Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 19, 1921, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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    f7Sf?fWr 111," f'-' ' s ,' - "' ! VU'Win",
V -
' vii-;-
I, I
Federal Inspector Declares Road
Lost $3,173,982 by Work
at Baldwin's
i .
The trnmc repair wmh was done twice
on the t-nme loeoniotivn In the Paid
win Locomotive Work mid pil'l for
by the Ponns.vlvnnln Hnllrna.l. it wn
testified before nn Into-luto Commerce
Commission examiner liere tndiiv
P. 0. Wake nn inspector fur tli" -m-tnlMon.
wild 'JHO locomotives were re.
paired In the Un'dwln simp- I'-in
March to September. Ii-t vonr. nnd
that the rallrond paid S:i.17."."- more
for the work tlum the t would Imve
been In the rnnn" own hoii.
The honrlng which ltm vclerd:iv
In the Federal lliillditig before l.J
nmlner F. II. Ilnroluv l part of the
jrovernmrnt Investigation into , linr-si".
that rallrond wasted fundi.
The cost of ropiiting I'i" engines Mr
Bleclie Ktnted. would lime 1 -n .'''
each, whereas, the rmd paid P.nltlwins
$11,047 ntiieee or B ditfer. in f more
than $10.01)0.
For repnlr purpose locomotive- in
Mrviee full nntomnti.Mlh in'" pre.erlbe.1
eltlSRes. depending on the inilense thev
COVCr. Ir Itlooho -aid otno of the lo
comotive sent to the Itnldwin "Imps
were not classified pmperlv .
Fort. -four locomotives lie said wore
classified for hciivv oHii-tmentx. nl
though thev nnlv needed lighter r"uur
This refilled In Nn loss to the
rallrond eoinpnnv . lie testlli"d
In making the Titnii"i tm1 He
ame repair work wn d. n- twice on
aome lnooniotno, Mr IV. k" o'T, . ! u
letter written In M Stor eh.'eh. .i P"in
ylvnnia Unlliond inpeotor. v .,per
Hued the repair work at ltiildwie- Tit"
letter n sent t" !. M KM-wortn.
motive power nn militant for tin ro.ul.
In this message, sni,! to hnv. Ihm
written hi Mr Sfoncbnob. lie told I !
superior that dnplieate repair li id lm i
made nn locomotive i In tin letlu wn
a penciled memorandum, attributed to
Mr. F.llwnth. who returned th" lettei
to the Inspector.
The pcnci'cd nic-ugo follow:
"As I see the nrittir. wo wil' lime
to pay Ilnldwlns for all the work t lev
did on then- 1 'motives, even though
It mm hnir heen i"iie turn. i',o to t.ie
Inefficient method of handling the
work We of i-mr-i should lake the
neeenri stem to a''l ourselves thnt
the work was iiolu.il. d"ii" tube"
The letter Mil il-liei if evidence
Robert Sun lair Poctn. also nn iii.poi tor
of the Interstate ('..iniueioi 'omniisinn.
was oalhd mid ,nrr,ici. rated the tetl
ninnj. of Mr. Itlo ke.
Approximati h 1.t.7Mi in, ..motive re
pairmen in I'eim! iMinm .io;i lime
been laid off inre Man li 1. 1""0. when
the rond lienn -endini: onsiiie to the
Baldwin works for rep-iir
Thi w.is tetile,l to In .lame T.
Wnllis. si nernl i -ini' 'ent of mo
tive power for the I'. It. I.
Mr. Wiiili wa i !. ..iniitied hy
Frnnk 1'. 'n!Bh. eoiiiie'. for tin- Amer
ican Federation of l.-ibor
The witnes fcuiil it wn not meth
ciene on the part of tin- niilio.nl -on
worker wliieh ruined tin sending of
the loi'omntiie to the I'nldwiii plntit.
Mr. Wnlh xoiicht ' linns; out thnt
the rnilroni' ' " off in nn
t to weuken unioni'm It '
one of In- 'i i- . uli fi"iii
Mr. WnllU i'ie -'nfi ii.i it rs.irdms the
nunibn o men tin 1 oft in 'In rond
were ritii-ned to prr.iie ro.itrol
Demand Berlin Gold
by Friday, April 22
Continued frnni Pace
Germun proion -.
on four fiiridanienfi
m fuel are hae 1
I I n
-In '. an in
t1 " tranfer
:itii I'ritili
-. ''iird. Al"
.rutins nn I
i n ate I !er-
ternatlonnl !min . -e.
fn Cierni.im of 'lie I'
debts to (lie ("lilted
lied parti' l-.ntion i
Aharlus in the proli:
' in
! lit
. ..r
man lndntr fourtl , 'urn. an
ration in the i. nntrii' ' of
1 iibn
iie de-
vastnted p'Kion.
Ilegnril ne t' e mer-; .n .if the trim
fer of the Allied .'el t I i. T nn sni-
"If tiern.nnv pni! I'li'inrii. the
European A'lie tl eti lie o i'd tmns
fer to the I'nitid Stnt- it. ,:iment of
their debt, the who or oart of their
rlnim aitnlnt tier' mm I'nt the -jnary
eoinliti n re niii t'-nt tjennnny
"HermRni howeier iropne that
the I'nited Suite iMnnzi 'wo top ent
Rond'fnitli de' tor 'or a debtor pro
claiming ife'f iiii. 'orit iird u'iei till
dlnplayed ihu fir iinrf'i'ii.- bnt kooiI
faith Hon 'Ti f e !r..un I'l'.verii
ment ever 'nin.-i'io t'ni' tV I'nited
States would i ir ;r i a' et I mi :
"Anierieii" .ie not nulie euoiii. i,
ignore the fm r ilm' In -m n .i l.ni
pain with -in I. a purt it would tmt l.e
the debtoi !.'. li woiild r nd-r n n
to the ored.tor tnjt fl.e ereil tor wou'd
be obllsed to ; I'o-ei't hihI -imr" the
debtor Tin' i"n ' of - n'li nn iirrnns"
ineiit wou'd be rhi' dr-tir.m uoijld p,i
nn nothlnit n '! ' '"tf f1 at the d'.t
had been fnk. 'i ! 'I" 1'iiiteil
HtateK. and mi . e.ne nil . n i i .t
lonneil , ei .i K; i.;.. r. t. r i i
deeIoinient . f ' i . i r'f
Britain l Told U S HaJ No Hand
In Cineelmg Coosetslon
U'nAlilu?t' n. i '.' F. A F i
A report I'mi ' i ' it I '" n-tnoTit
regarding 'I . ' r -.ton in
Costa Ili'.i n. '.! I th" Sni
nte todnv bv fi W II m in r. -sporse
to n re-" mm .1 t'd '.isf I'eh
ruar) 'lie mm -- i n ! ! I'.r t
ish inteiist-. u i- .ir, 1. 1 irine tin
Tlno' i r- it i " ami r i f.v vvu re
voked ll t. lli'W gov ' 1 II'IU lit
At tic Mali 1 1. , itt.i. f todnv ;
vvn 'i.l-' ' ''ll' .1 I I ..llll .1 " over
ing tl." po-tlo'i ol' tin- All ' lie 'I '!
