rEv5i-.j ...".""i ll'Trr,T'i,gj4jfiwlJ -'-mi ,Atnfr. l,'t'iHt 5 PEASANT PROGRAM FOB IN HUNGARY Majority of Political Demands Met to Appease Anger Over Aid Given Charles ENTENTE MISSIONS BLAMED BB&p. April lB.-hcreorganba. ., f tli Iluwsiirlnn Oovcrnmcnt ;'"" , by the peasants In Inillgnntlon ..the 'PI,ort iun -Etnncror r .nrlon br crt"'" "ln,sterH vlrtunlly 1.1 nletc Tl'o Plants compelled the .ntnncc of most points ot Uicir pro cfer,n"i.Li. Includes the restoration o complete- If'.V'.i; i free speech, a tree press " iY. trntlo Tliey demand nlfco per "in lc hro 'ia Ion of the Ilnpsburgs Su tt iment ot the royal stones . It is feared tlili will be the So of hc lcBltlmlsts becoming a ff l inrlv. brng a cleavage In Hie SVn'f Postpone action on irnpor S economic matters such as Jinan ll reconstruction, rand reform and Kforn of the obsolete country council UThe nenfnnts accuse- the Entente mis ,ion" licro of preventing n clean swoop 5n tho Hapsbiirg nitcsHon by press ng Z he reinstatement of Premier Tclclty. Events ot tho Mt fortnight have cou iinccil ctnin pcannt leaders Hint Frtnch royalists want tho restoration Jf the Hapshurg monarchy to prevent a onion of Austria and Germany and as Jn effective bnsrlcr npainst bolshcvlsm. "ubo. the peaant lenilcr. Is .not wholly Bllrfcd -Aflh the situation. He said "I ilo not bcllevo nnothcr attcmnt to instate tho Hnpsburgs by military force is possible It tho royalist questicn , constitutionally bcttlcd. Ninety per cent of the countryside is nntl-Knrhst. The nensanti ut present havo no cnndl ite for King in sight. They believe the Government reorganization will se turo n more liberal policy for Hungnry. The press muit be unmuzzled and free Hwifc reestablished. "1'rco rado Is for Hungary nn economic necessity and we must swallow antipathic toward our" neighbors in n) far as thoy interfere with thin pol icy." Admiral Hortby, tho Regent, to I'ny isucd n mnnlfesto to the urmy thanking it for Its loyal support dur Ine the Korllst crisis. A social event deemed of political Importance wns tho adding yesterday of Colonel Tronly, lender of most of the onti-Knrllst fac tion of the army, to Countess Palffy, ltdyin-waiting to ox-Empress Zlta. GOLFER BRINGS DOWN BIRD Roanoke, Vn., April 1G. Robert F. Ston, l'nierslty of Virginia student, became a claimant for the 10111 freak rolf shot Wednesday when he made a literal "birdie," bringing down n dove fijlnu high in the air. The ball broke the bird's wing, but ni hardly slowed by tho impact, and Stone made'u par on tho bole. FLIERS SET JUMP RECORD Two Officers Descend Half Mile. Third Injures Leg on Ground Mincola. N. Y., April 15. Two tri P o parachute- leapt from nn nrniv air P.'nno, yesterday set a new record for altitude jumping by army lllcrs. Captain V. .1. livery and J.leiilcn nnt Lucas Jlenii Mopped from a plane p lotcd by Mcutennnt E. II. Ilarksdnlo and descended nlmost half a mile. Ihclr parnchutcH stayed so clone together they wero able to converse during the descent, and thev landed within n few ynrds of each other. Sergeant Atidrow Anderson leaped from the plane nl the fcnme time and injured his leg. EVEklNC PUBLIC (LEDaETHIIDEIiPHIA; FRIDAY, 'APRIL 15, 1921 17 ICE SHIFTS SHIPS' COURSES ff- unusual Southerly Flow of Bergs Blocks Sea Lanes lloston, April lii. Icebergs from the lolar seas have moved south to the inuimio oi this city and have forced tho moving of trans-Atlantic steamship tracks 180 miles south of the usual lanes at this season. Radio reports yesterday from the coast guard cutter Heneen told of largo lee fields as far south as latitude 42.-10 and longitude -17.-15. As n result of this unusual southerly Ice movement; the trans-Atlantic steamship conference directed vessels to cross in latitudes of New York and Philadelphia. mMMMiMmimmmMeMSMMiss Parcel Post Service cc Frankly nette" Three-Piece Suit Golf & Street Service Coat, Skirt & Breeches Trmlr Mfirk AII-mimiI KntltNl 1'iitirlo To Introduce "Franklynctte," We'll Send It to Your Door on Approval Here's the Offer Write for it mention butt, wait and hip measure also height and weight and color preferred. Try it on ex. amine it. If satisfactory in every respect, 'send ui $25.00 3 Jl sXVll U I n" outdoor snorts Rolf, rldlnir. lonnis, KO ? y twiijj THE