m Tta ..5s!3k v l? tit"ft-' t " ' fcVS '1 " f v'M,')t;.,fr"ri.,'!i'ir?.f-4!T. ' 5"":'r,,i t' ,- Euenlna Bublie ffe&ae? r jp PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1021 A CARDINAL'S FLAG I ms hdl by Ailccn Dougherty, Margaiet McAleer and Oi ti ide Mc '-ir, of St John's Catholic Church. They stood at Broad and Chestnut streets J 'ppr I h H rui MEN AND HOYS I ROM ST. MARTINS. This was THE HOME FOLK. This group headed the delegation that part of the group that gae the Cardinal a tremendous came from Girardville, Schuylkill county, where Cardinal Dough ovation last night at Hroad street and Indiana nenue crty was born. They stood at Broad and Sansom streets I.lKer rhoto .Wwre l.tilgir I'hoto Hcnlcn " ", ' RACK IN PHILADELPHIA. Cardinal Dougherty and Mayor Moore, in an automobile at th North Philadelphia station, just after the church dignitary had arrived from New York. A mo ment later the automobile started through the "standing parade," along Broad street IcUser Photo Srle RDMORE WILL CELEBRATE "SPRING OPENING" TONIGHT. The event is under the auspices of the Ardmoie ( hnmber of Commerce. Among the willing workers are (left .to licht) Agne.s and Jeanne. Arnold, officers of tho Junior Club of Ardmoie, and Miss Helen Grenello l.nigir rhoto sunim "FASCINAIIM, IA"i BROWN " A musical comely was prosented bj the members of "Les Mechanics," a social club, last even n at the N'e (."ntui.s Diauing Ii'ifnii. In thi group are the Mi-sts Mabel Dickson, Margaret Moflilt, Emma Moflitt. Veronica Conwell, Fern Fritz, Anna Nickles, LiMian 'lounsund and Marian Leich. o - Uiu 3bC V S&' , . r V - ; v "T" i i v 9 'x i ". V. A?l '$M' 3 m f ryMi sfei . ?mmmmi dfiK'SE KMxfXj-Sl Bg&SS 9MHPHt ? L -J 'X fe4 til pyyj i mi mMR1 ! f AiLtCw') H?vsS --''.' '.Uv P .m .T.To, t,.,t ,, MISS MARGARET SUM- Zl'F tS: 'Vn 'cr,"r" " " "".V" NER. She will interpret. ' n:;" "'.i Aii" "n "Kr..i ' ."Vr ...''V;" . "" "" A I dl n ck . opera, i4.. .woo m. ...., v, .imwbt .o l.u ""' ."in;., "HnllSO nil! flpntp ." h. fore the Art Alliance on Monday afternoon. ThiiI 'lliompKon ' """ "'' " -' ' "" "' -"- tj..'viy.lT DR. LEWIS B. IIARI r ta . about a city c allege in an in terview on the Lditrrial Page F. L. STOCK. He a- c'Mit-1 govfrnor of t h f' ft h R ary C b district -withcut a I allot. Washington is h - b mo. Bl SY TRAINING DAYS. Members of the Haerfoid College track and field team working out, as spring meets aro planned. Nash is going over the pole in the high jump, while Gairett Roberts is seen at low hurdles. l.i'dB' r l'liolo Service EMPLOYES OF QUERNS BROTHERS, manufacturers of women's underwear, selected loday'l limeiick winner. Seated aic Johanna Weinberg and E. F. Magee. Stiuuling, from laft to light? J. Frcedman, Elizabeth Pfister, Lena Foster, Elizabeth blackmail, George Devlin, Margaret KiJ ham, Ella Blyler, Sarah Scullin, Mae Russom, K. Annnble; (in fiont) Sophia Schuster, Rcba Shel man, Peggie Mann, Pius Becker, Bernard Lynch THE BEAUTY CORNER 1 OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO I " T "1 SEMAPHORE SENTINELS I P ZZI 1 CHARLES KORU, .r)8,I motor cais at the Mi ti Wan ington atnue, and Robert Miller, 2187 teor Motois, Int , 30U7 Lancuttr aenuo Arlington street, assembling ledger 1'huu) dirvlo BA( K I ROM THE RIVIERA (left) and Mr . Robert Mundell on the Olympic Mrs. William Barton of New York, return Ctutral New Photo RESERVE PATROLMAN CHARLES A. McGUIGAN, who is stationed at Front and Chestnut .streets. He is forty years old, lives at 43U North Edgewood street and has been , a patrolman for fifteen years s Lcdcir I'liuU Uet lea SIR THOMAS HARDER, tlio famous English physi cian, arrived in Now York on Wednesday Ctatral Nuwu Photo MISS LILLIAN SINDEL 2137 South Tenth street Philadelphia :- .ti