ft," T"W rnmmM0 W" itff rrv.r.V WANTED FEMALE - rrvTt'"iiEIt for position with large T2,7' (if" TIE DF.PAHTMHXT. womirri.v n"iruvMKNT bureau M THE KINK CO. U23-II27 MAHKDT ST. WOMAN. tnnrrled. Indy ;'" ijrlvntn telo WUJU" .. IMA.t.n.d nf VVdlktlOVVn. eS ..r!?sf.,,0h; .0 iir or proipfruv cus- tamers, remuneration to poison with good 'T.hiilnry nn hour or two each day for vf,.?no.V? am Thome. For full particulars spSly the, llnchraih Studio. 1(120 Chestnut st. Locust 1110 . - ifrntAN. colored or white, for general hoiiMwork nn washing; 50 per month, urlt or trlephrne Colonel Palmer. Camp nix It .'I' f- (IcneraJ vim- vou sell us your spare time? iiVo will train you to write "how card it" East. Toronto, Canada VPUSEH wanted Always In demand at good pay, learn ot homo in spare time; en t're tuition can ha earned In few weeks! you ."rn white you Icnrn: special offer Includ nefr'e nurses outfit. Write for full par leutVri! Chicago School of Nursing ,121 S. .'.M.n.i Hld Dttit,, . rh'cngn, 111. MAKE .MONEY AT HOME You can earn from SI to J2 an hour n your spare time wrlOng show cards: nulckly nnd easily Uirned, no canvassing. Wrlto today for fufl rirlleulara to American Show Card School, J!n nvlle Hldg. Toronto. Ont.. Canada. v ft'v nwpnpers inairazlriesi P,un1Vcri,,,,!i. lallf free' Pre Syndicate. -Jin Ht. Loula, iiTsiNi.'as smtvicB co.. " mm in - KTKXO , nft. bkpr.. U', hill clerk. t'J.', HELP WANTED MALE BlNDCnY Kxperlenced man tu operate Crawley rounder and backer: aleo man to headband and line up: open ahop condition; teay emplo5ment, Klvc referenccH. I.dwln ""..Jit W. 411th et.. New York. N. Y iMTnKiiV Koldln machlno operntor and " . . Wmm hIaoiiv amnliit immper. open shop, eteady emplojment: nve refereiicefi Kdln wnumnn, at w. Jnih it. New York, N. V mT)BUY Canemakln? machine operator ind man to cao In; open jhop: aleady em- Pigment. Ko reference, na-ln Wlldinan, M V 40lh si. New York N. Y. W,ACKSMITlf Heavy drop forKer I.ong-tlmo Joh llh unlimited production Apply Employment Department CHAMPS' SIIIPYAIID ninuioND auovh Nonms st. bUtLEH and cook (man and wife) wanted In a homo In the suburbs, near Philadelphia muit be wllllmr and capable; this la a splen. did chance for a couple who can appreciate a comfortablo nnd cheerful position and se cure irood wanes: references necessary. Ail trttt M 307. Ledger Ofllts. KLECTltOTYPiNO Experienced molder: lo experienced finisher to act as fore nun blithest wages paid: steoily employment; H references. Edwin Wlldman, 64 w. 40th J Nerv York. N Y. I AM LOOKING for n particular type of man who Is Inherently honest, who can faithfully represent nn orcnnlsatlnn of na tional reputation and record, regardless of our present occupation ou may bo that rartliular man, whom I can placo In u posi tion to earn not less than S7300 per year. i all 42S Land Title nidit. i.Al'NUHYMAN. small Institution, under standing holler, machinery and hand Iron- m, Phone Ovurbrook 4H37 MAN wanted with thorough knowledge of snalvzlnit and IlBUrlnT of allien for ncclc near nhaft and Jacqusrd): experienced ruin nnlv should apply; goad opportunity; Textile i-hool graduate preferred M 313, Ledger Office MEN There Is an opening for 2 men with the Philadelphia nrflce of a New York flninol.-il louse, exceptional opportunity for the right man. P 141U, Ledger Office. OrnitATOrtS FAperlenced sleeve sewers on mn's coats. Vpplv Dre-yfotis R Lane. Proud nnd "Wallace sts.. Mulford lllda. PISTON ItlNO jrANUFACTUKEH WITlf ninonal distribution among garnges, repair men and service stations Is extending Its nftlllnir forca to cover eery county In Pemi tylvanla has Interesting offer to make to men having confldenco n their own ability: th ei'onomv shown bv tho use of this ring makes it an easy ana quick seuer itepiy rlilni full particulars of past record, tern mry rovered and references. Steel Spring I'laton ning -o , jii .uanupoutan uo, flronklyn. N. Y SALES MANAGER WANTED for district oeency for one of the most de. iln'i'.e auto accessories In existence, retnlls 13 ever auto owner a prospect, money miking rontract for man capablo gf or unUlUK and handling sales form; permanent builness for right man. Address p. o. l!ox too Atlanta Oa. UALL.-..MAN over .15 ytars, to tnko orders (or listed dividend-paying securities. I'houe ilr Hilton. Spruce 0720. fQT appointment. SALESMEN for u new big. powrrful ad vertising device In which wc are ottering tartnrhipi, iilvlng tho opportunity for tho Mori to sharj n Its Droits, this ..ffer Is n of the inrgast plana Xor men of soma MIliv to make, money; we havo a lone plan, 'vhe o Intelligent efforts wll' produce largeit return for the time given. Call In person. .ik for Mr c L Hoyt A. S. Dyor i Co., Uj S t.Tnad st SAIiESMEN Wo requlro the services of a fw goon: llve-lro salesmen who possess nouKh inillative to determlnwlly uud force fnll piesimt u llnanclal banking proposition In a irtithful manner wo offer large com pensatlon termanent position and unlimited fulure tor those who nu.illfv fluarantee rnn-e Trust Hank Itldg.. 