iv-jin iJMn' JC? ra'5ysP" its f";im i-y , r'-m'V I 6 vfW vli'-.ft -''- "" ,- iHfa' " 'v'el V";: T EVENING PUBLIC IiEDGEIt-PHlUABELPHlA, TUESDAY, APBIft 10, 1921 0 JUST GOSSIP ABO Uf PEOPLE .Vw.v IT' V7e Announces the Birth of Dim ulnar to the Hen . and Mrs. Allen Evans S' Regrets the Death of Mr. William W. Montgomery D ID von know Hint tlio Allen Kmuix. ,lu,i..lilnl-V Hill- will '' i I lu n faiiiimil il onlil' .mil Mrs. ..win-, vmih . lrnb.ll" llorw. J"" i-Hil-'inlicr. Mr. K -on uf Mr. nml Mr- Allen Knmlnbrotlicrofltmvlnmir.vnns. ""il,, ""Vt!; AllH-t . I.rv ......tl.rr '.' i ut .1 nines , U -pnii t l) ",ulnl ton I Is lirlil.- "il, Ue MU- ni lnle for Hielr vvi'ilililiK, bill lin Sr tunl It will inko plnoe next mniitii , l. lime. Mi"- Seotl im to linvo "r,m. to KiiroiM- with l.oiriiliu; DlMton J, Anmi I.eu-I-. but rlniMBf-.l ber il,, Xrtlv beforr tliey sailed. Lorraine nil Annn. bv tbe vvnj . were In Ilium' ll.cn '"hM li-nr.1 of tlicm. ..ml pxpwt ln Ve b"""' n'""" ""' ,""l,,,t' (,f "cxt oin nth IT IS with flneciP KRiet tlint I rceord 1 hrre tbe 'I",'"1 of,Mr' W1,,,1..m "' MontKomorj. a Keiitteiimn of tbe old I, hn.il. vilim pBHHlng lenve- mm bet tarflncv In tbe rntikn of ru Itiire which I, III be well-nlKb ImpowlbU;. to til'. Mr MmtRouery nncl hi- fnmily bnye ton ll on tbe Main l.lnr. formerly "vh to Oal. Form, (ilen Moore. I'n. Mr MoiitRomerj vvns a prominent i i . in tliLi ellv for mnny yeiirH. n bnd Kl"n "i. the prnrtlr of law on n few eri. nKo. lie lin.1 been n, "for nmp time nml M" b Uko'I undrrKO nn operntion. from which he dh I not Vover He vvns n finc-looUlnR. ihilP-linlrwl old Rpntleinnn . nml n most Jnleresllni: talker. He was known n i. Icholnr nml 1in.uit nml nhvuj was micrrstrd In piiblb' ntlntrs. '"iff" in married twlw. nnil In "t tlved bv bis MM-onil wife. II is sons me William JIontRomery. Jr.. who mnrrieil Kannle llrock : Wobort , "K MontBnmry. whoso wife was Ml w Hop. TTler. John Montgomery, who mnrrlrtl MlU AcneH Hpenecr; Jlrn. Edward Hid- die Un1"y. w' w" Mlh'' Mnry Mornt io'n"rr . Arehlbald U. MontBpmery, Jr.. fhose wife waB Minn C'nthur ne hlilott (.llliert M. MontRoincry, who niarrieil Mils Abigail Hurlon. Mlrftri-iifh- atMl.SblncyMoiitgouiery and .Miss Hertl a ml MissMiirgnretVMotitgoinL'ry. 'tbe fumnil will be held this afternoon at Si Martin's Clinreh. Itiulnor. EVEY ONE who I' interested in Har Mitd. and there are many of us who liain --ons or brotbero or nephews who are Harvard men. who- will be going to il,o IIM.U Pudding Club's play nt the llrlleuie-Slrntforil tonight I.ilgar Sfntt I underetnnd. hns written some ndlie Urlcs. and oung Harry Loxe and u lot o'f other of the .minger men lin er were students nl Harvard, and. ac lonllnRl. their families are mueb in tfrested' in the musical extraviigaii7.il. Wetnrd Ho!" Tor that's what 11 in i ailed AM nn Saturday we will have the Princeton boys the Triangle Club -which will gio Its jciirly performance liere I do not know whnl their plnj i, but 1 m sure it is good. too. The I'lineetiin Club will give n ten and iIuiiip on Siituidn afternoon before tbe play for the iindeiRrnduntes who nre tu take