v rpftv-rp .,- '' -t-iipi 'i5?tS5WTfcy'5wrn! "" yr J,V" 4 2' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, M'ONDAY, APRIL 18, 1921 KWT1 i HI r ' I n i H ;' if i 1 II Hi ?' J ft il ft It GARRETT DEATH PROBE CONTINUES (Coroner Inclined to Accept Thoory Swarthmore Woman Took Own Life FUNERAL IS HELD TODAY An inTCtlpntlon of ttir death of Mi .Anna Oarrett, of S'wnrthmn-c. n .-on tinned today by District Att-irnev W. Ttutlrr Wlnelle. nf Chcstrr enuntv Miss flarrett's hnelv wn. found Sat urday In Ilrnmlywlnc pvvV, Itinnlns Jtnm Park three miles west "f West Chester. She ha.! been miss. 113 -inco April 1. Coroner H .Ton" Patrick of ct Chester, salel today no ninrlls of violence were found on tho hodv II I" In 11 fd tfl ft theory of suicide, hut will lm'd n oohtlnued Inquest, prob'ib' Wcdtie" lay. Funeral services will hi- held Mils n f t -rrnonn for Miss (Snrrett -it '' West ntenur, Swirtlimrrc tw i llftv-on" years old and .1 prominent member of the Society of KrtemN I.ist Seen I'mlei Hrldije Mliw Oarrett !nt seen under n nrldge spinning the ltnindvwinc it Pncopson on the estate of ("hnrle V. Mather Wesley Shnrplcvs. Wet die ter. Identltted the beh a Mint of th vomnn ie saw nt the bridge In-t Tuc. '? . . 1 Minn Onrrett ovvne-l consnle r il' ' property She disappeared (mm tl. home of Mrs. Mnr A Iubni of eKwarthmnre. and n fev dnvs Inter un reported as hu mc been -e'11 ;it 1 b.ikci v in Media Georg" .1 Kekert and W illiiim A Hnfer. both of RcndlnE were ti-hini: in the Prnndywine Snfurdn when Tkert's hook caught n woman's dm He waded Into the stream, found tin body and carried it ashore Italy Fully Clothed The body was fullv dot-heel. A -mall TKrketbooK contained i one-dollar tills nm found in the c'.it'nng An umbrella ami a nandbag -he h.id nv ried when sh Mt hime were not found Miss (iarreit had drawn '-'ihi from a banlt at Swarthmore Relatives of Mis liarr.'tt -id -he hid been In excellent l.cilth md thnt Vbt had no worries -o fnr a the know. Albert N Oarrett an ittnrn ot this city, who lives in Sw.irthiiiore. n- a cousin. An aunt. Mr- Mn liirrrtt. Ihres In Wt Chester City Insists State Probe P. R. T. Rents Continued from I'sce fine I Co. raises its fare It she- the excuse We cannot nay our lent ' All of tin-1 Tcvenue goes to the underUru com- 1 panieR on account of rent "The P i T tins not added a n" 1 rar or mile of track in tire e.ir I.nt year the company made SPJ.000 OOi) nnd it had to pay .10.lMMI.(K)n rent to, the ub-idlar enncfrns Out of its Mo twclfths. the P K T alf nni-t a the tnxeK of individual -tockholdets 1 Ftte and federal It is a crying public ' wrons- We therefore ask ion tr per- I mlt the Public Scrum Commission to j investigate these flirts nnd -ee if sii ti 1 a condition is lawful Precedents Are Cited "A section in the state constitution 1 pays: 'The police pnuer nt til" -Lite phall never be nbridpe'l or cnntnnil to 1 permit corporation- to affect tin right ' if the people.' Our opponent umnnt ilnd u case In the I'nited State- where nn et which is in doubt has been on htrtied in favor of a lorporntiun William A MnRM. former m.ivor o( I'lttiburgh nnd nl-o n fo-iniT Publb" Service Conimissiotn r. npoki for 1 1n Cliveden Improvement , I'i'ioii. which aluo Is a 'arts to the a; peil "The Superior Court eouti.ticn d t lint the commi-Hion had no right to deter mine rates," Mr Mngie -ail 'and therefore could not inve-tig.ite rental The court m error rotnl on the fait that it had In mind oni on kind of rate that pertaining to nr c "It took into ac omit 011K rental- in retard to valuation ot propem If the (ommlssion could investigate it. miglit order n reduction in rental- which would result in a hour fare The other ride has apparent'; ignored the defini tion of the fni t 'I he publii service li provides that the Pub'ic Service Com mission -hall have lontml ovi 1 jiper ntlnK conipnnie- who own or cuniiol htreet railway- We enntond tl.at tin act gles the c onitni ion ufni lent power to ime-tnjatc the uinhrltin compan.t rentals NO SHERLOCK HOLMES HERE Philadelphia Boy Takes Course in Detecting Is Arrested Quits He paid nit $ In f a orr -p md enee cour-e in pruai dtiiin iik and then wa himself u.tc-Im! when ," tried out his detect n krioM'".'' That in wh lolni Mullrr. riiMn years '!. of H.V.t N'orl Tvnn "Ifhth street is ah .o-t cnmm.. t'm! he chose the wmnj nH 'ir l tsitrite Oswald "( the Vinefeeniii an. I Oxford Ktreet station, dnl hi- lv -t to ineoi ajc thin ennviellon when he discoursed the boy after a hennas t dn Milller was m i 'I 'iirti -il ird street and Falrmount Park n-terdm w If n lie aaw a fight tIMt between in rival ball fltlbs He got into the mid-f if It thinking to break it u'. (njr was beaten up. Patrolman Mcn),nr of the Twen ty spiRhth and iifon -ff(.. -tntmn heard the noise ilmper-e tin crowd nnd arrested Muller for disorder coinliiif