sV';3nf
After their intrtW with Piesi.n,
Harding, Hcprcciitntle Kdinonil, '!'
sented n similar petition Hec 0 inr'
Htntc Huglics. ri 0(
Piesident Harding (,!, the delegntion
ho was familiar in n general wai , u?
the -Armenian situation d ,R ,'
of the petition, but was not p,Cpa .a
to express nn opinion without fur'l '?
study. Secretary Hughes is ,, 'J, "
to linve Informed the partv. t il1
Iteprrsentnthc Almonds, tl S
would receive serious consider. ,,n
nsife'T: "Ctlll" fllt,,, by t," "e,o
,1'ho creation of nn indepen.lenl 0v.
wjlp state for the Armenians
The gifnrdlng of such a state b ! ,i
sntotM8tCd Vmy' ,,rcfpra,,,y """ I hltej
The llmitntion of the TurkM (,MPrn.
mrrRi t0.'1 ,,"Yrou' sl'"cc in Anatolia
The nbsolutc ptotutl,,,, 0 the (V ,.
tlnn subjects under the remaining Turk.
Ish rule. k
The punishment of the Turkish ofli.
clnls and their nctompllccs n silsibt.
for dcportntlons nnd mnssaeies of A,!
mcnlnn ntid other Christian rue -
reHthtm nencivntfd and
Into stn. ....
Sichcl's t.-iSS.'SJII.u.
. ,. romhiir- ;oj
.17 Affirs' Kvittrlrnre Insurrs
Klltlre Kntlsfnellnn
Brass Beds Refacquered
Vrintipal Ciltti
BMi.-BCARlNa7 Jf
?4V v.-' ri Ji tfc'W-'- I ? Jh ii