t tf Ii '. 'I PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APEIL 16, 1921 ' '' . ymlfcMW!kaM-lBB!!l?'li HmmmmevmV Jbt VHfl Hb HMMHnfSVHHHK'llHFIifPI PfWA ' dm .vrfl m MMMWmlnflBkSMU IrMM ,m2j&m& 'V BrJ MHMMMMMklk&i "'Bl 'M ii Btil" Mil KWjXXM?,''" 1 HI VtBBBMMMMjnim&IlBBMlBl liv I HI IHHHMHHwirlnGolKKHHIISl IIHHHlHll " w,- ' iH iMaHMMBrrlllMHl OnilHB' ?$ , , IO ''"SmmMMMMMMMMTmI ?niMMMM f'v'-t'i ,... " ' ..A HB v) HmmVBISk:;Mw HH'v B ' i BMHvnB-M ' ummW' ,- 1 HIHbVi TtMjjtafYi " flir 'v H '' H -, "' mIpwmvH ' TC ' : ; f-r 7. a i. ' Vv-1,' ' v ' i Ml H t 'fit- r ' Mlri ' 'v'- 'flp HE' BYAe i V. Mr " MmK ij v' rBK., wuflHlHMV A J jmVTmmi YpjMriBBMMMMM' mhm"mmmVmmmmmmmmmmmi yaSL' vKBtvMmI Jmw MMBHMBBBiBrTNMMVMBVBMMBMMNMMMMMMMHl HeSBSBwiwir $Twsiiinnnpi BBMMV0MVIflMMMBMM2: . Jfcfx M A M'jMBoJvtfi mwmBmk. ' wrta5ii55?itai I Mft5BBMMvv!ik "alMi, ntJtitaWsiwv' m 'w'ik nn,.. -r t,- vvtjiL.Mn'- Km uv r,y': i.vi r irvv r ?&.' MquiAMiMifiwkiiuiiieyf. f-' ?- frfrssfraBBggfiBsaraa WRECKKD PENN'S HOPES. Dewey Marshall, the star twirlcr of the "William nnd Mary team of Lynchburg, Va., has just sent. the ball far enough to make third base. He was in rare form yester day. Three biff lcaffue clubs have offered him a contract Idicer Thoto Servlco .. . f. "OJ - T. K 1 IMSHLD SECOND. Despitr this nasty fall, Eileen Arson was far onouffh ahead and lurky in escaping sertou- injury, so thnt after remounting the jockey rode his horse in clo?e to the winner It all happened at an English steeplechase t9P HKkV AHB vTTt' fTfiPI , 31';" 'Jc Vk jj A1. fj!.KSMlllW T.HW iff .w' CS. "' ' aL, HBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmb TmL && y- (" '? i rt j " mmmmmmmmmmmmmmH IHi ' V ?-'l VNL " ImmmmmmmmmmmmmI B IS HWmmL. llV --:- mmmmmmmmmmH mI ImV I,IWmmHmX mw.- ' mmmmmmmmmmI BH IJB 8 vmbmbmbbtvqmf - bvmvmvmvmvmvmvj SSBlTTlWIMMMMMMMMMf k" w"" x ' mmmmv !' BBl-wr '"'iii' J ' IV' ' ' IB 'Sr;. '. - .WQLk-mmA -mmHpj llii vl Hmm- .'S?)BmMmU ': liVltWii KmmT -mmmmmmVH1I WI:W:'-'-'''-" ff:l ' MMMMMT ' MMMMKTVKiHI 4 x AvMM'cll mhmmmmmmmhIHmpJmmmmmmmmmmmmvmmmmI HI a, ;! f imWr3r, 'mmmmVtTmmmmmmmmBB I .,..".- ; , t . '-. $&!.. 1 'mmmmLmmHmmmmhBII THE RIGHT REV. THOMAS J. GAKLANU, Uishop LONUON WIL.LuL.IKE HER. Miss Dorothy Suffragan of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania, Thompson, granddaughter of, Colonel Gcorn ....ww,,.,, ........ .. VW...-.W.. .... rirv.7A!.-'ijr:-i .v "?;"". "" Bwni wronu street nis auiies as ine imoassnaor 10 urcnt Britain lln.l- . . "ri k KffMf. Iilsfr Thoto Service. THIS IS "MAYOR SAM." By such is Sam Rudolph, twenty-two years old, mayor of Upper Darby township, known. Bccnuse of his age some folks want him to quit, but "Mayor Sam" says "No." JiIrt Photo Service. TO SELL THE (JOAT TODAY. Part of the plan to raise $100,000 for Wellesipy ('(.liege. The sale will be held at Germantown avenue and Cayuga street. Mrs. Harold Schloss is the goat's guardian WILSON COLLEGE "WIRELESS." A message of encouragement will be sent by thi pigeon to the Philadelphia campaign committee. Miss Marion Hunt, represent ing "Aunt Sally" Wilson, founder of the college, will release the carrier THE CANARY GIRL. Mrs. Beth Hand Collins, who took part in the event held by the Delaware county women at Lans- downc, yesterday j n HixiH3kHiiHiRdibaMaiuKai .klhu hh wm vr'vi.'wr vi.or iv 1 9smmmBmWKmmWmmmmWNSBmmm MUBmmV1I!BPMJI smsm mf JMmI m WKtKMSKKIKzjifiniisB99 "S SjmBBWBBmBmBMmb Z:3-J3Ba :'&. ?.'