SfSy! 75 i ivtyJSff-S-'i-"-"?! ' V"""W - .. 1(. jt t.-r- nw ' " , y4fcj 'flrf '" "fx'ifdUfcWNit -' ' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERr-PtilLADELPHIA, FRIDAY, APEIL 15, 1921 feather Won a Double-Header Today Over the Phils and Mackmen P. B. WHITE & CO .808 Chestnut St. CflUlGE PITCHING ; SENSATION HERE Marshall, Sought by Throo Big League Clubs, to i win Against Perm Today MCMULLEN IN RIGHT FIELD H-- rtltnlini 1PPP1VPH When n .-0..--S.- '""...... innjor iiimiiv " pltrhcr - ..., ihrpp mnj f:h . rolloan..nwro,.lH.t ,'. must 1p " vvomlor. Tlint i the ,hPrm 2 7ni'-orsi..v of rcnn-vlvanm Lcrn.luntc-. nml cvon tho nlnyr-rs on ' . . imir Hi" MnrrimH. Hie WIN !hf "l ' " v rollcitp right linnilcr. ,I.,M, W i. twirl npiltur tlio Itnl nml '.h nfter on , nt 3:30 on Franklin ft In ll" "' 1Vnn ,lom, " . 1..11 Ims scored two victories tills TtL ting Iynrl.t.rs Collwc on A ' 1 WnhlnKton ' II OT '' '". i, 1. nunpcloil to. lie will be irnnn. huh .'" . ...... 1 doinR a" Borfie ti.n. s Hits Into Four Figures 1000 1'iltR llcilr'i drive to left renler in tlic nlntli inning .vostenlifv vvn th" our llioiinudtli s:ifc wallop of tlic RrncIoiiH Knllnn'H innjni' Ichriip onrr-or. Tlic first cnrrlri ns ImcU fiuUicr th n n I'liig would like to hnvc tin rcincinlicr linclf to tlic curly ilnya of CoiiiUIic.v'k new White Nox'pini;. Tlmt uk In Itlll. I'Iiir pIiicc Iiiix nibbled pcrsMcnlly nvvn.v townrd his rccoid, with the exception of (lie "woim of IHlfi md 11110. which lie fpent in the Pnelllc Coast LcnRtic. UN'S 1921 GOLF SEASON ON I00AY WALLACE JOHNSON , IN TENNIS FINAL If lie pitches this niter- irnn.innn uttini mm in j ?mni!, ', i mllccc rnnUs. According '"" ' . . -,., Chnrlottcsvillc. Va. Kreport'.fron. hnr.oucsvn. a Jfi,Ul n hii niiintcur lcnRiic. Which It tu " " " 1,e "pft-v ,,cav,,"i; , Th rntirc Minium u ...... j - ino riiuiv . ,np mi from or tut i'v -" ,,.,,,, years. iiiminn, to 1, wns humbled viueniiy if n Inch .. -i.i. nrif ill i in: ,u.""' - "-- erder. , in nrner i , H-, i ii '"' L 1.. iinll .In anllin HI "'"". V?.. 1 In IVnn. 0 to 1, wns numoi S, ?lickork of llic visitors is of a hii tnrics io ins rivim. "... Puri' II"""" ,.i rnriicll Oil Strait .taricii uh'" , - - - HSUr but ns i u.ted I f cr A H llll tT.." ", , " Us. Stout rinlineu uiui Inning" when MMilBtnl the sacks. Moui ciiuiih-u uiui fficurvc ball, wlilcli refuMil to respond !&' tho Itlmcnns, will be just rlelit ttWa. .be ol'l army .1. r.np Mca'lo drlnS the wor. will tarFsbt field i" l'lT, of Pml aI. Tht rrmninilor of the l'enn team w: The rrmn the Mime victories. the old army star nt win sinri ycrs. ill be figured in the last five Immediately after the Banie renn will h.pV tlicir crips nun muh. "'i m- R I1' ,. ,!,, ston of their trip to N Hcn where Yale Is met Satur j... nf..,r,,nn nrcvious to the orowj nit between the Ited and Uluc and tlio BullOog clftlith. RinKARD LIKELY TO SELECT JERSEY CITY Tex Inspects Five Sites, Several With 100,000 Capacity Now Yorh. April LI. 