314 Chestnut st. BALE1HMKN We want a few men who nre, BOfid talkers, have neat appeurance, we rain' men who have a desire to become, sales men for banking securities, we olfer u splen did monoy-mnklng opportunity to willing men present employment no barrier ns part linn enn be uevoted; curiosity seekers neod not rail Apply 801 Flnar-e llldg. SAI.l-.hMEN wnnted to sell nn unusually nt- actLe preferred stock Issue of estab- llircd chain store system, good commission nd future for right men. Address Mm- r Jjpom 7M3, 47 y ;nth st , New York. KALKSMEN E. U. Uassatt Co. offers an excellent opportunity to a. man with uelllns t my man with executlvo ability can qubI- itv for branch management Room 710, ujnckla Uldg , 11th and Market sts. KIIAI'Ell, expurlenced on men's coats Ap- P' Dieyffus St Uing Llrnad and Wallace 'Mulford flldg SHOES -TIP HTiTrttr.rtK iiMsron nv tJI.'UALLY STEADY EMPLOYMENT AND nrt1 ATTRACTIVE WEEKLY EARN .J3,. '-AIRD. SCHORER & CO.. 22D AND MARKET HTH , SECOND EIXIOR KI JOBS VAMPISltS W A N TED. UN vpi?v U,I'Y STEADY BMPUIY.MWNT AND' ln VTTRACTIVI: WEEKLY EARN- ihV.!.'.AmD' SCIIOHER & CO.. 22D MARKET STS , SECOND FLOOR. AND fTLNtx.lui'HER wunted: must b rapid, .rJ wr5'X'v,,n ,XI' ialQ Wf0 "d silary ,i-tii.2009i-Ledger llranch. 32T N. 3d st. STuS?iK?Alr?SM?N wnttil to soil an un f .il'Jfi .u,irufMe Preferred stock Issue mi..i, h-.ed.chln',tore ytem; good com vin. n Bl!? ,ulure for right man. Address Janaserjjloom 733;47 W 34th St.. N. Y. t-U'iiOLRTurtwiiH M,ut,r,tL!ii.nt, Tir"..;rri. . m. ' . .K . salary arsreu ana experi (own i fit leaser ufflrg. -rpTTTJTi'lIRr, experienced, to eunsiuuic Qh'iiri.rTi.wfiAJiL'" mink-fort. .... u'k tiAVK av opexixo rou "V vvilXtAX TO TAKE CHAROH Of UlTH ...iiiATiov 1)1 partmext: the ap- rl'Kii l FITTER ND MtTHT III! AIII.IJ F.NCI AH A Fl"i. i OIUJANI7.I3 Till J fnr us. there is no vnma,ii ......,....,,.., ?s supply yo wh steady vvprlcs djstanco no nhlect. will Pny nu ,rom $l.i.to ISO r week Kxff..i ulhJ. Department .".. 125 A Uuccn 01IH.8, clerks, stenographers, typists wameu at once by gov'..; good salary! easy hoursi i.Pd advancement. Wrl'e for instruction rir leulars. P 1107. ledger Offlcs "Tl'.'. weekly, spare time, writing for , ,rl ssT .2.Q.an r,nd,Pi'rmanent position nn.l pleas . (lenernl lZ510.,)1L" MifOHANIC'S aro always In W?1'V1, J?tM now wl" "' lrMt and nri-quipptd automobile nnd tractor school IV.1?, La" Write, phono or call for free J? 5off',..re,5uAuIin,,vo Bchuo1' s t0 1U JlJ''th St.. Philadelphia. Pa. WK TWCH IpUTO DRIVE AND r'EPaTr I , iv, n ,..,.. AIJTOMOIHLES DAY nv7,yA('OMI,,'K'rE COURSE. 123 gATTl.rCU'B. 11101 m n Hprlng Oairt-ll nt. r.. wanted to learn barb.ir tiade. bis WrS. S.r.?.c,, !earn iulcl:ly. day or night. jpwT.'Kisu'r acu:i-s N 0lh ASe5!PJA?T AUDITOR'S fer government In- iil'V ,,'f.1" horvlce, salaries JHIIO rat in.H.Wr"r,.for fr" Information, Fed 'iiLIPii'tute Waihlnnton D. C ire needed, ex 1(140 to begin. I'cdornl Instl- j i iiV.n.V" wKy "rnro Hfie. writing for tsSJ fK!0' m'B"'-lh". exp unnec . de. Ji"Jro.j Presj Sj,mllcjito3S7 Ki IniltMn Jliv SJ:HVK''; exannimrionj AprlV and rti. .manl' veanel. salnrv tllOO-lano, -"" tor 'ample I nt p lion Ledcsr Olflce MTUATIONB WANTED FEMALE rP.ar,A,'i'dt "nF 'Fvi'Ttvi'" fiRnf ami CLKItK9-!Iundrtds a mlnatlnns soon, salnry i iri'V"u. '' Jn;Mlon -itiuiliuil FjCXr ' r i-rfijpzirf f.fr FOR SALE UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD SURPLUS MATERIAL SHEET ROCK PLASTER BOARD IV HlltmiH .12 INCHES HY 4S INCHES Oil 10 SO KT. In excellent condition (haa been removed in careful manner.!, Any riuanllly i.10 ror .M. ai ft NEW CEDAR SHINGLES 10" long. $8.00 per M. $7.50 lots of 10 M. or more. CHAMPION POST DRILLS NO. 08 SELF FEED, $12.50 EACH OAK LADDERS 8 FEET TO 15 FEET LONG, $2.00 TO $5.00 CABINET WORK CONSISTING OF ?c?5W-,AA.V20TSA7.f . kirMvr ntiVrt. .L OAK nnNCIinrf, 2 Ml AND 14 HACH NEW POLISHED nn2MW&:WW MMF1 ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL ALL DIMENSION LUMBER, 3 CENTS PER SQ. FT. PENN. SALVAGE CO. Take No. 37 Suhway Car at ISth and Xlnrket Sta to filth St , or Soutliwcalefn Trolley from 3d anil .Iic'tnn Sl Direct to Door. DESKS OUR SPECIALTY Btccl flllnir cabinet", sectional bookcaeji, tablea, chairs, etc.. In nnv quantity. Oet our pr.cea. NATIONAL FURNITURE CO. 909 WALNUT STREET nOTH PHONE3. . orpicn ruriNiTOitK Ijirso lot of deke. aafea, lllea, cabinets and general offlco furniture, atoro flxttirea. Vo buv. poll arel exchange. PATTEN KUIlNITUnE CO. LOCUST 4070. 1127 AltCH ST. ItACF. 2C0O. w OFFICE FURNITURE T.nrito nrjortmint of a httnr ifrail CENTHAI. SEPOND-HAND Et'IlNITt'ltE CO inn i'Ai.M)ivim,i. st EH iir.rtT nos DESK BARGAINS Chairs, taths, miner cabinets, office parti tions, new ami sllchtlv used. 3 WEISS ft CO.. 1037 It.ico st. FOU SAL.E Piano (square;. feyer make. In (rood condition: red plush parlor suite, pier looklnic Rlass with cold frame, walnut bed room null"; bargain for quick sale. Address t 1014, ledger Office. SAFES SAFES 300 newvnnd accond-hnnd safes, all sizes: cash or time, Howe Scale Co . 800 Arch st. roil SALE II Chlcatlck ponleiTl! broko to ride nnd drive. Apply Philadelphia Coun. Irv Club StaMes Hala. Pa. HEDItOO.M DAK FUIINITURIJ, nleo piano: tine condition and icflMonahle prices. u. m uifiA.MNit. ;iwim t-nesmiu LATEST ino.lel Smith Premier lslblo tpe- writer 137. 30 In Kood inndltlon, owner en ln city A 121. Ledger Office. TME, presses nnd rutters, blir li.irrjalus. Phlle. Print ers' Sunnlv. 14 S. Sth st. S37R NATIONAL cash register, J'.'oo. Onn be sioi at ,-iUDn willows ave., west l'hlla. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ADVEHTIS1NO Toslllon wnnted In small aiiency or ns ailvcrtlsina manager; capnhlo of mannulns offlco, knows routine of adv nnd production, Protestant and cx-serh'" man, salary MO weel, A 412 T-dtrer Off . (. HAl'KFEl'H VounB mnn. 22. white, de sires position with private family. II ears experience, careful driver; neat, courteous, ellable, A-l references p 1.12S, Leduer Office CHAVFFEUU desires iwsltlon. prlMito "ur truck. lll Kn nn-here, references .mil txperlence. 