Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 19, 1921, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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    unVfe S $"rtPt' t' l'J Vi"- '-" ilig?S$;
Funeral of Formor Gorman Em-
pross Attended by Generals
and Old Court Attaches
Ily ilit Associated Press
rolKdam. April lO.Amld the tolling
. brlli which marked the solemn hour,
fnnernl mtvIccs for Aiifcustn Mr nrin,
former (Sorninn ompwiw, were lielil I today
in (Is ionl lrsldrntlnl suburb of Iter
! whldi'hnd witnessed so man v scenes
""'dplcmlor In the departed days of
""Rrjt coffln in the mauso
Vum. or Antique Temple. In the Pots
i.m unlace Rroimdi. where the serv crs
JSrffi had been raised the familiar
Jdtow standard of the ex-empress and
if I In foot Htood the four sons of the
formor rn.vnl couple who were free to
.(innd the services. Lacking was the,
llt l. l.nulinnrl thn former cm.
nnd princesses and other members of
the former Herman roal famll In
ptitiltmRcs of stnte. Tlicy were followed
lij members of the cx-rmptrur's court
nnd distinguished army oilleers, among
whom were (leneralH Von Hlndcnburg,
I.tidendorff, von Mackenscn nnd von
Kluck. Immedlatclj follow the cof
fin was (lenernl von Fnlkcnhnjii, who
carried on n cushion the ex -empress'
many tlecorntlons. t -
At 10.J10 o'clock the cortege reached
the mausoleum, where were held the
RtrvlccH, to which -' member of the
Ilohcnzollrrn fnmllv and private micsts
were admitted. They were condtictiitl
by Dr. Dryander, the former court
chaplain, assisted by the choir of the
Doni Cathedral, which sang, "I Know
Thht My Hedccmer Mu-tli," "Christ
Im My Life" nnd other hymns fomlllnr
to rrotestant Hermans.
Throngs Attend Sen Ices
At the conclusion of the services,
throughout which the tolling of the
church bells continued, the admission
of the public to the mausoleum won
htguri. It was arranged that the pub
lic should nie past the bier until 7
o clock tonight, aficr which the mauso
leum Is to be closed to lew until the
permanent crypt In the Antique Tem
ple, where the Ilohciizollern couple will
bo buried, lias been completed.
The throngs which mode their way
to Potsdam to witness the funeral cer
emonies for former tttnnrcss Augusta
Metoxla crowded all manner of ctmvcj
anccs to this home of erstwhllo royalty,
The first regular trains which left Her
lln at BsSO o'clock carried men and
women on the running lioards and even
on the roofs, while the crowds inside
wero so tightly Jammed ns to leave
hardly breathing room. The special
train provided bv tlm court marshal for
the Invited guests also was tilled to its
capacity. It carried numerous plumed
and hclmctid former army and navy of
ficers, whose llvcrv was In striking con
trast to the plain black gnrb of the dis
tinguished civilians, who contented
themselves with wearing their red-ribboned
decoration or Iron cross.
Officially, Herlln was not taking u
holiday, as the Prussian cabinet had
Issued an order prohibiting a school re
cess and also had Informed the gov
ernmental miplojes that they were ex
pected to rcimrt for duty as usual.
Neither the national nor the' Prussian
Government was officially represented
ut the ceremonies).
King Protects Radical
..Madrid, April 10. (My A P.)
King Alfonso has ordered n special pro
tection watch to be kept by the civil
guard over the movements of Alejnndro
I.cnoux. the radical leader, to Insure
Lcrroux'd safct, as svndlcullstH have
threatened to ltlll him.
wror. and of the eldest son of the fain
V former Crown Prlnre Frederick
William, exiles in tinuanu.
r .i i.. hi rlerirv and officers of the
M.emprcss' own regiments, the funeral
cortege left Wlhlpark, the Potsdam rail
n(n station mar which the body had
Iron guarded overnight bv faithful
mourners aflir Its arrival by special
train from Doom, the ex -emperor's
rreent home In Holland, and proceeded
(ihortlv before 10 o'clock for the mauso
leum In the palace grounds a mile and
i hnlf illstant.
