?ww?W'pftv-" w$?jifcuyw ! r!r.jn tf-y t i -" f Jm ffHVMe' ' ' '!!'' W " T'nf 9ftift t t 'jpwwifl si- :. ' ir rOTWi'''' ' ' tlr ;U' W ts '-ytX'"vH.'. v Tsr.(rf.? -ris ' . ' - EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1921 21 r , BG"-!FTWa-J V Paper Boxm Mlcfr ' and Mailing Tube I -im i srHOETTLE CO. ltn.llthSt Philadelphia ""We'Yeatherwel'ht srfh suo. n".'.1'" math', rnn your in- BfinitA!. "WffiS.,. I 'J .' TsV. inn HIIi""- "" CIm Aiitv tn ft Iters In '.. h rt nroc PMIi 1MM ...------ . 3.. from wnicn .ui'i'T' ,llI1(, ..mfc-H. "1 .. UICCCD -PoM ..fford Md... HIS CHESTNUT S - . . ... mini rirfi "." -"- nilAMTY SERVICE Job Printing natin Circular Letters prjnlfil seed liollll pnper linuer four ,ter liffiil. S0.O0. l,l us estimate on your pi Inl ine' and irne ''' money. The Legion Press MS N. 13th St. 'lionet icjrioiipj itnrc 1 ii SALE of LEATHER BELTING Canceled export orders for high-grade bolting leave us a stock to be moved at a price. Will cut to any length. High-grade belting salesmen desired VhilnMpfiia fief tint; (ompanf "lGJ4j HL Largtit Manufacturers of Leather Belting in Philadelphia District Sixth and Spring Garden Sts. Market 2S09 Philadelphia HGR0Wh w NAIL Turn Right Out Itself j- A few drops of "Outgro" upon the skm surrounding the ingrow ing tee nail reduces inflammation ind pain at once and so tougliem ths tender, sensitive skin under reath the toe nail, that it can not penetrate the flesh, and the nail turns naturally outward almost over night "Outgro" is a harmless ana leptic manufactured for chiropo dists However, any druggist will tell ou a small bottle containing directions. CORNS Lift Off with Fingers T?.n, "' " b" n'P little ths ";SJJ " an n,l'l"B 'orn. lnstiintlv Jou nr, ? "I"1 h'irtlntr. then Hhortlv v, ' mhl nK with flnBPt-B Truly ' TriAnn'i"8'81 hcUh l"y ottl of ttmov. ""." tnw ru",s. Humc.ent to oni h..u, erv ,hnr1 '""' sot Porn, or llhout 1 ''" ,llM ,0(, "'l "io calluses, ""lour wrinebs or Irritation. IPiP iEffiiiiSi . . ... irtn9 our HOT I , ' I g Wim ARrJ me oc" '- y jw WB .. only makers In - 6F n II r I cpciee .Mr, I " I i 'I ' ; Cardinal Dougherty in His Titular Church A magnificent half-page picture of the solemn r-eremony when Cardinal Dougherty took possession of "is titular church in Rome, the Church of Saints Nereo and Achilleo. The Cardinal, in full robes, seated on 'he old Byzantine throne, turn of His Eminence to rotogravure. IN THE PICTORIAL SECTION OF Next Sunday's PUBLIC LEDGER Do we serve you? W Handle- Only tho Vary nnuiu vsiuy mo very COAL B E S T 2240 Lbi. to Every Ton Tor 35 Year We Serve You Right OWEN LETTER'S SONS Yard That Hat No Equal Trenton Ave. and Westmoreland St llilt Frnnkford 1IW Keystone East SJS PARCEL TOST HOWARD VINCENT ANSWERS THE CONSTANT DEMAND FOR LOW PRICES Every one who knows anything about music is aware of the gen erally acknowledged superiority of Howard Vincent Pianos, Player Pianos nnd Baby Grand Pianos, but n great mnny do not realize that Howard Vincent prices ara extremely low, with convenient terms. Compare our prices with others. See Tnis New 8R-Nnle l'livce-I'ltnn 2S Rolls Mnale llrnrli unit heart $ 375 Dlapln.cd In (liir .shew Indiiwa. New Pianos, $245 to $795 New Players, $375 to $1050 Baby Grand Pianos, $390 to $1500 Niil for Cntnlnmie Easy Terms Open Mon., Wed. and Fri. Evgs. Established 18G0 HOWARD VINCENT 836-838-840-842-844-846 N. 6th St. Philadelphia, Pa. Grocers Butchers Hotels Restaurants Refrigerators FOR EVERY REQUIREMENT Computing nrules. Electric Cift'ei Mills. .Meat (irlndrrH, Cnsh Registers. Haft , Cash Prices with Privi lege of Easy Payments. Illustrated Circular on Request K0WE Scale Co. E0G-H0K Arch Si. Philadelphia Slot TVTnrhlnpct "ought '''. "" wb spur iai.izi: in itni'vnt work IUIIh, Deurvf. .lurk Tut Tin Michliif In Nlftrlt Premium Boards !,,,',,r,s I;rc 1IIO HAIIQAINS AT Al.f, TIMES Banner Specialty Co. Ton s rrusT riin.A r. P. D. Q. rjftiio poUtl. for furniture. hliiiin unil iiiitmnabilrM. Attn npr rnnt .1 rmiM lor SI, lMiMtpiiifl. lmWAIH) VIM'KNT. 831-83(1-810 N. fltb MAltltli:i IinTNIOBIt SAVAGE On Silurclay April I). 11121. it TllnltN IVfsnMorliin i hunli I'httlnul T 1 til , I'hlluilclphl.i li Ue . I'orsdiu t !Mr nnd liuv. Ur John Qrlr tllliliMi. MAKKi.N' BYHU. d.iUKhtir f Mr. irrt Mi. c'hurliti ciMuntcv Shiikc. lu Mil. OUAHLUS l.AMHlniT 1IBVNIUBR. catljs AIM. MS- Apill 1.'. EMJIl J wlf ot lain Iteiuv O. Ailmns. In lir tl till .a.r uncial errvlcx Vt a 1" M r.tl PonirllR. hi int W.'kt I.auiel 1 1 ill iVm AtjHX'A.NDKK. Apill .). T1I.M15. riausll "or of Auruhih nnd l.it Kmnnucl AlexoinJr. "bpiI 8ft. Iteiullvns mid frli.nda inviied to at tend funtTnl sorvlcos, rrl 11 A M. rr.' . Uely. parlors uf .Morris I'mi-nlicrR'n Son. JIIUU N". Ilrnaii M Int. nrlMUo, Itodcr Hlintom fcm. Kindly utnlt flutvers. ANDBKSO.V April 11'. ('IAlU.K- I . son of Frederick and Marnli E And. rf on iiiw Dougherty) ltflntlv." nnd friends also nil HoclPtlei of which he win a inemuoi In vited to funeral, Sat., R do A 11.. late real doner, .11 a 13. Allen t. J-olrmn reiuleru nmi Church of lnimnc ulnte Conception lu A .f. Int. New Cathedral. AXDBUSO.V. or snin w. Ontario K . on April la, lPiM. IlAliUV a . hiMband ot M.o 13. Andersun. unl son of V S and the lute r, r.iiznueui .wuierHon. furiner nonce win be Klten. A.NTIIX. On Avrll 12. 1021 tlKOltnn fl hunband of riorenr. H. Ant m. s. i viee on Saturday ofterncon, .it 2 n i lock, at his rnl denro. 1110 N Vodcres st Interment st Mt Mnrlah I emetery. I'Vlcndi inny rail t'rMu HenlnK. 11ACH13 April 1.1 liOnEll 1' I., inn of Into Robert i' Hnd Amidta Haehe Due no tice from his late itMtdrnce 2253 N'. an Toll at nuuiiRit April 12. nr.RAi.ui.vB n. wife of l.amont li. Ufeber and daughter of Mlrlwiel and lllliabrth HnrKloi Relatives and friends Invited to attend fiineuil, Sat. S H) A. M. from her Into rialdenin, .11 ill) Wharton at. fcjotemn riinleni m.isa Ht Charles' Church 10 A. M lilt Holy Crois Cem llllTZ April 12 1121 I01I.A : 111.1 tneo Seliiinrorii llelaiiv.s ind friend j alsj l.lherol Itnucn Vi'UJn nnd I. adieu of Zlon U.rmim Ri ,'onnd Cliurch are liivilej .u attend funeral ser Ires I'ri 1 P M at rhaiwl of Vv.li:l Son 2.1J1 (lerinintowii ave Int private Mi Neiiem t 'em Hl.UM -April 11 HA11M1 daiishtr of ih late lleim.in and Mary Ilium aited 07 Relatives and fllcnds aio invited ti altnnd funeral sen lees I-'rl.. 2 I1 M nreelselv pji. lorn of Morris Hnsunbeix a on 2u0'i N Hioad at. Int Ailath .lealiiirun Cem. Splendid pictures of the re America. All in beautiful ''KATJIK. vfm.X,'I!J,,rl1 ' MART A..7vlf of lata ;.l"l" rjoylo (nee nnland). Relatives and ioLi??? ."'". I'f'8uo ot sacrca Heart, ere nvlt-d 1o attend funeral, Sat 0 A. M.. late rosldenee. 