At the station Inm-e o n whistles handcuffs ami .1 pritnte dnctne badge were found on Mul ir mil lie ev. plained that he nan Tm t.. 1 n de tcctie Magistrate (uw.ild ,ii.i Jlim to give up the profession THE REV. DR. BREED DIES Retired Episcopal Clergyman Was 72 Years Old Tho Iter I)r ("ieorje Ilreed ,1 r, . tired clergyman of the i:plwnpnl Church, died last nlghi after a Itjrig illness. Me was a widower seventy-two enrs old and had made hi homo for some tunc nt (olden Swan Inn. Mt Air The Hev. Ir Ilreed had newer hem a rector In th illm ese of Pennsjltiini.i although he came here to Mm '.owerul years ngo lie n rectot for fifteen yeatit of St John's Chun h Itrooklrn nnd iilso served as rn tor of Triiut Church, Asburj I'ark. .1 IHhop JUilnelunder will ofTn Lite ti the funeral nt 10 o clock 'edwda morning In Crace Church Mt Airi Japanese Aid China Famine Fund Atlantic City, April IS - One of the first and most liberal response- to a campaign for (iuhIk for the Chinese Famine Hrllcf, organized here by Princeton atiicent. came from the Tap attest Hoclety, of Atlantic Cim A tenni of member contributed XIMil through Kvizo Yo-hlmi, manager ol u Bapauese ahp oa the Doardwalk, 1 "SOME KID" IN SIGN TALK DEAF-MUTE'S WATERLOO New Yorker Arrested for Flirtatious "Remarks" About Phlla. Woman l.ten n deaf-mute must guard against ' loo-c talk !" Mntirlce Ilnrb.'iujh, a student, was btointht into 11 New ork pnllee court p-terda. rhnrril with dcfiimnlion of tlie limine ter of Mrs Albert lie Men lone, nf Mnple sheet, this nt). Since Hie ihiv he wn- born he hus ncvei ut tireil a word l'i Mc titnno ililms, hoocr, that 11s he and his wife were -Ittimj In n iibwai car 1 ltirliitiun paed icm.irks with 1 friend ni.on Mr-. I)e Mentotie'd .li)sii n characteristics. Plr-t he "flnsercil." .vith a "loud" S"tirii'iif nm. that Mt- I'c Mentono wa- "-onie swell kid." Then he (licked ether like rem, 11k- with ' 1- linuers l'i tinll Mr. Ie Mentemc told the lollc.,. the word- whull fe I ftom tie tips 11' tin nun's tingcis pn-w -o nbusne lie nitid that In- nccoiiipan him to the ,)oliee station II iibaugii told the police he w.i eon icrsiiig in l.ntin with his fr'etiel and that He Meinour must b.io been l, -peronitle " hne con-trued his talk a- Iibmiis mlntctl to hi wife !) Me nti. tie ndi.iltteel thnt he had no wltnissi, te brnr out hi- ediarge, as he ami Ins wife were ihc onl otlier pas-enger- on the car who unlirstoocl the -ign I iiigunpi The -n-" wns dimt-seil when ll'irbnush maele 11 "niinunl J.ipnlng for ni nffi'nsp he I1.11I plven. WAR RAIL BOARD OVERRULED Service Commission Disapproves Full Pay for Part-Time Agency , llarrlsbnrg. April 1 -dlv A IM I - 'It i- not to be concelveel t''iit the war labor board or nnj other nied-I linn of genet nnieiitai regulation slnuildl niio-e upon carriers rule that do not coiifo'in to ieii-011 iiinl comnion Heii-e" I and Hi" pnvmi'iit of -'l.T for S"jnn I worth of 'alsir or service is neither I hone-t eflie lent tmr economlritl. The I'etm-cjva'rii I'uhln' Serxlcc (Vimmi--' -ion t'odai riibsl and dlrecteel the 'Cumberland 11llej dlvl-lnn ..f the I Peimsxlx.iniii linilroml to e-tablish a part-time ueencv at Kauffmnn Stu- Hon. Krinklin cmntj . ami set 11-lile 'a fech-r.il iirrnncpinint whereby nn I .isent was given a full-time salnry. The comml-sioti ordereel the sta tion made an age;ic In 11M4 nnd a p.irt-time arrangement wan nuthor izeel. The ngent wan inld annually about '--W The federal nuthorltles established a minimum work dav of eight hours In P.il- with forty-eight cent- an hour for agent- This witli -ubwouent wareg arrangements maele the salary lus 1U a month Clearlj, the commi Ion njs. It wns not Inteiideel that the war labor hoarel should create eondltions of wantcful railroad expense, the inev itable results of which wntild bo to pass further lnccj-ed rates on to the public ee to eripp!" the carriers or to deprive localities similar to Kauffraan Station of nil public service" HELD AS KIDNAPPER Man Charged With Taking Six- Year-Old Girl From Home William Urovvn lTIo North Twenty- eeein I -iriel cut- held on S,"fWl bail todiiv foi further hearing ncj,t Monduv III the dlsTrpi'ar.l'lci nf MX-.Vear-0ei Ma M.n I.affcitv Itrewn i l-ilm- the child is hi. Mr Ilni'mi I.affert, lH'i-J Norns -tree'., rn (da Mtij i not the r-hilcl of Iirowii. The I'liiid is being cared for by the S. 1" C C until the cniie I- -ettleel. Mr- I.affertv s.nd -he b ft i.i r lioi.ie fe,r ,ibiiu, tv ei I v minute- s!trrdn af te nn, u, and when -he got back Ida Mnv wa- gone A neighbor told her a man. in-wcirs I'ei 1 -1 riptlon of lirown. tool, lb' litth "ill jw,i). nnd Mrs I.nfferty I 'id I'mwu iiri-tnl 01, the eh.lise "f Icidn ippiHF llreev 11 -aid wlini he tlr-l came to 1'liilndelpl.i.i Mr. end Mi- I fert wen' eunntng .1 rooming hem-e on Mt. Vcrn m street . th.lt I.lff'ltv eleserle