Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 08, 1921, Night Extra Financial, Page 7, Image 7

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    '"Spvfwjfvw ' 'fljUWO v" JwWYtf V VWww'V wr"TiR"V' -"'73B "' wvv "' '' "' v "wSf"" v -w r - , r f.jj)'Jv.--w-
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Organ Plays at 9, 11 and 4:50
Chime nt Noon
Store Opens at 9
Stoic Closes at 5
Sixty Years of Carrying the Light in the Pathways of Commerce
nvmmim-. tH i. ,' . . ... .1, u ."
An Old -Time Friendship or
Fondness Never Loses Its
nor docs it ever cease to do the heart good.
How delightful it is to take the hand and
look in the face of the little, well-doing girl,
grown to womanhood, or the fine youth, with
his honest manliness, every inch a gentleman.
Stick to your old friends, old teachers, and
to Ihc classes where you learned how to do the
most and the hest in building your life.
Don't neglect your earliest true friends.
April S, 1011.
A Clearaway of Women's
Dresses and Suits at $18
Vbout two hundred odds and ends of good things have had prices
lowered to take them out in a hurry in fact $18 menns a saving on
every suit or dress of $7 to $12. And that to a great many women
more than compensates for the trouble of searching among broken
The dresses arc of silk jersey, wool jersey, satin taffeta and crepe
Idc chine, in browns, navies and black, besides gray and some lighter,
brighter colors.
The suits are all of jersey cloth of desirable weight, cut in good
IltJICS, ana pivu&uutiy vuiuiuu, ui;im& fciuuu iiiiu uiuwn ncuuiur mix
tures, Oxford, light blue and blnck. 4
(flrnt Floor, Cenlrnl)
Young Women's
New and Attractive Silk Frocks
Two croups all brand now and all such frocks as p-irls and
Ijoung women will liko for wear now and until warm weather comes.
At $25
I are pretty httlo dresses of soft crepe Georgette in navy blue or brown,
with satin foundations and just enough glistening beads for nttruc-
At $35
the ma ihoosic from lovely new crepe Georgette dresses, handsomely
beaded, and of navy bluo crepe, or of Canton crepe in navy blue, black,
brown or white. They arc in smart, now styles arc youthful in linu
and suitable tor street or afternoon wear anil are exceptionally pretty
for the price.
All in 11 to 20 year sizes.
(Second Floor, L'lintniil)
Capes for Every Occasion
A cood everyday cano of dark blue or black all-wool screrc is a
I full-dared model, fully lined, $35.
New sports capes for the shoro arc of warm knitted wool in shaggy
effect with a striped yoke. White, pink, gray or navy are tho colors,
Another new cane is of wool tricotine, with shoulder yoke and
Tuxedo front. In navy and tan, $75.
And then thcro arc all the finer and more beautiful canes in sill:
I finished Bolivia, duvetyne and satin and in Cnnton crepe. . Many are
trimmed with caracul or squirrel fur. Their prices aro $95 to 8225.
(Klr.t Floor. Central)
New Polo Coats for Girls
At $11.30 nro coats for crirls of 6 to 14 years tan or blue nolo
I ts, of good materials, with deep pockets and belt.
At $21.30 arc coats for junior girls of 14 to 1C years. These aro
utractivo coats with slot seams in the back, deep pockets and narrow
Wis. They arc lined throucrh tho voke with silk.
At $32.50 are Eood-lookinir nolo coals in 14 to 20 year sizes. These
laie in tan 01' IllllO. nro full Inner li mill vt flit nnrl linvn ripen nnrlrnk
collars to be worn high or low, and narrow belts.
(Second Floor, Cheitnut)
So Many Girls Want
Jersey Snorts Suits
foat we are itlad to nnnouncn n. nnrtimilnrlv crood collection of them
nnavj blue, heather mixtures, brown and tan shades.
Ihc.V Stmt nt. Sltt.KA nnrl rrn in $97 fid nnrl ini'lurln rnt nnlw thf
"nglc-brcastcd sports style, but the Tuxedo stylo as well.
tlioy are good looking, most practical for general and sports wear,
ndniom 1 1 to 20 year sizes.
