TTff'fl' A'1 (tfrfTCTjl -T? 1 jf'iJtJQ"-''i""" ' '" "'" vft pst! fni'i!m $fitro ,'-WMi$$lp " M BVfiNEtfCf PUBEIO-TiEDGERr-PHa'ADBLPHIA', TUESDAY, 'APRIE ,19, 19 3 I "LABRADOR DOCTOR" AND HIS WIFE THUGS7 RUSE FAILS; him across the face knockln" him from his position on the running board Up started bis machine, made a vuib flfif,,tl. nlwiht lr litf-1... it-,...-,.'. . 'it r.0,'!0 North Morton street. !$520O; Chalice C Mac. 1112 Nurtli Third st.wt. . II0I. and (onriid ISpIder, 0101 Cli-si mil si reel Sl,!i;'. -nil tllspoicd of In nrivnte h-tlif"t.i. LcMpim of ndiniu' Isiratlfpii wiye ginnted In Hit- e'lnte of hiiiti Cotistniitliie. !!.";.". Nftrth Hovnrd street, who 'efl an i-liilc nf S-'OOO In ventories of n rrolial estate" filed were ! 'snii- N .Stevens, SOs..'.';'.: It Mien iee.r, X .U2." : l-'.lbvreih H Vice, fJi.."S: Holinrt S. Ilnvl-. J!!IH5, M jr-ir lies-. H'.t7. nml John Kre. S7:i(l! E I HI j plat ed ncros" the 'oad. ami sucfos-full.' i tunned Casej regained i-oiicousnf i- EFFECTIVE I0DAY 10 AUTOISTS f LEE Or. W. T. Oienfell and liU wife, ulio arc In I'lilliidclpliiu today on (bo end of h tour of the, country mi behalf of the million-dollar fund Dr. Grenfcll Is raising to curry on his spiritual and physical mission ary work In Labrador ART UP TO i 'Hiring me rid". FOUR WILLS PRODATED four IIU UPlf ndtnittifl In ilob;.t British Officials Tako Stops to Arguments Hpard on Final Dis position of Treasures of Late Lawyer One Bandit Kicked in Face, Othor Bowled Over After Trying Red Light.' Stunt by the teifr j jll tiitln . ns fo Ions: .loscih It iM'e.s. I.'.'il Nor: It I'nrk nirniic .:?0.7(I0 : Itar-lul llidme Enforce Law Enacted Last Decombor ELECTION IS SET FOR MAY 3 CITY FAVORS GALLERY WOULD-BE VICTIM FELLED r 'Wrg?r fi7fm IRISH HOI RULE 1 OF JOHNSON M COURT lie Hit? Aworlafed Trct. London. April 10.-S.eps to hrjni. into operation me " for horn, nil? n the Mnnrl. wrc tnken Thi-' wn,p"..w" . . ";..:; Kmz fif"''R' ,nr mm ., ' ,,, of opnrlfM rontrovorsy. win ,.., ,r I'nrtlnment on Deeember 21. ... Bri,i .efel.etl roynl nPRtnt n short '" .., p..:- lnrlnra In Trelfind ,tafintT m", -"""":;: -; ,r. hern nutipnhen m Li'ii"-....... . - Klrrtloni of mr-ninem m " '.'- ,rn nn( oiitliern lrlsn paninmrnu. win U hr-lti Mnr .". I'mirr present plniv" i.rr will bo ilireeted to pro. red with t Innrv slop- of llir olrrtinn. Z V wnl prolmblc the inuthern tlon of Irclnnil would iRnorc the rroviiions of tllP lW. . r T'l.trr was utulorotood to linvo mad. ' ncompnts for elections, nml ijn rwneCi.r win. mode last month that th . Vlster Parliament would open .Tune 21 pnlhlj under rojnl niispleM. "' . J . -..-...Mi... fnp -nlpi.lnn The Irl"h Pt provide for selection nf a Semite bv tlif rnrunm-iu i ru 01 trio.- tliU U done the two Jon,,, of 'enrli IMrllnuiont would elect Kintr members of the Council of forty to net in n ronneetlnR link between the wo IntMiithe bodies-. lniR council win. it i hoped by the sponsors of the law, nrovlde n mennx for bridging of the gap I . .i. If.-Untnf.tit4 nnrl unit in? tttfltrn " .".- - tbftn Into one body in future. After such union tnkct place rertnin powers relative to police, finance and ithcr brnnelirs of the Irish Government vtill bi' lonfcrred by me uov- trnmf'nt . ..