.. - 1 A e, lT? 10 M'J.;n1U lJUBLiO LHJUUMi-PHiLiVDliiLFHIA, &l1UUDAY, AJbUilb 1U, 1B&1 U t nh , -- - s tt "HOW DO THEY DO THAT? MOVIE FANS OFTEN ASK Day of the Falte Is About Over and Stars Really Go Through Harrowing Experiences for Benefit of Their Audiences How They Take Those Peaceful Family Dinner Scenes Frnhnl'l' tl e nne iineMinn tlint i innxt Often h nrd dunnc tin priicris. of a motion jiii Hue mi ilio "iti'imi nft-r H lin been seen i. llo il" I'lex ii" tiiat In tin old i,t of mot imi vl mres Tvlirn tiiiK ilmt'ii.ip!n ri tn'i i"titlv used to cum lint rii 'itrddi n d blclilx enterlainltij: rffioti all of thi. v :i ver. cadlx extdnlned Vnxvndtivs lumen r. were trl.'ki-rv with thr ton l less fro qtientlv resetted t" lluin mldii to i' potted, mid In tnnnx of the nnt ir tercsting photoplnv there i no lov.ri ubntenr to trnK pliotompln I'm lii-tnnn in n l'nrnnifiint pu'tui Marrine llijiinl tin- nmed linndi nff ftpilt tlioro ifi ii i,ino win roil) lio i o.i one side of a inllnmil trml vxhlle tlio heroine i on tlio otlur In tlio crap of n number of rltinn llondlni i in .1 hlKh-pn"'ri'd moti'i uir mill in I. - nn iot to rnli to tlio vrono. oon tliousli tlio proio'tiw- sati'i linf il . oii'liil. In drm I111 nr 111 lnonKnooU poiil tlirmicti ilf"' Rati- 11ml inlo tlio train i n ill-' no o nf i.nlj 11 fo fiot nrris ing in run- to .no On -'111 from lior per' ' iiior- Tlil n trioil oornl tlinon nionni of Hint inislii l'o ti rinod trliK method " hut tho reinlt a unatK faftoM It nilslit luno Koiini l' voiii' niwn lull linln It UOIlIll HOT l!" Kinnlh it n dooldod ix'ttinllx to do the -tunt in ilotintioo of danfor. and n n matter of faot tho tram. 0111111111: n full -P'O'I ii uithin half a doon feet of tit motor a it iIhkIioiI pn-t t.plitit nnp 'ho hi2 'ti'o in U- ta'l ''n- In another prodno'ion tieorso .Met ford pi. into ..f .Inok 1 "niton - iin"I Tt.o oll Wolf - th. lii-mn h.'twooii 11 .loainei and a ferr hoat on nn KranM-io hav a -msr-.l fart of tni M-eni .i 111 tu ill tiiKoii on tho Inn m tho pii.ivo to. ,ilo of tho tor nml two hoatv v.f iliaitored and nmn or l danuiji'd in the prio. hut it would hne on ohiou-h tinpoililo I" P 1 in it .1 vtoanur t" nu-'i 'lirmKli '''rr "el wiim n I'oriMrui'ted that it uould took ii with tlio inotion of the waxes mid the inipnet. tlltitiB to an nlarmiiiR degree At the piren isnal from the dtreotiir the prow of tlio -teamer n proieeted tliriniKli tin- iilo of the hoat. vhattonnx tho (jlni windowi and splintering the wood Tho nrimi effoiti of prn anil -team wore all prni iilctl for 11 nil the Mono wan mi nrriiiiKed that the etrn piopto ooiild I'Mtipp without injur Ai'tori and nrtri'wpi are innietiiiioH, ooiniiellod to iintleiso rather iinp'eiiatit ' ovpirienios in the innkini: of a iiitme, mid It N a trihuto to their hdelil to iheir art that thN -olilniii itrou" a murmur of protest The loratlon diiietor not lntig ngo had 1 11 ditlli'tilt time finding 11 hog for a pit turo In wlin-li l.iln l.ee appealed iik the t ir llo linnlli iliiooxereil one. how iior, n mi 0. iiiusli hug. n virtual ninr.1"" nf lilai'l slimo. in which the little notres 11 n li'igi tl lo tloiindir. to lie Inter re iiud plastered with 111111I from head to f-lf In atioihir pnlute Miss l.ee was on 'Ud upon to make tutidx with a lialiv li'o i'n nl who I'litnlniieil all the