'Lx lllckard. rromotc- of the world s l"vy7W,t rharaflonship fight between the title holder. .laCK urini-iv. ' -". un.iv vwcicni riiuiiiini'ii ' Philadelphia!! Will Meet Kuma- gao for North-South Title at Pinohurst Vnmnp. next .llllV i. seems bCriUUMjr farpsiiticr ' . ... .i. ..!1.I1I In., nt .Tor iuipresrl nun inc iiiiuiii" " - ry Citj as the hattlegiound. Itieknid was in the hands of the .Icr (r fitv ( luimber of Commerce most i,f iiMPnlu. and with the solons of that orciuiuntlon visited no less thiiii tiieihlf'ieiit Mtes avallnble. I-ast niRlit hr csprei-el himsel! hlshly satibllcd rith nlmt .ler-"' City had to offer. HieK.ird. lioeer. will not decide ('tfiniteh uliere be will erect the nil intll after lie has visited Atlantic City. He plans in so to the seashore resort toda It would appear Newark lias hrait third call among the three re mainin? cnndulates, aecordhiR to HicV trd's (noiuli--. riuelitirst. N. C. April 1.V Mrs. Molla It'jurstedt Mnllory and Mivs Mm Ion Zlndersteln, nnlloiial tennis champion nnd runner-up respect icly. will meet In the final contest for the women's rIiirIcs trophy in the North nnd South tournament today, nml Tchj In Kiunagae and Wallace I Johnson will battle for I he North nnd South title. Mrs. Mnllory and Miss ZindcrMcIn both won their scmlfinnl matches ustcr day in two straight sets, Mrs. Mallorv defeating Miss ICdlth Sicourney and .Miss .IndcrMein winning from Miss Anne j.ownseml. Kiimngae and John fon tboth bad" hard contests in the men s singles, the former winning from Harold Throckmorton. '2-C. fl-f. 7.n. while Johnson triumphed over Howard Voshcll, 5-7, 0-1'. 0-5. SPRING MEET AT PENN 135 Entries for Annual Handicap Event on Franklin Field Tomorrow Track nthletlcs nt the T'nivcrsity or Pennsylvania will get going under full steam tomorrow afternoon with tlio an nual spring handicap meet. Conch llobcrtson has rccelwd apd accepted oer i.i.i entries for tlic eleven events. Karl Eby, the lied nnd Uluc captain nnd star hnlf and nuartrr-mllcr, will not participate. He is going to New York with the local delegation to meet the arriving French relit team due to morrow afternoon. Larry Urown will bo on scratch In the half and mile runs. Hob Maxam In the 2I20, Harold Lever mid Maxum in the KM). Smallcy In the hurdles, Herr In the mile mid Head In the two-mile. In the field events, (ieorgc Ilronder will be on scratch In the shot-put mid juwdin throw. Three special events are carded, for which cups arc unnutcti ns n memorial to thiee Pennsylvania athletes who lost their lives during the war. The events are known ns the Ilonsac 100, the YVnlkcr (500 and the Heath javelin. lit trials run cstcrdny afternoon Winsor nnd McFadden ran a dead heat In the 100-vnj-d dash In 111 L'-." sec onds. Martin defeated Smallcy by inches In the hurdle. Johnny Hnrtcls captured the shot put nnd I'veictt Smnlley the running broad jump. Wants Game for Tomorrow Th Polrruft A A wmiM like , In iiiranao n Kftine for IhPlr Grounds ullh a Ural cIiihh tciim fm tomorrow nflernooii. Call t: Suilncn. Shiiion Hill Hit.' Ijetwtcn U I", n ) m. nml 7.1." p. in InnlsM. ' FOILSMEN STAGE BOUTS Fleischer and Fraley Victors In Elimination Contests Elinilnniinn