Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 16, 1921, Night Extra, Image 1

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    ,Jt t"v
Do They Do That in the Movies? Ever Ask Yourself That Quests See Page 10
' T ttv
llnln tonlRht anT Sunday; colder to.
Jr." .,i7 rniiior .Snndav : nrobnblv
Trot ?"'' n,ht "",nK !r,n,h'
ff" rtll.KlMTtlHli AT lIACtt IIOUK
TrojjjnniRrm i i i -, i
Euenmg public meocjer
VOL. VII. NO. 184
Knitrtd Stcsnd-CltM Mititr M lh Pmte'mct. ft Philadelphia. Va.
Undtr the Art of March. 8, 1MB
I'ubtl.tifJ Dally Kxrtvt bunM.)-. Suticrlr.tlm I'ru In h Tar by ilall.
,UB CoprlM. 1021. bv Puhllr tdcr Company .
by thug in auto
pliant Flees, but Is Later
Arrested Companions
Are Held
LATER AS CONI-tutrmico
rmlman William II. Hnsselcr "'
M In revolver
duel with n mnn hi"
Losing His Third Wife
Ii.,,. blender ..fngnngofnnto.no-
I" .... i tl .......l '
ill, thlfTf nt Tioga nmi ...-.,
,, thh morning H" '
11 ' .. .. I...1lnf unnni III Mil
nth result m ii i"M"i " -
iMirb In the KpHropnl Hospital. J
nMird nulxli-y. suspected of being.
b, rarnlmn', n-?llnnt. and Ur,
,',1,111(1 two men nn were, wuu .......
. .rrctcil. All wore in nn nuto
Ifibv Hnizley. They were
1, to Cltr Hall and will have n
urine in f';rnl tn,lon- .1,0,k'. nrc
Mlinr for to more men nml n woman
Z rc believed to hnve been in the
"let Klrl- "re, n Wpifc
rrtteen yearn om. i' ...... ..
Mteen years im. " .".... -
Inter """ r,0,l, nrc I,rctty ""''
'W other men who were captured nrc
,ta McCnnn. pightcen years old.
ntb street and Montgomery nv-
te, and .iniin .iiiii. Mm. nil.. ... .......
'J, Twelttn ann .imnn '""
Alter being grilled nt City Hall to-
.. i-i ...-.! rnA 1td tint bnnir
Kir tflc Kiri' nw - 'i vtrj '
V . t- ..nt nml ntlomnta In
Iht men unwr n-t -. ..., -
Political -Friends and Foes Are
Anxious to Have Names
Given to Public
U In nv definite tniormnnon trom
;. .t fntllo. Delect ve Ilelfihnw.
U is In charge of the InvestiKntioti.
Ilia M MliHTfil lliai hip Kiri: wi-rv iij-
i to cliield the p.iMinrr. firace
. . . . .am ... tnlrn Imp
liliord flie' noi mimi ""', "
trill rioul.v nnil irequemi.v uurM
nloiors hiic neuiK iiuwuniini u-
The (ir, which the police sny wns
nltn. (topped nt a enrage nnil two of
h, men jumped nut to ontnln Rnnnitne.
The girl? in tne enr were miiiuk.
"Wht's nil the racket about?" nsked
None of uiur busineif. replied uie
"Go alone and attend to jour nwu
Mi' Misjesitfi! tlie glrlo.
"All nf jnu set out of the carl
'Hired Haneler.
, Hres at ratrolinan -
Tti ilrlirr Imilncil over the fide of
i lutomnbilc nnd iiMmr it nf n bnr
Mile drew n revolver and fired ev-
i tbottc at Hn.seler. '
ffhfD (he cirls had-Jumneil out. the
iirolman returned the fire. After the
nt to ."hots the men dodged about
S mhlne trMnc, to get each other
i the open
Huseler aked hii nppnent why lie
ida't come nut and ncht HUc a man.
tuniilnz to the opposite tide of tne
ir the driier then fired straight nt
lustier. The patrolman fell with a
uiltt in hli siomacn. ins nrmnau.
nd tiro companions, who had gone to
;H Mlollne fled down Tlogu Ftreet.
!j were nurnieu uy ?evcrai poutcnivu
rc nttraetnl nj tne khoouur.
Ikt to cirls. who stood somewhat
mct-itrieken duriiiR the duel, were
itmttd and token tn the rront nun
VrttncTelaiul Kreetn t-tntion while
Iisieler wns hurried to the hospital.
