V'W! v f? ' t ' ; .''SjJVJ'Wstt. If.-.. .. V--tyfif'fy,t?ll"-t't rt" lOfcVfflMjjS PFVj w 1 EVENING PUBLIC LEDaER-PHlTADELPHIA', SATURDAY, fAPBlU 16, 1921 0IM4iVr CARDS? By 5fBEL OSTRANDER Auihor of "The Island of Intrigue,' l!Ufli copyright. '. h " "!iin." ' I !. ,. I ," .,. UUOJ'WIOU, noun IV 0'"- vv. Robert it. tlcVrldo A Co. SYNOPSIS a w.M.6- '''. 5" ';"' T.JfUno. He runs out again In- " Vi.f mi ino fic hands Of a acieo ,mtlV "" Jnl,Hy ncrfirftcri anil leAnhaTJthlno to do with r'i..'m In Arte. On the floor of '"?" '.i.vl it red irith Mood and within ItVtH OJ n . ... . . I rerii '; ,. ,,m ..... .cniV''" 1 .- .,.,(,, n ;,.,mnl. K.: .wr. 'i'? p:'r.iii . Tfi ifi'M appears sailing ho has i'cnlmUJ 'by , telephone. Mrs. rrtvtliiig appears aho. Xclther they ,C servant, who later assemble, 0T '.i ;.-,iA mi the affair. Mrs. (reveling iusUts on engaging the best ...l!..jt mArttinf- '"'". ', . ((.-. ... in Trrhunn. ',',. A,iiiirr. the nolicc insiico- O. ..innf sunvresscs the find- suppi InVof blood-stained playing card '?."..:' irnuM io lime fo imimri &itar?oo;f:5'(.'''j; tire eien hc '" ;" - " Ifore Mi ''ii(7. AM) IIKHK IT CONTINUES t,V THE brcakfmt room they camo imon Hollins Mistily rcmoviuK uiu jebrls of the supper wlilcli had ended ho Mflenlly nnrt ns xcrnuno pnuncu 10 oaestlon Mm McCarty slipped awny ;td rcjoinlnB to Kri' ' u" " sector Druet nulde. "The eook and miner nrc uhui, Mr, aJ I think If )on don't need mo for wMl I'll 1)0 gettlnK on: tnerc nrc n w thlnn I want to look into. You'll j holding Hint valet, Frank Hill?" "Of eourse, until no gives us come ort of an alibi thnt wo can establish ; ' our one best bet now unless you've . i t ii.i . Kot Mine inpc you iiuyt-n u ium mv .bout." The Inspector glanced at iiim hrewdly. McCnrty's eyes twinkled. "I've bad no time, Mr, and besides rC uotbliiK definite ns yet, but If OU II DC gOII'K Uill'tt liulllnit duuii II conic In and make my report. iVhen sou frisk this man Hill nt licail - lusrtcrs If J on find n tmlr of gloves on Imkccp them aside till I get tnerc." "Gloves on n warm spring nigiiti" Ibc Inspector's own eyes narrowed. Tor a alet be must bo some classy Irtsser! There were none on blin when e came to tno door ot 1110 nrcaKiasi loom." . , , , "You'll mid tnem in one oi ins Xiekfts. mnt likely," Mcuarty rc- attlced carelessly. "Sec you later, A he turned to go the telephone In he studv thrilled in subdued Insistence nH Rollins nnncarod In the door of he breakfnit room, but nt u sign from it Inspector McC'nrty was before lilm. Crossing tno study, no lined me ironic ornament from the telephone and icld the receiver to his car. "Hello! Can I sneak to Mrs. Crev- llnr. please?" It was n man's voice ulturcd in its Intonations nnd yet with note of inherent crossness. "Who is it. sir?" McCarty nsked lantlouslv. "Mr. Douglas Wnverly." McCnrty pondered for a moment nnd lien spoke with his voice carefully odulatcd. Mrs. (reveling Is Indisposed. Can take a mpagc, sir?" "This isn't Kollins talking! Is he hrcor Frank? My wifo just telephoned o mo that some sort of tin iicrldcut ad happened to Mr. Crcvcling, and 1 sot to know it there is anything Hint can do I'lenso convey that message Mrs. CrevelliiK." "Very good, sir." McCnrty waited 'or n hriof smirn nml thou unnko Into Ihe mouthpieoo onco more. "Mrs. wcling Is sending inn down In ner- on with a message, sir. It is most mportant and shu doesn't wnnt nny ne hero just now. wiicro can I find ouc "At the Hcltcrro Hotel." Tbp rnnlv .line after a inoinont nf ivlilinr IipbI'. ;atlon. "I II oxpect you in nbout hnlf n hour. Who the devil are you, an ay? What liiiniil'llpd n Mr Prov. llmr?" 