part in the production, nml as thire are some eight) undergrads iiinong the perfiinnerH, I guess there will be n gooillj arrn of guests there. I DON T bplieve I am getting cranky nml 1 dnti't mind n little bit of mnki' up in reason. If a person Is er liii'il nml or white looking and il (nut li of rouge make", her look better. proiii it is not daubed on so that It k too i'ldent or iigl. 1 do not see a great objection to It Uut this white immlerisl fncp effect, with brl'llnnt red innutli. Is getting on my nerves. I walked down tbe street ymterduj nild 1 met no fewer tlinii four women, uinnen of breedliiR und supposed good IHUe whokp faces looki'tj like false tucs In tbe tirst plm'e they were ilcailli while, nml their lips (and in two eavei the lips were by no means Miull) were rouged with a red that was vi ml It almost bordered on a purple. It was almost frightening! Of course. I know it's u fad and It will go in time, just as the huge slccu's rif the 110s and the small waists of thfiM- days bae dlsappe.ired. Hut I hope to gondncs it goes soon, for it's nieh an ugl fad and It niiikes even the ieetc-t Rlrls look bard as nails. I s.iw f'iie mill run yesterday on the street rhwe lips were purple with make-up. It was awful! If it was piettj or be coming I would not mi) anything alxiut It, we all hnve our weaknesses; but it's nn ugl) Wli) oil earth do the young juris do It V Pretty little things with fluffy hnlr and niiturnlly rosy cheeks, the cheeks all powdered with the rest of tin- face, and then the red lips. I beard two women talking Just the other day about It, and naturally I have nollied it ni'iic' limn ever since Mien. This was wbnl one Mild to the otliei : "I saw K tbe other day.'' "How i be?" "Ob. very well ap parently. Hut she looked ghnstly : so much powder, you know, and n black conl with while fur and a black-aiid-wh'le lint, not n touch of color, but it ti III Iii nt icd liniiilbag which matched ber b'illlanl. red llns : she was n per du 'JbIiI!" NANCY WYNNK. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES The wedillntr of .Mini Catherine Coxe, daughter of Mr. nnd Mri. Henry ftrln ton Coxe. of ins South T.venty-flrM street ntnl Pcnllwi. nnd Mr. Andrew WiiKener Porter, son of Judge anil Mrs 'Vllllntn W. Porter o' 13B fioutli 'Ighteenth sticet. w II take place nt the 'hiircb of the Menslob. Owynedd, at 4 o'clock on Thursdny. June 1G. only Immeillatc members of the fnmllv will be piesent nt the c"remon A reception will follow nt HnfTod, the borne of the bilde'B parents, at I'enllyn ,Mrn. Hlcbaid Hoardmnn, of Uoston. will attend-as mntron of honor at the wedding of Miss Margaret 13. Dunliip, daughter of the late Mr and Mr, Snll viis niiulnp. of thin city, and niece o Mr, Kdward J. Cerwlnd, of New York, nnd Lleiltennnt f'olnnel Kofclbenes Helm, I of Havana, Cuba, nnd New York, which win be solomnlzed on Tuesday aiier noon at 4 o'clock In St. James' VJplscopal Church. Twtntv-Hecond nnd. Walnut streets, to be followed by n small le ceptlon at the home of the bride's nunt. Miss Julia A Henvlnd. of 101 South Twenty. tlrst street On their return fiom a wedding