(rtitneiil it i regard to to :- ! . - -tlllll
of tlie limiM mil i hlld ! n
nreniri"l for tli inf.. n h'iii "f n
Itrlt.li l !"" i nu'i '" nnd tr.iu-niiiti d
the Amen .in iinhi-.v nt London
Tin- ii ' . nonunion! was dinw aft -r 'i
suggestion hnd I
nf the Mnti-li
Fnlted Stall h
annului. nt of th
ii iniii'i o
Pin St I. in lit
,. Ito'.g'lf
ii ' out
. ol loll
ii .l.isflior nu
ll to I'.r It ii -
The Anirriinn
thorui'd ti
XO 1'
A i i.
Itc a
taken bv the
Jos,. Co-tn
without tin
paitiiicnt I'
that the con. i
TlniH'n i " i
ognlzeil eitln i
Great Mritam
f anv anion
. n oti- r at
II- .llllg.'l It
'llll'Ul of the
Si' I
l Mill ,. HO
gl.llll. 'I b
i i wn. noi r
nit' d St lies
I -
,' tin I
RlUnke III. I Will I ' I I nl isllsl .ItlUllI.e
to fiirnii'iri in the liniin of Mi- .1 1!
limiting. It.'i So itli I'm'Ioii 'n t I "i
a fire 111 the b.i ml was exi uvni-l'.J
nt 7 ti'lll o'clock t'n inng Mi
iluntlng, worknn; ... tl I lbn..
(Irtri'tCtl smoke and iIi-k.mi d i pi e o,
lmbbiih In the Immmii' in wu iguiltd.
'i'hc Arc vvats confined to the basement
Charges Hurled
at Rail Hearing
Cttullniifi! from
lll'-l, because
I'nar lire
the .e,ion wn at half
when Hit force was at its pink urn
heiniHo thou'iiud of laborer were out
of work.
"I ciinnol tind ni am time In the lusl
half renturj ." lie enntinit 'd. "nnj im
proper llii'itieial liutidllns "f the roads
nnd I ehtilletif;e Mr. .tewe'l's contentli iih
that the io.nl" 'ime beon liupropei y or
dlsliotie.ttj innnniteil " He nlo cited
llimneial stiitonienl of the rood -how-itiC
that government oieiitl1ou of the
lines hnd drtiMed t'ic pmroll-.
Cnpllnl t'liinhiiie Churned
fharite that a "eatiitnl cnnibiiie."
hend-il by twelve e ork Ilnnnelnl i
iiititiitinii. Iii.'iitirurnti d n polici of
nation-wiili. lnildowii wre innde b
W .lett l.nuek. nmult fin thei
union lie iinind nb'oit lot) men who.
tbrotiuli interlo.'kiii7 iireetnrtilpn. lie
eontetnls, leuteml in thce dozen I
ni'tltutloii control the mnjorili of
the eoimti'.i' linport'int nitlroaiU and1
of bne raw imiteiiiil. lie elinrReil ,
thnt: I
"Till inter-rotated capital croup de ,
liberate!! ilel'ited the fnriuer and tlnMi
undertook. In pre-ipltaiinq lti.iitrinl
-tncnallon. to dellnte labor. "
The riiilrnnd. he nserted, were the
i'hoen vehicle for till lain" drive
l.aioff nf i, -pair men in recent mont'N.
he cliaieed. wen. made deliherateli .
while iiiueh of the repnlr work was let
In oiitlde I'oiupnuies, who clinrRed the
roads nhoiit twice what the -nine re- '
inlr would hme eo-t In their own
hop One pnrpno, be said, wn to
set thi? portion of rallrond labor out
of (loMTiiiiient juri-di. tion li forcini:
it to work for the otitide concerns.
The concern, bo snlil. were largel.i
nude'1 thi ,iino (lnnnclnl control a
the lOll'l. j
T'i- iloi'iuient tl 'it Mr I.aitek pre
I'Iii.iii l.tl InMllittlnn Iinolteil
Tee d.i'eti Vew York Unancial insti
futon 'I named ne'e;
M'ltnn! I. f" Insurance Co. of New
York. I'ir-i National Mink. I'iultabl"
T'lit Co . .1 f Moi'cin S. Co.
iiia-intj Trui Co . I suitable !,tfi.
Aur,iuco So. Jot i of I nitoil Slates.
Atnerienn Sti-eti Co.. Nntinnal Stirrti
Co.. Mechanic- '"d Metnls Xntlonnl
I'.iink. Niitiotvil Citi Ilanlt. Vew York
Trust Co ant Chae Vntioti'il I'.nnk.
Mr I..nt.k ih.irK'il t'uit the-e b.mk
lill.l I i . i r '11 ire. M-lwn Cl.i I
ra lrea'1- .md in nnn'i rnilniiid eipiip
tnmt eoiuii 'tile, flint tlietr direi tnrliii4
lea' lied twenii-iom coal rnilroni! nnd
m.i' conip ni'".. end th..t. tlr'oiiKli non
l"ii kmi: due tor, tin- nlli sod inpi'n1
ii.i ih "o v' ti.rtler Interlocked.
Mr. I.nm'k uminti-i7ed tlte report n
follows :
"The oMilence ..w tin re ' u rapl
till nil ildne i.?ii-ti'U of tl, llllliol
b."ik ihe rmliond .md the indu-lile
I'oiilrollnn; bnic in ili-rml. unit that
tlii coinbine l.i nnd ' i'H'i." u power
tner th moii'ir d'-t'm ' the I'nited
State- It '! that with u the idi-ii-t
W nl cni'it.'i!it irinup the power to
adb.t oi niailii.t re ntlie prices In
ii manner lint wil tnnul;ile or up
pies iliiufl,ll ."I'.ti It point out
thnt tliis toenl raji f.i''.i ktouii !iii do-
llbernteh uuiiutn'md liu-'i in-lee of I
sten, coal, i n-nt and tl.er 'vi!!' mute.
riiil. nnd thai the rni;ro-id. fin meed I
In the -lime ll.te'et. i,n ri'fllsed to
plin e iird'-rs for plnnt ni nut' n.ineo, or
Men ''n.fe ti.cen-i to irrrnt plant
nnd wpiipment .leterionition. '
"Th. lnbit -how t4mt the creator i
fiielors In inoi can iniiit". the rail
wm ("I'lipi'ieni im.iii.'i r the riiilwa.i '
repilr work, tli" tee iiiteri'sfs. the
oil .etneot nnd nth-r l"ii' tuntiri'l
I r '.ne rs j re , loeli I nml toisetl.er by
intr'i nt'.tn. r''.itioi- nnd i'ltinloi kinx
dill" tlilHiO. Illlllk' to toi i ill (he
hi.u.' of Mors'in
Crtitriillz.'il Control V'lepled
"'Pie iiuh'm enii o.. ni ike no inue
- to flic iro;irirt ot n . ntnilieil -iii
i ..t cMiiiuic .o'tiol The point
of the exhibit 1 it till'' lie of tin
up iii loiinlde !iilu' wli. i the Kieat
loni'.in" h.i. mnde .f it power. The
I i.li.nt .nil iiMc'i'.ioii to Hie niitmiiiil
re-i'on bl'ifj whiin tin p...-. Inn of
mii b ;io.'..r rMni' nnd V flint thi
li .iolibllll i 111 tl." Ile of the rall
wn Indii.tn nn lin ! cn'.ed and
wi'iiin i .to the I'e.lernl tiv of the
I lllfeil MIL fi'l'l tl.e empolO pe..
