MEOTNg ''ptfkrJXT tEb(SEiMffiEti''lilir,'M(iNDAY, AMttti'iL 1921 V Si ( i MS WIFTS'ASHES' n Banker Is Dead Husband Cremates Body, as She Asked, but Delays Scattering to Winds HER SUICIDE EXPLAINED r if l.nnlM Shnttuck Th "'":'' ir,iin.1Mii1iln roflrtj Adm '"' ' utcl .nlflfln nt Ln Wllitll. """,,, ColUnrnln vie lit 'J"' T" r. .. ot Vnttr- 0(1 to 11.0 !'', ":."' .i,r hml rr-niteMr.l of lior tin? - 'bnni1.. -niin,.p. the jmiiiB "Mint- to "f;;ri. Wnllnrr Itli.v fll.Il.l.ildlilnti tl'HM .. ..aiiin - ii i ill 1 1 r-I 1 1 II I 11 1 1 ni .Imtii tl" "."."' .,".'. i ,.! .b."-;,1' ',,;:;;, -MinV,,,;: m. kin I II-"'" . . .i it ' '"".i... In ii n i n nr til" rnn h" l'0 M '";.... .. innr. nr until lIV VIM !ferwi'- cremated .w " ; . f ... )Ip .J.r'Vlint Mr Wnllnro nml other inetii " I the fnnillv. Includlnc Mrs. Wnl K'tMhliVn. l.n.! k-ft San DIoro t.,.(i'ii two nniii'j ...... Stnriln for the Lnst. WAlltloiinl Iteht lid - dm rmnutirr of tl iwn the roinniirr nlso fell tells of the in love with MAax, CAIN PARENTS BACKED BY FRATS Greek Loiter Societies Engage Counsel and Will Support Suspended Youths LEGAL RIGHTS ARE INVOLVED 4& BILJlr 1 LEAVE PHILA. iosy Enough lo Take Them Apart, but They Vow It's Soma 10 GREET CARDINAL IMnco. CMtj Job to Put Thorn Together Again Mjx&LiAit4&.ii?s..xxeuxtutia HOWARD N. (SKAHAM Hunker nnd rliiliinan dies at ChrMnut IIHI IIoiiip been thrown ho I'lilliiuVlphiii .i i ....mitn .inittir innni' lilniY nin tllf iinmiiim- ...", r. ..... Wit"1" .. f ..Invnll Illil'IIW tvllll'Il by tllP UITOl-i. " ' l'VMIni'p natnl hit verses in n Htrnp . V"",,.i,ri Went Murine tiln nnvnl "'. "" ".",. ,i' .nr l liiin ho Wn vr "oi ;.. ..ior .i... .mo. I'A Sailor I.OR. m peroniu mm. manner '"". .,w ,,. ...i.i,,.. ,)f Mm .UIIIll" " , Vi... ..I .ilium .,., until iiftoi. Another. entttlel "To 'i. ,,.nV1,,',".s fohate been liwplwl V halluces Slwnlnit U.vp for the older womnn. It '""a iim I in jonilfr flr. A Hondtr flKiiro utmutlnB theie tvitti oftet ey ., th sofint hair Who ilirei the nnmen rexenglnit fire Wnllaeo n n lirotese of Mr. AiImiiih. ind Hte.1 for time In tlio IiIb Ailnins Some nt Nnvnhno nveiuio and Mermaid lane St. Martlii. llrr relatives diniprovnl of lier nnrrlaee lo Mr. Wnllnrn is .U to hate fiwl Mr-. Wnllnrr'f. sulrlde. She as much older thiin her sim- hus-tind HITS "POLITICAL BRAINS" California" Declares Business men Should Run Industries Hie imlilirnl brain vol; iopulnnl . Iliirefnn n mi. not properly iiinnilRo ur (l.n lo llier Male .-.eillliur nenrm- Cnr'Ki iclii i anioinir.. ihm i . anniMre--liefo'i the I'ri-liyt 'linn mill - MeralliH i 1 Willi1 Woimuj ineeuiij- in Willier-p lull .Mr. aiiwriKiii Hicke ur ' lioil's .n of fnnipensa tion ' , , , . Pi liriiui si'"U service. he 'inn anil lieriiue o dial it tin run lii'Iti-tr pioperl " The speaker said Hint vie'' I' a In 'be l.esi-dnturo lie Ma in fin or oi piiiuiiK noun me inin- tah-i nnd ii Kins M'si-taiion iiivoriiic lalni Inn sinio then his mens lime ihans''il TEXTILEJEN TO DINE Jarr$ A. Emery Will Discuss Laws Pending Thrdughout Nation JHibi r i.f Hie I'hiladelpliin Tevtilc JlinufniiiiM i Assiiplniiun iill nttend the Miniiiiitniiil d'nner of tlie nuiiintinn t. le lielil in tlio Mnnufaetiirers' Club inls I'leiiin f'liarlt's .1. Wobli, presi i 'n ni llu ii puliation, iiill preside and Ja.,i s Linen, of Washington, will in. u, t . lecislittive, adiiiiniMrative lud 'thin li mil lii-io- of the da . I nin ii.iKi ulio hnic been invited t .Tn .li V loiilnei. eliuirinan i I' uiii. nnd meiiiis I'jinmitto" of the lliiu.e ul 1!. i leseutiilivi i-; Colonel .tolm 1' Wen I i'iili nianiifaetiirer : lien era V Atterbui.l. vieo president ' in l'i iinsilinnia Itnilroad. ami Cliariv- ( n'vi.'ll piesideiit of tlie Corn l.v iiani Han. Deaths of a Day HOWARDS. GRAHAM Banker and Clubman Dies Suddenly In Chestnut HIM Home Tlownrd S. (Iinhiiin. Iinnker and broker, died earl.i yeslerday moraine in his home nt 'Jfl.'l West Chestnut nve mic. Chestnut Mill Death mine with out uni'iiine, ns Mr. liraliam was np p.yentl.i In tlio best of health. As senior member of the firm of (irahaui, 1'imons & Co , 111." Chest Inipoitant developments nie exported oilnj in the ease of the Camd'ti IIIrIi Sehool students Mi'iieniled lnt week froui all veluiol aetlvilies. sate study. I by their principal. Miss Clara Stoitnrl i Itnrroiish, beeauo of thelt membership I in (Jreek letter "frnts." The parents of the sis)ienin,l jouth. lho delivered an ultimatum to the l principal last Krldni demandine the I lostnrnlion of their sons lo their "full riehts ami prixlleces' in the sehool. ! hate not reeeiveii nliy .eplv to their let ter nnd plan a meetlns tniKlit to take iii'tion on the flintier. KinleniUles Kitp i,te Counsel A committee rcprescntine the nllied tireek letter ttaternltios of Philadel phia, incensed at the iemnks of the principal, terming nil fraternities "im moral and vlt'intiH," has retained eoun sel In tlio ease and expects tn join hands with the Cnnulon families at the conference. Mloomtield I .mint. IMtt fterlilev street. srcrellilM of the Temnb t'nlverit.v Alumni .'.ml n iiipiiiW of main "fiats," as cliaiiiiiMii of il minimi too. has ileninnded a reirnelion oi lier stateinenls from Miss ItiirroiiRli. The eiiinmitleo Iiih retained as louiisel llenrj I.. Selilmpf. .Ir . an alloinei in tlie Comuiouivcnltli 1'iust Itiiildine. and Kdiilii t!. Scoiel. of ( 'ninileii. a son ot f the pleas of lTrnnris Itoean. nn assistant road i foreman of etiRlnet) tor the ItondliiK Itnilu-ny, nnd .lolin Miller, iisslstnnt roundhouse foreman, said today thnt n inrlond of horse( eould he taken apart, but thnt putting them together again is Mimelhlng olfo. tloftnn dlseoverod thai one of twenty horses in n box enr in transit at the yards nt Second stmt mid l'rle nve lino Inst night li mi t fallen nnd was being trampled li the uimtien otlierf. Ho asked Miller to aid liliu in reselling the fallen horn1. The two men opened the car nnd led nineteen noises out. They then summoned a veterlnnr.t and the twentieth wns trented nnd put on Its feet. "Now we'll put I hem linck 1 lot-mi. He led the horses one Into tlie car. It took unite a while but the enr wni finally as crowded n.s the ontrniico to it movie house on Sat urday night. "There, thnt' done." aid Ilngnn. ' Hut It wnHii't. five horses wore, looking anxiously from him to tlio box enr. "You hnven't had experience nt this fort of thing," said .Miller. "I'll put those horses together again." So tlie fifteen horses were led out of the car once more mid Miller began his demonstrnllon. Miller won. lie got all twenty boiscs in the i nr. "Shall I close Ihe door'.'" aked liognn. Miller wns about to ny yes when he iIIm ovoroij thnt ho wns in the car, nnd Hint the hoises. in milling about, had made him n prisoner. Huslness of lending snternl of llie " said i horses out another time followed. They l)j one were flnall.i stowed nwn.i. nnd llognn nnd Miller decided thnt in tlie future thei would hew to their engines nnd roundhouses, e (he horses fall I hey inaj. Prelate Scheduled to Arrive Wednesday in New York Kernitn, Dr. Ifrnrrt t.a Solicitor Smyth, .lanies Joseph F Donovan, .li Inglier. M A Kllker of (llrnrdvllle .mini I'arren Thomas