1748.1 Clo' elsnd ve. Solenm ?!?.. JkV.1! ,?f t"-""""" Thomas Aqlllnas f m?PJ!;N .APrl1 ,a- HANNAH t... widow fML'S l".,. 'JKhard II. Ilrovvn. Relatvea and friends ltiv,td to funeral services. Bat.. 3 .ifA!1MnJ.iB,h-"t. Int' Hillside Cem. iirti.,,tA.'UI,'Pl'I.N-. Suddenly. April 13. 1031. .,cJlA'h, i4" hnin.v"l on of Josephine C. and lato. lames ir Chamberlln. e'uneral services n ; . 2:.10 P M , at his mother's '. ?1Snf.i,2i,,,?,",,l"l ' In'- nrlvale. houth Laurel Hill Cem CROSSI.IJY On April 11. 1021 MARtn T. wife of Kclward (.' cmsslev und dauah ter of the late Michael .r ami Ellen Jle WcH,n "f Uvea and friends, also Messed VlrKln n, allty nr at Philip's Church are Invited to t is funeral, on Friday morning, at S.30 o'clorlt. trom her lats residence, 103 lederal at HIbIi mars it St. ThWIp's t'hnrcli at 30 A M. Interment at Old ifa thrdrnl Cemetery i:M.ISOii April II. 1021 JAMI3S O. husband of Rmma Lehman Hills. Hrvlce on mUSHI? m?snl?KA,tt'. u fjclvok. at his late rot 'rM'As?15 .N .I1".'.. ". tnterment prl-ate. 1 13NI.ON. April 10, MICHAKI. J . huj. bnnd of Alice J. I'enlnn (nee Mahnn.y) Rela Mvej nnd friends, also Court Northeast. No. RIO 1 of A .and Cramps' Mutual Henef. IS.;.". ",.' '."V"" '.. n"nd runera , rrl., I8.3D A M late residence. 210.1 K. Cumber- 1 "J"1 ?', Sol'mn.reriulem mnss St. Ann's Chu-rh If. A. M Ir.t. !?' "'j'rhrt Tern. '''iKV-: A"'" joiin riNuiv, r"'.."' . nlt'Vcs nnd friends are Invite I 'o it Ml funeral. Sat, 2 P M . residence of hn sisiei. Alr Marv ,mith 2540 Cai- 'innt.n Arm 12. m." josnrii. hu- ham ot late Cn?elme t.'elscr (n. Keller) rtelaMes und friends nl-n Kenslnutoii f.odin No 211 F. nnd A M . II ond r. RonelldTl Society, urn Inv,ti-d to ottr.pd fu- !?.'."1 Mrvi''' I'rl ,'-' I M late resldenci. 3017 (llrnrd nv Int. p'lnte uimci.n April 12, WAVM3 II . sen of William and Mary A (Jllliin in-e llrolison) and srnndsoii of Wllllom nnd Anna Ilrobson In Ills 13th year Funeral services Sat 2 P M,. at pnrenlr' residence, r.7 1 f Osliae nv". nt. ,.mi(ik-iii . on m.nui may call I'rt . 7 to tt P. M OIRVAN --April IS. MART DeMORAT, flauahter nf Lamonte 11 nnd Nors A Glrvnti ns:ed IK months. Services Kr! 2 P I 17 V Encle rd . Oakmnnt. l)iwnro Co "p.i OORDON -April 12 AN.NII3 C. widow of in" into onrv rt. uoroon. runeral serv Ires, Prl.. "J P. r . late resolenre. 40 y Chester p!k. (llenolden, Pa. Int Arlington GRnnfl April 1.1. tllKNH I3.MMA. wife of Albert H. (lreir (nee Rlchlei Relitlves and friends also Running Der Council No r.2. 1) of P. nre Invited to funr.T Snt . t P. M iatn resldenoo. 400 N Ilioadway aiourstr city. N. I Services 2 p, jj, t P 13. Church of the Ascension Gloucester V .1 Int private, llarlelgli Cem., Camden N .1 Friends may rail l'rl eie OI'ENASSfl -April 12. A.Ol:l1 OLTIN" ASSO I'.elatlves and friends, also Furevters and lolumhus Society. Invited to funernr Sat ) A M residence 027 C.itharlne ' Solmn high mass Ht. Paul's Church Int' Holv I'ross Cem. HADDOCK. At New Vork. April 13 STANLEY II . son of Amelia W. nnd lit Stanlev II. Haddock. SVrvlces nt the reel denco of Arthur C Pleire 2037 locuu at. Sat.. 2 P M. Int. prlvat- HAYES April M 1021 ANN H YES Relntlves nnd friends United to funoial ser ires. Sat . 2 .10 P. M . late residence. 302s N Front nt Int Ureenmount Cem. rilends mnv tall Krl. eve. HOI.IJ13RG Uurfaln. N Y April 12 KI3HD. husband of Esther Holberg (nen Mnr- .Uls). nged ni Relatives nnd friends are Invited to attend funeral, Frl . 2 P. M . from Aeher s, 1311!) N. llroad at. Int. Ml. Sinol Cem JOHN At Delnnco N J.. April 12. EMZAIIETH HI'.TZ wife of late Arthur lohn. Immoral services Frl n A. M... at eon-ln-law's resldMice George Krelner, Hickory st.. Deluneo, N J. Int. Mt. Teace Cem I.I3AIIY -April t.1 PF.Tnit huslimul nf Hie Julia l.onhv (n-e Srlnn aid father of lev David V. Lea In foimeriv cf Mahanov P'nne Pa. l'uneral, to which relatives and frlnds are Invl'ed, Sat d 30 A M . late lesldence, 1434 Porter at. Solemn mass of requl-m Church nf Ht Monln ID A. M. In- Ilol" Crn-s Cem MnetNTirtB On April 12 1021. FRED ERICK II husband nf Harriet V Mucin ilte Relitivi and friends also Stern, n fjirnrd Idge. No. 450, F. nnd A. M . and all 1 ther nrginlzntions ot which ho was a merr ier ore Invited tu the services. Friday after noon, at 2 o'clock at his Into residence .1210 Chester uve Interment private bittnds may call Thursday evening. McCaffrey April m. josf.ph r. husband ot Isabella MrCaltrnv. (neo McCa' ron) and son of the late Cornelius nnd Mar garet McCaffrey Relatives and friends, also Altar and Rossry Society of St. Francis' Chun h nro Invited to nttend funernl. Snt Ull A M . late icslden.ee, S20 N. I'cnnock st 27ih Tind Ilrown eta.). Solemn requiem mass St. Frauds' Chuith ID A. M. Int. New Cathedral Cem. McCAULEY April 11 MART, widow of Robert McCaul)j (neo Urlcklev ). Relatives and friends are Invited to funeral, Frtdav, S 30 a in,, late residence, 231ft 8. 17th st hclemn mass of requiem Church of St. Mon ica. 10 a. m. Interment Holy Cross Ceme- McQlTA ID April II. ANNA J. (nee 1 Miori). WHO 01 .inmes u ucwuniil nun- lives and frlrrels Invited to funeral. Frl . 8 30 1 A M . 333 Master st Snlerrm requiem mass I it st Michael's Church 10 A. M. Int. Holy I Sepulchre Com McSORI.EY April 1.1. JANR. wife of lain John McSorley. Relatives and friends, also II. . -M. tioJalttv ami Sacred lleirt Society of Churi.li of Our Lady of tho Rosary, Invited to funeral Sat b.30 A M. late rosldencc. 1330 N. fiOth st. Solemn re oulom mass Church of Our Lady of the Rnsarv 1(1 A. M. Int Holy Cross MON.Gh.N. April 10 JOIIN FRAN CIS, eon of ho late John .1. nnd 311, irv K, MonoRhan, Relatives and friends also Holv Nam'i Society of St Augustine's Church and 1 ouit Uenei.il Or.rdeiil No. 1(11. F. ot A ..re invited to 111 lend funeral, S-nt.. a A M. reslilems of broiber-ln-laiv. Wm. J, Ford. 1-9 Cherry at Mass at St. Angus tlro'H Church 1) A. M. Int. Nev. Cathedrnl Corn MOVER- prll 11. 1031. MXRY.T wlJove of Joseph Mover. 2002 V Pnrli nve tteln ilves and frieiida ne Invited 10 attend tu nr.l nrvlces. at r'"ldenc cf In 1 daughter Ml. I II. Drlpps lblll N P.irl oh irt 2 P M lui prlvatj W-st l.iuiil Hill v'e' NI3U.MER. April 13, 1021 FRIDARICKA wife of LudvvlB Nuum.'r. Rrlntives nnd friends oie Irtvlted to atteml runeral. Sat . s 3D A M , residence, .173t Rmlmun at. Mnsi of requiem Chuich nf th Truusflg- ration ID A M. Int. Holv Cross iVm. O'llYUNi: April 12, CATHERINE C'llRNr3 Rrlatl e.s nnd filcnds nro ln Nltel in utt.'nil funeral. Frl. S 30 V. M, fr.nt the rctldenco -jf Ipr brrtrer. .1' hn O'll'rn. 41 K 1'rbe st (3nnant.in Solemn mass of requle-n Si 'inccni's Church 10 A M Int. private O'JIAIIA. On April 12. 