(Srconll Floor, Clitetnut)
Speaking of Fine Corsets
"Tho fashions of this Spring arc viore than ever suited to
tull ami slender women, and that is why the corset now holds an
all-important place amour feminine underwear. It should bo
mown, howevor, that the corset has been successfully modified,
Joy i' )tou' is perfectly supple aiid pkasauf to wear and has now
B'tf us name m common with those instruments of torture which
ffc the corsets of the past."
From Paris Edition of New York Herald
The latest shinment of the finest corsets wn know thfi Pnrl-
I'lonnOS -Contains lllfintv nf n fnvniHIn tnnWo mnrlpls u'hlrh
fl'avc so much to do with the desired supple effect.
One of these is of pink coutil with free hip and but moderate
'enpth, $8.50.
A second Is well boned, and has a long skirt and at top and
bottom both there ih elastic, $11.75.
'V very long model which comes in sizes from 22 to 30 is $16.
OIIum- of brochc, batiste and sill; batiste run up to $31.50.
(Third Floor, Chentnut)
A Good Oxford Tie
at a Moderate Price
'Whoro fin, r ;...i ., i u i- ..-., .. , . .....
I'rtablo on thnVnnV". 'VK""V !I?.,;,"?"S La u Vmt will reel com.
!'ate price'" service, ana cost only a mod-
any women arc asking that question. "Wc havo tho answer.
iconifnHnn ii" i l"il ot'., Rood workmanship and attractive lines,
'Pi and hi7iV.i r""il,1.,n,".ini7 ncci B"aPcl' narrow toe, perforated
" nu substantial welted solo for street wear.
ussln ,...ivrmun wh. Mo? calfskin may havo this oxford in black
I'hiL l:i,Ji . . ,l 800l 8,llulc r ton calf. For others it comes in soft
Ati'l the pric J;, but ?8,5Q.
(Urt Jfluor, JiarUft)
American imitations of certain
French hand-cmbrofdercd fiounc
ings and very good ones they
nro. Some arc very eloscly covered
with tho embroidery; some aro
fairly open, and when the designs
arc not whito on beautifully col
ored grounds they arc colored on
white grounds. Colors arc bluc3,
gray, brown nnd rose.
Tho width is 42 inches, and the
prices $3.85 to $9.75 a yard.
(Flrit Floor. ClifMout)
The Newest Bead
Necklaces Have
Dainty Pendant
which add just the daintiest
sort of finish. There are all
colors, you'd think, looking nt
tho collection, and some pink
nnd bluo bead necklaces, com
bined with slender chains and
tiny imitation pearls arc un
usually lovely. They go from
?1 to $7.
Other novelty bend neck
laces in new and attractive do
signs, somo on metal chain?,
with nil sorts of pretty bends
and colors, arc $2 to $19.
(Jerlry More, Clirlnut)
Sixty Years Ago
This Day
there was founded in Philadelphia
This House
of Business
With Faith, Foresight and Courage
it has demonstrated commercial ideals
that were regarded as beyond all
bounds of possibility.
Passing its Diamond Jubilee mile
stone, it goes forward upon widening
seas of great endeavors, safely guided
by the hand that has never for an hour
left its helm.
The Gayest,
Prettiest New
Ribbon Sports
Hats at $5
They aro just the hats
women and girls will liko to
wear with their new sports
suits, with Summer frocks nnd
to match sweaters smart,
pretty little hats, all of ribbon
in any number of colors.
They nro of heavy gros
grain ribbon of fine quality in
two-toned effects, in gay
stripes and in little bar and
dot designs. There is a wide
variety of colors, the hats
havo round crown3 and round
brims which turn up becom
ingly and they arc in a medium
sizo which will suit many
OVett Altle)
Fine Silk Gloves in
the New Colors
$1.50 a pair for short Milanese
silk gloves in black, white, beaver,
navy or gray; 2 clasp fastening.
$1.50 a pair for short gloves
with contrasting silk embroidery
on the backs; black, white, gray
or beaver.
$2 a pair for short gloves of
heavier weight silk, black, white,
beaver, pongee or gray, with five
rows of embroidery.