Trlnocs and Princesses Present
Tour Mick-plumed steeds from the
former rojal stables drew; the funeral
car, nhlch was preceded by the former
chamberlains of the court, bearing the
roTdl Insignia, (lenernls Von Ixcwcn
feld and von I)neker and former Mln
liters of State Von Delbrueck nnd
Ilrcltentmch, Knights of the Black
I'orIo, held the corners of the purple
xobe which covered the funeral car.
Then came the Ilqhcnzollcrn princes
"'"'"""""" 'MiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiinMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihllllllll
AH the Refinements
and Niceties of Home
people of discrimination appreciate Vendlg service
Vendig "finesse" Vendig atmosphere. Get acquainted with
the tastiest food in town by trying our
Special 90c Luncheons
At beforu and after the theatre supper parties you will
find people with n full appreciation of what is best at
TofieJCotel Vendig
l&tfx ana &&&&. Filbert Sts.
Former American Chorus Qlrl Di
vorced From Nobleman Husband
1mrton, April 10 (Hj A. P.)
I,ndy Georges Cholmondeley was todaj
granted n deer.ee of divorce from Lord
George Cholmondeley, the second son of
the fourth Mnrquess of Cholmondclej,
on the grounds of desertion and cruclt
Lady Cholmondclej, then Clara
Tajlor, of Washington, made her first
nppearnnre In Loudon In the chorus of
n mlislcnl lomcdy, and soon afterward
met John Alexunder Stirling, laird of
Klppendavle, whom she married secretly
In J004, After ft scnsationul court
hearing Mr. Htlrllng divorced her In
11)00, nnmlng Lord Northlanlns core
spondent. Hhi- filed a cross bill, which
the court dismissed, giving Mr. Htlrllng
it divorce decree with custody of their
Heturnlng to the stage Mrs. Htlrllng
met Iord George Cholmondeley anil
they were married In March, 1011.
To Ask Review of Lleb Case
Pottsvlllo, Pa., April 10. Friends
of V. H. Lieb, for twenty jours politi
cal boss of Hchujlklll county, said last
night the .Supreme Court would be
asked to review Lelb's case, which wai
affirmed bj the Superior Court! yesterday.
f w it m "'""Biii
jEj99U eg- J
Gas Range Headquarters
Coal Tank Heaters
Gas Water Heaters
,., ?urJtl,l,''I!,!iy, ' n.no applUnces is the most complete in tho city we
will be delighted to demonstrate ony of them to jou at any of our three
showrooms. Come In nnd M us show jou how to get tho greatest cfllclency
from kitchen iipplianres
"Q"A7,.fcf" ' "Trlangh" pcrc.UIn anrf
"AJilphW whilt nomW fl ttylti mni
"Dlrtt Attion" '
All Type For Cat "Crown Adelphia" For Coal
All styles and varieties to
. suit any condition Prices pt.
ccptlonally attractive Ser
vice Includes prompt dellverv
and proper connection and
fyjSftw "lHl I'-Tfia
1026 Arch Street SklW 263 So- 52d St
N.E. Cor. 13th & Arch St.. fM'
. - The Good Housekeeping Shops
1 4 yi
t . an. dKsmjms-am
imth3inm.!. .mww im,.H.niim i. mi ' . mm Wiii mmHuuuimriwu,.ii. ' n n. wii' mmW ;.ia.' . tmatMsssmWmWs -, '.
mmiLjmmmuam' mm&wmm'mmmBLMm -mmmr-i ';-
Mf Mir JKH .IB'
Mm ' imiWk .smKsm-- 1m - - I
j 'SfsssssssswsaRV.5;!;' txi
' I 1
The rubber is hidden
Raincoats of smartest fabrics
backed by rubber as Ugh as silk
THESE raincoats will surprise
you. You'll admire their
sweep and swing, their perfect fit
and careful tailoring, their, light
weight and flexibility.
You'd never guess that the smart
outer fabric is backed by rubber as
light as silk! Six thin layers of
unseen rubber are built right into
every coat light and flexible, yet
protecting you from the hardest
rain. That's the Raynster secret
the reason why more men are buy
ing Raynsters every day.
You can pick your Raynster from
dozens of smart styles for men, women
and children from dozens of rich woolen
fabrics in all the latest patterns. You'll
get all the style and warmth of a light
overcoat, combined with the protection
of a sturdy raincoat. Raynsters cut your
overcoat bill in two!