tl'Nelll, I) V Diiikiu .Ir Joseph I. Iluikiu. .lolm I' ttalliiglior. Thomas 1 Slntloiy. John J Siillltnti. John II. Comber, John l.onoignn nnd Chnrles I'. Dolinoll.t. Among Die clergymen who will leave this afternoon ate Monslgnor Jnines P. Siniiolt, II. J ril.mniii ice, Ciigiue Miiiphy. ,loseih I, J Kn lin. Hie ltd. Dr Joseph M. Corrigan. of I liirbrook eininiirj . the Hot Thomas J. Mi - l Nnlly, Catholic High Si liool . the Itci I I'miicis Dris.sill. piesiilent Vllhitiot'ii College: the Itcv. Dr. Joint E. Tlooil, P. Hoylan, (tliperinteniletit of Cntliollp jcliooi. nun hti A. (Jul-' the Hot F a. Wntl, director ut illocesnn cliiirltlcM. Longshore Street Homes Robbed Dining tlie absence of the families thieves entered the homos of (3cm ce W. (iebhiiidl. .'till. lAiiigshurc street, and Joseph W. Powell. .'11(1.'! Longshore street, last night, and stole jewelry ui.iicl at .'sl.'ll Knell house wax ran Milked from tup to bottom and every thing not desired hv the visitors tv'nn ciillered nbout the rooms I'ntrnnee to each place was gained through a tear window VAUCLAIN MAKES TRIPn i ...t... where ' niiuee As GIBBONEY'S BODY HERE nut street. .Mr. i-ralinm was wen ' the forinet proseeiiloi known in tlie tiiiam lal life oi tue cuy. Camden iiiunti. 'IT. ...l. I t .l. rt T ..- i in- inner ineinui'is oi me nun an- i.. , "Tn. sum hi I his ease s over constitutional and legal rights." H. PaisoMs, II. P. Vnux nnd A. 3. !. Steel. Mr. (iriihntn was one of the lenders in the war -chest rnmpnigu. He was a member of the Philadelphia ' Club and the Philadelphia: Cricket Club. The funernl will tnl.e plaee on Tues day afternoon nt !! o'clock from St. ' Paul's Church, Chestnut Hill. MRS-. FREDERICK STOVELL Prominent Resident of Haverford Suceumb3 After Lingering Illness Mrs. rrodciiok Sloiell. of ''(iuii lord." Haverford dieil bisi night al lier home after a lingering Illness, llei husband died two .tears ago. 15"fore her marriage n Frem rick Stoiell lie wiih Miss Kiuiiui I.ewi". iluughler of the late Chnrles S. and r.linlir th Lewis. Mrs. Stoiell is sii.tiM'il In her sons. Chnrles Lewis Stoiell ud .Mortis Lewis Stovell. runenil nrriiiiReiiients bate not been completid. Mrs. Frances Lehman Mrs. Frames Lehman, wife of Dr. Josenh Lehman, a phjsician at the Jefferson llo-pital. illei. jesterday nt I her home. I.l Mnin sticet. Mmiinunk. She had I i HI two years nnd was ortt-fivr .wars old. Mrp. Lehman was borj'i nnd liml lived all her life in Mnna tuiir.. She was the daughter of Dr.' Joseph V. Kelly, of Mana.Mitik. lier three btotheis, .lames. Alojsius and Thomas Keilj . me also pli.isieiaus. Abraham Lower Abraham Lower, a veteran of tlie Civil War. died yesterday at his home, I'.Ol." N'orris street, lie was eighty -one tears old. He was a member of Kear net Sheridan l'o-t. No. 1. . A. H.. of' Newark. N. J., and Washington Lodge. No. !. K. and A. M. The fu nernl will take place tomorrow after noon nt - o'clock. Mrs. Helen M. W. Merrill Mrs. Helen Mosininn Wilson Merrill. ft wife of Dr. William .fneUson .Meiriii. 'of Hi-- ii alinii sireci, nun in uc- Laiikeniin Ho-pital. nt S :.itl o clock jei terdat. Tlie body will be taken tn the lioine'of her parents. (Irand Hapids. Midi., where the funeral and interment will take place. our de- lined the iinrrnt in n Ktiitoment to day. "Ale we parents to be allowed the right to pursue 1'ir haipiness and ibat of our children 'ititHido the school, oclalii nnd otherwise, or is tlie school to dictate these nollci' . to Its? We do not claim the right to .norride the rules of Ihe hoiril of edticirtou. That dues j not ontof into ibis We