iniili'lies were held last itmht nt the Philadelphia Fencers' Club, 3007 line strict. In the Iinstern di vision of the Amateur Tenceis I.enguc "I Amerirn The men that placed in this meet will go to New York and coin Ttte In Ihi national championships April 30 Severn! nnuiiuient foilsiucu from for- att Vnlvi r-ity of Pennsylvania, Inter allied and (Hjmplc fencing teams com- ptiea last niKiit .Mining tnese were Uuls FleMier, ,1. llrooks Pnrker, Dr Robert Ilnnce. Hrndforil Fraley. J. C seebrlclit nml L. Shnnson. Fleischer earned oil the honors in the dueling I'nord match, and took second pluco in mp fHDer no ns. Tomonow the final foil bouts will he MM. hiinuuur of last night s inntehes : uueuns swniils First, Louis M. Hei'chir; seioiid. ,1. llrooks Pnrker; third. Dr Hubert I lance. Saber limits- First. Hrndforil Fralev : won.1, Lnuli. M. rieischcr; third. .1 Brooks l'.irker Binges and Bungles Eighteen Club Toams Start Trials for Suburban and Wal lingford Trophies PLAY ON NINE COURSES IJy SANDY MacNIULIt'K I' really Is the open season for out door sports, ns Mime 'JllO women golfers will endtaor to prove Imlav. They ulll fire the llrst s'nlute to the .coming links season in the start this afternoon of the play for the women V siihiilhan tciim ciiii nml the Wnlllng ford learn cup. Klghleeii club Iciinis will tussle on nine coui'.es to brenk I..,.. j 1....1..- . ..i nil,, riir u lulling iiMillllll. i rl'lli h,lllllll1ll .ritfiut !u tl.n i A..n...l ! division of the women s club champion ships, Walllngford being the third divi sion. The first-division contest for the Philadelphia Team Cup starts next Tuesday. Itesiiles the ultimate icwnrd of the trophy offeicd the winning team in each lower division, tlic team winning the suburban division has (lie bnuor if plnying off with the loM team in the Philadelphia circuit. The winner stays In or enleis the first division, while tile lovr enters the second division or stays there. The same contest applies lie tween the last team of die Suburban and the winner of the Wnllingford League. All of which is an ndded Incentive for teams near the top or near the bottom. Lii't enr Old York Itond finished last In the Philadelphia League and lost to the Country Club, winner of the Suburban, In the play-off . The Coun try Club is, tberefo'-e, phi ins In the llrst division this jear, while Old York Itond is playing in the lower ciicult to da against Woodbury. The Jenklntowninns look like winners, and are in there thhi season to regain iiieir oki position in me major league. The teams ure fairly evenly matched, and a steiling contest should develop. "I.tKlle' D.ij" w-s liolil nt tho rtnln Qoll riuli estpr(y Io Inauaurnte tho oprnlnK of tlio Biimmpr KrroiiH. It wnn "IIoosotk' liav' nt North Hills nml both ojMinlnirH were oteil n p'oiisanl tlnw. In fact, uolfi-rs KcnrrnlU do vnjoy thcmselvps when nnthlnt; Is opncfd. A rel from Tluinli Iho flrxt men'n In Untion tournpv will Ijc hohl. wlipn ppx-rnl r tod plntjrrt II1 hue n fllnc nt Ihp Trpn tep rours . II i nnd J S Worihlnuton mid nrvril oth'r well-known lners