HOME OF 0m - 3k I I "THISTLECLOTH" JPBOgW I I Front and Dauphin Sts. &&&. feWCM Philadelphia, Pa. W$$0& MtiMV 1 Otherwise return at our expense, that fair? THISTLECLOTH Is a hlgh-grado all-wool knitted pure worsted heather mixture In Jade, green, oxford or solid colors In tan. brown, navy blue or sand color. It will uhed rain, is dampproof anil will not wrinkle, yet It Is comfortably elnstlc, yielding to every movement of tho bod. Splendid for nil outdoor sports golf, riding, hiking, etc. tennis, Records to The Record of Quality" Do your records play real music or just phonograph music? SOME phonograph records give you no more than their version of the music, that they reproduce. The method of recording is imperfect. But if the recording is right, and the quality of the record itself is right, the reproduction will be perfect. Notice the Difference When you play an QKt. Record lt ceases to be a phonograph record and becomes the orchestra, the piano or the singer's vpicc itself. 4279 10-Inch 85c 4280 10-Inch 85c 4281 lO.tnch 85c 4282 10-tnch 85c 4283 10-lnrh 85c Do You Ever Think of Mt Fox Trot. .Hagcr's Novelty Orchestra Learning Fox Trot ,. .. . . .Banjo Wallace's Orchestra Mazie Fox Trot ,. . . Banjo Wallace's Orchestra Becky From Babylon Fox Trot Hager's Novelty Orchestra Wyoming Waltz .-. . . .Green Brothers' Novelty Band April Showers Bring May Flowers Fox Trot Harry Raderman's Jazz Orchestra Jabberwocky Fox Trot Joseph Samuel's Jazz Band Tropical Blues Fox Trot .-. . . Joseph Samuel's Jazz Band Angels Baritone With Orchestra Elliott Shaw I Want You Morning, Noon and Night Tenor With Orchestra Sam Ash Ask your dealer to play the music you want on an QKfiL Record. Notice the Difference.' Wholesale Distributors Sonora Co. of Phila. !214 Arch Street A. J. Heath & Company 27 South 7th Street A Special Purchasn Makim Pmmihlo This Extraordinary Sale of Women's Smartest $15 Sports Skirts at $10.00 l rrlrfny, April I IV, tO'Jl. Stnrji ()ieti Itnlly nt 0 A. M. loi" nl St. 10 I. M, f SNELLENBUKGiS yj CNT1RF BLOCK " MARKET. ' i 'lrt2TPFETS J Cool, Pretty Kimonos and Negligees for Spring Week-Ends and Summer Days Tho soft, fine 'sort that take up very littlo room in n week-end case; the cool, practical sort it is a delight to wear in warm wcntlier. Jinny, many pretty kinds space per mits but partial mentiqn of them. Fine Canton Crepe Kimonos .'.... $4.75 ty boudoir shades prettily hand In daint embroidered and finished with ribbons, Pretty Breakfast Coats, &A HZ In blue, rose, copen and pink tPTT O Canton crepe finished in charming fashion with small ruffles of sclf-matcrinl. Exceptionally rood looking! In the sea son's smartest plaids and stripes, in tho prettiest combinations of tan, green, brown, Copen, navy and black-and-white. They're mado from wool velours and worsteds of excellent grade with tho stripes or plaids arranged in single or double box or side pleats. Several Styles Sketched SneLLENBURcS Second Floor P- Jbine Healthy iwo- Year-Old Rose f Bushes m 3 for 65c regular 50c funds! All ready to plant out right now; splen didly sturdy stock. $1.20 Basket of 12 Growing, Blooming Pansy fiQc Plants, Basket, Only One dozen plants in basket and great large, healthy plants they arc, laden with bloom and bud. None sent C. 0. D. bNELLEUBURGS First Floor QmS Hand-Embroid ered Kimonos As Pictured $5.95 4 I' One of nu merous very attractive styles in Can ton crepe of fi n c quality, with large, flowing sleeves and trimmings of ribbon and hand embroid ery. All colors. Fine Silk Crepe de Chine K $5.50 t0 $20.50 heavy quality, in a whole range of dainty boudoir shades. Several pretty models arc enriched with hand embroidery; nil finished with ribbons. bNELLEUBURCb Second Floor Many,' many beautihd new kinds of Rhinestone Set Bar Pins in a very special sale tomorrow at $1.00 In stunning new filigree effects excep tionally brilliant and till equipped with patent safety clasps. Great variety of styles and patterns to choose from. bNELLXNbURGS First Floor Rest Values in Women's Silk Hosiery at $1.00 Pair Pure thread silk stockings of heavy qual ity. Black, cordovan, Russian calf, African brown, aluminum gray and polo gray. at $1.35 Pair Full-fashioned puro thread silk ings made from twelve strand silk, only. stock-Black