'Til toll vnu, sir, when I come." McCarty lllllll.' mi thn rprolvwr mill (turning tn the hnll, nindc his wnj ui oj- tlie trtidesinen h cntrniu'c. It a Hi! too oarly for much traffic, but hUge hlls litcp KnltlP tnntlhtl'nlla lipptln amo hinibcrliig past in the bright plni'i- f tunllht nml nt M.r'.,.,. t., V.I... nir aboard ho glanced bark at the house 'men no nnd just left. The lower win Offa were shrouded and blank but r.t ne Of th.l Ithtinn Ar.nU 1... ....!.. .. iimpse of a woman'N white face staring wn at him Ah she cainrht his ovo slip llhilreiv hnvtlly and tbu rnrtnlns wrw raw ri (oepiIht. "Iiji could she have been? He hud It .In ( revelini' ntlll ..intnl in l... 'iiair in the in nm in Ihrom. twain that the fare lie had seen was roumlpr in, .p.. i'nllti,f..i .1 At... li. : : , .'"uiiiiiii tine iiiiiu ine imn. acubiiouH countenance of tho cook. "'i iiniie wiimnii roinn iieir,.,iiir.iMil,i.l that Iioiim. iletnlri, tl,., rI....o I', " "lc 1(,' from borough bead- I lie full fin I I... , . II. , iiiiinuau in uesrciiu irom "t Wis nnd return tr. t,.t,Hi i,. v'"1 Iiouicht restrained him ;' Mr. 'gl i iiverly bud nnmed n half ill . i ' '."". th0,r '"tcrvlew and he un. ll.TU 7ll,ont reluctnnco that m at the Helterrc Hotel. McCnrty r "k ''"-''rv nf 1,1k 8 t0 Umt unf, In,"'"'' l,N ,'etlnntlon as quickly 1 P0N n In ni-.l..- i ii. 1 .. .t. f,( ....n iu iiut ii. in int. On nliglitlng from the bus he entered I, ! 'I('l' .hotel, but instead of : ', "K mo desK to niinoiuipn lilm. elf h.. .i ii ' . lu '''inouiicfl nun hav , ""1I,''i ,n "10 "ewsstaiid. pur- 1 1 i'mp"r ""(1 ,,rn,'H,,1 lM,r n c''- t tl. !, '"lp.lcuoUK HllU '"trance llr u " l':,!"0 '."' T1,n h)hh' w" ng tinn, .rir y 'i'1''0" l,,,,rnns ,lcPrt- ou i, ,,ms "(;sH of tl,e '"it hev,,1 ' ltf,r,Ml fro tho Htreet ami w e .p,,,,;;."" i"" -c-c('k Winn rhnnlfn' '! ,tt.xl El"nu,!'lnl nwlnrt the """UbiB m'" " ""."'fFI"" i-Vff', i,,t0 ' Imnili of the ait. T. V' ,.'" ",0. where ho h dork ,, I !xn,u'f nd spoku to l' IftlUir-i i" .l,l,r!;,, nndert.u o. At omr .;u.V',,!li,n ,"f ""' ". tho new. tlli , l ,l,,if! '"'"o ,astlly In the oy t,,, '''':, ,rii,B. folloiwi u bell- I In ,. "v -v,"ulnr: V -nil i "''!' "t forty and tntl. ,'"'" "1110 OJPh SCt 11 llhl llll I . . - . "V HUT Bwootl, omimliat irn-li Jn. .i ""."' ."'" 'et'nrty ," hill ,.r , "lV ,,f ,hnM f 1'lK "'then rl ,-'' f"r, " ftw "l'"' . -... ., . '( a hail I..,,.!., .it "' ' ivu morr ll'ttre, i "" B ,"' r nppcarum-e and KL''lrMlie hiiKii.. ' '""'., out aliove c ' mii ffi W,'!U,C", f'Knnturo of ;t s II !,i . "I !mt '"''"y "d Me- '? l,r"- . "' MN tioory Will o, , " rn,rr'-l "He. )'igiaHV',,l;;;.Kr.,ii''' ""1 Mr. Ie I. he .., tll,lt tl"' ,""' ho is. "I didn't v any." McCnrty umlled blandly nt him, "You'll bo sending the message, ns Igavc It, please," 'Ills tone was quiet, but there was a ring of authority in It thnt tho clerk recognized, and with n nhrug ho turned to tho girl ot the switchboard, "You can go right up." Ho returned to