Journey the brldo and bridegroom will live In New York The guests who will attend the lunch eon to be given on Thursday nt the, Sedgley Club by Mrs. (leorge Wilcox Mc ler, Ji of 2217 ltlttenhouse street in honor of Mini Mnrv Kllznbeth lClllott, daughter of Sir. and Mrs. William J. Klllotl, of J17 South Seventeenth street, whose engagement hns been nnnounced to Mr. Arthur B Pew, nnd Miss Klennorc McCawloy, dnughter of Mrs. William Morris McCnwIey, of Hnvcrford whoso marrlago to Lieutenant Commander Teo Hewlett Thebauld. U H N , will tako place on Saturday, May 14, will Include Mra. Gllhert Mather. Mrs. Hnnlson K. Cancr, Jr.. Miss Ilncbel 1'rlce, Miss Doro thy Savage, of Ualtlmore, Miss Ienoro A. McCall. Mls Nnthnllo Davis nnd Miss Isabella Wnnnmakct The guests who will attend the vuc tlou bridge pnrty to bo given b Mrs. Charles Howard Colket on Friday after noon next at her homo, 2008 Dc hanccy place. In honor of Miss fjertnide Cnth erlno Crnwford nnd Miss Kllznbetb Crawford, daughters of Mr Oeorgc W Crawford, of Pittsburgh, and Mls Eliz abeth Strublnt? daughter of Ml nnd Mrs. John K Ktrublng, of Chestnut Hill, will Include Miss Surah Harrison. Miss Mnigarotta Hnrrlson, Mrs. Harrison K. Caner, Sr., Mrs. Harrison K Cnner, Jr., Mrs. Oeorgc Wilcox Mclver. Mrs. Hoi- utnltl 1n tint am TTr- Vlea llnpliilrn f ' tto ee. MlhM I.vidiplh Rnvrp. flut4 Vinurr I Peterson. Miss Josephine 1 Hooper, .Miss .xnnc hellers. .Mrs. Joseph ll koi llns. Mls I.enoie A McCall. Miss FloY enco McNeely. Miss Kleanore Dougherty, Miss Marie C dc KosenKo, Miss Kmlllc V. dc Kosenko, Miss Luclle do Kosenko nnd Miss Mary Walker Colket The en gagements of Miss Strublng to Mr. Wil liam John Cnner nnd Miss Oertrudo Catherine Crawford to Mr. Tristram C Colket, 2d, hnve recently been nn nounced. Mr. and Mrs Stephen D Colhoun will entertain at dinner at their borne to night, 312 South Fifteenth street, nnd later In their box at the opera, In honor of MrB John C Groome, Jr Mrs. William W. Hepburn nnd her daughters, Miss Mario Louise Hepburn, Miss Jane Shaw- Hepburn and Miss Iy)Ulso Hepburn, of Orchaid I.cp, Vllln nova, will snll on Tuofdny, May 3, on the Anultnnla for Hurope. where they will spend tho summer trnxellng In France and I'nglnnd Mrs. Hepburn will return to this country early In October. Miss Marie Louise Hepburn. Miss Jane Shan Hepburn nnd Miss I.oulse Hep burn will probably remain abroad, where they will spend a year studying In Paris. Mr Albert Kelsey has gone to New York to attend the luncheon to be given by the minister of foiclgn relations of Venezuela and tbe specbil nilr.slon pre vious to thn uuvelllnr of the statue of Oeneral Kolivnr by President Haidlng Tile following ladles will receive at the ten with dancing on Saturdnv afternoon at the Princeton Club, on locust and Cnmnc streets. In honor o' the Triangle Club, which will present "They N'cer Come Hack," that evening at the Helle-Mie-Stratford Mrs John S N'ewbold Mrs Cbnrles lCdward Ingersoll. Mrs. Sidney Keith. Mrs. Fltz KuKene New bold, Mrs. Casper Wlstnr, Mls.s Ksther l.lovd. Mrs. John K Mitchell, 3d Mrs. Thomas Hlrigwny Mrs. Algernon Hob