Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 08, 1921, Night Extra Financial, Page 5, Image 5

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Tp;v Jrrps. ;s-3
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Man Who Annoyed Sistor of
Roosevelt Made io Swoar
Allogianco to U. S.
The I'm" !'" "liocMfiW Mm, Dour-.
ifl, HnbliiFon. sister of the late Tlico
.Inrc Roosevelt, at the nll-Amcricnn
mnM-mcctlng Inst night today was
recti. . , ,
The prisoner, who save Ills iinmc as
Vatrlck rcC!inty, 1729 .Scybcrt str-cl,
w compelled to swear nllcgtimco to
,!,'. United States before a magistrate,
nml upon slvliis nastirnnco Hint lie did
t intend to insult the speaker was
sot free.
Mia. Robinson 1" her address nt the
Vetropolltan Opcrn House had not pro
.riiliil ery fnr when it was necessary
, lor to display the well-known
iinnspielt turf. Hho was quotiiiK from
n i mldress d.-lherctl by Theodore Rooms
?. It when, incidentally, kIio, mentioned
llio activities of the Sinn Fc n.
"JlioMj who attack America because
,ll0r lmtn Kiiglnnd injuro America,"
.moled Mrs. Robinson.
1 "Slim IVi" UmU for America ijnd
villi iihan back, America. 1 lie Sinn
j ..Inir, make good Americans," shouted
a mnn In H'o gallery.
Cries of "Throw Mm Out"
'Throw him out!" mine from various
.its of the house. Tho man was iclzcd
hi thn-p near him nnd roughly handled.
iNhers. patrolmen nnd detectives made
l h for him. IIo was in danger of
.Ins llunc over the gallery rail when
Mr. Itublnson stilled tho tumult.
"I'lnifo don't molest bim," she said,
"ho monnt well." ,
He wns taken down to tlio back ot tnc
linll after hu had been arrested by Pn
Dmnn Oliver and District Detec ves
O'llnra and Itooncy, of the Twentieth
nml Ilullonwood streets station.
Down in the lobby Oliver, who hnd
on a button with the American flag,
took It from his coat nnd forced the
mnn to kneel nnd kiss it, uud swear
allrKlnnee to the American ling.
The alleged Sinn l'clncr was given a
iiMilng till- morning beforn Magistrate
CarnH. Hi- Mlid lie was Patrick Mc
i.lnty, thiity-Ilvo jenrs old, 1720 Sey
hcrt -irret. and n native of Ireland. He
aid he hnd been in tills country twenty
years and had become an American clt
uon I wch p jenrs ago.
"I didn't mem to insult Mrs. Itob
mou " ho explained to the magistrate.
"I nin a little hard of h6nrlng, and I
vns ocrjocd when I heard her men
tion Sinn Fein. I thought she snid
Sinn l'clners would make good citi
zens.' My enthusiasm got the better
o me."
Mm. Robinson sent word to the sta
tion house that she hnd no dcslro to
proscculo McOlnty.
"Are you for America first, ins't nnd
nil the tlmp?" nsked tho magistrate.
"Indeed I mil," said McOlnty.
"rut sour hnnd on the ltook nnd
swear It," ordered the magistrate.
McOlnty swore, rind was discharged.
lth the characteristic Rooacvclllun
jwr iranj, iiirs. jiooinson woreui.
Iijhenlsni and declared that Americans f
ciiii bu nothing else than Americans.
Mlllt tmnVn flf (tin linmn nt fll. - 11.
( iiibf 110 Locust ttrcct, where she wns"
tor New ork Mrs. Uoblnson said she
hoped to visit tho schools of this city
soon and give the pupils a message of
Her greeting to n visitor today was
reminiscent of tho forccfulncss of her
iHstliigiilshoil .brother. She exclaimed:
lieu-lighted;" with tho same emphasis.
- All-American Day wns a tremen
dous success." she said. "There was the
strongest evidence, of undivided Ameri
canism on nil sides. It was a telling re
buko to radicalism. On this point we
must have no doubl. Aincricnns can
mM Minrfi
be nothing else but .American's. There
can bo no modification of division. If
so, such persons who divide their allo
gianco must bo called something else.