the counter onco more. "Suite clcvcn-four." McCarty alighted from tho elevator nt tho eleventh floor nnd knocked nt tho door of apartment No, 4. "Como In." It was unmistakably the snmo voice which had talked to him over the wlro tit tho Crcvcling house, McCnrty obeyed and his eyes twinkled nncw lis ho glnnccd nbout lilm. Tho room was In disorder with clothing nnd newspapers scattered about and through tho connecting doorway ho could sco tho bed with Its covers thrown bnck over tho foot and Its pillow rumpled. Ueforo him tho atout. red -faced man stood attired in bathrobe and slippers. "You're from Mrs. Crovcllng?'' the latter demanded. . "I've come straight from her house, Mr. Wnverly, though It's questions I've brought, not a message." McCnrty'H manner wus respectful, but tho twinkle hnd died out of his eyes. "If you'll answer me straight I'll not bo keeping you long, sir, from the sleep you must be needing." ''Who nro you?" Mr. IVnvcrly turned a shade more red. "What do you mean about my needing sleep? I don't believe you have como from Mrs. Crcvcling nt nil, you nro on Im postor !" "They don't cnll me that down nt police headquarters, Mr. Wavcrly," McCnrty interrupted, still quietly. "You only reached the hotel ten min utes ago, the ink Is hardly dry on your name, in the register and finding you ready for bed liko this I thought you must need sonic sleep." I'ollcc headquarters!" Tho rutiny face paled. "That fool clerk downstairs bald that no one had called for rac " "And no moro they had, sir. I've been waiting down in the lobby some llttlo tlrrto for you to como In ; I knew you were never hero when you tele phoned." McCarty paused nnd then linked shnrply: "Mr. Wnverly, when did you lust sec Mr. Kugcnc Crcvc ling?" "Why, tho night before last. Tues day," tho other stammered. "What's all the row about? Has he disappeared? My wife said something nbout an acci dent, but it It Is just that ho hasn't turned up " "Ho'h turned up all right, sir; turned up his toes on the floor of his study, shot through tho heart I" McCarty wntched the effect of his announcement carefully. "tJeno Crevellng I Good God, it's Im possible!" Wnvcrly's flabby Jowls tooK on n purplish tlngo nnd his pnlo blue eyes necmed to protrudo from their bockcts. "You don't mean murder I" "Looks liko It, sir. Tho lost time you saw him nlivo wns on Tuesday night? Where wns this?" 'At Nick Cutter's." Wnverly raised a thick, pudgy hand to the folds of flesh which hung pendulous over his throat as though the collar of his bathrobo had suddenly grown too tight. "God ! Crcvcling tlend ! I suppose you'ro n detective, but why have you como to mo?" "To get the particulars of how you learned of the supposed 'accident,' sir." McCnrty'H smllo wns disarming!' can did. "You say jour wifo telephoned to you ; where did sbo get you on the who?" "Sbo didn't; I telephoned to her," Wavcrly disclaimed. Ignoring the ques tion. "I wanted her to bring Mrs. Crcvcling and motor in to town for lunch, meant to dig up Crovcllng, too, and drug him back to tho country this afternoon. Mrs. Wnverly told me that a mewage had come between half-past 1 and fi o'clock this morning from Mrs. Crevcllng's cook, summoning her Im mediately to town, that Mr. Crcvcling hnd met with some necident. They're intimate friends of