at $1.95 Pair . Silk stockings in black, AUSESl w-h'to nnt' wanted shoe col ors. Stockings of unequalcd quality and durability. SNLL' lNBjRJS first Floor 8,400 Pairs of Men's 50c Gordon Round Ticket Mercerized Socks at 25c Pair Fine gauge mercerized socks with double soles and extra spliced heels and toes. Black, cordovan, navy, gray and white. After this lot is sold, there'll be no more nt this price. On Sale in Men's Hosiery Section, Market and 12th Sis. Svn 1 LNBURCS first Floor Newest $1.25 French Dotted Veilings $1.00 yard In all the most fashionuble colors and smartest color combinations, including mag pie, flcsh-and-black, tan-and-brown, copen on navy, copen on black, black on copen, henna on all colors and plenty of black, brown, navy, taupe and gray. Colored Chenille Bordered ' QJ Veils, each OOt Yard-and-a-quarter long. Square Veils, So Smart, SI. 00 each In navy-and-copen, tan-and-brown, gray, black and gray-and-taupe. Another Wonderful Lot of Cfkr-r Veilings at, yard OUC In the pretty combination effects so smart. Dots and fancy meshes; all colors. iJNrLUNBJRCS first Floor IN THE ECONOMY BASEMENT You Could Hardly Believe Such Va lues Possible That's Why We Want You to SEE These Fine Suits and Youm for Men ., VI an nt I "i-tii at $14.50 In serviceable, wanted fabrics; in leading colors and mixed ef fects; in good-looking, well-tailored styles. The man who wants a good, sturdy suit for all-around wear doesn't want to overlook these! Men's & Young Men's Suits With Extra Trousers Suits that will give double the ordinary service, S28.5 Other Notably Good Values in Suits, $18.50 to $23.50 'Mmm. ktiar?QL Wnr4& 'xmumj-mx V - i j ' Raincoats That Were $13.50 and $q Q Q $15.00 now v Men's Trousers, Very Special $335 Raincoats That Were $18.50 jtionn JL J9JS now The last word in trim smartness and grace these Dainty Strap Pumps and Good-Looking Oxfords For Women and Young Women, at $7.00 to $8.50 pair Two-simp pumps in tan calf and brown kid, with Huby French heels. Tan calf and brown kid lace oxfords with winp tips and military heels. Brown calf and gunmctal calf lace oxfords with straiyht tips and leather villi lury heels. Men's $12.00 to $15.00 Shoes and Oxfords, 7 QCj The finest, highest grade shoc made marked at just about their present whole sale worth! Tan calf English lace shoes and oxfords Genuine Cordovan brogue shoes and oxfords Heavy tan grain brogue shoes and ox fords Gunmctal calfskin lace shoes & oxfords Dark Cordo calfskin lace shoes and oxfords All with welted and stitched soles and nil sizes. Young Men's Saddle Strap SrJnb. $5.00 Tan calf saddle-strap oxfords with per forations on toes and quarters. With wing foot rubber heels. Welted soles. Sizes 22 to C. SnIllENBURGS Second Floor All Ready for Another Marvelously Successful Sale, With 4O0 "India' X ! Famous Umbrellas 95 MEN'S WOMEN'S ith Double Frames will not turn in side out. With Ten Hibs it's strong. With Handles for Men popular crook styles. With Handles for Women Hardwood, njnin or carved, with bacalite rings anil filk cords. With Silk Case fine in every detail. Just Kight Open They're Large. Just Right Closed The) 're Short! S Ji .B.Rij3 First Floor SrJtl i fcHbi'IioS Economy Basement Boys' Silk-Striped Shirts and Blouses a Wonderful Sale! $3.00 Silk-Striped fcO AA Blouses at... .W $3.50 Silk-Striped (go 9 Shirts at ,&a3 Made of crepe madias with heuw silk stnre--, in a beautiful assortment of rich colu'ing!. Sizes IHS to J4. Quite the finest lot of merchandise we've eer een o low-priced. Sure to hurry out so try to come in varly in the day. Boys' $1.50 Blouses, $1.25 Brand now shipment of printed madras blouse.-, made in neckband stylo, with .soft tuin-batk cuffs. Big assortment of good-looking patterns. Sues (! to 16' years. Boys' Neckwear, 50c In the popular regimental and collcgo stripes, polka dots and plain colors. SnT' "vi .S First Floor We Have Some Exceptionally Fine Genuine Red Cedar Chests SaIe" $"M OQ Ea. Priced at ATivO and tonguo ('hosts mado of t h e very finest' grade reif cedar, nb b o 1 u t ely mothjiroof. construction. Well :N. SNELLENBURG & CO.: Groove finished 0ier Chests, a Large Assortment at t!2.93 to $15.00 N. SNELLENBURG & CO. SnellenboS Fourth Floor 9 "I " " "" ilMltll " " " K K, -.