"The response of tho holiday appeal
to Americanism wns wonderful nnd the
fcellngjof pntrlntlum nmone tho great
Mttndrfilco in tho Metropolitan Opera
House last night was so linprcsslvo It
could actually be felt In Its Intensity."
Automoblllst, Overcome, Loses Con
trol of Car on York Road
"While driving JiU automobile nlong
ork Kond John C. Dlninnml. nf VAMtn
l'ark. was overcome by gasolllic fumes
nnd lost Control of the car, which went
over ine cmunnsment on to the grounds
of the Huntingdon Valley Country Club.
DluniOIl(l wns found nnenminlnnu In
the car by .Tolm rerguson. Jr., nnd
uiiuuru iiiiiiicii. iiRPiu nt liyunl ata
tlon of tho Head ne Itnlhvnv.
After being removed from the car
jjiamouu wns lnsen iiome. He recov
ered in a short time. The accident hap
pened icstcrdny morning.
fiiQ WW ' B '' '
'" .'(KI'kMI
VP fw
Tho continual doing of tin
usunl things holds th Hup
mobllo dote to the hearts of
Its ownerr.
720 N..BItOAI)ST?'--5'pmiJt:
V nmn c.ipablo of carnlns at
-:iht $5000 a year to call on re.
tail ami contruct truilo. Want n
m.i'i who ltan IiiaJo sood, prefor
nbiv ono with u car. Pleasant
work with hlKh-grado small line.
I.lvo at Home. Vovr traveling
Ilfinlauarlersi plillailelphln
rrrlloryi ICustrrn l'funsjlTuiito
nnd llelnwaro
nox c 8io, i.unoint offico
A Saturday Sale
400 Sample Hats
Sports Hats Street Hats
Hats for All Occasions
Because of a special purchase, we can offer you tomorrow Saturday a
wide selection of hats. Chic and distinctive desirabe from every consider
ationquality and workmanship have been carefully scrutinized.
Felt and straw sports Hats, Leghorn Hats, transparent Hats, Milan
nemplisercs, novelties, poke bonnets, drooping brims, rolling brims, sailors
and trimmed Hats the most desirable styles of the season.
Color combination of black, white, white and black, navy, navy and
white, brown, tangerine, Harding blue and others.
A selection that will be entirely sold by closing time Saturday
tomorrow! Come Earlv Surelv!
..t. .'. ... . ..
zszruvcnwsinu Agents', orders Ampri- -
bridge Ik Clothier
n u&wg&&Zif lit RT'sio iwHa vtA ill 0
I Take Advantage of This Offer 1
' Victrola "Eleven"
6 D. F. 10-Inch Records j
.y Set of 8 Record Albums '
lb5au !
"".:v loll Easu Terms I I
nil 110 II II
R This is a wonderful opportunity to obtain HE
I this comnlntn outfit. Ymt simirn Vixt.-r.ln lullli
II Supremacy plus our Seven-store bervico I
i n i rnnr. iTiini'nTirnnQ irnnr si Tiatflnt nn n i I
I Bll 'Phi T'tVrVnff 7PyTtit!j?4i II U II II
H the World's Greatest Musical Instrument H
Six Stores Open Evenings UH 111
Tj Broad & Columbia Ave. 4038 Lancaster Avenue HI !
I 52d & Chestnut Streets 5610 Germantown Ave. i
I Gtn. and Lehigh Avcs. , 4407 Main St., Manayunk '
Hil Llli uml .Mull Tills Coupon Tml.iy HI
JKj Talking Machine Company IMI
ivi 1'leaio send inn full information con- W
VgsJJ. ccrnlfig tho above otr. (
JKi Xarns 'Jj5l i I
VrtW&Xxxi- Address in5jjfrg.':jgij) 1 1
Charge Accounts Solicited' ?
l i U w4l5 v 1 iMIjV"1 i
Children, Come To-morrow!
Saturday at 11:15 and 3 o'Clock
Third Floor, Filbert Street
The BUBBLE BOOK PARTY will bo different from
any party you have ever seen! Real, live children are
going to take the part of the famous Bubble Book Mother
Goose Characters Jack and Jill, Old King Cole, Little
Bo-Peep, Simple Simon, nnd the rest of them! Bubble
Book Music 'n everything!
Ask mother or sister or auntie to bring you, either
in the morning or afternoon, to-morrow! And the best
part of it is, you can give a Bubble Book Party at home
after you see it.