vieiou" ni's nf tin- fnlim uiio in Ins small hut powertul im Mi's l.ee did her In t to titine li 1 tn nt the expense nf ninnx , sevrre si rati he She Itnnltj did get tho little fellow Into n frnnio of mind that perinittid him to go thiough the inrt ns signed to him siitisfnetoril.x Waltaoe Helil has often referred to himself as one of the most nbiised netors in tho profession That N to a.v, lip in xarinblx gits hurt if there N an poss. hilitx of injurx. hut fortntiatel.x lie nl waxs psi apes without am spnous or liistiiu damage although he beari sex - I 1 ral si .us on his lioilx as 1111 iin'tilocs nf I his adwnture in the hlms I It is n niattor of lustor.x that 111 'Male land Ketnnto.'- (Veil H do Mille s vpennl produetion. xirttmll.x exer.x nietnber of the east experieneed tho ipialm nf son- sii kness while en routp to Santa Cruz Island, where nmrh of the pi ture xxa 1 filmed It was there .hat Thnmn poill III Mii.l- ....,,. .1... lll,- ... 11,., l-,t,ni. ..,,1!.. i-.ilo nl Tlieieforo lit the I hsm ,,,, , r .... .. ... enl re sido of a f.rnhoat in a.tu.il sire most ,t h,s life when the w reeked nnieoii.trii. tod and 111 opted hi a num-, lit turmd turtlo off the shore of the her of extia- Din-.th behind this the island, throw tng htm Into tin water and Iirow of 11 'full--i'd ti mi r wii- built , it was onlx tin tmng eurn nt .arrxing and arraii'id 11 a " ' mt.ipult him swifil.x out of harni s wax that foutul.it on" T o f.rrx boa- pir' of tne.s-ixeil him what Your Favorite Film Stars Are Doing IHHHHHbHHBHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 1 I bbbB IB JH b i 1 1 nMHtjlt aWaWAHrVJiii' XiV iBBTHBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBaBBVXf v AS i rWfl.fr yijKSMKKV vf V MOVIE HABITS HAVE BECOME PART OF EVERYDA Y LIFE Few Realize Influence the Pictures Are Having on American Humanity or Extent to Whicli Our Ordinary Actions Reflect Their Power .lack riiUfnril. who has Won helping 1 . 11.... ... I,, h nfibllir firnt lis iMir iiii in 1 i".'.'-. tinn f Little I ord 1 iiiiiirbrox I.n ,. nlnriiiin? to return to .l. ., r. . 11 liuuelf When 1 1. .11. lir in. tun' 1 " will own loinpinv Hid produeo luirrl I'm.sh a 1111 ins st, nx ad 1 t" Is through liond hl- n I. iii.t 1 ntirl Miee " 1 1.1 lest 111 IIIO k-i II in fistun ' niseis M,ix Mllsnn. Viola I..1I1P. nfter being the r,,... ,, i.nll of the motioti-l'I'ture nt .111 Krnm !. ro. uitl . nierta.no 1 fiOlt d snhl.d war xitorinis me next dax 8t th. rrisiiiio H.d ' r.i- 1 .e I ho xxer. 1111 nj lie tweiitx women stars ot filmland ju'st- ..f In n-'i who w.nt f the I 111. Aiiilitoiiutn before one of the l,nn.t .p., ml. Ih.lt exit n-.eilll'leil thp'hall Mi-s llison di In-nil a 1 licfoii tin ball loin Dana, who hn hoeonio a xiolin 1st fur her forthooniing produi'tioii. 'I.ifi's Darn I"iituix " has an aiiilienop t lint liii'ludos at eas one ptroinelx itnnpproi iatixe member I'arno. a lirire Airedale In longing to (inrotli Hughes, her xouthful tending man stands at one end of the ' et" on xvlnen Miss Dunn works mid howls until Hn last note has been plnxptl Dallas Kit?