2 1211 I'Ito street. CHAl'ITEUH-MECIIANIC. 12 jenrs' exp.; last plBCrt n VPiirs. A ,fc. i.eiiKcr IIIIKQ. OKl'IOE anil housocleanlng. Janitor woik. reasonable, reliable. Mitchell, 230 St. Quince? SALES MANAGER or representutlvo would represent Philadelphia concern lth hluh sr.i'ie produit, sorvlte or otherwise, Srw Vorlt City, no stock. .13. lle wire rlKht np peardnce; salary or commission, IKiQO-f.'Uui). Aihlress A I'll l.edner Dfllce YOtJNO JIAItniED MAN. 28. former army officer, desires outside position, construc tion or lnbor foreman, speaks Spanish; will bo nnywhere: unusual luallllcatlona; wide oxperlenco A 231, Lcder Office. YOl'Ntl MAN of k-oo.l family and education, out-door sportsman, destreB position ns companion, willing to travel, references ex changed. A 120. Ledger Office. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS HARVEY, lull) llltlenhouse square, reliable holp supplied, wanted; ecry ca- parity .. WANTED at office B12ti 12tli St.. flrsl class cooks waitresses, nurses, maids WANTED Competent white help In every capacity, rcf required. 11)111 llalnbrldxe. BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT If you want to bo convll.ced that we are still paying 25 moro than others for diamonds (also pawn tickets bought) call at KELLY & CO. 2D FLOOR 032 CHESTNCT AT. (PRIVATE OFFICES P1IO. WAT.. 784 DIAMONDS BOUGHT JSO.noO to Invest. If you have one or more UlnnionnH 10 urn, vu m-j wii i nim a refined olece for ladles to call. Hunk refer ences for fair dealing. Hell phone. A. McCUTCHEN SKf.VY nftS! Broad and Chestnut Streets rrtENCH-AMERICAN COLLEGE. INC.. 122S Market St. Instructions ghen In mani curing, halrdrosslng, American nnd Krench Marcel waving, dry and wet shampooing, . iinninp and singeing, scalp treatments. facial massage, ulictrlcil nnd vlbratoiy treatments, v Inlet-ray treatments eyebrow arching, etc. Ida E. Dunn, president: Edna E. Higsn. Instructress. Wal. 7304. Coll or write. VISIT OUR Up-to-Date Beauty Parlors pi J facial massage, scalp treat LnirOpOay n,ent. manicuring. halr rivelng all branches by tho latest methods. Dr. Ill II. Austin. 1302 Filbert St.. 2d flooi. J7a PcL 1'hUa or Camden homes eleo 5)DU v-"Su (rinod with fixtures washing machlno. sweeper and Iron easy terms Ph Oregon 2307 or wrlto ARTHUR M. POLAK, Fleet, leal Contractor. 1310 Porter st PhlU, r "DIAMONDS BOUGHT Highest prices paid, H to 10 carats; tin to tnrVOO. old gold, platinum and silver bought. The Diamond Shop ,bS,iri-,t DIAMONDS BOUGHT TTARRY W, SMITH, 717 SANSOM BT. YJU' CAN DORROW money low as 2 per cent un diamonds, cent ""mA.rjHR'H iaq Maiket st rt.ECTRICAL treatment, also manicuring, into U. Miss Douglas. 305 a. 11 th st. ELECTRICAL TREATMENTS, pnyslcnl cul. ture. 108 S. 1 7tli st. Hou rs. 11 to 0. ELECTRICAL treatment ror appointment call Walnut 1652. Hours, 10 to (1 SC LP specialist, facial mas,, all branches I'tlnckwell lulu Spg, Qardsn, Poplar 301B AUTO llcenso tagM furnished In less "than 24 hnura Bosif 1 1 ft Oliver, (173 N J athst l-TTlCTRU' treatment and manicuring. Miss Hanson & Wilson, 105 Heed Hlir.Ph.Loc.3nfl3 CABPET CLEANING CONTINENTAL" CARPET CLEANING HOUSE 20T1I ST, ABOVII CHESTNUT ORIENTAL AND DOMESTIC RUGS AND CARPETS Cleaned, Scoured, Stored HUMMER srORAOE FREE TELEPHONE LOCUST ldl-ft OLD GOLD trASll paid fur old gold, slIMr1 nnd ailtlqun clocks. Rogers. 4S S. 17th Locust Ul. WANTED DONT'SELL YOUR DIAMONDS until you see ua. we lire paying the Increased urlre for diamonds, for moro than 50 years wa havo bren buying diamonds, old gold and sliver from the large Jcweliy and department stores and from their customers recom minded to us !iV-!l'i.JJ L2--V-?---L-L-.J-iLj8S OLDeultr overcoats shons. hut-. iKiught hlehe.t prices paid wo call anywhere, cltv or couitry. lay, eve. Write, call or phuiio Dick 0155 Frl.dm.in Ifros , 1411 bnuth si U-.Mr.t-T I'ltlfi--! paid or gentlemen's rluthmi. vvrl'o. end or phone, ua call uny. vvheio any time cooper 3310. Market st. Pluno Prestcn 0103. Open evenings W" WANT rt once Household lurnltur. alora tutures. offlco fuinlturai pay spot eashi honest value, Phone us about It. Lo .cuit 1214, Old Church, cor. 12lu and Chsrry. t iTfr'T".T:;r3fpv,-v; EVEiNING PUBLIC fou saIjE fMTII ST. AND TINiri'M AVE SPECIAL SALE NEW OFFICE FURNITURE HTOIIE Pr"' TARI r5, '11"" i"i Chairs IrtDLLO Partitions NEV A OLD llOUOHT & SOLD W 1 102 ARCH ST. ?A PENNA, OFFICE nil Walnut. 1'UHNITUniJ OFFICE FUIlNITUrtE nnd equipment for sale Ono mahogany desk, 2 Imitation ma lioany typewriter deks. 0 chairs to match. 1 mahogany tnblo. 3 metal. 1 mahogany llllng cnlilnvt 1 mahogany s.implo cabinet, 4 lloval typewilters. Intent models, glass sides: 1 Ilarrett printing adding machine. 1 dictaphone, with shnvor. 1 sectional book case, etc.. fine condition nnd reasonable prices D SCHIVANICII, 3SU1 Chestnut Phono Preston grtlin. nX," TYPEWRITERS r Special reduction' sie nur stork before buy ing, n days' trial nnd 1-vear giwruiitee: save nbout 120 more than elsewhere; wrlto or call a', once. BUNDY TYPEWRITER CO. IHO.-, CIIEtn'NHT ST, Pit WALNt'T ,-,S71 OFFK'E Fl'nNITLUE - Immenso ns-orf rnent of desks partition, tables, ihnlrs. (lies and other complete ofllce equipment used in war-contract work In splendid con dition and will he sold cheap. 