Two Men Arrestnl
HcCinn nnd Mitchell were later nr-
ttd on n ureot car by I'ntrolninn
iorltr. Thi'x denied having any con
ation with the affair, but Detective
Miik faji lie k convinced that both
ruontrs rrn companions of the
Balilej, who gne Uls nddress ns
rtllth and .leffersnn urcets, was nr-
titui at a home near there this after-
fwn by lo detectives nf the hnndit
1a. After his nrreht lie wn tnken
' the Enlveonnl llnsnilnl. where he wns
identified bv Hnfi-eler ns one of the oo-
npints of the car.
Mr. Marj .lolner, proprletrepft of n
joainj houKc where the girls live, wild
r obtained a room from her about a
t aro fajing that they lived in
The car belnnjed to Henjamin Weitn.
'IH .North Thirt.v-firft atrcet. and wao
o.en while Handing at Flfteeuth nnd
Milter itreets Thuwdav night
Pn Held In Ball After Shooting
Out Lights
ii',ni. ....
"Miium .Mti.nntgie. twentr iear.
"il I . LI...I -- Tlt. . 1 .L -.
i.-j. ..:'." iiir ruts -ciKiiin. wno
m m(hhi ,ni fnr a further lienrliig
,ri"ra" narrlgan at the Third
i. r '" ...ii'- iin.i uvu-u urrt-ni:.!
ni ' . "." "m Fceim in uie
itAVL ' !,,an",.v Unclimurikl. Front
M.V"V"lrr ftreet late init night.
Xll. MnMn Konnt,5' n1 I'" wn-
lib fw.1 n. ,lui,'Rl' -'inuffpur to drive
K'lf, V'''"'' 'l'hn 'Iftrctlvo tc.
m 'MeGnni.l,. wan holding n revolver
Klaie! iSn1 !lf "Jr "-hauffeur, Aviator
iVell Mn!f.,h .,V,b" Mtfet- w,M,n
ettetVrt nL. Mrf!V,J B,c- ll wnK alleged.
Ntln.. :"'"!' niiiui-cd iiimsen py
nB L,h0 rlr,,ric bulbs and te,-'.
"" etlur i'ii iinirri.
v'.therman s,,,. r?. .
, -7o rroai. will FOI-
n. , low Rain
Plt if M,i,n. Nrr,"'niT Inning!
"f-iMianHti,. hwnf "f the Ian
S"lr tS.t uroinliip 0f ,h(. ttPBt,,
d'L'rosVvnV ?R'?'Lrrlved to-
e nrntr,ni,u' . "." .'" "'
t fMiftn ":'?""" "ntes that rain
W II i"..'1'1 .ln .". temperature
hr evening nf,,u"" rna,,K b.v
"Cihifi'L ' '""""''nit easterlv
rd it ,', l,,,al,n,,K V" Atlantic
""'e inland ' ,ro,l,,(,,l- ""! n an penc-
r".'!,,1l l-iui.,.
ii"1 fxc.uhii- r
" reih..""'
Vk" ."
v.ml Action
- Monroe Studios
Otherwise Mm. Arthur ilnnimer
stein No. .1. Rumor says she will
hoon lie a divorcee. Then, the the
ntrlcal producer admits, there
probably will be a Mrs. Hammer
frteln No. 4
Predicts Breaking Nat Goodwin's
Record In Search for Perfect Wife
New York, April 1ft. Three matri
monial finscos hnve not discouraged Ar
thur Hnmmeratein the lean bit. The
theatrical producer still thinks marriage
f n grent institution nnd he admits Hint
when Mrs. Ilnmincrstein No. .T Is ngaln
CInire Nngcl us rumor says fJip is soon
to be he will not hesitate long before
taking on No. 4.
In n talk with n reporter yesterday
the son of Oscar recalled a "bet" he
once made with much -wed Nat C.
Cinndwin. Hammerstein's contention
was. he said, thnt thcrp would ulti
mately bp nore former Mrs. Hammer
steins than there were ex-Mrs. Good
wins. Hammcrstcin said:
".So fnr I've been married three times.
Each marriage has been a failure. Claire
Xagel nt times Is the most angelic
woman In the world. I never hnd n
wife I wns more interested in. The
days of our courtship were the hap
piest of my lifp. She was n renl pal.
1 found her ,n good little sport nnd a
fnsclnating companion.
"When we were married she seemed
tn change. It wasn't long before 1
knew I had made n great mistake
"It wns n question of temperament
nnd temper. I don't want to talk about
that, hut (lair s temper wfts well uncertain."
Jlammerstein marred Mis Nncle
June I), WW.
Detectives Now Delleve Enemies
Killed Hotel Clerk
Atlantic CU.v, April 10. Polire
officials say that further investi
gation, whlln deeping the nivstery
surrounding tlip death of Helnrich von
Iliekler, storeroom clerk at the Hotel
St. Cliarle. now led to the belief that
the man was a victim of enemies with
motives apart from robbery. ,
The body of Von Illckler. n German
alien, known here for three years iiuiler
the name of Henry Buchler. was found
on an ash heap in the outskirts of the
city by a trolley crew. The skull was
crushed. It is known that the man
inrrled a large sum of money at times.