- who is diroi'ting tlio produetion. that the dog has no mr for miisii t Ii 11 1 Miss Dana's nuisii isn't iienrlj as bad ns sonio he hns heard Here Is a bird's. p.xp lexx ulilili Minus ullli 11n11s11.il ile.itness Just lion n siene Is photographed in a ninIr Mtitllu. ou see the famll.x lit dinner in their comfortable bnnte. And nn sec that the comfortable. Iioino Is a cry "lllmsx affair propped tip 'on nil sides xxilli long brain lies, hoe the dinner table. ou M'c txo huge cases con talnitig tubes of Cooper-Ileultt lights ulilrh shed a phutngraplile refulseiue oxer tho room. In the front, on our right. ou see more of these lights. On the left ou see the xioiliing force tho director, in .1 tit raw bat. calling for the nitloit lie wants, two 1 .interns 1 Hiking merrll.x awa.x so that. If there Is something lining with one nrgatlxe. the other will he all right. Thus are homes built, lived in for a few minutes, and torn down for the delectation of the innxie fans ISettj Compsoti will lime for hoi next tiirritig iiluele .in original b W Som erset Mnughiim. noted P.iirIipIi author, entitled "Tlii' tlrdeal " The piiture will mark Miss Cotnpson's mm mid tip prar.uiio as 11 l'lirnmiMint snr. Her tirst produetion. "At the lml of the World." is now under the direction of I'enrlixn Stanlaws who nNu w ill. . lire, t The Ordeal." eih BILL AND MARY MEET AT LAST i Diana Mien. feminine rote in p aim; 1 10 pan Thomas M' l-'h.in ii, 1 . phiiel a loading I 'I ho It ntiiokians. 1, of Mnniie 1'ike in latest in. tare The i otiqili t thi 1 1 Jllo ml I of 1 ana 11 .. of 111 oil ng I-land win h is now in 11 1. m nt the I'ara- -tud. 1 Ihnm.is Meighan an.' h nituesi of I iiuati i-mpatn in. Imliiig Don Kuinn Inxo ! turned ! l'liriim it s .tudio ntur a 1.. ir xxpoks ,. N I' W lieie etl'l lois 101 nil 1I1 i I 1-1. 1 mi Itnoih .tori xx' n taken Asiu'- iiililiti i t'liiisformed into mtrhi. n Ciiiinau t'i ' rn sk n 111 s flu- 1 1 tui Tnrkin.-t n Tille in. Tiirkint I. direi ti.m "f It lm 1 mi ill .lllff 111 'or I William Null I ! A-h.iille str.-i rs l'i. nn. iiiaati m t r tl fiuinti tail had ' an in i-ninnd 1.1 tin limn and i rn In 'el h .line Caiiiin -Clmf hosti'rx inla Dana, du' "- 1" r isil t" N' ' Tori, 1 r. has'il -1 gown- that t 1 1 fin trunk- M" innnd'd ' u- " 01 frr . piod 1. ' 'I- I' i' hu I inn- mi to 1 1 isl t for '"'I bn-l- -lie . 1-' Men, 1 fin nil in one pi' tun I it Du n y iintn 11 . I nr' Mnd Xl'.nl toi . Tom ' tin rerjutie. : p f'-hl'.tl I 1 I ill 1- Mi bi u-. n 1- ma' i'hri-'i". 1 in- tli at l.nretli r.'l. of 1 1 1 1 11 'I 1 , darhie "T1 l 11." n xi 11 1 " 1 ( oogan. I . - , 1. in . I ..1 . 1 a r II ig'ie- a s....ititi'. nt r . nd ng in 1 1 1 1 Ii ip n -l'i k I'.i-I 1 I n hi. 11 1 S lit' lmise (il.illlll I .f I l'i 1 f 1, kor Itrnd I gngeil in. lor Ir ' Insuers to Questions From loi te Fans V I lie. I 1 ' 1 I 11- gone t 1 Calif ti in agnn n'tir -trip net Ho ", U 1 i it w. rk i'iit.1 1' 11- no fixx- re Ii 1. tug -1 1 ins .f 11- it -t p tur' ,1. 'In Mini W I. - DMIUI It M' -" r I' a ti n ha- 1 1-' j , 1 i It. mi nix -hfin bitthd.i 'l 1. - 11 1. 1 1 rati of the .'iigi nad rem , 1 i- . 1 nt tiiit ..11. ii.ir- lilting 1 .IXt.ill ill tin' ligltlllilli' II I'd Mo lufiii tin . 'in king .huh 111 Hi- tir-i flitge appoainnio xxn- n 11 no 111I.1 r of II klHH klllio'll III Kli'inn "- l'i' 1 'If vi .ton- pi I It mill Dana and Slinlev Mii-on ,ir si-n r- Their nal iiiiun . am " 10I11 111. 1 la 1 1110 1 lugiat'i 1 XX 111 I III nn film I i I.owpII Sturman plaxpd Mm Mnrtiix in TIip iilipil and In mi- with I illi.in filsh in 1 i. 