1IUOHES. 1 J th nnd Huttonwood. FOU SALE .10,(100 itoou Ore brick: very i heap. 1012 Lombard st, USE carriage nnd strollers nt your price: like new. 211N Oennnntoun nve. SAFES, lire and burKlnr proof, slluhtly used, nil slzi-s styles and makes. VI N. Fourth. DICTAPHONE, transcriber and shaver; AM condition M 31! I Ledger Office lll.OTTEItS. printed "h4 Ml jr thousand, ad- 'lit lonnl thous'il, t.1 r.o. 1'rlntlng, '.'10 N.Sth DAHY cnrrl iKos.JS.-i, s'rollors.JS. hlch chairs. j:i. l'o Enid's Juvenile Shop. HMO Qtn. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE FOR CASH 1600 ACRES OIL SHALE LAND. LOCATION: RIO BLANCO COUNTY, COLORADO. ADDRESS M 329, LEDGER DO YOU KNOW If you decide to buy nny Kind nf a good pnMng huslness anywhere, CITY or SU11 URDS, you save time by seeing mo? Nlnn yinri' successful business Is our recom meniMtlon. Our motto. "ALWAYS SQUARE DEAL TO BUYER AND SELLER ALIKE." LIMOZAINE l"'l CHESTNUT ST ROOM 33:1 SECURING BUSINESS CAPITAL QUICKLY Forceful, high-powered, convincing presenta tion, through right channols, based on orig inal. Intelligent sales plans, will get devel opment or working cnpltnl. In any amount. In record time, nnd at minimum cost. Wo specialize on everv phase of financial writ Ing and dlrect-by-mall selling. Twelvs sears' successful experience. Advertising Service Co,. Parkway Hide.. Hroail and Cherrv sts Telephone Spruce 1(120 UOR SALE At extremoly low prices, high grade, hardwood lumher. ."i.nlv mnhmrnn, and iiunrtcred oak panel stock, mac und equipment of largo, modern woodwork ing and finishing plant. French Cabinet Cor poration, Metropolitan and Flushing avs.. llrooklyn, N. Y PROOFS shov with what rngerness Inrgest merchants are ordering my exclusive manu factured articles, in OnO such American prospects, wonderful success, will cunsldcr f23im partner's services, principals onl. M .120 Ledger Office. ARE YOU ALIVE to nn exceptional op portunity for an Ice cream and confec tionery business on a main thoroughfare at J33 monthly renf Hrand new fixtures, cost over J350O, largaln. Call at ones 6013 Spruce, st Woodland B31I W WANTED Contractors on pajamas and night shirts. Delivery to and from New York by truck. Wrlto Immediately, stntlng how many dozen you can make per week The Manhattan Co.. 1270 llroadwjy. N. Y HEAL ESTATE MEN offered attractive Florida colonization lands; financial as sistance, good lands drained: 3 rnilrniwii trades accepted. Address owners, Levitt l.nmi i o. ininnnapniiB, mil WOt I.I) llko to hear from a partv who Is willing to Invest J300O In established husl- ness. active or silent A 414, ledger Office RESTAURANT, doing good buslncsa, with property for salo. very easy terms, near University 3345 Woodland uve WANTED Huslness man with moderate capital hh sale dlstrlliutor. Phlla , for tlm famous Pahst Milwaukee "llluo Ribbon nrew " M 330 Ledger Offlr. 8. W. COR. nth and Christian sts and adj. props., lot 311x711; gt. bus. cen , make off or. II. .1 Fasev. 18th a nd Thompson sts. SHOE STORE cor , doing good bus., stock & prop . good reason for selling A 381. L O. MUSICAL INr.TBTJMENTS V1CTROLA VI with U 10-Inch double-faced records $30,111. thu outfit for one looking for a Ko.il machine nt a small cost. II II. 'Ldd 130H Arch ot , .0J Ctjeatn'ut at Op.n Monday Friday and Saturday evenings ISOO-Btor. - Clark HS-note i layer-piano; beaut case, used a short while, cost 1700; terms -an bo trranged ruaiantecd II. II, Todd 1.1(10 Arch Open Mon . Frl Sat ovgs. riANO J7n cash, 8.1 ne dollar week, for magnlllcent S3.10 piano been used: decided bargain. II II. Todd 130(1 Arch st Opon .Mnnuav. rnuay ami oaiuroay oenings. PIANO Krnnlch llarh: good condltlnn reasonable price. J C. McCracken, 422 W Price st., Oermantown. i'T.VNO. Schomnker upr I7.r.. or llHltet i. Davis 110(1, owner must sell one. Dla.h33t PIANO Llenutlful new upright for sale at sacrldco. 1248 N 00th st HOOFING ROOFING SPOUTING HEATERS AND RANGES REASONABLE PRICES II. TENTLAND CO.. 801 N. 10TII ST. I'OPLAR 1 HIT J ifoOI'S. veprd tnd painted, any locality; gutr B yro , coated 10 yrs. , starting at a reduc. American Sleet Metal Rooting Co.. 1333-115 Applet! -o st Phono Locust 42SI SEWING MACHINES f30 New droph.nd. 7."c wackly, cost 149 rlbowluro, Singer and otlurs 18 tu 110; fully R'Mrante.J. 13d tl 10th st. GASOLINE ALLEY Merely a Little Detail I fe-xj!S- ffltel fg&T'p YJ?!r A t in soMEntcvlri1-!! tuk r... MM rJH rm K-jE&S & TST, KrTA" , -II V n iP ? ' 'y x-"a"s adjosted Ricur avcs1V5g ; ' -T Mrs ifr V Mi m "t. C t frw at? i ,77vhJ i A?7 .L- ki, a AAV elm X W-ffl kTi m'x: Qv 7 v lc2t3,S2? 23v2J '&ZSijZy&Zfesyj &&SZ GZs - ' 11 ' 1!' whiiihwm.&.w., hw.si a- (ff'JSL. WfJ,)li'"''Wi'l LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA USE- AUTOMOBTXES - - WE MAY HAVE THE CAR YOU WANT Al the price you wnnt to pny for it. This has been the case so many times during the pnsi week and during the many weeks in past years itnnt wc believe you can with sasisfaction and profit to yourself INSPECT OUR USED-CAR STOCK If in tho market for a good Roadster, Touring Car, Coupe or Sedan, PRICES START AT $500 Peerless, Cadillac, Duick, Hupmobile, Hudson, Olds mobile, Rco and others. We have never to our knowledge had a dissatisfied used car customer. GIRARD AUTOMOBILE CO. Peerless 23M-16-18 CHESTNUT ST. U.M,,,,, .. ,,., tiwmip,mrmitimiliillll mil lllllllt'Il'irll'mitllHIllt'llll l!H!!ll''i t I K": IF' I llllil , llllllllllllllllllllllll'lllllirailllimiil""mn ' 'Winn ' W , I HAYNES USED CARS 1021 AMERICAN "II". S100O 11117 DODOE SEDAN. .MALE OF FER. 1017 JEFKEHY "7 ' PASS , JLIO 1017 HUDSON SEDAN ID'.'OKINO "8" HI'I.EDSTEH. MAKE OFFER 1H17 DODOK SEDAN. FER. make or- A FEW' REBUILT HAYNES CARS TOURINGS. ROADSTERS AND SEJMNS. THESE ARE UNDER Ul'AnW TEE. TIME PAYMENTS IF DE SIRED. 