i. hi" vife -e hi afterwnid and tl.at hr. lirow... lived 'ith Mr-. Inffritv for cM-rnl juiis iJnring thai tinn leln May wn- born ltnl IIiowu claim- the ellifel a- his SENT TO REFORMATORY Youth Had Pleaded Guilty to Break ing and Entering Charle- Viigetit. eiglitcen onrs old. who -ncs id- 1 einu is in Newark, was committee) to the Huntingdon Iteformn torv hr .linlie Shall in (.'mirier Sessions Court todnv after lie hail ph-nded guilty t'i entering to -tea! Nugent wa- di 1 eivered with i ompaninn In the home of Alexander Ilr-kine. Kleventh street and Sixtv -sixth avenue. Oak I.ane. April L' Nugent was caught after leaving the house but hi- eoiiip'iiiion. a man, emu peel The 'eoith Wll- lll-o arre-teel mil dl-e hiirjeel Marcli '2'.'. for taking th n; 'torn the loom of ,1 fellow. ' 1 Igi r in a rooming hmi-e In view eef the description given bv a 1 eignbor 'f the manner In which nt runic wns gaineil to the house it I ! ieiil bv police Nugent anil hi- ioiii I anion have been ic-ponslble for .1 nun her of similar housebreaking- that 'nn o I'urn d mi en' v In Oak line CIVIL SERVICE JOBS OPEN Long List Published Some Pay $5000 Yearly Salary I. I , tl ill , , 1 - lil , 11- f.lKlfl I . r .ire oil 'nh d ti'lrv hj ! e Civil S' rv ip I 'ouitnissi'.ti A .11 1 II . 11 -1 in pc rlniit are po-i-ti o - if n i-latit -tijeriict' tnlent of 'h I" ll li'e'p' Ilo-t.u.il feir Cerilngloll- lM-l- - I11-1 XIII 11 -it ti Aptil i!'! t.-w I'-el Ilc-i .f c ', reel oi, i-J.")!! 1, "h.wim Itn 'i lav ll el ef 1 tic e.iu cf e ii i t'i in i ii .million M.i 10 e itK it . .; i in'eti'lent iilv garbage ri"u''tmn pliint .U'lfl a mon'l' iininl ii ei Mil In -iipettuti iidi nt. I'y ullage re' ' t 'i j I mi ili(in month, exui imntini Mcv 11 noil ' npc rinteiiil-e-it jf tilMs dure an of wati r. S'JOOU I VI Ul ex Ii i- itloll Ml V U LOAF FOR A LOAF Camden Man Who Stole Bread Gets Tvo Months In Jail lohn I'lilicit t'n-tv -live ye-irs ohl. 1-11 I'llii.'in "r" t I aitideti wn- sen tencPcj to tvo months for stealing n loaf of lire ad In Keioi.'ii M n khol-l in Ih ( jindvti I'oliii I 'Hit toilav I'lilie n, it wii- 1 urged had taken the brencl from tin grocery -t re of llnrrv Keller nt Kiftli an I I'e 'i- ii -tr' et- I'iiIic u v n- arre-tcd In Policeman Stnh I The p. 'lecmnn had hn detailed to thi stoii' in loinplaiiit of the pro tini i r thnt In was nn-tniitlj ml-siiu iin ad frcjiu t'i ho , in front of hi st, ri Thieves Rob Church, Despoil Shrlnel Mirti.'tiiilci.th, Pa.. April Js -1 Hv A P i- I'ltii'vis i.nilv this morning gained .in cut mice tee the Cliurcli of the An nunciation, nnd ifter destroving three brines wricc) several 'ilcccn of Bint- II If r V Hill roll! Pel till noor boxes of eon si Ii table ii - h l'orlv houiii' deintlon siait cl in ilo ihiiuh vcsliTirev mid it is tlmuM ll.e In i.s xpectcd to lllal.l a bit' haul I he iiiiumge iIumk (o Mut uary nnd "iic'icil vefel Is vstnimtcd at si tcvcral Jjuudred uollorm IRISH VICTORY NEAR, LEADERS TELL U. S. Convention at Chicago Seeks Recognition of Erin's In dependence MAY FLOAT BIG LOAN SOON! Hj the iVssorl.itPrt Prpsi riilr.igo, April IS. MesKnges from Held leaders In lielnnd's light for In dependence' declaring that the Irish vlitimlli had won were read today by Hurry .1. Poland, sccretarv to Ilamon dc Vulern, nt the tir-t convention trf the Amcricnn Assncintinti for the Uci'ojtnl tion of the Jrisli Itepubllc Mr l)e Vnlern's message said: "The terror will break long before theie will bo any weakening of our peo ple' The nation has taken n new re solve and the time has arrived when we can. without undue optimism. Hnfely predict that " "Ireland Is in betlcr position now than -he hns ever been," wiote Michael Collins "The people are harelening in their determination. The Itrlti-h ter ror has failed and Irelanel goes forward with unflinching determination to the linal struggle." Prom Cnrnl P.nign oiiine this mes sage; "There are more soldiers than the minister of defense can arm anil the spirit of every man, wmnti and child i magnificent. The army of the republic; remains m the oftcn-up nnd all nrp ciger to step into the breach. Our morale is high nnd nil are c-onlidi-nt." Mr Poland In nn uddrcs- pleaded for recognition of the "Ill-h itepubllc" b the Pulled States unit for moral und (lnaiieiul support from all Americann. lie -aid a new Iri-h bun of S100.000, imiO miglit b tloated In this country soon, saving that the struggle rapidly w.im becoming a matter of money. Outlining alleged i.riti-h ntrocltles In Ireland, he -aid that the IlngU-h tjov erntnent hid "need the torch, the lash, tho rope, bullet, -aboteel the indus trial plants nnd coniiiiltted crimes which Christ nt HI- death could not forgive." "It is nil in vain, though," be con tinued, "for the cause of Irelanel goes mi and t now nt the point of victory." WOMEN URGE DISARMAMENT Harding Receives