frls, Mrs. Nnudnln Duer. Mrs Joseph Woolston und Mrs Coleman Pence Urown The guests who will attend the (linnet this evening which Dr IMwnrd Wlnslow Taylor, of Ccdron, Gennantown will give In honor of his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Kdwnid Wlnslow Taylor, Jr, will Include Mr and Mrs It Winder Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. John Wlnthrop Clagbnm. Miss Snrah W Me. IxMn, Miss Louisa V Newlln. Mirs Mnr garet Davis. Mr William L. McLean. Jr., Mr W Heiiumont Whltnev and Mr Norman Klllson, Jr. Mr. nnd Mrs li Lnwrenco Miller Jr of Wynnewood have Issued Invitation fbillBBBBBBS " SBBBBBBBBBBBBBP , fOliB "Wi5'l',(( i -n, mKKF 9tS'? i J' '-?lfc . s w MUA.n Kv iI.a rHllllnu Oti.Jln. .MI.SK .tlONA CKOXKIt l)niiRliler of Air. and Mrs. lOthvanl Cnizcr, of 2128 Icwt street, whose engagement (o Mr. NcjM Walnwrljlil, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilobert Wnlnvt right, of New York and this city, lias been announced for a dance on Sutuidny. Mny 21. In honor of their daughter, Miss Oertrudo 13. Miller. Tho guests who will nttend tho dinner on Saturday evetilnpr, April 30, which Mr, nnd Mrs John U. Lear will give, nt their home, 319 West Mermaid lane, Chestnut Hill, In honor of their daugh ter, Miss Polly Lear, before tho dance Mr. and Mrs. Udwnrd Wiener will gle nt the Philadelphia Cricket Club In honor of their sons, Mr. Kdward Wiener, Jr., and Mr. Sandy Wiener, will Includo Miss Isabel Davis. Miss Carolyn Duvls, Miss ICIoanor Colahan, Miss Molly Sny der, Miss Douglas Orlbbcl, Miss Martha Mnchold, Mr. Thomas O. Oates, Jr.. Mr. J. Barry Colahnn, 4th Mr Thnxter Ulckiielt. Mr Henrv Lear, Mr Philip Strublng, Mr. Nicholas Petrv and Mr William Morse. Mrs. Harry Godey, of 1S41 Spiue street, has left for u. visit to Atlantic City, where she will remain until tho lat tei part of next month, when she will Join Mr. nnd Mrs. Alan D. Wilson and tbolr daughter. Miss Helen Hopo Wil son, who nre occupying their country place, Poar Grove House. Vlllanova. The engagement of Miss Wilson nnd Mr Robert Dcckert has been announced. Miss Kllzabeth Urocklc, daughter m Mrs William G. Warden, of Hed Gate, Gennantown, left yesterduy to spend a fow days In New York Miss Alexandra II. Dolan. daughter of Mr nnd Mrs Clarence W Polan, of Itosemont, will sail on the Olympic to morrow for Europe, where she will Join ber grundmother. Mrs. .Vcllson Urown, and her sister. Miss Hose B. Dolan, In Paris. Mr and Mrs. James Watts Mcrcur, of Xitherworth, "Walllngford, and their daughter, Miss Denlse Honore Mcrcur, whose engagement hns recently been nnnounced to Ornvla Constnntlna Nicola Scltto, eldest son of Baron and Baroness Vlnchlnzo Scltto, of Home, who have been siiending n year abroad, sailed for this country on the Patria, from Mar seilles. France, on Saturday, and will spend a few days the latter part of this month with their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs Thomas Cahall, at their plnce. Hillside, Walllngford, beforn opening their cottage at Venlnor for the senson. Mrs. Oeorgo H Hvnns entertained nl a Inrge luncheon at the