H!i'ifF!'.l'?,,"'' " '-''?wrv'"''", Vtf ' TX'm-m '''rwmrS? , fv1 A EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERr-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, APKIU 15, 1921 27 rr lvestments care fully made are never a(woiry to the invest or. To"eitheiexperi enced oi;new,invest 01'Si.the counsel of those' who specialize in the, analysis.of se curities, important. To these ,we,offer the advantage'bf a broad experience in deal ing in, securities. BROWN v BROTHERS & Co Fourth and Chestnut Sheets -tms PHILADELPHIA Newybrk Boston Tax Exempt Bonds $200,000 CITY OF PHILADELPHIA 5's, DUE 1951 To Yield 4.75 $300,000 CITY OF PHILADELPHIA 3Vz DUE 1932 To Yield 4.85 $100,000 CITY OF PHILA. SCHOOL DISTRICT S's, DUE 1933-1950 To Yield 4.80 $100,000 SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, PENNA.r 5V2 ROAD BONDS Due 1950, Optional After 1930 To yield about 4.70 to optional period and 5.50 annually thereafter to maturity. MONTGOMERY & CO. 1.13 S. 4TH ST. PHILADELPHIA PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY x Wc have prepared a special circular on this . great trans portation system, dealing with present conditions and future outlook. jftnt upon requeit for X-8S HUGHES '& DIER Member PHILA. STOCK BXCMANGH CHICAGO HOARD OP TRADF! PinsnURGII STOCK EXCHANGH NEW YORk PRODUCE EXCHANGE 1435 Walnut Street Philadelphia Spruce 84 Race 189 j' NUW YORK PITIMJURGH, CLEVELAND W Levick Co. i"H lV10rttrn.ro :!.: fu"d 60 nr.,t"m,nB n..11,KI-1 H-'l IC HTI , . UmiJ: Kno & Co. fflMyia Sd Rapid, & ,nd; HAfeFEARON&CO. -"-wui street Packard Motor 8s. 1931 Winchester Rep. 7y2B, 1941 Penna. Pr. & Lt. 7s, 1951 Lehi8h Pr. Sec. 6s, 1927 Port. Rwy. Lt. & Pr. 5s, 1942 Bnrusdall Oil 8s, 1931 MrCown&Co. LAND TITLE BUILDINQ. PHILADELPHIA. PA. .Mriulier l'lilliidtliitilii Hlock Uirluinc Lake Superior Corp. First 5s, 1911 Johnstown True. 5s, 1913 Li'hlRh Valley Trims. Kef. & Imp. !s, I960 HENRY 0. B0ENNING & 00. , sroru KxriiANnr iiuii.urNn Direct 1'rtrute Teleptaoue In ? lorktt Member I'blla. Mlack Kirliauti nNAwriAt. To Holder af Certificates n( Deposit leaned Kr CHJAItANTY TIHJ8T COMPANY or NEW YORK, n Depositary, fer C1II' C'AflO A EASTERN ILLINOIS RAH. ROAII COMPANY OKNKItAT, CONSOLt. HATED ASII FIRST MOItTCMOB F1VR rl'.ll CKNT. IIONDH. tine 181, deposited under Ilondholrfer's l'roleetlre Agree ment, dated Anmut 9, 1915, betweeV "DrpOiltors" of tueh bonds ss defined therein and the underlined Committee. Notice In hereby alven that, tindtr and pur susnl to said aarrtment. the Committee h formulated. In co-operation Vellh others. t'n and agreement, dated Mnrch 81. 1821, under which Messrs. Kuhn, Lotb A Co. are to act a lUnriranltatlon Manama for th reortanltatlon or adjustment of the affairs of the Chicago h Eastern Illinois Railroad Company; that a copy thereof ha Men filed with laid Depositary at Ha office. No. lo Ilroadway. Nt Tork Cllyi that the. dnio of tho rust publlratleh hereof li April g, 1921: that, purtunt to eald rjrres ment dated August B. 1010, awry "Derosl tor" under aald agreerrtent. an defined there In. will he onnclualvety deemed to hava aantad to eald plan and arreemtnt and to ha liound thfreby. unite Ti shall, within fofty claya nfter tha dale of lh flrat publi cation hereof, fl'a with aald Dtpoiltary a written notlco of dleeent from nald plan nd aareement, withdraw from eald agree ment dated Auauet 8, 1010. and maka pay ment aa therein provided, and alfo repay with Intereet any advance, made to him hv aald Depo'ltary or ta!d Commltteet and that, ilia Committee hae fixed ono pr eenl. of the principal amount of bond dtpoelted by eath Uepoeltor who ao withdraws from aeld nBeemnt a tlr. amount which he mut pay toward the eipetiaes of the Com mute. Copies of aald plan and agreement may he ontalned from said Depositary or the Secretary of th Committee. Dated. New York, April S. 1031. HKNRV KVANS. Chairman J. HOlVAltn IIIItlAHUUit Yir.imF.RT II. 1IKAN HAMtJKI, t. HTRKIT ritANK II. WEKHS Committee. PIMl'SON, TIlACHKIl BAItTMITT. Counsel. A. V. 1IAL8TEAD, Secretary, 02 Cedar Street. New York City. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Depositary. Jrsa TO IIOMJERB 01' FIRST lOUT- iw2? n.triK rivi! pkr cunt, itosrw of the oMnr.niNn vai.t.ky tki.ki-honk t'OMPANV 1V I'A.. ddted Jnnunry 1, 10161 NOT1CR li hereby ItUen that the under signed will receive) tenders, nt not exceeding pur anil Interest, of bonds of ahoo Issue for account nf tho Sinking fund established under said mnrtgatre In sufficient amount to absorb the sum of Three Thousand Dollars t3.nno.no). All tenders should be reclecl by the un dersigned on or before April J5, Mill, and should be sealed and marked, "Tender of rim Mortgage Itonda of Cumberland' Valley Telephone Company of I'a." Tim right Is reserved to reject any and MECHANICS TRUST COMPANr. Trustee, Hnrrlsburg. I'a. FAIRIIIMj STATE HANK Notice Is hereby given that by a resolu tion of the tlosrd of Directors of the 1'AIK HIM. STATU HANK a special meeting of the stockholders of said bank hot been called and will be held on Tuesday, June 14 1021 at 2 o'clock I". M. at tho general office ot the bank. 201 ruiler llldg.. 10 south lth street. Philadelphia Pennsylvania, to take action on the approval or Olsapprovnl of arwi to tote for .or against the proposed Incrsas. of the capital slock of the aald bank from ino.000 to I500.00D. and for the transactKS of any other business properly coming before old meeting. A I.. HKIlTON. Secretary TAT1.QR, ROPnT A HOAR. Hollcltori. Propoanls HEALED rilOPtlNAM 1VIIX RK tlr, ceHeil by tho Department nf nubile Wei. fare. Ilureau of Ilocreatlnn, In the ofnee nf the bureau. ftB5 City Ilnll. PhllUelphla until 12 o'clock noon. lVedneUn.v. An? I io 1021. for renewing and repairing wire screen at Westmoreland Recreation Center, nth and Westmoreland ets. Specifications mav be had at the office, or the bureau. 80S City Ilnll. Philadelphia. Rldi) from others than thoeo engaged In the actual business and In the general branches mentioned in tho specifications wit not bo entertained or considered. No bide will be considered unless sr cqmpanled by a certificate, from the ciiv Solicitor In compliance with the ordlneiire approved March-25. 1880. requiring an Se?ii.b0w!!1 a" ca,e" whero ,he 8mou"t The Ilureau of Recreation reserves ih rlcht to aocept or releot any or all or parta nf bld'i as may be deemed best for the In. lerests of the clly. lna ln ERNEST L. TU8TIN. Director, Department of Publlo Welfare. rnorosAi.s wanted Sealed proposnls ncldrcHiert to O Wanetl NiiBle. Chalrmnn of tho Hewer Committee, will be received at tlio offlce of tho Clerk of Council until 2 p. m. on the 21st dur of April. 1041, for the con ntructlon or a part of Section B of Sanl. tary Sewers for I'ottstown. Pn. PropoanlH will bo made upon printed hlnnkH furnished for that nurposn and accompanied by a rcrtlfled cheel; for Ona Tliousanil Dollars ($1,000). All uronosals will ho anened nnH nihii-i.. read Immediately following the closing of tho receiving of bids, i-ians may be seen and apeclflcatlona obtained at the, offlce of Chftrles. K. Collins. KnElneflr. urexoi iiuiming, i-niiauolphla. Tho Sewer Committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. a. WAimra.v nagi.r. Chairman Sewer Com. SEALED PROPOSALS FOR COAI. Th. Trustees of the State Hospital for the Insane. Southeastern District if ' pinna w. anln, Norrlstown, Pa., will receive nrn. poeaH marked "IlIDI ON COAll" until 1 P. M.. April 20, 1021, coierlni ; approx ' mately JCtniO tons, for the ear beginning May 1. 