Pleas From Dele gates of Many Organizations Washington, April 1 (P.y A P.! Representatives of mnny women's or ganizations over the country presented pleas to President llnrding todny that the I'nited States use its influence for a world reduction of nrmaments. The tirsf deputation to wait on the President was from the League of Weminn ' Voters, ami Included many prominent women representing, nmong other organizations, the fiencrnl Feder ation of Women's Clubs, the National Consumers' League, the National Coun cil of Jewish Women and the Woman's Christian Temperance t'nion. Thev presented h resolution urging the President nnd Congress to "do their utnin-t to secure cn-opcration with other governments for the reduction of nrmn incuts at the earliest possible tune " Later In the day the woman's com mittee for world disarmament presented a petition for an international disarma ment conference. MAY SUCCEED GIBBONS Archbishop Glennon Looms as Ap pointee to Baltimore Rome. April IS. According to re ports in circulation nt the Vnticin Archbishop Olcnnon. St. Louis, Is the prelate most likely to Micreeel the late Cardinal (ilbbonn as Archbl-liop of Ilnltlmore Ill-hop Itus-ell. of Charleston. S (".. nlso is being talked of ns the pos sible successor of Cardinal Ctlbbons. No new American cnnlinul will be erenteel at the dune consistory. That was contirmeel at the Vatican yesterday. South American diplomats, however, nrp using their b'M efforts with the Holy See fnr representation of their countries in the Sacred College. The Vatiean authorities: pointed out the dtffleiiltv of smtisfyln nil with the limited number of reel hntis nt their ditcpns.il, the entire Sacred College, uc rorelins to long-estnhii-heel eu-toni, neicr reaching the tiinxlmiiiu of seventy. LABOR LEADER HITS SOVIET Chlcagoan Urges Union Men to Stop Preaching Bolshevism Chicago, April l- - o-cnr Nelson, vice pre-ielet of the t lnc.'lgo Peelerntlon of Labor, visterdnv attacked So let propngnndn at the meeting of the fed i ration Mr .Vel-e.n told protagonists of the I.enine philosophv either to (ear lip their union cards nnd secr their anso elation with the trnelcs-union move ment or cease preaching the creed of lefilshcv isrn and Reel revolt. "Since the tir-t man walked this oiri Ii theie has been a labor prob lem, ami until the last mnn leaves III there will -till he a labor probb in to sohc ' Mr Ne.-on -nhl "The lic-l minds of the age have sought n solution for it in wiin. Any man who 'can "tand lure nnd -ny he has u solu tion for it Is a liar He I- trving to muddle rn is twisted reasoning tho lllllld- of tin dele gate ," ESCORTS ABANDON GIRLS Philadelphia Young Women Stranded I at National Park Cntherine Clegg, sixteen enr- old and Marion Metiiirk. eighteen, both of Kensington, were found wandering In National Park. S .1 . this morning. When brought before Recorder pent, of (iloijrcstcr, thev said two men took them to the park yentcrday and then deserted them They were released em their ptnmlse to return home with Chnr'e, Clegg, father of Catherine, and to c house belter ccun pnnv in future. WARNING CAUSES CRASH Three In Auto Hurt In Dash From Supposed Hold-Up Plot IllUton. Mil.. April lfc Mistaking n frui.dly warning of elnnger ahead for an irtended hold-up David Hopkins', a Wilmington lawyer, driving an auto mobile, eln-hed Into nn army truck Ilopkln- nnd two young women who wen in the ear. were senoiislv injured. Tin former wns hurried to a Wilming ton lio-pltnl and the women wete brought to Klktiin Hospital Two other machines which vveie following Hopkins' cur also tra-hed Into the Hinnsliup. Murderer Electrocuted at Rockvlew Itellefonle. Pa.. April )f -Ml) A p i -Antonio Insano of Jeffeison mint v was electrocuted nt the Rock mcw Penitentiary today for the murder of Rosnrio Piiii.efellei. of I, Ik Run car v in WW liiiano iiiitiiitaliiri tjittt Pilf(7erello bad r'diDed him of bin life's isiiwngs, I'liiuprlHins more than sfl'OflU. hut nothing wan brought out at his dial to coaucct l'unzercllo with the theft. 2aniststststststststaHiWv' HiV5u, '-,. f vASA(SSiS3 RICHARD S. DAISLKY Ho l under nni-st rliarged with shooting Pntnilnian William Has selcr. of flip Kront and Westmore land streets station. Hnsseler Is In a serious condition In the Episcopal Hospital P. R.R. IS WASTEFUL Unions Say Economy Would Obviate Need of Cut in Workers' Wag03 - HEARING IS STARTED HERE Representatives of the American Pcdcrntlnn of I.aboi appeire-il today at thp Interstate Commerce Commlssion'- lieiiring on the methods employed by the Penns)l"nnln Railroael in letling con tracts for locomotive and car construc tion nnd repnii work, ami preferred charges that these contracts, letting the construction work to outside -hops, wns part of n general movement to disrupt the railroael labor unions. The hearing was opened In