2032 SANSOM ST. ASK FOR MR AKE EIIIUIIIIUVIIillililMIIII Overhintls, Maxwells, Chovrolets, Knrds. Dodces. Reos and many other ir tno nuinorous to mention even ono .juaraiitoe.l nuchnnlcally perfect visit our showroom nnd our large fur, ot salesmen will sliov- vou nnd explain you nil. und; r in, obligation to buy. Open . Sunday. (110-21-23 N llrond st. Poplar 7S20. STANLEY AUTOMOBILE CO. KINO. h. 1020 Four-passenger sptedster, snappy and fast, tost I31IK) new October. 1020. prlc J-"50. 0 wire wheels. Hood cord tires run .000 miles. In rood order. F. W. 113 VS. fon- y.ay st , llnlllmore. rnone ni mm xTToit tr,,iritip. tatn model, guar A-l INMOrl rnnd. 0111 N. 1IROAD. OPh'N SUN. POP. 7821) STANLEY AUTO CO MATinMAf sedan, late model. 010 N. Iin"l"lu HROAI). OPEN S POP. 7S20 STANLEY AirfO CO. M"1(IA 1H20; prettiest car In town. Onen Sunday. (110 N. BROAD ST. POP. 7H20. STANLEY AUTO CO. OLDSMODILE sedan, slightly used; A-l con. dltion: wire wheels; 6 new cord tlrss: 1400: going nhroad. 2108 Wa 1 nut st. OLDS.MOIHLU, S, roadster, perfect con dition: good rubber, mechanically A I BiBII Do Umcey street 1II2U OVERLAND touring tar for sale. 90 F tlrst-class condition. $4iio cash 153! Thorn psnn st.. Dr Wiggins. Pop. 172.1 SIMPLEX limousine, Hrewsier bod , In danrtv shupo, open Sundaj 010 N HROAD. STANLEY AUTO CO STORAGE AND MOVING ESTABLISHED 1872 CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSES 20th St. ab. Chestnut MOVING STORAGE PACKING ORIENTAL AND DOMESTIC RUGS AND CARPETS CLEANED SCOURED STORED Ti-LEPHONE LOCUST 10(10 ONE MONTH FREE ESTABLISHED 1880 THE EXCHANGE STORAGE CO. 1420 n vrn st PHONE DIAMOND 2171 SEPARATE ROOMS PACKIVil .. rOVINfl CALL AND INSPECT OUR WAREHOUSE J. & D. Transportation and Storage Co . wants loads nnd part loads to nnd from Washington, Reading, Atlantic City and all seashore resort, attractlvu rates on city moving 040 Huntingdon. Columbia 1070. Tioga fdUP J, evenings RADFORD Local and long dlstanco mov lug: storage in separate room low iat. on hauling In stornge. B310 N. Water st. Wyoming 2303 J. VICTORY STORAGE (1206 Filbert. Phone Belmont 4C70 for estimates, Plerco-Arrow vans. WALLACE 237 CHURCH' I ANE O in. WANT PART IX)AD TO ATf.ANTll THE JOHN HIIOADH CO. CITY Storage, packing, moving, enrpet cleaning, 4157-30 LANCASTER WE WEST PHILA. MONARCH SrORAOE CO 3S70 I-ANCAS. TEH AVE AUTO SERVICE STORAOE. PACKINO. LONO-DISTANCE MOVINO. MACHINERY AND TOOLS LA ROE STOCK rebuilt and guaranteed en Rlnea, pumps, air compressors heaters, machine tools, aend for complelo tatalogua ot stuck. HERMAN I. WINTERER 013 50 N. Kront st. Plill.iJlidln. Pa. I'OR SALE Planers, shsprrs horlng mills and general machine tool shop equipment. Oirard Machlno Co.. 101 N. Third st.. Phil- adelphla, Pa. FOR SALE Hcavj duty turiet ni.uhluor. tllshnlts, J nnd L Warner nn.l Swaaey. and other makes. Glrnrd Machlno Co., 401 N, Third st.. Philadelphia. Pa ELECTRICAL MOTORS. MAfHINE TOOLS. POWER EQUIPMENT O'BRIEN MACH1NER V CO.. 1111 N 3D ST ONE 17-lnch. Oloason planer In perfect condition. Can ln seen at premises 707 Cumberland at , Oloucester Cl-v jv.'. .1. MONITOR iiso-ft hrate'r I t ui i"u plpa rndlators Years'.ey Cj . 224 N 3d st MODERN machine shop, small or large or dors, ve do mlllw righting. 210 N Eront. W.JV TUESDAY, a I USED AUTOMOBILES RE-SALE DEPARTMENT Mack Trucks Practically New ."i'a ion with dump or stake hix!'a 2-TON PIERCE-ARROW With dump or stake bodies General Motor Truck Corp. 2i!TII AND MORRIS STS. Wt'itl.Ntt and renr axles for every nutnmo moliile, rcaily for delivery, open Sun. SATTLER'S 11101 SPRLVC. PARPEN ST. A PRIVATE pnrt wIhIich In dispose of I Cole N. 102(1 touring nulomobllo nnd Ren automobile, with Rex sedan top. both cars In excellent shape and been run very little. uox i- i.ii... i.enger tinice AUTO TOP for sale, Studehaker, special (1; new, cash, cheap. 3W01 N. 17th. I BUICKS BUICKS BUICKS . 1910-20-21s. guaranteed: In wonderful con. ! dltion OPEN SUNDAY. 0111 N 11UOAD ST. M I.M,i;i At'TII III t'ADll.lA(' Coup., model (IT and ft ft, coml. I tlrt clnss. cash or terms mm ... HHOAD i Hl'MMY roadster, late model: good condi tion, cheap for oulck cash offer, Wolford. 720 Woodland nve Camden. N .1. 1021 DiiDUE PROS, motorcars, touring, rondsters A sedan: Immediate delivery; n year to pav Authorized Doilge Agency. Jlan nyunk IHmh. mnn Main st E'len Motor i'i. FORn Touring. .103. Open Sunday. r'-.-U STANLEY AUTOMOI1ILE CO.. (HO N T1ROAD ST. HAYNES touring. .1 pass . gunrrtnteed l ir.l.Lv. POIllltnn must sell, CASH OR TERMS. SO-i N. HROAD ST. NEW Stephens Salfent S.lx niitomohlles: 2- passenger. 4-passenger nnd 7-pnssencer models: factory prlco J240O: special sale rrlcii 20" discount. Wire nr write W. P. Atkinson. P. O Hox 104, Petershurg. Vn. OVERLAND touring. 1D17- runs perf new leather top and turtnlns, painted maroon: .37fi; demonstrate. 340! Lee. Park 4000 A. OVERLAND 5sd"I?;sa:, "i"1 ,'"n , ,N. Ilrnad. Open Sundaj. Poplar 7R20 STANLEY AUTO CO PATf.F Larchmont Into mortel. like new i ,B'I' N "road st Poplar 7820. Orven Sunday STANLEY AUTO CO PAIGE .srort "'"del. Iflltl. looks and runs 8or. . nn-ypif-y- t;AWi l tk,imh hCRIPPS-HOOTH l-pnss chummy, like, nexv" cash nr terms, big harg. wn y HHOAD Sll'DlHUAKER, 1010 uig u tour.n..rp"erfec. condition. 