1021. For speclflcatlons and sched" ules apply m OSCAR I SCHWARTZ, Steward Norrlstown. i'a ilANUFACTlillFJtS .AND KSl AuLlbHKD dealers desiring to bid for supplies for tns ttate Hospital for the Insane. Danville. Pa.. during the ar beginning June 1. UI21. can address the undersigned, stating what clasl ot goods It Is proposed to furnish. u, a. H 8CI1ITLTZ. Steward. Dividend. (lERMANTOH'N TRUST COJIPANY S3d Heml-Annunl Dltldrnd Philadelphia April 14 1021 Ai a rnenting nf the tlniird of Director held this rise, n dividend of FIVK DOLLARS i'EI' SHARK was declared, pavnblo on SI , lll'fl, to slockhn'ders of record on the booke'nf the Company ,it the close of busi ness April 2f. 1021 Checks will be mailed Transfer hooks will be closed from April ir, to May 2f 1021. Ct.ARRNCR C lllllNTON. j, Treasurer TUB COLONIAL TRUST COMPANY Philadelphia. Pa. Tim Itotr dnf Dlreclms nf the Colonlnl Trust Company hns this day declared a regular qwrlerly dividend of to per cent and an extra dividend of onohiilf per icnt nn the capital stock nf the comnan. l.- utile May 2. 1021. 10 stockholders nf rec ord at the close nf business on April 23, 1021. Checks will be mailed. I. II. DAVIDSON Jv Secretary jirtl 131021 . WEST1NGH0USE ELECTRIC A MAM FAI'TIRINO COMPANY. A DMdetid of to per cent 11.00 per siiarei en wie ujuum oinrK ni inis ijom psny. for iho quailer ending .March lit 11121. will be paid April SO, 105. to stock, holders of record s nf Mnrch 31 1021 H F llAKTZ. Treasurer. S'.w Vmk March 10. 1021. New York Bonds 1 nVLF.SINIlOOfil Smlt'r DO Canada'20N Y Rlys et Amn Ref'g Da 1... . T0H 1 . T0U Amn T T elt 10 (tale) 1ftH 2.. 1 2 . Amn ' 2 . 2 4 . S TO . 78 ; . . TO A T (Is . 2 SIS Amn T tt. T (Is I.. . 00H 14 . 00 'I 2 .. 0DH 1 . . 00H 1 . 00'i Alch Tnpeka ft. S'a Fe 4s 0 7d'l Armour 4 Ha B TOVi Atch Topeka e: S Fe cv 4s 1 71 Alch T A S F ov 4a 'OS 3 71 Atl Coast L4s 1 . 7i, Atl'c Fruit Ts f. . .1.1 Atlantic Ref'g ct OWs a... ooti 2 .. 00t4 Dalt & Ohio cv 1 .. . 0.1H 2 . . r.J'l 1. . 05V 1 . n.m 1. .. 05H Dalt Ohio 4s 1 7U 1 ... 7H Rait & Ohio s 1 . 87 '.4 nalt A Ohio a Wett'n SVil 4 77 II k O Tdl 4s 1 88 Hell T 7s rets I ... 103 I . 103i 7 . 103fi 2 .. 103 4 Delh Steel fd 2 . . 81tt Dim Ed I Cn 0s B 71 Ukti R T ct 7 10. . . 48 Ilusn llldg 4s S 71 H nusi llldg r,s 1 .. . 74 calf a 4 1: 1 . . 8.1 i Canadian Nt'n Rl.v.1 rets S . 10 Ctl Leather S 4.. .. 80 Ctl Pacific 1st a. .. 7211 C & Ohio 4 'is 1 . 7,1 1 ..7ft C A O Rich A A Dlv 1st 3 . 7 Chi & Alton 3s 43' Q 4s 08 'J IIH'i OBTi OS's Kastern 1 . .. 03U Do Canada Ml 1... , ftOli 1 . 80'1 2 . . 80U 2.. .. 8l"s Dupont De N's I'owd Co 7s 3 .. ion. Duo Light r)s I... . 00 Erie tlenl Lien I HO. 1 ... .101 2. . . 80t,l Erie It n ev D 1... 30H Erie Ry Co 4s 1. . t2 Oene'l Elec 3s 2 Chi II .1 2.1 . 1 . n Chl It. Ill guar ct tie 0 2" . . 88 1. S Hi 88U Chl (OWIi 1 .. .10 1 .. no 3 . r.o 2 . so Chicago Mil A St l"l 4a '2S B 72 Chicago Mil A SIP cv 4m 1 ... 0.1U 3 . 03'j Chlraso Mil A StP fd 4 lis 1 f8 Chicago Mil & StP gm 4Ha 1 73T Chicago Mil StP'l ov Bs 1 113 1 03 K C Chl b Nwn urn 1 I ", 1 . Chicago A Nth Kent' Wesfn OHs ' 1 4a B. ... SOU N Yk Tele OS I . 0 Nfk So'n It Ai 4 .. 44" Nfk W er ns 1 . . 100 H 1 . 100i Nth West'n U Tel'n 7 00 'i 00 00 A OR'A 08 H 08' OH "4 08S 08 H 98. 80 Oregon S I, 4 Elec 0s .1 . . 70 i I00t I00U F Jl hi . 08 . osn 08 H 08H 08 14 pei, 08H 0854 Oene'l 4 1. Govo't 1 . 0. ft. . ft. . 8 . 2 . 2 O Hwltx'd rets 1(... IM'I 1.... ion. 1. .. 10l'i 0.... 104 8 . 104 Od Trunk rets ft . . 10U. 4 .. 101 U 2. .. 10IH Green Day & West'n B ft n 3 ... 0 Hud A Man fd 1.. . 5W Hud ft Man In 10. . . 30 10 . . 804 10 ,.. 804 III Cen'l 4s 'B3 1 08 III C Bt L fc N O Jt nds Bs 1 .. 8SH III Steel 14s 1 81' Int Met 44s 2 . l'l tnt Met ct 44 2 ... 17 2. ... 17 2 . I7U B . . IT tntboro It T fd .10 'I 70 Org-W'n R Co Navl Co 4 s 10 To'i Pa It 4 ',4s '21 oo. Penna R It fit IB . .. 07'A 2 074 Ps lt H'd 1148 10 , 2.. 2 . in. .10 13. 