'i n l'i t III. hind Hurt hi I- I 1 1 1 . l'i id ItirlU tt in llu latter j V CONSTANCE TALMADGE TELLS OF HER START IN FILMDOM Admjts She Got on hirst Be cause She IT as orma's Sis ter, but ,ow Hopes She Has Made Good and Can Stand Alone Here nre three things that you hnx'cn't nnd one thnt you have Htoppcd to think of concerning the extent to which the nioxie linn Influenced your life by which Is meant the hours of your life and the conversation ublei nil those snme hours. A report 'InsuciI by tho Gold-xx-yns tells Interestingly of how the cin ema bni changed the hours of nmuse ment nnd hoxx it hns otherwise affected the time lxhich once hung heaxy on jour bands. The report begins by pointing out thnt the motion picture is heavily attended In the nftcrnoon ns well ns in the eve ning which means that jou. or jour xvlfc. or jour husband, or sonic other rclntlvc or friend, drops cnsunlly into n movie thentre nt 2 or .'. p. m. nnd cnjos fot nn hour or two the performances of Tom Moore or Mnbcl Normnnd. Tho Lunch -Hour Attendance Not long ngo there xxerc only n few vaudeville houses to which jou could hnie gone of an nftcrnoon. And cer tainly there were not nearly enough vaudeville theatres to house the hiiRO throngs which attend the movie matinees of the day! Or, for thut matter, the large crowds whicli. in many of the working districts, spend part of their lunch-hour witching the film. Still another time clement in the in fluence which the movie hns had lies In the txvo evening shows which nre now usually given the tirst from 7 to 0 nnd the second from 0 to 11 p. m. In 'the good old days" n thentre-going night wos something of nn event nnd people did not expect to be home before the clock struck the mj.stle tones of mid night. Now, hoxxexer. mnnv go to the movies, hnve n full txxo hours of enter tainment, nnd nre nblc to turn their fates bomewnrd nt n little after 1) o'clock. And. further, the niidiences nre nearer to home thnn in the dn.xs when thentre-going meant going "down town." Something to Talk About Turning to another inllueni'o of pig lures, the report' declares thnt the sever est critic of the motion plctuie cannot deny that it has accelerated conx'ersn Mori. People do tnlk a grent deal about the moxles, the stars, the leading pln.xers. the extras, the directors, the press agents, and all the other personnel nntl parnphcrnnlln of the nmnzing industry What tlid people do with their eve nings before tne cinemn wns bom? And. furthermore, what did thev tnlk about durlnc those exenings? Life must hnve been dreadfully bare nbout ten jenrs ' ngo' ' A Nexv language And ninx-ie terms I Do ,xou ienl!7el how they haxe Influenced the nation's jour vocabulary? Do jou realise that during the Inst decade n whole nexv set of phi uses has become common property ns a reult of the growth in popularity of tin.' new me "shooting n scene"? Of hut one could go on n long, long way, which would be senseless. The words nnd phrases quoted me sufficient, except, perhnps. to mention In ndditlon the frequent facetious use of other words nnd phrnses which the mov ies hnve used too ficqupnur, sucii ns "The Next Day." "Ten Years Later, "And Then ." WILL ROGERS AGAIN PLAYS PART OF HOBO VI1I Rogers fans will soon have nn opportunity to see him in another tramp role. It xvns ns n hobo in ".III