1021 WINIFRED, beloved wife nf John O'Hara. Services Sat.. H .10 A. M residence. 811 N ISth at. High mass. Our Mother of Sni rows' Church 10 A M. Int. Ft. Tennis' Cem RIatlves nnd friends Invited ORIl. Aarll IS. lO'.'l JOHN liushsnd of Miirlhn Orr. neod fill, formerb of 203.) Ger ms nt wu nve Relatlvfs. and friends. alo ill organlxallrna of which h- was 11 mem ber. Invltoi" I- funerul services 1 rl 2 P M .-.sldence. 4348 N Car'ls'o st. Int pilvnte Remains may bo 1 lowed Thurs , 7 in 0 P M. ORTH Suddenly. April 12. MARY V. beloved wife of Peter f)rth luce Lol) In her .12il iroi Relatives and fi lends are Invited 10 attend funernl services Pat . 2 P. M . at her Into realdence. 343U F at. Int. Oikland Cem Remains may bo vlovved Trl. eve. () i4l'i I.IVAN -- prll 12 lORNELIl'S O nllf.I IVAN ! 25 H'Ph mss ot requiem the Lady of Grace Church S i.UK'i me Pa Fil 10 A M nodv may b vbnved at r'isldet.p of Abrr 'romllnaon. Trv S-, 'M. l'huis eve III St. n drew's i'i in Netivvn. Pa PITMAN At Vlnientown N f April 12. 1021. :IM S widow of Cuiles S. Pit man In her 70th sear Funeuil from res!, denco of her aon. A R ntman Vlncentown V J . Sat April 10. 1 30 P. M. Int Columbus N. J 0 32 A M train from I T'lula vvlll be met at Smlthville N .1 MM .. H.rll II 111"! IIPRTIIA. I. wife of Charles Pleat nd iluushter of Wll Itn u 11 anJ Mary A. Furtcr Rolnlives nnd frl.-nds alsi I.ifavelto Ci.iim II No 59. b aiid D of U , are Invite! to .nt'nd funernl I'll. 2 P M fram psren's' reldcmo, I23 Mill si . Moorostown, N .1 l'rlnrt may i.ill Thurs eve. Int llsptlst Yard. Moorea- 'r"'FVR --iirll I?. I1LY MT.EAN. vvifi . ( Fnilil. 11 Reives Fjnerel f.ivicea at b..r Int residence 211 S liHh st . Frl , a P. M. Int private HL'DMAN April 1.1 ID'.M WILLIAM, son of Into Wondelln nnd Cithiirmo Rudniun. Due n''leo of funeral Intei srilOFIELD On April 1.'. 1021 ED WARD J. SCllOKICt.f) Re alive, and irlends aie invited to th" sen lie, nu Situr day mornliiK at 10 n eloi 1, nt the Oliver II. ll.ilr llldK 1S-'l l hes'iiut i Inteiment ""sV'-'liniHIlER Apill I." V'l'IS son of lnie I'rancls II and Elirals'ib Schrelber ifonmrlv of 02d nnd Elmwood nve ). Rela 1 ins nnd friends nre milled to nl'end fu- rial Fil 2 P M . iiiiii'ments of E II erkes. 172ft H fthtn i Int. pihnie .Mt, 5I'si'-1l'ui'lERT Anrll H JOSEPH KC1IU HURT In his smh jmr RIailves and rrtomlH iu Invlti-d to nt'end funeial aerv 1 rs Hun . 1 30 P. M l.uo lesldence 400J l'enn si . Friin'ifoul Hit ll'luio Com SJIUGARD -April 13 LOCISA vilfa of Henry Shugnrd Funernl services Sal . u p .M ai her dauuhter'e realder.to, .Mrs O If'effner I". 1". fllocuiii at Ml Alri. Int. ruiviito Frlen Is m.iv c i'i Frl eie P Hi'l'il, VII TON April 11. 1021 TER13SA SKIVlMilTOV Relnllvia end friends nre In Wlod to attend funeuil Frl S .If) A. M from ttio rosl.lt nee of her cousin Mrs .irnr M. LoUehll" -31"' N..,,-',, ".' .""'n lenulem mass at hunt, of, Vlsl'oilon In A. J I pre .ls.lv Int Nw aihedril Cem 1 s, t)SK -Hmlilc i.v A"ill 12 IOIIVSOV i'i VM-I ReiiiHves und friends ulso Naval it Vs 1 v -I11" " A 11 and ai ord 'rs of vhicii be u member nre Iminj to at lenrl i'i" '".-j:.. :...-. .. ..:. i: -'."'" ri kill 'II '' UO ou illlllll. si tin ,ui V of. ""Sma'iTi. f-dd' April II FUIRENCB IRENE, beloved wlfo of Robert J Small and 1 BROAD aV,b 1 s' nisunuf. DIAMOND DKATIIH dauahtsr nf Willi. m a .m nn-m- f sl.v. land, aged nil years, Relatives ann friends invited to funeral services, Sat , 2 I, M . residence, fi.121 ttnlnnrl st Inl tirlvala. Arlington Cem. Friends may call Frl . 7 to v 1: M. SMITH April 12 FREDERICK D.. bus br.nd of Ellialsnli Smith Itelntlv.s nnd friend", olsj nil orders of which hn wss a meivbs nre Invited to ntirtid funeral eerv Ires. Mat 2 P. M. Istj reslrtmce. 7110 Vandyke jt , Tneonv Int private. Friends nnv inn Kri 7 to 1) I' M 8NYD1CR April 13 FRANK J SNYDER. Funeral sat.. 2 P I no", Springfield nve., Darby, Pa. Int. private. 1 rlends call Frl. evening, 7 In 0. STIFFLER. On April 1,1. 1021 IDA ... wire of Wllllnm 13. Stlffler R.lnllves and friends, ifcnilnitfnn N.st N'o inn.s t.a'.s' Order of Owls- Ilrlght star Lodge.' No .10, Bnepnerus or un-ninhem, are Invited to the service on Snturdav afternoon, at 2 o clock, nt her residence, 103t 13 Ar'sona st Inter ment si Arlington Cemo'civ Friends may coll Friday evening, SWEKNtlY (nee t'ullenl.- April 13 MARY, vvlfo of Michael Siveenev, of County Done gal. Irelnnd. luneral Mon , a .10 A M . late residence. B31t Greenwov ave, So'emn re quiem mass nt Church of 'he Most Illessed t'acrnment 10 A. M. Int Holv Cross Cem. TIOHI3. -At Atlantic citv. N. J., on Arrl' 0. 1021. KIUC ALTEMUS. aon of Evelyn It. Tlghn Vleroek nnd th lnte Jam's J. Cnr roll Tlglie, aged 10. ears 7 months Service at the Church ot the Ineatnnilnn Rrnnd and Jefferson sis. FrMav morning, nt 11 o'clock TRACEY -On April 12 1021. nt home of Mrs. Joseph S Morgan, nt llemps'ead I. r. NNH3 V TRAi-KY. danhte of tho Int. Sstnu'l J. and Elisabeth M. Wright Serv Ires. Frldav, 3 n. m.. at tho dauahior's re'l dence, Mrs. Charles T3. Swindell. 1 120 N 50th st. Interment private. TRU1TT At her le'.i residence rirtia Hamilton St.. on April 13. 1921. MARY T. laughter of the Iatn Charles II and Elisa beth T. Trultt Relatives nnd fr.enils nro In vited to the service, en Frldnv afternoon, at 2 30 o'clock, at the Oliver 11. Hair Ride 182P Choetnut s Interment private. WAI.l.A'ORK April 12 FLMIS'A r VVAt.LWORK. widow cf John WHiwirk R.latives nnd friends, alo -ie nbMs , f East Haptlet Church and Ocesn city Autlll-irt are Invltei to nttenl fjneril strvlc s Sal 2 p 311., nt her Into residence 1.V.11 n Co. lumbla nve Inl prlvn'o. hv 1 1 ill tm. FrtondJ may call Frl ev- i.r.o i. AnvniTisKMr.3s.rsj 25 J3.STTK OF nUDOI.l'll (.VI113L SIX. " ileeensed Letters of administration cum testnmento anncsn upon the estate of Rudolph Carel Six. deceased having been prnnted to FIDELITY TRl'hT CO.MPANY an persons lncehled to the ssld estat. are requested to mako payment, nnd those hnvlnv claims to present them, without delav at the office nf the said compar.v . 325-311 Chestnut tt Philadelphia. WtM.IA.ir P OEHT Presid.nf PERSONALS PERSONALITY expert -Will tell vou what to wear, what to eiv. how to become a popular woman. I 1400 ledger Office. LOST AND FOUND DAR PIN Lost, diamond nnd platinum bur pin. 12 stones, stamped G 20H9 In Phila delphia shopping district. April 12 Liberal reward If returned to J E. Cnldwoll Co UAlTpiN Lost in vie of Phlln. Ice Palace. 