0 cord tires; 2 unused run lOM.mlles. Apt. 10 D. the Lenox.' Fu" cTT7 Ucarcat. very cfu"s3y SuaTT; ,:."' N nroad st. pop. -(,20 Open Sunday. STANLEY AUTO CO. WHITE limousine, original paint, like ...i,.. . -n.ew- nln N. Hroad Open Sun POPLAR 7820 STANLEY AUTO CO? ROOMS FOB RENT l.ROAI) AND PLN'E (Tho Cnrroll)Larg 2Of(lce, double and single rooms. Walnut "'K'j1 Tv-lMlv fuTrTTnTtTac: Sn." allcjuv handy to train A trol Tlom. HilOl CHESTNUT 2036 Room with rrlv. bath beamHuj!!ultiL;als0 single rooms l),Aol,C?N'I'i '"' I'Mlrnble fTnTToomralso -ji-:'ijtt'!n ",ar"'" UT.U iSf a.S, a,'"-fH (n,nr Hprucenfh h.LnSrl,,iT7A,,act'v, y f"lrhed suite, non hky... other vacancies, reas. Walnut 7305 joining hath, all conveniences. Poplar "Til TH. N 130. HOTEL RURIfA-UelliT.' (,-JVri' ,,roo.m". "Potless clean elec. h.-w heat; dally i weekly rntes. conv. to stations besl.accom for traveling people, agrn" uru -0TH. N . 1910 Varv lnro. .-Vrrsr;. i!n' 'am-,- largo closets, near bath room, handsomely furnished complete If I S?.rt'e:.r," "."? kltchn for breakfast 2HTH "ST N , 2111 Three rooms" anolsTth second floor, with electric light HANDSOMELY furnli'hed room. In ia'rg". modern, private home: electric lights id nlL..CltiHall. I'hnne nifrln ' 45. '" "wither? Antr m'" "res furn room with pri fam near renter of cltv nr ,i ilU'i'l.tern1s A42HLedger Office KVi,.',S1IB,i room nil conveniences gen tlemen pre fsrred. K cnslngtnn 53U1 V VINT PIIILAHKI.I'HIA n,.. i 1T1rThr,,0 unfurnished papered and decorated reasonabla newly BEAUTIr'UL front room, adj hath reas prlvata home, uf Tel. Woodland 3021 m' JWOMS WANTED BUSINEHS 'WOMAN rertnld"7leTire.;-rooin and board In cnngenl..! private Protestant family. Tioga section. State torms. A I2n Ledger Office. " " BOARDINa DLMRABLW vninnclvH for kentlemen or loiipl..,, cx.lieni (ui,K Individual servl, .. opposite p h it Statin,, reasonable rat.-' Photiti ili-rni uitowti .",3. UNISI'AI. nttraclivn , .,rn!nunlLnttn?r.,n. everv coilvcllleliCH rcllned envlrnnm-,,. superior table 1521 Walnut st. COUNTRY BOARDING 1UWAWUA pa . woodie ah Ekc.11.nt spring accomin illations, steam heat lighted py cli'Ctricltv private baths, owner Willi,-, nuipi wiiuinnoinu loou. larni at taihed. fins water, eiery modern comfort, bookat. MISS ELIZABETH IiM. '- : -:- -:- ' Kina t- , " fFpt'fV'QKi' APEITJ A9, 1921 , " ' "" REAL ESTATE FOB SALE mmLm mmmn INDUSTRIAL REAL ESTAJE Modern factorv in Germantown, about 25,000 square feet, power plant, sprinkler, acre of land along Reading Railroad. Fine condition. One-story building in West Philadelphia, 8,000 square very suitable for light manufacturing. No. 2. Large mill of 175,000 square feet, Reading siding, power plant, shafting, etc., northwest section, extremely low price. No. 3. 10,000 square feet, Penna. R. R. siding, Kensington, for rent. No. 4. CHESTER D. ROTTNER 1421 CHESTNUT STREET linn! BUI APARTMENTS - -1 , il'lI'V'WHiKllllll'' wii'v lllll.'illll!ll,'IIU',llilllill!l!lll',ilUlil rVA' i SWARTHMORE 22d and Walnut a H fjj ' M ! P ' Ilesuiiful apartments furnished or fe unfurnished, nil brlahi outside rooms g indy May 1. 3 2 room" I baih 3 rooms. 2 baths 4 rooms 3 baths Ei Mm!rtiP rrntnlB. tdenl location oi-fn fni our .THi'Ctlon fe.!iirr num hia!Pthi!BiiiftKim.nHffiniiiiajiiniwinniirawnruu3iuuniunBuif TO SUHLET rtne. r.T.anni Cornnmlo Apartment -,d ana Chi'stuut sts, es.y walking distance to ilty cente- and elegant streot car service in nl .T.nt..v ii.rii.nM ami Market bt. Ferry ool In summer warm in winter, tunslst nr of 2 bedrooms, bathroom between; large living room and large closet In each or 3 morns vestibule room, dining room, kitchen and pan-ry ono (light up elevator and Janl- lor service, iiuini i- rvi, .,, w ..,.-, -, . unexplrid lease of r months from May : will tublet on attractive terms; immemaie possession, no charge for unexpired da.s of April by taking Advantage of this and at th s.ime time make lease for additional .car from October I the saving will be worth while. Apply at f'oronado to JANITOR 801 VERNON ROAD Housekeeping Apartments IDEAL rfURROUNDIVCS Trains to Stenton Station or drive out Sien ton uve in iliOO North. MAURAN, DOLMAN & CO. N E. cor Hroad nnd ChMnut sts. ""WAVERLY APARTMENTS 1401 ERIE AE. Pino fl-room apartments hoi waler heal olectrlr lights. be.iutlfulK urianged low lenlals' second ni third Hi or AppK I. II HITtTJI-KT care of Northern Central Trust Co S W Cor Hrnitdndjrjitv; 1826 SPRUCE STREET 2 rooms, bathroom and kllhentte, also Du plex apartment. 5 rooms and bithroom. a I modern Imnrnvctnent" -. , C. F.SIMON. 112 S. 16TH ST. Park Ave. 5c Dauphin 2At7r S5: tin: n roims and bath front and back sunny ,.h ,. ..Kh ant rentals 1130 to S140 per month, open for Inspection. dally until 0 t m , finest apartments In N Phlla : a lew leii j H Johnson. 1420 Chestnut. Sprues 4410 100 .MONTH Hskpg. 3 rms. tile, bath and ..v..u.r in.-i tinrch heautlfully furn con unuous hot water elec and gna- spacious gr ds janitor service onl 5 mln from imth e' J .. .. , ...... . tITa.i Ch.ri., rll... Highland Park Del. Co Apply Farvle AJi- M t'""'d" or Mr. Page F1I31JI UNEUKNIPHED apartmmt for rent mrud. ing 5 large rooms besides kllchen launJrv pintrv and Pain ei-ciric ngn- not wuio, and central heat D. SCRIV.VN1CH akfl'i I'hestniH st 45 ''"KRANKrORD A I, Four rooniB nnd TmiIi modern J50 per month summer S0O p. r month winter. Schweitzer 4413 Krnnlt- fordnw Frankfnrd 2ild 1817 PINE ST. Large living room with tlieplace. best parquetry floors, sun all day; large liedroom, most modern of baths shower and perfoct kitchen: unfurnished. ATTRACTIVE rooms and suites with private bitln In Ilolel Camden. 