Uellevue-Str.it-ford yesterday in honor of Mrs. Archi bald Harklle, of Inver House, Wayne, who recently returned from a trip abroad. Thn guests Included the chair men of the different women H committees of the Devon horse show nnd eountrv fair, which will be held on Mny 20, 27, 28 nnd 30 for tho benefit of the Hry n Mawr Hospital A wedding of social interest will be that of Miss Kllzabeth W Tlnd.ile, daughter of tho Into Mr and Mrs Rob inson Tltidale. nnd Mr John McPberbon Tntuin of Mllllngton. N J, which will be solemnized very quteth on S'ltur day afternoon, May 7, at 3 o'clock, In the Media PreMiv tcrlan Church, Wnsh Ington nvenue nnd Jackson street Media, In tho presence of the Immedlnte fam ilies and relatives of tho bride and bridegroom. Miss Hetty L. Woithlngton, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mis. Robert Emott Hare, of 400 South Twenty-second street, for a month, lias left for a visit to Atlantic City, where she. expects to remain for some time Tho committee and ofllcers of the Chinese fnmlne fund nnd Emergency Aid will glvo a reception on Wednesday aft ernoon, April 27, at 221 South Eight eenth street, nt 4 o'clock, to meet His Excellency M S. K. A. Szo. The Civic Club will give Its annual luncheon nt tho Hcllevuc-Stratford on Tuesday afternoon. May 3, at 12:30 o'clock, Mrs. Russell Dunne, of 2028 Do Lancey street, left yesterday for a vlFlt to New York, where she will remain until the latter pnrt of this week. Invitations have been IMsued for tn. eighteenth annual Haverford flower mission, to be held on next Tuesday aft ernoon April 26, at 2 30 o'clock, at the homo of Mrs. Walter 11. Stephenson. Newbury. Haverford, Mrs Andrew Wright Crawford, of .'421 Spruce street, will leave on Friday for a visit to Baltimore, where sho will be entertained as tho guest of Mrs. Rob ert E Lee George, of the Ruxton, over the week-end, Mrs. Ida Hooper, 2229 North Nine teenth street, announces the engage ment of ber daughter, .Miss Florence Hooper, and Mr Harry Hornberger, of Logan, TIOGA A marringe of Interest which took placo on Sunday evening nt the SI. James Hotel was thnt of MIbs Alice Martha Gutlohn, dnughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Gabriel Gutlohn. of 210S West Tlogu street, and Mr. Paul Junius, of St. Louis Mo. The Rev. Joseph Kraus kopf officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Junius will live In St. Lculs after a wedding trip of several weeks. Im'bitiiii W Abiobk. llftUtruti I'rlce Cajfyx Btab Write r rbwu for EnjrratMl or I'rlattsi nmplM. R0TAL ENGRAVING CO., 814 Wilut St I "The Finest Butter in America!" MISS SARAH W. MORTON WEDS MR. SAML G. FRANTZ Marrlsge of Mls Emma O'Brien and Mr. James Sullivan Miss Sarah W. Morion, dnughter of Dr Thomns R K. Moiton of 140f. Spruce street, and Mr. Samuel Gibson Fruntz son of Mrs. II. A Frnntz. of Princeton N J, were quietly mnrrled ni t o clocl yestoiday afternoon nt St. Peter's Episcopal Church Third nnd l'n " streets The Rev Dr. .leffieys. rector of the chinch, performed the roiemony The brIHe who wrm alven In llinrrlan" bv her fntlur. was attended by ber sis I icr. Miss