bilo" thnt lingers made one of his biggest screen hits, nnd It xvlll be good news to his admirers that, ns the hero of "Am I'nwllling Hero," he is ngntn n "knight of the road." Rogers, his director, Clarence Ilndger, Moll Matone. .lohn llowcrs, Dnrrcl Toss, .Tack Cuttls. Nick Copley, Kimball nnd the other members nf tnJ enst went to New Orknns to photo, graph the exterior scenes of the play , the action of the O. Henry shoit Mori "Whistling Dick's Chiistmns Klerk iiirf." upon which the new lingers photoplay xvns based, took place in nnl nround tl.nt southern city. Whistling Dick, portrayed by Itogr refuses to enter in'o a plot of his ft'. low hoboes to 10b n neighboring planter of his week's pnjroll. As bo goes donn the road whirling the lnterme77o fmm "Cnvnllerin Hustlcana" lie Is overtaken by n smrey In which is the pretty jnu. daughter of the planter whom tl,. tramps planned to rob. Attracted hv his whistling of n grand opera air. sh offers him 11 litle. nnd cventuoll.v prof, fcis him ti pipe ns n Chrlstmns gift, lm hands him the wiong liiiCl.ngc. the on containing a pnlr of silk stockings for herself. Whistling Dick Is touched by tier gift nnd that cloning x'.hen ho n'os tip turnips tenllng up to the plantation houses lie joins them 111 the hope of he ing able to warn t'10 girl. ReganM xvith suspicion by the hobo leader, he Is bound fast to n tree, but manage w sctlbhle n note of warning, slips it Into one of tho silk stockings, together with n stone, nml sends It crashing through a window of tne dining room. The hoboes ire foiled nnd rapture), nntl Whistling Dick is given n bath ami decent clothe, ngninst his will, and of. forrd a job on the plantation flint l'i"k tloes not want a job nnn vanishes nt first dawn, satisfied with having foiled the robbery nnd helped the pl.intoi's daughter win the man she loved. FASHIONS FROM FILMDOM 1 iiy coNsrvsci: tm.madrk did 1 c 1 into the movies ' ell. nlthoiigh I li.it.- to admit it. loalli did nothins more or less than HOW w, follow- Norma in. ami that's the truth 1 1 111 u that I stopped soon as I was in nnd look about 11 bit for Photn bs- International i.r DP. IM' wns .me . f 1 in la 10 I Jol nn lone- j.Ih x of the riirkitig'on t the ("irons .1 . Kid - pi. turo in the nunio part IMgur comedies. It is n'w tits bi'-t lo cents in stump, to th iiueMing a pi. turo .cud twentx-fixo stars when rp C II C In l.adn-loik I'liid Mnrkei is appearing Ni.-lit," a ilnx in .New M IJ I AIiop I ik. npprurcd in SIctro s "Hodj and Soul ' ! ' Whr hello Bill " ' Hello Marv ' N'ot roi formal girting, perhaps n hen two peopp hare just bron intro duced for the tirst time but thnt - ju-t what wa -aid earli this week when Marr fiarden nnd liill Hurt met after ! open 1 1 ndmiring rn. h other nt 11 di tnnep tor several xiars The fascinating prima donna hn- long frinklx admitted that shp "adored Hill Hart And Hill has ns publielv and ns franklv admitted n "pru-h" on Mary. This week thpv met Their firt u nrds 10 ph. Ii nthpr wprp PxaMh as qunlod abnw And innde of fi.r minutes thex wrie lifelong pan- und in ten thev po.pi) for this picture with their arms around each other. Man had expected that Hill might greet her toting a couple of ominous nx-shonters Hut he didn't And shp fenrea thnt the grpat liprn of thp primitive might blow off the top of