Hrnlh to it out !. it till !.';, M -1 '. 1 1 tj
i bniis nn. ru" ioulj eva.l"..
"I In rnii' "' ure plui'Ii'ii: ....ertv
Tin t'ti-ik. ,ire '. nl.inR uin.i Ictite I
profit, and dic'efij unprecei'.ented div
idends, etld tl.e ltlle llpplie o steel,
coiil. rati i iij luipinenf nn -ununrly
sit'intid .oil. i in The i .ip.l.il ciiinbine.
in prip.u i; t" pri"-:oitati m.empioj -
Ill tit inlo-Ce. t.n p.i.le thnt the rail
ruud li..'ild do if first ' IIii'Iaii) ini- I
pro'.ein'' ' i ..l'-ii-ii wetr ilefi rred . I
ra i.i" ii .iini ii ime wn leduc'd below
minimum le.-.i' riuireinent .
( a pi la I nn Strike
"Ti in b.-t.'nl pBi.iIi.i which tm
mazer' '. Ametiiii i 'uipitnl on strike
asau.-t ..! c. And .iipuul. nation- '
u.1,1 .ne I in1' rn.it oiuilli orunnizi'il nnd I
in . Mr .ted tiilv. the tund thnt tin
. v.ifnl -r ,( -Iniil l,'" on until labor
com t. i. kuet. nnd ionent tl
-1 ..IIIlT re... tloli lit Wllgrs. mill UN"
si'i'' I' rs it iisht to biirain co..c
I n e I
Tmini no first the lm -otT hnr.jis.
the iiir pll-ellted tlV Mr I.IIU k .lld
tt.ut rnilr. ml -l."p Ini -off in p'ote
in n-t nine imiiitlis wire inoie thun
' tier floill It.H'UI 1 . d.lH.I
.Ma-''i 11. chnrKeil thnt on th- -iiitu I".
in .liru.iri. after -i mm I tni-t lind
bl I .111 "tt. the lellilllllll .' I 'I. Mill. I
w .1 ! i I i. rti'nr IJli'. ' " li in t'ult
tuoiiti' -.imi'nr r i .-t !. peoi.'l
from Ind 'lluil ob- ' '."h-. N'.i-b-I
lK'i..i N Ilortoii Kan.:
Ii.II"s. I'll ii'nl I'tuu hi In
. i.t, .
ii at
I k -
tntnl .'i-nr-
i' ern- has
pi ,.
it in t I
I." i
.me md all tl.e
. I lIiroul.it the
i oik It wa.
.up- priei iIiiiimI
'w Wnik was up
. 1 t of .11111
l mini iOp. TblH
1 t ot H pun oh
I i'
bv Itn'iiuiu I.
I i i
111, . ' .loin
I'.i.n I he lepol t
I . I I. lot iv. re-
intrv weie dmi" bv
. .1-' of the i ,nl
tn i
tl i
1.11 1
a1 'it nn I di'd. It gave
It 1,1. 1 lie o'...tV i O.lir
i no. t nin .''" I nu'i i it '(J
I J", j.
ib ud.
i nl I tl.e
.1- for
Newark Man Alleged to Have Taken
Bords as "Security" for Job
I iiii'ifi'j .itl) hii.'iliv ill leceivilig
-.".ii L.I" if
F I! -iHi-U
b. c
spun i
-irei t
v I I
Maa -i
tli nn
.id i
I i i '
V I'I li'!
Ill t
I I.
Win li
,, mi
nii'horii.i -
lit ill Stall
," f.
, mii
M L.
. am''
c '!
.. M
vcri a ii
a i..
nin to'
III llo
iiiie ii
I ib-l
i i"
i. n'd
tl.. f'
.no r
nml t n
tlie llln
I , '.. to
, I, 'id ill
'I i ment v
. mo Inn
Main. . ,t i
1 !
ie I d l.l.il V.
mil I V, tl I ,,
i In
I he lull
vv In
he nu-el uls air. t ill a Uownliwn
I ri'slutmuit
HARDINGl speak
President Leaves for New York
Accompanied by Secre
tary Hughe3
II) tile Assnrlatril Press
Wn-stilliflnn. April 1'.' - l're.nlenf '
llurilliiK left Wn-lnngton at 1) ."10 this
morning lii -iiecial trnin for New ork,(
wher. he wi'i .i ill at the -w I ik of I
llio Itolhar -tnt it", leturniins to Wnsli I
iiiRtiiti tonls'ht li" w.i iivii'uimnl.-tl
bv Mrs. tlimlin'; nnd a pa.t- of per
siinii' fiinidi.
Sirrelni 1 Inches alo wn in the
presidential pnrt). At Now iork it
will be Coined b I'nd.'i -ei r. tnr
l'elchei and Assi.t.int Snetnrt llli-s
who went h the , uirn'n i- t" welcome
the ileleuiitiiin from Venezuela.
In the tibeiee "I Sei ci.ii) Hlls'lies
onil I'iuler-ici'tiir) I'.eti her. First
Assistnnt Seenttiri licriiu i nctiiii;
ei retan of slnli;
New Yiitlt. April IH t Hi A. 1'.)
New ork toda) encerh iiwaited the ar
,inl of I'lesidriit ll'tnliuj: who toda)
will -peak nt the inixeiliiiK 111 Centrnl
1'ark of an cipie.trii.n l.itiie of tiiuernl
Simon Itollvnr. "Son'h inericnn liber
ator " Thi- will b" hi- tir-t visit to
the metropolis -'.nee III- election.
deipinte preuiiitioiis were Inken by
I the polli"; lepnituient to control the
thoii-ntiil.'nf peron who Slithered enrly
nlonj: tin route planned for the prei
ilentuil narfi after It aniied nt the
i'.'tiii-iliani.i Slntioii. fter liinchins
,nt the' Waldorf Avtoria Hotel, as guests
of the Ve'ieziiclnn -peiinl mission, which
,is pirs, utiiiK tl" I'-'iMir .intui' to the
jclti of New nrk. the presidential
iim-ti wn to pi ed through Fifth
liiMiiue to llolnnr Hi'l In Centrnl l'nrk.
illuiulred of mounted and toot police
were ih'tniifd along the route nnd n
U ini guard wn n-i?neil to keep order
at the m ene of the umeilius.
Distinguished Mm to falic Furl
S iiiiiuotied to p.-irlicipilte III tlie ex
ercise, wer" nil met member, fnrtisn
lini-i.T nin -i ei ini eiiioi. miiu- nun
, n.lllllclllill II III Ml 'ill 'I
mis ; ti 1 1 iirtm nuieius
-oldi ts. ..'ii'iu and marines.
Two lilt!" t:i.l-. Mat.iuitn Fner. Mac-
Mnt'ti and I'niri'ui l'nez MncMnnus.
