Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 09, 1921, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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place Where Treadway and
"Boots" Lived Damaged
by Morning Blaze
flpcrtnnilnr ro-i'tir-s were nmilo in n
et(. nt 2:1!." o'clock till" inornliiK n
oOiO W'nlmit street, n rooniliiR home.
r which Siip "Hoots" ItocorK. no
torious (Ifture in the I'olrcc innnlcr rn-e.
form-rljr lived.
Men nnl women were carried by fire
mf'n down n Intlder tlint wns rnlsed to
onC of the tliird -story side window.
e ntheis wore led down flip stnlr
wav, tliroiiRli dense smnkc to flip mfcty
flf the street.
Virtually nil persons In the house
wcrc obllfted to leavo their slccpins
nunrters partly clothed. Tliiv lmd no
,'lar' to RO nnd were plvon rr-fiiRe from
Jho rnln under tnrpnullns on one of the
fire truck".
The house, conducted l.v Mrs. Mjrtlp
Afhford. lmd nlmut twenty tenant".
The fire is t-upposrd to linvc started
cither l the bnspinpnt or the first floor
renr H "ns dievorcd l onr of tlic
mors nn tlic second lloor. lip awoke
,V,,i 5n,rllcd smoke. When he went out
fnin'thp hnllwnv Iip mw Hjimes and
imoke below, rapidly mounting.
The (lnmasp has not yet been csti
,id Tlic tir-t floor rear was burned
ml and part of the second-story rear.
Smoke and water caused damage in
ether parts of the house.
Police Act Against Place Treadway,
Pelrce Slayer, Managed
Mrs Hertha W'aldron was arrested
at'mi'l'nlght when police of tlic Fifteenth
iid Vine streets stntion raided the
hoardlne house which she conducts at
1 (ffi Arcli street, upon complaint of
neighbors that it was being run in n
disorderly fashion.
Tho house nnd its proprietor were
mentioned several times during the in
testicution of the l'eirco murder. Voter
I) Trendway. who is now serving n
twentj-vcar sentence for Bcconil degree
murdpr, acted ns manager of the house
in Mrs Waldron's absence.
Meiitenant Wagner lint! been iuvrs
tieatlii for a week before lie mnde the
raid " He tool with him Detectives
Order. Mcrullr.iiRli nnd Mm ray. They
arrested the lodgers in the bouse along
with Mrs VVnldron, three women nnd
two men
Cuticura Soap
The Safety Razor
Shavind Soap
I Cct.-ari 3op ihnti without mag. ETfrrwh Ma.
Albert Clinton Wunderllch Namo of
New Lansdowne Body
,.,'P10 V!,.",",.n''!. Auxlllai-j of Albert
( linton Wimilerllcli Tost, o. II.". has
heen launched. Mrs. Albert Wunder
llch is tempoinr chairman of the new
body nnd Mrs. Wallace Roberta tempo
rary ecretnrj. The permanent nrgnnl
xntinii will be effected in the near future.
Sixty women of I.nnsdowne nnd the
snrroundlnc liorouchs nn. niit-nlt,i on
the nuxilinry nnd il is expected that
neiore me next meeting in the Twen
tieth Century Club mini) more will join.
The post linn voted tn tireseiit In Dm
T.ansdnwnc High Scliuol n cup. to be
nwnrded iinmiullv to the .Indent show
ing the greatest efficiency in American
history nnd goernment. The cup will
up Known as ine vmcrioan Legion tro
Miss Dorothy Kinsley Picked for
Honor at Swarthmore College
Miss Dorothy Kinsley has been
chosen Queen of the May for the May
Oay celebiatlon to be held nt Swart'li
iiioro College.
Miss Kinsley, who Is the daughter
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrles h. Kinslev,
of 7J." North Sixty-third street, will
be nttpnded by Miss Knthryn Madden,
of Colllngswood, N. J., ns maid of
Hundred nro now nlilo to ftijnj
without effort, nn ordinirv ennver
nillm by uslnn lh
So aniiill es to be scarcely nntlcH,
M-t iry powerful Call nl our Audi,
lorv l)i.p.irlment nnd Itft It In prlato.
ArrniiBo for n 3'i.ilny trial.
Williams, Brown & Earle, Inc.