her dressing room nt the I'hllhar inonn Auditorium in I.os Angeles Hut he didn't I oxpppted you to come in the guise nf n linn n roaring." exclaimed Man I til t here ou are, as meek anil huiubln as a lamb '' Iloth hud long looked forward to the meeting. Yeais ngo so the narrative goes Marv had become pnthrHlled hi the famed western hero when she saw him 111 his screen picture Htn Jim in Paris It was then that she lot her heart to the dauntless "Hill.' I but it is nl-o tin follow ing Iht 11 hud n 1 hatuo to 1 111,1 of. I Whin 1 wns f.uirti. 11 jeats old Not inn Iliad a job with the Vitagraph. and I used to go lo the -tudio with her mil hang around until the duectors were so I used to seiing nn that thex leallx tl'night 1 belonged there. Then one dm 1 just walki.l riht 111 flout of the minora, mid no mio thought to put me out. I And on o ro.illi in I wouldn't go, so ! help I nin ' When Norma wont to the coast. I went ton foi mother didn't like to lot hit go nl. mi ot to lcnxe Nntnlie and mo hori It n- like thr old piu.le of tho mnn cm. -ing the pond and taking oxer one nt n Inn" the fox, the gon-o nnd tho hag "f 'iain Which two muld we Ipiixo l hind'' So we nil ixi nt nlnng, nnd I did a little work tun' and there, hut nothing xorx nin. Ii until D W finflitb started to tunk' liitoli'ianeo " He wanted 1 some one f.ii the part 01 tlio mountain 1 girl and at lu-t ho chosi. me, telling 1110 ' thnt I wii- to lie sort of n lioness 1 girl and not nfrnnl of an thing " I I hnd to dine a ehaiiot, and while I wnsn t afraid in do it, I had to lenru 'how N'ni mu mn te'l jou thnt oxerv I niglit nftir I i-anie home finni pi in tu ing I to drue that 1 harlot I was bruised from ' head to toi I Aft. r tin. siinoss I began to dieain of soini tiling besides being just Norma i litt 1 --tu 1 wanted a leguiar jmi, ' with 'i 11 inn nil for inssclf 1 'I In in I met Lewis .1. Seliiii-k and , he ii ml d tu nx to make 11 star of me tliousli he didn't promise that lo lenlli 1 ild do it for usually when two sisters plai on the stage of the sitipii there 1- ni-t one who becomes known Kor tli" other there Is plain nbsiutitx behind the title of "So-aild-So's little M-tir Air Sel7iiick nntl I, however, dei id' d to make the Tnlmndgi' si-tprh the exception In the rule, and when he did his -haie liv starring me it wns up to hip to make good Hefore stari ing. I xvns leading woman for Douglas l'airbnnks. Starring isn't half the -train that plaving xvith Doug Ins was fter wotching bun risk his life so minx times for n picture and tilling him that dead men make no tllm. I decided to take the risk myself and have done quite a few stunts before the camera First of all. I don't want to lie 1 rettx-prittx notress I nin xorx will- g to hi im nglx or ns funnv looking ns the pnrt demands, for the punne knows how I look nnxhovv, nnd after nn ugli pirt thpx mm think me prettier than I renllv am througli pure contrast' Hut nn friends have often expostu lated at pome of my faces and toll mr that I will get wrinkles and all that sort of thing That doesn't bother ni" xet though I suppose In n few vears I will have to beware. M debut ns a stnr enme when Soloi t Pictures presented me in Cosmo Ham ilton's "Scandal " At the oMiiratinn of me contract with Select 1 formed mi own ininpnnx tin Constance Talmadgo nim Co Mi pu. turcs are now released through the First aiSP MJifi'S'' i -Ttist ns the war helped to popularise YWKKm U ' TW h,-',-''-vw1 ' many phraseologies strange to America. I b"Jt,jBwl" w t,m.rm:.JHf vriLX !.,,e..!"" '.'