" HOW MANY CARDS? j Kv te.MKL ! j(Aor 0 "I'A MW httrue," 8V.V0P.SIS A ,rnW-hr thief enters the pala- ,,l rcittwt of Eugene Utirtsiopher I'riffllno. lie "in mil again hi .lantlu nnd into the hand of n detie tiir Uc is visibly pertmbed and Hi P iipiM he nan noinmg w uo nun ..ij't in dere. On the floor of a room tie a man in eicnwg clothes, Ihe front nf whoso thtrl i' "fi with blood awl within touch of his hand Is a. huge army molrrr. The table Is laid for hco icllh champagne on ice, still mi netted. The house is empty of human hsinas. Mr. Mexander, partner in husineu to the dead man, and uncle to his wife, appears sailing he has htm summoned by telephone. Mrs. frceliu'l appears also. A cither then ir the servants, trio later assemble, run throw light on the affair. Mrs. Citieting insists on engaging the best dtltrtire tciviec. Theic had been a quarrel between flnvntr.s Wnvrrly and the dead man. Watrily had left the house in n rage. Ptltelixr MeCarty seeks out Dennis llmril'in, rho shows much interest in I,,! uo'tcir as he sets his chair on Ihc lulewnll. with a clatter. NI HKKK IT CONTINTKS 4I11IAT. lie eelalnieii with avidity. W "Is there Mimelhiiijj big on iluwn nt lipailiin.iilirM that llic inspector bus lli'l'll Mllt isuiuic ymi ill ll'liil il iiiiini litl: lli"r- " 'i" iiotni" i-.".- imrritn: hold-ill tlml would make lbek 'juipln 1'bi'b Hlf nnnnintPiir '." "If tiiei"1 V, I" vnu ti ncii-i mhmv ii ; ffier jouvc aiisnrii ynur.pii mat me illlllltpiOIIHlip I" "' l""', "" ti-iiiiir- inCV Mill IMP tlllllll Hie" i in .i-',mii (Ifi'l'in; slrliiiPss. Ihp news nf tbp ilny is finished for ou." Mrl'nrtv observed villi tln. scorn, as iii my rcsiKiininiu from (lit force. I'll have .miii knnw tlml it's, In I'M temporarily handed hack to me -. .i . r.l ... I l.ii.ii.i,. Ii. mi. i , (IIJl II'IIUI! 'Hit HI ..'Mill ,,,. 11.11 loot iin tin iip iiiiipu l" ii"' 'ip "" all I pihp! I'm ImrU on (Iip j"l iiKnin." Wll.lt i'. It, .Ulll'.' IFPMI1IM IHPII' irplllltirill imill illllili"-in u. ii, un ill.. 'll (ll'IP I J"U "PI l"v kii'J . i wun ufl lnt niRht "I iliilti t Know it in.ypir mi i nnnnpii tmiiif sppnnil story workpv rominu lilt nf Hip w Imlow of oiip of tboM1 Kriiinl hniitP iiirnss u p pun; iiiiipupi- until pvpt In. went In mill IPiii'iiti wnni no u loiiim tlffP. 1WIIH "IIP IMHIJ Ol III" I'WIU'l. Mm thpy .'oil tn i nil 'Milllon-ii-moiitb' (r.'ii'l i:i- nl"iitr llroiulwiij, with n bul la in hi lipnrt :inil a ,-n dpiiip nun. MrCnrty ileinllpil bin nnrtiirnnl p:--iifiifppp unit Di'imlM lldtpupil with Imlpil Irrntli to tlip point w!iprp. wbilp Hip p.irrli "f tin1 upppr ioomin by his prony iinl In'.ppplor DriiPt wnc rosrPs.iiiK. tin' slinlnw lifnl nppp.iriil liehinil Hipiii mi tli MnlrPHsp Tlipn Iip ouhl con- tnin lilm'pll no Ioiikpp, "IlDly inotlipr. Iip pjiipiiIhIpiI. ":it it a &liiit or the inuruiTiT iiinispu, no ou tliiiils. Map?" Wlmi'vpr it wni. 'twns no ghost, iiriuit ns Jii II spp lntor. JIr( nrt. .MTriil "Tin' tlrnwt.'1'H of thr ilesk in ihf liiiiiplppppr', room wore lopkpil ninl when I HftPil tin Pnil nnil shook it I imlM licnr nniPtnin:,' lii-nvy. II Up Iiooi.m. 