And plenty of the long sill;
gloves, too in black, white, beav
er, pongee, navy, gray or mastic:
' $2 a pair for eight-button
$2.25 a pair for twelve-button
$2.50 a pair for sixtecn-button
length. .
$2.75 a pair for twenty-button
length in white and pongee.
(Main rioor. Ctntrnl)
?2 to $5 Handbags
of Alligator
Small bags and large bag"!,
chiefly in flnt envelope shapes,
but somo quito roomy for nil that.
Little deep bags for calling and
larger bags for business and
shopping use
In tan, brown and gray, but
not every shape in every color.
Prices, $2, $3, $3.50 and $5.
(Mnlu Floor, Chestnut)
The Popular Navy
Blue Blouses
For tho woman who has a navy
blue suit is suro to want at least
ono blouse to match, no matter
how many of another color bhc
mny have.
Ono in crepe do chine with
round collar and cuffs of ecru
net and lace, nt $10.75. And
another Georgette blouse, slip-on
stylo with a littlo vestce, collar
nnd cuffs of net nnd lace. Thin
is $13.50.
(Third floor, Central)
Porch Pillows at a
A special collection of good pil
lows for porch, sofa, and all
Summer mes is unusually low
priced because wo used up odds
nnd ends of attractive cretonnes
for their coveiings. Round, ob
long nnd square shapes. Flos
Exceptional for $1.50, $2, $2.50
and up to $3.75.
(fifth Floor, Market)
OMEN ivho have been
wait ina for flue white
habutal petticoats fro m
Japan will liko to know
they are here at last and
of cxtremclu line quality.
They all have embroidered
ncallop8 and designs above
the scallops, and prices are
$12.85 and $t'JM.
(Thin! I'loor, Ceiilriil)
Nightgowns With
High Necks
Nainsook nightgowns with
high necks ami long sleeves are
hero in various forms. Somo with
lace and tucks, $1.50 and $5.50;
with square high necks nnd em
broidery edges, $2.85 nnd $3.85;
with collars nnd cuffs of finely
tucked edging finished villi em
broidery or Incc, $0.85 und $7.75.
(Third Floor, Cenlrnl)
New Coals and
Hats for Children
In coats, starting with n
nicely made little corduroy at
$7.50, there is everything thnt
anybody could want, including
somo specially priced polo
cloth coats at $11.50 nnd $1(1.50
up to tho finest tailored gar
ments at $25. Sires 1 to 0
In hats, charming little wash
hats of piquo) or rep with
prices going from $1.25 up to
$3.50. And the most fascinat
ing straw hats, all tailored
styles, some with dreamer;,
from $1.50 to $5.
Both hats nnd coats would
fit children from one to Ak
(Thlril I'loor, Chettnut)
Fine Dining-Roonx and
Bedroom Suits Were
Never Offered in Such
Choice at 40 Per
Cent Less
When will there again
be such as assortment of
suits of this character at
the same advantage in
price as you will find in
this Manufacturers' Re
adjustment Sale? That
is a question not easy to
But a n y body ac
quainted with the furni
ture business can under
stand that at the prices
now marked on them,
suits of this quality are
as remarkable and as
sound an investment as
there is in all the world
of merchandise at the
present time. The 40
per cent saving is from
the new low prices.
Compared with the
prices of December and
January last the saving
is really 50 per cent
(Fifth I'loor,
On merchandise of
this fine class a saving is
doubly worth while.
It means buying some
thing really and intrinsi
cally superior at so much
less than its just value.
There is no doubt but
that these arc suits of a
really and intrinsically
superior kind.
They represent the
finest work of the Ameri
can cabinetmaker.
They are here to sell
at 40 per cent less than
market values because
four of the best furniture
manufacturers in Amer
ica wanted a sudden out
let for their stocks-on-hand.
This is the Sale
that provides the outlet
for them and the oppor
tunity for you.
( li'ftnut)
Baby's First Gift
of Sterling Silver
Usually it is the proud
grandparents or tho aunts and
uncles who have tho happy
inspiration to give baby some
thing he can always keep.
Thcic are always plenty of
occasions for such a gift.
A sterling silver cup is n
favorite present, from $10.50
for a plain one up to ?40 for
n beautiful etched cup.