Council members nlmost unnnimnusly
today declared Mayor Moore should
drive out Into the orien the "certain
men" Im mentioned as handed together
to foster gambling and vice In this city.
The Major's reference to llie "certain
men" while addressing the Colonial
Damen last Tuesday has aroused wide
spread interest mining citizens of nearly
every shnde of political opinion.
Mr. Moore's declaration thnt com
promise with "certnln men" would
smooth his official pathway has" caused
the question to be asked In many quar
ters, "Who are the' certain men?"
"Spealt Up," Says. Walter
A reply from the Mayor to that
question, it is said, would roll the
stone from all the underground "wire
pullers" and political scuttlers, who
put the profits of organized vice and
gambling above the desire of the ma
jority here for a clean city. k
"I think the Mayor should give the
nnmes out," snid Councilman Simon
Walter, a protege of David II. I.ane,
veteran "boss" of the Twentieth Ward.
"I haven't nny idea who he means.
but the Major throws suspicion on
everj- one In politics by keeping silent.
He owes It to himself nnd to the poll,
tlclans to tcK the nnmes of the 'cer
tain men' lie has in mind.
"It seems to me he should nnme the
men, if only for the purpose of getting
the bed of roses he spoke of,"
Councilman, Von Tngen. an Admin
istration supporter, said he has an Idea
who the "certain men" are.
"But I am not going to talk nbout
It because my idea may R; correct or
erroneous," he added.
"Name 'Km." Pommer Urges
"Let him name 'cm," was the com
ment of Councilman I'ommcr, n Vare
Councilman 1-imeburner said he did
not care whether the Mayor named the
men or not. v
Connciliunn Montgomery, who is gcif
erallv regarded as a friend of Judge
Iirown. of the Municipal Court, de
clMcdliht'men should be named bj; the
Mayor. ' . , ' "" ., . '",".
"i-am not interested In gambling,
he said. "I never saw n roulette wheel
and never played a game of poker, but
if I made such a stutement ns the
Mayor did. I would certainly mention
the' names." ,.
Councilman Develin said be would
in,. . bnn.i- nil thp facts iii the matter.
Councilmen Hall, Tlurch and Koper
would not discuss tho subject.
High Winds and Cofd Rain
in Stbrnu Bound Eastward
Chicago. April l.-(Hy A. I'.l
Telegraphii' communication In the
west and In southern sections of the
country virtually weie parnlyred
There' was no comniuiilcallon be
tween Chicago nnd Omnlia nnd wires
were In n demoralized condition from
Denver sontlicnstwnrd, the affected
area, including Dallas. Tex., Mltlc
Itock, Ark., Hhrcveport, Ln., Mem
phis. Tcnu., New Orleans, St. Louis.
Nashville, Chattanooga, Birming
ham nnd Cincinnati.
A gale of high velocity accom
panied by a cold driving rain stiuck
Chicago last night. The Weather
Bureau reported the storm tiioviii3
Tornado Cuts Wido Swath
Through 3 Counties Com
i munication Paralyzed
Uy (Jm Associated Press
Utile Hock. Ark.. April in. Fifty
known dead and hundreds of persons
Inlured were rpportcd ln dispatches re
ceived from the tornndo swent sections
of southeastern Arkansas today.
The tornado cut a wide swnth neross
pnrts of Miller nnd Hempstead counties.
Arkansas, and Cass county, Texns..
Inst nlffhl.
Tlepnrts coming Into Little Hock from
the storm nrea augmented rather than
Considers diminished the extent of the damage,
I nnil hitr-ntiup nf nnrnlvzert wire conimunl-
AdODtinK New York Plan I cation officials were' of the opinion that
, ,v.ur. e BB-n.nl ilnv. mlvht plfiriRP. hpforP the fill!