The r.-ml i;nl Opticians
918 Cheitnut Street
Scnit for Irookl t "1Z" on restored
Metal Lath
And You Will Have
, Permanent Beauty
and Avoid Future Cost of Pointing
nnd Repairs
N. E. Cor. Broad & Arch Sti.
locust 3921 ll.ur 4431
jEmMiraa m
o7 llf x
m m
IVfiy yo
24 Restaurants Centrally Located
Suggestions for This Evening's Meal
with choice of
I wo Side Dishes.. .30
Mashed Potatoes
Slewed Tomatoes
Green Peas
Macaroni au Gratin
Iiaked Mentis
Apple Sauce
Soup (amall order) . ,
Cole Slaw or Pickled
Roll 'and Butter 05
Coffee, Chocolate, Tea
or Milk 05
Desserts 10
Orange Jelly Apple Dumplings
Cakes Pics Puddings
Fruits Fruit Salad Ice Cream
1508-10-12 Market Street
Second Floor, Opposite Droad Street Station
Open Evenings Until 8:30
Invites Tenders on
Topsides Paints, Varnishes, Cements,
Shellacs, Oils, Etc.
Scaled bids will be lcceivcd until Apiil liti, lUUl, li ('. M,,
a'l will then he opened and read publicly in the office of I,,
win Mtddleswoitli, Manager, Puielitihing Depailment, Division
Supply and Snle.s (Room 85:), 1 ii 1 7 F KUeet N. W., Wash
ington, U. C'., for furnishing such quantities of topsides paints,
wmsneb, cenientb, hhellacs, oils, etc.. as ma bo required for a
1'eiioi ot three months from May ISlli, 1921, for use of all ships
operated by or for its account, at the pot lb of:
Portland, Me.
KuttOII, MllhH.
Providence, It. I.
Portsmouth, N. II.
New York, N. Y.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Haltimore, Md.
Norrolk, Va.
Newport News. Va
Charleston, S. C.
Saviiimnli C.n
Jacksonville, Fla.
Tanipa, Fla.
Pensacola, Fla.
Mobile, Ala.
New Orleans, La.
Galveston, Texas
Los Angeles, Calif.
San Francisco. Calif.
Mare Island, Calil.
Oakland. Calif.
Alameda, Calif.
Portland. Ore.
Seattle, Wash.
frnn,I'lMPOii"1 forms a'"1 "ll101' infoinmtion nin lie obtained
and Snlc"""801'' Il,u'lln8inK "opaitment, Division of Supply
e Board Reserves tho Right to Reject Any or All Bids
MnnnSn.!e'nbl(l,S Sll"U,,, ,)0 n,l(l rcslsPl1 to '- V" MllllUcSW urtll,
1817 K 'i.:1 Tm81.1.' "fparlmmit, Division of .Supply and Sales,
' V N- W Washington, I). C, and enilor.ed:
lacs off vFid for ToI,si(lcs 1'nintB, Varnishes, Cemonls, Shel-
. --, .. ua not open until April 2li, luai."
Wanamaker's Down Stairs Store
New Frocks! Enjoyable Frocks! Frocks of Charm and Delight!
Hundreds of These Lovely Dresses Are Here
At $7.50, $10, $15, $18.75, $25 to $45
Two Dollars Less for Blouses at $3.90
Unusunlly heavy crepe do chine blouses in two strictly tailored
styles to wear with tweed suits. Both arc pleated and one has nar
row frilling edging the collar. Long sleeves. Flesh and white. Sizes
36 to 46. First showing at this new price.
25c for Vests That Would Be Double
if Perfect
Six vests for .fl.50! Something a woman has not been able to do
so satisfactorily for more than two years. Fine and Swiss ribbed
vests in low neck, sleeveless style with regular or bodice tops in white
and regular style only in pink. Soft pretty things that almost deserve
to be called "linporie." They arc "seconds" but the flaws consist onlv
of occasional oil spots or a dropped stitch that has been darned.
Regular sizes, 25c; extra sizes, 30c.
Upholstery Remnants Third to Half Less
A gathering of useful lengths of cretonnes, scrims, marquisette,
terry cloth nnd other desirable curtain and upholstery materials. An
interesting collection at 15o to $1 a yard.
Unusual Aprons, 25c to $1.50
2oe for neat, round percale aprons with rickrnck braid and pockets;
fiOc for striped, checked nnd figured bib aprons in pretty styles; 75c
for "Polly Prim" nnrons in plaids and figures; $1 to $1.50 for bunga
low aprons (that should almost be called dresses) in desirable plaids
and plain colors, usually with contrasting color or rickrnck braid
Gay Taffeta Petticoats, $3.85
Frilly ones of lovely plain and changeable taffeta have just popped
in! Black, navy, brown, taupe nnd 'most all changeable hues. Tho
flounces are finished with little pointed Van Dyke frills just the sort
to go under now suits nnd frocks.
New Gingham Dresses for Girls of
6 to 14, $1.50 to $2
The ginghnms are notably good in their pretty plaids and checks.
Some show handwork, others have contrasting collars and cuffs, and
usually they have fashc. v.
Frocks for Small Maids of 2 to 6, $1.25 to $2
Charming little chambrny frocks such as mother herself would
design. Pink, blue and green hi a number of styles, manv with hand
smocking and hand embroidery.