And other good gifts in
sterling silver are bowls,
$10.50 to $18. Plates, $16 to
$38. Sets of fork, knife and
spoon, $6.50 to $17.25. Bent
handle spoon, S1.50 to $2.50.
Food pusher, $2.50 'to $o.T5.
Birth month spoons, $2.25
;Jewclrj- Storr, Clifslnut nml 13th)
New French Woolen
Suitings for Warm
They aro a very fine all-wool
weave in noft tones of green,
brown, cadet, navy blue and tan
with an indistinct broken stripe
of white.
Besides their attractiveness,
they are a particularly light
weight nnd would make delight
ful Summer suits or street
dresses. 50 inches wido and
52.50 a ynid.
(Flrit Floor, Chrstntit)
Put the Best
Suit on the Boy
Put a Wanamaker suit
on him it amounts to
the same thing.
No better boys' suits
than Wanamaker boys'
suits are made. That is
an old story, but it can
never get too old to lose
its meaning. We arc
here to show just what it
means with Norfolk suits
in a full selection of chev
iots, worsteds and serges
in 8 to 18 year sizes at
$16.50 to $35. Some
have extra trousers.
(Second Floor, Central)
"The Mayflower"
By V. Blasco
A strong and simple story
of the Valencinn tisherfolk a
masterpiece in its restraint
nnd dramatic completeness of
dwellers on the Spanish sea
shore for whom the uncertain
sea is at once the provider of
life nnd the bringer of death.
Price, $J.
(Main floor. Thirteenth)
Bring- the Children
Here for Shoes
A great spacious, airy store,
nnd plenty of salcspeoplo -who
well understand whut little ftoi
ought to wear, because they nro
especially trained to the impor
tant woik of fitting children.
Among the many admiiabl"
styles heio for children is n
DRESS SLIPPER, fashioned
with every care for glowing feet,
nnd extremely pleasing to look at
It has ono anklo strap, broad
soft toe, nnd progresses in sizo
from the lieeMcss, thin-soled in
fant's slipper to the solo and heel
best biiited to a young girl. The
right Uioc l"r hexi wear.
Size 2 to -1'.. at $2.50. Size .1
to 8 nt $U. Si.-.e 8'-i to il at
$3.50. Sin- IP j to 2 at $1.50.
(I irl I'loor, Murkft)
Fine New Golf Clubs
From Forgan of
We havo just received from
Robert Forgan & Son, St. An
diew Scotland, a new shipment
of wood club nnd irons.
Regular drivers and brassie3,
Drcndnaught drivers and bras
sies, $6.50.
White Spot and Patent drivers
and bra?.ie. $".
Bantam brassies, $6.
Mid-iions, mashies, niblicks
and putteis aio $5.50.
Theie is also a good assort
ment of these irons made espe
cially for women.
CI hi- (.iillrr.i, riieatnut)
New Honeycomb
Bedspreads, $3 Each
White as sea foam, dainty to
look nt, closely woven and in two
.Mniscillcs patterns.
dno of the best grades of
honeycomb spreads made and ex
ceptionally good at $3. Size
80x80 inches.
Just 100. all newly unboxed.
(!ltli Floor. C'rntrnl)
Now to Put Suits on
the Men
You men who have yet to buy new Spring: suits can
depend upon this store to put before you the finest suits
made in America to sell for S32 to S65.
That is the plain truth. We don't think wc could
make it any plainer to the men who purpose buying their
suits tomorrow and who have little time for reading.
It will save them time and trouble to come straight
to the store in which the first principle is to combine
unsurpassed excellence of quality with tho lowest safe
In thojc new Spring suits the principle is very well
exemplified. A special selection of youths' suits modeled
on youthful lines at $28 to $40.
(Thlril I'loor, Mnrket)
Men's Spring and Summer
Shirts, $1.50 to $12.50
Imagine getting a good shirt for .$1.30 a year or two ago!
Yet tomorrow wc nut on sale in the Men's Wear Store a lot of
first-class, full-cut, soft-cuff, p'ain neglige shirts of good grade
percale nt $l.o0 each.
From these selection runs up through other and finer per
cale shirts nnd madras shirts in a very largo and satisfying
variety up to those of the finest imported Manchester madras at
.?5 each.