-., . , rndr the caption "The Appointed Dav" the Times, In nn editorial calling ttentlon to today as the dntc for ImncldnK the irlsli act. declares nun u ".eonn nut anotner milestone upon me palli of the government s failure. The Titnc-H asserts that the prime miuiMrr nml his cabinet "must know that thiir present act will never placate southern Ireland." and adds: 'Iliey may be doubtful as to the right moment to make further conces sion" nut cannoi ihmiui inni sooner or iltfr confessions will be inevitable." HINT COURT FOR 'FRAT' ROW I School Board and Parents Dead locked After Peppery Meeting An appeal to the stnte coinmlssifliier Inf Mlnention and possibly to the courts Ifor n ipciiiin on the suspension of the ICaimlrn ITicli School stiiilentH for nl- 'J nifinbeirliip III fraternities, wns Iforeca! today after the Tnnidcii board Inf pfliieatifiii and the parents of the I'tuflent- locked horns Inst night un a liottlcment of the controversy. The action of Miss Clara S. Hur- rou;h. principal of the hijh school. wa "unqunlilirilly Indorsed by the bnuiil in a P'tioiiitlon iiiloiucci oy uie high Lehool fommlttee. The report was I'ljneil 1 Frank ('. Sars. Mrs. Miriam ll,e l.ippincotl ami (ieorgc II. (inr- liml. BRYN MAWR GIRL HONORED Makes Star Mount Holyoke College Indoor Ball Team Mks r.iiaunr M. Moore, Hrjn Mnnr. Its'! mud" the " M'-Hfd.vnKe" indoor baseluill team at Mount Holyoke Ool 'cpe III All IIidyoKe team at Mount llloljoke is made up of the live best Ipliners from all four class tenuis nml IciemlsTS arc tillowed to ear plain b'oek "IT s" of lloljoke blue on their leaiers Mis Moore, n junior this lvfr has also pl.'.cd hockey at college. Deaths of a Day JOHN B. KOHLER R R. Official Dies of Heart Disease In Germantown Home !ohn II. Kohler wlio hail clinrue of tJ'e conl department of the Pennsylvania iiilirnRi). died ypsterdn of heart dis- re at Ids home. 10o West Washington line (iermantown. He was forty-three (.ir o'il Mr. Kohler lin.l liern u-ifh the Penn- tJlvnniii Itiiili o:id more than tweutj - Pjc vears and was n member of the Veteran,,' Association. He was rn in riiilndelpiiia and was a graduate me i mversitv of rcnnsvlvnnta. He (.so nn a certified public accountant "i president of the Shaicholders' Ullfli nir nml T.Ani, A certain. IrtM ' He in survived by his wife. Mrs. Hnrnh umer Kniiier. ami his fathpr. John hohler The funeral will take nlace omorro afternoon from his home In- rniieot mu i. in Westminster Ccm- rirrv J- Harold Lovitt HflrnUI r ft..:,. Af 1111 C..l, nit, .ii i... i rmuiu rill) -seeniif srreef ,li..,l snriilenlv nf f,'ort 'llsenn. jpsterduy. He waa forty line ears nl.l l.. i ..:.. ...., .....i.i . L. it. t.ip.ui uo iiirpiH' ill rcu rnannser ..f n,nriua witu.... .. c. fC'l a d'srtetnr nf (lln,lnnl lio'p 1 n both liii....n i, h"i'i.(r iiiitvi lln, Mrs. William C. Robinson Mrs U' f. lf,i. .!.. r I-.. rviM lam ( Unhirmnn. o'x nhnmUt tL -V'i-'lav mornluR at her home, ri.ii: . ,, ... wiiimmuiii wci ffltn (S dtiO in Ill-Pmln tinlitl..n. ,i Unhl,njtnn had u Mrnke Ian at Jav anfi led nt I .,10 o'clock yester- "'i inns. Lw CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut EiUbliihed irIIMMilliTw ' : ' KmMHMx'mm BHiHKIIHfls : mfimmm mmmm wa&r maw mm? Vl" ' '-m Divorce Unknown in Chilly Labrador Continued from 1'ni-o One ing. Kvcry one keeps nctive and busv Homes aie neat and clean. The neon'le i ntelligent nnd alert, but. of course. ! there are no opportunities in Labrador for what you term higher ed unit ion. At present we have sixteeen of