10 set B0 BO't .10 no -i B0 ',4 afl'i 20 tsale) BOH SB. 03 1. B. 2D. ,1 0M ha 14 0BH HtS 03", or, '4 0U OftH 0314 0.1 U UBS 03i 0.1 H 0.1 tl 22 . 2 .1. HI.. 2. 1 . ft ftni B7 an. S7 BT B7 .17 '4 B7' .17'. .17 B0T4 B7'4t8t 1 B7 'i I 3 .17iim I .17 1 ft7', 1 ft Penna R n 7s 2 . 10114 1 10IU B ini n 101 12 mi Per Marqt Sa 2 . 70 M Pitts Cln C & St I, a Bs 1 . 8114 rtHUlli Rv 4S 8 . 78 3. 77 Rep Chile rets 1 . 00 2 . 00 nep'o Cuba fd 3. ... 88 Vt Rep Cuba 4 '4 1 . 704 Rep'c C Ss '04 1. 8i)lj 0. . 804 Rock I'd A 4 Loul' a 4 4" 1 . Oil 81 L & 8 F aj 14... . 02 B .02 4 t 024 .1 . 02'i SI L fc S F In 1 . 47'i 1 . 1 St I, I Series 2 I 1 "7S 174 10 Iowa Cent'! 4s 08 Jap Qove't 1st 1.. . 824 1 ... 824 .10. . . 82 1 . 82H Jap Qove't 2d I . 824 I . .. 824 1.. . 824 8 82?. Jap Ooie't 4s . Ml 014 nB C t 8 3 8B4 47 47 47 '4 8 Fran A nov4 . IW Is . 00. Sow'n cn . . Ot Bw'n 1st . 00 i 004 4 01 u now n .is 2 flfttt 0 V ti Kan C a 1,44s 2 034 Sao Paulo of Urazll ct Ha 7. .11 Knn 2 0 .1 Seab'd . 10 . . Stab d . n Seab'd'. 1 . . 1. 2 07 4 0T4 I. aj :u L fd 4.1 1. 0s 4.1 15 B !. ft 0 Chicago 1 Nth West'n Ts 2 101 1 1 101 ! Oil Ralhvya .it B . H.I 'a ft . 0.1 , B 0.1 4 ft OftV 0.1 'i Sinclair C Oil Corp'n "4 fi . f'24 ftft-V 0 . U2- 6.1 . I 3 . 2 Rly 4s 1 H2 4 r2, 1 024 72 1 . 02H CCI 4s 1 .. 024 rov Eon 1'aclflo fd 10 74 S'n I'ae cv 4s 1 TS', 80 11 Pacific .11 r. ss I . 07 "4 'S'n Rallw's 41 1 0741 1 .17 I 074 1 B7 K Delg'm rets I). 3r HT 1.4 iIC Uelglum Cs 07' 1 . 004 07 ', K Delg'm T'4s 117 1 . 07 4 Chlcugo R H'diKlngdum A Pac fd mark el s 1 . 04i 1 . nw.i. Chicago St & N O Bs 4 . 70k Chicago St PI M U O cn 2 . 00 !4 Chicago Union Sia 14 1 81 Chineto Uu As I . 401, City of llergen 8s rcta 1 0.1 2 0B City Berne Ms 2 00 ; 1 00 i Clly Dord'x Rs " T7 , 1 78 Cty Chrls'n Ss 1 00i Cty cop'g 14 1 741, 7 TI 1 . T44 City Lons 0s 1 . TT' uiiy I'arls fli 2 . on .1 . 00 ti 1 004 K of Italy 8 4 1 . 81 Kingdom Nor way ot 8s 7, S'n Rallw'a .is DTU 2 834 07 41 B 8311 117 s, IBia nd'd Oil of 07 I Cslf rets Den- 1 . 102 I 1034 1 1024 1 1024 1 HU'i Olsnlrl 102'i 1 1024 Tidewater Oil Co ct 04s 2 HBj 0.14 fi.l 4 Pae cv 81 Pac 4 . 70S Tie's. 70 4 Tao fls 08 Lake Shore M lUnlon lonk C S'n 34s Comp'y Ts 1 084 2 . 1004 Lake. Shore M U1UIO IJrlt S'n 4s 31 v Id 1021 S . 814! .1 ... 00 3 . 100 B I 1. 100 2 . 1 ion Unon 1 1004 2 I inn Lnion B lOOVi I King Swd n 0t 1 1 83 , I Lack Steel '23 Union j 1 03 . ' B 0T' 07 4 07', Lou & Nash 4s 2 82 Louis A Nash Mono 4s 1 0.14 Lou & Navh Tk ft . 101 Lnuis A Nash St L dv 3s 8.1 1, I -' 07 isiManhnt Ed 4s 074 4 B0 4 Of 4 .Mich Ct I d ,1s "I'll I 75 117, 00 4 1 00 4 2 nn v K of c lint & I'd 1032 .1 . 0.1 2 0ft 1 0.1 U K of (J Hrlt I'd 1020 H M.4 .1 88 4 ft 884 I il Annual Meetlpgs ,--. OFFICE OF THE UNITED (1A8 lt IMPROVEMENT COMPANY N. W. Corner Rroud and Arch strrrts Philadelphia. April 14, 1021 The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of The United (las Improvement Compain will be held at ths office of tho Cnnipunv, y. Corner of IlrnsdsndAr.-h Streets, Phils delphla. Monds). Mnv S, 1031, at 12 o'clock iionii. when nn election will be held for a President snd six ID) Directors to serve for the ensuing yeai. and such nlher business will be trartnctid as may be brought before the meeting Tha stock trsnsfer borks will be closed from 3 P. M. Wednendav April JO. 1021, until 10 A.' M. Tuesday, May 3, 1021. O. W. crilRAV. Becrelar. PARTNERSHIP NOVICE Notice Is hereby Hhen that the partnershlD heretnfor. existing between David Nrhwarts, Joseph ,1, Itohen and Siiinuel Krengel. under tho firm nsnre nf "MONARCH! WAIST COM PANY" .at 120 South 8lh atrcei Philadelphia, Pa . has been dlsnlted bv mutual consent i,... i.ii.ln.... heretnfoie innrinil..l K.. .,.. ,,p ,.un...... ......... .