the fed eral building for the purposo of tie termining whethet the Peuiis.vlvnnla Rnilroad pursued a wasteful policy in having construction anil icpair work clone by outsie' agencies instead of in its ovwi shop-, since the company re Mintfd control of the rouel March I, 1!I'J(I. Representatives of the federation of labor sought, by attempting to show that nttenipting to show that the Penn stlvunln litis been wasteful, that there is no leal necessity for the general wage reduction recenth announced The hearing is one of a -erics, being behl in ynrlous citle- fnr the larger railroads. P. H. Han lav, of Washing ton. Is examiner for the commission, and M. C. Lift is representing the com mission as its general counsel Technical advisers In the pxuminr Include C. II. Mcllrlde, 11. ,1. Kates anil .lohn L. Rogers. Prnucis I. ( Sun en. general counsel. nnd .lames T. Wnllis, superintendent of motive power, nre representing the Pennsylvania Rnlliond. Labor union oIIicIhIh, who presentee the petition containing the nnti-unlein charges, are Frank P. Walsh, coun-el of the railwHV employes' department of the American Federation of Labor; William H Johnston, International president of the Machinists' I'tilon. nnd U. II firegg. stnti-tielnn of the Ameri can Federation of Labor. THREE SISTER STATES BACK COSTA RICAVERSUS PANAMA Guatemala, Honduras and Salvador Ready to Declare War If Necessary Washington, April IS-dty A. P.) fiiiiitnniahi, Honduras and Salvador, members of the new Central American 1'nion, are pledgee to declare war el multniieously with Costa Rica against Panama if Costa Rica deems such ac tion neces-nrv in view of tlm present bcitindnry dispute with Panama. tlttipin) advices to this elfei t were ip ceiveel here today. INSTITUTIONS GET $1900 Will of Ellen McDyer Makes Spe cial Provision for Catholic Bodies Iteiiuests to Catholic' institutions ng gregnting SlfifKl nre mnile in the will of nilen McTher, iiX,fi Past Nnrrl street, admitted to probate today They are: St. Charles Senunarv. Overbrook, SHOO; ('nminls-iirini of the IIolv Land. Washington. I) C. lfK1; Church of the Most Hlesseel Sacrnment. $100; House of the (ooil Shepherd. Rending, $100. St Vincent'- Home. Philadelphia, $100. St Joseph'- House for Home. less. Industrious Itnvs, $.00 ; ( liurcli of the Oe-ii. ,.V0. Oil St. Jo-eph's Church. Solid The residue of the e--tllte. $12 OcVl goes to relatives Other will- prohnteel were tlioe of Sophia Sehimpf US'.'.'! West (lirnnl live nue. $o;mi0(i Anni II Cns-el. :ti0 Raring street ! 1,000. Luke Pox. L'000 Tapt Lehigh avenue. $02.10, ntul Viola A. Moore. WiiuleTiniTK Hotel, S'-flOO. Inventories were filee ns follows In thesp estntes rthur W Hand. $0072 "." ! and Annie C ,en. Sllll.tW!! l.'t. CONDUCTOR TOO STRONG P. R. T. Man, Trying to Adjust Trolley, Yanks It Off "Strong arms ' have been known to appear on the police force, but the first "strong nrm" to nppeur in t lie emplov cif the P R. T. lived up to his name when in endeavoring to put n trollc' pole back on the wile of a Route -M ear at Twentv -second and Arch streets this morning, the con ductor pulled the entire pole out of its Hocket To add to the excitement a hailstorm arose, winch plaocel the coniluclor in a rather pre annus situation when lie mounted the roof of the enr with the pole under hi- arm After a delav of five minutes the car proceeded amid thunderous cheers from spectators who linil stopped to watch the performance. WOMAN RUN DOWN BY AUTOl Elinor Ross, Driver, Held Awaiting Result of Victim's Injuries lllmor Rose., thirty yearn old, IfMiii North Itro.id street, wan belli in f.100 ball bv Magistrate Dougherty, in the Fifteenth street and Snyder avenue po Hi i' station, tin- morning, d nvvnii the' lesult of in.iurle. received by Mrs Mar garet Iieviiino, thlrtv -five year- old, of 17 Noit'i I'liMin street, Inst night, at Ilro'id mul Illlsworth streets, when she wn- struck bv Miss Ross' aiitciiunbib Mr- Devliuii", h in the St Agnes Ho-pitnl. -'ifferliig from cuts mul brul-es and possilde internal Injuries. Fall on Stairway Kills Woman NorrlMnvui, Pn.. Anril 1$ While vi-ltliu her isiiu ve.