extent of the damage Is definitely
Director Tustin
to Smother "Jazz"
,k .,,! Heavleat Lv In Arkansas
HALL OWNERS ARE AROUSED Apparently the heaviest loss of life
nnd property was caused In the two
Arkansas counties. In the rural sec
Suggestion of policewomen ns dance- tions of upper Miller county, near Tex
hall inspectors has entered the dance re-I arkana. eleven persons are known to
form movement in Philadelphia. have been killed nnd a large number
New York, where a simllur attack is Injured. Near Hope. In Hempstead
being made on vulgar dancing, has' county. pres dispatches stated that
found women police effective in doing from fifteen to twentyv persons were
away with the objectionable and pro- killed and scores Injured by the storm,
tectlng voung girls from Improper Infill- which swept the entire length of the
elites. " ' county. The storm approached within
There the women police are not tled,a few miles of the town, according to
down to nny particular district, hut arerep0rts here,
sonl nut In nnv nnlchborhood wlierc they I l'rfsrntt U Another town in Hemp-
mav be needed tn protect girls and lend tend county that may have been struck
clean, wholesome influence in public) ,y the storm. A brief message ncclicd
entertainment places. t Into lat night said there were feveral
Director Tustin. in who-e hands the bodies there, but it wns not known juit
Major hns placed the dance reform w1(rr the fntnlities occurred,
movement here, recently made n study In 'rxn!, ,bc damage was in thewi
nf New York conditions and the methods cinitv r n'Farrell. a thickly -settled
7fVork has had much , trouble fo n AngX
aiwivirge.-'r.;, sKSXi" """" r p'rM,ns "'J nml ,,,J,,,,,
tin. "nnd they have used some most j n Bodies At Texarkana
effective methods there to put a slop to; n,.VPn bodies had been brought into
objectionable dancing. c hope to Icarm -rpjnrkana Pnrlv todav, it was reported,
from their experience id to try out ; Follr ,)oHics ind b(l(;n tnken t ji0pr
some of their methods here. , from t))( Htorm ,i(.lrirt in that locality.
Dancing Masters Amusrd Karly newspaper estimates here placed
Dancing masters, musicians, music the number of dean at npproximaieiy
At botli Texarkana and Hope mens
Releases Former Phllly Star, Held
for Drunkenness
Recollections of bygone lays were
brought to Mosistratn Grells in the
Eleventh and Winter streets station
this mnrnlng. when "Johnny toe
man, llfi nnblnsqn street, was given
a hearing on a charge of drunkenness.
"Are von nny relation to Coleman,
the great ball nlajer. I used to see
when I wns a 'kid'?" the magistrate
nroducprs and managers of nubile en
tcrtalnment places are all convinced
that something must be done Immedi
aUJy.for cls.tha. pendulum will swing
in the other directionand dancing will
have to be barred entirely os a form of
amusement. I should hate to see tluu.
I am not opposed to dancing ns n recre-
ntlon. Hut we cannot nllow it to be-J
come degrading.
Miss Mnrguerlte Wnlr.. of 1(101 Wal
nut street, choirmnn of the protest
committee from the Dancing Masters'
Associntion, is not in favor of cither
men or women police ns dance hall
"I do not think that Is what we
need," she said. "I don't bcllevp In
forcing hlngs on the public In such n
way. What wp need and want Is a
proper standard of dancing, and our
present law enforced so that managers
One and the same." was the broken
Coleman produced plcturrs of him
self in uniform when he played with
The hearing was temporarily mi?
rrled a large sum 01 money at times. . .-,.,.,, ,, , , . f om oi8
Tom positive thot Beuhlcr wns not th" I H Hm. ' ".'? . ,r.mfn " l"
killed where his body was found," said' i"""" ' ""
Captain Malfced. "He was murdered
and Ins body carried to where it was
found, or he was struck bv an auto
mobile or trolley car near where he was
The murder theory is borne out by the
fact thnt there were no bruises on tho
bodv except on the head. The man 8
clothing was not snlled ns it would have
of every place where dnuclng Is per-,
miitca win dc nem personally lespon
sible for what goes on in each place.
"Every dance hall, caff, restaurant
and public place where dancing Is per
mitted should be under one rule, so
tho public will realize thej could not! go
from the well-regulated dance hall to
an easy-going plare, wliere thej could
dance as vulgarly as they desired.
Majority Respectable
"Ninety-five per cent of tlipse man
agers are running places thnt nrc nil
right, but they are suffering because
of the B per cent who run abominable,
vulgar and objectionable places."
There are several society matrons
Not Feasible Now, However, to
Create Department of
Public Works
Herbert Hoover, secrctnry of com
merce, told the American Engineering i
Council todav nt their meeting at the
Engineers' Club. 1317 Spruce street,
thot It probably ly'ould be Impossible to
organize n national Department of
Public Works, ns they desire.
Mr. Hoover Is president of the Coun
cil, which rep'resents 'JOfLOOO engineers
in the PnltPd Stntes. He was called
tn New York on sudden business nnd
had not expected to prrtdde until this
afternoon. He returned In time, how
ever, to come Into the meeting nt 11
o'clock when he wn greeted with en
thusiastic applause.
"There is n distinct feeling In Wash
ington against creating new cabinet
positions." he snid. "Therefore, it
seems unlikely that reorganization of
the Depnrtment of the Interior, so ns
to create a separate Department of Pub
lic orus. win lie irnsiuii-. ,. . .,., ,.. 1lfi,i, ki,m..I..v ihi.