2d and Penn sts. Cnmdcn . .1 Telephono Camden 1550. Datlv. weekly ami monthly rates SEVERAL and fl room nnd hath apart" ments some immedi.iu' possession, mrimv locations RirilMAN REALTY fci X E cor 13th and Chestnut Ms 'VtlUlSi -! TirniA inear 2.M nnd Untarln -Third floor 3 rooms and bath, elec conv to 3 stations and troll, Wm Llniler 132S Chestnut st Tu Sl'ULET ciie nf apartments furn . seventn flour IH0 S 15th SI Apply 11. H Bolrrl UAR1NU. ln.ll. andl30 s" 40th f 2 i A k with kltcf v. Ill furn Pres, 2fl-"i I west rnn,i)i:i i'iiix FURNISHED 7 looms prlvatt porch verv attrtcnve 1125. .Lmltnr 41 S 511th si. II "5nTH ST Seven rms 3 t,e Inns" " pri vatc pouh screens, osk floor, veiv uttrac ite tlrst floor fitj Inquire jnnltoi LOO X MllpMIN up 1,1 dale seionil Hoot ,ini 5 rooms and luih front and hat k stuirw.i DiM.im Hartjei 4-,n'i X Hrrwd si MOD 5r and li 111". Hroad aF Wvo ave l.mti Mmkln 1711 S' Broad w ln7n P EX X VI.VM, SUIIHRII X cn I i'YXWYD I APAItTMl'XTS 112-111 llala ave Xew 1 living 100m dining rooni 2 hedrooms Ikltchrl tin III large IndlMdunl hill hot-watet ne.t j", .'11 siors oihjii tor inspe 1 1 in Sun ,i,.v ajent on premises, near Cvnwvl nia Hon 1 i wins nor.A J M I.ONKY 2i'0 linftln tUiiltims 1'hilu Ih k144' 'WWfHf)iJ j& ItEAE ESTATE FOB SALE ITV i,,i,i No. 1. th. run nu nni 'i m 1 1 j:.T.m -ii m t n 1 1 1 .i5t nn 1 1 i rH? in i huh i r:m im j n h 'h i h i m t. i i APARTMENTS IIAVERIIIIII) ROiiMY apt il roums. prlv.ite pnnh light. nml air I sides. Miu oik inqK. 1'nnne , Snru, 4114 IIAVERFriltD - rurn "apt. f7r summer Hi rros 2 baths ('. Wlstar Stock Excic. tildg i -- .. '"'"'A MEDIA Four rooms nnd bath el"c . gns. hot-miter hent. J40. adults possession i Ma 1 Media (1.". J. FUBNISHED APARTMENTS 'lllE WAin It lv .Mod housekeeping" i pi . completely and nttrartlv.l. furn . nlav cool having 3 exposures can be rcrti-d for ', months or longi-r rent Jill). Whiteside S. MeLini'hi.n Kth and Pine 4I1TH AND SANSOM Well-furnish, il apart- mi-Tit with pnsslbtltt. of renting same unfurnished at end of lene. n rooms baih t Inrge porch verv attractive and comfortable. Preston 4S2d W. MODERN apt house N B cor" Ullh nnd Spruce, southern cxporure. i-trgi- lninr loom tjfdroom, dining room ki'chen and bath must attract! .civ furnlshe:. Whit -side & fcl.nnahan 13th and Pine Fl'itN'IsTlEI) apt. In first-class cintialix I - cnted apt. house May 13 to .' 15 I , rooms 2 baths Kitchen maid s room ind j h.ith references. A .1311 Ledit-r Oftli, 15TH SI , 400 h Well-furn. apt of 4 rms . hath and kitchen to lease until autumn imm. po.s. Apartment 302 Apply Jan tnr. RITTENHOUSE SQUARE. 5-ROCIM SUITE $70 a month for summer season. FEM HERTON ESTATES. Harrison Hldg DIAMfiND 2103 Five rooms und hath third llnor unfurnished 150. KUHN APTS tentrnl loc h week If des Sherwood Apt. Agcncv. 13:14 Walnut st HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS illinHllilllllBliMWJ p Unusual Housekeeping s Apartment fi OPPOSITE I RITTENHOUSE SQUARE & Large living room, S iliambirs 0 K h ithrooms. dining room butlei s K pantrv kitchen 3 servants' rooms p unusuallv large li,sns mi'i laige S cedar-ltned closets and linen rlofet. I No hrokers no: trlflers n.-ed applv. fj A 127. LEDGER OI'Hi'l: n I a J! SfiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiPir.iiiraiiiiiiiiii'iiiii'Nii'iwiiiiiiffli'iii'Hiiiiiiiiiiiii.i APARTMENT HOTELS HOTEL BARTRAM 33D AND iHESTXlT STS Furnished and unfurnished apartments. Dining room Phone Prston 2310 CHARLES 11 rRETTYMAN. OWNER HOTEl COLONIAL SPRUCE AT 1ITII ST. Two rooms and bath 3 rooms and baths; American plnn eicollent homelike tab!. riuiAs iiAHim. jr . 5tgr, '-Tz THE GLADSTONE I1T1! AH PINE 5TS ABSliI.UTB I.Y FIREPROOF H11TEL SI SSEX 13 fa WaTnut st " clean modern v 1 ,1-t ondin led small hotel where charges nre m id-rate Phone Walnut 74H1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE rijy 12000 cll r. ijuirel to bu the most modern home in Phililelphia 3200 Block N. 29th St. 2 ntnr inc!"'l pr-rt., m ronmB tilo bath I l'Ot-watr hPRt rl. fri l.ht pnHi KiiniK I i(mi'l hKUtt nptn il.ul I AOE.N'T uN PHRMlSBai C'R H.J.FASY. 18th & Thompson Sts. I1TH & LEHIGH AVE. Thatrltal boanimt; .inu 1 i r n - J 1?! I Kood p.n t-ik .t v ttrnr i t 1 ir ' " ui U .i ' Ht TZKL MTH MjMKllSl.r , JM".n"I4TH ST 'IwTT hnuic T rrn- U-m iirv tIftrlc unrni . (tri'llti'Mi . nt I i i tinn prir r.nnin it.' . ihiim ' SCHWARTZ. 506 W.Lehigh Av. TO SETTLE ESTATE will "s. II ch. n 3i.-, V 21st st 3-t!or imrch front ihm nughlv tnod Ruud heater Imm ross .I lacob Markmann Inc silo Km.mc. It.dg 3SH1 X HUH H'-T'U tnn 4rii- i,d , l,.iih n -ec n 1 fi io i hi li, ' . . irh itv hsrdvv 1 II 1 i 1110 I i , n u,) IANIE,! vi'"'OJL ,S MvAliD A' 1 , S.'W. COR. 6TH 6 WOOD STS. 1. ' tilted .' t' .' "-st rv huiUUnt-i' I, the ! ' -r 'i !. 1 -'31 (llr.ii m, 1025 X 33H ST Three-slnrv" hrlon dwll ing with pnnh 13 rooms and 2 b-uhs electric lights hardwood rloors flist -Its condition Fur i. rms etc applv on premise 1 in K wi.-iiviii m i rms ind l. pos 312H K i 7 me nod lfllh earlv pov , 3lX'iX7 .n I'.i l h 'in ir lnvetmrnt MAR Ml RUIN S4H i; All,.gh.