-.......,. . Illr wiiom all iirrnum" nue int asm pnrtnerahlo should be paid, and l whom all debts here, tnfnre conirscled by the laid partnership will be undertaken . H ' " rjAVin Schwartz, .IOSEPII A noSKN A JUSKPII OltLINKR m'riON V MILNKIl Attorney """"'" Mil ICE 1 IIEREllY OIVEN THAT TIIK naitnersi p heretofore existing between Morris Kllift, snd Hnnmrl Clllekmun tradlnS as Hotel lleiere. or tin North Uth sir has been dlssohed by mutual ncrrement hy llie wiiiiuiMwtn ,, 11," eniti namiiei tlllek. man as 11 ineinber of the said partnership nn April 12. IU21 Tho huslnesa will b. con" lini.ru 1, J- inn ..m .iiiirris i,nne. at the same addrces under the iismn of Hotel llovere All debts duo the said firm art payab' hi 110 Norlh 11th ttreet. ' u l MOItRIR KLINK, SAMUISL QUCKilAN. 07 City Zurich hi I 07 j Colo Indust ,'s 1 704 luiumniA flso 1 1 A I: 1st stn 1 1 ... B4 4iMo K A Cons'd aas 7a I 10 pa I 101 Mo rsclflc 4s 10t I 11 . . ft3, 3 101 1 I ,V14 Cuban Amer'n 2 83 4 S4igur Bs Mo I'ae r,s '23 Mid S A Or at U N of O Hril 1 70 , lil 1037 1 TO 4 I 8.1 0 Trt',1 2 8ft 10 7il'l U S Mexico 4 Mln A St I. 4s 1 33 4 40, 40 0 2 1 2 2 3 Cuban 1 a . . . so 14 . I 83 4 0 . . 824 3 . 8.1 IB Sl, N Y 1 Ml,1 II Cuba Rd Co Bs a T24 1 1 T2 4 N Y T2', 4 Pel A Hud ct I 1 814 2 Denmark Con iNew i't A 8t j 4 . 08, N Tk MvH .1.. He' A Pwr la 1 0841 2 . 074 Denmark Con IN Tk Ualu II ct II 8s ' l'r Bs 2 041 I 82', "".! ej. 1004 1 no 101 I 1 mi 104iNw Oilcans 100 4 Nth En 4 IOO.4 1 flS 100'4 New Or Tex Jt 100 4 .lexlcn .1, 1 h ev n n 834 2 .1 834 3 . f, N V Cm I 34s 1 117' N V Cent I ss 70 4 Cent I C 88 88 88 C 7s rets 1004 H'Ot, 1004 Yk l)k 4s HT4 II .1 3.1 ' U S Mexico (Is I ll, V S Itubb'r ,1 1 T4 1 2 3 I U S Rub T84 T8". 7S, 1 1 8 I U'd M Sttei 4 IOI4 Itll KM mi llll ', I 3 . 001. Den A r o fd 2 44 8 44 B . 434 D A R CI 4',e I TB Do Canada '21 3. . 0U4t 1 New 0.14 05 4 0ft4 lifts. 0.1 , IM4 Of, t. " 4 Utah P A L Js I KO4 Va C C'l 74, ft 01 11 West Shore 4s .2 S5' W A E Mfg 7, K9II N II A Hart'd 4s H 7.1 tj 5 70 4 New Y N II lUrtf'd fit 6 00 HO 4 00 4 004 k4 004 084 ' 004 III! 4 kO ALU 44s 4. Wilson Co cv 2 . . 84, 2 81 B 84 Wilson Co 1st .. . 80',i W The annual mulne nf mont Derctupine'f in, v. II ths Tnnnnsh nt. 111 be held May 3. LOCAL MINING 8TOCK3 TONOPA1I STOCKS llbl Ask Cash Hoy n.-, .110 Jim duller oil .10 MarNamar. HI .1" JftrNamBra Crescant in .12 Midway id .18 Mltpah Mxt ..... us .0!' Montana 01 .08 North Star .0:1 .oft Rescue RuIa HI 17,, Tonnpsh Hxt 1.B0 1.B04 West Bnd 01 .011-32 West Tonopah 10 ,12 DIVIDE STOCKS Allied Divide , ."I - Alio Drtide ce .03 neither n.l .01 Ilelcher Kxt " neh Hui 01 Drouth Dltlde 10 .12 Divide Bit -, S3 .SB Divide Con "2 .03 Dividend 01 .n.l Nasi Divide 01 .03 Harmlll , HI , .11 tlASbrnuilk Divide nil 03 High Divide 01 Knox 12 .14 Iteterl Divide 02. .114 Reno Dltldo . .01 .02 RosettA ,H2V .03 Sitter King nl .'12 sutherlnnd 02 ."3 Tonopah Divide ni4 .nir Tnnopth HasbroUrk ."1 .'- Victory Divide n.l .01 Venie Divide 03 .01 Zono 10 .18 OOLDFIKLD STOCKS I'ooih 03 ni Combination KrHitlon 01 112 ,r.ckerjack , n.l "it DlamondOeid ji it ufi4 .imi4 Florence 31 33 noldfteld Cont 00 118 CloldOe d Development ill .'i3. CloldOeid Deep nn', Great Ilenrt 02 .03 .lumbo Ext 04 ."7 Kewanss . n'j .03 tone star 04 .itt Oro ) iou'4 Red Hills ...,: I..111 ' '.'no Silver Pick - l Spearhead . ...'.. . .3 .ul MISCELLANEOUS Amparn l.l'i I.2H ArDuina United ... on .11 Caledonia 10 .12 Eden . in .ik Emma Silver 02 .03 Eureka Croesus l .00 Eureka Holly 1.SH4 I.H2J4 Hecla .1.024 3.874 Mother l.ode 4,2ft -rn NetadA Hill 01 ."2 1 Nevada Wonder 14 .IN Success 02 .11.1 Tccopa Mining "7 .11 White Caps ,4 ml . Wllbert . .3 ' LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Chicago. April 1.1. CATTLE Receipt 40IK) hond Generally stead). Top enr llng steers and heifers, lfi.30: top henv beef slecm $0; bulk fat steers. I8WK.7.1, bulk fat ahe stock. 