will com pete there. ,1. VohI riult his had nil Ms eluhn none opr thorouahty In nntlelpntlon of his trip ahi-oi.l with the Amerlcnn -itnntwur tpntn. rintt snjs he la rnrijlntf hN hit rli.ht under Mh nrni from n-w on He will Hhatp a dtnternom with Dr. Timl Hunter. Plate nnd routh ru I'allfurnl.i nmntpur thnmplon. culni; icr 1 lioucli (,'iriltin l.oKluir( lips pllmlnntrd hiniHelf Irom llrlt-Un's nmrtleur rnnltv hy nklnir r. job ns UleneauleH pro lln do nuv Hnrr" llrnld s.n -f tho notable Jim. Is the mi't promlHlm? nnmtefr thm lmo pio-du-eil In arH Hut thnt iWewn! keep 'i in fion fearing th- Am-rlcnn Invasion. TIiiiiirIi Hip il.ile seeinpd nil "spwpd 'up" hi r H Is iww (tild Ihnt nitnuuu nnd Mil, ll'il Will )hl Mi rloil Jul l.'l, lllblelld of 11 It Is elho iltdlnltely st.Ued the British rhainnlo-iH v ill play at tho Shawnee, op, n. lulv tl and 1.1. Thlh stinds until the next nnnoupccni, nt Women's Golf Matches On Local Links Today HI Ill'ltlt.W TT,M rt v riillnilrtnliln f'rlikrl Srronil s. Otrr lirnok nt f'rlekPl Club. Mprlnn MkiiiiiI . Vrt rhpler nt .Merlnn.i Old lork Itnml . Unnillitiry nt Wood- ".N'p'rlh Hill.- is. Iliil.i nl tt ilit. MhllrmnrMi vs. Ml. Diulils ut Sit. Divhls. i,i,i.S(Uii:ii tijwi ffr Cplnrlirrok vs. Siirlnchmrn nt Hprlnit h.uin. Old Vork llnnil Sci nml . Mnnrrpli nt l.ltuirr, h. Tnrresd lie vs. Oierhrook Slrponit at Ovprlirmik. Cnuulrj Club Srrnnit n. I.nnxlnune nt Irfinsilnwiip. I lilii ItiRilnn ViiIIp,i Srronil. Iijp. ) ID GUESS WIN M CAPABLANCA Cuban Master Defeats German Expert After 47 Moves of Eleventh Game 8 MATCHES WERE DRAWN Register Vour Runs on as Many Pitched Balls Charlotte, N. l, April I .I. Members, of the Charlotte club of the South Atlnutlc League believe the) established a leionl in the game .vesterdny with Wlnston-Sa lem, of the Piedmont League, when the.v s,.(ircil four runs on four pitch ed balls After thiee batters hnd lilt safely on the llrst three bulls Ihiovvn Shortstop O'Coimell, the fourth batter, smashed the first ball served up to him for a home run. PENN AND YALE CREWS PRACTICE Quaker Oarsmen Take Trial Spin Over Housatonic for Tomorrow's Race Siirr'nl Wlvjmlri In lliri'ti o Public ' rrlffrr Derby, Conn., April L". I loth the Yale and Penn oarsmen will hold prac tice spins over Hie Ilousnlouii' river course again this afternoon anil eve. nlng in piepnratlon for tomorrow's race. The two Penns.vlviinla crews hnd the llouintoiile to themselves .vesterdny morning, but last evening notii Hie nte w,en play nntl IIIC I Clip riens nmnm uiu 'Mil CI.IJVIINTI tlic lleniey course. The I'enns.vlvania crews i cached New Haven nt 8 o'clock estcrday morning. I had breakfast nt the Y Club and went I to the Yale bonthouse mid came to Drby immediately aftervvnid. The.v found their shells awaiting them mid launched the mbefore noil for their llrst row over the course. Tbo two Pennsylvania eights lowed a mile uiistrenm and back again In short stretches before dinner. In the evening the two eights raced n half-mile, the first crew winning by thrco-ipinrtors of a length. All the Quaker oarsmen ap peared in llrst-clnss condition. The two Ynle crews took only conditioning practice. Last night Conch Oiuy Nlckiills pro moted Larry Gardner, of the l."