Rubber Surface Raynsters Rayn-"
stcrsare alsomade with the rubber on the
outside, for firemen, policemen, farmers,
drivers, and all who work outdoors.
Their smooth rubber surface is proof
against stains or dirt, and sheds the
hardest rain. Built with the same pains
taking care as the other Raynster
models, these smooth-surface coats are
gaining in popularity every day.
Ask for Raynsters at any good
dealers, or write to the Philadelphia
Branch of the United States Rubber
Company, 525 Market Street, for
address of your nearest dealer.
Look for the Raynster label)
United States Rubber Company
crflv 9? tgF Kt.u.o.pt oat.
Market 4307
Main J 7 08
The sketch shows five of scores and scores
of smart spring models in Suits, Dresses and
Coats, ready here to-morrow at prices which
we believe will be a revelation to many women:
failored Tweed
Suits, $30.00 to $40.00
(Api'il's Birth Stone)
20 Per Cent
Under Price
A special purchase of uiihet
Diamonds, secured at a price
concession which enables us to
sell them at one-fifth less than
the market valuation for gem
of thib gnide.
Prices range from $108 to
$260 and we can mount the
Diumonds to order.
Btruw tu-ld(te A i- Mine
Alslo li Market 9trt
Stylish Stout'
Corsets for Women
of Majestic Figure
Stylish Stout Corsets are all
that the name implies. Fashion
able in line, correctly propor
tioned, carefully made, to meet
the needs of women of full figure.
Prices $10.00 to $23.00.
Two Models at $10.00
MODEL 4013, of pink coutil,
with low bust, lonir hmh, sub
stantially boned, with graduating
front clasp, elastic section at
the sides to hold the fleh firml.
For women of aerage height.
MODEL -1017, also at $10.00.
Made with .emi - elastic ton.
slightly higher in back to hold
the flesh over the shoulder blades.
Heavily boned, long over hips,
with graduating front clasps and
elastic sections at the sides.
Ik-lted models plaited and
gathered, and unbelted models
with semi-fitting backs and box-!
fronts. Some two-nieco skirts
with long circular capes. Gray,
brown, tun, green and blue.
Tricotine, Poiret
Twill and Checked
Suits, $47.50 to $72.50
Belted models on straight or
flared lines, and unbelted models
very conservatively tailored
Many very simple effects with
hand-finished folds or tailored
stitching. Some embroidered and
biaid-ti mimed.
Uunl rioor entre,
New Crepe de Chine
Dresses at $18.75
One charming model with a
softly plaited skirt and fashion
able plain bodice is ,hovvn in the
sketch. The other has a tucked
tunic and block-tucked vestee.
Black, nuvy and blown.
Foulard -and -Crepe
Georgette Dresses,
S27.50 to $32.50
'evv Diesse-. of foulard com
bined with plain-coloied crepe
Georgette in tunic and plaited ef
fects. Black-und-white and navv-and-vvhite
The $32.50 Dresses
Tl.lnl n m' Murk.
. i li tlu-r-'.Irset
Wedding Rings
Of Platinum, $25
Three beautiful new styles,
engraved or enrved. The lower
price of platinum makes possi
ble this new low pi ice of
Mr i ,ri 'iw 4 ' lutlii.r
Uh i Market trt
Umbrellas, $2.50
I'mbiellas covered with fine
tape-edged American taffeta (.cot
ton), worth much more than this
special price of $2.50.
ished with wriat cords, in plain
i .arved wood handles, some
MEN'S STYLES, with hook or
cruok handles of plain 01 carved
M" ilr Is t. Imhlor
V -! " Vlarki t Str-it
New Bath Robes and
Sweaters Men and
Boys Need Now
Bath Robes of the better kind,
paiticularly desirable in quality
and weight. All are well cut and
thoioughly well made. Sweaters
that are especially fine at theoC
moderate prices:
Vnr TUon Ter,v clth Bath
1 or Men Rohv $5 00 t0
Other summer-weight Robes
$3.75 to $30 00.