'Inliiii; .ironnd liiNirlp ; I notlipil. too. t tin t tin' lopks. tli ins'elv-s witp rnij. Minn tlml TIl'TO wpi'p no Kp.vm in tin lonin ilioiich wi lookpil cvprywliprc, so tlic lnpi I'toi" ami I liPMt it ilnw n to the tuilv nnpp morp wherp ilnnry wn wnitint; with tli- dlpki from Ihii'oiikIi UailiiunrtPi'ii. Tlipy all said tlif.v hadn't urtn liark upstairs afnin and tin itifpeilor kiihlcd iiip about lipiirin:.' ihiiiRs, liui I rntimn t ;'rt Hip tlioiiKlit ol that sliiidou out of my mind, and u -non as I roiild I slinppil a:i anil up to t'rcvplins's room oiipp iiioip; tin -nuiil tlml I tlioii'-'lit I (I liennl wlun wp mimp on t ln ill pit lloor sppturd to ronii frnm llifrr. 'I. TMhiii'; IooUpcI just tho snmp n- lUitn t 'mil left it, but wIiiti I wpiiI mcr to 'iiivi' a HPCond look ill Iiip llllli' ihaviT with thp cnrln;! loi'k in tlip ihk burp wi'ti' new marks on it nvpiliijin hoM our imikpi's lut (l mncip : miopi lad fdlloHod us wine i wilil his. plain from tin gloves, n.s yoi. oil tho ilel Iim (jhosts don'l n on r'lbhi'd up willi. .irnr gloves. Ueiiny." "Tlien who V" "I wmi ovpp tho samp Knnmil from oom to room thai I'd brcn (Iiihiirii Mith the im-poplnr oulv u fpw inimilis 'for , lint 1 didn't bnd an) thine ' l" till I diiii" to the hoiiscki'PpiT'h room ,'i;ain, MpCartr pontiuupd, uiiIk rillir. tlif intpriiipilon. "Thp lopks on the hpj'k llii'ii' wimp shiny and dripping with frrili oil, and wIipii I lifted It it wiin liclilor and nothing nlid around innilc Sfiinihivl'. had slipped up behind us mid "IipiiciI the drawrrn of both of the desks, taUns out whatever was In.sldu ; some 'ii'lj who knew how to work that spiing tell "( "I didn't Dud hidp nor huir of him, thouch, and I'd upset iind brokp n bot lit nf porfuinery in Mrs. f"repiri;jV room. Ii.ul IiipI; to it! When I got biu'k diinn to the study Clnrtpy Kniffpd it on me and I doubt ttint I'p lost tho miip'I ' of it iet I" He went on, tellinR of the mrlwil of (norRp AIptiiikIit, the viiIpL, Hill. h oti dUenvprj nf tbo blnodNtalned cnrtl nrnst under tho luppstr.i on the table and the mtiirn of Mis. Cipveling uud nnalb tho p(mk ami butler. And all you'ip got to g nn,' Iieiinls siimmi'd ii for him, "is th liu of ambir uiniithpipce tin- other mini liad manked with, the lone eard und 'lie marks of gloved linspr.s on ihp desk upstair!.. ' Not quite I m asking m'self u lot of iueitlniis. IVnny. for there's more in n look sometiniiM or a pIiiuipp nrd than in all the lirigrrprliitN in tin irld I'nr instaiKp. w hut's therp he-tc-n that vnlet and Mis. ("Vendlng's 'n'le (i(.(irK(. AlexunderV They tried 'nli hot to slip away for a up onfnli tonuthtr, but I kept my pm. on mom there'rt sninplhiiig thev both know und each of i,rm WN ftfri,, ,,at ,r r i".'' m',',1'1 ''', U 0,lt' w,l tltnt Im Hill, sa. be had just 'relurned' iind eorreet it t0 'airlved'V If he bad nntiung m conical eithpr on his (,wn hn'v.?1' ,r " ''"""ding's why ,, 1,1 X ,,C?.K 0llt of I'll" tho little 1 ariicd.' Why wouldn't he toll wIipip ,i. i "1 "'Slit? AVIipn Hip In M'wtor nj.1,,.,1 ,iln jf ,, Km.H (.rcv(l)i "nt i-omlng to I, In house liift pvening was ,1C ,(,, ,,. hh Umxw 0 (,pn L .,? ""Wii'-inhcrril that he'd tnlicn ii r " . rnm ,,IP ""''' nn-ii him ' i"r tin. supper arid they'd say so o, , "'!'"' '1'ieMinncd. H'h plain, of "'" that (-leveling Rot rid of all '" ernm m tor the night so that none iii-iii hiioiiki hre who hi eomiiiinv - '"ii i ve an idea a" the mine " Hint I.IIII known. hi. i'1,,n, '. ,,u"k " '"" chose Mini ,r,'h Vth, t'vl,enl ,,flr''- "Yon don't knn",,, l ."'"' an ,tt,l llc '""J Mipper ami Mio shot him after in a mm Jealousy? ' . 