I used seven and nine, will bure lionois
Iwiti. .li-tiiiuuishi.l -tnt'-fievi In the c-
Mfi'"'. I'll", lm" !""'n ."'lecteil to
unveil the tntue. 'i"ni; srentgrnnd
I ibiiielitei- of (ii inril .!"-' Antonio l'nez.
i l'.nliinr' leading geuernl and bosom
friend, and th. t'ut president "f the
V 'in .no I in '..."id'' riie i-iiiiiireii nn
' ikiuc'iti ' - "f S.'Utnii
i piiet and noirlit. wl
MiicManus, Irish
mill tiid Cntuliun
I'liu. , , ,, ,
Aft'-r III" erci-e in tmt nil 1 nrk
Fre-id uii Ilini'is ha- panned to visit
the Lighthouse Association for the
Hind, in Last Fifty-ninth -treet. bc
tnre jiroi Ii.i to the milw i) station.
The pre-identi.i! part) itiepuleil tlie
I'residtnf. Mi. llaulitig. Si i n tury
llllglies Co'onel tienrse HllfM'). lllll-
1 i.ndor-ili'sisiuitr to (iieiit Iliitnin;
Senator Fdgo and Frelinvrliti)sen. "f
-. .Icrsej . Ur. C K Hawier. White
Iliiu-e iiln'sli urn. nnd lleorge I'.. Chri
linn. .Ir . the I'resulelit' -eeretur)
Mot of the jiart) will H turn with Mr.
Ilnrdiiu t" Waslilngton.
Wreath will be placed on the -tntue
by the Societi of the Cinciniuiti. Son
of the lii'Mdiitioti. Sou of the Amer
ican 'tew.lut'in. '" L.itiii-Americnn
Co'onie of New York nnd the l'lin
tii ri.'an Student' League Mmor
II1m, Mill necenl the -tntlle for the
ni) and tioiernor Mil'er will make
ii short -per eh lefoie President I larding
deliver ln address.
fnimi's. Apill in -dtv A I'. -Vein
xin 1,1 f"di) celelirnteil the nnnivei --nr.v
of the linn I campaign of 1S'J1. dur
in w lii. b S. ..oil llolivnr defeated tlie
Spniii-li r.valisi and efihlihci the
ludep. inb i of thi coiintrv. In com-
ireiiioniiion "t tl nut the statue of
ticiirxc W.isl.ingi'in
trnn-fern d fr u t'i
which wns rereutl)
position it 1 eld for
inn n vni' to a in vv and beiuitiful sit
m Wn-iiiiict.
WII llliveileil.
Cuoig. inn 1 1 piiMiilcnt elect ot
I ii i, i t piiMlilc nt elect
tn.il . tiiniiituler-iii-i liief
Vnii'Zm 'n
tho iirinv
i pe. i.tl'v
l)He ot tl
enm in rr from Mariuuibo
till, . Moral w ii aili at the
Committee Sustained in Refusal to
Report Measure
l! H M f ' ' l mir.if
llarrlshurt. i'a.. April IP -The
Ivpi.il Hl.-'.it bill Is dead It was
killed on the lloor of tin Senate today
In '! iiin.it i- i ir. 'ini-tiim es. vvith ever)
fool of -t indii z loom taken. The vote
wlmh tl lid 1 1 s ispoei of the iniiistire.
, wln.'i h.i 1 een i ie.il storm (enter
t ihrouchout tin si ion, wu on the inn
I ton of Snuitor Fvre to (licharsc the
j law and "ide uniltlee from furllu r
1 . oiisiderntii u of the bill. As the com
mitt, i laid irfiised to report tin- bill
,.it Ftie' nu.'tio-i was to force u
I '.nn -nn on t'ue tlum The F.vn
wa ! f' nt ed bv a
i llitl" live we'.e :
' i.i.n. M. Vii'ud.
,,,te of Hi) lo ! The
A roll. Halt. F.vie.
I'.lttoll, SillllK,
I . I Ullt". ' lie.
A. Him.; I" tin drama "f tho oimiiiii
. wn the -'nuditu "f an AiniTiniii tins "ii
tlie ip -k ' f nn a ..r Hi" m ninors
I seimiiir. Vine and F.v re tirL'Ued
I nt,i it o ft In- icotinii to dicliiir;:c the
...iiiinitti . S'liiilie. Wiavn anil Fin
iiiii opt d it Tlnn. with the nn-
' nnlllici nn III nf the Vote. Millie tlie be
, sniiiiir linn . .ir Alle'.'h'ii.v, who
I op) d to the bill, had voted to up-
port the umdon lie then rose lo ii
ii. -I'mi of pel ml prlvili'Bi' lie de.
laud that polltii - hud dietat'il tin
. ii.i ot ilm bill from tnrl to liulli
. the on of a uiiiti who bad fnugM in
rhe i i I Win- to flie tlie slave, and
' w lm bad died with thiitien wound ni
111 l.odv Setllllol I tall S'lld he -poke
a. ii "! fr.ei il ..f t'u ' I i a.' .
! 'I hi loll.' he Ihtind 'red. "never hnd
, . nn. " lb tl" ii 'loioil fi ma tin
I t'i i a i .im.i I n i'i . I" -bow that
I older Cn pri-iiii 'ni' s. nil incis hud
tihe -a i. imiit lb n'-'iicd that the
Mil wu- i "" n propu.'iinlii
Operation of Detroit's Third Munlcl
pally Owned System Begln3
Detrnlt. Mich.. April P.I. Mi A.
I' i 'l'be third -lr.it ear line of le-
l mi's m w iiuiiiK'Ipfilli owned vt,m
I vv a pit hi.. npH'iitlon todn) on Ilii'per
nvei The Street Itallwiiv Coninii
..1..11 mm. ei I inn iiiic-nian nil "'o'-
to . aililul to tl lulpiuont VMtlllll a
fiw we'-
I'mler ii lourt order vesterdny the
Int. vi. iivni p. Minis. Ion lo eniss
iiimk- of i In piival.lv owned svslein
I with lis lllie-
I'm ,1 !!.)() n'chielv till- moiniii;
iu'ii'v dnr nit.'d the luoun of Charles
' .lui.iiii'. Sr !! lllish sti.i't tier-
ut ,w i. Tin lm wn- d ' nveii'd In
i li ilroi in on the se.oml Ho ,r bv It'de'rl
Loiui'iin lie nmusi'd hi brother.
I ir , . , .eei mi the third tloor, ntnl
l,ev nub d bv then innt'ier i i I'i
j, lisle i till bliue It IS bell, ved WllllldW
curtain- vv 're ignited b) u spark.
mmmmm, m&wmk
Prlngle Borthwlck Drove Car Reck
lessly. Is Charge
Fri ic'c Itotthwiok. foinier eonnell
tiiun. was fined !?10 and co-ls todn) on
the chin ;e of driving an nutomobile
reel'le.slv .
Trnrtn F'ltrolii'nn Moore lestllled bo
fore Mnitistint" Merlear.v. at Central
Station, lint F.ortliwlek was driving
hi- car in ttiibbl) manner near Uldce
nvenile .ind Viti" street.