NOTE We planned to have the Hubble Book Party in the Toy
Store, but find that we can multc better seating arrangements on
tho THIRD FLOOK (Filbert Street).
300 New Trimmed Hats
At One-Half the Average Value
A remarkable purchase of n manufacturers small over
stock and his New York office samples about three hundred
Hats in all, and the most exceptional values we have had thia
Almost a many styles as Hats; plain and fancy straws; straws with
eicpo Georgette; the transparent hair Hnts, and fine strnws with hair-lace
edges. Largo Hats with ribbon bows ono shown at tho left; medium
Hats with pendant trimmings at the side; and Hats with tho fashionable
bows in tho back. Somo feather-trimmed, some with fruits.
Trimmed Hats, $10.00 and $12.00
Fresh from the hands of our milliners, some of the most exceptional
vulues in Trimmed Hnts this season. Tho Hat on the right is one of tho new
soft JHlnn-HcmpB in an orchid shade, trimmed nnd edged with velvet, a
shade or two darker tho effect is exquisite. Another is of blue taffeta and
blue straw witli one of the now undcr-tho-brim bows in the back. Others
in black, blue, navy and the new high shades.
1000 Banded Sailors, $3.50 to $6.95
Black, navy and brown, also these three shades combined Avith white.
Somo with tailored bands of ribbon, some with tho pugarcc bands all
shapes, sizes and strnws that are fashionable.
7-Hlralpt Jv & C'lotlilor Second I'loor. Msrket Street Wrt
r N )
A Special Purchase of Fifty
Dolmans Save One-Third
At $30.00
Fifty Dolmanb of ono of tho new high-grade
cloths in tan and taupe, mndc in the stylo
sketched, embroidered and button-trimmed and
silk-lined throughout. THIS IS A WONDER
Short Coats, $15.00 to $25.00
The kind every woman wants to wear with I
tho new striped, checked and plaid skirts, and
to slip on over summer frocks. Of wool vclour, i
burelln, jersey and tricotine, made in Tuxedo '
style. Priced according to material.
Sports Coats, $15.00 to $45.00
Of the soft tan coatings that arc no becoming ,
and well-liked. These rango. from a little more
than hip-length to three-quarter-length; beau
tifully tailored, some belted all around, others
with flared back nnd belted front; silk-lined
Top Coats, $20.00 to $37.50
Mixed cloths in tan and gray, made in the
tailored, casy-to-slip-on styles so convenient for
motoring and traveling.
Smart Coats and Dolmans from $22.50 to $60
The long, htraight-lino Coats; Dolmans, some very cape-like or
--- atrnlrlU4
A Beautiful Array of Silk
Dresses Ready for Saturday
Don't miss them scores and hun
dreds in all shades, all styles, and all are
so moderately priced.
At $16.75 and $18.75
CREPE DE CHINE Dresses, in navy,
brown and black, some with plaited
skirts, others with plaited tunics; smart vestec
bodices with tucks nnd button trimming.
From $20.00 to $25.00
Crepo do Chine and Taffeta Drosses, with
tucked tunics, plaited tucks, side draperies, tier
effects and sido panels of plaited flounces. Some
embroidered models. Navy, gray, brown, black,
flesh color and white.
From $27.50 to $47.50
Canton crepe, tricolettc, crenc do chine.
crepo Georgette and taffeta, in plaited, tunic,
panel, straight-line and draped styles, with silk
embroidery, some in eyelet effect, sonic beaded,
some with plaitings a lovely lot of models and
in all the new shades.
NewGinghamFrocks, $7.50 and $8.50
Some with scalloped tunic, vestco bodice and crushed girdle fin
ished with bow. Some in long-waistcd effects with tie sash and novel
ar-y StraivbrldRo L Clothier Second Door, Market Strett
Rugs Here
A wonderful collection of
Summer Floor Coverings la
now rendy for early inspection
nnd selection.
Thero arc Rag Rugs, Grass
Rugs nnd Wool-nnd-fibre Rugs,
displaying many beautiful new
effects to conform to recent
decorative ideas.
Especially noteworthy nro
beautifully blended Oval Rugs.