()-pounil cievv. to No. 4 of the second eight, (inrdner Is twenty .vears old, weighs 1(17 pounds, is ii feet 0 inches tall anil prepared for Yale at the Meriden High School. Havana. April 1,". Jose It. t'apa i blanca. the Cuban expert, won the I eleventh game in the International chess 1 match shortly nftcr midnight when Dr. I'uiaimel Lasker. the German master, I resigned. Dr. Lasker failed to make his fortv-elehth move. This Is the third .": . . . . . . . ' I game which has been won liy tlic i.uiian j ,)limj. IIU, I'l . i At his seventh turn, Dr. Lasker play I ing the blnck side, varied by playing Il-K. wherenM n move of the (Queen's j llishop's or (Queen's Knight's pawns bad been hc reply before. Next Dr. Lasker brought his (lueen's hn?ht over to the King's side via KH siiunre. while Hie Cuban retreated his King's lllshop to KH suuurc. Cnnnblnncn then beenme nggrcss'ive nnd plnjetl 1 P-QKti with the Inten- j tlon of blocking for n time the advance of Itlack's QH pawn. Dr. Lasker coun tered by thrusting lirst liis ijki am HERTZ AND HAYES DRAW Former Gains Evn Break, Despite Disadvantage In Weight Carl Hertz.. 141 pounds, gained nn l even brenk with .lerry iia.ves. hi In the wind-up nt the Audi torium hist night, despite a bniidicap In weight of seven pounds, 'the bat tle was hard fought from bell to bell. Ila.ves had the bcttir of the milling at a distance on nccount of his ndvnn tnge in reach, but at close quaitors lleitz led bv n hip maigin. In the slth ession Iltijei opened n cut over Hertz's rlirlit nvn. but the latter nev'er faltered and hal Jerry holding on in the final loiiinl In the mwiiivvitid-liii .foe Libby fin' 1-hnl lliick Hanks In two rounds, Kid Itlnnk defenteil Ilddir- Coleman In sl then bis KH nawns nt the white pawn format ion and was not dismayed when liis opponent planted a Knight nt Qtl, seemingly with good effect. Dr. Lnsker was in possession ot the open vjn nie nscd. I lie score: UAMIItT Sunday Ball Scores Victory llnlllmorp. April IS - Suml.iv lnnphall nireit n letor over blue law ndvoeiip heri when Jac' tiunn minnu'm; owner of lie lliiltlmore InternnllonnlA. wns iicipiltted In tho Crlinln.il Cotiit on the tephnluil chaiKP of "vvnrklPB mi Hunduy " A crowded pourt mom burnt Into applause and w,i rilenr, it by lh Kt-rn call of Jlldce nnd bailiff Then then, was a tush Inward the door to KreH Dunn nn h.' halted In the , nn Mors He v.as cimipelleil to MbM his wnv iiruui;h Iho Kroup of enthuHla-tlc Hporlninen Deny Bill Legalizes Gambling UlnnliifB. 'Vlnn.. April I.', Ihn bill In- nrporatlnit the VlnnlpcK Drlvlnu riub haa been puo-ed In the .Manitoba Usinlnturn h a vote of L'S io 21 'I'he nanertlon uf opponents of the moasuro that it lesallreil race Hack Kimhllnu .was itenlPd b supporters, who claimed clauses uiinrr vOilih such a construc tion mluht have been placed wore eliminated In committee. C.U'Atll.ANCA Vht I I' Ql J. Kl Kfl.1 a I' III i ii Kt: r. I' k:i II. Kt 1W 7. H II S. Q 112' II. II QT 10. llxl' 11. Ilsll 12. Castles 13. Kit Q ti. r ki is. ir iv HI. I' QKll 17. CJ Kt.1 IS I' QUI p ns ! KS Kt K I q n.i ict (in q na Ktxl I'xlll' r Ktr, I'xlll llxlt fill OA.Mi:- qitjin's OIX'MM.IJ 111 21. 