'With a A4 that lias a klek to it Inn .an"y '" M''Prty Mi'irtoil. '"M'o.tor Druet nsked Hill If Creie Uiin, -.7 '''"''tjiined Indies in his home mi. 7 uvlf"1 ttw nd tho valet it n," ' ,ht tliov wei strictly stag 4' ""''he 'IWn't wmi any too tho ..,.r '' '. llM; '""ues ot any or ad"tl1t,,n"L' ,W""' lM'rn lrh..nt. He ami ,7 J"7' ft.n'"1 ,lrnnI '' emnlx-'l I'll!"1"''1 w,h nflu''- little K"'"1-' ' & i"" '""'' hnt frMPlhig -....,,, iiiru in jeiirn, I aril huu ,11.1 il.... ..i.....r ii , pftino i i .,' ' """ "'"r "' iiiiiiiinnus "n0!,!!;: "" ,1,e ,ul,,oV" "" P'JeJ ilowIya-PUU!'e aUi lhC" McCart-T VW OSTRANDER "Suspon.se," " "Aahct lo A&hci," etc. Co, ! "I don't know, unless some way It I nan n part nf the grim game thilt urn ! played out to a IIiiIkIi bctwppti the two ot tlicm In tho study niter Mipprr. "A game of life and death, with Crcvc'lnff losing the odd trick." Den nlw nodded. "If ,iott did not lint! tho rest of the pnrk lying around, maybe thp one raid was brought by the man that killed him ns n tilgn or a re minder. Oh. you needn't be looking at me llkp that. Map! Ktrnnger things than Hint nro going on behind those white mnrblo fronts for nil on know! Hut whnt was that high blank wall built for at the back?" "Tlint'H one of the qnestioni I've been nsklng myne'f, like I told you." Mct'nrty corked bis ear ut a newsboy's shrill call down the street and shook his head. "No. It'll he too early for the papers to get bold of It ypt. It's ! finiii) how they were nil so sure, even his wife, thut (.'reveling Iind been tuur dered, nnd liltn with thp pistol lying I beside him. It was only when Mrs. I ('reveling spoke of culling In Tcrliuno I thnt her uncle backslid and pretended that he thought It might hiui been sul rlde after nil." I "TVi'litine!" Dennis exclaimed. 'Tor the love of the salntrt, Is be In on this, too.' "With both feet, and I misdoubt a couple of his llltlp scientific recording machine up his sleeve," McCarty chuckled. " 'Twould hnvc dime jou morp good than n drop of thp best In hnvc soph his face when 1 came back niter talking to the cook mid butler uud found him in the bull:" "So 'twns Mrs. ('reveling called him In nml her iiupIp didn't want him." Dennis wns slowly dlge. ting the fni'ts. "Do you think this Alexander and Ihe vnlet were in cahoots? It looks as though the both of them were trying l'i shield somebody, all right." "I don't understand the uttitudp of the whole lot of them." McCarty shook his head once more. "From the min ute Mrs. ('reveling put her foot in the liuiise there seemed in be a kind of u silent buttle going on bptuceii her and her uncle; win cuiild feel t In the air. He was tr.iiug to run the whole affair to suit himself and she defying him nnd gelling her own way, loo, in the end. .Say, Denny, there wns a lire In the neighborhood last night, wasn't there?" Dennis sturcil. ".Sure, what night isn't there, with the people parked In Hals like sardines in u bo: Hut what aic you getting ut. .Mac?' "When was the lire and where?" "Along about - on the next block," Dennis replied. "An upset kerosene stoie started it in a dressmaker's place on the giound lloor where she wns work ing late and It spread to the iMse-'Piit bflorp wp could get it nndrr en ol, but it didn't get uptuirs thougii the tenants were pretty well smoked out. How did .ion know uhoiit It?" "That's where the butlpr's sister, Mrs. Cuirull, Hies; where