Bttttwbrldra i Clothier
l'ourth Hoor, Wet
inc long, biruini.-""u y : ' , i-
..:!. -.n ui...u. ,,iua s. shorter, free-and-easy Coats.
""" !' o.v-v.x, ... x!v. utrnnliriJi., JL LMuthior Soconil Moor. Ontro
10,300 Mens and Women's Linen
Handkerchiefs, Half Former Price, 25c
Of fine Irish linen, in the most-wanted weight, all neatly heni
btitched. Chiefly all-white, but some of the women's Handkerchiefs
have hems in plain colors. Many nro lots from our own carefully
selected stocks. Others arc fortunate purchases at savings of
one-half. So every Handkerchief in this collection is half price
Now 25c each; $2.90 a dozen
l.x Mrn-bridKe & (."uthior- Ainle 12 iUrKot Street
Pure Hard Candy,
28c a Pound
Less than Half I'rico
Hundreds of pounds were iold
last week-end, and purchasers
will surely be back for more to
morrow. Get yours early 28c n
pound. Also
Assorted Chocolates 70c a pound
Satin-flnlsh Candies; fruit and nut
puffs 10c a pound
htravbrldco . Clothier- Dimeinent nml
l'llbort Hlreft Ciohh AIMo
Cedar Chests
Arc much wanted just now for
practical bridal gifts. Wo rc
bhowing an unusually wide as
sortment of styles all pains
takingly made, of the finest jiro
matic Tenncssco cedar, beautiful
ly finished. Prices lange from
$15.00 to ?o0.00, nnd are much
lower than heretofore.
Period styles of mahogany and
walnut ?35.00 to SU0.00. i
Straw brldno i Clothier - Third lMoor
Women's New
Raincoats, $10.00
jerviceable, inexpensive, fol
lowing fnshionublo lines, these
Raincoats of blue or tan rubber
ized rep. Cout styles, belted all
around, also dolmans with back
in capo effect.
At $12.00 Raincoats of light-
weight rubberized
Canton cloth, tan, bluo or olive.
With convertible collar, belt and
patch pockets.
Slrnwlirldffo . riotbter
Fecund Door, Dlbert btreet
Toilet Goods
in. in. itr STitr.r.r cuobs .mm.i:
Hair IJrushes, 50c J Tooth
Brushes, 120c; Nail Brushes, 18c
all excellent vnlues.
S. & C. Peroxide Bath Soap
at 10c u Cake; $1.00 a Dozen
Presqu' lvoire Toilet
Articles Specially Priced
81.25 Each
The latter includes many differ
ent Articles all rcmnrknblo
54-inch All-Wool
Navy Blue Tricotine
3.50 to $7.50 -
Smart in weave, smart in shade
and the correct weight for wom
en's suits, coats and dresses. And
we are selling these Trjcotines
every day to women who nro not
ably well dressed. Tricotine
ranks high among tho most de
sirable all-wool fubrics.
StrnwbildRo t Clothier Alula T. Centra
Hair Nets Save
Human Hair Nets, cap shape,
SPECIAL, 75c a dozen; The
Paragon, cup or fringe style
$1.00 a dozen; Lillian Hair Nete
15c each, " for 25c.
Hack Combs Also Pins nnd
Bnrrettes, studded with blue
stones $1.23 and $1.50 each.
Celluloid Bnrrettes, bhell or
amber shade, 25c to 50c; Back
Combs 50c to $1.00.
Celluloid Hag Framcs$lJi5
Strimbrldso I. Clothier Alslo t, Centre
c? r
13 Models in These
225 Women's New
Unequaled Value
At $33.75
Sizes from 31 to -M, in the extraordinary lot of Suits under
the Golden Special sign to-morrow all equal in every way to Suits
selling in the ordinary course of business, from $50.00 to $fi5.00.
Of tricotine urn! Poiret twill, in black, navy and tan, plain-tailored,
braided, embroidered in silk, trimmed with flat silk braid or finished
with tailored foliK Some with smart narrow belts, others on long,
unbelted lines. All frch, new goods, just purchased.
htru hridi-A I lotlilir Second Hoor, Centre
Spring Furs
Our assortment is beautiful
everything that is fashionable,
from Kolinsky, at $12.50, and
Australian opossum, at $13.50, to
the finest Russian .Sables, at
$350.00 the Sables nre wonder
fully fine and beautiful.