-terelin iifteriiiioii, Mrs Illlahedi Ilennliig slxtv -live yeaiH old. fell down n flight nf stairs, suffering injuries from which the died u few Uioura later. J IS LABOR'S CHARGE VOTE ON WOOD AT PENN TODAY Election of Goneral as Co-Hoad Considered Certain Title in Doubt OFFICE TO BE CREATED General Lcrinard Wood will be voted upon as co-head nf the rnlversil) nf Pennsyhniiln by tile board of trustee!' this nfternoon. There i.s no known opposition to the general, nnd his election Is considered a certainty. Hp wbh nominated nt the March meeting of the board, nnd under the by -lawn ot the I'lilversitv his name bnel to be held over for one meeting before a vote for election could be taken. What title will be given (tctifi'iil Wood is not clcllnltelv known. As Dr. Joslnh II. Pelinlinnn, acting yrcivci-t, has been nsked to remain In ills present ciipacit) as educational head, nn oftlie of chancellor or president will have to be created for the general. With respect to tin; endowment fund campaign for nt leant $10,000,000. which the trustees approved at their Inst meeting in their declaration of fu ture policy, the alumni, through the wirloiiH class organizations', arc already taking steps to raise hrgc sutns.clnsses competing with one another. No wide plnn of the drive has ct been worked out. Two otlier mntters nre pending before the trustees, neither of which is ex pected to be .settled nt todav's meeting. The question of co-education, or what will be the future of the women -til dents. Is still before a commltlee nf trustees which hnR never met. according to (icorge Wharton Pepper, one of the committee. Possibility .of a ten -y enr term for trustees, suggested by Ffllnghaiii I'. Morris, has never been officlalh con sidered by the board. According to the charter, they serve for life, but Mr. Morris recently suggested n "gentle men's agreement" wherebv thev would resign after ten venrs' service. Athletic mutters, Including the enlargement nf Franklin Field, may be neted upon to dav. Three places now remain ncant nn the board of trustees, owing to the death of J. Levering .lone- and Whar ton Parker, and the resignation of Hampton L. Carson. These will un doubtedly be filled in the near future by men representing other sections of the country, according to the belief of those who construe the promise of the trus tees In their policy declaration to give wider representation. BURY LATE EMPRESS TODAY Former Kaiser Absent When Fu neral Train Leaves for Potsdam Doom. Holland. April I. -Ml) A. P )- The funeral train bearing the re mains of tho late former F.mpres Au gusta Victoria of (tcrinnny to Potsdam left the little station nt Maarn. three miles from here, at 7:1." o'clock this tiinrn I Tft Former llmperor William did not go to Mnaru to see the train depart, but remained nt his house In Doom in com pnny with his brother. Prince Henry of Prussia. Princes- Lul-e, daughter of the late empress, and fenernl ou (ion tarel. chief of the household, were the only ones pre-cnt to see the funeral car leave. TRIES TO END LIFE Despondent Because of Unemploy ment, Man Drinks Poison I'dward Walters, forty -five years old, l'mily street nenr Twenty -third, at tempted suicide nt his home at S :.10 o'clock this morning by drinking poi-oti. according to the police, nnd is in a seri ous condition nt St. Agnes' Ilosidtnl. Walters' wife heard him moaning and found him in a semiconscious condition. Ivlng across a bed In a front room on the seconel floor of their home. She called a patrolman of the Twenty. eighth nnd Rltner streets station, and the man was tnken to the hospital. Walters had been despondent becaus" he was iinemplo)ed. He is the father of four children, the youngest live months old. 'KID' FIGHTSAGAINST DEATH Charlie Chaplin's Co-Star Has Acute Bronchitis New York. Anril IS, With n smile on his face, "Jackie" Coogan, "The Kiel" in the Chnrlie Chaplin picture of that name and the hern In "Peck's Had Rov." Is making a vnlinnt fight against death in the Illltmore Hotel The lit tle fellow is suffering from acute bron chitis ami In graye danger of pneu mnnln developing. The bo) "s father I with him, but his mother is in Los A uncles. Dr. Jessie Helmnn, who was at the boy's bedside throughout the night, snje lie' hns remnrkable vitnlltv ami has a chance of recovery. During the night liis temperature wns 101 and his pul-e 110. ) 0-yrrtf tfhtJh.ju edtp-r lUsrieai, y In a ( new size 1 paokageJ LUCKY STRIKE NO JURY FOR MRS. PENROSE Senator's SIster-ln-Law Exfcused From Duty by Judge Henry Mrs. Sara It. It. Penrose, wife of Dr. Charles II. Penrose, of 17211 Sliruce street, w'ns excused from Jury service In Quarter Sessions Court todny by Judge Henry. Mrs. Penrose did not nppeftr In coiit-j. hut sent n note nsklng to be pxcuscd. Dr. Penrose Is n brother of Senator Penrose. , , . Two otlier women on the Jury, who vvre present and remained for service, are Mnrgniet Olnscoe, soap wrapper, (11)111 Say brook avenue, and Rose Oreen burg, bookkeeper. KU'i.'i Fountain 'itreet A fourth woman. Rosy llroody, ltl2. Ypvvdell street did not respond to the call nf her name; neither did spvernl men Jurors, I'licler nil old Inw the ens tomnrv piocl.imatloii Wiu niiide that de faulting jurors "nrp lined $100." This punishment, however, Ih rarely inflicted. Kllzabcth Dliismore. I.'IOO Spruce street, one of the thiee women Jurors Hi (iunrter SessloiiH Court No. 1. be fore Judge Shull, objected to serving ns u Juror In a criminal court nnd wns xe nseel. Mlst Dliismore Is cinplojeel by the Curtis Publishing Co. 