15th and Market, April 1.1, plat barpln 2 In long, set with pearls nnd small diamond re iv Return In lee Palace or 1 1123 N. Muff DOG Straed from home, on Sunday. April 10. scotch terrier bitch, brlndle. ngo 13 months, reward. Telephone Anlmora M. Ho rn tln0Jodoj)tu;nid .Hnverf ord. FOX TERRIER Lest, while nfre-hnlieil lox err er black-and-tnn innrking on head, lnrtte round black spot on back lag No. 1102. reward. Coll Wood. SOS or 1721 Windsor nve. RING Iirt shaped plntlnum weddlnr ring, Welnesday afternoon inward. 1:119 w. Allegheny ave HELP WANTED FEMALE COMPANION Young woman to be comnnn ton nnd governess nf s 1 hlldren, 10 and S vetirse must have good education, comforts. bio home for ounc woman desiring perma nent position, stato nge nationality, religion and education. A 210 ledger Office. COOK nnd butler (man nnd wife) wanted In n homo In tho suburbs near Philadelphia, must be willing nnd capable this Is a splen did chance for a couple who can appieclate a comfortable and cheerful position oral seeuro good wages; references necessarv. Address M 300 Ledger Ottlce CCTTERS Exper. on bathing suits nnd jer- ss steady work good pnv. Hvglenlo Fleeced Frfdcriicnr Co . 2lln N. Howard. ENVELOPE OUM.MER. EXPERIENCED HAND-FOLD GUMJIKR APPLY E. J SPANOLER CO . 12.17 N. HOWARD ST. ENVELOPE HAND FOLDERS. EXTERI ENCEI) '.'REFERRED, RUT NOT ESSEN TIAL 13 HOWARD. SPANOLER CO. 1237 N GIRL Good, dw'nstrs wk & 00th ave . white wanted for coott'g A , no w ah'g. Dearden'n. lltli at. l'hlla. GOVERNESS wanted for 2 young girls 12 II. one who can speak French desired Ar- thur Hurt. Esq. .Gap, R D..I.ancnatar Co., 1 GRADUATE NL'lfrfKH wanted for Child Hv glene Rurcau, N J. Stale Department of Health Trenton. N. J HOSIERY STRING KNITTERS H'VVI'I fl.V MANNER AMI SCOTT v: WILLI VMS FULL AUTOMATICS WALLACE WILSON HOSIER v CO ORCHARD ST. 1IKI.UW UNITY I'KFD HOSIERY LOOPEns WWTED ON LADIES' AND INFANTS WORK APPLY WALLACE WILSON ORCHARD ST I'.EIIW HOIIERY CO UNITY FKFI), ITO.stlKnY ixliei lonEvta on Wrlghl stendv ll.tl machines: 18 point work Hiilenlo Fleeced Underwear Co., 21 1 .n . i low an! HOUSEKEEPER, gen . small fnmllv. good salnrv. ap i7 n. urona en u 30 HOUSEWORK Woman, (lennin or Hun garlan' prefwried good home and wages Thnnn Wyoming '-'(; INSTRUCTOR, ixperienceil allied one competent to Instruct Inexper ence.1 girls In ntiinir room worK Hhoi Maiiurninurors Hoard of Trade, 340 Llvlnssion st Ilrook- 13N OPERATOR, exiwe'enced on 1 nlou epielal douole-neeoio micniiii's. sieiui nuiii paj, pleco week work ELGIN WAIST CO. 10UJ rilhert st CFERATOfl, double nee lie, experienced 1111 Metropolitan or Union si eclat machine, we offer ateudy vvork and good paj ELOIN WAIST CO IDO.'l Ftlbert n. OPERATORS on bathing suits, experienced on Wheeler & Wilson sewing michlnes. steadv work: good nui. Hvglenlo Fleeced Underwear Co., 2413 N. livnid SHOES TOP STITCHERS WTI3D. UNUSUALLY STEADY EMPLOYMENT AND VERY ATTRACTIVE WEEKLY EARNINGS LAIRD. SCIIOIlElt A 1 O ""D AND MARKET STS 2D FLOOR shoes - VASinini wwrr-n unus ually STEADV EMPLOYMENT AND VERY ATTRACTIVE WEEKLY EARVn'GS. LAIRD. HCIIOUEU & CO 2I VI MAR KET SECOND FLOOR SHOES-HACK ArilAPPERsi U WTI.D UNUSUVLLY STEADY EMi'l ' "Y.MENT AND VURY AITR-M'TIVE WEEKLY EARNINGS LAIRD. SCHOHER A. t O 22D AND MARKET SECOND Fl OOR. aTENOGRAPHER and buukluepsr. nxp. Ap- ply Unlied Knlltlni Co 17th nnd in. sis STENOGRa'pHER experienced for ailvertTa Ing departinont of large Kensington con rem. mint havo high sihool education, apeed and accural v atel uao Pitman svsttm Reply stating iiuallflcatlons and salary desired. A 1 1', O Uox 34H4 HTENOGRAIIIER fm position with large mnnufaciuilng coo. ern located in Nice tow 11 statu agt. aaluiy desired and expert rnr P 111) Ledger llfflc STENOGRAPHER and 1 lerii'al work aleadv lerii'al emplojiiieni umi opiHii-uiiiiv in uuvnnia. must be good at fliiurca, experlencn not ab solutelv necnaanrv P 140'. Leilaer Office WOMAN, middle-aged, for housework , good home tan llvn in house. Apply 031 S. Pthat WOMAN eilucuted ti sell ato. k. w teach right partv eat 11 while learning refer inces ieciilre;l 1' 1433, ledger Olflee YOl'NO WOMEN. lKenn or o"verr to"act ns nuraea' nldss Mako personal application to Memorial lloepllal ojboroush Pa General aiRI.a. clerks, stenographers, Ti plats wanted st once by gov 1 good salary: easy hours: rapid advancement. Write (or Instruction rrtlcular. ) 1J i-eviger imiea, 1UIHINKSH 8EUVICF. CO., 1110 Land Tills, HTENOB, North, . ', a.vi r Beer. Cr, Jflxp, ISO. HELP WANTED FEMALE flenernl WILL YOU HELL US YOfR SPARE TIME' -Wo will train you to write show cnnls for us. there Is no cnnvasslng or soliciting, we suppiv ou with steady work, distance no object, will pay you from 111 to Jfto a week Wlls'm Methods. Department 5. 125 A yucen st Esst, Toronto. Canada Nt'RSES wanted; always In demand nt good pav, leam at home In spare time, entire tuition can be enrned In few wieks, vou esrn while you team; sneclsl offer, Including freo nuise's outfit. Write for full par ticulars, Chicago School of Nursing, 421 8. Ashlnnd boulevard, Department Q. Chi cago in, . . JIAK13 MONEY AT HOME You can earn from tl to 12 an hour In your spare time writing show cards; quickly and easily learned! no canvassing. Wrlto today for full psrtlcilnrs to American Show Card School. 230 Ryiie Ride. Toronto,. Ont., Csnadn .- HELP WANTED MALE ADVERTISING SOLICITOR nnd collfctoi r.m secure position at the Dally Plon.nr Offlc. Hr.iUefton. N. J. , IIUTLER and coolt (man nnd wife) wnnt.il In 11 homo In the suburbs, near Philadelphia, muil lei wllllrnr and capable, this Is a ap n did chsnee for ft couple vyho tnn npyreclnte a comfortable and cheerful position and se cure good wages; references neeessarv. Ad nress el .1117 ieuser i;ince CHIEF ENGINEER wanted for refrigerating mnrhlinrv .l.etrlr r.nil stesrn driven must i have had prnctlcnl esp.rlcncc of at lean ,1 vesrs in this line, give gonu ri-in-fm.