East Aisle
Good Toilet Soap, 75c Dozen; 7c a Cake
A well-known trade-marked soap at much less than regular.
Violet glycerine, witch hazel and palm are the odors.
Also generous size round bath tablets are in lilac, carnation,
geranium, violet and rose.
4-Pound Cans Epsom Salts, 18c Can
A big, new shipment has just conic to sell for less than half what
it would be regularly. Recommended for bathing purposes, rheumatic
joint saturations, etc.
Original Sports Capes
Designed Especially for
Wanamaker's, $18.75
Tweed is the thing of the moment and here arc two sports models
of tweed really different- at $18.75.
Good fortune, is it not '.'
Our own artist designed them, so you will not find anything just
c.sactly like them anywhere. They are fashioned of all-wool Skibo
tweed, which is so soft it feels almost like velvet. Faorite shades
of sage gieen, blown, Ian and light blue can be had in each style.
Notice the long tusedo collar which ends only at the hem of the
belted model.
The hold together cape with the high Napoleonic collar ih reliced
by a Iittlo simple htitching.
Iloth are unlined and beautifully made and finished and one hasn't
a .single button to bother with.
They are plent warm, easy to slip on. (iood for motoring, golf,
country walks, t-caslune.
Sizes 1 1 to 10.
w " Ulii J I
$25 ) $10
Men's Good Oxfords
$6 to $9.90
S(j for black or dark tan Oxfoids on F.nglish lasts, straight-lace
JG.10 for dark tan bioguc Oxfords with full wing tips and broad
l low heels.
i .$7.50 for straight-lace Oxfords of tan calfskin with solid shanks
I and sturdy soles.
, $8.90 for brown calfskin Oxfords with straight tips nnd saddle
' straps.
$0.90 for Coidovan Oxfords with full wing tips.
((liillrry, Miirket)
$160 $7.50
STREET frocks of serge, tricotine, tncolette and
dark silks.
Afternoon dresses of embroidered or beaded
Georgette, Canton crepe, crepe de chine, taffeta and
Dinner dresses of dyed laces, Georgette crepes,
charnieuse and crepe-back satin.
Summery frocks of gingham, dotted Swiss and
All of these dresses are marked at most moderate
prices some a fourth, some a third less, some half price.
Every one is new and fresh and altogether charm
ing, interpreting most delightfully the mode for Spring
ami Summer.
Most important of all, every dress is Wanamaker
quality nothing old, nothing out of fashion, nothing
Serge Frocks, $7.50
Navy blue, with embioideted bodices, tncolette sasho.-, and lace
collars. Others arc trimmed with braid.
Pretty Frocks at $10
Satin frocks with corded ovcrskhts.
Satin frocks with deep folds trimming the Miirts.
.Mignonette dresses with embroidered bodices.
Tricotine and serge frocks made in several wa, some with
cinbroideicd tricolette bodit.es.
Five Materials at $15
Eyelet cmbroideied heses of Georgette cicpe.
Taffeta dresses aie milled or cmbroideied in silk.
C'liarmeuse frocks show eyelet embroidered ovei skirt-.
Checked taffeta is, combined with heer oigandio.
Crepe de chine dresses have pleated oer.skirt.s.
Wonderful Choosing at $18.75 and $20
Youthful jersey dresses have smock-like bodices which ate scal
loped around the hem and embroidered in olf-tone -ilk.
Taffeta is made m dozens of inteiesting ways with plenty of
navy blue di esses among them.
Ciepc do chine di esses are stitched with contrasting colors.
Loveliest of AU the
Dresses at $25, $29 to $45
Here are ehaiming afternoon diec-, dinner gowns and frock
for every daytime occasion. Of Canton crepe, crepe de chine,
beaded Georgette and beautiful satins Man weie copied from
models at much higher price-. Otheis aie -ample- of winch we
have but one or two of a kind.
Exquisitely Lovely Silk
Chemises Low in Price
At $3 At $3.85
Georgette ctepc envelope chem
ises, in orchid, coral, light blue,
pink and white, arc trimmed all
around with pretty lace and bands
of ribbon and shoulder straps to
Pink crepe de chine envelope
chemises with beautiful ribbon,
lace and Gcoigctte trimming.
Satin envelope chemises, in
flesh or white, in tailored style
with hemstitched designs.
Many Other Lovely Styles
At S." envelope chemises of a particularly lustrous crepe de chino
are in gray, orchid, pink nnd maize, shaped up over the shoulders and
finished with shirring and lace.
At $."i.50 a medallion of filet lace distinguishes an envelope
chemise of shimmering pink satin, trimmed with tucked Georgette
nnd shirring.