are pie pa i oil to prove before au.i tiibunal tliHl i Ihe boys siisiiendo'l held moml)orsili I only m fiaiernities outside the school i at the time of tlieil suspension. ' rantcl.'ii Chapter Ab.itiilnueil "The one Camden ihnptei. errmi- ioiisIj confused in liii- ninlier. was never leuilj formed and nils stopped voluntarily by Its pniilout on .March !ll. et llteso bo).s weii' susjiemled April I iirid ". Theie wet.' but Ihe members of this chapter, the Sigma Kappa, but linee youths not members of the Sigma Kappa or any otliir Camden chitpto" wore given the nmc punishinent. These hois, members only of the Sigma Delta Chapter of Philadelphia, are I feed Veu nel. John Crate and Frank Kepnedt A gross .iijii'tiee is being done flir-e lads In ant event "Kennedy, of the ehtss of lfl'-'L'. whn never belonged in li Camden ilmpler. and Dniigliis C i.te. ot the ola-s of Itl'-'l. who was n iiicmhc" ol the disbmidod ibapter. me Ihe tcspeethe presidents of their c'as-es. This ims mean I a -ni'i" Injury and disgrace to those liois."' F. R. Stevenson's Funeral Funeral services for Kiank'll. Slot -enson; one of the oldest leal estate couteyain ers of this dry, who died Friday, will be conducted tomorrow fiom bis home. I.'il" North Nineteenth street. Mr. Stevenson was prominent in real estate circles of 1'lillnilrlphln more than forty yenrs ago, when trust companies- bad not gone extensively into that line of work. He was re- 1 tired. For the Inst eight yearn lie suf fered from paralysis, which caused his , death, lie is sttnived lij his widow. Mrs. Mary A. Steiotison; a daughter. Mithel F Stevenson, and n son. F Kussell Steietison. ,lr I'.iniill will be in West Laurel Hill C eleij. Remains of Lawyer, Drowned In Mexican Bay, Brought Home Accompanied by two representatives of a Philadelphia undertaking establish-1 melit. the liodie-i of 1). Clarence (31b boney nnil Frank W. Shriver. who were drowned in tlie hay of Cnmppche. Mex ico. December US last, arrived last night in 'this oil-. i t ..i-niiefiiiicnts me licint? mine today Ira' , ' ,i,i i.llri.,i. uhleli will take nlaee prolmbh Thursday from the under taking establishment of Harold II. Mul ligan. 'J.VJII North Tenth street The limit of Mr. (Ilbbone) will be buried in Arlington Cemetery and that of Mr. Shriver in West Laurel Hill. Detail of their 'rip mid the manner in which thet Identified the bodies were given Inst night by the representatives of the undertakers. They made posi tive identification of the bodies through .a.nrtu nt (he teeth of tlie two men furnished by Dr. William II. Collins, of ...... r. 1 Al M I"? '1.1. ,..,... u .1(111 . lino slnnreo street. Mr. (3'bbonet h den lis", nnil Dr. Norman L. Jameson. MU'.l Spruce street, dentist oi .nr. .-snrivei . A pair of eyeglasses that belonged tn Mr. Ctbbnney were still In the pocket of his wnMrcnt. The bodies were burled In plain boxen nnd the graves were marked with plnslor of pails s(1ls, uju, the names Inscribed FRIENDS PROSELYTING Break Old Rule by Meeting In Out side Hall In New York The Society of Friends departed from it.s custom of generations yesterday in leaving its meeting house to conduct n mass-meeting in Town Hull in New York to acquaint tlie public with the principles and motives behind Friends', relief woik in liiirope. j Wairj iidOfl persons attended the meeting' mid heard Klbeit ltussell, ili lectin of the Woolnian Sehool of Sttni-tlimore. sneak on "The (Jualier- ( ANTI-FLY WAR IS ON allonge to a World of Force." llufiis M Jones, chairman of tin American Fri" nils' Nerviee committee, presided. Similar meetings, outside of the