-. Apply by letter nr In person to the General JIanner. Consolidated Ice Co I'lttslnirqh P.i, CFTTER custom tailoring wanted good position sleadv work sslnry and ad vniieemont. must be able to take charge of department. Apply Quality Shop . lleth lehem. Pa , CUTTERS, experienced on bathing suits nnd Jersevs, must bo nb,o to mnrk In t'atterns steady work, good ps Hygienic Flencd Fnd'rw.ai Co. 2413 N. Howard st. DRAITSMFN- "l.ctrlcal Iraftennn vinnted. detnllers. lUslgners nnd checkers 1 unnul.rt.. o of ship wort, nnd mnrino lequire- m.nt. n.pi,i.v. .lv. full ilelnlls as to train ing. esperlencn nnd salary ilc&tred. M 313 Ledger Office. . DYER vianttd. experienced, lor silk and cotlon. all-silk nnd sill, nnd wool article-, bv n large slllt manufacturing concern. Ad dress M 312. Ledger off Ire. HOSIERY FIXER FinST.f3I.ARH MAN ON SCOTT Si WILLIAMS FULL AUTOMATIC MACHINES GOOD POSITION FOR RIGHT MAN APPLY WALLACE-WILSON HOSIERY CO. I1HS WALN ST. FRANKFORD INSTRCCTOR Wanted, experienced Inslrut tor. onn competent to Instruct Inexp-rl rnced girls In tlttlnt-room work. Sho- Manufacturers' Hoard of Trade, 310 l.llns- atou st . Rrooklvn. N Y .MAN and wife while, butl'r nnd ooii, 1.. tnke entire chnrse nf small house In Hie suburbs. Apply, betwien (1 and 7 p. r 2113 H 22d st MAX while har.dv, that on furniture and etc can do repairing 1SHI RIdiie ave Pntilar17S4. MAS' .mil wife, as cook and houseman goid position whh amnll fnmllv In Oak Lane wiIIm suiting city rtfs. nnd wnces d sirl Address care of Dnu Store Sin nd OnV .ane PRINTER All-around, thoroughly capable conservative man. union shop, must b" free lo leave city; transportation paid; good sal arv apccltv qualifications In detail Includ ing sg. M 321. ledger Office. PRROFREADER. first class jnlnn iniin wanted on morning dallv new4poper Apptv tndav nftei 5 P M at Will Chestnut st fifth floor SALESMAN It' vou are an experienced da..1.. .......... .. .. V.k. n .. nr.nn.lllnn n-Tiinij r. m.iiin 1. 1." int. . ,. ,,- . thai w'lll Interest vou; It's new. essv to sell. a safe profitable Investment hacl.ed up ' lis. Phllndelt.hla business men. hmkere and i public officials. Apply dally, n to 12. llroad- bent Apartment Co . 200 S.17.st.: SALhTMAN. high grnde, for mechanical "pcclnltj, knov. ledge of insohln.rv helpful, flrst-clasi connection, furnish reference, age, minlej or Mnglc 022-20 Cheirv st SAIKHMK--We require th Ber-ilci of it few gnotK lle-'vtr salusmen. who pon-fsr, cnour.h .nltlatUe to detonnln"dlv nnd fon-o fu!i present H tlnnnclHl banUtmr propon.tlnn in i truthful mnnrer wt offwr Ihtb roni penaatlon, p-rmnnent popltlon unii unllrnttiMi futur for thort who , u all fy rjuHrftnlc Flni.nr-. Tnut llanlc HMc, Hit rh-itnut nt AI.K8MRN-We wi.nl mn h. nr ajr- KreHitvo rttifl nmnuioui to nana, a a moat nttrftctno nnti u.vrrsirioti i nn or inirlt -t xp-r,pn(r nnt psspnttml, o-upMnf- with iilrtliln(r nnrt leads rl- nr call l0 HtOf'K r.xi nnny j.uw . .ir rioiin SHOES VAMPERS WANTED UNUS1 ALLY .-.TEADY EMPLOYMENT AND VERY ATTRACTVE WEEKLY EARNING1 lrill' iSCHUUER .- CO . S2D. ND MARKET STS.. SECOND FLOOR. SHOES - TOP STITCHERS WNTED. I'M -I M.I.Y STEADY FMPI.flV.MENT AND VERY ATTRACTIVE 'EEKL EARNING" LAIRD. SCHOHER CO., 22D AND MARKET STS.. SECOND FIXJOR SHOES -RACK STRAPPERS WA.NTF'.P UNUSUALLY SrUADV EMPL.OYMEM' IND VERY ATTRAO l li WEEKLY EARNINGS LAIRD SCHOHER CO 22D AND MARKET STS . SECOND Ulnult TILE .-ETTER ARCH ST YOU'lll 17" ur WANTED APPLY 1 10.1 I IS jeais old mat ,ipp, ,r i commerciil ciedlt lnie- a roe to ttcating ci. ai'arv $00 month. Cill on v 12 to 1 o'clock Friday. Room 1302. vAiImim llldg Phlladelplila General AUTOMOlTl LI?" MErn ANIUS oro a.w a s In demand, enroll now with the largest ' liesl-equlpped iiutomobllo nnd tractor school in tho E.isi Writ", phone or call for fi.e catalogue. p.-tz Automotlva School 8 to 111 N 20th ft . Phllndelphfi. Pa. RUS1NESS SERVICE CO., 11 II Land Tile CREDIT ''ul'.RES Mfg concern. U.'.liO INSURANCE UNDERWRITER Reclpio.1 ituto Ins I'D la terrltorv SALES MOR 'General) large mfg con en SALES Yi unit men auto Ins s,i ,v i ni STENQ L.i ffi pe.per Incxp si.l.jtii WE TEACil'YOU TO DIUVE AND REPAIR M'TOMOIIILES 12.1 FOR FULL COMPLETE COURSE 121 DAY NIGIir .'LAhbES (Open Sundavs I BATTLER S 1001 tlJMngrLirdenat CIVIL SERVICE exanrinations Aprlf and Mnv. mans' vi'inrlea, aalarv 11400-lRnn wrlto for samp'e test P HOR Leager Olfli'e SITUATIONSWANTED FEMALE litiOKKKiJi-BII ...noTri-phe-r-hurh-Mh.!... eraduate of aev.nl vears' nxp secreiaru vvork handle r,r-esponilen.e desires posit, n with well-t firm A 221 Led ot SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE Al) WRITER I'i" phla adveitisei . an ad writer uf I nee to get cp se illustrated bool, t 111 A month a Philad i an secure the eervma nf lik an I .llicosaful ( xtieil ,l h lettera mailing cards lion" a, cam n-u, a poster cr Lirus neivrpaper. nfix.ir.ni, and trade j. urt al adi nnd thua adv.rlla'iiT . mat'er that I'l'l L- ' all G.rmantowti 2121m W nn,l ak foi M Feirb, CIlAUFFEl'R '." "I- hanic. refa . desires poa prl. fum married .203 i.e, off CORRESIiNDl-3.N I' desires pos. with future dependent on aim iv exp. in credit wink' and special human 'litereft letters nge 21 i v rs . good ciliett'.iti ex-s.-rv ce man .Mh Dlv mod -.aliiri o slart excel ref. un. deratands pereorn. lnor . -'22 Leclgei off i KEi UTIVE ' I Technical gni hub ni.rietic' and amtn' i us i wllh 13 wais etjilenco In engineering production and sales, desires leapuiisliie connection wuh i 1'io.resaive concern ni as a tiutiui.iitui i s lepieseiitiitive in llaib'lj!!ii A -'" l-JC"li'e i HAI.ES-irAN V K'ol salesman 'nn,a poai. I Hon with reputable house either ainuchi ' selling ui aaaimml lo intnnger or Mit, , he has a line record he will not .poll it with .inv aihuiii" .'.'I. Ledger Office . , bTE.NOilRAPHER -Male. 2.1 eaia of "use li ears expe-l. nee vvili work pin llioe evenlnga. siurd.iv afernonna. H ,iav huu ,1m. If necvaaar ' hnri,its modera'e no. iiuell"nat'J!f rem es II 2.14 LedgerjUffii . 'IRAKI I'" MA.N.liil.li esei-uiive. '.'II lean' cxiKilenei' 'aliro.il tri lie and truuapoita tloii IndustrUl irafnv mnuagemeni and atiginshll. buslne-a also expoi t ailea Onanie and enchain." ileatrea tuw associa lion wllh large well eatabllahed Industrial lompani highest rcfi-iin.es torreapondsn e confidential M 221 ledgei Office MAN an. I wife mloiet desire iH",irteiie. wllh fainllv w if. as cook man as bai'ei and houaeman mil fui let S2d and Suf folk nv W PhHa EMPLpYMENTAGENCIEP LAIN S Ml S Huh at Wauled coup., s rooks c-hainbeimaids childnuiaea ref ertuic MRS HARNEY 19H) RiilenliuuaM Suuure reliable help supplied, wanted every ca pacltv SEWING MACHINES 130, NEW dropheadl 7Bo ..iuh.r. Singer and ( vveeklyi no.i 143 elsewhere, eingor aim piorra, i to AlDJ fully rusrantesd. 