Jlll J'ii""'" tl ll'-i I IUIM Mil ." s...
Excellent , Plan oldest resident of Canada, according to
"It would be an excellent thing, how- . stories reaching here. She left her na
ever to bring together the vnrious nctiv- tlvi- home in the tipper part of I.on
ities which properlv would come under coster county, many year before the
o Department of 'Public Works and ' outbreak ; of the ; Civ V or.
create a distinct bureau to handle Mrs. Maxwell x life has bon a tur-
' them." ' i uiilcnt one. Horn in i.nncnster county
One of the Important projects plan- 'n i""" n ret- negio sue wns perse
ned by the engineer, in their desire to ' cutnd by kidnappers and forced to (lee
npply modern engineering practice to , the ennntrj. Ith her hnbanil and five
tin. iiflmlnistrarlnn nf the rountrv's nf- childien i-he reached Canada via the
fairs, was to create the projected na
tional Department of Public Works.
The sentiment at the meeting following
Mr. Hoover's discussion of the ques
tion, seemed tn favor the organization
of such a bureau ns he advised.
During the course nf his talk. Mr.
Hoover intimated he would like to be
relieved of the presidency of the coun
cil, which requires more nf him thnt his
public duties nllnw him to give.
Calvert lownley, vice president oi
Fire-Eater of Border , Secretary of Interior De
mands Drastic Pol
Icy by U. S.
New Mexico Man Said to Have
Based Cabinet Post
on Issue
Asserts British Seek Advantage
Over Americans by Secret
Deals With Obregon
i ' ? . ' Ji&Mm
tBfe&E'flsBiH& xisiiiiiiiiiil '
wV :rM JiiiiH '
L.' " t-.iC
Native of Lancaster County Oldest
Resident of Canada
Ijinraster, Pa.. April 10. Sarah
unTuni rcMirfpnt rii iiirnmonu inn. ...
Cnnoda. born in Lancaster county, ha ' "" ,n a """"rp difference of opinion
Sttr rnrrr.nilent Krrnlnr Tahllr Mm
Copyright. 1911. fc Public I.rdorr C.
April If!. Indication
underground rnilwnj" just prior to
the outbreak of the war.
rexorkona and Hone 1.1c is-J tn(1 Arn.ric!ln Engineering Society and
taken by iiiuniclp.il nthclals, virp ,,r,id.nt f J,. Wtlnghouse Co..
is to afford relief for the.of Npw Vnrk ,,rPSi,P, nt the morning
rers. Runners in light cars InPting.
ures were
and citizen
storm HiiffprerK
and on motorcycles were sent out in
Atlantic City Sojourner Is Charged
With Stealing Women's Dresses
Stanley D. Moxou, 1107 Wallace
street, was served with n warrant is
sued b.v the police here while being led
In h cell in tlip county jail at May's
Landing jestprday. following his con
viction on a charge of stealing women's
dresses from n Atlantic nvenue de
partment store. Sentence will be iui-
ana til trial natntnni Mtnnunrii i
nil directions. From the information w Wnllnp, pTrntlie fceeretnrr ,.f the I l"1t''" ln,t,r
obtained it wns p8-sib!e to send nurses J Joinrll who I n chnrge of the or , Moxon '" rl,nr,:ril "V.1,," "v", f,nsr
and doctors rnto many localities inime-1 cnn?Ml ion nat ionnl amnni"n to br?ng 1,J" tl"' nin"nr "J, IMillntlrliihln de
diatclv. gnnizanon s nai onni nmpain to pring ,mrtmBnt Mor, nP .H arrested on
In the vicinity of Hope iclief j.articsl 2U-Z ohlemi of the"da ,"" dfl M"n,n ",'II', '" in '""P"'"
were out soon after the storm had no?Il,E.ob'L? , ,h.V nB nf .!, ' "f '-"mP "men's drce.. but secured
passed, hut were able to nccomidish llt-l J' "a'",,pn""' rcleaso on habeas corpus proceed-
tie because of the darkness. ,, -rty Kreatest present dnj economic problems. , , , (o ,, arrested on a
renorted late last nitcht thnt nini! bodies
had been found between SpruiM and
Ilnlpli. The property loss in the imme
diate vicinity of Hope alone wos placid
nt .$."0,000.
" . - iii till! - (ii c rrllMl rni-n. iimiikiuj
pendwl as Co'eman talked over old,ncre wh0 are deeply Interested in the
times with the magistrate. present nttock on vulgar dancing, and
"Why don t jou leave It alone? wno are hoping thot whatever retrlc-
been if drasged by trolley or automobile, house.