Between $7.50 nnd $12.50 are what is probably the host
assortment of silk shirts in the city, including somo just received
from Japan. There aic plain white shirts and shirts in the most
exquisite colors.
(Stain i'loor, Mnrkrt)
Plenty of New 50c and $1
Neckties for Men
In both groups there aio especially good assortments of tho
heavy diagonal striped tics which are variously known as regi
mental, club nnd college stripes. There is no to better liked by
young men.
Also an uncommonly good varity of polka dot tics as well
as almost every other good pattern.
(Main i'loor, Market)
Men's Spring Soft Hats
at $4, $5 and $6
These hnt3 arc all in the newest shapes and in tho colors men
want just now, with especially good selection of light and dark
shades of brown.
Men's Lincoln Bennett and Rcdlcaf London caps of fine fabric
and beautiful design are half price at $2.
(.Mulii I'loor, Muriel)
Linen Handkerchiefs
for Men, $2.10 a Dozen
Wc. had a little lot of these the other day, and sold them out
in short order, which is one reason we were so glad to get these.
Pure linen, in plain hemstitched style and real linen hand
kerchiefs at this price are certainly unusual!
(Writ AUIrl
A Sale of Summer
Underwear for Men
This is tho best underwear news wo have had for men
in a long time.
From the foremost mnnufactuier in tho country wo
procured n lot of selected second-grade goods which would
be two or three times tomorrow's prices if they were first
All are desiruble fabrics and styles.
At 85c are J'uney balbriggan shirts nnd drawers and
madras or voile athletic union suits. This group of union
suits, by the way, is first-grade goods.
At $1.15 are white lisle and cotton combination suits,
ribbed or plain, in athletic style or with short or long
blecves and three-quuiter or ankle-length legs.
Also at $1.15 aro whito lislo and cotton shirts with
short or long sleeve or sleeveless and drawers in knee or
ankle lengths.
Also light weight wool-and-cotton mixed shirts and
(Main Klc.nr. Mnrkrt)
Men's Half Hose ( Seconds
at Low Prices
for SI, for artificial silk in black and
35c a pair, three pair
10c a pair for seamless silk in black and colors.
Goc a pair for full-fashioned silk in blnck and colors
mercerized tops nnd soles,
$1.25 a pair for full fashions! ingrain silk in blnck only
(Mnln Vloor, .Mnrkrt)
So Good to See the Garden and
Lawn Furnishings Again
All yo who linvo gardens or
lawns, ever so big or ever so I it -t'c,
prepare now to put them in
Many, no doubt, will discover
tho need for a new bench, or a
plant-pot, or n fiower-pot, or a
bird-bath, or a Kiindin'-pcdcstnl.
Let oil such bear in mind that tho
fourth I'loor. Clieilnut)
t'liimi Stoie is showing a must
atlrnctho seleUion of these
pieces, somo of crushed marble
ami gray cement, others of
crushed granite and white ce
ment, all excellent in design.
Ono particular group of benches
came to us to sell ut half last
year's price. These are now
$13.50 each.
Aluminum Cooking Utensils in a Sale
at One-Third Less
Nino women out of ten, if asked their favorite cooking utensils, would say
Why? Lightest weight, easiest cleaned, longest lasting, safest to use.
And there is a special trade-marked aluminum waro which women who know
it prefer, because of the better shapes in which it is made and the strong, durablo
quality. ,
Every piece in this special Sale is of this well-known make. The familiar name
is stamped on every article. There is no better aluminum cooking utensil sold. More
over, every piece is strictly first grade.
Tho pieces in the Sale are those most needed and used in every kitchen
The prices average a full third less. But only whilo this limited quantity lasts
Coftce pots. 2 quart, wooden handles and knobs. .$2.50.
Cooking kettles, A quart, with lid and bail handle, $1.90.
Double boilers, 2 quart, $2.-15.
Saucepans, 3 pint, double lip, 75c.
lea kettles, r quart, wooden handle and knobs. $4.30.
Remember, that every article is first grade, and that the same pieces have been
right along at the regular fair prices of a full half more.
(vj)uo hm ')tj( joo,r iino,i)
It A ,.
"Tl'.l tS-