Tlie pi'i.'eman -aid llorthwick vvns
-llgbth ilio-ierl) As n leason for Iim
unst'iidini In diiving llorthwlek ni i
h's stcriiiig sear wa out of older.
A, it hi'l been reprrted that the
former couiiellmnn had been under the
influen"" of diink he whs turned over
to Folic- Surgeon F.si'ti for examlnn
tlnii. According to the sergeunt In chnrse
of the cell room at Centrnl Stntlon.
llorthwlek spent the entire night there.
He wim slated on the police tecords ns
"drunk nml disorderly."
John i 'oiler Fiit Washington lane,
nrrested on u iniiln'- ehnrge. illso was
plmid in eioiitje of Or. F.gnn lor ex
umlnntioii Love Price Fixed
by Woman Juror
rontlH'iril frnni I'lice One
"will not hen! tm broken heart. (Hi.
how I wish there was a law to roinpel
liim to come Inn k to me.
"Lust night I i ried all night. I knew
thnt I would sro him here ug.iln. 'I'hut
is tin oiilv len-on I was glad to come
itgiiin todn.v. I hope -one dii) thnt I
will get him for he is tlie onl.v man in
the world for me."
It wn ut this point thnt th" jury re
turned nnd announced the verdict.
The nwnid of SOt'iO wil given to the
Bill's fnther foi expense entailed in
prepii"iitiiuis bv bun for his daughter's
The woman on the ,pir was Miss
Clnrn MeCanii. lll North Twenty-third
It wn- le.irncil thnt the men were ut
ii ns to place a cof on the value
of ii lo-t love, so the suggestion nf
Mi-s MiCnnn wim sought.
sked how the jurv hnd iirriied ut
the co-t. Louis McLcnn. the foremnn.
L.'!!-: lleid street, snid :
"Wo did not urrhed at il nt nil.
We dop't know what broken heart are
worth. We left it tn Miss MoCnun.
She weighed the matter from u woman si
viewpoint carefiillv nnd It was through1
her uggestioiis largely that
it coiuduion
President, Here,
Wants Ball Game
(iintltuiFil from
lio-e In iiilltch
1'iiEe Dnr
The heel of the slip-
were From h nnd Instil.
Mi Ilntdlnu- be. lined from henenth
the upturned rim of a iiieiliuni-slr.eil
lilack straw hut. In winch wu a siiiRle
feutln'r of a blue nmri the color of i
.apphiio titan of lliirilinc blue. She
wore u lieht led dotted with blue, nnd
the i'unl black ribbon, with it fa
milliir dlainoiul ela-p. wns about her
in a.-
She smiled Ini m know lodipuont of
tin I'r'. blent' intiod'U torv, "Here
conies tin lio-s." a- be rtepped out
on the p'utforni
Ili-Iuli Lo! far n Hall fiame
The Fresiiiini looked out in the di
rection of .s'libe nl'ik. took deep breath,
and alil. with all the longing of a
"Well, evorvbnilv. 1 wi-h I were get -tine
off tliis tiain to cn to n bail enme
with vou ltelieve me, I'm a baseball
fan I tt-eil t" pl'iv ni)elf. ion lsnovv
we turn out more baseliall plnvers fioin
the In' in the loiintl) I come from
thnn )oii do hi te
The I'ti -ub nt paused ti moment nnd
a shndovv -eeiued to cross bis face
"I don i fxpei t to see mnnv uiinie
thi sni -on" be adiled recretfullv "I'm
pli'tlv bllv
"Ilnv do von liKe vou job hi now,"
Mr- llit.lmi: wa nskec
"iiiiiit." -
he replied with entlnis
more Interesting than the
in I Insm
i ami
i un
i "II
I. nil. lie Mo.v '
,lll, o
I llskl d
Mi- II
ill ll c iippeureil pe'l.'d that
iiieinbereil the Wliite House
M'llli ot!
While Ilnusf I'll "Fine."
II.' . tuue " slu snid.
"'lis Laddie Ito)'s flue," ngrei d
ih. P -n. ni
"Iti , inc." Mrs Hard'ng ndd'd
with n.i ii'i-i "Lnbl.e Mo) 's sitting
up in 'I taking notii'i'."
i''i.iu '.. i lone, fbe indicated that
tin n niple wns beginning to rnili.
th, 1 1 -iioiisibitiiii's. social and oibet
vv ie vv I , i , 1 1 ibvoUe iipiui the "first
dog of i ., land "
.l,i-t ii.i ii t' e nnductor of the
t rai
al d 'A i alumni.'
1 Pu -id. nt llnidin,','
1 1 i . I - rvlei. man on
i.hoiil.'il to a
Hie slalom libit
gel on line ot
can't i; t nloiig
foi in "V.u'il better
vo i'i! be lefl. We
, w itlnnit )" I
' Tin -i i ret scrvu e
1 the "tl i I cud of tin
nb aid V- tlie tlllll
man liurried to
' c ar nnd swung
pull. I iiwiiv
' V , v, v ... 1. ,1... t 'ri.fililenl noil Mn
I Holding vviived uud , lllb'il their good
i bv. vvlnili .viie drowned In the clmi
1 of tin . ii w.l
1 I'i'-ub lit lliir.llug went In N'ew nrk
I . -I uii at the unveiling ol the llolivnr
htiitm in Centrnl Pink. N' vv ork
Pi ur I'.inl. Ft Nnrtli llnncoclv
-In ei -Ixiini j ears old. wir. liim ed on
piolmtu.n tm ii war toda) in Judge
i .,itll after pb'iiilniK guilt) l" nil" ring
inn uutoiiiiiblie sttii'oriHiin ut Mioad nnd
Wnl'nee stieit,-. Ford wns with si v -I
i ml loiiiiiiinmns who wne frightened
iivvnv before nnvthliig wns tubcii
m w,i;r( t r it
flTH vll)i
iloi" ntirn
lialn hiiiii '
I . u.-r nffu
s XI.I.SVIAV man b ctolhlnij opin foi pojl
in ,i .X 133, UAiiVt Ot(lc.
Immediate Passage Urged by
Committee Agree to Sido-
track Tariff Changes
By (lie AM.nrl.ited Fress
W.'islilnctnii, April 10. - Iteporlin. the
itnmlRrntlnn restriction hill to the House
toda). Chairman .Inhnson, of the lm
migration committee, urged its Imme
diate passage, deelnrlnc flint the onuses
lending for its ennetnicnt by the Inst
I Congresn still existed.
Kxccpt for the effective days, tlie
I new mensiire Is Month ni with thnt
pu tsed by tlie Sixty sixth Congress nnd
given n pocket veto by l'reidetit Wilson.
, It lostrletK immigration from l'urope
I to ( tier cent of the number of furelKti-
liorn tiersons of such nntlonalilies in
the I'nited Stntes nt the time of the
11110 census, nnd would be effective from
next May 10 to .June .'III. 102J.
Tlie measure would not uptil.v to Im
migration from countries with which the
I lilted States bus treaty ngreenietitH,
niudi us .Inpnn. Cliinu nnd the South
AniTlenn republics.
Chnlrmnu .Inhnson estimated that the
number nf nliens who could be admitted
nnnunlty under the proposed law wns
.'!". dill , more thnn hnlf of whom would
come from northwestern Liirope.