130 N, loth st ' a BPSINESS OPPORTUNITIES miiraiiiifiM Alcohol Distillery Plant for Sale Trustees In Ratikruptcv must sell promptlv to highest bidder a fullv "1'iipped isimmerrlsl nliohol tilsni capacity forty tmrrels ter dsy. Ad laniacrouslv located In Philadelphia 'I he plant Is In perfect condition and now in operation. For further par tiv'ilnrs apply to -J 1 Trustees in Bankruptcy Room 702, Flanders Ituildlng 1 11IJ1PIIONE SPRl'CE 0787 SECURING BUSINESS CAPITAL QUICKLY Forc'fui h.ch-powered convincing ttcai 1,1 Moii ihroiiKli right chnnnels. based on oru Innl Intelligent sales plans will get divel pnmeni or working capital In nnv amount In record time, nnd at minimum cost w specialise on every phase of financial writ ing and dlrect-by-inall selling Tweli. years' successful experience Advertising service c Parkway Dldg llroad and t hrry sts Telephone Spruce Ifi'JO IH'sinesh MAN. wllh broad and thorough experience in buying, selling nnd .rganis ing i nnts to connect wllh mnnuf n "iter who ee ds trained executive to sell produ" nnd neln managn business, excepiionsl optKH tunl'v tu get hold of an agroinbl- and taro Mo man who can make himself a live hnhi and in main ways prove a valuable adjunct In promoting and expanding tho business. Proposition must be good an 1 sound to at V"."-' attention, investment if nteessati. A 122 Ledger Off'co LSTWiusilKD FINAVCHI, IIRiiKEn t.h suki (ui iv Ynrk-I'hllnd.ipliin re, rd arsir s nsocinte with $20 Dun an spfrml ""' ml 'i- h.ilf interest n afe sound rtig nlflei t-.;-onlon whlcb nssures quick nrtlon ''', !- 1 irge prints ror many years X'm ,-,lmiiri opportunity searching Invesii '.ntn.i io t"d highest lefiTwices furnished lll I, dier offce. RKCi.lERS SALE of Aulomobl.e llod rdciory and Premises Public ssin Sat nrdav April 30 st 11 A M, Willlamstown . J person. Interested ran se premises bv calling on V. T. Porch receiver Pitman " ' i s. 11. Rncketl. attorney. 4'JS .Mar ket si Camden, N. J. NEAR NORTH PHILA STATION. 271 fl front. IB. .100 sq. ft., suit business needing rest posaiiuo light (northeast), best freight j I espr.ss postal, train service, north nnd I I sr.utli nnd irosstown trolleva pass front ( I MAIIIIAIN KI1T t- I1ATCIIELER 1114 W i.ri.iive Tioga 4110 iWAS"rF3! Mnnufecturers' agency emp'.ov. I in salesinm calling utKn automobile own 1 era f r an established article known by the lnreet automobile manutscturers ihroufh 1' it the wo-.l hlgnest standard of merit, big 1 1 e-rand Adlresl Manilf icturer. Drawer '!'!' ailo-i Cleveland O. PARTNER f.,r gooil commercial proposition, urge profit nrust be voung atal able to di trnvoUng. good proposition, with Income nnd future must hnve not leas thnn 12000 cash, evreptionai chance for right man. personal Interview otili . not agent. Write P 1103 Lodrfej- Offlc .N TED -ExecuTlve of proven alilliTVto In icst 100ij fj 110 000. with services in rranur.ii turo nnd sales of high-grade stap P'iiiIui-i one fnmlllnr with building sne li' I es iii.f.rred. no brokers. I' 1400. ld Oft KINGS G11 tge nnd Stornge. good-pnvlng Prop..l-ion established. Full Information fromjsIR rctli nve . Atlnntlc Citv AV EXCEPTION L garage business, well esiabilshi.l, good proposition fcr the r aht m.n lewis a Taulane. inn Walnut at FOR SALE DESKS OUR SPECIALTY Keel 0 ing cabinets sectional bookcases, tno'.es chairs etc in any quantity. Get our pr rs NATIONAL FURNITURE CO. 909 WALNUT STREET tlOTH PHONF3 TYPEWRITERS Ah i Hi Hptiji r3irf un n our tstnck bfnrn b.i li R .. (Jij ' t inl nnt I t'r Kuarm.w, iiit nbfiut 12( more tiinn p.j,'where. wrltj fr . all n nnri i";, t'MKfrjM'T ST T WALNUT :ST BUNDY TYPEWRITER CO. OFFICE FURNITURE 100 fla top nnd sieno,. npher deblcs with chairs lo malch: llrge minlter uf roll-t ,o ind bookkeeping disi.s 2011 fee- ntfi. e partition tiling de vices directors tlt.es etc- fine condition nnd reus, nable prl .j. HI fill EH 1ITH AND HCTT'i'.'WiJOP ! DINING SUITE, in peces. German mahoc am Adnm pel c, I .fiod na new 112.1; lied. t.un s'l (e. Am-rlr.in walnut how end bed , ehllforobe bureau nnltv dressing table c-ba r tench Simmons laix spring and f.'i linr"re. jmi lik- ni 1275. Apt 1. (17.7 N Hrn.nl at OFFICE FURNITURE ' Lar Int nf .leaks safes, niea rablnats sod 1 grctral cfflco furniture store fixtures, We buv. sell ancl exchange. i 1 PATTEN I" RNITURE CO.. I.O"I'ST 41170. 1127 ARCH ST RACE 200U DESK BARGAINS i b i iiurs ' i '. s f mg c iblPi-te, n in 1 slighl'i used oftli tat ' i tt'l.lsH A CO 1017 Race al, PENNA." iTOffl" "D'ESKJ OFFICE n'oionV-'foLD CHAIRS Furin'ui" ' "'I. Walnut Walnut lj:) " ' OFFICE FURNITURE. ' far.. ' r'tnent of a betlee grade ?' ' -. .i'lwim V A-s-n r.V.''J'. ?J fp dm CALLOW HILL ST. FILDEHT 4H8 i FOR s vi.E -P'ano (square), Mev.er mtke. In g. oil I'mlti' red plush parlor suite. p.r ' lookl -lu.s wl'li gold frame walnut be I ' IOi tn I inn buatn for ciulcu aale. Address 1 Iser Office SAFES SAFES .ins .w ,r.l secondhand safes all sites, ct-ll or tui. H iwSc'lleCo 0R A ri h tt i HE vl rid . . . irical ttxnjrer ln"rlrai C I IRS I "U7 Mm UOYAl. 1 i 1 I sen a' stcrlflce PI 1C ii No ll) nearlv new J7 .ihn lul7Arh st 2d flooi 1 VI!- Ph. t nu! cutters sic oargalnj ITt t r HupPiy 14 S Sth at. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PIAVfi Rl YFRS' 0PP0RTI !'ITV vV,., ,, , V, N 7s I , oo ' ' ' 1'"I"M ' ' ' XN'S . "ri 130 lln 31 Hvll '.llvM' PI Ni P -,VJ "P I).. I'l.V V ER 1' . ' hi E LI 'illl-.-h 'N N v,i$220 up I I VYF.R I'I 1RIMKNTS arc Mi.SDI.R- Pl I. V VI I F ,ir I Ml II I I' l SKBN 'u I 1 PnFi IA I El' ' ALL u SEND foi i I 1 'HOWARD VINCENT c ,,, , , s-i.cm, S4I Slit N l rn cm- r VI 'i u ""I "i'tFri eiga i)"" 1 88-Notc Angelus Player Pi.ino Sliulu ' mu.'c Jul i h s ai f an I J. so .' 1 new This i "HOWARD VINCENT . , ,1. snstj SJI-Stll N il I CiuckonngV" ttn. I'MI coat .ill'. Open Mon I K HOWARD VINCENT c-il lMIVi:MI Mil N I. ill M l.i el.l i I RIG" n i ii I Ci it i' . N 1 1 1'IANi. $H5-r. VHP HOWARD VINCENT en s .4i' sU ill slit N OTII l lTl RD1.-V 1' ss i h II ll) llKh clnuble-Iace.j rei-oiua 13" lo the outtli r.u one lookinc foi a toi J li" bine a' a small cost J f.. ,td LI'") A' b s lil."3 I'hestnut si open M,n l'n and .slevg. PIANO S71 cash 1'3 oie. dollar week for maaiiificent IJH) piano le'n uaed decided tnraaln H 1' I "I I 1300 Arch n open Mondii I'1 ''is ana Saturday evenlnga. J300 mom 4 ' aik s ni ta plaver'piano iwau' ! u-e.l a short while . vt 7nu lerma i an be iri.mged guaranteed II To.b I l.l"'l A"h Open. Mo Frl S.i I Pi,. n'TRi'LA VI n .ae I in t-aiil..ul i usole a'dne" ll'U ."is like n s.'lll ls, , i Sine l.r u t-si u i 1'iesair 17)0 Cheajnut fpiilcuMII p'i "'" dni.nnr",itiir ir dm i.l 'ioi lis;, i,l2, a 'rial ' bargain nv lorn s Pr-ssei 17 I'I Clitiiibtl I vRGT. Hi ina vi'1. lb iiis.iaiih Hand onli ns .leni'Psir l"r 'I'" '' 'lUBaln c,iin i, suit !'rer wj" EDISON phon oi iPh healntil st c at 1 13.1, now Mil i'lUI'Pll wiui i easj ti I" Pris.T ir return auacllinenl 17H i 1 catnut at VICTROI A alle M u-i i guar reduce I ui sl estiai.is I' 'a-ei 1111 Chealnui ALI.'niakea phi nosrahs relalreiriiy fai-torV expert Solotone Phon i o 1727 Chestnut ilRUNbW II v plumogrsnn ilk. new r,(., vn eaav terms l'reaser 1710 Chestnut at. liANO beautiful new upright lr asl at c.sscrinos. i.ta s cum si. i Peaunfill -oriel HHdl'e maie 1 vats long nil I'K Fullun. ton lUlo.l3.fout lack ; r.er hns left It with us In dlaoc... of, .'