Mas-istratP Grells said admonishlngly.
"I will. 'Judge.' if you'll let me
Coleman walked from the station
?& y
Sever Equaled Men, Noted
Essayist Says Too Unim
aginative and Literal
Jane Austin Is Only One That
Deserves the Name Edith
Wharton Ironical
"1 tile lltTnnll.. 'tl
' '? "tw'irc'h a"i,nafflS..,W'bJ!
" lilt I'L-iLIO L1IX1I1.-Z
I MKttmamKm
tions the Mayor may make will reach
not only the "kaffee klatches and
Eublic dance places nf the lower classes,
ut the society donees as well.
"The debutantes of today are setting
the pace for other young fnlk." said
one woman who has kept In touch with
the movement. "They think thee jazz
dances, which they havp brought from
the slums of California, nrc funny.
They mny be funny fnr them, but they
forget thnt joung girls from shops nnd
factnries and offices are influenced by
the so-called society circles.
"And when such dances reach them
they are hurtful and objectionable.
There ahnillil lip n rofnrm mnvpmnnl In
the higher circles and in many private
homes, as well as in the public amine
jment places."
Seven Killed In Texas
Dallas. Tex.. April 16. (Br A. PO
At least seven lives were lost in
nnrthpastern Texas late yesterday In a
tornado which, after sweeping sections
nf Smith. Wood. Gregg. Cass and
Howio counties, passed into Miller and
Hempstead counties.x Arkansas, ner
manj persons were reported killed.
Scores nf persons were renorted injured
Mn the affected aira gf Texas. Six of
the Texas fatalities, were at Avingcr.
Cass county, and one at Atlanta.
Two Persons Injured When Steering
Gear Gives Way
Two men were hurt when an auto
mobile went wild at Rroad street and
Indiana nvenue at 4 o'clock this morn
ing, rnn up on the sidewalk and crashed
into .the front of a store.
The cor, driven by Martin C. Hoad
fuss, l."1 Snyder avenue, was travel
ing south on Hroad street. When nt
Indiana avenue, Hoadfuss told the po
lice, the steering gear broke and he lost
control of the car. After veering up
on the sidewalk It crashed into the
steps of the fped store of L. F, Miller
& Son. The car was wrecked and the
stone stpps damaged. ,
Two passengers in the car with
Hoadfuss were slightly hurt and were
sent to the Samaritan Hospital by po
lice of the raotnrcjele squad. They are
John Macfarland. 21-iG South Lee
street, suffering from cuts, bruises and
shock, nnd Steve Koffce, same address,
bruised and cut. After being treated
nt the hospital Koffce was able to go
to his home.
Hnadfubs was arrested, and will have
CnntlnuH on Pnrr Fnnr. Cnlnmn Three chnrge preferred b.v tile local police.
.Chester Physician and Caddy Both
, n. t ti - ,- it. ... n hearing at Central station today
f Dr. J. P. nn Ixeuren. Twentj -lirt i . '
and. I'rovlilence streets, Chester
Three- men niidy two plrla, nrrcsted in connection with the
Ldiootiiifr of Patrolman William H. nastier, were held this nfter
norn. for a further henring by I'logifctratc Mcclrnry. Tlip priso
ners arc Rlchaid TJalzley, John McCann nnd John Mittolia. of
Twelfth and Ma&ter strcctb, and Lillian Wychiller nnd Grace Mil
Ford, Twelfth nnd Master streets. The shooting occurred nt Tioga
and II btrcotB. Hnsscler ib dying in the Episcopal Hospital.
CHICAGO, Apru 10. Union henda of thiitcen rnilwjy cm
ployib' organisations today were summoned into conluitnco to
moiiow with H. M. Jewell, of the employes, clcpnitnicnt, Amnicau
Fcdcintinu of Labor, to outline labor's plans for niles. cnnftH.'iitc.i
with lallroail manngpnieutG nil over the couutry.
Women arc too literal, too unimagi
native to equal men as humorists, ac
cording to Mis Agnes Repplier, recog
nized as the leading woman essayist of '
America and a clever humorist.
In this belief Miss Hcpplier agre'es
with French critics who reviewed this
year's "Salon des Humorists" where,
for the first time, femlnlnp signatutes
were noticed. The critics snid not
ilpnle of laughter, scarcely a smile, was
evoked by tho feminine conception of
humor, and now they ore trying to ex
plain why.