Maigaret Morton as mad honor. Mr Angus f-'mntz. of New Von bi other of the bridegroom, attended n best man. On their return from n wed I ding trip Mr. and Mrs. Frnntz will live In Arkttnsns. LEATHEM CONN ELL Miss Esther V Council daughlei of Mr. and Mrs. Charles li Conneli ' 10115 Klngresslug nvenue. nnd Mr Howard Leathern, Jr. were tnntrlid vciv quietly on Saturdny nflernoon nt 4 o'clock In trie Church of the Atonemen' Forty-seventh street and Klngsessliu avftiue Tho ceremony was performed by the Rev Jnmes M Collins Th bride who, was given In marriage hv be fnther, was nttended by Miss Mnrtlin ' Clcelnnd as mnld of honor nnd onlv nt tendnnt. Mr. Conneli was nttended In Mr. William Rlchter ns best man Thi ushers Included Mr John P Rife. Mi Douglas Wheatley, Mr Hugh I Mi'lc Jr., nnd Mr. Rlchnrd Smile. y On then return from n wedding journey Mr nnd Mrs. Leathern will he nt home nt tiv Wnwassan Apartment", West Chestei SULLIVAN O'HRIEN The marriage of Miss Emm.i Mai O'Hrlen. dnughter of Mr. and Mrs Join O'HrUn. of East Willow Grove nvenue Chestnut HIM, to Mr. James T. Sullivan of Wyndmoor, was rolemnlred nt 'l o'clock this mornliiK In the Church of the Seven Dolors. Wyndmoor." The Rev M J. Coiley wan the celebrant of the nuptial mass which followed the cere mony Mrs. Joseph F Lee nttended ber sister as matron of honor and Mr. Wil liam Phillips acted as best man A breakfast for the Immediate families followed the H'feinoli ni .In th. 1rff1p m itfir..nts V t JU mid AIn Sullivan will be nt Ihiii-p " Wiit Gravers lain, Cbe 'tnut Mm hotm o I , .M I i Pllll Al) ' I'lu Dill i ' i i iiiruti:uii itniJii.vii M-f.n l The wedding of Miss El- D rn li ! Rodenlmugh and Mr Edv.nid Minium Hlbbiid tml. place on jsniuicnij urn ; nt 8 o'clock at Wes fl -Id N J at th borne of the bride's sister. Mr A It II iwlr.nd MI'S Mlil'fiiiet Flnutl ."id Miss Alice Rodenbnugh n slstet lit Hie bride, were brldc-mmlds nnd Ml" Dot., thy Cnmerou, of Dunellen, N J w.i maid of honor . ..... Relnt've." nnd friends from .New "N Phllndelphln iitnl Wet Chestei 'iticndul ft e n rip -fl I' ri ' II' Mrs Hlbbe.ro will live in Wesi dies-ei Straws & Panamas Cleaned and Remodeled -fji- -ff in itir nruFkl Iniiir TU r" for HnrhiK sml Mini. T "OV' nii-r -tv Our 40 .enrii nf r. ?. lurl'nre Is st tour V yir"i''1.m SltllNMAW rit i if it iiitti'ii I 54 N. 7th St. Phone. Market 2437 )!Sft i I . oare Milk For Tnfanis & Invalids NO COOKINfl Tho "Food- Drink" for All Age. Quick Lunch of, Home, Office, and Fountains. Ask for HORUCK'S. ! 57-Avoid Imitations & Substitutes aKMeuan Butter 1 IwB M r II (H W Li II I rKf 57 i II) At All Our Stores &&, ju&$, Rl FINE PLATINUM WORK ArllHiln.tb ftt-tKnp't nml remo(!