...."... i.'.l ..".'... . ."' .'"" l.ol u.Kid tires excel mechanical coml 1400 ha inc. easv terms nnvn. ctn-esrl .. thnrouil bred. Vlre atan.l.rd n.wl'v shod ' .''. . t,'"' Vh .quired, p W Doollttie L'A'i-.0.''. Wa '"J?. ' BROAD. OPEN I found, reason for eel.inc- l.mln. cm nr.r.. ' "!" inr I'opwr hiiw "-'"" s-m-i.Ai.mmi leasonable i.'aasldv s Stable 1227 N Jilih st ' Tlll'i'h Ford I ton lOJii. covere.,, express USED AUTOMOBILES There is no sinirlf qualitv in ttiotonnr; more valuable than th'n tiuulity for which the CADILLAC; is most noted the quality o traveling iniJeflnitely without givinE a particle of trouble. In a CADILLAC, thoroughly overhauled, repainted, equipped " with new cord tires and backed bv our 00-day guarantee, you will obtain comfort, power and flexibility, alrfo the assurance that; you, can take the hills on hirh. Any member of ypur family can safely , ilrive a CADILLAC In addition lo CADILLACS, that have been tiaded in for new condition: 1020 Studobaker Roadster 1920 Chandler Limousine l!t0 Bulck. Touring 1020 Chandler Sedan 1!)19 Willys Knight Touring Mlia LcxitiRton Touring J 918 Chandlei Coaster NEEL-CADILLAC CO. 142 North Broad Street MARTIN-ALEXANDER AUTOMOBILE PAINTING If vour rnr Is ahabbv we can iiulckljr rnsKo it ,1... n.sf The Mirtin AI xntider baking process ' refinistiing automobiles !s beauty of nnish and lone llfo considered the most economical ond best. It will move an hour well spent to tna- eei UP work hre. MARTIN-ALEXANDER CO. AL'TOVOFiu.n REFINISHERS . 120 121-130 Heed st. nrvmsm ;:'Qi j,n )?(, OLDSMOIULE 1018 in excellent condition. Bun 1 tires. W sacrlOce no reasonable nrrfused 214S CECIL ST OLDSMOIULE s.'iinn slightly used, A-l con. dltlon wire wheels 5 new cord tires.. ,1-,0"B1"B",rr,nL 2101 Walnut st Overlands, Maxwells, "Chevrolcts, Ford. Dodges, Rcos and many other la" ''..i n mo-rous t mention i er- 1114 Misiiii ei M 1, hnnlcallv .erfcl vn our (In ..r. rn i,ncl uiii l.itge f tee of s-iksmen w, 1 sh' ou ar.il s plain vou sll unil r Xo Obligations to Buy On. n Sun Olli-JI-.'S N. llroad Pop 7S21 STANLEY AUT0MQB1LE CO. OVKKLAND tuurlnu 11)11 runs perf new i.iiiher top and curtains. SIT d mr,natrnto 34u Li painted tnarc Pa . 40151 A condition. PACKARD', Imoualnc. In Rood 301 Open Kundn .J'u ., Mill IAD PAIGE top 7s. 0 STANLEY Al 11. v.. l.oirl inoli I . tnofl Ik. ..,. ni') N Proa 1 si Pop -iAx"i':i'Ttr',V ' n C,-,1, ROAM'ER 101 i I passengers overhauled rep,. new ni tires t irgsln. Motor Co.- i ouer-Licsinger 2.1)7 CHESTNUT ST SIMPIJX limousine Hreweler body clnndv ahnpe OPEN SUNDAY 010 RRO II. (STANLEY AUTO CO STORAGE BATTERIES W- nlulld vou' baiterv- for 110 1- c sn"-!.rH'"'",'"llv '-n -"" ' '' CTI T7 lieu, ii ver ela'sss OIU !,,,,,, N )r,j,i , jop Open -ui. lev S.TANI.EY AUTO CO guar 'h si KU-ir 7 S2H 'IRUClv Oldsmobli- 4 ton n months' old coier.il eriress bodv extra t're nnd rim n I'ny truck like new, price t t ncat-h tn ta'f 12IH1 rash required, balance small pav ni.nls u. v poouitle nil N llroid ores bids gno'l condltior.. pieumatli tire, J.'isi uuired balance small rnonthlv paj 'J- VL- UoulittJ. 04 IN. llroad at rash inenis TRUCKS Uaed Mm ks Pteri ...vrrowa Pack ar.ts front 1 ' na w Ith o- w thout li.idle. Hlhi, UUmp I .Mm a International I Chestnut si I'hon true i.a. term pivmenr Motor True iVrp 2.1uu I.o.-usf .1.1 I.I "iick, 13-0 casn new tires new pu'rn I sacrifice mum .xiios 420d Main st . " la" 'iv un k Man a in,. IssS ' ItUICK roalstT J 41 ri x tnr 4 rew cord 'ires 112.10 JI Fisher Haddonfleld N. J HI I'-ls toon ltt tmrgaln at loon S'ewaii ,1." h and Walnut utomobile C' BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT If o i wnnt to I roi v'i red that w ari still pHMtir - o mor- iui'i . hrii for dinmoadf (alfij pawn tlr.-n b tjuhtJ rati at KELLY & CO. ID FLOOn iPRivaTi; OFFICE! , 03Jr,Ul:STCT err. S PHO wlr. -ail lI'RKNill VMERICA.s' coi.i.FOL' INC . 122? Ma..' IratiucMons glien In manl- I rurins hiird asing nierlian end Fi-nch Mai- 1 vn n.- dr, and wet shampooing illll'ng anl alng-lrg sca'p trealmenlj tai-iil nua-age .1 itrcii Hrd v.brito'y i tceatment- vio'et ray treatments evebrovr nrchmg- ', Idi E H'jsi ,, es.dert 3dra E In' "lstiiictess a' 7301 Cull or DIAMONDS BOUGHl" Hlshes- pr . pn' i. -a io incsrita note 11.100. od SO'Q riJiiiiiin nru I v.- nought The DiarnondShop ,IV J:. VaVke, V1U1T our ' el-.' R- uui v Par chl- I ip iclv fs- '' n anicuiing h i i iv hiiesi r-. t hi 'Is I' l ri t s' sec r no i i p tr.-atrient i arches i,i inf Av sun 1102 Fl' DIAMONDS BOUGHT TIAHRY n' SMITH T 7 XNmom qT vr 'an HORROU n. n i li ini in Is Rti Di'll s 1.'. vi I'.M'NAl.lTY EM'FRT wi w nut io e c n i EI hcmi.-AI. treatment, a.,,, an rurn, -'-''--k'r'.i-V--1--11 " ELl'.CTRIi'sl. TREATMENTS uiv.mi' ul iur, .Sl7t,t Hours 11 tn a pi i'iTI'.ii' treatment and manlcn- M Hanso-l .. Wllron 103 Heed R.g.ril L c 3901 STORAGE AND MOVING . l VIU IM1ED is;.- CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSES 20th St. ab. Chestnut MOVING STORAGE PACKING i Ht II V'I VI VI i in "Ml- -1 I. " RUGS AND CARPETS CI .. NKI--- rt.i i-1 ii i m I i D i. i i !' llt.D luiiu c.M Mi 'Mil I Itl't I si VLI I-HED ISsi, THE EXCHANGE STORAGE CO II s '1 I'lllINK I'I V VI .1 P vll I t L ' M- I " 'V LNc, HilCT.3 i VI I ND INSI'U I p VICTORY STORAGE (120(1 f ir . VI ArsciN ills III. Mlanili Ul I ell Phi I" tl it I'm s PI matt 4 070 low i ana i nge A Lvpr, aa ttv oil" II' tin i 'ce.ir c'i Wi 4c I ii,.. il inn io sj v-aia M is wego . el WALLACE i i w here l'n ". H tl 10 irjn 2 n jnrii 17 CHURCH LANr t,tn W NT PARI I.OVD TO 1LAN11C i:iTy THE JOHN RHOADS Co Storage paiklng mcvlng carpel c.eantnr. 