.""r'T :. p r '"!' h"n. 1 tWP&fM . 75SV.r oxie. In nonce and xmr contributed to Analol." Hearing a laT'sBft:! i.y &4-'- m ,n,.j ,n,.ni, slher ion! and jk3iR t ' 1 Who doesn't know the meaning of u ,irT ( ' '"i- "close-up"? Of "Fcennrlo'"' Of xxvr jt "C ' wkmbL " 1? PHOTni'i,s &&mm&& : itze mm 1 .1 m T.fy..W1.y.....VlfW.WiW)y Vit tf,V ' H'- - '-' ? S lending woman in the production of "Tho Affairs nf negligee of turquoise blue brocade velvet edced xxitli gray rhilTnn stitched with silver threads and bands of satin lace. The sleeves arc trimmed with bauds of ihlnrlilllii and the unusual tassels ending them as well as the train arc also of chlmhllli rnoTni'i.is l'HOTll'I.As &va2mezBsmsszmeEamea2 Daily Photoplay Guide iZum&ttmesamizsmezis DIRECTION STANLEY COMPANY OF AMERICA I I TOTh NIXON-NIRDLINGERtfTIf J I Ul THEATRES UJ A I I CTUCMV Krankfonl 4 Allenhtny ALLLxjUClN I Mat. Dully !! 11 Kxs. t 8 KATHERINE MacDONALD In 'Tl IITAJV' Alknmkr.n ISth. Morrl & rasaunk Axe. MinamDraMM riaiiyntL- i:xEh iiihh M.I, STAIl f'ST In "MILESTONES" AVPWl IP -5"1 ht' "ll1 Allegheny Ave. WM. FAVERSHAM in "Tin: sis ruT i s his" BELMONT MD""vl!0E MAIIKET " NORMA TALMADGE In "l'NTIIK" CARMAN UEII.MANV1WS ,XB T. W IIMlNFsi In "SO LONG LETTY" CENTURY MATIMPM " 13 PEARL WHITE In "KNOW Ollt 'IKN" 40ib nil Uroid A Snider Are. I' 11. arwjtWJ w r 1 o r,t 0 BILLIE BURKE In "TllK KI)U ATION (IK I'.l.l.AIlKTlt CONSTANCK I LMAI)(.I. Uln . Mapl'ivood Axes, ' 30 7 Rllrt II I- M National Inhibitors' f'iicuit Home of my more iccent pictures are "Two Weeks," "In Search of a Sinnei , ' "The Perfect Womnn." "(iond Itefer ences." "Ilnngerous IIusines." "Wed ding Hells" and "Mninina's Affair. ' nn ing rni ONIAL CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG In "lit Ml" CEDAR UTH " CCUAK AVENUE RALPH INCE In "01 T (IF Till, SAIMls," CCA ISFl IM MAIlkET DETWKEN V-X-1-.IOC.VJIV1 f,nTH AND OOTJt hTAIl ( vr In "THE INNER VOICE" Fay's Knickerbocker &Vi iiiikiitiii rmi.r.ii's in "ONCE TO EVERY WOMAN" FAIRMOUNT tMV'dUV'' SHIRLEY MASON In "TllK LAMP Until IK DARBY THEATRE TOM MIX In "TllK ItOAll nr.MOV 11 mnr ru'WT t jjhius fumnn Junrttnn on Frankford & GIRAIiU AVE. 1 nn lranLfnrrl ?. "FOOD FOR SCANDAL" IfVTW QT THKATUE Dm Spruce -U 1 n O 1 . MATINFP DAILY OTIS SKINNER In "KISMET" Dix Leaves Speaking Stage Ilicharil Ilix. n risint ncruit to tin inotion-plcture ai tors' inhnj m IM Angles, has just smtnil n t.vo',veai (on- trait with (lOlilxv.vii. 111 nccoriliinie xvith xx huh he is now n ineii.hi'i of tin- moi k company nt the Culver t'itv studios .Mi . Mix: np)iared on the speakiiiK wtnt'i' two seasons nsu in tupport of W'nlkii' Whitr-side In "The l.itth' Ilmther " His fust scnin appear.! uro was 11 adc a shorr time lalei mid last enr (ioldvxxn siRned him to plnj the mnle lead, opposite Jlilene (liadvvick in Hupert IlilKhes' first oriulnal see nario, "DntiKerntis Curve Ahead," ulinli bis not .xet been iilensed I on the completion of that picture he was at once aslpncd to pln the leaduiK man's role in "I.00U Hefore Ynu I.eap " the screen version of Thompson JJu ihannn's comedy, "The Tiridul rath," nhirh