(li(1 Deril flircrt a(Ii mMnurftcturftr Iouriit prl.ru Riiinintri (I I'mmpt nrc A. E. MOSS, 33 S. 9lh St. Not a Luxury But a Necessity MORNI COFFE The Coffee for Every Meal In Scaled Tiunl Tins Uoastcd und Packed l &iiMat... wiTrsrws I s& IP I 1 I f ioti6o!A if l53SftH5tbSft ': HAVE REDUCED OUR EXT1RE STOCK OE Costume Suits 59 I'm nn 1 1 i r icon i riQurrixi I'OIRET Til It. I T.lll.Olll I) III.. 1 1)1:1) I-.MIIROIDI.RI I) niRi.h-i'ih.Li si i is t&h iri) iTn mfJa ffl I 1 ill i. ii nn n ' " ADCLPHI ' ' N M" u " '' . K WILLIAM OserMfiiSmtm m ahm raws SlOhc PRINCE and 7HE PAUPER. flU A Plsy BY AMIUt RIVES -ih shubert 'i,,,:,'M y: First iop. Mat. Tomor. ,"1 M '" M 6W1EKIWB0B FLILBBS V9S9 OCVIStD AM) STAofO f ,ow Mum KAY Aw v M i YR'C M(lllT' AT S 'JO t. FL0REHCC- mix wmm mskii THD- Pllll.AUUI.l'HI.V'd lOltUMOar I Hr-A'imi.i G A RR I CK Mil". V i '& H ' , 2 11.1 Pop. iVmt. lomorrow mkC'iv Positively Last Week DAVID BcLASCO Cjp'wv , w mim( w. by Gtomt scitwMusii am tovio Dttusco YOU ALL KNOW" Lfes rjfcl&iv Iva Sir lil GRftNDQlONAMSP A PlAYJY fDGAK. &liyS ri 'il t 1 v j-i s lr ntlH Hl;.v it 1 v 1 nt 1 I 1 n SBtaaaaii GEO. M. COHAN'S Comedians NLXI MONDAY Ltigu(;cmcnt Limited hamc company tjiat oninully appeared in Phil&dclphm hEAIS THURSDAY hi- . .1 A Mil 1 -1 j ,1 . J3 NEWEST FILM SUCCESS i p. Mat. Tomorrow " $2.50 LAST 7 TIMES SlSEET A NATIONAL INSTITUTION (FLflL (P0OJLO il mm ttm "WiMlliB W'SBB ill 1 B 111 H ! If mm&w && NEW YORK , hi 111 ''suf aiis! ii ' m. S64-3ANo56a 3Tif(h JVwpnue INFORMAL FASHIONS op ULTRA. SMARTNESS TEMPERED WITH ATOLKK 9F REFINED ELEKAtTCE QIARATERISTC T Wl patliculc;ly suitable ' FOR LUNHEPN 9R TEA HOUR INTHE HOME R AT FASHfONALE RESTAURANTS FEATURING MTHyAj lS's,Sr1r-Tys , IILW JTlCsV.lfVVAD TWEED SUIT; A TRE.AT TO THE EYE. TnE HEART AND THE MIND CHESTNUT ST. S5S2? EVES.50Jl.OO-$1.5O MATS. 2550-1.00 TUO SHOS DAILY CURTAIN 2.15 AND 815 pjsuc Orcfesfrc ccovpcnimf' Ml I k JI .'! "'' Mai- $ in I2.BO NEXT WEEK SeatTThurs. RALPH DLKOAR'S IlKVIVAL iniM'n i 'i t-nivi i vxTi.ttpiKCB ImiiiiiiaiiiiBiniKi , BY POPULAR REQUEST i Victor Herbert i V l f. V,l l(ftlt 1 HiMiilil )if. iGIRL ,l SPOTLIGHT ! H ui'.iirsi mi ii- vi ii in n I ." I - VT -I'll I V A L N U T I'nf vm-; TuMDi'.r.civv :.iif t.i jj . ,i i ' .-- p v '!.; T Mil' NANCE O'NEIL ' 'IS IM.I'.MlM ' I The Passion Flower II A MXt.OI I.fiMtti tiv ti.r....i.. ri..n.. Not a Mitn; I'l'tui. - Th- UlnK M" n I r irnu Vmincu'u GitUit-.t I'uinic Opcia i "V, i" it vni i. i vmi i i -i.it i riiuiti a Kln-n . 1 1 1 lif-i ' ii H ili- I'olulUiiInf vi I'M.' x. Mi1 .vt v'r -.o tu fi it'll u iii.li mai sin ru ii nn BROAD "last I veeks Pop. Mat. Tomorrow ' $2 VII. I.V-.H A SAT M.V 1 VI, ro ja.M JOHN DRINKWATER'S ABRAHAM VVOIiLUS MliMT I:aUTII-"L'L THIJATIti: t. Z Wl!Z--r252y) alm'AM i r & PAT TOATSanp WRAPS HANDSOME IHREE-PIECL TOSHiMir: TMiLEURS MIJLL 1 N E-'K,Y &-- MARKET AT 1 9TI I 1 1 v vr in 1 1 i-, f vt NORMA TALMADGE IS I II. s I sllllVV Si "I "The Passion Flower" V'l'l"-'! II' I I I Sl I is M v-'.x v , ., V","7!.'"I"""U Vrr.in-,.l f.." .-,'. " I"' l'i"l I t. Ill llli IllKPt in..,!- s T'i . n;ion 'i v i rn m is p v EUGENE O'BRIEN is v -in r-i r i-i.p siinw is,, llll' MIWIV Si IIO.MI' v.- ." I i:iiVAi-.. isii.vm "., ., P A L A c r A I'M M.KI I - I Li LINCOLN ttini FRANK McGLYNN V i-n 1 1 I 1 1 u i) i ( , nt ii D K UUIItUHT oKrntts BABE RUTH in "HKADIN HOME" i ui'iH .ackkl: Ii ' i xilli Iel D.'Hiiti b llr.iKjway Jr -i llojn ML'I ROl'ULI'l AX .OPIiKA HOLSE t t nti v i:i:i Hi . iu iiuii, .inn 7 .in j.i on I 1'nci's: Mat.-. ."