4137 3LAVCASTIt 'K ...WEST PHILA iTONARcTrVTOItcclE " 1S70 LsNCaV. TFR iVE si TO sLRV CE srortAOE p AC K I NG LONG DISTANCE MOVINO. ROOFING ' ROOFING SPOUTING HEATERS AND RANGES RLVSON Mil I. PRICKS phNTLIND i " I-OI N I H II IMP LA P. ll"7 .1 ST STAMPS AND COINS ARUl T STAMPS III Y nil KM, I PHU.V STAMJ I O 22 rf IWll T rAINTING PArERnANGINQ FOR UtKin, reasonable Isterhaiil'jg and palming. BllJ.oatal to 3311 Uclgrads all bstlatauiou u' -lusu. I USED AUTOMOBILES A Dependable Automobile we have the followinp tihcd car? CADILLACS, all in exceptional 1918 Chandler' Sedan 1917 Hiijlsou Touring ' 1917 Pieiee Arrow Touring - 1910 Packard Touring 1910 Buick Touring ' ' 1916 Paige Touring 1912 Peerless Touring Late Model Hudson Cahno'Jet Spruce 2-10 j FOR-YOUR REPAIRS Nt Job Tno i.arRO No Job Too Smmi. Tleimura la trainen wejdlnc all.klnds part. foaiff for tnotnr Kir trnm9 nxlt ractjii'ori nnl f-t.or linir-anrt K built, PAINTING Quick and Efficient Service AMI.lt' A.N OARAGE MACHINE SHOP 1411 Loeiist st I!lnn' Race 2111 ejrjru. 113 l'"UlTe- PAKTS "ART H 'cr a I rpasi-s of luton'obllos ancl trucks 3S bides Mi tops alW 10 trUi'- hotllcs as goo.1 as n v ,0 batteries and 5C0 Urea end tube. -.if a'l males and a re rfsim hepe-aid ssve 11 ni lll-.l.l Mll.l, AI.-.CJ PART CO 1443 I'her.i si Illa .lj Hpruce 3132 Opn Hun NEW Stephens h'nlient fix automobiles, a- liisienser l-papaenger and, 7-Posasnjisr mode's factorv, price 12400: special sals p.ce 20", ciecounl. Wire or writ. IV P. A.1 11 n son 1' r Box 104 Petersburg. Va i.t'IJlTRN I'l.o "touring .Ike new, run Spot) tl s Fte-mrt Aiitn-i'n , f.Wh anci IValnul BUICKS BUICKS BUICKS 1110-20-21 gtfarSnteed In wonderful enn i ill' on OPEN rU'NDAY. 110 N I1ROAD ST l.l V ACTS 1 m Dl IirfC 100 10-18 nil rebuilt and guar -'W n nlnnrl llLrt nn ns low ns 1300 own balance icrm.s ROYAL MOTOnCAR, 01" N' llttOAIl. OPEN SIlNflAT l'Opr.AR OOlil r Ar I Arc SO 67 55 and 63 models vjrtUILLAv,;. .. ., J. eiup'.s lowest prices in tho city year to oil- uconi aioiori-nr o inc oi-a-j. . " -" Poplar OO.Iil CHANDLER "?'u?nVA bars and II in as low as s-,qo down, balnr.ce In 1 v ' R'irl. SI'TollcMl I'll. LNC 1." PR'JAl) OPEN Sl'NIUT POPLAR C03n . . ''' ' l-i iri,i outi- iH13VHOLI3T touring r.00 Stewart Auto tine core a bargain ' o . ft.1t li ft Wslnot 1021 DODGE nnoa. motorcars, touring. roadsters 4 sedan. Immediate delivery: sear to psv. Authorised Dodge Agency, Man- svunk 1SSS. 4200 M,n ,;. Ellen Motor Co. DUUUI, tourlne car. 1017. cnrA n.ht. o... tn perfect condition 13.10 .42C(1 Main st Mannvunk. Manayunk lfi8 ESSEX I1R0AD FORD" 1020 roadster: Ilk. nev Sednn car iturAi. MOTOHCAR CO. 1112 N OPEN (SUNDAY POP. R0.1IT Touring' MOB. Ojfen Sunday. STANLEY AUTOMOniLE CO.. 'HO V RROAD ST H)KI) nw touring car 11)1.1 perfect condition. tires 1 extrn will aarrtflce HBO. h'any extras open Sunda. 2ttn juir, ... ..lannvunk Manaunk lass. hi in;nNf sold with a guarantee nerectlie parts will aa. rlflce MOTORCAR CO . 012-22 N DRUAD s'I'VOAl POPLAR (1030 against RITAL OPEN .cl.Ntl ,s- speedster, car In beautiful con dition, wire wheels, aport rhodel will e. i idee, time paimants Is desired. 214 S cec'l st West Philadelphia NOMA ii'.u prvttleet car One n Snnil.v nin v- twn. nROAD " r poi- 7H2II STANLEY AFTO C.U. An. land touring. 4 cm tec enuln niw Diem nd tin's overhauled Bnod aerv " lemotiHraio anywhere 1371 .1408 I .. " Pari, 4f09 A . " ' MACHINERY AND TOOLS is gns-llns and" oil engines, C'npltal X , -risrin. ihef-Pest power on earth. 10 14 i 11 1 . -H 1. pumplcir engine r,o "inc. nu coruwo-a saw frames lis Jdoo. 10-20. 1775 li i.7e ,,i . .. r -- It Dlsiur i Ilr-i . 110U Wrights Pi LA l.i. E sTiX'K rebuilt and gjarnnteed "e'n- ,.... f-- ,,., . iminr-iors. neater. - ai h n ' tcots, sen 1 ft compieti cataloirua if slrt'l 11FRM1.N I WINTERER ;is ri .'i i mm e iuiaeipnls Pjla ra. II II.UI.M. .'Mir.llIl-.-ll le I l..,.. " ' "'. ..w ,. I ni.r. PP i,,n ui h boota. Northern Metal Co.. -"-." EI.I'CIKI si AL M ITOUS .lACHI.NI3TOOI H -.. ... .... j,. i 0 RRIEN MACHINERY Cf lln y r,T) ST MOVITIR S.M-ft heater let of p- inV rall.ura Y.irs,e (, '.v.. 224 U. Mat MODERN in.' tune anop amall nr lane e lere. m do mlllii righting 2VNpent 1 l F.CTHIC m nu ra inn. gencrstoc- u, Trfim II P f A.lama ilo.s ljth ' CARPET CLEANTNO oitiKNT vi. i.u,n ind c mi An (TV ncounnr a v'-h our n nt modern tp nut v a cr fur voui rpe'sR. pinni Is etlCe i'. ,r,. rrAd, icmneev ,ji,i r,Pj mil 143 cr v rll H 'VIC.' I a I. M Nae,nmn j iq - I c-c'o ' ..3"! f I air1, "1 a.e JROOMS FOR RENT -i)"-. GRDi:. 37.1.. r jn f". m. fUrn nningv iiir IUh'hkj.g luring 1 4S0 IV iWXI.NUT ST "lOiri-ComforlarieTooni nea - tath gentleme i L conv liarin- 1723 w .ui" ''HES'I NUP--2 attra-tive ?irr7riTofn.s a ll'vM in .oret.agrounds. board on 'cm Lino Handsome, y fum Jd floor ins .- cotiimunlcailng. eieuric wllh or ' ".' gjlagi"luMillee l"npiar 10'7 'ril N 1.10 H f)"T E l,""l:URir-Beii. "ire rj.ims apotlesi cl.sn elc h w ' 'n'v i weeklv rales. onv. to stations, -staceom fortraveljnpeople Spruce 1051 ' I sr ifini i'w '. f .urlh lo r 'oiTnts K c i. n auile furnished i" unfnr Mil si fan isa; rhini-n . e'ec - i I Liu from jnnlng ' i Diani r d u a ss .1 I3D N 1113 Ore aige room, furnlahedor .r.'rr.slisd,Jl flour ii' si s, us rir i-itorv iron' ' businst n,M rfl ,,(j nftj room. irnt t 1217 Tw, "light housekeeping, i e in furnished r 'om ,Ms"l st .1 4 Lu a t . sim.il ro m w, .Hani l.H.1.1 IV -. nic li furniahpl, .end - jd .sr" a n mi v I'.ls I. )') in .1 Ir-onf 'I I I HANDSOSH.LY furnlsiifd i n ma In lars. modern private home electric lights. 10 "' i'.i.to.tvllan Phon. Hiring 4ia. V.TTRAI.T1VE turn aiua aum. Iiotiaakpg." Sherwo.d Ait Agent v 1 3,11 Walnut ai 111 LRtisV. PARK- Moo singl n'ulit., lrnln st. home cooking llelruse I.I.Ih IV 4.1 1 H 120 s Alt r .oni .rrllntahed pn i u tl me semlprtv il. bath electric UIlOAH n" I1U2I-" .Nlfoly" fui'nfaheT roortu singl nt tn ault. Illoderrt Tlfga 71174, IIWPRF.I !sT N 3244 tci.rnei , UnTtirii .'.1 rtoi, 3 i ma e of bath aa. ana .. 1J0 Oisnei ii Hit.) R E Tiuai Illdg ' UROAD S I'l.MJ 'The CsrrollT-'Xargii nTlioVi I douule anil sliulq rooma Walnut 7232 tllESl'.NU'l." "2001) dlni riai7ui room ' CI1LST.N1 T 20.10- Room with i-rlvate I beautiful auite ulao atngie rooms batfil 1 'H'"TI 1 s, Vi". -Two ncit "olea n rooms. , M..I WVdl mil '-.e.lil V ' "u,t .'I i Kv,r" Ti. s 'man - I'niu'rnlsfJM ..'IH3NW vv avi. r.ite--i'Urn(,;7jl;-I s.iiil... f.i 2 g-ntltnieri slcctrle, iirlvat. ' it it- v. m'esie, ! RlTIK.NHOfSB SQ V 21-irFrTTrlirTt.' loom for gentletiion ref Bpruca laii " t" fltl c-E HT llllll r nmi anO sultsa 1J3 Extremaly iiss, hand, furn t prl: haih.' SPRUCE .r . mi llrc'a rc-snt r,iiL "..t pen also alnsl. rooms. ' ,iwin titstrs ,,.. ....... ' '.-vr- ,..,., umr-oiu qneeriui, sufnil raej-i sty., light nujskr.i rsa.ijjijy-;g5; I WP.ST I'llIf.inie.I.I'iasat np- lA , .' . I V SJtJ 'H s-a i, tXJs. i-f. :vii-. i l t. ,aaii'ii A