The Semite tiinmce ronunitti" Is jiro
ccedini under "n solemn ngreement ' to
shlctrucl, nil proposals to chnnge tlie
tnriff iirovi'lons of the Young emer
gency tnrllT titnl niitlilumplng bill,
Chniimnn l'enrosc informed toilaj n
deb Kutloii representing potiltr) and vkz
Intel est who 'ought to Imve lyjjs In
cluded In the tnenu-e. Senator Ken
.von be-ided the ddeRntlnn.
"Wo niivn tills nrransetnenl brlwccu
our eoniniittee and the House vvn.vsand
tnenns eommlttee." snid Senntor Fen
liise. "Wo iil-n have consulted with
tlie Freslileut. To follow imy ntliei
course ineniiH thnt the bill will not be
mi emergency one nnd wo fi-ol we must
"xeliide any ehnugos. except unh ns
-eeic nrceasui) to claiif) It pro
visions." ltcplyiiiK to nn inipiir) of Senntor
Ken.von. tlie ohnirmnn said thr eoni
niittee would oppose amendments of
fend on the Senate floor.
( itsior s cpcrts were exninined to
d.'i) bv 'he committee, (leorge D.ivi.
spe. ial igent nt New olk, epiesed
the view that there wn "ver.v little
dumping i ing on now." Mi. Dnvis
iilo t.iiileil thnt the antidumping sre
tl ni nt the bill would entail hcavv Inn -dins
in the customs service.
Committee members got into u ills
Mission nl tlie (tlloienev of the "nvei
uge" Fnitiil Stute. consul nbrond, Mr.
I'cnrrse iiving thut most of t ln-in wne
"imrtieulnrl) good 'if nlteiuling snciul
funi lion, but Imve to hunt for some
thing lo do ut other times."
The I tilted St.ites tnriff coniniiiou
also eaiiic und'T tire. The charge wits
made that iiifoinntion githered b) tin
(oiniiii-si.m hud been ol little value lo
Congress in drafting tariff schedule,
and Mr. Fonioso inquired whether that
was not due to a "taint of partisan
ship." The eommltlee will resume, hearings
Thtirsdav .
Loitering Near Freight
With Auto, Police Say
Four men who were lolterllie nbont n
loaded fieiitht car of the I'cnnsv ll un a
Itnllrond nf the freight vnrd ut I orty
ninth nnd I'arkslde uieiiue nt lit o'clock
t Inst nlRht were arrested upon suspicion
1 Thev gave their mimes as (Jiorj!e Mr
' Allister. Oliver street neur Forty-
ninth ; John Pever. Foil) -sixth mid
I Fnirnioiiut nveiiue, llarr) hn-k. Asien
street near Forlv third, nnd William
'Crawford. Melon street near Thirt) -i
l'atrolinnn Hurt, of the IViicli nnd
Media stieets station, found the men
near the freight car. Tin') had nn
automobile standing nenrhv When
the) could not give a good reason for
tlieir intions lie look them to the police
station, where tin") will receive u beiir
mg tndii) before Miigistrute Frici .
I Cook at Rummage Sale Buys a
I Genuine Audubon
Minis bring higher prices thnn chick
.ens, especially when thev are painted
on onnvns. A (icriuiintown ik knows
thi- much now to her sat'-faction.
i Tlie conk wnndered into n charity
1 rummiige sale nt the Iteiiefit Shop. Clud
I ten avenue and the Heading ltnilwa.v.
She bought an old picture of u gnen
I tree on which birds of nil tuitions bad
Scores of "ruiiiinagers" had si en th"
' 1 ietiire nnd passed if up. It looked
I somewhat faded nnd tlie birds iippea -ed
to be tired. i lie cook paw a ilollar
for the picture.
Later she was nttr.uted bv other pic
tures of birds in u simp window on tbr
innntown nveiiue.
She look her pieiure into the
tlilukitiR peilinp that -he might m
11 the
ft nine. Then she rceelvnl a I'dt
"Tlillt plctllie s not worth a
es than Sll'0." said n iilenuiii
is u genuine .lohn .lames Adubiin.
v bo.
von know, was regani'si as tne
liter of blnls In tins conn-
"Then that piotui
wnll of in) juirlor,"
sun right on the
-aid the cook.
Girl Run Down by Auto
Ph) lis .Imies, twilve vear- old
.'till Wuliiut blue reieivid internal
iurli - veslenbl) when he wa- -iriidi
un niitoniobllc driven bv .lnn S Iian
liert. of Is'! Wulnui lane, mi Walnut
lane mar P.. bin street The l,., wa
taken to the Memorial Ilo-pilnl li.m-
il.Tt Will be given II lieuilllg to.lliv be
fore Magistrate Price
U- -&i ssataj'sj"
Vsl "
n '
"The Finest Butter
in America!"
At All Our Stores
for I
sv-a m
AERIE 19, 1921
A'ho.v Pence Resolution
to Be Taken Up Thursday
Wnshliictnii. April tit.- (II) A
1 )--The Knox pence resolution
will he taken up by the Senate
foreign relnlloiiH roMnilttoo next
with n
lion is
i), it was nnnoutuTil today,
view to n prompt fnvornble
dnle fnr Senate rnnoldern
Indefinite, iih It in the plnn
to tnke up lirst tlie eniergeney tnriff
bill, nnd the length of time the
flnnnee committee will fipeiid in eon
slderltiR that measure is iineertnln.
Victim of Assassination at At
lantic City Was of Noble
."pivinl nHvntch In Hrt k u 1'uhhr l.nh, r
Atl.mflc VUy, April 111. Cnptnln of
PelectlveH Mnlseed mlmltted todn) tliut
no further progress had been made
toward apprehending the nssnssin or
nsmsssins of Count Heiiirlch xon Itiilow
or Von Itickler, ns he wns v,irlnul,v
known. nltliniiRli he admitted thnt lie
wns convinced Unit the count bad been
bumped off beciiu.ie of the inotie) he
Hteplie.i Loii7.. un Austrian tailor
nnd the itend mini's most Inflinute
friend hero. In recounting todny wbul
he knew of Von Itulow snid that the
nan came to tills country ulsiut twenty-
six .venr.s ago nt tlie uge of tweiity-elgbl
Von Mnlnw wns riiltured nnd lind In
lorined Len. thnt he lind been ediieiiled
Iti tlie Fnlverslty of Wuri.burg. D.ivurin.
Hi inothir, whose funiily iiHine was
Von Mulow. was wenlth.v, ns were the
. flier meinhei-H of her side of the house.
Fpon coining to America Vou llhkler
adopted the niinie of Ilenr) Hindi!, bv
vvlilch he wns known here.
Von Mulow lind some sort of nils
iiiiderstnndlng with his father iusf be
fore starting for the I'nited Stnte; tils
mother had died, n victim of ontiMinip
tlon. The count had been placed In the
will of un uncle. Colonel von Mulow.
with whom he wns n fnvorlte. for a
share of Ids large estate, and tlie father
hnd his son sign over n power of nt
torne.v for his estate to nilmlnlster
should the uncle tile while Von Itulow
was in America. It is dci lined b) Lcn.
that the uncle believed this a shnd)
transaction on Ihe part of tlie eldn
Von Itulow nnd he revoked this clause
of the will, naming two maiden sisters
of the voting mini' moth in his slend.
fine of these tcrs died shortly
thereafter nnd the other tlie Coiinte
vnn Itulnvv Inlierltid the estnte when
the uncle died.