our young men In the t'nitde Stntes studying sci ence, Industry nml other subjects that will help them in their Inbors In the North. What use linvo we for Caesar and Greek art in Labrador? We need practical tilings. As Dr. Grenfcll talked, Mrs. Grenfcll i entered the room. The man's eyes brightened ns he Introduced her. "She con do anything in the world." he said "And Is the greatest help man could hov " ' Mrs. Grcnfell's smile wns indulgent, i She is tall, nltuost the same heiglit as ' her husband, slender nml has the grace, usual with outdoor life. Her hair.' combed in pompadour, isgrajing. She, Is just as eager and hnppy over the. work In the north ns Dr. (.renfell. "We have never been purled." ev plained the doctor "When ve felt it necessary for our family lo separate ue stnt our three children' to their grand mother so the) could go to school in tlrookline. but Mrs, (irenfell nnd I re mnlneil together. People o that in the north. She hns IioIjhmI me in m.irliid wnys- as secretary. stenographer, nurse, home keeper and as helper in much of in) medical work." Dr. Grenfcll established the Labrador mission in 1WI" anil has been surgeon, sportsman. iiiUslnnnr) . guide, phlloso phrr and friend to all since then He is n true optimist, n'ways cheer, wide awake and read) with the right cura- . five, whether it is u hearty laugh, a i serious fiperutlnn or a bottle of medi cine. Dr. Grenfcll is returning to Labrador nfter hnxlng raised more thnn $000,000 toward the million-dollnr endowment fund which Is meant to cum on the wnik he stinted. Grenfcll committee members will continue working for tin fund. ARRESTED ON FIRE-ESCAPE Providence Man Ransacked Engrav ing Shop, Police Say Miittln Cunningham. I'roxiilence. was niestcd at A o'clock this morning on a fire-escape at the tear of u loft build ing tit 1-10 Arch street, after, it Is charged, he liiul ransacked the engrav ing diop of Kdwnrd Dillon on the third floor. He was arrested bv I'ati olniim P.ik- lmfti rieienth and Winter streets ki.i-i". tion. Dillon lold the police he believed ' Cunningham wns seeking to destroy plates for the printing of a menu for the dinner to be given April US in honor of Cardinal Dougherty. Police scout this theory. Cunningham said he was hungry and selected the cngnning shop b chance. He obtained no loot, ' Magistrate Grelis at Ihe Klownth mid Winter streets station today held Cunningham without bail for a further hearing Sunday. 1.00 Oxfords For Men wi.:h our distinc tive style and mak ing, black or tan. 1808 M First Penny! ll Savings Bcmk aji Deposit your sav- igj PS "S with us. Why j K& leave your money Kim HJ he idle? ?Wl If'.t .Main (Iffirr ($M myi Stat X llnlnlirlilKr. s(,. Vfitt Hfe llruneli Olllin fya B:..' tsia ciietniit t iv-'E Ui-' (llroinl nml (hrsliuil) iij mf,, Deposits Over Aw W$ $8,375,000.00 M w'"rSZ3i& lateral, efc i AMERICANS WELL-TREATED IN JAPAN, REPORT SHOWS. Little Friction In Evidence In An swers to Bowies' Questionnaire , Americans are beitiK well treated in ;,.nl"ln'. "wording to answers to a tpies- , tionnaire sent to' American residents of Japan. A summnry of the replies Is given in n statement by the international Friendship Committfe of Federated Missions, which has been recelveil hv .t-.Ti i? n n0i,.,',,,T',i N,nVmt,,,t iKfiooIS and pile signed by Gilbert Bowles, chairman, Uimccivablespi and K. S. llenm, secretary. Hoth