23 2 I'M I'll. :m i,hki:ii IHULlt I' (II 1 K.t Kt KIW OKt (12 II Kl' Castlea It K vm QPxl' Kt Qt it If Kt II ti Q. Kt gKt 3 n n II K KR U2 Kt Kt3 Kt 3'J P Kt 3 n Kt Kt US Kt Ql p ra QxKt I'xlfP QIl II riP Hxll PxP (Scaled) Adjourned. -.essimix, and the oilier two nuuioers. weie all of rhort duration. .lolinii Gardner stopplne Harry Smith in the fourth and Young Hoots winning over Kid Hutler in one round. mm suits i White Lisle and Linen Unusual Value! 1233 MARKET ST. BAUER'S 1 So. 13th St. -PEOPLEWONDER- Murray Defeats Mike Dundee Nrw orl. April 15. Jnck Murnr vn i nwiirOrd th" JuiIrob' (Iooll(m urr Mikn Dumlnu lft twlP rounIs of muih dshtln,, ri thn .NnMunnl Fportlnv Club. Hrnnklvn. Tho Mftnlilnfil hotwcrii Tony H irto nrul Ktnt? 'I horn im ih haltcil In thn elth tciuntl Tvhnn tht rrfrp threw both men out of 'he line nml tlMtliirpii "no tontput " Irlfh Jtntmy Uwvr hM I.lruipnnnl lrl Hnlnl to it f.tt ilrnw In Iho UftPenrnur.tl Imul nt lh HrtKhtmi Ho.ich Hportlnu' Club. Hwmt Mitr't'il with n rush that wnrrbtl Itntnl hut 1 lit Inttt r'n rxpprlenct) rume In kooiI stunt, nnl tf mu btttleU on even twrniH until Dwrr ma do another cuaco attack In the tloxln;; rouii'jM, Crimson Track Stars on Trip ( umlirlrtcr, Muhm.. April IS. Tvnnt-ninp lluird athletes Ift tnrliv fur the rlmon trark team'H uprini; trntntntr trip Thr first Mtup will b for a meet with JNtm Htatn Come, Sec Us How We Do It f Mahc Hats K ".rMXJL-s j-X.- $9.85 Wm 'dk mtJf'r flu lilts Our Watch Honl. Derby and Soft Hats "Tin: n.M.i:" A. M. DAVIS 13th & Cherry FACTORY & STORE I M. mm 57 7 w i yi d w 1 i IpVJHD MfHIRr II irn i'iiiiu am l . is r umw mm w i i aj ip bb I 'tl I'llw k" .B I M-EN! i hensaiioeat bm ot 1 Suits to Order i Extra T I! i i or ?M K ' not a 1 dry ! i omoxvs 1 i JliWJH Th. Phllll i.-.- ... . ...... ,l , t-, iki, two iiioio Kamen wnn k.-.1."11"' '"'I 'here Is a chnnco for "1? 'p'" ""' on th serifs. This nf ffif' "in at lh Phils' Park starts nt J,'.'!?. h"' tomorrow tlio starting time m In hut an hour Hoonfr Pimu.?" "fl"c l'rrlo,l of ypstprrtay y IK ..V."0111'" gam" h the posting of the ' v,.r u ll.ii Mil club it the imi.i Orounds. Tht cheereil for beatlne Hub- 'JS.j?niMhijr,,,rta,p- iia al" sot " Cirih",","hl"'"' K'"I1C h.14 n "'" will not he able to pluv for s III kr.n i.I .'f '"' K'u nl1 rtht Dnnr ru...:1" inirr, who nlavp.l sl.nrr for lha bail sonie I..-.. n . ' h' ,-, en iikiu uunovan (Oil SI,., i " . '"" KaW "" l""l "" un " "'"na nt uiu laco he i 'r5l,"i"h ."IT Nnv 1"rk enter fielder k lit a!.- '"" " '" " "'r' .'wkwnrd was mi, ",,,a ni.iiu,i.es t0 muld) tho put .v w iriK. ii. K WIISIl t nt !.. .aB,AP.l.... 