so-' deli's meeting houses, probably will lie held now thnt the precedent has been established. Wr. Jnne.s expressed the belief thnt spiritual forces would succeed when phjsienl force, bnte nnd national selfish -noss failed. "We believe that Ihe .solutions of tin problems which confront us in .Inpaii and Mexico me not in recourse to nuns or the show- of force, but In the sen ice of the missionary iitnl educator ' Mr Jones declared. WOMEN MAKE DEATH PACT fine I iimireii hitmen, repiewntins .id denominations, iitnl 100 priests wil' loin PliUnileliiliin this lift el noon for New "k . i K to attend a meeting ni Hie Hotel I'l-mi-t Ivtmiil tonight, when in inugemoiits will bo ninde lo meet Cm dliinl Dougherty, The cardinal nnd the cleigtmen w li ncfoiiipanled him from Home, are ex pected to nrrlve on the stcarnslm, Olympic Wcdnesilat. Theie Is a tins slbilitv tlie ship nil reticli New ny . Into Tiiesibn night. The greeting torn will make arrangements tonight soon as the lirsi wireless is i, fcivoil llial the ship is nearilig the hn lior. tlie lominittce will speed down the 'harbor on the tugboat John F lit Ian Theie niP he no intorfuroiioc with the plans made for the cntdlnal's icception lin this ntt Tbtirsda.t night On hi, niiival in New York. Cnrdina' Dough erty mid escort from Home will be RiicsN ot Arclibisliop Hayes. Tint tit' i m it i ii ihete it ii I II late Thui'sdat nl eriioon. leaving in time to greet td. tl'ioigs whidi will welcome the inr liliinl on llroitd street . (ieneiiil Wil'lniu (!. 'n il I. giand iimishal mid Dircilor Curl' 'you 1 assistant iinir-hnl. ' Aiuone the laymen who will Ionic fm New Yoik this afternoon nn- Saiiniel l Yam bun. Judge John Mntinghmi. A I. Fil7iiiilrn I. . William I Shields, .In nn's .1 Itian. Ingatius A. Horst inn i ii .Insipli C Trainer. Herman ( Vetlerliin lalwanl J Duince. Peter F All DIVINE LAUDS CHRISTIANITY) Rev. A. H Fisher Tells of Influence of Christian Spirit on Art '' li'is w hided n strong 111 - fun ii" nn nit ni tiling to the ldi. I 11 I i-liei i, Phoeniwille, who tiil"' ai 1ml. n s iiifctiin,' of the l.iiln CUII I'.isiiiinl Assoi illlioil lit the Cell I'll 'He Inn si iMitupli's of scilptuic fauiiiii" iinisn mnl poetn hnic I u in.lllliil ti llu, stunt uf I '111 i-t iiilill '. I Mr i'l.hi r tin hiti'il ami Itlltliciil i lull ('tw linn I n leeienti'd in liio nuts- It"!'"" f the at ts Young Woman Run Down by Auto Sibui Miiholxin twenty -two years M 'I.Y: Ninth Seventh street, nils ItiiHui dnun ht an automobile at 1" ''.'I ni :n, li lust nijjln m Itrond street iiiKniiiiil ni.nue Her tight hip was Wi'Ull n ml site nun hi, iiiloti',1 luli.e. "Hi lids taken to St. Joseph's Uo'iutnl il i in ti. ti, I, n, ,(,,,, ,,c i,..i. '"" MM ci iiholt rown. i her uimiliinil trate Mrs. Rachel Jeffries Mi-. Itachd .lelt'riis il'nd rh - ui'O-ii ;ng nl her Inline, I.TJ K.iighn r.tenue. Cnnulon. following nn illnes iliitmg from tlie death of her son. four mouth ago. She was fifty -four ynn nhl Mrs. Jeffries tins the widow of lal wmd Jiffries. an undertaker. She ha I condiiitnl the umlertiikiii'; h.isims since Ids death, nine years ago Fu ll nil sen in is will 111 held lit the nt - n i loci, Thursday afteiiinou with iliterinent. in Ilarleigh Cemeleri I Mils hclil tniltli Mi f ti'H f In I itil1 ,-y ' ' it IMMll w" ua.l tor a fiuthei' of the by Mnis Station in tearing. VOUNG MAN would like to connect ilh a reliable automobile con l"n as salesman; ftrst-class refer c. Apply A 126, Ledger Office. J- AVE your selling and distribution methods kept pace will fte improvements in Production? REFINISHING 24-HOUR SERVICE