'The other women juiors, Mary A. loties, housewife. ."IKI Sotnervllle Hlrovt. mil Marie Jl. Rnhn, stenographer. IH'm -Soeeili Foflv-sevenlli street, did not .ink to be excused and ate serving. PHILA. MAN HELD IN CALIF. Walter E. Wldener Charged With Embezzling $15,000 From P. & R. Letleis from ii cousin telling him nf oportutiitc'H to make blj money us u stockholder In the mtnles resulted in thorniest it Los Angeles of Walter II. Wieleiier. fnrniPily in the accounting department of th" PhMiulelplllil unci Rending Railway. The charge Is em lerzlement of nbout Slii.000. Wideiiei' Ilsapneared it December. An .iccouutliig snowed the Reading's paviolls hud been padded and the re sponsibility wns fixed upon Wldener. Detectives searched the room lie had occupied, ntul found litters from the California rnusln. The.ie letters urged him In pul $11,000 into tli movies n. ii sure money-maker. Philadelphia hendeUartcrs sent out a filer to police . Iilefs throughout the contlneiit. Ye. tenia.' Chief Lyle Prendergnst. of Los Angeles, wired be had Wldener in cus. tody nnd that the prisoner admitted hl.i identitv. Wldener is thlrty-scen .venrs old and -aid to be single. Detective Harry Macrendy leaves to day to get Widener. SCH00LSH0N0R FRANKLIN Children Hear "Poor Richard" Eulo gized In Morning Exercises School cnildien throughout the city observed the nnniversar) nf the death of Ilciijamiu Franklin and the ylslt to Philadelphia of the Itartleit statue of the famous statesman today with up propiiute pmt'Isps in the school audi toriums flf vtieeinl Intel est were the rxcrcisCb in the Oliver Wendell Holmes Junior High School. Fifty-fifth nnd ( hestnut streets. In the four different assem blies nf the school uelilrosspi were iiindr by . Rnv Dit. Kmily Henslinw. Kmniii PennewMl unel John T. Diamond, nssembl) leieleis and members of the faculty." Tlicv reviewed the life and rchiev'ements of Franklin and stressed the ilement of civic prlele which his career should In-piro in the hearts of every citben. DON'T COUNT YOUR PIGS! Firemen of Gloucester Lose Roast Pork Banquet When Owner Comes A feast of ront pigs was spoiled for the volunteer fire department of (iloucester when (he owner of the young pnrkcrK, which were caught wamlerlng in the town on Saturday, claimed them today . 'I he hogs nppearee In the center nf the e ity and were caught nt the em of an hour's organized chase l the fire men Snturila) morning. No owner could he found, so the tooth-nnie ani mals were slated fnr Ihc pot. This morning .Initios Tnax, of Pow ell street. (Sloucester, claimed them after identlf.vlng them ns his property. Deput) Sheriffs William (rover. Je rome Rcne-ole, Fred livers nnd Joseph Mullen had alloweel their mouths to water in vain. On Trial for Killing Miners' Official Mcirgnntown. V. Va., April IK. Mly A P I The trial of Wade Mil) field, coal miner, rhargpel with killing Pat lllevlns, organizer for the I'nited Mine Workers. March tl. began In Circuit Court here todny. The defendant will rely upon n plea of self-defense, ac cording to his attorneys Ilvldenee in connection with the miners' strike which had been in progress in this district for several months, will bc introduced. U. S. Won't Block Zayas In Cuba Havana, April 1$. Dr. Alfredo Zava-, Coii-iTvative-Popular Coalition Party candidate, was elected President of Cuba in the November election, unci. In the juelgm.'iit of the I'nited States (iciwrnmeiit, nnthin: should he done to oi event Cougie-s from proclaiming him President This decision Is embodied hi a statement made public cstenluv by lion Long, the American minister to Cuba. 10 cigarettes for 10 cts Handyand convenient; try them. Dealers now carry both sizes : 10 for 10 cts : 20 for 20 cts. if s Toasted L OF ALUAPANESE California Man Proposes Enact ment to Prohibit Immigration WOULD LIMIT TOURISTS Hy the Associated Press Washington, April IS. Absolute ex clusion for the future of nil Japanese Immigration with permission nllowi'd for only temporary residence for tour ists, students, cntnmcrrlnl men. nrtlsls ntul tencliers was piopo-cd before the House Immigration committee today by V. S. .MeClatehy. Sacramento, ns the fiiudumcntnl basis fnr permanent Im migration legislation. Mr. .Mi'Clalchy pic-enteel n declara tion of principles drafted by the Japa nese Inclusion League of Cnllfornla and approved by the California Legislation ntul eight other western stntes. He ap peared as the oflli'lal spokesman for the league. The declaration called first for nbsn lnte exclusion in the future of nil Jilp iiiiesp immlsriitliin, "not only male, lint female." us well us laborers, skilled and unskilled, anil those of nil trades nnd professions', ns recommended by former President Itooseyelt. Mr. MeClatehy specifically reepiestecl the safegiianlliiR of "stntes' rights nnd state laws for control of