& myxmj& .MmSmKKKKmfl IIJWW?'"" mOK MISS MARION MASLAND. (left) is the captain of the ladies' fencing team of Pcnn, just becaun ' she outpointed Miss Marion Harvey in a fencing contest. This scheme wob decided on after a ti vote resulted between the two fencers Lder Tholo Servlrs IsV. J j: - m:: - q ':mBMl ! VilMMHHlHMBl 'm3&.,u KiWv'5V r'1 , . BMF'SSS MB ' ItBLBjVjVjVjVBBBBjBBBjBjHjBjVjVjn j (.''jsL. vvs -v,-svBjVjVBavBBvJBlnBf AvS x4titfBBB?SSYuBVBuBVBH BviBk-"!' '''ti'X SvAvMgfTBBVBpBVfl 'if 'V'HBcraflBBBBBBBiJBBBBBBBBBBJ : ,';' 4S'M'Mk'i. ' JiBbAbHPBuIIBvA1 Tifii ,-'- - '7bVBHKVJEp iy vbwSB BVByHbriHVflHHHHHHBNBHiBUiiifS 'f 'lMffPfMMMB mBmmmmmmmmeV39PSI PEH, '''PP''i-C ';-':BPB BBMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMKS?4j ffteft-Sf Firr-y1 1i- -.JaiFSB BMBMMMMMMMMKM&iMl iil"W" .vtn;;l'-i., ' w:4 ii-.. ' ' . H I: ' iXf. ., BBpMHiiP' ' ImmVVK r;i -yvi ? i LNTRAL V. M. ( . OFFICE WORKERS select lu-t of winning limerick line?. Loft to right thn are: Front row, Lena Hutkonbergt r Florence Hutchison, I Doherty, Harriet B. Dawe-, Ethel H. Gibson: (middle row) Florence Karg. Mai- .Miller, Jissie De Shetler, Lillian ojli, Etella Brenahan, Mary Ralph; (ink row) El-zabcth ( Fox, Lillian Doherty, Betty W Coyle .,,,. i h, h. rv. WALTER P. MILLER talks on Americanization in an in terview on the Editorial Page Loilprr l'l' lfo s r ne TOM THUMB WEDDING. Given by children of the 'Bethany Temple Presbyterian Church, Fifty-third and Spruce streets. Helen Moss, as bride; Charles H. Robin son, ns the groom and Wilson Herring, the minister, are snown lilefr I'hoto Service GETS FREIGHT TRUCK EXCURSION. Miss Dorothy Griffith. employed by the Mcrchnnts Warehouse Company, Twenty-first street and Washington avenue, confided to n girl friend at the office that she was leaving to bo married Ledger I'hoto Service. OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO SWALLOW PERCHES ON PIPE. Mr. G. Mills McKay wu snapped aboard the Aquitanla, U the bird rested peaceiuuv Central N' W THE BEAUTY CORNER BBIUPyLywrT'ft ' I I Ynnm mBbV l semaphore sentinels IHBiHBMMMi : BBBiBBiMBBbBaKB;'l : - !. 1.9 ft . MMMfe' 'i HL'NRV TA Ituirwny at l.Lia. VX N-.rth the wood working V rai kIit ' fit woikini: a pi ii of I' .iiil ( Pnedi Tioga btreets twi-t i ail fir a colonial., iker & l .., Ninth and Ijfiltr I'hoto Mervlce, .JUMPING ROPE. Six' was met by a rameramnn in West Philadelphia! Said uho was Eleanor Eviiis, of Fairmont, West Virginia, nnd was visiting hero I.eUer 1'hoto Uvrvicu J. WARREN KEIFER, Ohio, speaker of the Houso when Arthur was President, snapped nfter calling on President Harding- Mrt & Kwlm, ON A RAINY DAY. Reserve Patrol man Patrick Horan, of Second and Chestnut streets. He Uvea nt 91 North Forty-seventh street, has four children and for eleven years has been a patrolman Irtdrcr Thoto Bervlc WILL SKATE TO CHICAGO. On roller skates, Eddie Kelly (left) and John Mcllale, two Philadelphia school boys, will leave Inde. pendenco Hall, Monday morning, to travel over the automobile routo to the Illinois city lA&eu XhU Service. " MISS THELMA UEISBORU 841 Eastwick avenuu Philadelphia ',J i Wi s i,i-tj4K tihixa 13llii111i .rf..'vSi.AiA't'.1 . f.J1, ,i ;. &w$ i4ten.u . . . ,M.. ,: tMHZ&