The Philadelphia author sat in thu
lrnulnr room of her home. 2111 Pine
street, as she discussed the question of i
humnr. A fluffy white cat tossed her '
orn ball obnut thp rosp-colnred linn- i
IngB nt the dnnr. Miss Repplier lenned
l..1 in l,n. .nun.hrnpflileri chnti nnil
ran nulcklv through the list of women i they see and sppreciate humor more
writers trving to choose one who enuldi Quickly, iney maKc a jokc of every
"Men are. naturally laughter-loving,
I. considered a clever humorist
"No." she Bald, "women have never
equaled men In this line. Whether they
have never tried or whether they really
are not cnpable of true humor Is nn
open question. I do not agree, how
pver. with the Paris editor who ob
serves women know nothing nf InteJli
grncp nr Ingle, the fnetors -necessary tn
provoke- laughter, It Is not lack of
Intelligence nor narrow-mindedness,
Along Wt own lines women nrc ns In
telligent, as men.
or any thing, women arc afraid of
offending. Women are deeply religious,
and religion 1b one of the chief sources
of humor.
Many Women Poets
"If you ask for women poets the
world boasts of manj ; for women nov
elists jou will find them numerous and
most clever! women ns short-story
wrltern have proved themselves ex
tremely goni. Women artists, even
Contmucd on rasa r"our. Col am n Two
Howard EachiisP thirteen years old, nf
victim, a caddy nt the Spring llaicn
Country Club, were injured when the
physician's automobile ran down the
lad on Providence road this morning
and then careened ngninst u steep em
bankment. The physician was answering a sick
call as he passed a lane leading to the
e wintry club. Eaehus. on his bfcycle.
rode out Into the rond. nut sreing the
approaching machine. To onll nn ac
cident, Dr. Van Keureu swerved his
machine and it skidded up the embank
Hospital Physicians Fear Hydro
phobia Will Develop
-A mnd dng hit Trancis Londv, nine
years old. near his home at 'JL'Sfl South
Nineteenth street, at 10;f!0 o'clock to
day. Physicians at St Agnes' Hospital,
wliere the boy was taken, fear hydro
phobia may develop.
Tho dog ran from the home of Its
owner, Georee Hicks, 21 IS Dnrien
Seven-Year-Old Boy Burned Fatally
When Can of Powder Explodes
"He said to me, 'I'll wait for jou,
mother dear.' And he was waiting, nv
poor little lad, when I enme back. lie
died with me holding him."
Mrs. William l.iiezey, 4S1 East
Pcnn street, tnd today of the death of
her seven -year-o'd son. Milton, last
nlgbt In the Gerniantown Hospital. The
child was burned over his whole body
late yesterday when he and playmate's
found a con of blasting powdpr in a
quarry, Helficld nvenue near Pcnn
"Wp werp nt supper when a neigh
bor's child rnn in nnd said Milton had
been hurt. I hurried to the hospital.
My baby knew me. nnd wouldn't let
any one else wait on him. His poor
little body wns one terrible burn. lie
told 'a big weight was pressing on hfm,'
and cried for me to take it off, and to
give him water The nurse sent me
away for a little while, and he was
willing to let me go when she said I'd
l roc I. mm .MIIPIPCIIII street. It torn hnll nn mnner lln l,l V..M i.
ii.; .i .......,. - - - -- ----;-- : '.':" -', w nun
iiinuiy niniig. snapping ni persons it nut he rotildn t have waited much
nhmni It,. .11.1 i.n, i.n. l,n l..l. .. , tt-i . . ."..v.. I
,.-r,r. .,, .,,,, ,,, ,,, imh ni.- uciii 111 nn j- limner, iney sent, tor me in time to
hill lit., 1 . ., .! I... fl'l .!!.. .. .,. ... .., ., , ,t . .. ... ,i.
.,iv ,,,,- ..uiiii, in... , in piuiii in iiii, nn ii iii,,i jii-npn np riinfi
nninini. 11111111117 in uie moutli, throw
the nelglilinrhnod Inlo n lmnlc.
At Jackson street Pnlroiman Flecolul.
of the Klfleemh street anil Snyder
avenue station, tfiot the dog dead.
I'lTTSBUROH. April 10. Barry Cainp. thiity-ftx-c. Lou fnt
dweller, today is TJtad from gunshot wounda. and the polin nrr
searching foi John James, who boarded with Camp. The umhoil
ties say they were told that Cainp and James thlb moniii
quart tied in the houseboat and later left it and roncwod their
argument on the Ohio river bank.
CHICAGO, April 10. The use of poisonous gas in warfare is
liumnnitniinn, Piofes&or "v7. Lee Lewis, of Northwestern Uui
vcrslty sai'd, in nn address yesterday. riofssor Lowis, who ie
ccntly invented a polionoub gas with which the war department
is experimenting, said he based his statement on figurts nhowiug
tlist with the use of gas casualties inciensc 100 per ccn: nnd
fr.tnllticb dec i cased 10-per cent in the world wai.