is now- being lilmrd. ChrlEtopher Morley In Film In the thentro scenes for Hlsie Ker KU'on's latest picture, "Footlights. ' two of the most distinguished "extras" that ever have worked In Paramount' eastern studio appeared. Thev urm Don Mnriiils, columnist of the New York Sun. and Christopher Morley, for merlv of the fivhNis.0 I'i-buo (Knorn, who presides oxer the New York I'ven ing I'ost'a column These txvo humor ists have been wanting to write the inside stor.x of the movies for some time, but unlike most xvriterd who tell the In side story from the outside, thei decided to come inside for their information I'nder these londltinnN it xxns an easy matter for Cecil Owen casting diiretur, to get Marquis nnd Morley a "job in pictures' at $10 a daj. rMHDDCCC'AI','i,T MANATUNK MAK Ml KIIA In "IDOLS OF CLAY" I FAPlPR 1ST kANCASTEn AVE. lUi-UEl,r MATIVHK UAIL'? r r.tir. 111; mu.i.ivs "FORBIDDEN FRUIT" r-AtxlII V THEATnE 1311 Market 8t. FAMILY H A M to Midnight TOM MIX in "THE ItltAIl nr.xtos" I fin 1ST .f'-n ANU ' OCl'ST STrtKKTS lwv,uji Mt j 10 a in i:tri n ao 10 11 IMUIWAb MblliHAN - thi: iKosTir.u of rin: si uts" In . n i-it-T-I irnM Ilrm I KhAl NUKinciUN 2 7 & 0 P. M Uroail 8t. at Erie OTlsl SKINNKK III "KISMtl" NIXON 6"D AND MAI11CI?T 8Ta- III M ((1MF.I1V " ''' 7 "THE BIG SECRET" llxlorDI AI COTIl i WALNUT 8T8 IMPERIAL Jirat. 2 30 Evae 7 U ...iu m.iVKIt CI llXXllllD'rt "NOMADS OF THE NORTH" STRAND 333 MARKETmWli?. CHARLES RAY In "l'KACI'J'lII' M.l.i'A" RIVOI I B-D A-ND HANSOM STS 1X1 v-t-.l MATIN'KB DAILY MAY ALLISON in "nn: mmihiac, I III' WII.I.IXXI ASIIF." OEHMANTOWN AVE. XT ll-vivnft a-i- (I onni: fit'xim ui'i"s "PAYING THE PIPER" FRANKFORD 4T15 afx"ebfobo W. S. HART in "Tin: TWiTirxfl ni.oru" Germantown65Te.rNm?fl,n,AnILAT, SESSUE HAYAKAWA III "TllK 1'IIIST IIIIH.N" IMPFRIAI 2D AND ropiAtt jii REX BEACH'S "thi: pi:NAir" nraiKir-CCC ioie mahkbt btiikkt rrvil,ts--uj- r ao a. m m 11 10 r. HARRY CAREY In "II" OM.V JIM ' M r t A 1 TD OEnMANTOWN AVENUE RIAL 1U AT TIt!.PEtrf KEN BT. THOMAS MEIGHAN In "11IK F110T1EK OK TllK SiTAItS" ATTRACTIONS AT THE NEIGHBORHOOD THEATRES APOLLO JOSF. JEFFERSON iHxisn""".' Jill. AM) MH1. CAItTFIt UK II 1 KN I" "TWIN BEDS" liberty' o7yM,xK0, BUCK JONES In "JUST PALS" 6-'u t Thompson ara. .. iffi'Mi?,''" "THE SPENDERS" m TDV MAIIKET ST I1EI.I KUtSl 10 A. M 10 nnKOTHY PIIII.UP8 iii I AI IRnR A "ONCE TO EVERY WOMAN", AUKUA I1EI.0W 7TH II IK 1. ASTOR raA'N'K'"s 4 '.InAHD AVE. 0 1 v-I .MATINEE DAILY "IDOLS OF CLAY' rtt C ArW I2" MARKET bTRBET OAVUT 8 A M TO MIDNIOHT WANDA HAWLEY In "IIEB FIRST EI.OI'KMK.NT" AT WEST CHESTER RIAI TO I.HK llIIAin In IMttllxj "TllK M',H Xdltli nil A" IDLE HOUR aiit iioMioimi IIVU.U 1 iwwix "JOOU TO 1" '1.12 tiS:nIANTOV'N AVE. XIATIVI-tJ" n. i.'o'"'" BEBE DANIELS In "OH. I , 1 .. BENN 'TH Vt WIOULAN'd" AVE thejucklTnsWda,,'t A PAIOXIOI NT 11(11 UK BLUEBIRD' V';r7' W'lwVi" SESSUE HAYAKAWA lu "IHF. ilK-sT UUUS" IVTOnn 2 BOUTII ST orcheiir' IVlVJUllLi Conllniinun fmm t to VERA GORDON In "TllK GREATEST I.0B" OVERBROOK i?-"mD WILLIAM FARNUM In "IIRAf. IIARIAN" PARK ridoe Avr. a nu ruts sr. Mm .' tl Eve 8 3 ,J ll lint nr, pi;teii lu "ISOBEL" SPRUCE 'StUS''-w' T. ROY BARNES 111 "SO MIMi 1.1 IH 4lt arJ " if" .,,. . rr- K IV 1 WIVI. rCJ-NI-N T MM nrr,i 1 CONSTANCE TALMApt pi "(.ooi) itir.Eiti::.cw 4,msuMU;ima&.'-