vsftjfctf-'" K w 1 f t v .. Euentng public ledger '".' rv - ---?fiR;q5,vj'v '"fi wniHF'?Tpt " ""' ' ""' "'"t' yw '""'' ,,jw.tt'FWy'!i;ynir''iVJ - 4tT, i . J,, i ,-,, ' PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APKIL ' 19, 1921 ( M INAl uN -U l'O PO.vrirKATE. C aidinal DouRhit with the Right MAKING HATS FOR Y. W f. Ro Mom gum IVei Massoii ilefi) and the Right Rev Monsignor H T. Dium- Dole is doing n big job The gooli rnffti .jm tiifoic tin pmce-s on started to the- Cathedial of SS. Potor and Chostnut sti Pa .1 this morning i - A. FUND. Mrs. Pari MRS. HARDING ENTERTAINS KIDDIES. A group of Wnshin&ton jounetiw hats aic sold at 1G1! ehildien of members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, had a good timi witn tno resident's wile and wmto uouse attaches eet LcOCr Tho ii f r good time ""'naiMnii Willi I" HOI .-I ll'AMS M-.AmUN 01'f... m. -t tmnt.ni. .-ccir'an to Pie-i.ient. in action, a- in p!.i s um l-t b - -on, wi tho opening ontt-t 1 iil-ti I A I i ' : ' '" 1 HR2ST - tcl, ,v W NhU ARRIVAL -VrTHE OO Michael Campbell, a fcreper, taking a Cape hxrax fioni a box tha' has lust niried from Europe. I.mUi pi Will lUH P'i, , n .-Tut l 1ii!i Mai qui'a Pat U - groat r i u ' no r 4K'" , in i V t t MacMnn I - ! 'nmn P.f t I In. ia i ' I'RjDr OK HOMJl R Li: (' TIO. ( aui.f Uia., iautr - tc of Stnc R. ( annlo Di.w . lurgi d'afr.-m -. is iu- -. i iii old i v. - i ",' S ?:ij m. S;f sW XWi . v; ,E scwsw. ' -"fcTak ! .ssar 'iWk- e ,,-aasii .& fsSS8m p H PRINCE OF WALES WINS. Riding his own horse, Pet Dog. he was successful in his fust attempt in the saddle under the national hunt tules ut Hawthorn Hill in the Welsh Guards' Challenge Cup event. Ltniral Neni Phuto OUT FOR LUNCH. Chief Justice Robert von Moschzisker and Justice William 1 Schaffer, of the Supreme Couit of Penn sylvania, going down Broad stiect. 1 iMlu P 1'hi ri mm i v pi i i: ( a' tn.L.- I I 1. 1 I'pol I Mi M t,LNFRL K.i" . l''i . Ii r t Ail' int ln.t I- 1 v i i . . W h lOP Ui PRESLNTLU PHI) VDLLI'HIA. Ptti u low , fourtteii ia: u , Oi i ced "vullatlOll lOuatit" at t a Naiioin Ii.ilU and Toe Dam ing Exhibit, lul- m Carnegie Hall, Nuv Yk n MlbS ETHEL RON EL. who pait in "Mother Goose'- Gosling-.' Mun by the Girls' .Sen ice League ui The Downtown Women's Jewish Oi plums' Home. ook MAKING PLANS FOR INDOOR HORSE SHOW. This committee met yestorda afternoon to con uKr vuV luwHuiis imii, nun- iu uu iviiii ui- uiiiiuui Bunt inui iiiuacw tnotisaiKls. Fioni left to light thev are Jlrs. laul fcnydei.Mis William Nicholson, Miss May Stokes, Mrs. Walter Hancock, chuhmnn; Jlt-h. Richard orlis, Mrs. Willmin J. Clothier, Mrs. William Hiist and Mrs. Isaac H. Clothier, Jr UJ. i I'lia OS nlc OUR CIH'S WOKkLRS AND WHA'I HIEV DO THE BEAUTY CORNER J KmtBkMSHSmxiMaffSWi MMmMfSMSm mum m&m& I AI- 1 - I Hi U I.J.OW.N, Lid Noitii iuil.ii Mm , .u i li I Upland tint, i ( luting n inui lime ' lm' luiiki- iiilui"i'l n i Ui-lphiii Dudgu Co., yl Maiktt -titti t i i HI PAR( LL POST GlltL Miss Alice 'I tin kcldnir tuoi. pait in Uic teleo atioa ucJil b the iJela sarc tuuntv women ui Laiiidowi i WAR II llllh. GENTLEMAN, lit ha- aim tl fiom Fiance with the avowed purpose of defeating Amei-na'- litt icluy teams. Wc how jm upiain Dtlvart, of tliu Frenrli iday team, umcar i'tiu'o r r UESKRM-. PVl'ROIMAN JA.MES W St HEARER, who is stationed at Fouitli and Chestnut -ueeis t. 13 foity.one eais old, h,i, tln, thililien ami lies at 77.") Notlh Tin tj I'lghth b lect Scheaiui joined the police force six years ugu. l,wJvf I'hutu Serue .NAPPED A'l A IJUSY MO MF.NT. Geoigc Whailon P.-ppei, Itailiiif fhuichnian and attorney i.u i. i rt.w.bi b viki ' MISS ANNA KII'.sK N oU'.l Si uth Imoiu s,it' Philiidelphin, ! y a . ( itf,ji .iMSt, U , btvI?in4iiiajilA n$ 1 ftkla'jiMVUU i !. i " -"'