are "' 'Tapan. Mr. Howies is well known own The 'among l-rlomlH in rhiludelphia. report follows: Learning thnt some home news pnpers are stating that Americans in Jnpon arc being mistreated by Jnp nnese. iniiilries were sent to Amer ican residents, including men con nected with well-known business firms and missionaries who traud exten sively over the empire. Thirty-five replies were received from twenty four cities and towns in nil sections of .In pan. To the tiiifrtinn. "During the last few months huve you or any Amcr- leans known to you been by Japanese';" thirty -three answer with a positive "no." Two men lion minor Incidents, one adding, "Where occasion has been given for friendly explanation all friction hns disappeared." The other says, "No harm done. Probably unpremedi tated." One man sends n telegram from un extreme outpost, "Only kind treatment." In reply to personal inquiry the American consul general in Yokohama said that we might use the strongest words In the Knglisli language in den) ing the foundation for rumois regarding mistreatment of Americans. In rep! lo the question. "How do conditions in this respect compare with l hose of the past?" twenty -eight stnle that there Is no change, many taking occasion to refer to the cordial treatment they have received through -out their stuy in Japan. Three state that perhaps conditions nrc slightly worse, and four note improvement. There is evident c in ome of the let ters of strong feeling among the Jap anese ns to the injustice of discrim inatory legislation in America- but there is no indication that this is re sulting in mistreat inent of Americans. Carson to Talk on "Pennsylvania" Hampton L. Curson. former attor ney general of IVnnsy Ivanla and prcsi dent of the American liar Association, will give a talk on "l'ennsy Iwinin" at mceiiug tii.iue iiycruronK AsKocin- 'on. which will be licit nt Sixty-second ft "d Lebanon avenue, at S o clock. , . ii II ' ',V'",",,U" " ,r,e. nnu, the public Is invited. IUttW ilHTlMft Plate Window Mirror Skylight W-re l.onuc.Ufd Decorativ Loed Brut WmdilutW "Stftee" Snow cnf Store Fronts Tft yAeGWSWOW ml tfx. fiBKK H- i A A HIRES TURNER GLASS COMPANY I'oundid 1864 joth and Walnut Streets PHILADELPHIA t'ltimate disposition of the art treas ures f the late John G. Johnson wn submitted to the- Orphans' Court totlaj . Argument uns heard by the five jildgcH on exceptions presented to the report and recommendations of M. Hampton Todd, ns master, who he thn( the .lohnson homestead, at Bill South llroad street, should be sold and the pinceods applied to the cost of the construction of (he new Art Gallery on the I'nrkvtny, which will have n lng specially to house the .Johnson colli, tfon Tt Is estimated thnt the i ost of the gallery will be in the neighborhood of stl.OWMHIO. The Johnson pictures, es timated In be woith $1,000,000, arc now in vaults of a safe deposit and storage comp'iiiy. The exceptions included objections by Harrison Morris, ns a citizen ami .... ...l. .In.ln lw. .,.,... nt iiiA'ni:i,,, ii--..- iii; 'i.,.,-ii.. ,,i 1 1 he lawyer retained and the art woiks be left there undisturbed 'the fit j l In favor of the Todd plan, nnd nssintanl solicitors wei present (o answer the arguments. It bus been nserted there are s.i mnnv pictures nnd paintings that ever nvailnblo space In the old Johnson home would not be ample to exhibit thce .., 1T "LI" V "V " L .". ,"", rT, fiultnbie for an art gallery, Wlien the premises were examined after the death of Mr. Johnson, which occurred April 14. 