( , Kus. 40c and GOc P. i- li ill IIiih l! mi A ' n ' it l. i M 1 1. nn WHY NOP I III. ' I I.V l.Hl. - I M, rll VI ' u.Mi UT ill I III -JI -lS v I'. I. 111. Ill I'l I i Ii I i 'I. I UK iii.im i i r ni- Tlic Cliina Famine Fund VT TIM-" ACADIlM' op MUSIC OS Mil- rV-IN OP PRIL. 2 7TH I .'j fli ll. Ml !M - fltl'l 1 I.' V H'l Tif I' ' ' '.'11 I' ft IV I IO 1 "! 1). .n.ir VI"' VI it. I" ril I " v vr ru it i t. 1 ' "' VII I. I . il I I I s I'l. . i , Justine Johnstone is si:s vi fus m. ii .' - ' - ' ii n-1 iiil . PLAYTHING I i OF "- J-AJ J" V (ir,ip r,. li , Il I 1 I J A R.C,AD I A 1 I S S - J ' " ' M I ' ' I I , I ' lT-s fV J THOMAS H. INCE'S I ' ''-Vfi'i tn.d.V A 1. Vio.Vj k.U "V ,? A - h UV4 y BROADWAY vy V .'W VVx, s - ' v:- r ,- -s)VJt iii. LYING LIPS " "" -- inn 1 1. S'- N i. V I C"T"b R "I A s "vrM'.iyji-v-Nj'' Dorotliy Phillips ii vii r iiiii i i v i. " MAN-' Judas Maccabeus TIIK CMOKAI, SOCIKTY .1. I l -I " I III ' ' M llui ,U i.f vi I. M i:s- -.., in,, V I'l HI I'll " . "i ru Iii m iji s- i-'. i; ir r Ji'llS V VSti -'vl (I'll ,., i ml Ml. VII ' l, I III 1 1 1 -1 I MM llll' 'I' I'IA I ii 'lill - i 'I V I lim .if M io. ; . i "ii ii -.n , .-nw ' iiii si'i't i i. com i:i:t PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA WAGNER PROGRAM MoncUy Evening. April 2 5 i i I I.I I I. I I i'i . h tu v V. " - ' '' l t ' ' t -I). I I ' S I ' i . I llHU MAY VANITY FAIR 1 HI. II STY PriiDIM, CI. LB "WESTWARD HO!" 111. I I K I K S'l P. I'l MP) AT SMI, APRI1. 10TII I 1()! this mcrrj nioulK. u lion polf links are grpen, when pivt.-i inctcaae thrir output J) 41100 por ii-nt, .unl painlcrn corner the turps niarki'l, aniiy I'nir hns shown a real env uf the xcmal. 1 1 has tlci-keil ii.itlf with -onie f-ry any nntl brilliant nrlirli-.. new pliotciprtiihri anil ilrawnir. anil a inantity of iiil, colurl'iil lotmnent on Life. Do von feel a iirwrM.iinI nr;:e.' I'huu. hvc eeiilfl will huv you a p. rl'cct npcei. men of this new ,Wa issue nf I'M I I'S THI-A I RI nCROIHY IARDON ' ona'mlnson"' ' i iii.' I .V v I I" 'VI I'l .v iIMt V l"S ' " '111 lift Men Women ,md Anini.ila Appe.ii in IhottsHiicIs in Big Production CAPITOL 7-''MU"'v " I' I Ml. Ill V II REGENT M'VV.KI t!r,'-1 I. ' Ill' s. v GLOBE 'MU'"' ' Vl 'V'"'--'' ACADhM' ' ' t 7:30 Sharp i IV ' , . . v Mil' ' " l v n V 1 ' . n. ! M I 'I I LOilliiNLKIN ( ,) RO:m-:I AND DANCING 101 r) 17 MmL.'i .St. ' ll. i I II II. - Mi ni Pnvate Inst'iKlion ' ' 'pi v V ' ' M v .. V A N 1 T Y F A I ll PrllI.A.,v"! PUP ' - - '"u r ORril'-'F I'PvA -X o7'AM priNfONT'S " i" 'tfsia r,vMi n ".i fii ':M;,,rcu wm i i RECITAL I Iclen Buchrtintn Iht ner IfcVVpWunmiaii n UK' lll'nilS II I 1 W . I v ;&.. -. . 1 ?; s' Alex. S hep pa rd &. Sons, Inc. Philadelphia. Pa. V-W, &&?? X '"'UtliMW, jj '. --iVSV Comlr Nbm, PulihOiiM I rani L'romiintliichl, l.iliior Uexwortli Campbell, Art Dim tor SJMi v tr On Sfllc HOW 1 ' ' I I CAc!N0 ""sof" ..! . I HP. PAY I I ROC ADLRO '" ' ". iw I ll' lu- , all 'rtvsstaiuli OKI IILLIM' I. .. ... M -A,J h .-w .Wkr -Wu VvSmMMi. V ' -Sk-r-vfi i . f?rfi cUi .". r1 1 iPr ' ! m. m . i ju k ' ' n ' I V i ---w -b ni. j , v aTtilflJUI JEJ k i II I H PI" l.N j;i ( 1 1 )1 A (