8.1..10O7 BO: few choice iielfers up to J0;'canner and cutter cows, mostly t2.7!i34, bulls lergtly l.lfffl.'J.I. leal calves to packers, mostly IT (8. bulk atocker und feeder steers, IO,2."7.Tft. 1IO08 Receipts, 10,000 h"d Tnirly nc llte lights steady to 10c higher, others un even, mostly lOiftlftc higher then ""'- ri.i,1. ...ernvA. .ml. nn tnnre. TOD. .JII.il. I. bulk' 20U lbs". 'd'jwn. P.CBO.2.1. bulk 22(1 In. I irnveincilt 110 18 lOWR.Tft. plgt strong; bulk desirubie uround 0.2B. . SHEEP Reielpls. 10.000 head. Opend steady to higher, shorn lamb top. tO.Sft tn packers, tut to (14 lb. shorn lambs. 18. 2.1. Dull., Ib. woolcd Inmb lop. to packers. V) Tft. a'-erage around 00 lbs choice Colorado pulp-fed shorn ewes J'j.J1'' fow good to choice woolcd eweH. tn..iii. choice il.Vlb. feeder lambs, late jestcrdH). JT.SO. Plttsliiuxh, April Ift. - HOGS Receipts IKOO heed Stead. Hentle. fS.'.'ftiB"! ,111 heavy yorkers, light ynrkers and piss. 10.00 SlfEEP AND 1.AMDH Itecelpis. aon head. Steadj Top sheep. JO; top Inmbs, Jn 2.1. CALVES Receipts. 10U head. Steady Top. Ill East II1UT11IA. N. Y.. April 1.1. CATTLE Receipts. 220 heed. Twenty-tHe ints higher. Calves, receipts. 2200 head. Fifty cents higher. ."! 11..1C). 1IOOS Rwelpts, 8000 head Steadt to 2.1c lower. Heavy, 88 Tft, mixed. J0.2.1 i90.ft0: orkers. lO.BO&li.Tft. light ynrkers and pigs HUilO.'J8; roughs, IT. stngs ft.BOflTi.'JB. SHEEP AND LAMIlt Receipts srtOO head. Clipped Inmbn. ,10c higher; LIU Hi others unchanged. 'T&TILE INDUSTRy SPOTTY Some Mills Operating on Full Time. Others Doing Nothing The t.'xtilr' liidiistrj In -potty. "" rorrlinp to Iho wfolcly rovlow nf tnulc for Iho !lillntlrlpliin tllstrlct by Dun & Co. Wlillo some mills report tlmt they nro well stippltcil with orders nnd nro nperntini? to full cnpnclty. others tepnrt Hint llie.v are worklnit nlmut "i0 per rent nf cnpnclty d still other lire closed nlmoal entirely. Cotton nrn tlenlers report mine if rreite In (he volume or buslneN dur I11R tlio Inst week. There Jins been nn In ciensr. In inquiry both for roinbed nntl carded jnrnt for knitting, ns well n weitvlnit. There hns been virtually no ehniiR.! In prices. While the volume nf buRlnem hns been Increased, Hie orders are mostly sinoll, nnd for Immediate delivery. ,, , The wool mnrket tlll shows little nctlvltj nntl no change is looked for In the immediate future. The review, continuing, goes nn to say : "Mnnufnrturer of shirtwaist re port 4he trade hns fhown n ninrked in rim" In the lost thirty tlnys. Many nf the smaller mnnufneturers state their order far exceed their output. Prices ore ipiite stnple find there Is n good demand for the better Brittle of inenliaii dio, '(Monk and suit manufacturers re port a slight fnlllnp; off In their busi no ince the Knster trnde. nnd there i not miicli demond nnd biljeis are not dipi)ril to place nnv ndvimreil orders. Collections are 11 little slow. '.Mimufneturcrs of shirt ny busi- ncsu linu been Incrcnslnir Mteadilv for the lost sixty days. Mntty of the smnllcr plants report having orders in excess of their output While the business in general nppenrs to be of the haud-tn-inniiih inriely. prospects appear enoour aging for future buslncN. Prices are 1 more staple nnd collections snincwuai , improved. , 1 "Mniiufni.'turcrs of men's nnd boys I clothing leport the volume of business good since early spring. While orders are smaller, there appears to he n good ! advanced business and prospects ate en- couroging. "Manufacturers of dresses are in re ceipt of a nice volume of business. The orders aie somewhat smnller tlinti In other jenrs. Hales have increased steadily since the early spring, nnd pros4 pects appear encouraging for t li v sum mer buidiifs. Prices have stiffened and collections are somewhat easier. "WlioieMiier; nnd jobbers of wool ens and piece goods tcuflrt great iin- over tli business since tne earlj pnrt of the jw, there appearing to be n sicndy demand for merchandise, especlnllj in tlie woolen line. Reports frimi different representatives through out the local territory are. very op timistic. All look forward to n good nnd steudt business during the season. 