'l fr 8n..,h II ". '"'! . ,,A W"s "" I" " riiu.s n , V'tnI" 'nninit and lifted Ul, il'.,,""11"'" Mnii.ip ( ""i Inniai, that mired Jack Inslf ' I"IT Mflltsl vvpro - . ...... uiu,! run in ln, i y doublcil and Irish slimled English Ovals CIGARETTES 1 You can't guess j I why but u you can n 3 learn. M 3S At dealtri everywhtn llj XL -rrveultdx. JHfc i lliliiliilllBliH M 1H M HH I Bfi if .liiWillBiil WH1H 'IW ' sail W ... ! rail Iki 1 I I 1 9B CrKK lAVOKlTi: hllOI. B --0Wu,V kv rasr t:i .r O 8&0 EVER KLlIf BOSTON SHOE MARKET S3I-937 MARKET ST. IIP ill II Ii ijlill j 111 svxv '''&XsZ: ? 'V&ZZZtt inimmmzf&x(mxir-& cmmm: & WmLjSg ""'Sri MRHIH s?faC. -zmz ji. 1! v ' nl"" l'1 iPJto ill '( i nTTin Mi:, KlUHMIIV. (KAI'TS M 15 , M K () 1' II 15 11 V VOf'TION COMIS SI5CI HI! IMlll OK THO 111' VOL It cos 0Pyl sw ! stf HH MHm v50BBHciiifldH5lP o tiQ ei you BLANK BOOKS & BLANK BOOKS II H'i JJWsj.ess on Arch Street H We Arc Philadelphia Headquarters All Kinds, All Sizes, All Prices ltl All iMient Imiirovcmenls Immediate Deliveries SIZE FROM THE SMALLEST TO THE LARGEST EVERY WIDTH FROM THE NARROWEST TO THE WIDEST ALL GOOD WEAR WELTS. lc to S30.00 LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS 518.50 foidurov IiIiiUIiik ltd back, and torilerH 200 aliettrt mid Index complete 9't xll' HpkiiIh prlip, flU.uU, We St:ve You Money on Office SuiiiUca HARRY B. LEVIS I v vV K . I CpX ,!l' HIGH sSs. AND LOW s. SHOES J BIG VARIETV JM? The modest little sum of three dollar's and cents is about to serve you as it never served This humble firrure has been set to clear out stock of the smartest assortment of men's shoes Philadel phia has seen in a decade at anywhere near the price. Every pair strictly high grade in every detail of manufac ture and material. Every pair right up to snuff in style, colors and leathers. ' Every pair an absolute standard value at SEVEN TO TWELVE DOLLARS ON TODAY'S MARKET. jflill llllll JlBii (II 5 mr m VMIVIIII s'IIs I 11,111' t ls mm With rouscrs Come Im Tomorrow! Regular $35 Value Made to Measure WITH EXTEA TROUSERS w NT SMOI III MIOI X pi i Tin xinn roil vir s, h nn ri Mil h i i.i.r. S,,,, mS8S?l5 te. nUFi TKF ghty-five Ssi-k. 32 before! sv.t. 'jBt $25,000 cvudv W EVERY DESIRABLE AND SEA SONABLE LEATHER IN PRACTICAL SHADES. Open Saturday Evenings STATIONUR 702 Arch St. r& iL -. T"ii ir.1 irr" rtrt, A lit: rm, -ifin A vik n1ii....ft. m ir IJ 1 M t 4sV a h" Every pair you buy will make you wish you bought I Kw IX, I w I' S W O 5 nnoter an every pair is guaranteed to make good, or g Q C C Hp I n$j Si A. "'M Bl THE MAN WHO CONFUSES THIS SALE M 1 '; hS m l' k W ' WITH THOSE "ORDINARY" SALES IS W Xk gSS lw5 I X '"""Sv. THE MAN WE WANT INTERESTED. tft? jf TM Iw HIGH.r! ,, S5LSm Lks' st sale 53 Egg AND LOW $i M M T ' T'nra'T V ," " ' OPENS TO- m ,50 $ Reg. $45 Value Eeg. $50 Value All- Wool and Sunproof- AQ.50 LUE SERGE Suits With Extra Fair of Trousers Made To Order Regular $55 Value Here's a real sensation! Save close to half I Act quickly I Fine custom tailoring and perfect fit guaranteed? P.B.WHITE&CO. TOM MALONEY, Manager 808 CHESTNUT ST. OPEN MONDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS ?..: .Formerly 104 South 8th St 'I j Wk, pvfe - -.-l"v fat. tWl'm,tfuJlti' '; -i . , t ,r ... ...... ,., . .-.r,w,. 1 ,m-Mt-otvgT -. W2gmi&t?iY(, ,v&tKft l -4-ivn,y,,J