1H17. picture were found In clos ets, hack of doo... standing on the d on chnus and in evciy space. CLAIM STRIKE UNSETTLED Members of Coopers' International Union Deny Trouble Over Members of the Coopers' Interna tional Cnlon. at a meeting yesterday in G. A. H. Hall. 721 Wharton street. dtnounecil the cooperage employers for I making public a statement to the effect that the strike of coopers in Mills city had been setled by the employers ap pealing to the wlvex of the strikers. wh", ,irKp'1 tt,'lr "unhands to return to w"r'- .norew . . miKin-r. m- lu.'siuriu. I said this was a falsehood and part of i the propaganda of ail cmplojers and 'the Chamber of Commerce to break up the union labor movement In this city and force the open sop in all trades. . "The strike is not nettled." said Mr. I Hughes, "but will continue until the ' policy of the employers toward their i workers is more consistent. The news article denounced by the Inlsir men wa given out by I lie Indus trial relations committee of the Cham i her of Commerce, a reprcseiilnllve of I which stated je-Merduy that It was en tlrely true. EPISCOPALIANS MOVE TODAY Headquarters of P. E. Diocese of Pa. Moved to 202 South 19th Street The hciidqunrlorf. of the I'rulcstiiut Kplncopal diocese of Fennsy Ivnniu re mnvid toiliu from Twelfth and Wn'niit streets to the new Church House. 'JOU South Nilieleentli street. Among the offices in the new building in.- those of Hlshop Uhiuelaiider nnd Illshop Garland and their .secretaries: the e.xis'iltlve nlllccs of the diocese of IN ntisy Ivaniu, Iteynolds D. Ilrown. it eciitivc secretary : Thomas S. Gates, treasurer; William 1'. Harbn. assistant treasurer: t In department of puhllclti. the educational department. Church Servic League, the woman's supp'y huroi and viirious other activities of the v. jnian's auxiliary. I'he headquarters of the Church woiuun's Club, the Church Club and the p, rK,.n Urotherhood nnd the Itrother- irod of Xt. Andrew also nre In lie new building. 77ic Pinrit Statfiort Rtsorl in America Eastern Point, on Long Island Sound NEW LONDON, CONN. Opens June 18th Booking Office at The Biltmore, New York NOW OPEN JOHN McE. BOWMAN. Ft,. F.AIILE E. CAnUi. K r. CA.JUDKIN8.Mtr. VSS 1 HE price of plate glass has dropped to half its former level. Now is the time to economically equip the desks nnd furniture in your office and home with beautifully polished plate rIhss tops. Siitd for Hullcttu So. t "Polished I'lutc G'u.ts" i im --, A' 4: ''"mm I L3sBL5l! "" '' '''.aWll MltS. TIIKODOItK KOOSKVKi; Jr., Who may be a cuiidldalo to suicewl her liusband In the New Yolk As sembly ...nnn ... --n I. n "hew a rnher and tjrdcreil Itnrreti WOOD ELECTED U. P. 'HEAD'! and Case to throw up the!.' hn.,.,s. . Instead of coniplylir; with the com- General's Title and Duties Not Yeti "-) ,'"-'I ''''hed out and siriirl the mini. IU this tim-,'. however, n sec Decided by Trustees on, hold-up man. no'.' in evidence until Major General Leonard Wood wa-limw. hail sneaked amund in the i-imc elected "head" of II, fniversit, litrVa.hnhK,,B. I'cnnv ivaiini ni n inci-uu m . m- """": of trustees yeslerdny What his title will he. what hl ad ministrative duties will consist of and what will be hi relationship to Dr. Jo slab II. I'ennlmnn. who will continue for the present ns acting provost, are not known. , The following resolution, passed by I the board of trusteed, is the only an nouncement of plans Tli 01,.lnl .