At $7..i0 lovely enough for any bride is the envelope chemise of
delicate pink crepe de chine with a medallion and edging of fine filet.
( mini!)
Exceptionally Good Luggage
Special at $9.50
Hotli -mtcase.s and traveling bags aie of lir-t tirade leather, not -plit.
but of solid woith for long senice. l'-uall -uch bags as these would
be counted excellent value at half as much .mam
24-Inch Suit Cases
Of Miong, serviceable tan cow
hide with -tiap- all around, good
double br.i- catches and le-in-forceil
coi nor-. They aie lined with
linene an i have an inside pocket
with two -tiap-
18-lnch Traveling
Bags, $9.50
Also nl' lirown lowliide, stionirlv
made nnd ic mfoued. I.eathei
lined nnd suitable for either men ot women
( hot mil I
A Couch Hammock Is a
Happiness Investment
Wheic can a group of voui.g people have more fun than in a
couch hammock on their own home porch or lawn? (And it's worth
a couple of couch hammocks to keep them there!)
What will so tempt Mother to lest an hour or so during tlic day
and net the benefit of fresh air?
What (luitc so comfoi table for Dad after the day's work is over
than to lie in a hammock and relax?
23 Different Couch Hammocks
at. $12.50, $15 to $35
All set up so 'that you can see exactly how each one looks. The
frames are of strong angle iron and there are manv new features
that make these hammocks superior to most others, 'even at higher
prices. The coverings aie of duck or heavy cretonne.
( vntral)
81 x 90 Inch
Seamless Sheets
$1.25 Each
Table Damask
60c a Yard
1 ul' Mi ii lied, nienoi ied
cotton il.ini.ik in several do
-ign- i- "s irii'lm- wide. K-pe-einllv
Miii.ihlc for hrc.ikr.tt
t Inth-
1 1 I'ltlr.il l
Tweed Suits So Distinctly
Youthful $16.50 to $25
( olonngs hip 'ii I ceonnnir and line- -o slendoi that women aie
finding them quite n usi-tible. Smile aie belted and have patch pock
ets; other- ore cut on -tiaigbt lino, without belt- and have slot pock
et -. More than a dozen models for nur choosing in ruddy brown,
tan, sea-gull gra.v, orchid, Fiench blue and two-tot, o" combinations.
Striped or Mixed Tweeds, $32.50
iteautituiiy tailoicit suit- in soft slndos with brown, t.in m
pieilotninating. Coat- are pla nlv t.nloied 01 made with nariow
and aie lined with plain or floweied -ilk
Wool Jersey Suits, $15 and $16.50
Haik- are pleated in n number of pioiu Va.-- and collars
notch ot luM-do -t.vlc. In blue, brown and green.
ate in
Navy Blue Suits
nn -( iir.uttia' -mt- never lack friends 1'iett set ges. enil
end in -ilk, headed or trimmed with bund, aie 'Jo. VJ7.;so tn -7
.a tucotme and other noveltv -nits aie !7.."i(i to S.r,r,
l Mrl.i.
An Extraordinary Sale of Fresh, New Japanese Straw Rugs
at the Lowest Prices in Years
If there is any "best time" for a sale of nips .so universally useful as these sturdy The sennul cousi.-is of n made to our own specific order Our ivm-esP.ifitiv..
Japanese straws, it is right now, at the beginning of the Summer season. in j.M,in plated the lanre order ht ,.i..,n i, ,. , V . ,
. ,, .. 1 i ,..,.. . ' (muni mc uiiJ,L tii uci ,isi AlllUlllll Hell 1)1 HeS Weie lllWP-rt so s-ivimr miilii -i
All Jresh and new and with twice as much service in them as rugs that have bit monev U '
lain in warehouses and become dried out! .... "' ..
The patterns, stenciled in oil, are attractive and the bindings are carefully sewn. n.nsi.lerable savings in both cacs are turned over to ou!
The first group is one that a reliable importer had to turn into quick money and A Large Part of the East Aisle
that, consequently, we can sell at close to bare cost of importation. , will be given over i .,howintr these mo-,, nftnivli,,,, , n , ,.:.... ,...
- ' , v ii. . "I'lnaunm,! ill llllllJMIlg,
3x6 feet, $1.25
4.6x7.6 feet, $2.25
Group No. 1
6x9 feet, $3.50
8x10 feet, $5
9x 12 feet, $6.50
27 x 54 inches, 75c
3x6 feet, $1.50
(( limtmit ntiil t i-iitriil)
Group No. 2
4.6 x 6.6 feet, $2.75
6x9 teet, $1.50
8x10 feet, $6.50
9x12 feet, $7.50
tJ-.1 Wf r -B I
; ' i5,il
1 3 " ' ,"!
n f.
v lit
t loso