lie and his wife spent the night," MeCnrty drew a igar from his pocket uud chewed the end rumiiiiitlvely. "They'rp ipieer birds. The i ook would huvp talked, I'm think ing, hut her husband .shut her up, thougii ut thut I caught them In one lie. Ilcfnre Sarah got sight of me -.landing behind Hill she suid to him that she wished Mr. ('reveling would have his parlies somewhere else nnd leap them in pence, but when I told iheiii ('rending had been shot the butler denied thnt neither of them knew he cppcle,l any one last night. In the upxt breath after Sarah learned that Mrs. ('reveling Iind already come home she bewailed that the rooms were not in order uud sh,, had all the lobstPr und iliiff from the caterer's to clean up. Mow did she know there',! been 'ouster for supper if she hadn't heard ihe order given? Of course, all this has notliing to do with the murder itself, nit knowing so much it wouldn't sur prise Hie if they knew or at least sus pected who (.'reveling' guest was that night." "Then what aie they all shielding him for? Ulnekmuil?" Dennis' gray pjps snapped with Interest. "Kroiii what urn' ve told me of thorn. Mup. twould baldly bp lo.utlt.i would keep them unlet; you'd think they cueh ot l hem h.ul a lish to fry, by the looks of it:" MiCmty darted u iiiUk glance ut his companion. "I'iiip lor you, Denny, and I'm won deling if maybe this fellow Hill isn't trying deliberately in draw our lire by lpfuslng to tell where lie spent the night, inenning to collect prliutely fiom some body for creating the iliversinn. Rollins and Surah arc easy to Handle, but that inlet is away above his job uud Iip's bpcn with ('tending since bis bachelor day's, probably knows more about him than any one else in the world. If we could ouly Iind the way to mnke him talk " "What about Mrs. Crpveling?" in terrupted Dennis suddenly. "Prom what you say, she took the nows as cool as a encumber. Now I don't pre tend to know anything about the work ings of n woman's mind, not being a damned fool, but It don't seem natural like for her not to -cieaiu nor faint nor raise some sott of a ruction." "I don't know." Mi Curly held a match to his cigar nnd then Hipped il into the gutter. "She's u determined n omaii nnd u strong one und she's got her own suspieinus, nil right, but she knows he can't prove anything by her- If ; that's win she called in the biggest man in his line ahc ever heard of Ti rliune. "She'll waste" no time keening the dead till she's i. night the one that killed him, that is if there's any grief in her hen i t " "If tlieie isn't why should she be so anxious to get revenge on the inur del or?" asked Dennis. "Well, If there's one thing that's sti onger than grief it's hntc, Denny, and I in thinking Mrs. (reveling for all her gentle ways would be u good hnter. We got moie than n hint from her uncle's testimony thnt there might bine been a commercial angle to that innr riagp und every one but him is willing to admit that ('reveling wns tin saint, neither before nor nftcr, though her friends don't think she's been on to his philandering." " 'Her fripnds'?" Dennis tcpented. "Sure. I bnd a little talk with one nf them just now at the Ilelterre Hotel, the husband of the lady she's been slay lug with down on Long Island " He described his interview with Douglas Waverly and the corroboration nf bis alibi over the telephone