lands nnel other mntters plainly within the stntes' jurlselletloii." md laws' to make Im possible the granting of American citi zenship "to races of yellow color, which are muile ineligible for such dtl.en shin." For the .Inpane-e Ipgnlly entitled to residence in California. Mr. MeClatehy nsked fair treatment, protection of propertv rights. Ii'gnlly acquired, nnd the privilege of engaging In any busi ness desired "ccccpt such as may be now or hereafter deiileel to nil aliens, or to nliens Ineligible to citizenship; pro vided particularly th-y may not here after bu or lease agricultural lands." Mr. MeClatehy told the cciiiiinlttec the lengue ofliclully represented otlier or ganizations. Including; the Amcricnn Legion, war veterans and stnte federa tion of farm bureaus. Attention of the committee yvns in vited to what Mr. McClntcliy charac terized a- "the surreptitious entry" of 700 Jiiiianese who had settleel In Ne braska They enine" w ithntit pnsspeirts nnd were tinnble let send for "picture brides." Mr. MeClatehy snlel. with the result that 10 per cent of them already had man led Aineilcnn girls. Mr. MeClatehy declared that Japa nese In the Hawaiian Islands would comprise a voting majority ofthe people there in u few years nnel would largely control the affairs of the islands. He said the Japanese in the continental Fulled States did not seek citizenship and that only IH hnd become citizens under the act of Ifll.K. Foreign Wars Veterans to Meet '1 he ri'gulni meeting of the Sergeant Hamilton Pot Post eef the Veterans of Foreign Wars will be held this evening at .Ife.l.l (i.-'rniHntowii iivcniie. Plans for the summer campaign will he dis cussed, nnd report rcrelyecl from I ho committees in chnrje of tho Mnv 1 pa rade mul the Memorial Day celebration. URGES EXC USION The Bride's Watch A dainty bijou of precious stones on a ribbon band, flexible bracelet or jeweled sautoir. J. E. Caldwell & Co. Chestnut and Juniper Plentiful Again Sun Proof Blue Serge Suits Each Suit With an Extra Pair of Trousers THE call for them increases daily. This is because they have so many friends who know that Sun Proof Blue Serge Suits are guaranteed not to fade. They make it a habit always to look for the orig inal label which is sewed in each coat and has been pro tected by registry in the United States Patent Office. Sun Proof Blue Serge Suits can be purchased nowhere outside of the William H. Wanamaker Store. William H. Wanamaker 1217-19 Chestnut Street i D. A, R. PRESIDENT WARNS OF FOREIGN PROPAGANDA National Congress Hears Plea Qualities That Built Nation 'or Washington. April 18. (Ity A P National ixafcRtinrdM ngnlnst extreniP radicalism Americanization nnd r lated questions formed the lending tonic of discussion on thp program for 1,7. thirtieth continental congress of Jh Daughters of tho Amprlean Involution which met here todny. Hundred of clelegateM were on hand to hear the ail. dress of greeting of Mrs. Ororgo SI Miner, president Reneral. In opeiiliiir the convPiitlon Mrs. Minor declared that ehnracter building to fos ter "the solid, sturdy qualities mi built up the nntlon unci which nhmr can preserve It," was the task before the organization. rc In the "whirlpool left hy the wrtrM war," she said. "America is forgetting the issues of the war. the struggle n. .right ngnlnst might, nf good ngnlint evil. America l forgetting the horror of what Germany did to thp wdrlel "I'poii (lermrttiy lies the guilt of the world misery todny, nnd she has not hnd the suffering she Inflicted nnon the other nations. Nor has rIip repented of the wrong. Pro-Ocrmnn propsrnndn Is once inoi'p raising Its hind. It time for sanp, loynl Amprlcnns tnnwnke nnd hnnellp these ImppenlngH without Kim ps. Ampricn must not he nllnwoel to forget. "The Clermnn-HInn Feln-Sorlnlit combination In this country will have to be met fnlrly nnd squarely by nil loynl Americans nnd overcome 'once fnr nil if wc nre ever to find pence from turmoil ntul unrest." The program for tonight's session, fnr which President Harding, the rah. Inet nnd members of the diplomatic corps nre among the invited guests, In eludes addresses hy Sir Anrklnn,l Ocd des. the Ilrltlsli ambassador, and J J. Jussernnd, the French ambassador! Gonzales Silent on Uprising Iircdo, Tex.. April 18. (Hy A. p ) Opiiprnl Pablo (lonznlcs, who wn re. ported miss'nir and rufrtored to Imre crossed Into Mexico, wn In I.nreeln to. dav. The former leader of Jhe MpxImp nrim under Cnrrnnza refused to com ment on reports of n movement to (rIe nt the Ohrcgon government. UBAI KSTATB FOR HF.N'T TIAI.! MODEnM Cnlemlnl ro'lrtsnce, with rr rrlvllis, fflr on er: 13 revrnis, .1 sio,. hot-wster heeiti hardwood flour n; lot lsOilTi) MQfllcnt cnnetltlnn, 1T pr month. JAMES B DOLAN & CO. 123 Iinla Hve., Cynwyd, r. Overbrook 4313. t'ynnd 1i CUSHION TVKtS Ul0Bfp) sss-H'vW nZ-A