-nliiflnni.1, In !it worn them ," , ,. . ,, - -.l nml the I nlversity can be more renil- , ... ..... .... . . II) determined nfter they nnd the board shall have had ample opportunity for conference respecting nolicles, alms and administrative details. All. therefore, that the board can do at present to urse Dr. I'ennlmnn, as the board now most earnestly urges him, (o consent to serve ns acting provost until he and i Genernl Wood shnll have worked nut for submission to the board a scheme of administration for the Vnlversity in 1 which concern for its educational in- terests shall take precedence of every - j thing else. I PATROLMAN ARRESTED i William Scott Charged With Punch-i Ing Street Sergeant Harry Weiss ' William I'. Scott, patrolman of the' Belgrade and Clearfield streets station, was arrested late yesterday after It !" charged he punched Street Sergeant Harry Weiss, of ihe name district. Scott hod been ordered to report at ' Itlchmnud street nnd Allegheny nenue nt I :.10 o'clock for strike duty. It is, alleged he was an hour late and the j street sergennt reprimanded him. He said he had met with a mlshaii. and the sergeant is alleged to hae reported thai there had been a "good mnn mis- i hnps" during Scott's time on the force. ' The pittioluiliii is alleged lo have , struck the sergeant, who arrested him i und took him to the patrol box al I.ich niond street nml Allegheny avenue, i There It is alleged he hit the sergeant again. Cnptnln Nicholas J. Kenu . who wni nt tlie station house, ordered Scott locked up. Later lie was released on u ' copy of bis charge. Scott was arraigned before Magis trate Costello today and was hold tin der $.1011 ball for court. Sterling Silver Wedding Gifts Elaborate Hand It'reuglU Scncci and ttcxpenairo 3rao Pcccs Dinner -Tea mid Dessert Services Knives- Forks -Spoons ami Serving Pieces UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT INDIAN LAN Lojiuc in outi.cdntt-rn Oklahoma will is- 0 d for ,, 'ew dolUit o.-r jure. Long Yearly Payments ;.o iu.i until pain for. Aall.ible Ii uenco and Improvements not required Oil and Gas IVilhul" 'f V, '"'.'n.nd- 1-a'itiB 1Jlr. ,Khl vn uitl..,. ,, t . al' kliiilri of liv BtockH. pou try dalrvlnir ,nd frit fnrnui.c nml ? INDIAN LAND EXHIBITION CA fc"U iut b tlm Indian l..ind brtcv .Woelnt'ori tar Located at VIA and Lancaster Ave., w. I'liila. M OIM. IIAII.l, o . II) tl j MI M.V. 1io I". J. Tt) 9 I'. M. (I'Mlrnt l.msril m lin.rrnmrnt' MacDonald rr''.- ?m an 7 H Mcn'i Hals, Clothing, Habetdaiherj . Motor SVear I 334-1 336 Chestnut Street Hnrry HarreM. of Corslinlinckeii. uim illl'im Cifv. of riifiiolllb Meet, ii'j turned Hi" tab'es tin ti.n men wlo he'd them up by mentis of fi ruse near Cily Line lnt 'night The two vcr" rcttTrnln? home fmnii Chestnut Hill when tlioy saw n motor cur placed sideways noro-m the anil on it- running board a nriii rm'd Ing n red Intiteni. Thov slopped ibeli machine, thinking tlirt either (lie road way .Mi1' blocked or thai the ilnvei oi tne otlier ";ir wr.s in trouble The mnn' cnrrylnj tbt rd lantern walk-d toward them, anil as be mew i near he siiddenl "douse1" hl Innfrii iiticnnscinus Hnrretf reached rnl