ours nnd naturally 1 called up Mrs. Crevellng t once to learn what had happened and to offer my services. I never thought of any thing liko this! I can't believe it even yet. My God. It's horrible! Who who could havo done it?" Hc sank into a chair and renched shakily for tho fresh pitcher of lep water upon the tnble at his elbow. McCarty waited until he had drunk deep and then ns the pitcher -clattered hack upon the table once mora ho observed : "So the Crcvclings are lutlmnto friends of yours, sir.' How long havo jou known them?" "Look hero, what are you driving at! Crevellng nnd I palled around together for yenrs before he was married nnd he wns a frequent visitor at our house. Naturally when ho beenmo engaged my wife met Miss Alexander and since their mnrrlago they havo been closely Identi fied with our immediate, circle. My wifo nnd Mrs. Crevellng nro utmost in separable." "And you nnd Mr. Crevellng, sir? Havo you been getting on together late ly ns well us you uted to?" McCnrty'H tone was ingratiating. "You'll excuse me, Mr. Wuverly, but didn't you nnd he have a quarrel not so long ago?" " 'Qiinrrel'?" the other repeated, straightening himself suddenly In his chnlr ns though to meet an unexpected thrust. "Great heiivciiH, no! Who told you such a lie?" "You didn't have n dispute with Mr. Crevellng In his own houso ono night not n fortnight ago?" McCnrty per slstcd. "I don't liko to moko mention of a lady " "Ily (Jod, you'd better not I" Wnver ly rose from bis chair with n threaten ing scowl. "I've stood nbout nil of this that I'm going to, my man! I don't know where you've got your lying In formation nor by what authority you como hero to try to put mo through a third degrco. but I'll listen to no more. Get out before I phone tho offlco nnd huvo you put out!" "I wouldn't try It, sir, If I were you," McCnrty said blandly. "I'd havo to iisk you to take n llttlo rldu downtown with me and the head houso dctectlvo hehe and toll the Inspector in charge of the enso what It was you and Mr. ("reveling almost camo to blows about nfter that little supper week before last. I thought you'd rntlier keep out of the notoriety and ull ; that's why I came to you quiet like." "So that's It!" Wavcrly's Up curled. "Graft, eh? lllackm i1 "Don't go too far, sir!" McCnrty'H tone was ominously quiet and there was n glint of steel' in his eyes. "It'll do you no good to bo culling names. I've got proof thnt two weeks ago como to morrow night you hud supper alone with Mr. Crevellng iu his houso and high words pnssed between you over n lady; I've a witness who can testify us to that. I'm not one to work up sen sations for tho press to sprint; on tho nubile and drug people Unit's maybe innocent into notoriety nnd scandal ; 'twas for thnt 1 camo here to you, man to mini," "Did your witness tell you the name nf the lady who was supposed to have Iippii discussed on that occasion?" Wnverly sneered. "If that's tho way you caro to put It. es, sir," responded McCarty. "There were two ladles talked of, for the mutter of that, titit only ono men tinned by name. You left the houso In a t age, I understand, yet Mrs, Ore vol. lng stayed on ns a guest nt your coun try place and Crevellng himself spent the Inst week-end thcro." CONTINUED MONDAY THE GUMPS Andy Can Be Independent By