'The iron nnd steel market presents no ppcrinl features, although there is a more optimistic feeling nnd dealers are looking for nn improvement In the near future. "I'lg iron is icported somewhat tunro nctive, though buying is still sluggish und trade dull. "The automobile industry shows con tinued improvement and automobiles are In fnir demand, but trucks are reported (Illiet. "Coke shows some improvement The general situation. Indicate no mnterlnl CHILEAN EXCHANGE SLUMPS hniKrc - "Tho hardware line shows little j ehnngc and. wlille It does not appear to compare with corresponding seasons for the lost two jeflrs, there appears to he 11 fnir demand for all grades of inn- ' lerlnl nnd nn increase lit this line Is looked for during the coming months. There is a slight decrease in flic prices, of sonic grades of material. Collections! are fair." LONDON STOCK MARKET J Oils Irregular, but Higher Home; Ralls Buoyant Kaffirs Hard I Ixindoti, April 1.". Increased mm), dencp was noted on the slorl; etclmnge I I mini nnd the market displayed I strength in svi!n, following a brighter view of the labor situntinn Trading, however, cnntint.eil restricted. The nil department vns it regular, but generally higher. Shell Transport nnd (Hiding wn 5 .Vl(! ntid. Mexican Knslc , 1,",:10. Industrials Imprnvnl 011 re ptirchitslntf orders. Hud'on's llaywn Home rails were buoyant, with the supply of stock senrce. (Jrand Trunks were J11II. Dollar deseriptlniis were , nuict and lacked steadiness Argentine mils gained ground. (Jilt-edge investment iuc were I higher. Foreign lonns weie Innrtlvc hut firm. Kaffirs were hard. Dlitmonils advanced. Rubber were loit I Dollar Touches Highest Quotallon In Country's History Sntlnro, Chile, April 1.1. There h ln a stesdv decline in fnrclnn cxchnngn rales during lh" lest few days. Mlnr due. It la sslil 10 large .peculation In gold drnrtn mid liv Hi" government which were) limilrt inimedintely h atweulalorg, This l " settci lit have ricAted s-rr nrtlficlal smrcllv When 'he e-xchsnae rled jesleriUy th iiiotAtlon mi the dollar tvus nine pesos thre centnios-. ilperAtlnit hv epeculn-enrs were- made po--Iblr by the lack nf drft for Ihe psymssit nf bills for nltrnte the sale of which l Mlmost parnDxeil The gmommenr soht lts sold drnfis which wer nbtslne.1 mm the; -nllnisd I'jsn and tifculalnrs lnht And; held them, cxpectlim to resell at dn advan- '"'; dollAr hs reached Us highest nu'ita Hon In Chilean hlstnr making- cornmerrlAI trsnoactlnn llrtualfv Impossible, Vlmns-mi itctlim ntnlnst speculation will b take", the minister of nnnnce has nnnoutwed. Prices Improve ort Paris Bourse Paris, April IB Prices were imnrnvMl m in- lbeiree Indav Tltjco per ',"' rnt'"' r.'.f ID,.. Exchange on londnn .llr 02c Five. per ."nt man. Mf 0c The dollar wh iiuotrd st 1 ir '.'c Liverpool Cotton jsfl .. 1 . a .- t.nrt M.IIINI .V. nfl1e4 l.lterpnni prn i .--,".. ,.--. .-.- - tndi with prices, firm on the basis, of an ed4nce nf 30 points for mlddllmc et iT .10 The snles vere 3'MM1 bslea Tltj recitlotei were iwio bates, .ncludlng C"') pile .trnsrle inn ruttires stnrteil stesdv bur then he. come unsettled. Serf prlees ware A mertCMj inl-ldlmg fslr. Hi.SId in',"MI'1uy IlII) Middling s Jld mltdlliw. ..BM lo inl'Mllnr 0 .14il gono nrnmeu .,.-.. n m r,rdlnr . I .14d 11 Southwark Nat. Increases Capital SlncUholders of the Southwark Natlonnl Rnnk. nt a special meeting May 11 will Mile on Increasing tho cspllal stock from S2.1U mm lu tftOO.iMH). the T"w stock to b offered in present shareholders at $200 a share RENT THIS BUILDING PARTICULARLY ADAPTED FOR . Banking & Brokerage House .IjlHH N Urtl turd i!ifi,ii 1 1522 Walnut St. 22xlJ6 Latest improvements inrotunout. win lesse either first or second floor, or entire building. Further Information Apply to Heymann & Bro. WicloRcr Bldg. SHEETROCK "The Fireproof Wallboard" I" '"TnJ4f- "- :: I Ti I (4 l i 1 j 1 L i f,.r..'