Natural Mink, $2250 to $125
One-skin to four-skin Scarfs.
Stone Marten, $42.50 to $100
One- and two-skin Scarfs.
Siberian Squirrel, $13.75
to $25.00
Animal Scarfs, Fancy Collars.
Hudson Bay Sable, $55
to $135
One-skin and two-skin effects.
Alaska Fox. $45.00 to $72.30
Aninml Scarfs, in walnut.
Gray Caracul, $47.50 to $125
New and very fashionable.
Slrawbrldca & Clothier
Second floor. Centre
Dainty Glassware
S8on to be needed, when warm
days will mako Glasses an im
portant part of the hostess' equip
ment. A largo and extensive
variety is hero, from Colonial
Glass Tumblers, at 5c each, to
beautiful light-cut stem Glnsses
and Sherbets, at 25c each.
Handsome Imported Glass
Pieces for bridal gifts, runge
from S1.00 to $9.00.
HtrimbrldKe & Clothier Hanement
A Wonderful Collection of Men's
Suits at a New Low Price $30.00
These Suits establish a new standard of clothes-value. Not since "before the war"
have we been able to place before our customers Suits so well made and of such fine fabrics
at anywhere near this price. Last year equal grades would have cost nearly double. And
such a selection! There are scores of correct, smartly-designed single- and double
breasted styles of such desirable fabrics as herringbones, pencil stripes and the like. Tai
lored by "Alco" and our other dependable suppliers. Any man who intends to spend
"about $550.00" for his new Suit should see these. In fact, many men who had thought of
paying $50.00 will buy these. They'll save $20.00.
Spring-weight Suits With Two Pairs
Top Coats
A remnrknbly attractive collection of Spring
Top Coats, carefully tailored in belted and box
stylos,1 of smart herringbono fabrics. Wonderful
vnluo at thia price.
of Trousers
Worsted and f
styles for men ay
at these prices.
o butts in unnusomo new
men. Exceptional values
Clothier Second Floor, Cut
1200 Men Woven
Madras Shirts, .$1.65
A reduced price to hasten the
clearance of the remainder of this
line. Wo ennnot duplicate these
for even one-third more. They
nro of woven-stripe madras, chief
ly in dark blue-nnd-whito htriped
effects. Mrimbrldje & Hothler-
riaat Store Illuhth Street
Linens at Rare
Hemstitched Linen Damask
Lunch Cloths and Napkins nt
much less than regular prices.
Lunch Cloths, .'Hi-inch, $3.50
Napkins, 15-inch, $6 dozen
Htrauhridce ft Cloililt r Vl.lo 11. Contm
Lawn Swings
An extensive collection of Lawn
Swings, at $11.25, $12.75 and
$14.75; Settees, $19.75, nnd Porch
Swings, $0.00 to $15.00.
btrawbrldBO & Clulhler fourth I'loor
Baby Coaches, $45
Bloch and Haywood makes
neat, .strong, easy-running, and
equipped with reversible gear
Bloch Chariots $40.00 to $50.
Btrwl'rldf h Clothl'r Kourth flmr
.' - fo -v - -
V -
Another Carload of
Old Town Canoes
-Hiw just arrived. Many atrik
ing new color effects. Remember
these are the genuine "Old Town"
Canoes the best in the world.
!-trnibrhlKo A ( tothler Kourth Floor
"The Mayflower"
By V. Blasco Ibanez
A strong story of Valencian
flhhcr folk, by the famous au
thor of "The Four Horse
men." Price $2.00.
btrnnbrliUv ! I'lnttilei Second I'loor
Tllbert Street, West
Traveling Bags,
Special at $5.95
Black Cobra-grain Leather '
Traveling Bngs. Sewed edges
nnd corners, untl leather lining, i
In 18-ineh size. '
Straw brldiroji Clothier Alilt 8, Cntr I
Pillow Cases
Unusual, G5c Pair
Bleached Muslin Pillow Cases, '
300 dozen, size 45x36 inches, at 1
tills remarkably low price, .
lurntrbrldgt C'othltr I
rti u, rimert strl I
-'y t
rwA, jx.jj ufJjf .,.(. it
(A-wW.v.vS iV-'. u A'-'Uflfu. tv
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