Tor h limited prrleil ne trill npply Three 1'oitl uf 'Slnifrn" to cum of slie of t'or.l. Touring or ItonilHter, at one linlf "( our f.tul.lUtircl tirlce of $50,00. Tills meniin J'iS.UO cost for n daralilr, ui'iil-proof tlnlnh ut lilgh lustre In any color. The Clias. W. ScliatTer Co. 8'.M4 Cllfntnut Bt. Turned slat-lacl arm chair. Six slats, , cabriole legs Pennsylvania Type 1725-1750 Unique Specimen of the rarest sort $500.00 From the famous J. P. TEMPLE COLLECTION THE KOSENBACH GALLERIES 1320 Walnut Street Preparation Week Starts With , - j Health Agents Active i Philadelphia's Itiirean of Health has1 anticipated the state Health Depart-l nient's campaign against the hon-elly. Today starts "the week that makes the summer snfe." which is a state wide campaign to eliminate the house. Ily by swatting him out of etistenie. For the Inst two weeks. Director of Health Furbiisli snid today, his in-speitor- have ben on tlie job piepnr ing for the coming of summer's myriads of Hies. Dr. Furbusli's idea is to eliminate the Ily by abolishing its breed ing plnces. Truck Damaged In Garage Fire A leaking gasoline lube, which fell on the engine of the machine, set fire to ti motot truck in tlie garage of IM- ward Fov. llllfll Noith 1 raiiklin stteet, and seierdy damaged it. A number of other machines in tlie place wore saved hi the iiuicl; work of tlie em ployes. The burned truck, owned In (iei'nler lliolbors, iroduce meichauts nt I'-H North Delaware avenue, iwis damaged to the extent of .?!!U0 Mrs. Dora Kinsey. This City, One of Pair Who Took Poison Two women. Mrs. Horn Ktnset tn out i -three years old. of this city . io refused to gne her street address, aim I Miss P,esc Fields, seventeen years "Id cit Itlue Diamond. Ky.. are In Booth I Memorial Hnvpitnl, Covington. Ki . I suffering from poison, which, they sav. they hud taken in a suicide pact Mrs lKnsey said sin. swnlloweil n tnblet Miss Fields smd she took n drug in llipiid form. Antidotes were adminis tered, but I lie condition of both is se rious. The poisons have not been iden tlliod. Mrs. Kinsey told nurses she took tin poison when despondent because she was separnted from friends. She was nrrcsted Friday with two women and a man nt n soft -drink stand. Miss Fields had been arrested on request of her par ents to Juvenile Court authorities. 5TR1KEJ; Cigarette To seal in tho delicious Burley tobacco flavor. It's Toasted fats Jfm44. tjuC-f For a Few Pans Morel A Sweeping Clearaway of Medium-Weight Suits Fine quality Suits, just right to wear three-quarters of the year 'round, in a Sweeping Clearaway Sale at Prices that don't cover the initial cost of Production! Three Special Prices! $29 for fine $50 and $55 Suits! $33 for fine $60 and $65 Suits! "Here's for another good j whack at mv work !" That's i what a Collins man says when he tumbles out of bed Not, "Huh! another of grind." day A demonstration ment awaits you. treat- rtlfiBMSSllJr, t Engagement Rings Polished Cirdle Diamonds When Jieecttrji llm important Jen c tlie integrity and experience oftic fctvefor should bo considered COLLINS INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL CULTURE COLLINS HI.IXJ WAI.M'T .