of his seat nnd Licked the first ns'iillnnt In the face. Then he turned to t'ie man on the other side of the machine, who wns making an fffort to board the rnr. Ilarretl struck IF Su' qu.illl in in tiiltn Jti. prli.' ltnlurinenl our -to. :r T'fn" ouu - , mi's 'H n uprvt' iU l -si I nia po is ii- t,nln for , ,),, pntroeHRe of the most Hlrt- .. ... aurv.. t.X, ,,l Th rtlrcrlmlrmi o Wt 'UKX-M l.irue not Per Tuse SnunUli (I file till SI.S.1 it I a. on Hli.rl.herr.., Kosiilti-rn' Htnmlirrrj, Wild (herrj I'nre lrult Srupp (Srenmllnr Hjrup .;.-. i.o 1.03 I5.0U LAUBER, 24 N. 9th St. Copies From Old Photographs AS k j-'llent enlargement run lie innrl from n piiuII i -ileum h or tlnope. Kvrn h rlnit!,. liri d In vroui. chii Ii npleit sn nn to .jlve the Inuireii slon of ri r-rroniil silting KEENE &, CO. OpMW I ni.i Wiilmil St. " The facts well told ami well printed and mailed out regularly make advertising pay Inn HoLMtb Pucss, 'l'uutm niJ.iO Cherrr Street rhlladclphlt V. 10 Al & Campbell 4St Utjl- it Spring Suits New Arrivals $40 We have just ret-pi ed those De;tutiful Cheviots, Cassimeres in .Stripe-., Ovei pjuids und the speeinllj wanted Her niiBbones. In keepine; with the Mac Uonald & Campbell reputntion, these are suits that bear the imprint of absolute btyle, of Kootl ta.ste, and supe nor value. Ineomparabh the besi that can be bought for the inone and perfect for vounj? men, and men whu ". iiitmieu 10 ue eon.ser atie laste. in Extraordinarily Low Prices on the most WONDEKI'UL COLLECTION OF Rubberized Raincoats ever shown bj any store in Philadelphia! Good Selections of $12 jJQ AA and $15 Raincoats for . fl) ' A)J Plenty of Raincoats conserva-l (II 1 O AA tively valued at $18, for (J i- jL.KJX) A Raft of Raincoats con- (E 1 SZ Q- scrvatively valued at $25 S $28, and $30, for $16.50 Finest Quality Raincoats, i flUOTi AA originally $35, for ( H &) A)) Three Special Purchases from three best Raincoat makers in United States held by us as a Special Offering for Rainy Days of April and May at Prices that are not much more than half what these same qualities and patterns have sold for in good stores from Coast to Coast! Not to be visualized by a-iy ordinary con ception of a rubberized raincoat vastly superior in material, style, variety, work manship single-breastcrs and double breasters. bells and without belts; grays, blues, tans, yellows, browns. Oxfords oassimere finishes in regulation light weight Overcoat patterns the finest lot of Rubberized Raincoats we know of! 59, $12, 15, SI 6.50, $20 Conservatively Valued at $12, $15, $18 to $35 Perry & Go. Sixteenth and - BJS?e3raE auara?Me-3iig!aigs5 i I I i M 'ft.1 1 if N 1 1 I'.aglccord "Vs LI. e fleets mi t 1 ijc- tu - tones and plaid-, backcin'inue.i i,i.iiiist .1 field of linn uliirc ninU -tlmr is Kaylecord. I'liis M, u I .inle Sliirtiiij; was designed , tlie iu.i'isci. wtneii m t'icn un null and named to -slum its proi.ii prdigree. "l nu'll like tliese slim it 0U. "'itli .p.,r..te ...!'. 1. t.. in.,!, ti t wni ptcfcr. Eli i JCOB REED SONS S424lrl426 Oieahiut Sbccdk in ii uacsaoKa ssgaaas: iJ Chestnut Streets 1 rc:3i'--.--CTfp----- rf--- - - ojirKsr2af: Household Help! "Jou U ,11 jjr, ,lllMr liljd, Mth the children, throutrh u ud in THE LEDGER MORNING and EVENING y ! ImM'KmWH I: ,. 1 & -SSSSSSsi---M-i-Xli--.'-' '" '1U 1 - -JZ'ZZlLiiy-KtitoiMk. .. .,..,... --UfrW'. 1, , M A. kLfc