.lv 1 1 fireproof, anJ approved l-y 1 nlMvrltrii i- f.islly Anil qu ( KIv apn'i-pd - illmlnntpn The jnu- anl tint nf tlH9 irhiir ntl m;li a tetter wIl - '' in thicker nnd Mirnnjur - k-jps out mr h-it nntl cohl niitr H"unlprcMif finh orauUfUlli - .,, lieu - 1' an ti" irutten '.ui Kly nhv nut of ntiP ttocrt J. T. RILEY LUMBER 620 Pine Street, Philadelphia limbiird .IS'JI .Main -S9 umy Before May 1st: The Timt for Thrifty' Coal Uuycrx THE groat need of the coal industry is a. steady demand through spring and summer, insur ing a steady supply through the winter. Under the wise plan of fixing bottom prices in April and gradually increasing them until winter, this steadiness has been attained. It not only Insures the minors work in summer, but it also prevents a coal fuminc in winter, when otherwise prices may ro so high that only the rich can not coal at all. Under this excellent plan prices arc now at their lowest point, and will stay there until the end of April. If you buy your winter coal now, 'ou not only make sure of your own supply at lowest co3t, but you also help to make a coal famine next winter almost impos sible, for if two-thirds of the consumers have the coal in thoir cellars by October, there is no diftlculty in sup plying the rest later, at winter rates. Those who wait for lower prices than those named below arc practically certain to pay higher one, anil also to pet coal that is not so well prepared and clean as that ready now. Our April Prices Per Ton of 2240 Pounds: Pea, now SI 1.00, instead of $12.00 Nut, now 813.75, instead of .$15.00 Stove, now $13.?5, instead of $15.00 Egg, now $13.50, instead of $14.75 William M. Lloyd Company i 'OAK Va!u 'i9th and Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia TEMiPIIONK StMllTK 770 ITMIMSIIEI) lsas tTII past jHl'..'.le.!.,J.J!l"LIH'lK,ta- '-iijetH 1 L. II. nercer Co . 00 N. 2d fit .Mill, ,vir ,1TIY, tS Galvanized Boat Pumps LUMBlNGHEATIkirl $fWM.U.MAYBERRY a 524 Walnut St. JM i sJOBBING A SPECIAL? 1 1 t) ""T- ' "llslssssssssssslr Add years to your roof with r i miMK M nd Mtllina Tube EDVnNJ.SCHOETTLECO. 533 N. UtbSL Philadelphia sssssH ssssssstTsttssTLP m F FIBgE 13&0Z M 3Sr-lHi I EM ,nM?B'iiiei,i,!n-Sj M riBf'jtS" .s- '"X'lllgfVMnj ..IWiJLi.... Ti k. HTHIS bank is recognized as a pioneer in credit facilities. The services of experts in credit analysis are ever available to customers. Central National Bank of Philadelphia Chestnut Street at Fifth . Oipiwl $,,000,000 Stcrpfiu and Undivided Profiti EurncJ $,.,00,000 i' rp DATING ( ai-cy libro coatinp prou-rt tin, iron or wowl .shino rucriV IL ujh practicalK renew .ill kinds of tmooth Mirfai-ecl corn posit ion roofs because it is made of thohc waterproofui minerals which form the basi-. of the most enduring roof.-,. It contains creosote anil other preser'ative oils which penetrate the dried out fabric, resaturate the rooting and fill all the pores. It aU) contain.-, genuine Asbestos rock fibre which cannot burn, rot or evaporate. This fibre bridges all cracks, binds down all scale, gives body 10 the coating and makes it almost like a aer of new roofing. Building owners ask for free booklet and simple. We are hendqutn, lor the hmtdmi nd mult,n4 PtoeiucU of ASPHALT ASBESTOS MAQNC9IA "A Roof for Every Building" nmTrriTrTr',IM't"''l'l'lln'''"1 mi m iium v"6. EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS OF fm CAREY PRODUCTS SgWj? ROBERTS AVENUE AND STOKLEY STREET wvV PHILADELPHIA M i ffi iJ V .) i.n '.1. t"l, -J 'if .?'! 'WfA. 1, jel? 1,1, Hiifl,,.