by Samuel Vernier, and Dennis whistled. "So thnt'h the kind of u bird Crevel Ing's been tiavellng with, Is it? Fat and flashy and going to con men's pnitifs on tho siiln! Thnt crowd can'l be th" real thing in spite of their money. Map, take it from mo. What .hnw was it you said tho girls at tho supper camp from?" "Tint 'Hyc-hyo Hahy" company." McCarty glanced again nt his com panion. "Whv? Is it show girls that's interesting you now, at your time of life?" I he sarenkin passed unnoticed Dennis' hard head, over "It is not," he responded eiiiably "And as in my time of life I'll hniti you Kiiieuiber I'm younger than you by a y en r ', " "L'leven months," McCarty pro tested. "Hut whnt about tho show?' CONTINUED TOMORROW jri,r','i'TWjry?s3ra'V'-T' Zvt" '!"& rYfl-tVivvvt 'J).v t't) J EVENING PUBMO THE GUMPS At Last a SOMEBODY'S ST EN OG "-'. &! rD. ' 7o.,nvP vri . V The youni; lady across the nay sny. the tree Miiiphousfs haven't bven started yet, hut of eoursp the n.'itioniil debt is pretty biR and up can't pxpeet a return to old -i hue prosperity all at once. -ujpit - -v-Mjim'i "'""'""Wlin "rrj niTT ( ow: oucht To s.ee how pretty r I NNHO DOVOU NK IS STANDING J W , B(,UG,HY IT LOOK- TH6 -TULIP 56 ALL OUT - IWPPONY0PY0U' ' V J AN BVN& CAN VAKe POSSESSION OF IT VwAT'i VWMO I ArA- Jill'lilllllraar ( AMfsVl ) H&RE BEFOR& VHE PIRST OP WAV- V YOU KNOsA THAT HOUSE - WHta I "MMUl.l vyrlEN 00 CAM TALK Ta ONE OF- W0"MATvY,T V T VHtSe VAN OWNERS 'TMCUT AM jjjj y ' -..--JKB ftt V. you && to Move-ArJ.y v sy SZ -CI' .M fr- -v. v ' W -' 1 f I ... ill f The Youno Lady Across the Way THE LITTLE SCORPIONS' CLV It -:- -: lilt FONTAINE FOX SCHOOLDAYS -:- - - DH'IG PETEYWe Give This Away Free 0L, Ui!5lL COAT '-REMEMBER MoW, U Mv Kl 0JV -7 He "s a. I Jflk f s Ov f """ J f ThaX T - - "J i THE CLANCY KIDS Tabby Spoils the Hunting lRA2YCAT TAGPyOVA HEAR? lAROUND nc ANMORe lAWr) C' lM 60WT0 FORctZTTHlJ USbiU -Ycl u ZT V f - T I 71 WeiTHEB Youve MNjJ WW uel YA n?ednYhan6 WllW AUJHC ?W iv jvmnj r J W MouND Hz AT suPPfRV I M ; Ul v f 1mm,11 P I 1 Anything offends. 1 ti feSV ,' jutri"' KK.J-fT-7 EEBGEKr-PHIIJADELPHIA, .TUESDAY, 'APBIE 19, 1921' Home Something About an "Antique Grandfathers' I SOUJDS AS IF j it's Soim6 To BE A &OU6HJ 0k ' - - 1 ' N II Pj , rv.,T!-ff('i-Pvj;6"5'"' BURGLARS SoT t Ai OOR HOUSE LAST AllGHT AaT STOLEl OUR VALUABLE AASTIcOUE. GRANDFATHERS CLOCK " f 1 ., - 1 N viii-Ti-lMiT TP ' WHV DOAl'T A Good boo LET rcOfF -w-, . (M ine nuuac . w -- Tue . ,., 1 s ' W VJlTHfDDT A 6ROl! -V"- ' 4t.iyT3' s ("AND CHSTC&- A'T T'- YOU OF- nrrihi 19. DOS?V!E'6'OTA D06 .' HE SLtPT THROD6H IT ALL 'rTV,' i-lc ci cot " MAV3E HES rN D06 .' HE SLtPT n... ., . UMTr,w I V v A E " 1 1 (. Ki i -, 'EM CARRV THE Cl-OCK THROU6H IT ALL- LZ, yZ. , J WvV Ml PT 'PM CARRV r" ' I 1 .X. tiu Siduw Smith SEC- VOUft PLAT COorvv-..ri-.v",-V40NT WAV5 TO laFT A SEARCH I-K7HY VOU CAM IMVITE YOURLiTTUt: FRIENDS NANrj PUAVAUL OU l.lKE )Y'S OUKG,rs.sS""AND IY'5 fcEAUCjRAS IT'fc WOYMOTH BATEKl- NC OAMiYOR CAN CWACC YOU OFF T EITHER liy Hay ward MAVZE HES l A I A TV" l-l I H YVMIV-n By C. A. Voight fiy Percy L. Crosby ;. Ttv ."sjy faki ) JAI MOUS CVJrMl r- . .. . i ' 'w, i m i c ,; 'j , I . W- 'T ' ' ,fV. j ft -s -Tir i"rri too -rUFrJ n I Ml ''" iwi u i mi TA88yuPJAND m IL5WIPl5 Him. p.? if 4 n . M iV, .,('. ffl Jm ' ' ' '. tf" ""!Sir.-n vO-'Ci "' -Jj.Hftif.-., '-JFI'ii