Inmate of Old Man's Home Fatally
Scalded Taking Bath
Richard Johnson, tights two jears
old. nn inmate of the Old Man's Home.
Thirty-ninth and Raring streets, died
this morning from burns receiel last
night while attempting to take a bath
at the institution-
Government Signifies Acceptability
of Newly Named U, S. Envoy
raris, April in 1 1! . p ( The J
ncfcptnbilir of Mjron T Hcrnrk nv
American ambassador to France was
signified today bj the French (,n em
inent. Hepliing to the Amrrlcn.. i..
Johnon had entered the bath alone ! ciulr in this connection the enernment
and turned on the hot-water spigot. expressed the pleasure of Fran' "a
llecnuse nf his oce he wns unab e to ii n. L-. ; .i... . ., ' "'
..... ...... .... i.i. . ..... I ' : ..;."" .M'.i.n.iiiiuii iii me tioal
,"J.,i!!M.W VI- Toured .nio-thV'tub-Wben Vli' wni'Sl S'il'h ?. Ki'n "0,,,,1 ,, cr-""'
can of powder and it exploded In hs
Mrs, Llvrxey's husbapil wna killed In
nu accident two and a half years ago.
nttracted attendants at the institution
the scalding water had binned his en
tire tioiiy. ji wos attended by
physician at the home.
iirHtitude a'so was cxirepd to Mr
Herrick fm ncrenlinr- ihn nmi,.....L
the ship' to France, where his prcseucc, It
1 nu aiii-lawl U...... '
- rtn niMVM U WtlLUIIir,
iiicmpmg net ween Secretan Hughes
and Secretary Fall upon the adminis
tration's Mexican policy.
Here ate the facts. It ,,-ag mglc
known at the State Department yes
terdaj that Secretary Hughes had for
undated no policy with regard to .Mex
ico. Mr. Summerlin. the American
'barge d'affaires at Mexico City, has
been summoned here to give Mr. Hughes
the latest Information on Mexican con
ditions it, n view to the formula
tion of o policy.
On the other hand. Secretary Fall
has o po'iej w-iti, regard to Mexico.
His policy has been announced in de
tail. It had been assumed quite gen
crally thnt-'hV'VWy'wouM i,ft the
policy of the Harding administration.
His policy involiPd the use of every
possible pressure upon Mexico, includ
ing the policing of Mexican wntera
and Mexican territori by the armed
forces of the I'mted StatPs in the event
of Obregon's failure to jleld.
Hughes .More Moderate
The indications are that the Hughes
pp'i with regard to Mexico will be
much more moderate and conciliatory
than that of Secretary Fall. Well
authenticated information obtained by
persons interested and in touch with
the administration is that Mr. Hughes
has no intention to go so far a Sec
retary Fall would go.
This difference would nnvp little im
portance if Mr. Fall ,wcrc not the
kind of man he is. Rut the secretary
of the interior is practically a fanatic
upon Mejtiro.
It is understood here on good author,
jty that he told his friends in the Sen
ate when he entered the cabinet that he
was entering it mainly to secure th
adoption of his pulley with regard to
Mexico. He is void to have addpd th
assurance that if lie failed to secure
the adhesion of the goernment to his
Mexican polici he would lea" the cab
inet. Whether Mr. Call will cam nut this
program or not. the language which he
has used to more than one friend re
garding hr- intentions show sins state
of miu,d nn the Mexican question. Prob
ably the MiggoMions of resignation ns
onlj an extreme nnd rhetorical way of
asserting his determination.
Reported Irritated at Delay
Giissjp in Washington has rrpre
cnted Mr. l"a I as irritated mer the
lanure oi rpcrciarj liuglies to take up
the Mexican problem nt once and to
consult him upon Mcmco I p till now
Mr. Hughes bos l.rcn ton busj with the
Eurnppii'i problem i kuc anj attention
to Mexico. Mi'xli.i he uill take up
next week. i.. i "Tiling in Hip aniiounrr
meiitinnde at tlie Stale Department that
Mr. Siimnmrliii was coinlii'j here for
that purpose
The niiiinuiiieinent of calling Mr.
Siinunerllii here follows eo,elj upon an
cxtriioidiiiari aituui of Mr Call in in
trodiniiig n scn-ntional letter upon the
Mi xii an situation into the debate uKn
the Colombian I read. This letter xriui
read bv Senator Lodge to the Senate on
TiiPfdaj. Three days later the an
nouncement Is made that the Mexican
question is to be takin up and that Mr,
Summerlin is coming here to take part
in it- dl-rushlnn In connection with
this announcement It is mad knowtj
ninurl on Paf I'mir," Column j-,e
j ""!"'"' -, f,t c.a -.
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