Light-weight V-neck Sweaters
Tel i $
Cloth Bath
sizes H to 18
For Boys &&.
year1 io 00
Light-weight, pull-over Sweat
ers with roll collar, better in
cvciy respect than we have btn
able to secure for months to sell
at $7 00.
" - i r U A ' i 111, r -I
id S , l.uhth r l
New Cotton Frocks,
$16.50 to $25.00
Plain ginghams with moire
sashes. Checked ginghams with
tailored - braid edgings. Voiles
combined with linen one model
sketched, $25.00. And woven
check voiles with organdie cm
broidery collar and cuffs.
Strawlirtdni. ti ClothKr
Second Floor, jrnrkut Street
Dolmans and Smart
Belted Coats, $25.00
to $45.00
Belted Coats in varying lengths,
unci Dolmans with the becoming
crush collars. Made of various
fine materials in blue, black and
shades of tan and taupe. Model
sketched, $45.00.
Tailored Top Coats
of Mannish
mixtures, $20.00
to $37.50
Plain - tailored Belted Coats,
some full-length; others shorter.
Made of smart, serviceable mix
tures in tan and olive. Tailored
collars, and smart tailored finish
Extra-size Tailored
Coats and Dolmans,
$33.50 to $90.00
Especially designed for the full
figure that is long-waisted and
slight of hip. Serges, twills and
poplins, in various styles, and in
blue, black and the fashionable
spring shudes.
Str.iwrhriilff L Clothlrr
Sfnnrt Floor. Centra
For Your Coiffure
Here are the Switches, Trans
formations and Side Puffs that
w ill help many women to arrango
their hair smartly and becoming
l.v. Note the remarkably low
Three-stem AVavj Switches, 22-
inch $1.95
W avv Transformations $1.95
Wav Side PniTs $3.75 a pair.
Expert Manicuring 50c
MruwhrlitK" Clothier
1- .rut y or lllony Fl'tort Street
Men Are Saving One-Third to
One-half on These MEN'S
Medium-weight Suits
$22.50, $27.50, $34.50
Reduced to these three low prices for immediate clearance
and going out quicklv indeed These Suits are from our regular
stock oui regular smart stvles, caiifullv. tailored in medium
weight, dark-toned fabiu- t some of spring fabrics) They are
muiked at 1 eductions of on third to one-half from our own regu
V'.V, J.w Piici-s A good laiigt ot sizes stil! available $22.50.
$2..o0 and $31.50. ' '
Blue Serge Suits for Spring
Exceptional Value at $25.00
Handsome single- ami dnubl. -breasted stvles, well-made of all
wool blue sirge
Smart New Tweed Suits $35.00
A now shipment at tho new lowit price
- -
' Clr iunl fc r fc,.,t
A Wonderful Sale of
5000 Men's
Fine Shirts
Of II oren-St) ipc Madras, of Rep, of Printcd-Stripe
Madras, of Poplin, of S0-Thread-per-inch Percale
Thev're tho Miawbndge &i Clothier kind of Shirts - some
made in oui own f.ietor. Thc would urdinunlj sell at a great
deal more. Hundreds of different pattems anil colorings to con
form to eveiv preference. Men of good taste with an eye for
thrift, will la in a season's supply. Come oaily' The Shirts
are ananged on special tables, uccording to bize, to facilitate
Men's Soft
Ntw spring Hats that would
oidinanl.v sill for double can
now be hud at this low price.
Distinctive closclv-rolled-brirrr
crterts, as well as conservative
shapes, in the latest spring
colorings. All sizes
Sir il run. 4 i (i,,P
ri li. i JUrkei H'rt.t n,t
Player-Piano Rolls
roar AiunocrH from the
Greenwich Village Follies
If you huve heurd them you
were captivated by these numbers
from The Follies now plnying In
Philadelphia The Playcr-Pluno
Rolls, with words, are reudy for
Jutt Swttt Sixteen; Just Snap
oui wicen. at Co,-, ,,',
Littl, Ittnndrop and Marimba
fl Hi 'uci
htrAwbriilii,. t. ctothler
i-th Floor, WMt
-t am St. re hlKhth Street
jiti j. , f Aj-ta v mj !t , tif , . 'a. i'mhu-j ismv j.
-i..A..ft ", tffcy. ..,,
I" - straw iirliUo & -otuar-