Sidney Smith DioOr? QUrAS Srux Hovftt HOrVrmtj 1 1 yxv KtzP on rAAKlNfcr IT YoufciH Ofc AHD Nfcu. TKfc That ZQO 00O. UNU &IM CAVJ HlrA VND BUV A H OMfc OP Hib ONN - ST ON M13 FJJfcHY PORCw A.NO N-vAKP PACCS AT LANrHOftOS.I AlsENYS. ANf 6M. ESTATt MEN r0rrr care- nxGiir A. place- rLL lT Jttsr AS CsOOFi A. PJLACC AS 1 Aun ill G.ET IT FQK -E&S DOUfciW TOO- MEtl- 8E-At?OOrMO MERE If ACOUPXfeOF riiur -rauii.il. vy. l-tuT JUVk TT blflkl ME OPFSr?iN THIS PLAT PQtt ueWMONTf 1 AOW XOU DON7 Se-E ANT BODY "re pit "r -r. I .il C Itl A-KI'" IS &Mr IU " W '' W-. - . i " . Ml ONE-I'LL BUIL.D ONC WHEN IS THiA AU CrOlN TO MAPPCN? IS &OfCfeODf COIN TO VJHU UP A .OYO HOU4CS AND SWOV TCK &ANvtkC:? TMCIf "ttC 0 ANXIOUS TO RfcNT PLAC5 THiSf 6A - TMETWS WAAKINjt AROUND VlTK &OOK9. HOtNfNl lvWA piv.ruKrw- 7Mf HOUSt AMD T.fc PtANS & "Y ""V II y m i 1 II r4 r k III I ill AL J n 111 bJ I II WfjEV 1 WH&K ARE- YOU CrOWCi To 5TARr THIS FUJiLbmb? suppose XOU CAN PUT IT UP IfV A COOPI.E OP OAS -) YEU. XOO WMAT VOU OO- OVER TO THE-AftBWAftt STORE ANDOfcTi tv. POOF K.NOO VfMD arwu i rftrci; VllTi IT 1 TOVJK rr-ML "ni cjr tiuMtsuui w !) a'jji.u KOUStONfT- tntNIUJ' OPM TTH& MOW'AND TOU'PIC- HOrAf SOMEBODY'S STENOGThe Boss la a Convert CoprrlffaU 1021, br PuMlo Ltdccr Co, By II ay ward J You'd Think the boss vduld have, a HEART. EE.-MAGIN HIM O&it r-ttveu RPCAiiE. T LOAWEh THAT POOR HORSE. HIS UMBRELLA ANO RAIMCOAT ESTeRDAVl I vjish i coulo Set him to Ooiaj r OUR HUAAAME OCiaTY AAJO BE. p 1 lIi.k TVl r VKT-C j hllMR AAllMA.li I CN TLic ! r LlW t -7 CRAB (Bazb upoajTHis.charmims yo.cTORAi ; XjPimk! DEPOLV OP IT'S PErcPlii liici iicii-c' Rs LULLED BH' ITS SUSaCSTlOA Or4 PRFUME. -UADEM AIISHT. AH , AH OLD OH MELODY, BUT PERCHAHCE FRUITFUL OF A1EW Possibilities Le's gbx Soiai' - shoot) JW w 0AU J rn Jr SAA - -- r L i This FboR iottv DlDM.'T SLEEP A WIAJK last aiight. lets AvtAk-E. HIM A BEt OVER IAJ THE rtr "frjCO RM.B.H , -A iC SS-i y y "SW A-E-HAWWARD - 'o to " 1 The Young Lady Acroii the Way TA .... ttas llio young lady ncrons tho way i-nys sho attended air informal affair onco In a while, but jfavo up parti sanship entirely during Lent. THE rOWBRFUL KATR1NKA Bw FONTA1NB FOX V ? y SSN1S- MotMeK WoUUP PropABY XkSfe? "" HAVE THUOWH A DOCK fJT ' ,"s9 .IF SHE COUJ.D HAVft SttH - KaYKiHKA AMP THt BABY GOlKCl OVER To THC. let fkAKT MKE. & SCHOOL DAYS Bu DWIG setrtj fa I i A- -w"- X ul nil i- tfutvt nx cq f jS T IrWT ff M vgMTA 02EliI J y fa Mf UTIiMLVitoov U.lt-li vfc PETEYShe Must Have Been a Bird By C. A. Voight -TVerJ 5wc waltcd To woAy ALL MIOUT ArVK VrJ"TH. LAsT EtctTiow am' Sue ASkBD Ne To WlAlU 3UST HOW PEOPLE BCCAHE SUCCE'SSFOl. IU Urt AMD- X -VEUNOO NEEDHTHAVC SPetjT "The: i ViHOLe Eveyiiwu; vnw -zz. -AVJ- EvfrTJne U I li i . .. TT - ij..Aa. . ""'s i iWVWAWOMHN viHo khovs SomeThivk; TOU TET SORE I . sry wscli conspicuous --evcrN'TTmc: -SAN- U sTekj Wo : f5 HOLE EVEWIMCTALKIMtlr 1 'RE"D HEAOED 1 SME ASKCO MET Z m8g$ V?& "ffAf -Rr:0 .WCADETJ J 1 ' WoHAW Nt)U A WAS THE FEDERAL k& (MOHMj-J f JQ3T ThRqvl JrRESERVE BAWK AUP I J T.tkW:'. -. - V V . ... . I I A ffA -s i - - I li - V IWjVS. s- lfl. SSr ' V lUUKutLh AT A nnwin IU I T - J CLANCY'S KIDS ; - -L" . . . t : rZ7g"iT b 1&JMMS l x? A ' . - .. L ll Percy L. Crosby I ill? ti St ji-n m Wsl :i mi m- ua,uu' liu snupped. 1 f--Mll i5 ,