Von Mulow took employment in n
steamship nsenc.v run b) u innn iiiinied
Small, in Philadelphia, upon reacliin
this eouutrv. I.nter lie null'' lo Ibis citv
and took oliurpo of u nugene.v for Siuull
here. Small later came to the scnluuv
nnd opernted n side nvenue lintel for
some .venrs, wiito von iiuiow oeeiin.e
iissoi iateil witli him.
When Sninll left the i'lt Von Itub.w
liecame nsslstanl stewnid ut the Hon I
Hulrlgh .the noiHrnteil b; llnrrv D.ine,,
I l'cros
the stl'et from the M . I luirlc.
He worked tlieie ill tin Hummer nnd ut
Fort Pierce. Flu., in the winter, con
tinuing this iirrnugenient from 1IIHI to
1IUS. When tlie I'nited Sfntes entered
tlie war Vnn Itulow registered hen- n
an enciii) alien. I'ighteeu months n'.'o
he look wink ut the St. ('buries, while
he wn nnplnved nt the time of his
limit li
Although the poliir sa.v Von Itulow
wn married ntnl divorced in tin eouu
trv ten venrs ugo, Lou. fl)s this i
news to 'him. He cniefull) concealed
liis coiinoctions in (icrmtui). nnd b)
freiiieiitlug only the iioithsule sei timi
for hi gii) inn lies ami keeping uvvii)
from the beni h front cnfi.
Von Itulow Kent bis l-epnited double
lifi n secret, l.ni-. the tailor, hi only
intimate friend, the mi!; person who
knew of his noble llncujjo, was uiinvviire
of his alleged dlsslpat oils, o luiide
Leu, tils only coiilidcnt, spending much
of hi sleisurc time in the tnilor shop.
Automobile Slightly Burned
An automobile belonging to 1'. Knott .
proprietor of u gnrage nt !i.'!l Noble
street, caught lire earl) thi moiniii;
ns employe were wheeling It to the
street. Street Sergeant Whit7el. of
the Tenth nnd Ituttnnwnod stieets stu
tion, who liniipeued to be passing, sent
in a local alarm Firemen hnd little
double in etiliguislnng the hlii7.e, the
origin of which I uniiiiovvii. I tie
was -lightly damaged.
Sucking Up the Evidence
Ml. Vernon, N. Y., April IP. ( Mv
A. P.- A suction piitnii is the latest nut
to enforcement of the new state prohi
bition cnforciiuent n't Mntoicveio po
liceman Shire vetcrda) noticed a bot
tle in the possession of Finmiscn Potn.
wlio, wlru accosted, smashed the bot
tle ni the -idcwalk Shite drew foil!,
bis suction pump, smked n pnrt of the
"ex idetio"" into It nnd took Potii to
Hie police station.
i .
11711 P P CTS
- I
in- BJ
bv M
1 1
Men who are well-informed regarding
correct and proper form and style in dress
are ardent patrons of Jacob Reed's Sons.
Their influence and advice are daily adding
to our steadily increasing volume of satis
fied and well-drci,sed customers.
i Ik
' w
A fc
i J
Jj I
1 1
Spring Suits and
upward. The values at $45 and $50
especially attractive.
i m
Vast Concourse Present
Dougherty Officiates at
Ceremony, Now Hero
mmiv mnuiTAnico PPP5PMT
mHIH I UlUtllll I MIHU..I I nsvuii.
Cardinal Doughert). rtrohbishop of
PI Ihidetnhlu. sang Ills first So'enin Foil
tllicul Minx todn) In the Cnthcilrnl of
Sts. Peter it ud Pnul. surrounded b)
the inlests nnd prelutes of the church
nnd l.efoie n great cimeoufse nf men
ii ml women.
It was the first eeremoiiinl of itssorl
ever celebrated In Ihe lit years of the
historv of the archdiocese nf Penus.vl.
wmla. Cardinal Dougherty, moreover.
Is tlie first member of tlie Sacred ( ol
lege to enme frnni Peiuis.vlvnnia nnd the
first nrihhishop of this episcopal see
to he n nntive ot (lie slate.
Solemn Hut C'nlcrful Scene
There wns never, therefore, n more
siilenin nor a more brilliant event In the
vnsl Cnthcilrnl on t .051111 SiptHi-o. nl"Ji
ops and inonslgnorl. In I heir sciirlel
lobes, memliero of tiie great teaclilnK
nnd preaching orders of the church in
cassock nnd hood, priests or tlie Soelel)
of Jesus in plain black cassock nnd
white surplice, doctors id the seminar
of St. Cluirlis Morronteti nl Overbrook.
members! of the seen in r clergy from
cvur) iarlsi in ill) nnd stute. were
I'litiRi'd In the lirnuil chunccl.
Theie, too. silt distiliKuisheil inclil
hers of the lull, the three papal ebniii
hcrluins, creutcil b) tlie pope nt the
time of Cardinal Dotigheit.vV clcviilion.
nnd membersi of the knight!) papal or
iters in their uniforms and weuriiigdcc
orntlnn lii the foremost pew of the ( ntbe
drill sal (he black -robed si'ters, tincli-
irs 111 the p irish cliool nnd ntliscs in
the Catholic hospltuls of the city. P.e
hind 'hi'in sat the creiil tlinuig of ntli
olic lav people. I'.vny seal was filled,
and a nhl irowd of Hpeetntors jiinuneil
Ihe liroud aisles ut the sides of the
Vie'ibishop l'ougliei'f) wns rindy nt
o'clock, the hour llvil for tlie lerc-
liionv to begin. 11 ml pioinntl) Hie
bin nf inlests started from
chapel iiiljiiliiin, the Cathediu
..... ,l,.,l llo'oill'li l.ll"MII silllulC.
it prn-
the si in-
innriiins. In cussock and surtdlce, lead
,ng. Then cuine the
in.o.t.. nml after them
ninks of th
the high dig
The bishops of
iilliiries of the church
the various ei s of 1
nnsvlvniiiii wni
there, enili i sen
lifted h two ntleiiiliifit
iiioti jgiiori.
Wi'lklug near the
luiiill chaiiibetblins
.lohn .1. ('o)le. Dr.
unit .lohn (iallngher
.....!.. . itu nf till
, former
', iie"eil
were tin'
11. Long
In th"
ir ntiiee
.In me
tin n t ' ! - -- ,
Itvnn nnd Dr. Peter .mo.viiii. pi.''
i. ,',i,.i,i nlso In uniform, wulked with
the ilminb'rlulnn. us did Waller deoici
Smith, who wn not in unlfirni. but
wore a d ration on his bicust. the
lepieseiitulivc of the laity In coiigrntu
i..il,i, tin. i.tirillnill.
iini,,), ."" ..--- ,.!.,
the euil ot me solemn i'i"" "
tl iirdlnnl. diecd in carlel
nml wearing hw goal ti ml vvniie
ni. foe mas., his mitre on In
mi. I cm rv in" tlie gold pastiira
I staif of
his nlli
'I'be iirocesslou wound Into
the Cutl
,I.mI nnd mi tlie middle lllsle
Into tlie I'liiiuiel. whole the
great thiong
of dignitaries wns -eafeil.