-nv NAV. COR. 1 3TH & GIRARD AV. l'irst c if- oi ne. s citner apartment tnd stoics Jo our ,g;I ll v (i.rsr 1 ,n , t.Mlilll Tn .'"no --mall dvvgs vlth4 ,m mil 0 o in 1.0 1 1 oi.rt.ori nt it .tioh ml (llr.it t nve U 111 1 ,n.tr 11." I'linstnut v Ti Un b"o k ilwgs (ji itnni nu 2'uh large nt Htlltihl.- nir iparts or inv husl. 1 c-s i.iv ieits.1 JVMpiio .'"'Lincoln H.lg l il 1 dfl l In els 3 storv II roonisit, TlTilh 11 ,1 , 11 d lorn iiinvi-nt-nce Inratinn low pr 1 .i'v ti rn Pl",l I I,,Ib.t iiJilr l.'liVV HVAIHI 2 stv J " Iwiti tthiia p utnli J,."!"" onlv ISOllin.li Uakelleld I2lh 1 stt ui V it? Ill rllll V la.v.n fn. ... n...A ' EDW. M. GRAHAM ."'! - ..... 1. Klf. sun Hl.lv s luds, n 7 1111. iiuin.lt y , w hi 1 1- 1 ish ' innliigliatn ll,,nn Hh RIXil'. 'I 1 .-1 v 30en Nut must b hw il rnvs bnh 1 .... k . u ilm.el '.5 Hi and Somerset sts I KHIlVj 'MAXSI'iS .'""si, r"Plli til '' Pr tasv Irs Mm ntrl "! Kw .4 111 w'l 1. ' Pop'nr - Hrmv nstnne ft ont u t n s iv I , 1 i 'd in I 1 I hi . f ,nd I v FS V MnRAX I siCi il'tt .III) ; IRAMvr"' illli -.on K 1111101 cor 7Umn no Htn II r,i ins ,111 I Imtti tiot ivlcr U '1 -tojj.ir h lr-,ll. iltlllo 111,", N I'i'lll Apurtim titii rl titiH i-iinit h,, niifiji nt illetn IM7 i',,liiini,n ill. N 1-.TH K . II n.omV i"i 111 rt.ir.v 10 r at str"H HI 1111 J j H ollMlili 1 avi I VWltl s Ei e 1 iinihiiit 2 iT d" r"rn onj , . i,,i iiiu I. IS I ncltni" IIWN MVltll I'Wliuli S'. Kn,, 10 111. .1 ui'i s.mio v. 1 1 -1 'J-j . n.'K 1 11, st I,,, I FOR SALE Arch st house near Idlh st ...1, l,,ti II Vi'i.Trw.... ... .ol,,. "I well buiH II ""Clin ii vvainut 1 21 BEAL estate fob sale m . feet, trdu innt t nn i ;iun h uit t.i iim nn :m h i m 1 1 1 i i n uum tii min trm 1 1 ii i n iumummn i air ,mmnnTiimimmw,i(nmninjnirimi"naMi?.i7nimnTi.HnmuitiirnTHir3wnirinninj- I 1718 Chestnut St. 5 I 3-Story Building I fg 20xl45' to Ionic 1 Possession Aug. 1st Block is enhancing in value. JOHN H. SINBERG 1218 CHESTNUT H Ml nin..7uiimiiiinn;niiiJirm.frumtiiiFuJm:iiiTiiiiiin uiijitnKttiaiimrniTnni-TL's? 1511 N 1BTH. 11 r r. b gar rear J2J.O00 171H Ore-n. 17 r 4 t h -w heat 18.000 2223 Wallace. 13 r . i h fine order 7,700 2110ttret,n st. 11 rooms, good order 7, BOO 1145 N Kith. 12 rooms possession tt.BOd 2(i32 Mt Vernon st . 12 rooms order O.fion 1133 X. I7th Ft.. 12 r good location S.O0O 2H3 Oxford st.. 14 rooms. 1 bath 5.70( EllsHrown st. 10 t close to Broad 4.500 JlKfi Mt Vernon st 10 rooms, order 4,200 2325 Thompson st 7 r 1 1. . 2 sty . 3,600 2112 Wallace st. k rooms only 8.500 Kins illenunnd av 1 r good horn S.60O 1234 Wallac s- 7 rooms only . 2.800 Raymond M. Parker wanJVr.'t. BARGAIN Pcsii jhie propertj on the s w cor 13th and Heid H opposite Wharton hnuare. 1 fronts Rerd Clarion nnd 13th sis containing 2 3-story dwell ings and a. Isrg. i stor- stable lot "11x114 well Mn.mccd price t'i" 50D SOUTH BROVI) REALTY CO. Phone I'Kklnsnn 7071 MntTinvoop HH mi HARRISON ST Opposite Frank foti' llurh School, nil itonw hous must b .en to he aprreciaii-ii, sg"iil on premlass s-und-o UEOROE R. 1 lEl'ERMAV. 507.01 I mcoln Bids ItuUdUig Lota rnctorr Itrs. Ktr large tract op c.riu'xd northeast i scrilii. i RAILROAD I'RllXTAOC HARRY E. THOMSON -Jl-L ! a n k hr i )av E HE'I HiiME SITE .heap on Installment building lots jr.iino only in l.tncks from "iSth un I llnlllmore a" I15n up WETXKV .'03 l.iiiertv Hldg JOll DESIRABLE LOTS ripe foi Improve m tt t'hcMnu' Hill Htr ilford Springfield, will iuhKii ndvancfs to tiulld KL'XXEDV tnos Van Pelt Hllftlne,.. Protertle anil stores 263-265 S. 11TH ST. Two 3li stnr -'or 'ri'1 1wiiinits nt ".'.! 11.'. "IH !ricf IJOIMMI i'. nilftnr W.J. KE0GH. Und Title Bldg. - -- ' I'mjorlew nrehoiiMCM. mJk rinirrs I I.I S I'XI.W If n Ml'- ' 75.000 SQ. FT. I t Tioua rh )nuot, d1 A mond tn all Mti-Hi lrTipri-nintr lo el nrnunj rtdy fi Uij! flinK . .inn ft I'm it It iiM.ns. , REYNOLD H. GREENBERG I M.l i II Kh IM V ST :ii!i!;iitr!,iii;ri!i'jL!iiifi!,iiii'!piii!'jiiiiiiiii:iii:,iii,i,iiHi!ii!iHii B siCCiv :i.u I( .tfrx Dnin,r nnd "t ixii lit'luHtrj l fiimi itv TjOOI) I un t 1(i!t fe J. LEE PATrON ft I IS (II.X II! Illl cALB i'iiiii:ti,.ii,,V!iiKiiii!i:ii:iii.'ii.iiiiM:irw'ii;iiiii;'jnaa!jiii,ii:0!ii:iiitiiiiiiiA j FACTORIES ,. K, ?. SITE a Everywhcis o- Philadelphia, I.UI IS tilN-llKIUI 120,1 ''hjftnui st IXDfSTRLM, PI AXIS WAHEHoTlHES RAILROAD AND RIVER KROXTAOE JL.tevenson& Son??nliila,ul lmt - v 1 l illtc.M' v"i,si iv irlck fao- tor huild ng fa 1 t I stneis lilepty of 1 pm ti oil ply,- p im I. iii.r jnd (levator. .ilioui 2." 01 0 u 11, fee' iiuililtng an ba seen v tw st 1 1 !". n s 1 pi st Prlls FACTORIES AND SITES SPLUiJ4l ri.MI,ls'i" )N Lincoln nja, KAC'l'i lit I h. arehouseH, ..ntrnl, for sale pmi'p will hnamv A 3.'li Ied Off' Lirii5e .MuliElfv i"Hr ilty guraae 2 flcilirs 21 ih'ii 'uilv iulppd I700O 1 as), VI.HERT MILL lcut2757 rtOI "0 S HAXImiLI'II'h'I I.11T 3(1x115 tVKillT V.'l PXIIIMul sr AVE Mores nml On filling 2000 DIAMOND ST. Fine stori- nnd dwelling rooms and hafhf ' j rir' J'. '"""n'rir. ",y ti,ois riovej. MT I'llll.Mir.l.lHIA .tk.'l, HR11W.X 3 sty tl ii.kn,glIMi Ja.kson ins I1.VH) O'hfs .'I I Haltlinors ave IM', sv.XHiiM I I., li, p se Rvst, ill t H Maikei ins l)u-cii ii.n I Hs'lnont, JJ47 MI'I s "'1 ! ''f.'f.'."' !T' 'K """1 on .i ond noon A I ciinditlon Ja.kson 5'J lUUimnre av. S 1TIIAN -l rms bath mod , post HiTMl HAHIUCK, ISOIO Clieitput fe 111, II I lf.Pl V.S M5 M V 1 J J.nrli ?''; . .vft(jSrsV MM-o, ,1ttm a, nil,.