-l AT j 5TI I for finest $75 and $80 Suits! Sold them fast and plentifully all last week but, started off with 1800 suits so that we are able to continue the Clear-away for a few days more! Plenty of patterns, plenty of choice in fabrics, plenty of super lative values in Finest Quality Medium weight Suits that can be worn nine months out of the twelve now at savings of $21 to $38 on each suit! Time is now the vital question.' Come in time to choose the best! Perry & Co. Sixteenth and Chestnut Sts. WML. i your HERBERT M. MORRIS Advertising Agency N Xr PhAe of Sale' Promotion ggftAm.rIc.n Bldg. PhiUdelnhit 1921 Premier Touring Run 1100 Miles Tut ncii ii, i.. PI t?C"T-ii X r "'r N'eclnl ""tiwuuu SEDAN Iniisuai chance to secure Sr nriel,,r,i,ih8n" iln;."crrw,t "ndition. at liB B- L- P. MOTOR CO. " IlKOAl) ST. Some of your friends Bank at "The West End." Why not open a checking account with us, yourself, and experience the same pleasant business relations? tf Av7sw jifF En B IB iK6 Twyj As clothiers we set a high standard. Our furnishings and hats must measure up to it. The kind we like to have worrti with our suits and overcoats. All silk is our standard for neckwear same as all wool is our standard for clothing. A most remarkable col lection of scarfs in good taste at $1.00 and $1.50. It will be to your advan tage to look in our win dows where we are continu ally showing remarkable values in shirts and neckwear. know west End Trust COMPANY ' BROAD STREET AT SOUTH PENN SQUARE Pays .dealer. to you Ferro & Clothiers X- Outfitters Kxrluilve Airtnta for Rogers Pcet Clothes Chestnut Strxiet at Juniper U irinnriwa3 " Tm rfwiJtCBSafSi Jm Sa'iia3ig5M-'liC a IrifvTS fSiwjSf y i iw "1 rWirMJitfliw yJ s- Wfi 'T$$K 1 !l T The New-F ashioned I $$k& .iM) Lighting Fixtures & Lamps I IJBlraflaK ' VSC ' i'K-'M j i ' Jl create a glow ot soft, restful iji QrvBHR '''W' x ? IdSw 1 ' SlTTO? beauty and richness of our I wkMW" I MV The JIorn & Branncu Mf(J, C(K j fi 'frolfMlM'ilsl f 110 Il '' ''7 1'til Fi'ie"'' " Short alk long Autanwbilv Hon" I . 1 rftJIAHUH BK'.' ... 'V:,:i'SSpV.i a i lfT ZV10 arc wcll''niformll I I -Lt-L regarding correct and proper u I form and style in dress arc ardent i I patrons of Jacob Reed's Sons. 1 i V Thar influence, advice and Mtinnti'jn hi t I V our home to their friends are daily additui to fi our steadily increasiiu volume of satisfied and jf n it el l-d rested customers. If g r I 4 '" I f Sprint Suits and Top Coats are $.)0 and Jl '." , j upward. The values at $5 and $50 ate cipc- I j i Ir , ,'.in .iiii-iii tit I! ' i? ! I If j 1 H24-E426ChejtciiiitSkirrf j p The American Art Galleries Madison Square South, New York ON EXHIBITION TOMORROW, 9 A. M. TO 6 P. M. TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON TUESDAY EVENING OF THIS WEEK, APRIL 12 AT 8 O'CLOCK The Magnificent Private Library of MATTHEW BAIRD, JR. OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. The Complete Works of Notable American, English and French Authors , IN SUMPTUOUS BINDINGS One of the fincit privnte libraries to be offered for tale in recent year, practically every book being in levant morocco, including Ainsworth, American Statesmen, Aldine Poets, original issue; Burroughs, Carlyle, "Carroll," "Alice's Adventures in Wonder land," First Edition; Conrad (collected 'et of First Editions); Dickens, Dumas, Eliot, Emerson, I'iskc. Goidsmitl,, Ilarte (author's autograph edition). Holmes, Hiiro, irting. Jam-i, Kelmscott Press Publications, Exhibition Bindings by Rhiers; Kipling (printed on Japan papc-', Lamb, l.evnr. Lowell, Msre-' dith, Surtees. Stockton, Scott, Stevenson (r.dinlmrgh Edition), Thnckernj, T.u Kington, Books on Napoleon. Moore, I nl! 1 "ookh; tvith ciglit miniatures on the -overs, end unit others. Hit -ulr ill In rnnil 1 il ' II'. III'lMl- I 1. 1 i: ll tlllll III. I.. l IIS ,1 1 ! AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Mnnaijo l.ulivim qiiarr outit l.nlr.iii H I '.Mil Mrrrt. Niw oti WW Pii Mm HI Si J' ', IS 1 ii I v9 . ' - .-y1 y ( U