The Cathedral had been filling griul
llilllv with tlio-e wim were the po-css-ors
'nf tickets. A greilt line stood nut -side
waiting, mid n throng of un ii mid
........i. ..roudeil the siltlilic to vvltlie--
thc piocessioii. When the door wne
thrown open there wns a rush for ni
trnnee liich took nil Ihe efforts of the '
pollccincn on dutv to control. In ti few ,
inoineiits, Imwever. nil that the gloat
church could hold hud licen seated.
As the pi on ion pi'iieeedid lli the
allc the Prel' Choir sang Sonchiui's f
lciintiful "Fa co Saieidos Mngnus."
m,l ilieii. as the ceremonial began
Perns!' "Mas for Tbne Mule Voice "
Cnidiniil Doughert) was scaled on
his gieill tllione to the left of the church (
and nenr the ultur. Two pnge !'")s. in
black and white slashed -iitin, tin- uin
forni of ii carillnul' iiages. arranged the
long sinrlet trnin of his gown Mil-
begun, the cnidinal's vol e riing clenr
as lie sang the Latin words ntnl tin
iholr responding.
The grent speaker rostrum, to tin
right nnd near the middle of iln church,
wu tiling with ninllnii! red and dinped
with tlie papal colors, gold and white
xvith n decoration of pink iom-s. Lights!
Tne Silver Basket
for fruit, flowers, cake, tea cokes, sweetmeats,
crackers equally welcome in the gift-display of
the bride and the home of the wife.
J. E. Caldwell &
Chestnut and Juniper
Top Coals are $30 and
1424-1426 Citeatacrit Sihmsel
ffloWl'll Oil (lib llllrll llllnt. ...! .,
stun . Mrwtiiiiny down flirottgh tlie ,"!
vaulted ijn.ni' of the enlliedn, tnnn, ?'
tlie ciiidiiiul mid his prelates "l ""
Walter (leorge Smith. ilMng tP, i,
place In the ehuncel, briefly KUt e fc
an nil In the untiie f il, ..'.. " ll1"
OOShrn-iJoV; w
priestti nnd jicoplc took in the enrdffi
elevnthiU. lie wns followed bv tl,.. l '
." ;!"'!'' ,.A- ,,0T, H,.,wl''- m'nf
the ( nthollc si hoots, vv in told il
!llnl thnt the school cl,lldm,,l,(V?L
n,i iiiki rimr JUllllll VI the 1- nt I
"'-d their clerg, co.,gm.,, ..J1 "'
hi lhes.;nnl honor that had h-r,, ,n "
tlie nrclidlncese, ,n"r
.....:.':,"..." ,1' ","')' .-Ml
"""" "ill. nun IOC iiiki) of (j,
Just out.lde tlie ehnneel. , i,,.! ,'lT '
cardinnl stood to greet hi- pen,,!,. i"e
clear voice, audible easllv t, '
scuts of tlie i enl Cathedral. ;,,;,
slow nnd deliberate utterance ,,,'''
Dougherty publicly thanked the V, uh' ?"'
the bolinr which hnd been done l, , , ,r
hioi-e to tlie nrclidlncese than' t , '
self, "n"
"While exalllna Ihe n(lice." snia
cntdlnn! "let t he man he l,u,nbf( '
hln. bo Hit,., with confiisinn thai , ,1'
iih he .-lion Id have been lltungh, f 0".
so high u tiluce." "'
The mass proceeded, men and u ..,,.
nml rhtiirl. dlKiiltnrle, kneeling C"1. "
(illdinul proceeded will, (, .-" ' "'
rilie. At (he entiscerntlnn. fl,,. , '
snlemn moment of the mass. ,ls ,' , ''
l-enl n the church, tl," nr "in, iim '
of ll,.' high a-lnr hh,,ed. an " ,." J
of ... chnrch was aSh.w with l,,,!
electric bulbs. From the .,fi, a''"
powerful m,ilRH sl,e do v no ", !'
illnr mifl lie cardinal. The JJj
P.nled .111,1 he masMMl voice, f "
priests choir ,osc ,l(l ' '
moil) of tevcrencc um inv
Monsignor Alielinel .). ',',,, .
vlcnr general f . , ,.,, . '"' "t
of the Church of S,. Frn,,:i; U r,r
wns nsslsiunt i.rlcst , . ,,
Monslgnnr Kduiond .1. Flllni ,M"
reetor of S, Charlc.' Send.u rv U I
nook, was deacon ml A 'g,)r ,, ,
tel . . (.ercke rector ot ,.. (',,, ' .
-nbdencon. a onsign,,,- Pct,T " '',''
ruriil .lean ntnl tecinr of . ci r,, ni
lheSucr.,1 Heart. Al,.,;,,,v,.,r'';'
"ignor ll.nr, T. Drunigoole. , , ' ;
Sfjircgory's Church, were dc'n.' n
'I'll., Ir,.. T, T, .. .. ..
.... ..... ..i.nnas i'. ,iirtn ,, ain,
cesaii nuistcr of einonle un, n.' ..i
v Cat hers W llln... I m ..," ':.1"'
jtenc A. Kell) and .Inseph W
.ish.ip .l.din .1. Mctort. of Alinnaaj
.lohn M. l.annon. ,,f :,,.: M(l(. ,'
I.dian. of Serauton. ud Philip v'..'.
D yitt.of Huiiisbuig. will, nrle-ts" f'rin
their dioceses, intended . uii-dim!
All Ihe parishes ,,f the- citv will 'be
liri-eiitiil li.v their ,t.., v,. l .
ii tiuit in , 1 1 1 1 1 1 :v s r i v 1 1 1 ' nml
j'.iiiiiiaiKin ut iii::;ii ,, clo, k
nioriilng nt lh Cntheiiral. It
five or nil ihe leaching
I lie diocese will oooup)
ufh liniisrpi.
coininunitii. r,(
enl in tl.e
Tho cardinnl will go llirniighoi.t tl.c
Cnthedrnl Id, sslu t In a-semlil. d .tij
lents. Five little , hildicn, t, pr, ,,,t.
ing IIKl.tll'tl palish childini, v it tl,
addrc-s the prclnte.
Thieves Escape After Making $500
Haul Used Duplicate Keys
Thieves ent 'red tlie office of ,t Knlim,
In the Heed Mulldlng, during the mglii
mid cscnneil with weiiriug apparel ml.
lied nf SoOtl. The theft wa lepeiteil
ti the police , who lire itivi -tigiit.ng
The robber) wns ili-.ovend tin- mnrn
ing when the ofTico force comi'i.' tn
work found meichiiiulle sen tiered nhmit
the Hour. Tlie thieves are bcllnvnl to
have gained ncces li) mean, of ilupli
, ate ke.vs.
TheyYe So'Nice
"- it
& A
vn i
e .